Here you will find the Poetry and Prayers that I write, and access links to the traditional Gospel songs and Hymns of the Christian Faith of which I am a member.
So, if you are in need of a place to rest and be refreshed during your busy day, please come on in for a while. You will be blessed. 1 Corinthians 3:16 - Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? ALL MATERIAL IS FREELY AVAILABLE FOR RE-USE!
I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to serve God ... or not!
I am Free!
I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to trust God ... or not!
I am Free!
I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to honor God ... or not!
I am Free!
I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to love God ... or not!
I am Free!
I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to obey the Law of God ... or not!
I am Free!
I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to pray to God ... or not!
I am Free!
I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose whom I will worship - God ... or not!
I am Free!
I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to live like an unreasoning animal ... or not!
I am Free!
I am Free!
Because I am Free
I can choose to curse God and die ... or not!
I am Free!
BUT ...
Because He who made Me
Made Me Free
And gave unto Me Free Will
To freely give back to Him ... or to spill
I - in my Freedom
Choose - to stand still
And give back to My Maker, Master, Savior, Redeemer, Friend
My Will ... Free
So that I may ... see
And live in hope ... to be
Finally, fully, gloriously refreshed and blessed
At the start of ... Eternity!
Because I Am ... Free
I choose to live by in for ... Him
In faith, Give God what you have - He accepts the willing heart!
In love, Give God who you are - He accepts the helpless soul!
In hope, Give God your burdens - He is well able to carry them!
Give, give, Dear One, to God!
Give God your Will
Your Way
Your sad reflections!
Give God your Sorrows
Your Dreams
Your Hopes
Your Fears!
Give God your Life
His Acceptance rate is always 100!
Give, give, to God, your Soul!
Pray purely to God
No middleman, no outliers, no fake assemblies!
Just you, just God
Your heart, His Ear
Your confidence
Give, give, Dear One, to God!
Raise up your head!
Lift up your heart - no pride!
Puff up your chest!
Sing as the Lark!
God is your Friend
Trust you in Him
On Him you can surely depend!
Turn not aside!
Be steadfast
And in That Day
Your confidence will see His as your King!
Give, give, to God!
You gain, gain, immeasurably!
Give, give, to God!
Be assured His Grace will provide for you!
Give, give, to God!
His Mercy has no boundaries!
Give, Your SELF, Dear One, to God!
A beautiful gown!
A gorgeous crown!
I can handle wearing those but
Holding a cross
Doesn't go with my outfit and
Doesn't fit with the frou-frou mood!
Carrying a cross seems, well ... somehow ... lewd!
Who wants to be sorrowing?
Who wants to feel pain?
Who wants to show neglect
When everybody else and his brother sister shows gain?
Who wants to be hungry?
Who wants to go to jail?
Who wants to be die thirsty
From standing on a rusty nail?
Who wants to be hated
For calling on the Lord
When all around people ignore Him
And enjoy special rewards and live loud?
Who wants to be disowned?
Who wants to have their knowledge disavowed
When all around are people
Who live big eating cracked crab and raw cow?
Who wants to drink dirty water?
Who wants to eat weevil bread?
When Uncle Patty and Aunt Danny
Are pouring champagne on each other's head?
But ...
Christ-Follower REALITY Check:
We must come to the realization
That serving the Lord is no cake walk
For He told us quite plainly
That following Him will bring out
Vultures and Hawks
Who, for want of a better
See no reason not to God's people afflict
With pain, sorrow, threats and
Trials and denials
Before kings and Queens
Foreign dignitaries
The ones who have their godship
And who spread hate like roman fleas spread disease!
So, buckle up!
Bow your head!
Lift your heart - no pride!
Say a prayer!
Come out of the dark!
God IS good!
God IS great!
God loves His Children!
He holds their fate!
No man like themselves
Can deal draw drag them away
From The God of The Bible
The God in the 23rd Psalm
The God in Psalm 46
The God of Psalm 121
The God of Psalms 19 and 20
And definitely not from the God of beloved Psalm 91!
