Friday, April 3, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + My God Is A Jealous Lover!

My God is a jealous lover -
He doesn’t ever His affections share!
And He has no blessing for a so-follower
Who choses to sit in the adulterer’s chair!

My God is not into brekkin’ up fractions
He is seriously into all  - or none
So if you feel that sharing your affections is appropriate
You are looking down the barrel of The Coming King's gun!

My God plainly says to all who would love Him
How the relationship is going to progress
He states up front everything that He is going to give you
And that He expects nothing less in return but your best!

For My God your best is your whole heart
Not a heart torn with "What if?", and "Maybe possibly!"
His chosen phrases from all who would follow Him are
"My God, I forsake the world!" and
"My God, I follow only Thee!"

Now, to my mind the request of My God is not a burden
For the reward on my investment pays infinite returns
All My God gets in exchange is ruined merchandise
For which He's paid the ultimate price!

It must be love that My God is feeling!
Why else would he put up with any such as me
Who is fickle, black-hearted and decidedly foul-mouthed
Whether I’m looking north, east, west or just plain south?

My God wants me to pray to Him! - I can do that!
My God wants me to praise Him! - I can sing a song!
My God wants me to have and show faith in Him! - Hmmm... I’m working on that!
And He wants me to read The Good Book from which He says Faith comes along!

My God does not require much of me!
He says being yoked to Him is easy and any burden He wants carried is light!
So, considering all the treasures He has long-lense glimpsed me
I’m determined to join in whatever cause He fights!

My God warned me about a fallen angel
A powerful and deceitful creature marked for eternal death
Who covets everything that My God possesses
And chooses to see all My God’s lovers dead!

My God told me the fallen angel’s name was Lucifer n/k/a Satan
His claim to fame is that he is the Father of Lies
He also is the Author of Chaos and Confusion
And the base/bold Denier of Jesus Christ, The Son of God - Love crucified!

Blind the eye and deceive the heart are Satan's modus operandi
Divide and conquer - and separate and sully - his stated goal
His determination is that Jesus Christ should not have a servant, and
To rain death on believers, and even those who are looking to take a-hold
Of faith, of redemption, of the Redeemer, and
To seize salvation, and stake a claim on real estate of bright gold, and
To receive a new name, a harp, and righteous, white, garments
And entry into God’s Eternal Fold!

So, if you want in on My God’s action
Deny Satan and self, and let My God make your sorry soul whole!
You must keep yourself from false gods, and useless idols
And one day, My God - in His Glory -  you will assuredly behold!

Salvation Is NOT For Sale!!

Salvation for sale?!

Salvation for sale!!
Come and get your salvation
Salvation for sale!

Salvation on sale!!
Salvation on sale!!
It only cost its Creator
A cross and three nails!!

Salvation for sale?!

Salvation for sale!!
Get yourself your own salvation
Forget the burial detail!

 And then ...

I turned the corner
And there whom I should see
But Jesus, The Creator
Saying so softly ...

“Salvation is free!
Salvation is free!
Get your soul’s salvation
I give it to all freely!”

“No money, no price!
No lie! No device!
Get your free Salvation!
Don’t roll The Liar’s Dice!”

“Salvation is mine!
I paid for your crimes!
Get your free salvation
No need to mortgage or even buy twice!”

“Free Grace!
Undying Love!
Untrammeled Mercy!
These come not from the Pastor
And assuredly not the Pope!
I, the Creator
I, your True Friend
I offer you an inheritance
Not vain promises of men
Who speak lies for a profit
Who profit when you've  paid
Whose sole motivation
Is to acquire money and fame!
I offer no early riches!
I offer you Earth’s hatred and disdain!”

“And when your battle hard
Is victoriously won
I offer you My Crown
A seat upon My Throne
A mansion of your very own
A new name plus sweet peace
And a walk never alone
Living in Glory - Almighty God’s Home!”

“Come along and walk with Me!
No! Don’t buy salvation today!
Son of Man - He alone gives it away!”

“Salvation is free today!”



“Please pray!
Don’t pay! Don't pay!
I, alone, can make the Way!
Salvation is free to you ... today!”


“Salvation is free to you!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

What Means THURSDAY?

