Sunday, July 26, 2015

The True and Living Almighty, Eternal, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent ... GOD!

Some People would have us Believing
That there are maybe probably likely gods around and about, but ...
Satan Rules!

Some Others would have us Believing
That Satan is god and all Christians are Ignorant! 
Those People? 
They are Fools!


A Day is Here Coming
When The True and Living Almighty
Eternal, Omniscient
Omnipotent, Omnipresent God 
Will let be Revealed
That His Will is All - Sovereign - and
His Word Seals All Deals
That He is Holding
All The Keys
To All of Life's Doors and Shores
To All Lives - Seen and Unseen

#Don'tForgetJesusChrist, Himself, IS The Way -
He Can't be Ignored!
Deny His Sovereignty
And You are Going to Pay!

Don't Be Deceived!
God is Not Mocked!
He is Not Blocked!
He is Loving!
He Cares for His Sheep Flock!
All Others Reside in Death's Goat Docks.

Liar! You Reap what you Sow!
Child, Study The Word and The Living God will You Grow!
Trust Truth, and You will Know
God is Real, and You won't Follow the Devil's Flow Show!


Saturday, July 25, 2015


Iniquity abounds
Thou knowest that God frowns
Remember that at Noah's time people drowned
This time fire will rain down.

I get very frightened
When I hear people speak dismissively of God
They speak as though God is a Mock-man
And Satan is someone of whom one can be proud.

I feel my skin go clammy
I feel my eyes dilate
I tremble when I hear them speaking of Almighty God
With much disdain and real hate!

Oh, Lord, have mercy upon your people
The Minions of Hell are no more on a secret rampage
For those who should have been teaching Truth to the People
Have sold Believers and Seekers out for desire of food, fame and really high wage!

Lust of the Flesh
Lust of the Eye
The Pride of Life - Real strokes of genius
Tried and true - Satan tried them out on the Lord
Jesus quoted Satan The "It is Written" - he fled
Judas didn't - and he will be eternally dead.

As for me, I'm trying to get God's Holy Word inside this heart and head.

God's People!
Don't give up the Journey to Salvation
Don't lie down and play dead because of a setback that you felt
Was a deal breaker between you and The Great Creator!
God can will save you IF you go to Him in prayer, and confess, and repent.

Pray to God the Father in the Name of The Son - King Jesus
Go to Him under God The Holy Spirit's Agency
This Godhead ever abides
Don't believe Old Satan's lies
For Living Fire will consume those
Who choose Living The High Life instead of Eternal Life
Which comes from accepting Jesus' Sacrifice and not living for feelings, fun and favorite buys!

All told, That Day Coming will be Momentous!
The Faithful Dead and Living will Rise!
The Not Rising Up will cry and die
After saying: "He IS Real, and we are not saved!"
But it will be ... too late
High Flown Knowledge Education cost them Eternal Life -
They chose Satan for their Forever Date Mate.

PRAYER: Father, You Are Not Keeping To The Agreement!?!

Father, we have an Agreement, and
It is not working, and I am not happy!
You are supposed to wink at my foolishness!
Yesterday You didn't and now 
I feel hurt and sad
And angry and dismayed
And foolish and fearful!
What am I doing, or did
That was, or is, sooo wrong?!
Why is this happening to me!
Why meee!?!

"Beloved, I Love You and Will Always Care for You 
Even when You are Disobedient and Self-willed.
But #LivingLifeOnYourOwnTermsHasConsequences.

In My Holy Word, it states that in times of Man's Ignorance -
OF WHO I AM - God winks!

But that ignorance is when You Do Not Know Right From Wrong, Truth From Error, are Lacking Knowledge, and are Fallen In (not into) Idolatry.

Beloved, You know better, and You should have Prayed and Asked for Help to help You do and be better than your Situation. You did not.

I heard You say in Your Heart that You Did Not Care What Was Said
Or Done, that You were going to Have Your Own Way.