From This Moment On:
I shall - without reservation
Carry my Cross - splinters and all!
I shall pray without ceasing!
I shall make the Lord my portion!
I will look up for I know
My Help comes from The Lord, God Almighty
All Seeing
All Knowing
Ever Present
Who created All
Who gives to each length of days
Who provides good things
Who is long-suffering toward us
Even when we stray
Who has prepared His Place for us
Who has given us His Holy Spirit
For comfort
And His Hand of Promise
By His Spilt Blood on His Own Cross
That we - when we bear our personal crosses -
Will have the Blessed Assurance
Of Rest, Peace, Love, Joy
Hope, Grace, Mercy
A Victor's Palm
A Robe of Righteousness
A True Gold Crown
A New Name
And the best of All
A Glorious, Immortal Body
And Angelic Escort
To a Personal, Custom Built Mansion
Of His Design
Where we shall A L W A Y S behold His Beautiful Face! Until then ...
We shall have
Angels to Guard and Guide
Holy Spirit to Comfort and Chide and Direct and Teach and Correct
Courage for the Journey
Strength for Way
The Faith of Jesus
And the Power Of and In Prayer!
I was scheduled to have visitors
But I did not feel like cleaning the house
So I decided that I would hide everything
Behind the sofa, in closets
And just spray - Clean House!
It was then that "it" hit me
That this was what happened with Sin
If you did not clean it right proper
It was always there, hanging out with its, and your, friends!
Boy, did I feel real bad
About what I had intended to do
So I said a quick prayer
And pulled back the rubbish Sin from behind the chair
And opened the closets
And gave the rubbish a breath of Fresh Air!
This whole episode really spoke to the heart of me
It told me that hidden Sin is not hidden at all
For the first time someone opened one of your closets
Hidden Sin will be revealed and you gine ball!
So don't try the hiding old Sin routine
That game has already been played
And the only winner was Satan
That Heathen, That Liar, That Fraud!
When you want to get rid of the old dirt that is defiling
You get out the cleanser that does the work
Same thing with getting rid of old Sin
Call Jesus - The One Who on Calvary Cleaned Our Dirt!
Get Jesus! Just Jesus! Immanuel!
He cleans!
He renews!
He reclaims!
He shelters!
He protects!
He labors!
He Seals!
He Saves!
So that not one repentant sinner is a reject!
As a professed professing waiting, hoping, pleading, praying Child of God, it is okay for you to be F.U.N.! That is a cause for Celebration!
of the
believe it, or not
We can't do "it" alone, and we know, and accept, and understand, that this is "The LIFE!"
The following PRESCRIPTIONcan be used as a poultice, as a wash, as a tincture, as a toddy, as a bandage, as a blanket, as a brace, as a sop, as a soup, or as a salad, even a song!
The way you use YOUR PRESCRIPTION is dictated only by YOUR NEED!
It is YOUR PRESCRIPTION, and you may use it as it WORKS FOR YOU as the day, hour, minute, second dictates!
Medicament: Jehovah Jireh a/k/a/ The Lord Will Provide Contents: All That Is Can Will Be Necessary Dosage: As When Always
Take One Part: Jesus, I Need You!
Take Two Parts: Lord, Save Me! and
Take Three Parts: Pray Without Ceasing while holding on to the Holy Spirit as you look through The Eye Of Faith.
Please Hold Grace and Mercy in Your Left Hand as You Use Your Right Hand to Wash your face in Joy!
N.B.:It is okay - and encouraged - to Switch Hands so that you Hold Joy and Wash Your Face in Grace and Mercy! This works whether you are right or left handed or have no hands at all!
PLEASE UNDERSTAND that there will be days that you may deem it necessary to moan and wrestle! In those times, Do the Unthinkable! DOUBLE YOUR DOSAGE!!
EFFECTS: 1. PEACE - Not as The World Gives 2. PEACE - That Passeth Understanding 3. PEACE - In The Valley 4. PEACE - Of Mind 5. PERFECT PEACE!!