Help and
Understanding and
Rest and
Salvation and
Deliverance are freely
Available from
Yeshua (Jesus)!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Harvest

There is going to be a harvest
And all mankind will be there
There is going to be a separation
That some will have to fear!

One part harvest is a reaping
One part harvest a gathering, it's true
Look sharp! It may be painful for some men
But it doesn't have to be painful for me and you!

First Harvest is of the Wheat field
Beautiful grain for Heaven’s Granaries
Jesus Christ, Himself, is the reaper
And, oh how He is going to be pleased!

Second Harvest is of the Vineyard
Bountiful Grapes quite bursting with juice
And after the Angel puts in the sickle
Angry God’s Wine-press will be running profuse!

Difference in these two harvests
Is that the First Harvest leads unto rest
The Second Harvest that goes into Angry God’s Wine-press
Is of those who made Christ a joke at The Laugh & Roll Comedy Contest!

Those of us who accept Jesus
And His Sacrifice on Calvary
Will be going Home to live in the Household of Heaven
And will be going there Special Delivery!

Those who laughed and rolled in denial
Of Jesus Christ and His sovereignty
Their blood will be running down the roads for 1600 furlongs
And carrion birds will be feasting! - God called them to throng!

Choice is yours! This much I will tell you
Wheat grass, wheat juice, wheat bread, wheat kernel
I know that I am staying in Jesus’ Wheat Fields
My intention - God’s Grace - is to be of a beneficial nature to the Kingdom
So home to Glory, Jesus Christ will me safely lead!

I pray, my friend, that you won't choose to be a grape that
On the cluster will be thrown into the Press
For to be trodden upon by God’s great anger
Seems to me to be a thought I wouldn’t want to ingest/digest!

You are not me nor am I you
Each man has his own salvation to work out
Salvation is to save what no salvage is to cast out
Garbage to be burned - no rubbish to be left about!

So think! Think hard! Think harder, longer!
Reach for Jesus - He is reaching out to you!
He calls, and calls, ever so gently
Don’t let Satan’s beat box and TV block Jesus Christ from view!

Pray to God, in the name of Jesus
Invite the Holy Spirit to teach and guide your way
Bow your head and hail the Master
The offer of Salvation could close any day!

Calling is Jesus’ way
Pleading for you not to delay
Promising a bright future
Jesus is calling - please don’t turn away!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Prayer: Bless Mommy and Daddy

Heavenly Father,
Bless Mommy and Daddy!
Help them to be good to themselves 
And to each other!
I pray that they will daily seek Your Face, Lord
And that they will teach us to be praying hearts by their good example.
Please continue to show them
Your Love, and Your Hand of Provision.
Grant them grateful hearts, loving and gentle hands
And hopes focused upon Jesus Christ and 
His soon return, and prepare them, Lord,
to meet our God for He will not be silent.
Keep them in Your care
Until the Day Breaks
In Jesus’ name and for His sake.
We love you, Lord.

Miracle$ For $ale!

Father, I needed - and still need - a miracle, and
I went to the Man in the center Altar chair!
When he found out that I didn't have two pennies together rubbing
He said: “You really need to talk to the Man Upstairs!”

So, Father, I am coming to You!
I am bringing to You all I have!
I present to You, Lord, my only payment!
I present to You my faith in Jesus Christ - Your Only Son - Dear God!

Yes, Lord, I believe in Christ Jesus!
I believe in the efficacy of prayer!
I believe that You, Almighty God, are able
To bring relief to my achingly bad despair!

I ask You, Lord, to deliver!
I ask You, once again, to show me that You care!
I present my faith in this lil' mustard seed, and
I beseech You, Lord: “Please make the way clear!”

My ways are not Your Ways, Lord!
My thoughts are definitely not Your Thoughts!
But my heart is humble, my Spirit’s willing, my will yielding
To Your guidance where'er my weary feet will travel o’er!

Forgive me, Father, for not coming to You directly in the first place!
Forgive me for believing that the Pastor had my back!
Forgive me for forgetting that with You all things are possible
And for bypassing You and turning to that miracle-pimping hack!

Never again, Lord, will I ever
Put the Man of the Cloth before the Son of Man!
Open my eyes, ears, heart and my reason
To the promptings of The Shepherd with whom this life began!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

I Am Who I Am!?!