You did, and, hence, Your Sadness and Fear now.

My Child, Because of Love, I Will Not Permit You 
To Indulge in the Sin of Presumption and then say
"Thank God, I'm a Christian!"

Your saying You are a Christian does not give You an ESCAPE FREE card.
Assuredly, it will Guarantee You Punishment.

My Judgment begins in My House, and I Love You too much
To let You live a Slack and Reprobate Life.

You Daily give Me Your Will, and You Beseech Me 
To Guide Your Way and, so
You have My Response
For You Acted with Malice and
You Deliberately Chose Disobedience Over Deprivation
Of what could not, and, assuredly, did not 
Your Heart satisfy.

You say I am Your Father.
You say You Trust Me.
You say You will Obey My Commands and Follow My Ways
But You Honor Me in Your Words and not in Your Actions.

I accepted Your Request to Lead You to Green Pastures and
To Restore Your Soul.

Well, as Human, You know of and have seen Restoration Work in action.
It is messy, noisy, and painful and expensive, but The End thereof is Beauty Over Total Destruction.

So, Dear Child, is The Way of Your Restoration.

It is going to be Messy - to get rid of the Rot and the Rust and the Corrosion that is now Manifest in Your Character.

It is going to be Noisy - for You are going to cry because of the Tearing Down of Strongholds.

It is Painful - when the Waste of the Past and Current Bad Behaviors are being removed.

It is Expensive - because You have to Pay the Costs for Restoring the Old Bad to New Good, and

You will feel Bereft of the Familiar, and Naked without Old Bad Comforts.

I Am Holy.
You must be Holy, too.

You must Remember My Charge:



Disobedience is as the Sin of Witchcraft


I will not share My Glory with idols who have eyes and see not
Who have ears and hear not
Who have hands and feet, and accomplish nothing.

I Provide for Your ... Needs
I Protect You from ... Harm
I Guard Your ... Abode
I Guide Your ... Footsteps
I Teach You ... My Way
I Chide You ... for Your Willfulness
I Chastise You ... for Your Back-slidings
I Comfort You ... in Sorrow and Distress
I Love ... You ... with An Everlasting Love
I Abide ... in You
I Hide You ... in the Shelter of My Wings
I Help You ... to Reach Home
I Heal ... You ... in Your Hurts and in Your Heart ... to Your Very Soul
I Hold You ... Marked ... in My Body

I Will Never Leave You ... nor Forsake You.

I, however, will not Permit You to Go Astray while You are Humbling Yourself Before Me in Godly and Saintly Fear.

I will not Force You to Obey - You have Will.

I will not Force My Way Upon You You have Choice.

I will Encourage You, and Keep You by My Holy Spirit
As Long as You Desire Me to be Your Father, Your Lord, Your God, Your Savior, Your Comfort, Your Redeemer, Your Commander, and Your Friend.

My Child, Seek My Will for Your Life in Whatever You do, and
Do Not Follow the Mixed Multitudes - therein is Corruption, and Death.

Walk Upright!
Do Right!
Live Right!
Stay in My Light and
Receive My #GarmentOfRighteousness - I will not accept yours.

Despite Your Setbacks 

You will, again, know Joy Now, and Then
Joy Everlasting in the Day To Come
If You Stay The Course, and 
Let My Light Guide You Safely Home.

My Child, I Have Not Forsaken You.
Had I done so, Feelings of Sadness would be
The Least of Your Problems.

You Are My Child, Greatly Beloved -
Walk On in The Son."

Father, I'm Sorry!
Please Forgive Me!
Help Me to Do Better Today...
I Love You.

Friday, July 24, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + Until The Day: Obedience

I am a Sinner ...

Jesus Christ called to Me!
I answered: "Yes?"
He said to Me: "Come to Me. Answer My Behest!"

I answered Jesus.
I asked: "What for?"
He said to Me: "Walk through My Life. I'm The Door!"

