Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Love Of God

A Pretty Face does not make one Beautiful and
A Certain Name can make one feel Shame, but
The Love of God is The Only Prescription
That Heals all that causes Human Pain!

Being Rich does not make one Wealthy and
Lacking Money does not mean one is Poor, but
Not knowing The Kind and Gentle Love of King Jesus
Is what makes Life on Earth a Burden, a Bother, a Bore  and a Chore!

Worldly Riches minus God equal Undesirable End
Rich Food without Heaven's Oil is as Dry Bread
Faith without Work is just as useful
As Teasing a Ravenous Lion and then Patting Him on His Toothy Hairy Head!

Loving The Lord Jesus does have its Man-made Downsides
Loving the Lord Jesus has Glorious Heavenly Eternal Perks
#StayingWithJesusForTheDistance - Resisting that Old Satan
Will lift one up to The Lord
Who Rules Over Heaven and its Attending Awe-inspiring Infinite Works!

Believe and Be Blessed!
God Fixes The Mess!
Field Your Request -
God Heals The Faithful Person's Distress!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Happy Sabbath + God Gave Me His Blessed Assurance + Prayer: Thank You, Lord

God Gave Me His Assurance
He said He'd always be Mine
My Heart is now Overflowing
Because He is Ever Loving, Faithful and Kind!

God Wrote Out For Me His Promise
He signed it in Jesus' Blood
He sends Me Showers of Blessings
Which flow ever like a rushing Great Flood!

God Gave Me His Assurance
That Sin has a waiting Just Fate
And if I walk in Christ's Righteousness
I won't Suffer The Bold Sinner's Fate!

I am to Do Good to All Men
I must Continually Pray and Give Praise
I must Trust in God's Goodness
And never His Holy Name denigrate!

I Trust in God's Blessed Assurance
And I took Me The Great Plunge
Into The Watery Grave of Baptism
And I Emerged Thoroughly Cleansed by The Blood!

Holy Spirit has Taken Up Residence
And is Guarding My Heart's Gate
I now walk Me in The Right Way
For with Heaven I have a Going Into The House Date!

Thank You, Lord, for Hearing
Thank You, Lord, for Healing
Thank You, Lord, for The Helping Hand
That is Guiding my footsteps to My New Home
On The Holy Hill of Zion
Where Peace and Rest are Declared
Where Love and Life are Eternal
Where Fear and Night cannot appear
Where Death and Hell have no standing
Where The Holy God is Commanding
And You are in My Eyesight clear.

Personal Puzzler: Christian Talkie Walky

My Christian Talk and
My Christian Walk are best friends
It is alleged that they are bound for Heaven
However, before they can enter there
They will God's Looking Glass share!

My Christian Walk had heel spurs and finger calluses
Empty bank account and
Old outdated clothing
And not a true friend to His Poor Name
But happy countenance joyfully displayed He
And Prayer Unceasing was his favorite cup of tea!

My Christian Talk has mucho friends
Money galore
Clothing to fill a boutique store
Hands as smooth as a baby's behind
His feet never knew a hill nor incline to climb.

His attitude did on the last nerve grate
He knew the Mind of God
He loved to set dates
He could tell in a split second who was to God true
He knew alllll that there was of Jesus to know
And weekly he put on A True Christian Spectacular Show!

One day, Great Earth's end was by The Holy God pronounced
The Time of Harvest was duly truly announced:

"Wheat Sheep on the Right!
Goat Grapes on the Left!
Take your position
#TheEternalGodIsOnTheFinalMission! "

Christian and Christian both headed for The Wheat Sheep Gate
And soon they were at the head of the Line
But only One was accepted for his walk did by Grace Shine
And One Christian was cast aside by the Great Lord God Divine!

Which Christian entered in at The Straight Gate?

Which Christian do you seek to have in yourself revealed?

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Almighty God - Magician Extraordinaire!?! + Prayer

I met a young lady today

She said she is a Christian - I looked up
Then she said something in answer to a question
That made me bristle and query what's up?

Okay, long story short
This is her testimony:
She is studying and working and all else
She said her college exam was murder
For she had nothing in her head!

She knew only two answers she said of the questions
So she went home and prayed and cried unto The Lord
For she believed that God would get her a passing grade
If she asked in faith, He would reward!

She said that when Exam Results were returned
She had received much more than a passing grade
And she knew that Her God was amazing
For The Passing Grade was from Him, and it was her Reward!