I seduced that pastor
I had him on his knees
He worshiped at my altar
He was always begging
Please take me to the pinnacle
I promise I won’t resist
Take me, please, I’m yours!
Oh, my! This is bliss!!”

Today, he was here again
With his begging
Wanting me to do more
To take him to that place where
Only the preeminent
Could come to shore!

But, I had gotten tired
Of his constant cry “Please! More!”
And being a fickle lady
I kicked him in his core!

He fell to the floor!
He vomited!
He writhed in pain - I didn’t care
For there is always another preacher/pastor/teacher
Who will willingly do whatever I say!

So if you know of any ministers
Who want to go to the top
Who will sell their soul for a penny
Not to be called a right-living flop
Give me a call - you know my number
I am the best joy-juice
Taste of me now - I’m delicious!
I am buck wild, free and foot loose!

I owe allegiance to no one!
Preacher, you want me! You'll do as I say all day in every way!
Forget the faith of the Bible and
Just say some mantra - don't pray!
Kick those church members to the curb, and
Sit in this prostitute’s chair
Where money, and access, and brown nosing
Half-truth, and carnality hold sway!

Denial of the Lord is the order
Of things that can't keep me at bay!
Everybody knows that I am jealous
I destroy/kill who would taste, and walk away
From me! - You know you can't!
Kiss my feet! I'm sweet!
Don’t you know who I am?

I AM important!
And my name ends with a bold capital “E” - ecstasy
The third from the start is “M” - mindless mastery
Number two, aaah, is “A” - achieve
For my grand start there is drop capital “F” - fabulous
Now you know.- look 'n see
I AM an art!
I AM the drug of many a choice
I AM sweet in the mouth - belly burn follows
What a lesson you'll learn -
I AM, and can't be spit out!

Imbibe at my well and you will learn that

The Fabulous Achieve Mindless-Mastery through the Ecstasy

that is ME!




Saturday, March 28, 2015

VESPERS: At The End of The Sabbath - Preachers And Prophets Who Profit And Prey!

Prophets who profit
Preachers who prey
Shepherds selling salvation
Saints in sorrow and decay
Pleading for a True Word 
Of Hope from on High
Instead get a salty platter of burnt bacon
With a side of Satan’s lies as fries!
Children needing chiding
Mothers without milk
Fathers foregoing freedom
Leaders who link
On what is life’s golf course
Where love is on the lam
Where Peter is Patricia
And Cathy is now Cam!
Where Victory in Jesus
Can be bought for a fair price
Where patience is putrid
Where pray is an affront
Where Free-Will is a stallion
And Do Right is a jockey
Where one baby has DNA times three
Oh, Lord! What a disgrace!
Father come for Your world
For, as custodians we fail,
For, were we corporate custodians
We would be in jail
For dereliction of duty
For double-dealing it's true
For scales with weighted bottoms
For writing checks which have long tails!
Just thinking about this
Is making me tremble and flail!
Father, won’t You hurry?
Please! They’re singing a song
Which, to all right-thinking people
Sounds much like a good-bye song!
Taps! is our musical!
Taps! is the theme song!
Taps! are we wearing
As we walk along
So everyone can hear us
So all can believe that the end is fast approaching
When this earth we must leave!
Some will go to Glory
Where they will find rest
But those who remain behind
Are dead once - and then twice
For believing in Satan - and not in Jesus Christ!
I’ll issue a call here 
Salvation’s door is still swinging free
Say a prayer and push the door
There’s no entrance fee!
Jesus is our Captain!
He holds straight the line
He hears prayers - and He answers
Yes! He IS Divine!
He gives free to all who
Would in Him believe
Gather at the Altar
And you will receive
The Bless of Our Captain
So Satan can’t you deceive!
If you believe in Jesus
Let’s say our prayers
And then cheer!

Thank You, Father, for the food
Thank You, for Jesus who on earth stood
Ready and willing, our sin to take hold
Killed and was buried, but the cold sod couldn’t hold
Him there forever
No! That it could not do
Returned He to Glory
Preparing our place
A mansion is Your House
One day we will stand
Victorious because of love
According to Your Plan!
We worship You!
To You our song we raise
And for Your great sacrifice, Father
We say "Lord! We love You!"
Please accept You our praise!

