Monday, August 3, 2015

Peace Is The Home In Glory!

You can't Contain The Gospel
You can't Maintain False Pride
You can't Sustain False Worship
You can't Remain in Sin and Survive!

You may Fain Faith and Repentance
You have Lain down with Big 'n Little Sin
You thought Sane was a Good Tablet
You believed Profane was a Feeling Good Pill!

You entered The Domain of The Devil
You said Proclaim gave you a Cheap Thrill
You ordered Disclaim as An Escape Card
But butt upon:
"God IS Coming!
Drink of Him Your Fill!"

You denied The Main Theme of The Bible
You decried The Claim of The Cross
You denied that You're Lame, and
That You are Presently Lost!

BUT ...

I'm right here to Encourage You
I'm right here to Point out The Way
To tell You The Truth of The Master
To describe the Amazing Home He has for Us prepared!

Deride Earth's Hellbent Demonic Displays
Depend On Jesus Christ for Soul Salvation, and know
Destiny with The Divine has You Walking The King's High Way!

Peace is The Home in Glory
Love is where You'll lay Your Bed
Grace is the Currency of The Kingdom
Hope is the Path on which to There We tread!

Holy Spirit here keeps You Warm in The Comfort
Jesus Christ Holds, Helps, and Heals
Holy is God The Father before Whom
By Jesus' Faith, We Saints, in Holy Worship, kneel!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Surprising God?!



A decision was made by The Fiendish
That they would Surprise NotGod 
... Just in case
He proved to be a formidable opponent
And not a great fable in time at this place.

The Fiendish made Great Preparations
They raised Great Standards all over The World
And then they set into motion Great Events 
That could would destroy The Human Race!

Those Fiends thought that they were so brilliant
Problem is, they were brilliant in their own eyes, and
They followed the leading of The Devil, Satan
The Dragon, The Lord of Bare Lies!

For Millennia Stan Satan has been busy
Telling Generations of Fiends the same flawlessly lawless
Lying legend snake story, er, tale:

"Forget God!
You are God!
You are Immortal!
You can do whatever You want!
Erase The Lines!
Rules are for Fools!
Take what You want!
God isn't real -
He's just your Grandma's 
Bedtime Story Fairy Tale!"

And prideful wicked men lusting for Power
And Gain 
And Vaunted Immortality
Have chosen The Path of The Damned
Despising The Son of Man
And are lifting up Godlessss Morality Immortality!

These Fiends, Religious and Secular
Educated, Ignorant
Unrooted, Untutored
Soul Defiled
Set fast - cemented in their own delusions
Believe they can surprise their Creator 
The Living God
Jesus Christ - He who was crucified!

There is nothing that Mortal Man can do to surprise King Jesus!
There is nothing of their evil plots hidden from God's Gaze!
Their is nothing they can hide in their hearts 
That is not lit up in neon before The Ancient of Days!

People of God take Comfort in The Savior
Your Redeemer and Truly True Friend!
Take Comfort in His Amazing Grace - 
Think not of Disgrace - not Distance, not death
Nor of being well and truly displaced!

God will use Evil's Bad to You
To provide Salvation and Provision to You, too!
He is always on track!
He doesn't need to look back!
He truly and can will repulse even their celebrated EMP's puny attack!

Take Hope In This:

has given 
The Fiends The Long Rope
For He already has them 
Liar The Goat by the throat!

Satan is not God!

Man cannot fool God!
Man is not God!

The Almighty IS God!
Give Him His Praise!
It is not for The Fraud!
Trust The Lord - He is coming
And it will be Glorious 
Dead-Raising Loud!!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

VESPERS: At The End Of The Sabbath - God's Eyes + Prayer: Lord, I need Your Blessing!

IF I was a decidedly evil person
I would be very afraid
To know that God's Eyes are watching
Every misdeed that I undertook!

But ...

As it is My Heart's Desire to stay Saved By Grace
By Doing and Being Good and
Walking Right by His Grace
I do not have to be afraid!
I am glad that God's Eyes are everywhere watching!
He is seeing Me, and it is all for My Good!