If your life is only about having FUN, it is because you are:
F eeling
U nnaturally
N eedy!
#MeetJESUS! - and you will no longer be needy
Nor needing artificial entertainments
To make your life livable!
You will forever after live a Life of Calm Contentment
No longer contending as a character in caricature
Nor costumed campily to cavort crazily
In devilish delight
In Satan's cartoon comedy
Or demonic dramedy.
Choose JESUS and receive:
1. Justification in Him, and Joy for Living
2. An Enlivening Education in His Word Which Elevates One to Long For Eternity
3. Sanctification, and Courage to Perform Service Through Personal Sacrifice
4. Understanding Through Grace, and a Willingness to Be Used Of God, and
5. Merciful Sustenance Which SatisfiesThe Longing Soul!
Distractions tempt taunt and tickle me
To turn aside awhile
This must have been what Ms. Eve did see feel endure
When the Serpent did she beguile.
Well, Distraction
Let me speak to you
You will not me defile
My Nana Eve caused me to be wearing cloth
To suffer from mosquitoes, disease, work and sloth
BUT The Father in Mercy made a way
Of redemption for me and mine
So let me tell you something here today:
Get Thee hence!
Go behind me!
Get away with you!
I know how to pray!
The Holy Spirit is in me
He's here to stay!
Thank God for Jesus
For my sin life He paid!
Jesus got The Answer
In Gethsemane:
"Nothing has changed, My Son You're going to Calvary! We love these sin-sick children! My wrath must be appeased! We love them enough to spend on them The Life of My Beloved in whom I am well pleased!"
You see God paid His Best to get rid of my worst
So I have accepted the Purchase
You can wiggle, you can tickle
You can taunt
You may flaunt
You may fly
You may cry
You may lie and sigh
I ain't going to eternally die
For that which can't my longing soul satisfy. Maranatha!
Father, You said: "Let there be Light!"
And the Light entered my soul!
The darkness of night fled away
And the Light of Life Day did appear
And with the working of Your Holy Spirit, Lord
You made The Way appear clear!
You placed the Firmament above my head
Causing me to seek Heaven even though Earth is my bed!
You fill me with Water and provide me with Bread
And at each new morning You give hope for what's ahead!
My life is the Light You gave me
To shine for You in the wide wild world
But ... I am sorry, Great Father
I am often light out among them, cold - a churl!
Forgive me, Dear Father
I beseech You today
Renew me, refresh me
Send Holy Spirit - this is my prayer!
Lord, let me not care for my body
Before I care for my soul
Send You the Quiet Dew of Watering
Which by Your Love and Grace You bestow!
Oh, Lord, let me not be foolish
Choosing Earth instead of Heaven sublime
For at the Day of Your Returning
I'd be lost, cast off, denied!
Lord, renew, remake, seal
Reveal Your Will for me
And the Way that I should walk on this Earth as a sojourning pilgrim
Unrooted in this foreign land
Restless for Righteousness
Dissatisfied with Pomp
Unphased by Circumstance
Unperturbed by Situation
Thankful for Plenty
Undismayed by Want
Knowing You provide for my Need
And, please, let pleasure for pleasure's sake be pleasure denied.
Let nothing come between us, Dear Father
Let no joy come between me and Peace
Let Grace forever fall upon me
And let Mercy spell sweet, sweet, relief.
I bow before You in worship
I sing a joyous song to render praise
I walk in The Path toward Zion
Where forever on Your lovely Face I will gaze.
I give back to You all that You gave me -
Body, Will, Way and my Soul
These are my presents to You, Dear Father
You, whom I totally adore!
I ask that You return only body and soul, Lord
When they have Your finish - immortal, and made of Heaven's pure gold!
Send me, direct me
Lord, lead me!
Lead me to my Heavenly Forever Home!
Dear Lord, I am suffering
Suffering, suffering from GAPS!
