Saturday, October 3, 2015


Lord, we don't have an excuse for Committing Sin for
You said You wrote Your Law in our hearts!
Problem is that with every Unbeliever
Faith in Your Word has no part!

Picking and choosing which Laws to follow
Are have been a favorite unacknowledged past time
(That is Until today!)
And now that Knowledge is exposed here
I now really have something to hold in Godly Fear!

I can no longer hide behind Lack of Knowing!
I can no longer hide behind I Don't Know The Way!
I can no longer Pretend Blind Indifference
For I have Received Glasses - A brand new pair!

Faith Comes by Hearing The Word of The Lord!
The Word has Life for me
For I believe it, you see - So there is Gain!
There is True Benefit to me!

Since I want to Lose Sin
And I want to Claim Jesus Christ as King
A Faithful Hearer is what I will be
And this is what I shall sing: 

Sung to the Tune of  There's Power In The Blood:

I am Free of the Guilt
That heavy Bore me down!
Jesus shed His Blood!
Jesus shed His Blood!
I took The Cleansing!
Lord Jesus Clean-washed, Saved, Redeemed Me!
There is Soul-cleansing Power in Jesus' Blood!

I Feel The Power!
The Cleansing Power!
The Holy Ghost At Work Power
In The Blood of Jesus Christ!
Feel The Power, Power
Power, Power
The Holy Ghost At Work Power
In Jesus' Blood that He shed
To Save Sinners just like you and me!

Friday, October 2, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + God Is By My Side!

The Day started out with:

"That's Impossible!"

Then, with Time, I heard:

"Maybe ... but with Great Difficulty!"

By The End of The Period
Loudly was heard:

Task Accomplished!
God Is By My Side!

I sat and Thought for a Moment
Great Cogitations in The Head
If this scenario was not a Metaphor for The Life of Christian True Believers
I don't know What Else could be said!

God sends us out on Missions
Within which is our Reason for Growth
But Nothing will be Accomplished
If we Behave like Common Sloths!

Accept The Mission!
Recognize - of Our Self - that It Definitely Can't be Done!
Get out our Working Shoes!
Start out - Walk Chip Run!

Turn to The Father!
Raise up a Heartfelt Prayer!
Trust The Spirit's Leading!
Get Going!
Move On In With Prayer:

You've Sent Me on this Mission
This surely means that it Can Be Done
But ... I see Great Difficulty ...
I Love You, and I Trust You
You are My Guide and Stay
I'll be the Willing Body
Will You be My Faithful Guide?"

I'm Walking!
I'm Praying!
I'm Trusting!
God is Surely Leading The Way
And ... Before Long
I Get The Message:

You're Done!
Task Accomplished!
Put Today's Ledger Away!

Father, You are My Master!
Father, You are My King!
Father, You are My Music!
Give a Listen, Lord
As I Sing:

The Way - it may be Rocky
The Road - it may be Long
The Spirit fills Me with such Music
That I Break out in Glad Song!

I Sing A Song of Thanks for Your Mercy
For Your Blessing Me on The Way
I Trust in Christ, My Savior
And I'm Walking in The Way He Says!

Thanks, Father, for Your Provision
Thanks, Father, for Answering My Prayers
Thanks for The Road, and The Journey
With You Always Leading
I Shall Arrive Safely Home
At The Closing of Earth's Days!

I Love You, Lord!


No Bells and Whistles Required!
Just Common Faith 
Steadfast Belief in God!

PRAYER: Giving To God

I Give to You, Lord, My Praise and My Worship
I Offer You My Heart, My Will, and My Way
I Pledge My Faith and Obedience
Your Precepts never from Me to Put Away!

Bless these My Gifts to You, Dear Father
It's not much, but it is all that I have!
Bless Me as I Honor You day by day
Draw Me Ever Closer as Christ's Righteousness I Seek!
Grant Me Guidance, Care, Comfort and Protection
And a Home with You 
The Promised Portion of The Meek!
I Love YOU, Lord.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Satan Had A Town-Hall Meeting ...! + PRAYER: Grant Us Your Protection

Satan had a Town Hall Meeting
That He wanted Man to Appear at and Hear
That he was not as bad as Stipulated
That it was Superstition that made him out to be a Roaring Lion
Killing men and making people submit to him in Abject Fear!

Satan had invited The Cream of his Crop
Of Witches, Warlocks, Psychiatrists and Ex-exorcist-Priests
Who would Testify in Glowing Tirade
That Satan was a Myth
A Fairy tale, Folk Lore
Bewitched Old Family and Heretical Apostate Churchmen Beliefs!