Stunned and shocked, appalled, repulsed, aggravated
Ashamed, frightened, dismayed
Are the emotions that ran through my being
For this "testimony" is what pleases The Fraud!

The God of Heaven is not a magician
To Him these beings are of abominable fame
And to hear a Christian confessing testifying
That God is doing magic tricks
Makes me hang my head is great shame!

I tried to explain to her that she was in error
That praying for a passing grade after the exam is not the way
You did not do The Requisite Study and that is like
Killing a man and praying God to make the decaying corpse live again!

"You obviously knew more than you believed you did!" I exclaimed.

God did that! 
I will not put My God in a box! 
My God can do anything!" she grandly, boastingly replied.

I reeled in utter shock!

Here are The Facts:

1. She had maybe somewhat studied ... something

2. She looked at The Exam paper and, save for two answers, knew ... nothing

3. She knew She had failed The Exam

4. She went home and prayed and cried to Almighty God to Pass her Failed Exam Paper because She believed in Him, and knew that He would do anything She required of Him even when She knew She was undeserving and had not done The Necessary Preparation OR, at the very least, had done inadequate preparation

5. Almighty God - Magician Extraordinaire - is The Eraser of Wrong Answers, Passer of Failed Exams, Rewarder of The Undeserving, and The Wrong-doer


This RUBBISH is what is being propagated as a result of "feeding" from The 'Another' Gospel!"  a/k/a 

The Gospel of The God Of All Wishes 
Who Also Does 
People's Dirty Dishes!

What this "Gospel" is really saying is that you can read your self-printed Bible and pray your disrespectful prayers, and Almighty God, The Formerly Jealous God, The Former God Who Does Not Change, will permit you to worship false gods, curse His Name, commit murder, commit adultery, lie, cheat, steal, up until the day He comes, and He will save you, unrepentant, into His Eternal Kingdom Of What Used To Be Light because you love Him, and believe that He can do anything you require Him to do because He loves you no matter if you dishonor Him by your active, malicious, presumptuous sin, and He will deliver you Saved ... into His Kingdom,  because, well, He is lonely, and will accept the dregs that you give Him, because He is "The Magician On Demand," who wishes your patronage, and if He doesn't give you what you want, you will not like Him and He will be all alone, and He doesn't want that, so, here, ask Him anything, for He will deliver for you for He loves you and He will do whatever you ask of Him ... just because! 

What a crock of horse manure!

The Holy Bible, The Gospel (Truth) (Good News) of Jesus Christ is a transcript of The Holy God's Character!


God does not absolve us from The Punishment that is our just desert for wrong doing, nor from our "reward" for lack of preparation and judicious action!

God is with His People THROUGH their trials! 

God's Grace provides Mercy so that we may have help ... in time of need - not after the need has passed!

That Young Lady should have asked God to bring to her remembrance what she had studied and not relegated God to the position of a wicked magician!

This attitude is appalling, but not uncommon, and exposes a destructive lack of knowledge of who is really Almighty God.

The Final Word

2 Corinthians 11:2-4 King James Version (KJV)

2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.

3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.



Do not Abominate God's Holy Word!

Do not make God's Holy Word a Profanity!

Do not let Satan use us to Lead People Astray with falsehoods and embellished fictions!

God will work for His People when and as we do what is right and good!

And, please,

Do not let us credit Almighty God with nonsense, and call ourselves blessed and highly favored, because we got over!

The day of reckoning is coming, and whichever piper we have paid will play The Tune of Our Selection, for Good or Evil.

The Choice, as always, is personally ours to make.

Father, guide us into Your Truth

By Your Light -

The Light of Life

The Light of The World. 


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

"The Futile Task!"

In this, My Annual Day of Introspection
I have decided to embark on "The Futile Task!"
Of figuring out what is Good in My Life
That I have received without ... gasp!! ... Almighty God!