If You, Lord, don't help me
Satan will continue dancing in my lap!
I am looking for Gain - gain in my pocket
I am needing Attention - attention to my myriad needs
I am craving - craving Personal Satisfaction, and
Pride is my passport to satisfying my gluttony and greed!
I see no reason to be humble
I want what I want - Whoever, Whatever, Wherever it be
Pity, Father, that with all of my wanting
It takes suffering to show me that I need Thee!
My Wayward Self has declared: "Independence!"
My Wild Will walks on in its own way
My Willful Way is determined by the immoral majority's wind change
And my life is all bewildering decay and dreadful dismay!
Lord, I know that my life could be better!
Lord, I know that You'd come if I would bend and call
But ... but ... but ... I have a constant companion
Who says that I don't need You because I AM a god!
Lord, I am tired of the testing turmoil
Lord, I am tired of the constant raging torment
Lord, I am giving You my unnecessary permission
To humble me, and to help me quickly repent!
Help me to repent of Irightis
Help me to repent of The Myway Way Always
Help me to cast off Inner Turgid Corruption
Help me to call You instead of believing doing walking as That Spirit says!
Lord, Self Satisfaction isn't working!
Lord, Spirit of Entitlement is giving me the Shakes!
Lord, Gusto for Gain is causing me heartache, and
Pride is making me do always what Satan says!
Lord, I am weak!
Lord, I am have been wayward!
I have wickedly walked in my own corrupted way!
I have planted the wind - I now reap the whirlwind!
Lord, Jesus, help me before Life slips sails slides away!
Lord, I have been trying to remake myself - just not in your image
Entitlement, indeed, has been my one true god
Self-definition has been my golden altar, and
The Oil of Self-satisfaction has marinated me and
I am now fit to be tied and then charbecue broiled!
Oh, Lord, renew, renew, renew, renew me!
Help me to look outward, look upward
Walk onward in and through Your Truth!
Lord, please rebuke, rebuke that Wicked Satan
Let me work walk to for in by You - please soothe!
Help me set to aside Self and Live as one Holy
For now, Lord, now, now, I am speaking, speaking the gospel truth!
I AM The Lord - I Love YOU!
I AM The Good Shepherd - I Will Lead and Feed YOU!
I AM The I AM - I Will Always Be With YOU!
I AM The Lord!
I AM Your Savior - I Died for YOU!
I AM Your Redeemer - I Paid In Blood To Save YOU!
I AM Your Friend - I Walk Beside YOU!
I AM The Lord!
I AM Your High Priest - I Mediate For YOU!
I AM Your King - I Reign Over YOU!
I AM Faithful and True - I Have Made A Home For YOU!
I AM The Lord - Come Share My JOY!
Hold YOU The Fort
Hold Strain - Stand Firm - I AM Guiding
Turn Not Aside - For Friend, Foe, Fate Nor Familiar
Hold On, My Child - I AM Coming
Be It Dawn, Noon, or Set Of Sun!
Whate'er Betide
Let No Man Kill Your Hope Tree -
Water, prune, and manure it!
Be Faithful To My Word
Within It Is Eternal Life
Without Is Death and Destruction!
Hold Fast Your Hope
Let No Man Steal Your Crown!
I AM No Great Pretender
I AM The Lord - Not Man That I Should Lie
I AM The Prince Of Peace - Kind, Loving, Oh, So Gentle
I AM That I AM - Almighty God!
I AM Holy - Walk YOU before Me Holy!
I AM Near!
Come YOU To Me For Shelter
I AM That I AM
Daddy, will you teach me how to ...? Not now, Son! I'm busy!
Daddy, will you show me ...? Not now! Come back later!
Mum, will you point me in the right ...? Sweetheart, go ask Daddy, I am running late!
Dad, Mum said to ask you for guidance on how to ...? Son, that's your Mum's job!
Will somebody please show me the Right Way?! Will somebody teach me the Way? Is there anybody willing to ...?
