Thursday, November 12, 2015


In the Little Town called Prayer
A Little Song was sung with Cheer
Reminding All Who Burdens Bear
To Call Upon The One Who Cares!

I Happened Upon Prayer Today
And Noted A Slight Peculiarity
Each and Every One was In Charity
Singing The Song They All Knew!






Why are these people singing The Word HeySu?!

Who in The Name of All That Is Holy is HeySu?

Every where
All you hear
Sitting in The Clear
Young and Old
Singing from The Soul
Their Song is of One


I Must Know!

Excuse Me, Ma'am?!
I'm New Here!
Could You Tell Me
About The Song?
The Song All Sing
As they  Move Around
Please, Tell Me
About The HeySu Song!?

That Lady Looked Kindly upon Me
Gently Touched My Hand
Smiled Sweetly, and said:

"HeySoos is The Spanish Pronunciation of The Name Jesus!
This Town is Called Prayer
And for us
Jesus IS Always a Prayer Away
And it is Our Reminder
To Call
To Call
To Call upon The Name of Jesus - HeySoos
That We May Be Saved."

The Lady's name is Faith!
She pointed out Glory ... in The Distance
Introduced Me to Grace
Took me to lunch at It's All Joy!
And walked me to The Sanctuary
Where I met Peace!

For The First Time in Absolute Ages
My Sleep that Night was Rest.

Through Happy Tears
At The Dawning of The Day
The Name of Jesus
Was All That I could Say
However One Pronounces  His Name
The Prayer Always Get Through!

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Holy, Savior, Jesus
Blessed, Faithful, Jesus
He's Our Friend to The End!

Did You Call on Jesus TODAY?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I Can Wait On The Lord!

I don't need Instant Gratification!
I can Wait on The Lord!
I don't need bells and whistles -
Those come Compliments of The Fraud!

I will not Indulge in Blind Obedience
As called for by The Gods of The Earth!
I will Obey My Father in Heaven
Who knew Me before I was Birthed!

Blind Obedience isn't even for Blind People
Their Training leads them on The Straight Way
My Obedience - My Way - is lead by Straight Teaching
By Him who is The Truth and who doesn't have Feet of Clay!

I will not Practice a Blind Faith!
My Faith comes from The Healer of Blind Eyes
And Hearts, and Hurts
The Faithful One - Himself
The Witness
He who Suffered to Cleanse Me of The Curse of Death!

Father, I can Wait for My Blessing
The One Too Fantastic to Conceive
The Blessing from Him who is Gracious
From Him who My Sorrows did Feel!

I Will Wait ... On The Lord!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Seed Bearing Fruit

Tomato Love ...
He was just a Brown Seed
Planted in some Black Sod
With Clear Water poured on his bed.

Gold Sun Shone on him!
Warm Heat made him Sleep
And before he could Snore twice
He had Root Legs
Branch Arms
And a Pretty Head - too Sweet!

He was Tended by The Word
Soft Manure of Encouragement - Daily Heard
And before there was Fanfare
Branch Arms had acquired nubbins!

Sun, Water, Word, Heat
A Poke in The Root Legs
Rest ... and Repeat
Was Tomato Love's Growing Cycle
Until The First Reaper was

A Bountiful Harvest!
Tomato Love is Beautifully Lush - but quite green!
He is Off To The Grand Market
Spruced Up Pretty and Clean
A little stem and a couple leaves showing!

The Lord who Bought Tomato Love
Was something called Connesieur
Who knew his Onions and Tomatoes
And took his Specimens with Great Care!
There Must Be SOMETHING In To Them.

His Mandate is Perfect
His Eye is Keen
He wants His Tomatoes
To be filled - Juicy - with lots of Seeds!

The Juice is for Serving
The Seed is to Make Tomato More, and
His Heart will be Blessed
As he looks to The Glorious Sea Shore!

You see, Tomato Love is an Heirloom
No Hybrid is he
He is True to His Roots
No Ponsi Seed anywhere in his Body!

On The Day called Dispatch
Tomato Love was Smelling Delicious
And Looking flushed - Deep Red!
He was Firm and Yet Soft
And his Lord's People were Waiting to be Fed!