God's Eyes are indeed Everywhere
Beholding both The Evil and The Good
And because of His Good Record Keeping
He is writing a Story Book for Each and Every One of Us!

Please carefully choose The Book that He is Writing for You -
It will either Bless or Curse You 
For it will show Your Association with The Son or The Devil
When You Stand before God's Judgment Seat on The Great Day!


Lord, I need Your Blessing
 I need to Humble Stand
Ready, Willing and Able
To wear the White Robe and Gold Crown of
The Holy Son of Man!

Let Me walk on in Your Fellowship
Led by Your Holy Spirit Divine
AND, at The End of The Ages
Let Me Hear: "Child, Come! You Are Truly Mine!"

Until That Day, Dear Father
Keep Me in Your Care
Let Me Rest in Comfort
Knowing that You, Lord, are Always Near!

I know, Lord, that the Angels of Glory
Are guarding My Dear, Sweet, Rest
I ask that You let Me walk on e'er awakening
Happy, Free, Peaceful, Faithful and Blessed!

Prescriptions for Eternal Life


Believe on The Lord Jesus
Walk in Peace
Sleep in Grace
Lie down in Green Pastures
Speak of The Certain Hope
Touch in Love
Put on The Whole Armour of God
Hope unto Salvation
Trust in God
Seek after Christ's Righteousness
Be Faithful unto Death
Glory in God's Unspeakable Goodness
Bless The Lord
Touch not The Unclean Thing
Sow Mercy
Hold to God's Unchanging Hand
Humble Your Heart to God
Seek The Restoring of Your Soul
Dwell under The Shadow of The Almighty
Study to Show Yourself Approved
Find Knowledge
Get Understanding
Understand Wisdom
Fear Only God
Honor Your Parents
Hate Evil
Don't be Judgmental
Don't Kill
Let God Lead
Quench Not The Holy Spirit
Pray Without Ceasing
Don't Covet
Don't Bear False Witness
Remember The Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy
Love Your Neighbor
Don't Commit Adultery
Be Valiant for The Saving of Souls
Don't Worship Idols
And know that:

God - Whose Name Is Jealous -



He Will Not 

Share His Glory 

With Another!

Honor Almighty God
Worship Him in Spirit and In Truth
Cast off Hypocrisy
Forsake Foolishness, and
Lean not on Your Own Understanding!

At Days' End ...

You've Been Faithful

You will Wear a Robe and a Crown


You Will Hear


Good and Faithful Servant! 

Enter In To The Joy Of Your Lord!"



Friday, July 31, 2015


I was walking on Up to God
I met Man
He called Me: "Friend!!"
He implored Me to walk with him for
He knew of all of Life's Best Short-cuts to Journey's End!

He said he had been on Up to God before and
He beguiled Me
With much lying and lore, and
I was mesmerized
As He told me of what it was I was in for!

I had been warned
But I listened and strayed
My walk on Up to God 
Was delayed. Delayed!

I was regaled with stories of Hate and Love
Needs and Greed
He had a Great Knack
I ate swallowed his prepacked Snack!

I walked on in Myself
I didn't look in
I didn't look back
To see that True Companion
Was trailing ... bloody, and crying!

I - for a while - lived
With Company of Lies
I was motivated by 
The Lord of The Dung Flies!

I lived High
I partied Low
I laid on the Ground
I rolled around in mud and loved in black snow!

My New Friends had No Morals
They smelled of The Flame
I didn't
 ... I didn't care!

I really should have known
That Sweet Life doesn't last
It ends in a casket or 
In a full body cast!

There were Regrets and Recriminations
Lost Relations, and
Crying, and much wishing
For the Good that was and is now ... past!

My Day of Reckoning came
My Excuse for Folly? - It was lame!
I lived by My flesh, My eyes
I lived for the Praise of the In-World Game!

As for He Who Led Me To Stray
He was laughing - and pointing - at My Decay
And calling Me Fool
After CONvincing Me that his Way of Life 
Was happening, and way, way, cool!