Yes! Yesssss! I'm right here! I will guide you in the Back Way In the Alley Way In the Broadway I can even show you how to go to No Where ... and it will be fun, fun, fuuunnnnn!! And, let's see: It is going to be Exciting and Dangerous Scary and Wicked Wrong - not right Probably Peculiar Death Defying Soul Defiling Faithless Christ-less Worldly-wise Unwise Ether-wise Wasting, Wasteful, and decidedly Worthless! Join ME!! I AM Always Available to Yoooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuu!!
A SHORT WHILE LATER ... Correct me!? For what? I did nothing wrong! Reprove ME! For what??! Did you teach me something??!
How can you Reprove him to be Corrected if he is not Taught?
How can you Reprove him who has not been Corrected?
You know the Word of the scriptures
But do you acknowledge its power to save?
You walk around speaking of its power
But, yet, you to the World are a slave.
Your reasoning with your friends and benefactors
Show the earthy direction of your thoughts!
You are not seeking for God's Kingdom
You want to know what jewel power for you He has bought!
Your motives are suspect - all can see that!
There is no honoring God as you read!
You are looking for personal glory and public honors
And preaching teaching knowing God's word is your steed!
"Come let us reason!" says the Father. "Let's put our heads together today! Your sins are the color of scarlett And I will clean them white if you pray!"
"Study to show yourself approved A watchman worthy of his pay! Stop behaving like the eye-servant Working only when you think I am looking your way!"
"Child, I don't need to look in your direction! I know the direction of your thoughts! There is nothing that you can hide from Me For I hold the reigns of your heart!" "Now, humble yourself before Me! Remove the world from your eye! Playing both sides of the fence, Child Is going to cause you to spiritually die!"
"Come unto me you who labor For what is not even gold! What you have in your grasp is just Pyrite That which is called fools gold!" "Cast that dross away from you! Buy from Me gold that is tried! Buy eye-salve that will make your sight perfect And white linen to your nakedness hide!" "Trust my Word! Heed my Law! Follow my direction! Lead, follow or step aside! If you lead you are the Master Who is nothing but a blind guide!" "If you follow Me, you follow Perfection Perfect Love which casts out your fears! Yield to Me - My Burden is easy And My Yoke is light as My Holy Word says!" "If, however, you choose to walk in your own way Step aside - I am coming -You won't know the Day! And I'm not taking any prisoners It's going to be a remove debris and burn day!" "My Children that say: "Yes, we are here, Father!" Will be sitting pretty that Day: Immortality Wings A Kingdom And Eternity will be the length of their days!" "There's a choice! Make you your decision! Don't just speak - Acknowledge the Power of My Word! If not on the Day of My Coming you will just be fodder - That IS My Final Word!"
I know the Truth! I speak of the Truth! I walk in the Truth! I tell the Truth! I don't sell the Truth! But how do I DO the Truth? Truth is a Living Being By which men are sanctified For the Word of the Lord is Living And THAT no man can deny! If Truth is alive - it is breathing Walking, talking, teaching - I am sure! And those His companionship seeking Won't off to sin be retreating! To do the Truth one needs Grace And New Mercy and Love - don't forget Hope For without these Constant Companions We will be sniffing Sweet Sin and doing Devil Dope! I have decided that I like love Truth In person in practice ... every which way So my intention is to apply to My Jesus To keep draw me in to His Light day after day. To Do Truth is like make wearing a garment: You need fabric, a pattern, weights, scissors, pins, chalk, tape, needle and thread And you need someone for whom to make the garment custom Or it won't get over their little big head! I went with my fabric to the Custom Tailor - Just Jesus He wore a designer garment I really liked - Righteousness By Divine I wanted it - he said he could make me a replica of it But he said my fabric wouldn't work! No way! Rain nor shine!! I agreed with his reason for not using my fabric - it had numerous slubs and color defects And watched as he rolled out his bolt of cloth On the table on the cross - He said he was going to cut it on the bias So that no drapeability would be lost! That fabric was red thick like