I asked: "What happens when I walk through The Door?"
Will I be happy?
Will I get bored?
Is there any one there to call my friend?
What will I eat?
Are You Pretend?
How long do I stay?
What shall we talk about?
Are you Good for real?
Or are You just a talk that's all about?
What do you do? All day? At night?
Do you wear pajamas?
Do you have teeth?
Do you bite?
Where did you come from?
Who is your Mommy? Your Dad?
Do you break things when you are angry?
Do you get drunk when you are mad?
Do you have a wife?
Do you love her? Do you provide?
Or do you spend your money on race horses?
On Chef's Pride?
Can I trust You?
Are You Honest?
Are You Faithful?
Are You True?
I don't have a good Earth Father?
Can You be My Father True Blue?
Can I tell You My Secrets?
Can I share with You My Fears?
Can I have a clothing allowance?
Or will my clothing have patches and tears?
I know I ask a lot of questions. I am distrustful of Gift Horse claims.
I have been burdened and beaten.
I have been bothered and scared.
Can You protect me?
Can You hide
Me from the terrors that broadside?
I have no good examples
Of what a real father should be
So would you please answer my questions?
Answer them True! I will surely then follow thee!

I am a Sinner ... Saved By Grace.

Jesus calls to Me.
I answer: Yes, Lord!
Is there work for Me to do today?
I am willing, Dear Lord, please send ME!
I am not afraid to work - It is Day! I faithfully pray!

Jesus sends me out on daily missions.
What the day's work holds - I don't know
But I remember Jesus' Answers
When He wanted me to enter 
The God Family Abode!

Jesus answered all my many questions
He left not one answer out
He drew me to Him most gently
And sang Me His Heart's lullaby:

Come unto Me you who labor

Come unto me! Come! Find your Rest!
Cast your care upon Me
I died that You will be blessed!

I give a burden to each of My Children

The faithful ask me to help them hold strain
They learn that I am meek and so gentle
I AM not self-seeking nor profane!

I give to each as his faith garners

I polish each to finest purest Gold
I give to each a bright white garment
That shall not ever grow old!

Each of My children is promised

Eternal Life in The Fold
Nevermore to be bothered
By sin sorrow, shame, hate nor
Feeling Getting Being old.

The River of Life is there for My children

My Face is theirs to behold
My hands are there for the holding
My heart is where You'll never know cold!

Companions are Angels excelling

In strength - they accompany You life long
The Tree of Life bears fruit for the taking
Then there is Praise
Light to Light - no night long!

Learning is Yours - I AM teaching

Laughter is Yours - I AM Love
Comfort is Yours - I AM Salvation
No evil can enter God's Gate Door to Everlasting Love!

He said ...

Until The Day Of My Returning

Occupy! Work till I come!
Give no place to The Evil
Work! Work ... Until I come!

So, today I am on a mission
Of Peace, Hope, Inspiration
Of Love
To tell #TheJoyOfSalvation
To encourage all to answer Jesus - He IS Faithful
He Is God's True, Abiding, Holy Love.


Dear Ones:

There is a time to ask questions.

There is a time to follow orders! The time to obey!

We, as Christians, have long had the ignoble propensity to question God ... even after we have found The Answer.

This is not the time for "Questions - Just Because!"

By now, we should be asking "OURSELVES" whether there is anything, something, something else, anything else that we may do to further The Work Of The Kingdom.

Please do not let anyone discourage you because you lack "paper credentials!" That does not make you unfit for service! 

The Holy Spirit Teaches.

I am now at the point where I sincerely believe that we are better off without these "credentials" because they are causing many to disbelieve Truth, to Doubt God, and to Call Jesus a Good Man, and The Holy Spirit, a Thought! Lord, help us?!

God is not desirous that any soul should perish, so he is calling ... the Saved to Work ... the Sinner to Repentance ... All to Salvation!

He IS Calling! Will you Answer OR Will You Wonder AND Wander Away?

Many Are Called!