It was then I saw My True State
I was inside the Pig
Eating that which made the Scavenger Swine salivate!

I thought of on My Father
Who His Servants fed!
Those Servants had much
For He did Reward
And I said in My Heart:

"I will go back to My Father
As His Servant, today!
I know He will Forgive!
He will help and heal My Decay!"

Loaded Down ... Dirty as I was
I ran toward Home! I couldn't stay away, and
My Father met Me in on The Way!
I cried, and I said:

"Father! Forgive Me!
I strayed, and really played!
I wasted My Substance on with The Fraud
Who cast me aside!
Father! He lied and lied
And I have been burnt!
Heal Me!
Help Me!
To You, My Lord, I return
For, Life Lesson, though hard
I have assuredly learnt!"

My Father washed Me - I was Renewed!
My Father clothed Me - the World I eschewed!
I walk ... NOW
On The True and Holy Way
I live for My Father
He's My Lord - The Light of The Way!

I have #TheRewardsOfTheSaints:

Help of The Angels
Saving by The Blood

The Spirit is My Comfort and My Stay!
What more can I say?!

I shall - in Jesus' Faith - Stay in The Fight!
I shall - with His Blessing - walk Faithfully into The Night
And on The Great Day
Coming very soon
I shall Rise Up - Glorified
To The Heavenly Reward
Way beyond the Big Moon!

PRAYER: Keep Me Faithful

Lord, I look upon You
Through the Eye of My Heart
I bless Your Holy Name, Father
Let Me from Your Way never depart!

Keep this My Heart ever humble
Keep this My Eye on You fixed
Keep Me Faithful in The Battle
Let Love help Me from Sin be nixed!

I don't know where The Path will lead Me
I only know, Lord, that You will guide
Take Me, Father, to The Temple
Let Me, Lord, in You forever abide!

Lord, I look with Love upon You
Lord, I know that I am blessed
For You shield Me, guide Me, and lead Me
And in You, Lord, My Longing Soul Rests.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

I Met God

One day, I met God - The Creator
I said: "Hello!"
And walked on ...

Then I met God - The Preacher
I said: "How ...?"
And walked on ...

Then I met God - The Teacher
I said: "Why ...?"
And walked on ...

Then ...


The Creator
The Savior
The Redeemer
The Friend
The Faithful
The Helper
The Healer
The Comforter
The Carrier
The Provider
The Sustainer
The Heart's Desire
My Soul's Salvation
My Master
My Lord
My God
My Beginning
My End
The Truth
My Light
My Way
To Life
And further
The Father
My Father

I said: "Thank YOU!"

He said: "BLESS YOU!"

And WE, now together - FOREVER - Walk On ...

TRUTH: God IS Great!

God is Good!
Good is Great!
God is Coming -
He won't be late!

God is Good!
Good is Great!
You don't have His Calendar
Don't set any dates!

God is Good!
Good is Great!
Sin is a sickness
God will eradicate!

God is Good!
Good is Great!
Trust God for your own soul's Salvation
Don't suffer Satan's just fate!

Good is Great!
Don't Sin elevate!

God is Good!
Good is Great!
Hold to Christ Jesus - sit at His Table!
You will eat off True Gold plates!

God is Good!
Good is Great!
Pray and pass the Message:
#JesusISComing! Prepare!
God will the Saints to His Home elevate!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015



Deception, Deception from ... Conception!
Pretensions, Pretensions to hold ... The Attention!
False Education may gain ... High Elevation, but
Deception's Pretensions need ... Detection!

















He IS:

Creator of ... The Universe
Detector of ... False Hearts
Rejecter of ... Other Gospels
Protector of ... The Saints
Father of ... The Believers
Selector of ... Kings and Priests
Reflector of ... Clean Hearts
Reviler of ... The Revolting
Reviewer of ... Accounts
Revealer of ... Secrets
Instructor of ... Men
Constrainer of ... Loving Souls
Constructor of ... Kingdoms
Retainer of ... Hope
Derailer of ... Evil Plots and Plans
Defender of ... The Defenseless
Recorder of ... All Life's Deeds
Destroyer of ... Strongholds 
Troubler of ... The Wicked
No Respecter of ... Persons


#TheFinalWORD on "It" All!