Provision                                  Provider's Name

Planet Earth to Live On                           Almighty God
Air to Breathe                                          Almighty God
Clean Water                                             Almighty God
Food to Eat and to Share                        Almighty God
Ears to Hear                                            Almighty God
Strength to Forebear                              Almighty God
A Place to Call Home                               Almighty God
Family                                                      Almighty God
Faith for The Day                                     Almighty God
Friends                                                     Almighty God
Help in Adversity                                     Almighty God
Healing Diversity                                     Almighty God
Eyesight                                                   Almighty God
Insight                                                     Almighty God
Glory by Hope                                          Almighty God
Wisdom                                                    Almighty God
Reasons to Cope                                      Almighty God
Understanding                                         Almighty God
Battles to Fight                                        Almighty God
Peaceful Rest at Night                             Almighty God
Bible to Beat Blight                                  Almighty God
Correction                                                 Almighty God
Direction                                                   Almighty God
Love                                                          Almighty God
Affection                                                   Almighty God
Protection                                                 Almighty God
Work                                                         Almighty God
Wonders                                                   Almighty God
Help e'er I Flounder                                 Almighty God
Truths to Ponder                                      Almighty God
Longing for Heaven Over Yonder            Almighty God
Faith to Share                                          Almighty God
Heart to Care                                           Almighty God
Blessings to Bear                                     Almighty God
His People to Draw Near                         Almighty God 
Jesus' Love Right Here                            Almighty God  

I Get 
All of The Above Blessings
Spilt Blood + Love  = Blove

Also, in this My Annual Day of Introspection, I shall remind Myself, perhaps while pontificating, that there is ONE THING, that I can do in My Life, for Myself, for which I do not need God's Help, or Blessing:

I Gain Hell
Lose Heaven
Believing The Liar
Denying The Savior!

But, By God's Grace
I Stand Firm in Jesus' Faith
 If Hell is a Gain
Give Me The Loss!


Give Me ... JESUS!
Nobody but JESUS!
You can have This Old World
With its Tarnished Silver 
and Fool's Gold
False Prophets and
Giant-sized Horned-Goat Fold
Just Give Me ... JESUS!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

My God!

My God is The One Not Popular
By The Majority He is not even liked
For it is said that He has too many "Dost saith's!"
And Fun is not on His Breath!

My God is The One Not One Popular
By The Learned He is to be considered as The One Who Is Dead
For it is said that He desires way Too Much Control over
What goes on inside an Individual's head!

My God is The One Not One Popular
By The Pretty People He is considered de trop
For it is said that He sucks the Play out of The Party
And His Way comes over like weight dead!

But ...?

To Me ...?!

My God has no need to be Popular
For, to Me, He is The Lord of My Life
I believe that His Word is Sufficient
And that He will calm, help and claim Me
And take Me Home when He comes to Finish
This Life of Constant Strife!

You do not have to "like" My God
He IS Almighty God whether You like Him or not!
He holds The Reigns of Creation
And The Short Days of Your Life!

My God IS Sufficient and
More than Enough and
Light of The World
He IS The King!
Hallelujah! Praise Him!
Like Him or Not!?!
He IS Coming for HIS World!

 Not Liking Loving Almighty God 


The Difference Between

Glory Now


Gory Later!

Prayer: God-Sense!

Father, Grant Me The God-sense
To Recognize and Reject the Nonsense
Being $old as Commonsense
To Your People for Ten Cents
By those with a Truly Sick Sense
of Bible Truth and Morality!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Prayer: Fill Me, Lord, Fill Me!

Help me to do as You bid
Teach Me, Lead Me, Lord, Fill!

Fill Me up with Your Power
Pave My Path with Success
Close The Doors of The Devil
Open Your Windows of Love!

Pour Me out a Blessing from My Master
Let Angels of Strength guard Me on My Way
Let Me be valiant on My Mission
Never from Your Precepts let Me stray!

My Eyes may cry on The Master's Mission
My Courage in weak Flesh may trembling fail
But, Lord, help Me press on to Victory
Over Sin, Illuminated Deception, and Worldly Knowledge Decay!

I am not My own - Lord, I am Your Servant
Nigh unto a Watchman upon The High Wall
Help Me to sure sound The Trumpet
Of Warning for Jesus
To Your People against Satan
And of The End of The Sky-Blue Earth Ball!

Love, Honor, Trust, Godly Fear, and Saintly Worship
Penitence, Supplication, Self and Will
I place, Lord, on The Sacrifice Altar
Accept, Lord, this Offering today!

Fill Me, Lord, let Me, in You, find Peace
And a Living Faith unto Salvation today
Teach Me, Father, Your Patience
Fill with Your Spirit, Lord, I humbly Pray!

Hold Me!
Lead Me!
Guide Me!
Fill Me with Your Spirit, Lord, I plead!
Fill Me, Lord!
Fill Me, Lord!
Fill Me!
Send Me on My Mission Godspeed!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

PRAYER: Lord, Help!