The First Cut was Painful
Three and Four not So Bad
And when it was All Over
There was Rejoicing in The Yard for
Enormous Numbers of Seed were 
To be Preserved!

The Juice was Efficacious and
Many had Been Served!
Every Note of Tasty Truth had been Heard!
Every Ray of The Sun Absorbed
Missing None who Cared
And Those Seeds Set Aside for Tomorrow Service
Will be Kept Safe - God Missing None!

Every Man has Two Calls Upon His Life:

The Call of The Holy Spirit
The Call of Sin Satan!




Use Your Gifts To Serve God's Purpose


Your Gifts Will Serve 
Satan-Devised Purpose!

Monday, November 9, 2015

He Who Promised Is Faithful!

God's Love Cost Me Nothing
But God's Love For Me
Cost Him All - The Blood and The Life of The Beloved
On that Old Rugged Cross!

Me - The Sinner - No Loss!
Jesus Christ - The Beloved Lamb - Accursed Death on The Cross!

Jesus Christ was Cold ... in The Grave!
After Treatment like ... The Sin-Sacrificed Slave
Because His Spilt Blood 
Indelibly Coded
"God's Love IS Eternal Love!"
I Will 
Approach The Father's Throne of Grace
And I Know that 
I will be Saved
Jesus Christ Arose from That Dark Grave
And I Will 
On The Eternal Word of The Infinite God 
Forever Stand
The Living Sacrifice
Promised Me a Mansion
A Home
In Glory Land
By God's Free Grace
Jesus Christ's Faith
My Hope
My Trust 
The Eternal Word's Eternal Word
Take Delivery 
My Eternal Home's Deed
He Who Promised

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Creature As Creator-god + Prayer: Keep Us Safe!

My God IS God
The Creator of All!
He Needs No Help
From The Children Of The Fall
Who Through Disbelief
Disobedience and
Sin's Decay
Have Raised Up Themselves To Where
God Must Do What They Say, and
He Must Them Daily Pay! - Worship, that is!

Creature is Creator
Creator Par Excellence
Who Makes Mechanically Marvellous Electronics
And Says: "god, This ... We are Fantastic!"

These Creatures of Clay
Make Their Own gods with
Eyes that Can't See
Ears that Can't Hear
Hands that Can't Work
Feet that Can't Walk


They Deny Almighty God's
With A Lot of High Fallutin' Long Talk 
Filled with Malignity!

They are Trees without Fruit
With Rotten Roots
Clouds without Rain
Heavy ... with no Gain
Still Dying, Ever, Always
Knowing Pain
A Spot
A Blot
Having No Shame
As he His Creator's Name
He Profanes!

Father God
Word of God
Spirit of The Living God
Keep These Eyes Faithful On The Prize!
Let Us Never Fall For the "Man Is god" Disguise!
Let Us Ever Cry and Mourn and Pray!
Hear Our Petitions As Time Rolls Day By Day!
Help Us To Be Faithful
Always Honoring You
Never Having to Eat The Devil's Bread
Which Will Cause Us To Deny You!
You ARE Our Lord!
You ARE Our God!
You Help!
You Heal!
You Save!
You Seal!
Protect Us and Guide Us, and
Keep Us Safe From The Ever-Scheming Fraud
Until The Day Dawns
In Jesus' Holy Name we Plead.

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Greed for Money Makes Men Mad
Madness for Money Makes Men Mean
Money Meanest Makes Men Murderous
Enough to Pick a Cold Corpse Clean!

The Bible States it Well that
Love for Money is The Root
Of All Evil that Can Be Seen!
So Use Money for Its Intended Purpose
And Men Will Not be Ravening Locusts!

Little With Contentment is Our Goal
Those of Us who Call Jesus Christ, Lord!
Our Little with God's Contentment 
Makes Bitter Herbs Preferable
To Great Strife with Much Meat!
Please Learn This and Daily Repeat!

TRUTH: Because Of His Blood ...

Because The Word Created Man - I Live!
Because The Shepherd Died - I Won't Have To Stay Dead
Because The Savior Arose - By His Promise I Shall Awake
Because Jesus Christ Lives - I, Too, By His Faith, Shall Live Again ... for Eternity!
Because The Redeemer IS Returning - I Shall Inherit A Home In His Father's House!
Because of The Pet Pascal Lamb's Spilt Blood - I Can Approach Our Father!