When Greed Is A Creed

When greed is your creed
There is a need
To water your greed's seed!

When greed is your creed
There is a pressing need
Your growing greed to constantly feed!

Greed is a seed
A seed with a need
To grow and expand
Engulfing the man
Who refuses to stand
Upon the firmest of ground
Hard rock - not sand!

I tell you today
Come away - don’t delay
For greed costs - it don’t pay!

Greed is a greedy sow
Always saying “Feed me! Feed me, now!”
Rutting, digging in like a plow
Greed wants more now
Right now. Right now!

The seed of greed is a deadly
Its a right deadly sin
Never looking up outward
Always in - deep within
It forswears the host's family
It denies the host’s will
All it ever wants is
Plenty of swill! Please fill! Fill! FILL!!

Commonsense has no bedding
Reason has no legs
The old god that has preeminence is
The god of Please Fill
Me with some goodies
I like how they taste,
Their feel on the tongue
Gives a most glorious cheap thrill!


One day comes the reckoning
The Reckoner is He
Who made each a creature
A worshiper of God to be
Not to worship king mammon
Not to worship Evil Lore
Not to worship the old stomach
That has no stopper
And made with elastic for sure!

Walk away, I beseech you
Ask King Jesus for help
Place your all on His Altar
And you will be helped
To deny the world
Its bounties, its needs
And to kill off most assuredly
That pig called Hog 'N Greed!

Pray for relief today
Pray for relief and say
I give Lord, my will, my way
I’m Yours, I’ll follow You all the way...

Friday, March 27, 2015

Happy Sabbath! + No Permission!!

Jesus Christ gave no one permission
To try to make me hate myself
You may goad, you may grudge, you may grind me
But you can’t make me lay on an ice shelf!

God - The Lord - IS my Shepherd
In Him I shall NEVER know want
For care, for comfort, food, nor shelter
For His Angels around me encamp!

Jesus Christ - He is my champion
He always gives me the victory
Over demons, defilers, detractors
And even friends that are hidden enemies!

So do your damnedest you rotten old devil
It won’t work - I’m a child of The King!
I will tell My Father on you
And in the Lake of Fire you'll take your last swim!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

God Ain't No Black Bat

People seem to be taking up position
For - or against - Almighty God
Their actions often seem haphazard
And their thinking appears mightily flawed!

Some people don’t believe in God
Some people behave like they are god
Some people insist believing doesn’t matter
Some people say The Bible's God is a fraud!

Half believe that God IS
Half believe that God ISN’T
Half believe that if they could believe He might prove real, and
Half believe that if they do He mightn’t!

No riddle me this, no riddle me that
God is real - He ain’t no black bat
Call upon Jesus - faithful is He
Call Him! He’s real! Call Him and you’ll see!

My God is real
We talk every day
He is on the mainline
There is no cell signal decay
You may trust me - I speak truth
I gain nothing by a lie
But if you don’t believe in God
Believe me! You ARE going to die!

Great Deception in the atmosphere
Great Deception in the governing chair
Great Deception in the church of God
But, my people, I am here to declare:

Jesus Christ IS God’s Son
And He is God, too
Along with Holy Spirit
Also God too, it is true
These three be One God
Which looks out for man
So ignore Deceiving Old Satan 
Who tried to alter God’s Plan
Come to the Altar
Believe, and say a prayer!
There is singing in heaven
When a sinner declares
That God is His Father
Jesus is Redeemer, Savior, Friend
Holy Spirit is the Comforter
How Heaven erupts with “Amen!”
And how it cheers so abundantly
And cheers aloud in victory, for
Jesus Christ - the Conqueror, He
Has set another sinner ... FREE!



A Christian Was A Sinner

A Christian was a sinner who is now a Saint
The Spirit of The Lord is in him - he won't faint
His friends have disowned him
Old habits no longer hold him
And walking holy is the color with which he now paints!

Prayer: Father, Protect Me

Father, why do I feel like I'm challenging You?
This is not something that I would permit myself to do
For , Father, You know that I love You!
Truly! Truly, I do!

This feeling is coming out of left field
It’s like a sound coming out of nowhere
And it is making me very uneasy
Father, please help! I know that You care!