There were even those in the midst
Dressed as Ram Goat
Wearing 6 6 6 and not giving a hoot
And even someone wearing a Red Suit
With Forked Tongue and
Pitchfork to Boot
And passing out Bags of Lovely Loot!

Book Writers even trotted out their compilations
Showing that tales of Satan were just that: "Tales!"
For according to The Record long maintained
Satan was a Giant Lizard Snake Goat Dragon Hag Steel Donkey Fake!

There was even "Someone" who gave a "Testimony"
Of Satan being a Person Misunderstood
Of Satan being God - not Jesus
Of Satan being Seriously Misrepresented since The Great Flood!

All around the set speakers had their Love Fest
All around the Oppressed looked seriously Shell-shocked
That was until a Soft Quiet Voice loudly Spoke up
And put That Old Satan on The Witness Dock!

"Mr. Satan, please state your Full Name for The Record?
Please state for us your Lineage, if you could would?
Please tell from Whence you are Hailing, and
Please tell, by God's Holy Truth, how you came to be Misunderstood?

Would you tell, if you would, your Thought Process
When you met Eve in The Garden that Fateful Day?
Would you tell Why, if you would, you Corrected Her words
When God Himself said that Death would be Hers
If She His Living Word Disobeyed?

Would you, Mr. Satan, tell us the Truth of 
1 John 5:7-8?
If this is God's Truth - please state same
And if it a Lie - explain how, and by Whose Hand it about came?

Would you, if you would, tell why you Hate Christ Jesus?
Would you, if you would, tell why Human Worship is your Sole Soul Desire?
Would you, if you would, tell why you're Obsessed with
Getting as many Humans as you can to join you in Hell's Fire?

Would you tell, if you would, why you Raised Up Your Self
Above Almighty God, The Creator of One and All?
Would you, if you would, please Bear Record, of The Truth
The Real Truth, of  Noah's Time, and The Cause of The Great Flood?

Would you, if you would, Speak to Your Obsession
With The Rainbow and The Covenant to Man of Almighty God?
Would you state The Facts, Not Opinions, Not Hacks
Of why you Edit God's Words To Give Your Lies a "Viable" Truth?

Would you, if you would, please tell - in Truth's Words - of The Cost of
Your Rebellion Against God
And The True Impact it has had on Humanity?
Would you, if you would, tell Completely
Why you Lie, Daily Lie, to Deceive All Humanity 
With Tripe, Trifles, Strife and Desperate Inanities?

Would you, if you would, use the words of This King James Holy Bible
To Prove that Everything you are about to Say is God's Own Truth?
Would you, if you would, Show Your True Self and
Not Dressed up in Light and Shining with "Truth" so Mesmerizingly Bright?

Would you, if you would, tell The Seeking-After-God People
Why you have Engineered to make them Believe that you are God Good, and
Why you have Set up your Demonic Hoard of Disciples
To make people Believe that Jesus Christ himself Usurped Your God-Person-hood?

Mr. Satan, you say that your Vaunted Reputation is all a Fiction
A Fabrication, A Lie
Made-Up, Fable, Myth and
Just a Writer's License to Get Sales!
If this is Truly your Position, please Explain then Your Creator's Word against you in
Isaiah 14;12-15, Ezekiel 28:14-17, 1 Peter 5:8, and Revelation 12:7-12?

In The Name of Jesus Christ
Declare to these People that You and Your Reputation are a Lie!
If not, then in Jesus' Holy Name tell them God's Own Truth
That you, Sir, are The Liar, The Fraud
The Wannabe Holy God
Who Hates them with Perfect Hatred
Because they are Loved by The Holy Lord
The True and Living Eternal Creator - Yours and Mine - God!"

The Place was in Total Uproar!
Satan Couldn't Contain Himself anymore and
His Disguise Erupted and Tore and Tore
And, with Crass Imprecations
For the Bedevilment of Man
He Fled through the closed up middle side open door!

After the Clamor Died Down
And all but the Questioner had sat down
Another stood up and made a Statement
Asking all to look to Jesus and take care for
He said,  for this Work here today
Satan will try to make us Pay
But, Trust and Bless God, and by God's Grace 
We will have Nothing from Satan to fear!

"Be Sober
Be Vi-gi-lant
The Devil is a Straight Up Scamp
Who has Nothing Better To Do
But your Faith to Lay Waste!
Pray, and Prepare!
Satan has his Snares, but
If you Trust God's Word
You have a Sword
With which you can 
That Wicked Old Satan Away scare!"

With Satan Vanquished ... for a Time
The Meeting Closed 
The Almighty God
The Matchless Name of Jesus Christ
The Agency Of The Holy Spirit!