Many Will Answer "A CALL" but not ... The Call Of Jesus!

Few Will Be Chosen.

Remember ... God uses the simple things of this world to confound the wise!

Jesus Uses The Willing

Not Those Who Are Just Chillin'

Get HOT!


Don't be LUKEWARM!

You will surely lose your Soul!

We are asked to Trust God!
Believe God!
Pray Without Ceasing!
Bless God!
Live For God!
Reason With God!
He never, however, says to Question His Sovereign Will.

Remember ... Obedience IS better than Sacrifice. (1 Samuel 15:22-23)


Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Great Pretender!

Today I had Two Customers
Walking in my Heart Stomach Shop
They were paying customers
And had lots to talk shout about!

The One was Happy En Jolly
The Other Rabid Tu Hate
It was hard for me to understand
How could these two be out on a date?

Happy En Jolly ate quite sparingly!
She was grateful easy going!
She graciously accepted her offerings -
Her heart seemed easily satisfied!

Not so Rabid Tu Hate, The Great Pretender
Who ate and ate and ate
And ate and ate voraciously
But got no bigger
No matter what how much how late he ate!

He ate his last landlord
Out of his house and his family's land
Out of real love and deep affection
Out of "God Sends A Helping Hand!"

And ... NOW

This Scavenging Glutton
Had taken up residence in My Heart Stomach Shop
And was demanding of dainty morsels
For Things which recipes I had not!

I didn't have a recipe for Contention!
I didn't have a recipe for Station Stature Elevate!
I didn't have a recipe for Grudge My Brother!
I didn't have a recipe for What An Idiot! She's a Flake!

I had no recipe for Dodge Dog Biscuits!
I had no recipe for Brazen Body Bakes!
I had no recipe for Craven Cookies!
And definitely no recipe for Lousy Loser Meringue Cake!

I was now becoming quite angry!
I didn't want to manufacture Unkind Swill!
I didn't want to make Marbled Madness!
And I didn't want to anything to do with Deadly Dongle Dangles and 
Mismatched Mates Gooeyness Mess!

I politely asked to be excused
I went into My Quiet Rest Place
And, to God, I beseechingly humbly prayed
In the Blessed Name of My Jesus
With The Holy Spirit holding sway
I rejoined That Full In-Swing Battle -
I laid my Jesus on The Skirmish Line:

I Poured Forth 
The Heart of The Believer
And Mixed In 
Strong Angel from The Divine!
I Then Added 
Jesus for Joy - This Battle was Hopping -
Rabid Tu Hate started Acting Like He Had A Hot Behind!
THEN ...
I added 
With God There Is No Fear
God's Grace Is Sufficient For Me!
When I Added 
Peace Passing All Understanding
Rabid Tu Hate had Left Black Smoke in his Broken Chair!

Happy Jolly and I had a good hug laugh cry!
We were Delirious with Know Ye Real Joy!
Jesus Christ - The Sage of The Ages
Had Represented! And ...
I know Love
I know Peace
I really, really know Jesus ... for Joy!

Dear Ones:

Give no place to Rabid Hate UNLESS ... It is Rabid Hatred of Sin and Satan! Then ... you can let it ALL hang out!!

Hate hates Joy!
Hate hates Hope!
Hate hates Happy!
Hate hates Peace!
Hate Hates Love!
Hate helps Hell!

Inhale: "Love For Jesus!"
Exhale: "Cruel Hate!"
Give Satan a Black Eye -
He's got an Eternal Death Date!


WHATEVER you plant will ... grow!
You will not know where it will go
But you can be assured - God knows
Be careful what you sow.

I planted me a little - and rare - seed
I watered it - it grew
It picked up speed
And before I knew it
It had grown leaves
And beautiful buds of its own ... with seeds.

The birds of the air
Took up seats in the leaf chairs
They picked on the seeds - it was their caviar
And before I knew it
My grand-seeds were deposited - near and far.