Father, You are my Shepherd
You lead me along the right way
Take me in control, Lord
Father, please, help me not to turn away!

Satan and his minions are busy
They keep saying that You, God, are not here
And they’re insisting that my life’s mine
Otherwise I’d see You everywhere!

Father, I see You -You’re all around me
You care, You comfort - I see Your loving hand
And I know that You are God - The Eternal
For You don’t act or behave like a fallen man!

Help me, my Father, this day
To steady my resolve and to walk the way
That You have determined is my way to Glory
And, please, deafen me to Satan’s whispering in my ear! AMEN.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Milk and Honey!

Father, pray give me the milk of the gospel
That I may repent from my sin
Then give me the honey of strong meat
That I may not sin again!

The Land flowing with Milk and Honey
Is available to all who would take care
To heed the words of The Master
And His Salvation they’ll then share!

Problem, Father, that I am confessing
Is that in the churches we attend
The ministers are saying that mere men
Can’t ever be free from sinning time and again!

These ministers aren’t even feeding us with plain milk
For they don’t even believe in Your Word
And they deny that the work of the Holy Spirit
Can keep us from acting like street curs!

Father, You promised Your children
Discernment with milk in their insides
To know the good from the evil, and
How to be safe from Satan and his wiles and lies!

Father, You promised us also
Enlightenment with honey from Your hives
Refreshing again, reviving - not fame
But these preachers! Oh, Lord, what a shame!

These so-called ministers of the gospel
Are using Your Gospel as a basin catch-all
To collect tithes and offerings from Your People
To fatten up their retirement plans against a fall!

They seek to retire in luxury
Upon terra firma - the earth!
And their behavior is such an abomination
For they’re trying to prevent the Spirit giving birth!

The fruit! The fruit of the Spirit
Is sadly lacking - see how they perform!
Possessions, presentations, awards, rewards, banquets
With no showing of new culture nor reborn reforms!

Father, Your promised to Your Children
That Your Word would not return to You void
And we’ve built hope for our homes up in Glory
On the fact that You will not be toyed!

Set aside, and chastise!
Appoint to disappoint!
You are God! Your Word is the Way!
Come soon! Don't delay!
These people think they'll free get away
And so behave like You, God, are just a mere popinjay!

But we who believe
Trust The Lord to relieve
Us from soul assassins, and presenters from hell
So, again, we lay claim
To Jesus - He - always the same
For in sin's tomb He bore all our shame!

We seek for The Light!
We do what is right!
We reject Satan - He, the old fright!
We won't let another gospel steal us away
From Life - where time has no sand
And age can never make a grand stand!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

This World Has Fleas!

This world has fleas
Sin and disease
If I sit and play with it
You know I’ll sneeze 'n seize!

Sin has a price
It’s like a leech - and gives lice
And playing in its mud pit
Will fill me with vice!

Jesus can save
From sin - no more a slave
Put Him first - He’ll remove the curse
He can make a saint from a sow’s ear!

Jesus Christ has a device
It’s called Eternal Life
Forsake sin, and its children
Redeemed - He’ll put you on Solid Rock Ice!

Riddle Me This!

Please answer this riddle:

If Last month's Next Month is This Month, and
If Yesterday's Tomorrow is Today, and
If Yesterday's follower is tomorrow's leader today, and
If those following followers get fooled, and
If Leaders who follow leaders who follow leaders get schooled, and
If the Future is the Present when it comes, and
And the Past is the Present until it goes, and
If those who follow the Good Shepherd get fed, and
If the Leader-Following Leaders following the following get led,

Who was

Leading Tomorrow's followers yesterday?

Who is

Following Tomorrow's leaders today?

Who is

Leading tomorrow's Leaders today?

Who will

Follow tomorrow's followers leading tomorrow's Leaders tomorrow?

I've got the questions!

Do you have any answers?

Monday, March 23, 2015

PRAYER: Oh Lord, Have Mercy!

Oh Lord, have mercy!
Whatever my circumstance, or situation
Whatever my fate, or my feeling
Have mercy, Lord, and bless!

What Is There Not To Love About God?

The day - today - is different, and the thought is clear!

Then the question ...

What is there not to love about God? Our Almighty God!