Heavenly Father, we cannot by Eye see You
But, in Faith, we Love and Trust You!
We Believe Your Word!
We Bless Your Sacrifice and
We Know that Satan
Will To Us Never Act Right Nor Play Nice!
Grant Us Your Protection We Humbly Pray
Guide Us Faithfully on Our Way, and
Bless us with Your Blessing, Lord, for
We Love You Now and
Forever, and Always!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

WHAT IS YOUR DESIRE? Contract OR Covenant?

I was offered "The Life!"
I could have Anything!
I could do Everything!
I could be Somebody's Something!

I was Offered A Contract!
If I Did ...
Then He Would Do ... !
He promised he would Show Me A Good Time
With many of those things froufrou!

I was Disappointed!
I did not want to have Fun!
I wanted The Commitment!
I wanted Permanency even through The Strife and
Satan's Bedevilment!

I wanted The Covenant!
No Running Away!
No Possibility ever of
One of Us Walking Away!

I Turned and I ...
Resolutely ...
I Turned and I Walked - Not Quite Sadly - Away.


He Offered Me The Covenant!
He Offered Me HIS Life!
I will be His Forever but ...
My Life Will be Filled With Strife!

I will have to Endure Many Things!
I will have to Ignore Everything!
I must Believe that Despite Uncertainties that
The Good Life is at The End Of The Way of Suffering!

I Looked in His Eyes - a Burning Flame
His Heart is Plainly Revealed - Body Riven and Hole Pierced!
I Blessed The Almighty and
Our Covenant is Sealed - being with Him gives Me No Disgrace!

My Uncertainties Point To The Promise
The Promise Points to The Holy Way
The Holy Way is Certain - Laid Out
And I'm Walking with Him Day By Day!

When I'm Down He Lifts Me Up!
When I'm Happy I Sing To Him - and I Pray!
And all the while - No Matter The Matter
He Speaks To Me and there is No Smell of Truth Decay!

I Met Him and We Married!
I walk with Him - He cannot Stray
And I know when This Life is Over
In New Life We'll be Together
For Ever, and Ever More
On That Wholly Holy Peaceful Blessed Shore!

The Devil Can Keep His Contract!
Jesus Christ Has Got My Back!

The Covenant In Blood
Is My Security 
Jesus Christ Will Prosper Me
No Matter How Satan Attacks!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

No Jostling Crowd Around Him!

The Noise was Deafening
The Atmosphere Carnival
The Barkers were Dedicatedly Offering 
To Any and All 
The World's Myriad Joys and Toys!

I had Visited The Carnival on many an occasion
I always had Money with which to Pay Play
But for Some Reason on This Occasion
I Wondered, at The Entrance Exit
What Would I Get Gain on This Foray?

I Wandered Around for a short short while for
Direction Seemed To Matter Today

And then ...

Then ... I saw HIM
And My Heart Went After Him in a Big Way!

He had no Stall!
He had no Barker!
He stood Tall!
He had Kindly Eyes!
He Spoke with Intensity and Passion
And not a word He spoke said: "Lie!"

There was no Jostling Crowd around Him!
No Music!
No Madness!
No Burly Men
To Restrain those who got too Rambunctious!

There was Quiet and Peace
... for those Listening!

He used words like:
Rest and Relief
Grace and Mercy
Calling Everyone to from Sin Cease, and
Offering, yes, Peace, Joy, Rest and Comfort to The Riven Soul
And I Felt My Body Grow Warm Hot Cold!

I Knew Him - this ... Man!
I Recognized Him
In My Heart - The Blessed Son of Man!
I'd Found what I Unconsciously Sought and
My Wanderers Tickets To Fun needed no longer to be Bought!

I Talked to Him!

He said:


I Listened to Him!

He said:

"You Need No More To Run 
I Offer You Life, Liberty 
Freedom for Your Soul!

Take Up Your Cross!

Fit Your Yoke!

Bear Your Burden
I Will You hold!

Walk The Straight Path
At The End 
I Will Return To Carry You 
The Eternal Home!"

This Meeting Felt Right!
I had The Kingdom in My Sight!
I had a Task, and
A Road to Follow, and
A Home to Achieve!

I Gave The World My Back!
I Did Will Not Look Back - Not in My Heart
And Not Physically!
And I Removed The World Off My Sleeve
As The Love of  Him Who Is The Master
I Humbly Gratefully Received!

For Me, The Carnival Is Over!
My Disgrace Is Permanently Displaced!
My Home In Heaven Is Paid-Booked, for
The Hand of The Savior - By His Blessing - I Took!

PRAYER: My Spirit Is Troubled ...

