Saturday, June 27, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH: God's People Must, Must, Mourn, and Sigh, and Cry! + Prayer


This is the Beginning of the End


The Nation Has Chosen 



Ungodly Rights


Sin-Loving Men!

There is no Law Court upon the Earth
That can bestow the right to dispose
The Written Law of God Above
Who blessed Mankind with - Sabbath and Marriage - His Holy Love!

Prophetic Words  were written long
Stating that God Almighty will soon come down
To redeem the Faithful, True, and Godly
Who love Him by keeping His Commandments happily!

Prophetic Words were also given
That at the Time of the End of Earth
That Man will seek God's name to erase
And give total reign to the Satanic Verse!

Evil will seek to make Sin appear Normal!
Evil will endeavor to make Righteousness to appear Strange!
Evil will cause Wrong to become Right
And, in so doing, unleash Hell's Darkness to try to obscure God's Light!

Personal Sin "blesses" with Public Satisfaction!
Public Satisfaction o'er Sin is become a Public Disgrace!
The Public Disgrace is become The National Sin
And The Nation will soon feel God's Wrath apace!

Do not celebrate!
Sigh, and aloud cry!
Mourn for the loss
Of the Nation's Sanity!
But ... for yourself
Afflict now your own Soul and
Ask the King, Jesus
To make you Him ready to behold!











Carry Your Clothes


He will the Rents Repair!

The Dirt and Other Uncleanness

He will gladly Wash Away!

There is NO CHARGE!

For The Service

If you Use His Company Always

He Guarantees Soul Perfection

Until the Passing


Your Days!

Next Scheduled Event: 
God's People Must Listen Actively To The Pope's Speeches in September 2015 at 
United Nations 
The United States Joint-Meeting of Congress
World Meeting Of Families Papal Mass*

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Charge Is Filed In The Court Of Heaven



Oh, Heavenly Father

You are our Lord and Our God
And we worship You!
Have Mercy on us!
Help us, Father, as Your Believing Children
To stand, firm, in the face of The Evil
That masquerades as Benevolence
To call it by its true name
And to be unafraid!
You are Holy, Lord!
Your Word is True!
You are Faithful!
Help us to live Faithful, Holy Lives
To be Kind to the Craven
And always to speak Truly Your Truth!

Once ... To Every Man And Nation. The Die Has Been Cast.


Romans 1:24-27King James Version (KJV)

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.


Father, have mercy upon our Nation!
For We have chosen to defy 
Your Holy Word, Your Words of Love
For Favors from those 
Who call You a myth and a lie!

You are Holy, Lord!
You are Faithful - it is true!
Have mercy on your Praying People
For, Lord, we truly love You!

Have Mercy, Lord, on the #StrugglingToBeASaint
Those whose bodies are bringing them nigh to a faint
Grant them the Power of The Holy Spirit
To not let Willful Flesh against 
Your Will for their lives compete!

Lord, grant them The Power 
To deny that Sinful Lust!
Raise up within each Striving Soul 
A Spirit of Revulsion
To deny the Unclean Thing
And a Spirit of Obedience 
That will help them to seek always to do Your Will.

Father, help us all to Surrender our Selves 
To Your Leading, Lord
To do Your Bidding and
To preach and teach Your Truths
Without fear and trembling!
Oh, Father, save us 
From the fiery darts of The Evil One!
In Jesus' Precious Name
We ask these Mercies, Lord

Thursday, June 25, 2015

PRAYER: Father, I Don't Understand!

Father, #IAmReadingMyBible
And I know that Your Word, Lord, is true!
I don't, however, understand
Why Men want their own immortality
Instead of The Real that comes from Loving You?

I don't understand why men want the Spurious
Instead of seeking after The Real?
Why do they want Booty and Baubles
That just leave them rotting in Sin's Jail?

Lord, why should I settle for vain glory
When, with You, I get Glory for Real
Whilst men are lying and dying
For what is on the Minute Scale?

Father, what is their true motivation -
If it were honest they would truly love You?
Why do they choose Fleeting for Lasting
And Last Place instead of First Place with You?

Father, I know I am just a sinner
But ... a Sinner that is saved by Your Grace
So, Lord, please keep me the #FaithfulPilgrim
Who came out of The Darkness to live in The Light So True!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Road Of Faith!

I was walking down a road one day
I was looking for its sign
I looked, and looked, and then I saw
The tree-branch it stood behind!

This road was of a special sort
It lead somewhere truly important
And only those who travel there
Have been issued a Fairway To Life Warrant!