blood and fluid with ... like ... water It was living ... it seemed standing - it had a tone And when he laid out the pattern - Glorious Salvation I knew that garment was mine! Mine, alone! He weighted the fabric with curious three nails That formed an up down pyramid Not the typical base all for top one formation BUT bottom for top all - I felt expectant consternation!? He measured me - by Eye - to determine my size To know how much fabric ... work ... was needed He marked out the parts with the pencil he called Truth And he talked as he worked amazingly deftly! He said something strange! He said his scissors had a name - Redemption Which cut out the waste - he called it Sin The soon garment quickly revealing And then He put the pieces together with his favorite silk Conscience Conviction and Repentance quilting pins! I got up to leave him to his ministrations for He didn't need me getting in his way But he said: "Stay a while! I work slow fast meticulously every day!" Something happened to me as I watched Him work Miracles on some obzocky pieces of fabric! What I thought wouldn't align He pinned, tucked, eased and realigned As my garment was lovingly structured and refined! At one point he pulled a thread and it snagged on a pin And I jumped screamed yelped shuddered: "Oh dear! Oh my! Ouch! Ouch!" He looked at me kindly and said ever so softly "Everybody says that when they sit on my Needing To Be Saved and Redeemed Today couch!" He sewed and he sang We talked - his phone rang He touched my hand as he answered His Call Electricity ran through, and it was then that I knew That that was the Spirit's Gospel Call to let my self be made anew! Suddenly, my garment was done! He said it was blessed work and he loved to see it done And placed his Righteousness over my old clothes! My old garments dropped off! His garment enfolded me - it wasn't cloth It was Living Blood that draped enfolded me And bore lifted me high and aloft! So ... what can I say? I wore Righteousness from that day For the Blood had permeated to my soul The Lord worked His work My deeds are on display as I walk in ... toward ... His Light In the Straight and Narrow Pilgrim Stranger's Holy Way!
I do not choose to do evil
It comes natural to me!
However, when I do good
That is a decision you see!
Do good, and it will attend you
Do evil and it will follow your days
For there is a coming Judgment
At the closing of The Days!
Good you, Bad me
It does not matter who
For at the sounding of the Trumpet
There is going to be a hullabaloo!
Graves wherever placed will be opened
And those who followed Christ
Shall in perfected glory rise
And the living lovers of the Master
Shall join in and wing their way to Paradise!
But woe, woe, woe to the unbeliever
The craven, the licentious, the murderer, the liar
They're those who spit on the belief in The Savior
And now find that He is not fake nor Christian conspire.
"He's real! He did come!
And we are saved not!
Hills, rocks, mountains fall on us
We need to hide from the Face of Him who sits on the Throne
And from the Lamb, the Conquering King, who's taking His Bride Home!"
Stop, look and listen
Think before you speak
Look right look left before the road crossing
Were all cautions into our heads our parents leaked!
Choose your friends
Love your brother
Test the waters, and the Spirits
Were cautions also on the ear
And you will agree with whom you are waking
Was a warning that many parents stated, lived and shared.
But, woe, woe, whoa
Wonder of wonders
Many chose to live and love
And did what the heart, eyes and body on them shoved
With the end result turning out a disaster
For following Crowley, Blavatsky, LeVeigh and the Demon's laughter.
So. here, for a good source of caution
I point you to your decision, now, here, today
Get Real Wisdom, Real Knowledge and Real Understanding
And don't make a decision that costs what you can't begin to pay!
Heaven and hell are real places
Jesus and Satan are likewise real
And choosing - it IS a choice - the wrong leader for this life's journey
At the end is going to cause you to scream and rail!
Jesus proves He loves you!
Satan provides things for you to love!
Jesus offers you Powerful Peace now - and Eternal Possessions hereafter
Satan cheats you of your Peace now - and gives you a basket of water to hold for later!
Lying laughter now, truthful tears later.
Truthful tears now, honest laughter later.
There is a choice!
Choose you this day whom you will serve!