One day, I said a verse!
It was really a curse!
I thought nothing of it!
I'd often repeated it!
It was just words
Said in anger and oft in jest!
I thought nothing of It ... until I heard it used to ... "bless!?"

I uttered a prayer!
A beautiful prayer!
Calling on Jesus
To fix Me and to undo
The damage I caused by my callous mien!
He said to Me:
"Once done, Sin cannot be undone."

I learned a hard lesson on that day!
Oh, how I repented! - I still had to pay!
Forgiveness is sweet!
Remembrance is bitter - sharp knives cut swift and clean and deep!

I sought from then
To carefully sow
Seeds of Gladness
Hope, Love, and to show
All that behold My Garden - how it grows
That good seed can't produce corrupt fruit
No, that does not flow!
Good seed - Good Fruit
Good fruit - Good seed ... and so it goes!

You can't plant Guinea Corn and from it Indian Corn reap!
What goes in comes out!
Do I need to repeat?

Jesus IN! = Jesus OUT!
Satan IN! = Satan OUT!
Garbage IN! = Garbage OUT!

The Problem ... again
The Solution ... again
Know what You Sow!
It Grows!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Rational Nonbelievers ... Dying To Live Free!?!

I am not a Humanist!
Neither am I "Dying to Live Free!"
Jesus Christ IS My Creator -
I Follow Him! I'm Signally FREE!

I am no Freethinker!
I cannot Walk by My Sight!
Jesus is My Pathway -
His Word is the Lamp lighting My way!

I am no Illuminated Highness!
I am no Self-willed Sin-loving Slave!
I Believe in Jesus Christ, My Lord!
I will Rise from Death! I'm by Jesus Christ Saved!

I do not need books to "Prove The Godhead!"
I will not seek to be Rational and Freewheeling re: GOD!
I Trust God's Word! I had have Sin - Jesus is My Cure!
I will be Lifted Up! Almighty God IS The Lord!

Do not try to "MOVE My Mindset" from Believer to Nonbeliever!
I "Came OUT" of Sin - not to Sexual Immorality Deviancy!
I will not use "God's Understanding"
To cover Licentiousness with Dr. Dog, Honor de Cat
Biggie Horse, Striped Stripped Human and Decaying Duppy!
Get away from Me! I'm not Sipping Deada with You and Satan!
I'm Blissfully, Happily in Jesus Christ FREE!

Divine Intervention IS My Bulwark -
Keep Pragmatic Interventions out of My Way!
I Trust Believe in The Living God - not Wicked Sin-loving Man
Who can't keep himself off the Can!
How, then, can he keep My Soul from being Damned?

Rational Nonbelievers a/k/a Freethinkers
Atheists, Satanists, Witches, Warlocks and the Like
Are in for a Rude Awakening
When Jesus Christ Returns ... As "The Thief In The Night!"

SO ...

Don't use your Corrupted Education as a Smoke Screen for Sin!
You do not have an excuse for Non-Belief for
God's Message of Love, Help, Hope and Healing
Salvation, Sanctification, and Redemption
Is written in Each Soul -
You WILL ANSWER for Disbelief when Jesus Christ breaks through The Clouds!

I am Free!
You can be Free - Give up Your Idols!
Stop bowing before the god of Sales, Self
Self-Aggrandizement, Free Sex, Gratify Me and Me Satisfy!
Give up your altar to That Demon and 
Bow before Almighty God -
He WILL Your Suffering Soul Surely Securely Satisfy!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Flattering God!?!

I can't Flatter God with: "I Love YOU!"
I can't Coerce God with a Screaming Fit!
I can't Disappoint God with My Human Failures
But I will Anger God with Malicious Presumptuous Sin!

I can't Fool God with a Sham Confession!
I can't Hoodwink God with Repentance Fake!
I will Tempt God by Walking Outside of His Will
And by Playing with Sin Kitty and Calling 
"Save Me, I Fell Over Playing Devil Dodge Ball by Fire Lake!"