The answer was instantaneous!

If you're an unrepentant sinner - everything about Him is an annoyance, a burden, a bug-bear!

If you're a sinner - saved by Grace - then there is nothing that you can think of that does not cause you to say "I love YOU, Lord!"

I love The Lord because of

Air to
Breathe; the
Call to
Deliverance, and His
Effectual and
Grace; the
Hope and Help
Immeasurable; for
Justification, and His
Kindness to provide Eternal
Life, and for leaving
Neutered by Jesus Christ's
Overcoming the
Prison of
Queer death which
Results in our
Sanctification and
Translation through His
Undoing Satan's
Work on The

The Master vs. The Matador

When Jesus calls me unto life
He tells me before what I am to live for
Yet, Satan calls me unto death
And I am not one whit wiser at the core!

This paradox puts me in a quandary
Betwixt life to live, death to deplore
Do I trust the Master of Full Disclosure
Or Deadly Deception the Dragon Matador!

Heavenly Father - You are God
You live above the cloud - You rule in love
Open my eyes - cleanse You my heart
My will is on the altar - inspiration impart!

Deception, decay, denials, threats repeat
Dishonesty, deformity
Dismay, dread deceits
Deviants dancing in disarray
Demonic activity - everything a lark
If I choose Walking in Hell’s Play Park!

Deprivation  and denial of self
Sorrow for sin
Repentance off the shelf
Narrow walking path
Poor the life and the living
Hard words - oft’ misrepresented by the churls
Open communion with The Lord - not the world
Enter into Heaven when the sky unfurls!

Thank You, Father
For Full Disclosure
Nothing is hid from my sight
I may enter Your enclosure
As long as I walk
The Straight and Narrow Way
No deception from the Matador
From You can make me stray!

Thank You, Father!
Amen! Let it be!
You are The God of Love
This much I can see
I will You my will
My heart to You I give
I choose life today
Lord! Let me Live!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Reading The Word of The Lord Is A Pleasure

Reading the word of the Lord is a pleasure
It satisfies the soul
It gives great hope and blessed promises
To lead me to my Ultimate Goal!

The goal that I seek is to live in Glory
To be a pillar in the House of My God
To sit with my Jesus upon His Great Throne
As He sits with Almighty God on His own!

What grace and mercy is showed us
What love and light are displayed
What glory will unfurl through the ages
As we learn from the Ancient of Days!

Reading the Word of God provides treasure
That satisfies my longing soul
It feeds, and feeds, without measure
And brings pleasure, and rest, untold.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

VESPERS: At The End Of The Sabbath - Saints and Sinner

Jesus said that you must be newborn again!

Saints are Preserved
Sinners are Reserved!

Saints from sin they do repent
Sinners bold don’t e'er relent!

Saints always and ever they pray
Sinners just don’t give a care!

Saints they seek always to self-deny
Sinners oh, how they self-rely!

Saints look to the Eastern Sky
Sinners stuff themselves with apple pie!

Saints may have pockets that be to-let
Sinners seek for what they can get!

Saints seek always to be reformed
Sinners to norms they be conformed!

Saints to Jesus they apply
Sinners seek their eye to satisfy!

No more a sinner shall I be
I, now a Saint, forsake the Me
Looking to Jesus who set aside my disgrace
With His Blessing I shall see my Dear King’s face!

"No!" to Self!
"Yes!" to Him!

Friday, March 20, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + Prayer: Heavenly Father, Help me

Heavenly Father:
Help me not to listen to
The siren song called Good Friend
Nor to sing from the Sin of Presumption's music score!
Help me to stand up for The Right
So that I may in His Love delight!
Help me to ignore that fiend called Peer Pressure
Who always seems to know the best wrongs
Which will lead to my death
Should I bend, and with him walk along!
Help me to ignore the friendly Clique
Which claims to be my family
Begging me to conform
If I want to be considered a "norm"
Else I'll be treated like roast corn!
Help me to listen to the Gentle Harp
That is calling me to Soul Salvation
As I ignore the rolling bass drum 
That seeks to drag me into vile sin's scrum!
Help me to Set-aside Self
And seek Safety in The Savior!
And help me, Father, on this day
To choose Life and Godly Behavior!
Open my longing eyes to Your Holy Word of Truth and
Prepare my heart to receive it!
And when those who would teach the Word
Apply Lie's Bleach to adulterate the Word
Shield me so that their vain word to me is unheard!
And when the day should come that I
Shall stand before the Prosecutor
Deliver as promised in Your Word -
No fear of my interlocutor!
I love You, Lord, and I bless Your Holy Name.