This Warrant gives permission for The Bearer
To travel onward - up - to God!
None else can travel on this road
Save he who has by #FaithInGod striven!

The Road of Faith leads upward
To The Living God
And all who stay The Distance
Enter into His Great Reward!


Would YOU care to walk with Me
To meet The Living God?

Drape yourself with Faith
Walk in Faith
Persevere through Faith
Live by Faith
Contend for The Faith
Pray for more Faith
Gentle Jesus' Love embrace
Let nothing from The Road You displace
And, soon, You will behold God's Face!

Thou, Fool!

Those rude and foolish Christians
Those enemies of the State
Would have men be faithful to a god
Who is seriously out of date!

Where is His taste and fashion?
What good has He recently done?
Will he give man right now immortality
Or, at least, long life as when the Earth was begun?

We don't really need that old God
Too many rules and thus saith's!
We want a god who is culturally relevant
Who is not afraid to do what we have said!

You see, within our social construct
We do as we see fit
Which is why we had no check stop on the table
When we biologically created a viable rat leg!

Oh, the praise that will rise when we reach the point that
We can create a working leg from man's own stem cells
Once we figure out the complex matrix
We won't need any god, so he will be permanently set aside as dead!

Why worship a god that we can't see
Who puts restrictions on our play
Who thinks himself so important
That he wants worship on his specified Sabbath day?

We are going to do like the French Family!
A whore on horseback will be our goddess of Reason!
We'll declare that there is no god!
We will legislate that any two may marry
And we will walk about however we want!

The only rule will be NO RULES!
Every man will be god in that day
And whatever happens, happens
But we will be enjoying our play!

Thou Fool!

Don't you know that you can't fight with the Almighty?
Don't you know that there is the devil to be paid?
Don't you know that God is His own accountant -
No transposition, no erasers, no computer information in the cloud mislaid?

Humble yourself before the Father!
Accept that Jesus is His Son!
Acknowledge that Holy Spirit is working
Without them you would nothing - not even early morning fog!

Stop following, believing, and behaving
Like Satan is really a god!
Heads up! He is just you deceiving
For he is nothing but a conniving, murderous, lying fraud!

Turn away, turn away from your evil!
#TurnToGod! He will forgive for He is not a man!
He made all that you are abusing
He made you - and he didn't need your help - little man!

Turn away from the path you are treading!
Turn away from your idolatrous ways!
Give the Lord His due - accept the Old Story
Or you will be cast out for burning 
In the Fire and Brimstone Lake!
No glory for YOU!!


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

My Faith Will Soon Be Realized!

Lord, for me, You are Home!
In You - I find Rest!
By You - I have Peace!
Because of You  - I have hope!
Through You  - I get Mercy for You provide Grace!
On Your Rock - I stand, and
On Your Righteousness - I  build my Faith!

One day, my Faith will be Realized!
My Trust will be Confirmed!
Your Truth will be Revealed!
My Lot will be Defined!
My Eye will clearly see, and 
I will be At Rest 
At Home!

My Feet will walk True!
My Sight will Soar
For my heart will be Eternally Fixed Upon You
Who, for me, bore
Being outcast from The Father
Derided by no love and great laughter 
To give me #LifeInTheHereafter
And here I stand with You, Dear Master,
My Lord and My God - I love You!

Monday, June 22, 2015


                                                                     The King IS Coming!

I hope he comes soon!                                  Get ready!

Nah! Perhaps tomorrow, or next week or ... He comes as a Thief in the night ...Unexpectedly!

SUDDENLY!                                                 SUDDENLY!!

Knock! Knock! Knock!                               Answer NOW!         
"Sandy! It is I!"                            Quickly! Invite Him in!

Oh, my! Just a moment! I am coming!

Oh, dear! Just a second! Let me light my lamp!

I can't see where I'm going! Trash blocking ...

Thump, thump, bump, draaaag ...          He's waiting on your welcome!

Are you still there?!                                      Open the Door!

I am trying to get the door open but there is so much rubbish in front of me!

Can you wait while I try to get it cleared away!         Just open the Door!

Hummph! Screech! Damn!                                      Get the Door!!

You didn’t hear me say that, okay?!                            Step over the RUBBISH!!

Knock! Knock! Knock!                                             He really wants you to let Him in!

I’m coming! I’m coming! Hold on!                             FORGET the TRASH! Get the Door!

Knock! Knock!                                                          Oh, how He loves you! Let Him in!!