As for me - every man and woman and child must decide for themselves -
I - come Hell and High water
Will - by God's Everlasting Grace
Serve the Lord, Jesus Christ, so that I will be saved.
Keep your Beads and Baubles
Trinkets and Thorns
Constant Cavorting
Your life stuffed with corns
Just Give me My Jesus
Faithful is He
I need no artificial entertainments
To make me laugh and act giddy
For Jesus gives me a meek and quiet spirit
So that I can walk in faith, steady
No gamble, no quake
Sweet life now
Later Fire and brimstone lake
Burdens now, Blessings later.
Choose the Choice that makes you Chosen!
And You will This Cruel World
Have surely forsaken!
I ignored His Love!
He reached for me ... in Mercy!
I turned away from Him
And started to sink into the grave!
LOVE lifted me up!
Bright Light shone in the Darkness
LOVE comforted me -
And blanketed me with His Grace
Tied on with Hope
Trimmed well with Faith unto Glory
Sewn with the thread called Sacrifice
Laid out with Hands calloused and
Broken by cruel nails!
Face punctured and etched with His LOVE
Side riven through Great LOVE - Water of Life Blood pouring forth
Feet torn and holed out
With God's Eternal LOVE!
God's LOVE is Real
Soul comforting and
Renewing ... me
Unto His Heavenly Glory!
God's LOVE is Abiding
And no devil can ever take it away!
Lord, send out The Talking Donkey
To block my wicked descent
Into evil days and apostate ways!
Lord, expose my sin
And, please help me repent!
Father, show me if I am following the multitude
Walking in sins wicked way and eating devil stew!
Please open the mouth of the donkey
Before the Angel has to unsheath his sword and run me through!
Lord, I have me an old donkey
But all He does is brush squeeze my leg against the wall
So I know I need The Talking Donkey
To check turn me from a terminal fall!
My current donkey like he just a little bit foolish
As all he does is just eat and loud bray
But sometimes he braying does be sounding
Liken he sending up a faithful fretful humble pray.
I don't know who he could be praying for
He better say a pray for he self
'Cause if he hurt my foot leg again
He head gine be mounted on the north wall
On the "This Be Bare Ignorance" shelf!
Lord, I know my eyes are often greedy
And my stomach slow to get to the full
But I am willing to listen
So let Your donkey speak clearly
So nothing he say can be misunderstood!
I listened to my old donkey braying this morning
And it really sound like he saying he prayers
For I heard him calling my name, Lord, I sure - for I heard him say it real plain!
That donkey said:
"Lord, help my old Patty She staring down the barrel of a gun She listening to Balak O'brien But she ain't know he is that wicked Beelzebub!" "Lord, Patty is proud and often foolish She wants to get into the "I Got This Club" But she don't know that club is full of devils Who wage war on the soul Through free spending and idol-worshiping love!" "Lord, have mercy on my Patty She don't understand what I say when I bray She thinks that when I squeeze hurt her leg That I foolish just wanting to play!" "Patty don't understand that I'm seeing That Angel blocking the entrance to 'Sinners' Welcome' - Licensed Whores Available In Store!" "The sign my Patty sees is very different From the one that I can see real plain, Patty's sign is covered up covert And she doesn't see that the Dragon's body Is rewriting the come-welcome sign: "Sinners' Welcome - Licensed Store Whores Reclaimable Work Available" "Lord, please help my Patty! Give me Your Voice today as I pray Please don't let Patty continue on this way Open her ears, Lord, even as I bray Please, Lord! Let Dear Patty hear what I say as I pray! BrraaayyyMen!?!!"
Lord, have mercy!
De donkey does talk!
Lord, have 'is mercy!
He talks! He talks!!
Thank you, Lord, for the blessing
Now, now, I can see
That You, Lord, God Almighty
Really, really, looking out for me!
A Girl
Girlfriend (the old-time one)
A Sister in Christ to The Brethren!
The Realm Of God's Light!