I Please God with Genuine Repentance!
I Celebrate God by Walking in Jesus' Faith!
I Bless God by Accepting Jesus' Blood Sacrifice!
I Honor God by Praying and Singing "His Name Be Ever Praised!"

Sing to Him Praise!
Stand Tall!
Walk Humble!
Head for The City - Victory IS Assured
Jesus Christ will Reign!
Get on board The Train
Satan, Death, Hell and Unrepentant Sinners 
Will be Utterly Destroyed!

Monday, July 20, 2015

God's Transcript

Mercy, Love and Grace
Are in the transcript of the Character of The True and Living Only God
And it is because of their Presence
That I can defeat The Arch Deceiver - Satan, Belial, Beelzebub
The Piercing Serpent, The Liar, The Fraud.

I have no need for Timidity
I have no need for Fear
I, by Grace, am going to Live in The Holy City
And Satan can't stop My Arrival there.

I have no need for Trembling
I have no need for Kid Gloves
I have The Love of Jesus with Me -
Which casts out The Fear - I've got The Dove!

I have Made My Confession -
My Repentance laid down at its side
Mercy picked Me up - I am Rejoicing
God Reigns - Spirit Comforts
Because, to Save Me, Jesus Died
Raised Himself, and IS Glorified!

I AM Delivered!

Praise The Lord!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Get Away From Me, Satan!

Get away from Me, Satan!
Your World taught Me "The Lesson" too well, so
You cannot tempt to follow you anymore and
You're not going to see Me in Hell!

You cannot offer Me any more Trinkets
No more Skewed Knowledge, no more Fair Deals, no more False Hopes!
You are a Bold-Faced Liar - You're a Murderer!
I will swing no more on your Gaudy
Glittering, Death-Dealing, Twisted, Hell-bent Rope!

Don't tell Me that I'm too sinful -
That worked on Me only yesteryear!
Today I'm walking humbly with Jesus
Not proudly with The Prince of The Power of The Air!

Don't send anybody to flatter Me
I'm no longer working for applause from Fallen Man!
My Boss is The God of Creation
Jesus Christ, The Beloved, The Great I AM!

You can no longer rob Me of God's Truth
I've confessed My Sin! I've taken Jesus for My Portion
So any Sin you cast up in front of Me
Jesus Christ, Himself, cast it into His Forgetfulness Sea!

Let Me spell it out for You!
I've accepted Jesus - He is holding My Hand!
He is Faithful and True - Not Deceitful like You!
Take a hike! I'm sticking to Jesus Christ like Super Glue!

Do not attempt to talk with Me anymore!
I have a good Word for You!
Jesus Christ Saves! His Heart I now crave!
I'm through being a toy pet upon which you horribly chew!

Give up Your Fight!
My God Is The Light 
His Love for Me has No Limits
I will Him give My Praise
Forever and Always
Forget You!
You have only a few more short days!

IF You Don't Understand ...

Let Me Paint You A Picture:

Jesus Loves Me 
You Can't!

Jesus Drew Me Out Of Sin 
You Encouraged Me To Sin!

Jesus Inspires Hope 
You Inspire Dread!

Jesus IS Love 
You ARE Hate!

Jesus' Love Causes Me to Look Up
You Encouraged Me To Lower My Head!

Jesus Plants Faith
You Planted Despair!

Jesus has prepared an Eternal and Happy Home for Me
You Offered Cheapo Fun and Eternal Death!

Jesus Comforts Me by The Holy Spirit
Your Minions Sought to Disturb My Head Bed!

Jesus Died for Me
You Killed Him AND, yet, He LIVES!

Jesus Is Alive and will Redeem Me
Who's Crying Now?

Jesus Forgave Me
Where is YOURS!

Jesus IS Coming For Me
Who Can't Go Home?

Jesus IS My Hope For Glory
You Can Keep Your Trap For Hell!


Just In Case You May Have Forgotten Your End: