Monday, September 7, 2015

The Tongues a/k/a Red Rags Waving!

I Met The Tongues!
Truly Red Ones Indeed
Language is Their Specialty, and
Variety is their Speed!

There was Vitriolic
There was Sarcastic
There was Majestic Tongue
There was Foolish
There was Frantic
There was Dynastic Tongue
Then, Lo, and Behold
Before I could Make a Sound
I Heard, Felt and Shivered
As Fiery Tongue made Everybody Move Around!

There was Iniquitous
There was Impious
There was Bad-Talk Tongue
There was Tamed
There was Tempermental
There Unruly Tongue
And in a split second of our Meeting
Bitter and Envious were making Me Frown!

There was Sweet-Talk
There was Girl-Talk
There was Pillow-Talk Tongue
There was Jest
There Restful
There Messy-Talk Tongue, but
The Worst of this Lot
Was a Devilish Dude
Who Prided himself on
His Talk being Crude!

There was Vile
There was Vilifying
There was Educated Tongue
There was Silly
There was Sad
There was Putrid 'N Proud Tongue
The Mother was Dastardly
Their Daddy was Untamed
Their Grampy was Discordant
And their Granny was called
That Tongue Full-A Hate!

There was Boastful
There was Blasphemous
There was Potty-Mouth Tongue
There was Naughty
There was Nasty
There was even Long-Talk Tongue
But The ones that Impressed me
Were Old Blessing and Caring-Talk
Praying and Truthful-Nice Tongue
Who Cleaned up for them all
Ever watching for where Wicked
Wild and
Just-Wrong Tongue would fall!

Some Tongues are a Handful -
Many have Strayed Away!
From The Words of The Master
Some have Simply Walked Away
Forgetting, E'en Ignoring
The Truth on The Way
That Blessing and Cursing
Shouldn't come from The Same Tongue Walking
Truly Walking
On The King's True Pathway!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Understanding God?! + Prayer: Let My Heart Be Ever Thankful

I Can't Understand My Son - and I gave Birth to him!
So ... How can I Understand Almighty God
Who is as Visible as The Rushing Wind?

I Don't Understand God
And I am Not Even Going to Try
For I Know - with Certainty
That with Wings, I am Going to Fly Away
Far Away
From Struggle
Want, Hate, and Greed and
For I Know The God 
Which Sacrificed His Son for Me
Has to Love Me!
Love Me, Indeed!

So ... When I'm Feeling Used
Abused, Refused
Sad, Neglected
Tired, Unloved
And Needing to Cry
And Sneeze and Wheeze
I Pray, and 
Thank God for His Love, and Mercy
And Beseech Him to Come - Soon - for Me
For I'm Begging: "Lord, Please?!"

Heavenly Father,
Let My Heart Be Ever Thankful
For I Know That You Always Provide!
I Do Not Ever Have To Think Of Or Wonder
What The New Day Will Provide!
You Have Promised - Your Word Is Faithful
To Provide For and Be With Me to My Life's End
So, I Give Unto You My Will and Way, Lord
Lead and Guide - You Are My God and My Friend!
I Love You, Father.

Saturday, September 5, 2015


The Way of The Wicked is Convoluted
Their Speech upon it is Sorely Polluted
They go Two Steps Forward, and take Three Steps Back
And are Always Looking The Righteous to Attack!

The Way of The Faithful Leads to Heaven's Door
Where The Savior Awaits
The Rich, Young, Old and Poor!
There's No Left! There's No Right!
There's No Spinning in The Night for
Our Footsteps are Ordered and
Our "Horse" is Made of Light!

Heaven Awaits!
God's Glories Never Abate!
Trust God To Deliver -
Jesus Won't Be Late!

Declaration: My Conscience Is Not On Sale!

My Conscience Is Not a Commodity
To be Bought and Sold to Eat Bread!
My Conscience IS My Director to Get Me Home Safely
So that I won't End Up Eternally Dead!

My Conscience Does Not Belong To The Civil Authorities
The Church Authorities
Nor god on the Earth!
My Conscience is My Gift from My Creator
He who Made The Heavens and The Self-Same Earth!

I Exercise My Conscience!
It is not Fat, Lazy, Greedy, on Sweetness Overfed!
It is Lean!
It is Clean
Led by The Holy Spirit - not The Evil Machine
And Cannot be Begged, Bought, Bartered for 
Ease, Money nor Pastures Green!

My Conscience is Mine
Delivered by God
Operated by The Holy Ghost
Renewed Daily in The Holy Word, and
Waiting for Glorious Validation at 
The Coming of Jesus Christ, The Lord!

Sorry, 'Bub!
This Conscience Is Not On Sale!

Friday, September 4, 2015


You can't Fool the  Master
He Gave you your Mouth
He is the Redeemer 
AND He is your Friend
AND He'll Either be your Judge OR  your King
It's your Choice ... at The End!

Think About your Life!
Can you Save your Own Soul?
Can you Extinguish Hell's Fires
When you get Thrown Out The "Door?"

Salvation is Free
To All who Will Believe
And Trust on King Jesus
His Heart on their Sleeve!

Rather to be Chosen as 
Soldier or Sacrifice
Makes No Difference to us for
When He Comes we Fly
Home to His House - To Mansions of Rest
To Live with The Eternal
Eternally Blessed!

I am In on Jesus' Action
I will in The Strife Fight
And if I am Chosen to Say: "Good Night!"
"Good Night!"

In Jesus I Know No Fear!
With Jesus I Fear No Fright!
Jesus Christ IS My Lord and My God, and
He's Already Saved Me from Sin's Blight!

I Shall Awaken - Remade
In Flight, and
I will See My God 
As One of His Own!
My Rest will Sweet!
My Light will be Glory Bright!
I will Sing through Endless Ages
In Eternal Day, for
There is No Night - Nor Worry, Nor Care - There!

Prayer: Give Me Grace

Lord, there is The Great Shaking Coming -
Please give my Heart some Relief
Help me to Stand Ever Victorious
 When Faced by Evil, Strife, and The Troubler-in-Chief!

Help me to Stand Firm in Your Precepts
Help me not to Hold on to Worldly Conceits and Receipts
Help me to Stand Fast in The Faith of Jesus
Not Afraid of that Wicked Soul Thief!

Give me The Promised Grace, Dear Lord, I Beseech You
Grant me Strength to Hold on to 
Your Peace, Dear Lord, I Pray
Bless me, Lord - Help me to be Victorious 
I am Your Child, and 
I would have it to be No Other Way!
I Love You, Lord.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Destruction Delegation - Divide & Conquer Command Meeting

"Divide! Divide!"

"But, why?"

"Can anyone answer that question?!"

"So that we may conquer them!"

"Very gooood! And for that perfect,perfect, answer Distrust, you get first chance at them!"

So went The Meeting of The Destruction Delegation - Divide & Conquer Command.

"Wow! Those Christians don't stand a chance!"

"Do not try to get them to leave their churches - Join their churches!
Join their committees!
Be their Best Friend!
Be their Girlfriend!
Be their Boyfriend!
Be their Mother!
Be their Father!
Be their Brother!
Be their Sister!
Be their Guide!
Be their Leader!
Be their Teacher!
Be their Preacher!
Be Whoever, Whatever, Wherever, Whenever you need to be, or to do, to Accomplish The Task!"

"I liiiikkkke!" said Falter

"Wherever they go - you go!
Whatever they do - you do!
But ... Do not forget to go The Extra Mile!
Give The Friendly Smile!
Be kind to The Child
Beguile! Beguile!"

"Niiiccceeeeeeeeee!" said Randy, Rowdy, Rambunctious and Ribald in unison.

"People, this is no different from a bloody war!
We can't go back home, and it is our job to make sure that they can't go home either!"

"Yeahhhh!!" said Okay-But

"We won't get them all but WE WILL GET A LOT OF THEM!!

"Becauseeee ...?! 


1. Humans love to be told how wonderful they are!
2. They love to be told that they are better than everybody else, and
3. They love to know they know something by nobody else does! And, get this!
4. They really love to have something that nobody else has to brag about!"

"Gooood to knnooooww! said Mendacious.

"People!! You must:

1. Appeal to their Vanity!
2. Appeal to their Greed!
3. Stroke The Ego!
4. Pat them on The Head!

In short, go for Overkill!"

"And when they are leaning on your shoulder
Feed then The Swill
And they'll eat until they fall down 
Dead from Overfill!"

"I really, really, like that!" said Tempted-to-Touch.

"Feed them so they can't think straight and make "The Decision" for You Know Who!
Promise them the World!
Give them a quick Twirl!
Give them a few Pennies
And hear them as they Purr
And Perform
And Run Around
Doing as we Bid
Never Realizing that
For them, we don't give a Fig!"


"It's all about The Numbers!
We must get our Numbers High
Don't ever Forget
He is Coming and
We are going to Eternally Die!"

"He loves these Silly Humans!
They are His Pets
And that very reason gets Boss-man upset!
So, let's get to it
Let's have a Harvest
Let's have a Harvest Galore
Let's make Boss-man Happy
Let's bring down those Humans for Certain Sure!


Dear Ones:

Since God loves us, Satan hates us with a Passion Refined by Time and Experience.

Satan is not our Friend!

Satan will rob us of our Peace!

Satan will try to make us Release our Hold on our Salvation, and he will do it by sitting next to us at our Church Services, and even in our very homes!

Don't look for Satan at The Gin Joint - he has no need to go there!

Look for Satan where God's People Meet:

Look for The Self-righteous
Look for The Puffed-up
Look for The Grossly Opinionated
Look for The Holier Than Thou
Look for The Greed-actuated 

"Saint" Who Must Always Have Preeminence, and 

Look for Master Mouse of Mindful Manners to whom everyone willingly, wittingly and "wisely" defers.

Look for Satan in The Kindly Teacher of "Truths" taught with Worldly Passion and Vain-glorious Purpose!

Look for Satan in The Strikingly Handsome AND 
Honestly Homey AND 
Winningly Wonderful AND 
Borderline Beautiful and Bumptious AND 
Soulfully Saintly Sellers of Profane Symbology and New Age Truths.

Look for Satan in ... Self!!

Remember, if we are not looking at Jesus Christ, we are seeing Satan! - There is No Middle Ground!

Remember, Satan, Sin and Self all begin with "S" and their fates are all the Same!

Let's give none of them a toehold!

Give Jesus Christ Your Head
Your Heart
Your Hand
Your Hope
The Glorious Home in Heaven!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

It Is Well With My Soul!?

In The Midst of Grave Illness
"It Is Well With My Soul!"
Was The Song of My Heart!
I Sang it Every Day Upon Awakening
For It Dispelled The Thoughts of The Night Dark!

For Months My Song Gave Me Comfort
For Months It Got Me Through The Day
Until That Fateful Morning When
I Plainly Heard My Savior Say:

"Is it Really Well With Your Soul
As You Sing Every Day 
Are Those Just Words
That Let Your Voice Be Heard 
Something You Like To Say?"

Though Stunned, I Continued Singing
My Voice Cracking now:

"Though Satan Should Buffet
Though Trials Should Come
Let This Blest Assurance Control
That Christ Hath Regarded
My Help ... less ... Es ... tate
And ... Ha ... th Sh ... edd ...
Hi ...sss ... Own ... Bl ... ooddd
For ... Myyy .. Ss ...oo ..."

And, Oh, How The Tears Flowed ...

I Looked Through The Open Window
Raising My Eyes Up Toward Heaven
And Acknowledged The Question:

The Words Are Important - They Are The Song Of My Heart
I Love Me My Jesus - From Him I Won't Depart
I Am A Work In Progress - I've Made Many Mistakes
But Where It Comes To The Love of Jesus - I Am Not A Fake ...
Jesus Promised To Be My Shepherd - I'm A Sheep
Sometimes Sheep Go Astray ...

BUT ...

Jesus Christ Knows This Heart
And He Is With Me - I Know He Cares!
Soooo ...

I Inhaled Deeply - A Shuddering Breath
And With The Love Of God In Me
I sang:

"It is We ... lll
With My So ... ull
It is Well ... IT IS WELL
With My Soul
Lord, Jesus, Hold On To Me
Help Me Hold On To You
Lord, Have Mercy On Me ... "
Dear Ones:

The Words of The Songs And Hymns Of The Faith Are Not Just Words!

If They Were Just Words, The Holy Spirit Would Not Have Inspired The Apostle To Pen The Immortal Words Beseeching Us To Comfort Ourselves And Others With Psalms, Hymns And Spirituals Songs! I Say Ourselves Because What Purpose Is Served By Our Comforting Others With Songs Which Are Of No Comfort To Ourselves?!

Listen! Really Listen To The Words Of The Old Hymns Which Speak Of 
Overcoming Adversity
Traveling To The City
Trusting God For Provision, and
Testifying Of Grace Bestowed
Merciful Pardon Received
Enduring Peace Provided
Hope for Glory Sustained
Daily Mercies Displayed
Wholehearted Faith Grounded
Everlasting Joy And Deliverance, And More!

What Is Your Testimony?

Please, Look Within And Encourage Yourselves And The Brethren By Sharing Your Stories Of Battles Fought And Victories Won, And Being Won As You Say With Conviction:

"Yes, Lord! 
With You Guiding My Footsteps
And Me Following In Faith
No Matter The Upset
No Matter The Shame Or Disgrace
I Stand On Your Promises
I Believe In, Love, And Trust You
I Will Stay In The Safe Fold 
For Jesus, My Savior, In You
It Is, Indeed, Well, With This Soul!"

Be Well, and Be Gloriously Blessed,


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Prayer: Lead Us, Lord

Evil Stalks in The Garb of Peace
Without You, Father
We would have no Relief
We Pray for Your Leading
And Protection Today
We Love You, and Trust You
Guide Us, Lord - Be Our Stay.

The Living Night Light

I Read My Bible Last Thing Before Bed
And Sleep like a Baby - Nothing to Dread
My Sleep is Peaceful - No thing can Bring Fright
For The Word of God IS My Living Light!

Sometimes I Go On Grand Journeys
Crossing Great Seas
Sometimes I walk In A Splendid Garden
Among Beautiful Trees!

BUT ...

Ever So Often
There Is A Program Interrupt
And I Must Face Some Challenge
Before I Can Wake Up!

I Have Met The Dreaded Dragon
The Beautiful Snake
Selling for Pittance
The Demonically Glorious Prosperity Stake
To Be Had
If I would Only
Admit That Jesus Christ Is A Fake!

By Denying The Master
I Can Receive
Sin's Pleasures and Rewards

BUT ...

Because I Love Jesus
I Cry: "Jesus Christ Is My Lord!"

AND ...

Before I Can Even Own It
I've said My Prayers ... Yet Again
And I am Gently Snoring
"Thank God for Jesus!

Jesus IS The Light
That Gives To Me My Sight
To Live and Laugh
To Work and Play
To Pray and Worship
And To Not For Sin Pay!
He IS My Redeemer
My Friend To The End
And, With The Blessing Of The Father
I'll Walk With Him To My Life's End!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Mission Ready!

God sent Me on a Mission!
I said: "Sure, as long as You Come Along!"
Then I thought: "That Statement was Unnecessary!"
And started walking, singing a Happy Song!

Many are The Called!
Few are The Chosen!
God uses The Willing
Those be Salvation Broken
Providing The Equipment
Making The Way, and
There is No Fear that can Derail The Mission
Even if we Stumble and forget to Pray!

Jesus is My Pilot!
The Spirit is My Stay!
God is My Father, and
I will do What and How He Says!

I am not Forgotten
I walk with True Friend
With Holy Angels Encamping
Ready to Defend!

No matter what may Assail Me
No matter The Stumbling Blocks
Jesus Christ is The Shepherd
And I am a Sheep in His Flock!

I Pray in Faith for
I am a Believer
Ready to Work, and
I will not Turn Aside
Even if Woe Betide
For Jesus, The Captain
My Commander
Is Ever by My Side!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

WISDOM: Good vs. Grubs

I met a little Magpie
Stepping prettily as she went
She walked across the Window Sill
And then she daintily bent
And picked up The Shining Object
And ... away she went!

Ding, Ding, ding!!
Light Bulb Moment:

God Gives Us The Good


We Go After Satan's Grubs!

We Steal, Beg, Borrow, and Covet Shiny Non-beneficial Pyrite (Fool's Gold)
And Cast Off The Off The Scale Pure Gold of Heaven
Because it does not have
The False Glow and Cheap Sheen That Sin Artfully Supplies!

Please Remember ...

Anything That Satan and Sin "Give"
"Instantly Decays Upon Opening!"
and is
Useless for Salvation
as it
Corrupts Good Manners and Morals
Corroding The Spirit
and is also
Distinctly Deadly!

Nothing Good Comes From Satan!!

So, Dear Ones, Go To God For The Gold ...


Saturday, August 29, 2015


Satan is The Liar!
His white shirt has Rainbow Trim, and
If you are not real careful
He will draw you, spin you, and pull you in
To his many machinations
To get you to Worship him as king
Leaving The Love of The Savior
To his Putrid Pit of Sin to Head First Fall In!

Don't Trust Satan! 
He does not like Humans
Especially any that Belong to Jesus Christ The King
Whose throne He has sworn to rise above
Which means he must make himself higher
Than The King whom My Soul Desires!

Liar! Liar!
Your pants is on fire!
You are not someone
That I can admire!
You are a murderer and
A consummate cheat
I heard you talking and
It came out like the bleat
Of The Big Horned Goat
Who could once make musical notes
But because of his sin
He gets someone else to sing for him
With himself as director
Orchestrating the moves
The dances, the pyre
With Greed and Gusto
Gambit and Gain
Penny Ante, Operator
Mad Money and Gin
I-Ritis, Me-Itis, and Belly the Bard
Who, for a penny 
Sells Sinners for a pound
While Wild D The Coyote
Helps hunt them down!

Lies are Lubrication
Lies are cheap oil
Lies are the Currency
The Destroyer employs
To mislead the Gullible
To outwit the Worldly Wise
To bamboozle the Bewitched
To free-play with Sin's toys!

Listen well, Dear Children
Listen well, and Understand
That Satan The Arch Deceiver
Will often appear as a Kind Human!

Satan's words are in Opposition
Always to The Holy Word
With a well-studied Basis
Much like Milk with Cheese Curd!

It has what you want
With a little extra beside
It always has a high note
With a free-fall on the Back Side!

Think of: "Thou shalt surely die!"
Think of Satan's: "Thou shalt not surely ...!"
Think of The Stated Outcome
THEN, with God's Help
Act Right and Accordingly!

Satan has No Love for Man
Satan will Deceive You -
Don't You Know That You're Human?
Stay on The Straight Path
Follow As The Holy God Says
Do The First Works  and Stick with King Zion
And before You Know it
You will be to Heaven Flying!

Satan IS The Liar
He Wants More "Wood" 
His Funeral Pyre!

Deny The Liar His Desire!

Walk With GOD!!