Hooold on will yuh! I said I’m coming!

Draat! Steupse!

Sigh! So much stuff holding me back ...                      Let the trash go! You can't fix it yourself!

Don’t go! Please don’t go!  I'm coming!                    He's still waiting for you to let Him in!

Just give me some more time to fix things!!               Just open the Door: tell Him you're sorry!

Knock ...                                                                    For Heaven's sake! Just open the Door!

Quiet, so, so ... quiet ...

Then ... Sandy hears the footsteps walking away, and she starts to cry as though her heart is breaking.

She has longed for Him to come to her house, and she had made so many preparations that she had forgotten to put the Rubbish out for collection saying that she would rest it by the Door to take out just before He was to arrive.

Pity, He had arrived unexpectedly, and the Rubbish was piled in front of the Door and she couldn’t get the Door open and He had knocked, and knocked, and she had even gotten testy with Him, and He had knocked some more, and she was still trying to get her Door open, and now she remembered that He had said that when He would come by that she was to Open the Door for Him Immediately, and she had kept Him waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and He was now ... gone ...  and all hope of being His forever is lost!

Sob, sobb, sobbbb!

Sniffle, sniffle! Cough, cough!

Waaaiiiiillllll! Waaaiiiillllll!!

Mercy, Lord! Mercyyyyy!

But ... it is too, too, late.





Answer Him ... Without Delay!

Let Him in!

Tell Him ... Your Stress

Show Him ... Your Mess

Give Him ... Your Distress and







Dear Ones,

Please don't believe the Devil's Lie that we have to clean up our messes BEFORE Jesus will accept us!

We cannot, no way, no how, never, ever make ourselves clean, so don't try!

Jesus says: "Come unto me all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and I WILL give you rest!" 

He did not say that He COULD give rest! 

He said that He WILL give rest!

He did not say to put the labors and burdens aside!

He said: "COME!" ... AS YOU ARE!

This clearly means that your labors and burdens are CURED in Him, whether in mind, body or Spirit (mental, physical, spiritual)! He WILL cure ALL! 

He loves us, and wants us in His Home, and that means He will fix things so that we may cleanly enter in!

Trust Him, and ANSWER Him, TODAY!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Nature! Grace! Lust!

It doesn't take much to please Nature!
It takes even less to satisfy God's Grace!
But when it comes to that girl, Lust
She wants everything, or she acts a right disgrace!

A little water for Nature to be growing!
A confession of past sins God's Grace is well satisfied!
But #LustIsInsatiable - she won't be denied!

She wants champagne and jewels
Money and furs
Tickets to hot concerts, and keys to fast cars!
Contention - a steed!
The Gots, the Gains
Some Mores - No Spam, please!

Truffles, Mussels
Horses and Trained Rats
Fur Babies of High Calibre
Things that back-scratch!

Porn, Pork Pies, and Jeweled Pasties
Diamond cellphone
Gold foil on chocolate-covered red velvet layer cake
Tanning bed - gotta get a good tone!


Nature will feed you!
Grace leads to #EverlastingLife!
But all that Lust gives you
Is ignominious Death!
After Life's dice been rolled
And you've overplayed your hand
The Dealer will holler
"Take a dirt nap!"
And The Undertaker will dress you
Without your request!

Such a pity! So pitiful!
What a pitiful shame!
To have chosen The World and
Lost your Soul's Gain!

No pity for you!
You wore you your poison
Like white rice wears bean stew!
You can't separate it!
You can't clean it off!
You spit and cough!
But it won't from you get off!

So before The Day is over!
Before your Call comes!
Get rid of your idol altars and
Ask God to come down
To clean you,  renew you, remake you,  reform
And give you a new heart
And leave Lust forlorn!

Pray! Plead! Prostrate yourself!
Plead! Pray! Against Lust complain!
Tell God you're sorry!
You want on The Gospel Train!

Lust - be damned!
Lust - be shamed!
Lust - it had me in Sins chains!
I called to Jesus and He came!
Now Lust can't light for me Hell Fire's flames!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: All Glory to ... Ggod?!!?

Good gracious!


Did you see what he just did?


That Preacher Singer!

What did he do? Did he do something wrong?!
I didn't see him do anything!?

He said: "Giving all glory to God!" and pointed to himself!!

You joking!!

No! Serious!

I didn't see that!

Stop the player. Step back about 30 seconds and replay!

" ... blessings! ... favor ... Giving all glory to God!"

See! Wha'  I tell you!

Good gracious! I see what you mean!