No God! No Truth!

No God!
No Truth!

Know God!
Know Truth!
Speak Truth!
Live in The Truth!
Walk in the Paths of Truth!
Teach others what is The Truth!

No Holy Spirit!
No Right!

Know Holy Spirit!
Know Right!
See only what is Right
Say only what is Right!
Do only what is Right!
You will ultimately shine Bright and
Will eventually live with The Light!

No Jesus!
No Life!

Know Jesus!
Know Life!
Live a Holy Life!
Preach about New Life!
Encourage others to Seek Life!
Eagerly await the Coming of The Life!
Inherit Eternal Life!

By walking in The Way with The Truth toward Life
We will assuredly survive the strife!
With these three pointing the Way to The Light
We can, and surely will, win the Fight!

The Way to Life is The Truth!
The Truth is The Life of The Way!
The Life of Truth is The Way
The Way Of Truth is Life!

Live The Life!
Speak The Truth!
Speak for Life!
Live for Truth!
Trust The Truth to lead The Way to Life!

Seek The Way!
Find The Way!
Walk in The Way!
One Day Jesus Christ Will Pay!

Say “No!” to Knowing how to do wrong!
Know to say “No!” to doing wrong!
Knowing to say “No!” will make you strong!
Soon He Who Knows All will come along
And all who are known to have walked away from The Wrong 
Will have happy hearts overflowing with Redemption’s Song!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Jesus Is Coming. Jesus IS Coming!

If I did not believe in God
Right now my heart would be chilled
For everywhere all you are hearing
Is of Christians being violently killed!

If I did not believe in God
Right now my heart would be still
For every where all you are hearing
Is of the removal of man’s freewill!

But ... I do believe in Jesus Christ, the Lord
And I trust unwaveringly His every word
For in the debris that is this world
I can hear singing, and I know every chord:

Jesus is coming - look to the east!
Jesus is coming - there will be a feast!
Be not dismayed  that this world is decayed!
Jesus is coming - He won’t be delayed!

Rest from all labor!
Peace from the world!
Joyous celebration of The Coming of Our Lord!
Gird your loins about!
Steady your gaze!
Prepare to be amazed!
Gaze on and sing aloud your praise
For here He comes - The Ancient of Days!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What About My Soul?

Everybody is telling me about the comfort of my body!
Won’t somebody tell me about the comfort of my soul?

Everybody tells me of the pleasures of my body!
Why won’t somebody tell me where I can find peace and rest for my soul?

Everybody wants me to join a group which knows what’s best for the common man!
Why won’t somebody tell me about God and the Salvation that comes from His Hand?

Everybody speaks of, and knows, some being who
Knows of a sop to fix my body but of no one who
Will walk a little mile in my pinching shoes!
Please, my heart is really hurting!
My spirit’s in misery!
My conscience is really pricking
And my soul ... Oh, boo, hoo!

Won’t somebody tell me where to find
The Shepherd to lead me
The Holy Spirit to guide me
The Savior willing to take my place
And The Redeemer to wing me away
From the hell and damnation facing me
From The Unseen God people don’t care to fear?

But, inside of me I somehow know
That it’s important that I get into His Care!
And I plead for somebody in the know
Won’t you come and teach me, and help me to grow?

I find no satisfaction for my soul
Despite all my bodily comforts
So, if my spiritual life can be like gold
Please point me - anybody -
To The Living God which is in control!

I’m tired of doing what seems right to me
And then finding out it’s been wrong
I am tired of singing this world’s tune
And finding out it is Satan’s inspired song!

I don’t like Satan - he’s not kind!
I don’t like his tune - it makes my teeth grind!
I don’t like his dance - my toes are all mush!
And his lyrical gymnastics make me feel like a lush!

People, please stop telling me
Of peace and security!
Won’t somebody please tell me about the King
And His Blessed Home called Glory?