In the Face of All Evil
Lord, let our Hearts be revulsed!
In the Face of The Devil 
Let our Souls be repulsed!
Grant us, Dear Father
Mercy, and Help, from Above
As we Bow before You in 
Faith, Hope and Love!

Saturday, August 15, 2015


One day I met Mr. Evil
His last name was So-Good
He was a stunning bold sinner
And before Me he proudly stood!

Then I came across the Saintly Good Evil
Loving, Faithful, and Kind
He was bruised and battered
But he did not repine!

Some people see these men as interchangeable
Some people thought them twins
But those who listened to The Master
Knew them to be stone cold enemies
Never, Ever friends!

They both had similar missions:

"Go ye into The World!
Take up a Position!
Let Your Voice be Heard!
Create Division! Division!"

Problems very soon surfaced -
Someone had flipped The Script
These gentlemen's Birth Certificates were altered
Information checked out Absurdly Sick!
Messages didn't fit the lip!

Good Good had become Good Evil!
Evil Evil had become Evil Good!
The Masterful Deception was Total
And The People faced The Flood 
Of Right Wrongs
Wrong Rights
Light Darks
Dark Lights
Bitterly Sweet
Sweetly Bitter
Sinful Saints and
Saintly Sins
Both Day and Night
With Glitter Glitter!

Life became Dire
Dire unto The Fire
Which could would turn This Old World
Into a veritable Funeral Pyre!

But ... despite The Deception
In a small glade
Lived Gaude S. Good
Whose son was Savior who
By The Crosswise Way
He always stood
Preaching and teaching
Giving of himself
Warning, ever warning to
Don't trust The Elf
Whose tongue was lizard
Whose words were forked
Who thrived on Deception
Desire and Things Dark!

Gaude S. Good, Jr. - Savior baptized
Outed The Devil
Exposing The Lies
And giving His People
Hope Bona Fides
To hold
To help
To heed
To heal
To feed and to succor
To Salvation Lead
Despite Deadly Deeds
Starving Souls He Feeds!

He Feels for His Fellows
He Prays for their Souls
His Inward Light Burning
His Eyes as Flame Glows
His Passion over-flowing
His Heart is on Show
He will not a Soul surrender!
No! No! No!

All that His Father gave Him
All unto Him go
Full of contrition
Of Sin do repent
He draws and he Shepherds them
Into The Safe Fold
None will be cast out
Into The Night Cold!

Blessed are The Sheep
Savior holds Dear
For Now and Forever
They Abide in His Care
Until The Finale
When All will be Revealed
When The Saints of The Ages
Will before God The Father 
In Holy Worship kneel!

Put a Pin in a Ball Balloon
All The Air Flows Out!

Put a Jesus Pin in Your Sin
The Devil Flees as He Cries Out!

Blood is Still Blood!

All who would to The Savior flee
Listen, now -
Let Me speak to thee!
The Holy Word
Quite plainly cries
Woe unto them who
The Living Word profane!

Good can never be Evil!
Evil can never be Good!
Renaming can't change that for -
Without God -
Blood is still Blood!

Glitter does not make Good Character
But Character can make shame!
Keep good companions
Act ever always from Sweet Love!

Look to King Jesus -
Not the Lord of The Dung Flies
Who is ever deceptive
Who on Holy Love lies!

Trust God time and again!
Evil Sin is The Enemy!
My cry to You, Dear One:
"Refrain! Refrain!"

Mine and The Lord's

My Failures are Mine!
My Successes are from Lord!

The Lies are Mine!
#TruthIsOfThe Lord!

The Dreams are Mine!
Hope is from The Lord!

The Moment is Mine!
Tomorrow is from The Lord!

The Plan is Mine!
The Decision is from The Lord!

Sickness is Mine!
Healing is from The Lord!

Sorrow is Mine!
Comfort is from The Lord!

Wresting is Mine!
Victory is from The Lord!

Salvation is Mine!
Redemption is from The Lord!

Sin is Mine!
Forgiveness is from The Lord!

Confession is Mine!
New Life is from The Lord!

Praying is Mine!
Peace and Rest are from The Lord!

The Needs are Mine!
Provision is from The Lord!

The Walk is Mine!
Direction is from The Lord!

Trouble is Mine!
Mercy is from The Lord!

Death is Mine!
The Saving Blood is from The Lord!

Grace is from The Lord!

Overcoming is Mine!
The Crown is from The Lord!

Heaven will be Mine!
The Blessing is from The Lord!


With God, I Am Never Alone!

God and I Make A Majority!

God Rules!