God Made Me
Female - 100%
Not 51% Boy
And 49% Girl
Dependent upon
What who where when why I want to give a twirl!
Dear Teacher Educator:
Please Get A Grip On Yourself!
Give The Great God A Whirl
And You
Will See Noticeably
From toe to top, see
That we are God’s creation
Not the head-man's lying, craven, scientific fluidity!
Red Bullock - he was standing
Ready to work as called
He stood betwixt two stations
Plow and Altar proud!
His preparation had been perfect
He was trained unto the Plow
But he was also without blemish
And would make God’s Altar proud!
My friend, this is a metaphor
Of what all Christians should be
For the Father He has promised
To provide strength as our day shall be!
Our stance - we who are called Christians
Should be such that called wherever it be
We should without fear or failing say
Lord, I am ready! Sendest thou me!
Let us, therefore, get ourselves ready
Let us let God guide our way
Let us let God be the Master
Directing us along this life’s highway.
Let us let God teach us daily lessons
Let us learn and not shirk or turn away
Let us let God’s Holy Spirit
Comfort and heal us as we follow God’s Straight Way.
Pray - not pontification
Pray - not sway and walk away
Lead - by God’s Good example
Follow - Jesus on The King’s High Way!
Dear Ones,
The day is fast approaching when we will receive our call to serve our Lord.
Will the call send us to plow the field one last time to tell of God's Love and Faithfulness and coming glory OR will the call to service send us to the Altar of Sacrifice?
No one knows where his call will require him to serve, therefore, let us all prepare, prepare, and pray.
Let us girt our loins with the gospel of truth, and let us, by God's ever loving Grace, set out on the path to Glory knowing that our God will give to us what strength we will need for the way we must walk ON THE DAY in which we require same.
Evil! Evil!
Ooh, such Evil!
What is Evil?
Evil is Good!
Good! Good!
What is Good?
Good is Evil!
Remember the Flood!
Celebrate! Celebrate!
We must Celebrate!
Who should we Celebrate?
Celebrate the Wicked!
Wrong Is Right!
Persecute! Persecute!
We must Persecute!
Persecute who?
Persecute the Faithful!
They are Puny!
They can be Withstood!
And ... then ...
Desolation is Coming!
Why is Desolation coming?
The Nation has Caved!
They’ve Chosen the Evil!
They’ve Chosen to be Sin’s Slave!
They’ve Legislated Morality!
Your Conscience is no longer Your Own!
Liberty of Religion is Lost from Christ’s Cross!
A Man is Your Savior!
A Man is Your King!
A Man is The Soul’s Director
And He says what you can Sing!
Jesus IS Dead!
A Man is The Head
Of The Church of The Bridegroom
Follow him or you are Dead!!
If you Trust In King Jesus If You look to God’s Right Hand
You will see that Jesus IS there Standing
A Gold Scepter In His Hand
He has received His Kingdom
He has pleaded Faith’s case
His Book is in Order
He is coming to Face
The Blasphemer
The Defiler
The Liar
The Thief
Satan and The False Prophet
And That Wicked Beast
With The Sword of The Word
Two edges honed sharp
Destruction for All Sinners
Comes like the song from a Lark!
No Mercy!
No Mercy!
Wrath is poured out real strong
No diluted solution
For you to drink down
Is poured into The Cup - not fancy goblets and flutes
So drink it - be brave
You’re simply receiving
The Bitters you gave!
Pity, you didn’t believe
That Christ Jesus could Save
For now He can’t save You
But Me - I was brave!
I heeded the Present Truth Message
I Believed
I gave Praise
I studied My Bible
I Walked The Way Paved
I Held On To Jesus
I Prayed and I Plowed
And Bless God - for The Deliverer
Is Delivering Me Now!
I am getting My Reward!
You are getting Your Reward too!
Pity that yours is painful - I don't rejoice over you!
No one can help you!
You choose Evil - not Good!
IF ONLY You had Believed
And On The Rock Of Ages Stood!!