I need You 
Right now, this very minute!
My Spirit is troubled within me and
I need Your Rest!
Lord, where is my portion of Your Peace?
I try my best to do Right
I try my best to live Right
And yet, everywhere, everything is as Night!
Have Mercy, and Bless
In Jesus' Holy Name I plead, Lord

Beloved, My Beloved
Look at Me!
Look to Me.
I AM Your Peace.
I AM Your Rest.
Give Me your burden - lay it down
And walk away for
I AM here!

I will take care
Let Me the burden bear -
All - Not a share!

I will not let you fall for
I AM in All
Until The Day of The New Beginning
When I will disclose All.

Take Heart!
Trust Me!

 Raise your Eyes in Hope!
Lift your Heart toward Heaven!
I AM Here for You ... Forever.

Trust Me - I AM The Way, and
I make A Way ... for You.

Come unto Me, My Child and Rest Easy
I give unto you The Blessed Assurance
Of A Home with Me in Glory.

I AM The King of Salem
I Give You ... PEACE.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Lessons Taught by False Worshipers

When they saw the handsome singer
They raised their hands in praise
They bowed their heads in worship
Their eyes spilled copious tears!

Some fell over in convulsions
Some fainted dead away
We watched the recording in shock and horror
For it seemed that their god had appeared!

Shouts of love and adoration
Those personally touched were in ecstacy
And all around you could hear voices in the throng saying:

"Amazing! He looked directly at Me!!"

The Minister of The Gospel
The Preacher of The Holy Word
Voice Melifluous
Praise for him
On voices was heard:

"Oh, I do so love him!

"Isn't he amazing!?"

"This is like heaven!"

"I could listen to him every day!"

"Oh, to be near him thrills my heart no end!"

"Being in his presence makes me feel heavenly!"

"This day could not be more perfect!"

"I wish we could keep him for ever and a day!"

These unholy displays of affection
While wildly disturbing
Unexpectedly opened up my eyes
They caused me to think
Of Almighty God whom I worship
And made me wonder about my praise and worship bona fides!

I know for sure I don't run around in a frenzy at thoughts of Him
I don't hyperventilate when I pray
I don't sweat and cry when He speaks to my spirit
And I know that when He finally appears
There's not going to be anyone fainting dead away!

These Idol Worshipers' Worship is Committed!
My Holy God Worship is at times Ho Hum!
But their Forbidden Worship Gives me Insight into Evil
And how The Devil's Thread of Sin is made of Homespun!

Forbidden Worship shows Commitment and Devotion
Heart-felt Hard-core Positivity
They will not be swayed from their chosen pathway
For they serve their god completely unreservedly!

We may take a page from Wrong Worship (Lord Jesus have Mercy!)
Of course not the excesses that we often see 
But the fact that their faith cannot be shaken
And for them their homage is right and holy!

"All In" is their Singular Motto
They'll "Take a bullet!" for what they believe
They can, and do, defend the words of their master
And their faith you cannot make them suspend, or cede!

We worship The Holy God so let's take that Holy Worship and 
By The Indwelling Holy Spirit kick it up a grand notch
Let's Really Know and Speak of  Our God Intimately and
Let's Not The Declared Mission of Spreading Hope botch!

Let Us Stand Up 
Be Counted 
We Righteously Show Our Devotion 
The True and Living God!


Let Us Do What is Good 


Let Us Stand Our Ground
Be Brave in The Fight
For God Alone Saves 
When Comes The Dark Night!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

GUEST POSTER: +Daryl Luedke - Abide, O Dearest Jesus!

This is the prayer that the Lord put on my heart to send you. 

It is a prayer-hymn that I learned in grade school many years ago! It was inspired by the Book of Luke, chapter 24 verse 29.

Abide, O dearest Jesus, among us with Thy grace 
That Satan may not harm us nor we to sin give place.

Abide, O dear Redeemer, among us with Thy Word 
And thus now and hereafter true peace and joy afford.

Abide with heavenly brightness among us, precious Light; 
Thy truth direct and keep us from error's gloomy night.

Abide with richest blessings among us, bounteous Lord; 
Let us in grace and wisdom grow daily through Thy Word.

Abide with Thy protection among us, Lord, our Strength, 
Lest world and Satan fell us and overcome at length.

Abide, O faithful Savior, among us with Thy love; 
Grant steadfastness and help us to reach our home above. 

Thank you, Daryl, for a beautiful submission!

PRAYER: My Hallelujah Friend

Please help me to Endure until The End
Help me not to faint and The Journey Suspend
Help me to know in my Heart that on You I can Depend
Help me to Stand with You, Lord, my Hallelujah Friend!