The Finisher of "It" All!


The Truth!



Tuesday, July 28, 2015

No Goaters! No Kiddie Goat Heaven!

I went to the Altar of God - because I believed in Jesus' Love for Me!

I will Enter The Heavenly Home because

1. I Trust God's Word, and

2. I Respect His Sovereign Will as Lord of My Life!

I will Survive The Journey to Home because of a Living Faith in The Faithfulness of Jesus Christ.

I am at Peace because of The Blessed Hope, and


I Am A Foolish Wooly Sheep - not A Hairy Judas Goat.

God Guides!
Satan Lies!

God Deals Straight!
Satan Titillates!

God Creates!
Satan Imitates!

God Waits!

God Heals our hurts!
Satan Hurts our heels!

God Pleads!
Satan Kneads!

God is Love!
Satan is Hate!

God IS
Satan I'snt
Look at The Facts
Know The Difference!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Do You Love Jesus?


I Love You!
Do You love Me?

I want to Love You!

Can You Love Me?

I believe so! Sure!

Will You Love Me?

I'm feeling My Heart grow!
In the constancy of Your Love
I'm sure My Love for You will show!
I long to belong to You -
God knows!

Do You Love Me?



If You Love Me
Do what I Say!

If You Love Me
Let My Love Hold Sway!

If You Love Me
You won't Me Betray
And You will Walk in Me
Day by day!

If You Love Me
Walk in My Sight!

If You Love Me
Stay in The Fight!

If You Love Me
You will be At Peace both Day and Night
For I hold You in My Heart
Secure and tight!

If You Love Me

If You Love Me
Cling to My Every Word!

If You Love Me
Reject the Wild and the Absurd
And You will Hold in Your Hand The Costliest of Pearls!
... If You Love Me.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Dead Family

We are The Dead Family:

Dead to The Living Truth
Dead in Trespasses
Dead to The Blessings of Eternal Life
Dead to God's Great Grace
Dead to The Gift of The Blessed Hope
Dead to God's Great Glory
Dead in Constant Sin
Deadly Peace
Deadly Ways
Deadly Words
Dead Works
Dead Life
Dead Hope
Dead To Grace
Dead To Mercy
Dead Faith
Dead Charity
Death Dancer
Death Defiant
Death Knell
Death Comes
Death Throes
Dealer In Death
Death Goes On Vacation

There are many, many, more of us, but I am sure you get "the Drift!"

We are Dead, Dying, Deadly, Deathly, Dangerous and Decaying.


And - Blessed Day - HELP arrived!

Heaven Ever Loves and Provides and
New Blood was poured into The Dead Family, and there was an Explosion of New Births!

New Life sprung forth and with Through Christ, brought forth
Blessed Assurance who brought forth
Jesus is Mine who begat
Heir of Salvation who brought forth 
Purchase of God!

I Learned To Pray brought forth
I Found The Answer who brought forth 
Troublesome Times Are Here who brought forth 
Standing In The Need Of Prayer who begat
Reach Out To Jesus who begat 
God Is Able!

I Am Not Worthy brought forth 
I Have Heard A Joyful Song who begat
Sabbath Rest who brought forth 
Abundant Blessing With Praise! 

Jedidiah brought forth 
I Am Not Worthy who begat 
Only Trust Him who begat
Jehovah Jireh who preaches
"All God's Paths Are Peace!"

So Send I You begat
Gospel Explosion who begat
Put You Trust In God who grandly sings
"Nothing Is Impossible With God!"

Ordinary Life brought forth Extraordinary Hope who begat 
Haven of Rest who brought forth 
Rescue The Perishing who begat 
Welcome Dear Redeemer who brought forth 
God Became A Man who declared
"Trust God for Salvation!" to which 
All To Jesus I Surrender loudly, and victoriously, said


The DEAD Family