Yup! Saying one thing ...

... meaning another!

Dear Ones,

This is the reality that The People of God are facing today!

Many of the preachers and teachers, and leaders and followers are god praising God!

Their allegiance is not to the Living, Eternal God, but to the lure and lie of Satan, to self!

Do you know the individual standing on your congregation's Altar?

Is this individual a convinced, convicted, committed, converted Christ Follower,, or just an individual being called Christian?

Is this person a clear stream of pure water, or a stream that is the effluent from a production facility, or even graywater?

Is their tongue speaking The Truth of the Holy Bible or the language of the Brothel?

Is this person using a lie to tell the "truth?"

Can this person tell you what is The Truth?

Do this person even know of Him who is Truth? 

The Lord said: 

Jesus Christ asked His Father to set His people apart by His Living Word of Truth because God's Word IS The Truth!

Don't you know that Jesus Christ IS God's Word and, therefore, that makes Jesus Christ The Truth!

Anything else taught, or glorified, is from your Adversary, The Devil, Satan, Beelzebub, The Evil One, The Father of Lies! Avoid it at all costs for the saving of your very Soul depends upon it!

When you go to a Church Service, you go there to be taught of God and to be blessed by Him through the means of a man!

God does not have to use a man to teach His People BUT He chooses to use mere man!

If your preacher, teacher, minister has not submitted himself to be "used of God," beware! 

Beware the wolf amongst the Sheep for this very individual will, as a wolf would, ravish the Sheep! 

Wolves always eat the weak, the young, the unwary and the tardy (slow)!

We need to know "the hand" which feeds us allegedly, from the Bread of Life!

If that Bread contains the leavening of the Pharisees, the False Profits, and the Educated Fools who Follow Fashion for Fame, may God have Mercy on us!

Jesus said:

Jesus also said:

Since we claim to be Children of The Father, we need to seek His Face, moment by moment, constantly in an attitude of prayer, for prayer is power!

When we hear sermons being preached that glorify men, and not God, it is time to get out from the midst! If we remain silent (inattentive)(non-reponsive), we give our Consent to be deceived!

Either the preacher, teacher, minister harkens to the voice of admonition and changes, or let his benches, chairs, pews and comfy sofas be his benefactors!

Our call is to Glory in The Lord not to pander to pimps in the pulpit!

Please be watchful, praying always to be settled and sealed in The Truth, for Our God does not play favorites!

Be encouraged! 

God wants to hear from us, in every and in all things! 

Sigh and cry that you may be sealed and saved!

Call out to Him! NOW!!

That's Not What I Planted!! Lord, Helpppp!!

I have a little garden
In which I planted several stands
Of  Peas and Belly Pumpkin
And beautiful Yellow Yams
But ... to my consternation
What do you think I beheld?
My Peas were Beans called Runners
My Yams had candy coating on them
And all of my nice Pumpkins
Were wearing red vests down to their stems!

I cried: "Lord, You know I did not plant that
At least I don't know that I did!
Please, Father, please help me!
Show me the wrong that I did!"

"Dear Child, you, My Beloved
I am glad that you finally called
Because your Garden is damaged
And it is facing Recall!
You forgot your Gardening Instructions!
You thought you truly knew best!
You walked in your own knowledge
And now destruction is nigh to manifest!
You started out with Good Seed
But you nurtured them with manure
From Sin and Self-Satisfaction
Envy, Pride, Greed and Good-show!
You watered them with Idolatry
False Witness, Preying - Not Prayer!
You emasculated Good Witness!
You eviscerated God Speed!
You denigrated my Holy Bible!
You elevated Knowledge of Man for your steed!
You paid tribute to Prosperity Gospel
And now you're loving your relationship with
Disbelief and God's Name Be Damned!
Thankfully, your cup is not quite filled up
Else you wouldn't now be calling My Name
My Spirit on you is still working
Or you would be amongst those 
Marked for Eternal Death's Living Flames!
My Child, you so beloved
Let go of the world - it cannot you satisfy!
Let go, let go, and let Me bless and keep you
For you, my Son was crucified, bled and died!
My Yoke - the line for your walking
My Burden - challenges to perfect your own soul
Are easy and light - bear them and I will bear you
To Me where you'll walk on Streets of Gold!
Okay, you may well cry!
But, yes, you will soon laugh!
I gave you My treasures to keep!
Those Tears are there for your cleansing
And the Laughter will help you to heal!
Together we'll destroy this Sinful Garden
Together we'll plant Garden of Life
We'll water with Grace
Manure it with Faith
We'll treat it with Son-Light
We'll tend it with Love
And Mercy with keep watch
From My Throne up Above!
I love you, My Little One!
Walk straight in My Sight!
Trust Me for Provision
And you'll never again have Sin-Blight!"

I Will See You Through!

Friday, June 19, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + Day Is Dying In The West! + Prayer: Father, I Remember You!

Day is dying in the West!
Call upon Jesus
That is His Request!
Don't worry, and wonder
And tremble and cry!
And Old Sin deny!

Look upon Jesus!
Faithful is He!
Ask for a blessing
And you will see
That He is Eternal - Faithful and True!
Call upon Jesus!
He is calling to you!

Turn from your sin!
Give Jesus your days!
He is The Master!
He is the Way
To find Grace and Great Mercy
Peace and Sweet Rest
Call out to Jesus
And you will be blessed!

Father, I remember You 
And the Love and Bounty that You provide to me each and every day!
I thank You for my spared life
For a roof over my head
For health, for strength and
For friends and family!
When I look at the Sunset
I wonder, Lord, what is there within me
That makes You paint the Skies in masterpiece?
I listen to the Evensong of the birds
And am amazed at their Hymn of Worship
And I feel truly blessed, Father, for that glimpse
Into Eternity to keep me singing my Song of Praise
Until The Day Breaks!
Oh, Father, have Mercy on Your People
This Blessed Sabbath!
I pray that You will provide for each
According to his need 
For food, for shelter, for care
For comfort, for Help, for Healing
A Kind Word
A Thoughtful Deed
A Touch from a Hand Of The Household Of Faith
The Comfort Of The Blessed Hope and
The Peaceful Assurance of The Holy Spirit!
Father, I know that the Blessings You will bestow this Day
Will be just a little preview of The Blessings In Our Eternal Home
And I thank You!
Oh, Lord, I Praise You, I Honor You
I Bless You and I Worship You
As a Child Beloved!
I Love You, Lord
And I Thank You for Hearing, and Answering Prayer!
Come soon, Lord!

PRAYER: Lord, I Have A Problem!

That’s disturbing my night’s rest!
I have to tell You about it!
I have to get it off my chest!

Everybody is trying to tell me
That believing in The One God is passe
That I need to get with "the program"
Before all the goodies get carried away!

Why, Lord, should I need more than one god?
Why do I need to play
With Satan’s lying companions
If I don’t want to be led astray?

I may not be too worldly wise nor
I may not be an Einstein on the way
But I am a Believer in Jesus
And that ain’t going to change tomorrow, nor today!

My needs are few, and they are simple
I don’t need a galley maid
I don’t need no French Chef, nor a butler
Nor a secretary who is deft!

I have someplace to put my head
I have good food to eat
My back is warmly covered
And I have whole shoes on my feet!

I wish these people would leave me
Alone with my praise to The One God
I am satisfied that He is real for
He IS The Almighty, The Lord!

Father, I thank You for listening
I thank You for provision each day
I thank You for Your Hands of Mercy
Which protect me in myriad ways!

Please accept my prayer today for Mercy
For those whose eyes are filled with the World
I pray, Lord, that You would provide Eye-salve
To kill the germs that are crowding out The Holy Word!

I pray for Rest for the Faithful
I pray for Faith for those seeking Your Rest
I pray for the Protection of The Dear Angels
Until the Day The Earth Shall Close
Bless, Father, all The Dear Children
Following after Your Truth
Let them walk as Little Children
For You promised to lead until they’re long in the tooth!

Father, today is the Last Day for many
For they will not see again
The beauty of another Sunrise
Nor listen to another one
Of Satan’s cruel and foul lies!

So, until it is time for my Rest, Lord
Let me walk in my Faith
In You who has always been Faithful to me
Until, indeed, the End of My Days!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Man's Wisdom vs. God's Wisdom! + The Decision!

Man's Wisdom:

Is In 'n Out Of Chaos and Confusion

Evolution created the Universe and caused Mankind to step forth
God is a woman
Earth is Our Mother
God is a sinner because He is jealous
God is a murderer
God is a myth
God has not done anything for Mankind
God is an angry white man who hurts people when they don't play by his rules
God is a sadist
God is a pedophile
God is a slaver
God encourages incest
God did not create the world in six days
God is not good - He lets children die
Man is god
Man is immortal
Man doesn't need the angry "god" in the sky
Live fast. Die young. Make a pretty corpse.
God is already living on Earth
Communion Wafer is God
Marriage is Unnecessary
Dead and in her grave Mary is Co-Mediatrix with Jesus Christ and can hear and answer prayers
Tired of living? Life is frightening? Kill yourself!
God needs help! Practice Eugenics!
Do whatever YOU want - it's your right
Sexuality is fluid according to momentary desire
Earth is overcrowded while certain people hundreds of thousands and millions of acres of land
Man will populate another planet
Impossible to visit, impossible to know planet, 5 Cancri e, is made from diamond
Sterilize the poor - they are too expensive to maintain
Satanism is a religion
Jesus Christ stole Lucifer's position, power and kingdom
Satan freed man from bondage in Eden
Satan loves mankind so he gave them knowledge of good and evil
Seeking out the hidden things of the Man Upstairs is mankind's rightful mission
Stealing body parts from the poor and selling them to the rich is good business
Sin is satisfying
Self before sanity
Wealth at the expense of health
Property before people
Much money any means
Fantasy is reality
Caring is crap
Crime is a commodity
Salvation is by attainment

A teeny, tiny, itsy, bitsy bit of the
Wisdom of The Creator, God Almighty:

ORDER - no Chaos!

Jeremiah 1:5 ... 
I AM -  I KNOW - I SEE - I DO:

1 Cor. 2:9 - Trust Me and I will show you the unimaginable! You've got My Word!

John 3:16 - I love you and My Only Beloved Son died to save innumerable you!

Gen.1:1 - I created EVERYTHING! No chaos! Just Creation and Preservation!

1 John 5:7 - We Three, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are One!

Psalm 23 - I take care of My Own in every way!

Psalm 2 - Plotting against Me is futile! I laugh in your face! You will be broken!

Psalm 46 - Exalt Me for In Me is Refuge!

Exodus 7:14 - 12:29 - Defiance is Futile, for the End thereof is Death!

Matt. 24 - I AM telling you HOW they will attempt it, so LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU about Me

Revelation 14:6-20 - Early Warning, Warning System of the Coming Judgment!

John 1:1 - The Word, Jesus Christ, is God!

Psalm 121 - In Me is Healing, Everlasting Life and Power!

Psalm 19 - Look around, look down, look in and look up! Look! There IT is! I created it all!

Matthew 5:1-11 - Blessings, Blessings all around!

Jeremiah 9:23 - Don't gloat in riches, might nor wisdom!

Proverbs 1:7 - Fools despise wisdom and knowledge! Fear God!

Proverbs 31:30 - Favor is Deceitful and Beauty is Vain!

Exodus 20:3-17 - Rules to live by for soul preservation

1 Corinthians 1:18 - The preaching of the Cross is foolishness to them that perish

1 Corinthians 1:25 - God's foolishness is wiser than Man's wisdom

James 1:5-6 - I AM Wisdom. Ask Me to give you Wisdom

Genesis 2:18 - You should not be alone

Matthew 11:28 - Come unto Me and get your rest

Psalm 119:105 -The Word is Lamp and Light for guidance

The Decision!

I went to Man for Wisdom
And what do you think I learned?
Take what I want I want and pay for it! and
Money and toys make the Man! So get them! Earn!

I went to God for Wisdom
And what do you think I learned?
Study to show thyself approved! 
Love God, and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth!
Be wise in your ways, and 
Be for the brethren concerned!

I thought about these varying positions
And, in order to make an informed decision
I asked each for an impact statement!

Man said: 

"You live!
You have fun!
You get some toys!
You die - game over!"

God said: 

"You'll be poor, peaceful in thought and action, and productive for My Coming Kingdom. 

You will suffer want and persecution but you'll have true riches in Glory! 

You may be called to martyrdom for My Name's Sake but you will gain Eternal Life. 

You may never know Earthly joys but you will know Everlasting Joy in My Eternal Home. 

If you confess that My Son, Jesus Christ, came to Earth and lived and died to save you - and all mankind - from Eternal Death, and was raised from the dead and returned to Our Heavenly Home, and will come again, and if you confess your sins and be baptized, at The Last Day, We will come for you - whether you live or had died - and give you New Life in an immortal, incorruptible body, a Robe of Righteousness, a New Name, a Gold Crown, a Gold Harp, a White Stone, a Victor's Palm, the Water of Life freely, and a Home in Glory, where from you will never roam, nor see want, nor sorrow, nor distress!

You will be My Child, and You will Live in Peace!

I said: 