Jesus Christ's Innocence Paid For My Guilt!
By His Cruel Death at Calvary
The Balance of Power Did Tilt, and
If I Would Accept That The Gift Is Not Gilt
I Will Be Clean - Not Covered in Silt!

I Can Trust The Living Word of The Glorified Master
Whose Love for Me Is Eternity Wide
I Will Lie On The Sacrifice-For-Sin Altar
And By Jesus Christ's Everlasting Merits
Cross To God Over The Great Divide!

Let No Creature - Seen nor Secreted - Kill Your Hope-in-Jesus Tree
Water The Roots
And Lovingly Tend and
Manure It - with The Living Word - Freely!

If Our Seed-Faith Is Christ-Sound
And The Glory-Light Resplendent Abounds
With The Pruning of Repentance and Confession, and 
The Tillage of Humble Prayer
Abundant Hope - in God Fulfilled - Will See Us
In The Heaven-bound Holy Throng 
On The King's Golden One-Way Highway!
Pass This Word Along!

Friday, November 6, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH: The Gospel Stands Indestructible!

Let No One Feel that Spillage of a Believer's Life's Blood
Will Stop The Gospel from Going Forth to 
The Ends Of The Earth!

The Gospel of The Love of God has No Limits 
It Is The Truth-Provided Resource!

The Gospel Of The Love Of God Is:

Sanctioned by God
Spread by Faith
Covered in Blood
Revealed to All by God's Grace
Sealed by God's Mercy
Delivered by Love
Held by Hope
Carried by Trust in God
Used by Lovers of God
Preached by Believers in God
Protected by Angels of God
Accepted By Those Needful By God's Holy Spirit!

Spoken in Truth by The Truth
The True Word of God
Will Forever Stand ... By GOD!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

PRAYER: Bless and Keep Us, Lord

Lord, I say this Honest Prayer
Because of Family and Friends
About Whom I Care
If Granting them Riches would make Them You Forget
I Sincerely Pray that Their Pockets be Always Out to Let!
If Fame and Power will Cause Them to be Lost
I Sincerely Pray for a Good Job for Them, and a Saintly Boss!

Father, I Do Not Myself Forget
Keep Me with Just Enough
So that I Always Know from Whose Hand I Get My Stuff!
Never, Ever Let Me Forget Who for Me Died on The Cruel Cross
For, Lord, I do not Desire that My Soul Should At The End Be Lost.

Have Mercy, Lord, and Bless Your People
Each According as The Need for Today May Be
Enough for Self and
Enough to Share with Another!
Bless and Keep us, Lord
Grant Sweet Peace in The Night
Carry Us Safe Through The Fight
For You ARE Our God, and
We Have No Need For Another.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

God Is As An Umbrella!

God Is As An Umbrella!
Tell Me If You Can See
Cloth - Spread Over
Spokes - Holding It Up and Out
Handle - To Hold!
Mechanism - To Activate Umbrella - To Cause It To Work!

The Closed Umbrella
A Support Walking-Stick Makes
An Accent On The Smooth Path
To Lean On As We Reach The Elevated Path!

In Rain and In Snow
The Umbrella Is A Covering For Sure
But Unopened - Not Useful
A Burden For Sure!

In Sunshine
The Umbrella Is A Welcome Sunshade
A Comfort - One Is Well Blessed - with
The Benefits of The Sun
Without The Burning Skin and Frown I Confidently Suggest!

But ...

A Broken Umbrella Is
An Embarrassment To Use
Ripped, Unanchored Covering
Bent Spokes
Mangled Mechanism
Broken Handle - "Please Cast That Junk Out The Door!"

Take  A Good Look At Your Umbrella
Look At What Usually Breaks First:

The Stitching - Daily Prayer
The Spokes Bend Break - The Holy Spirit Get  Disconnected By Winds of Strife Through       Unsound Sewing
Handle Breaks - No Support In The Word


The Mechanism - To Operate The Metaphorical God - Works!

Actual Prayer Still Works!

Problem Is ... We Don't Repair To Pray!

In The Time of Your Storm
Hold to Jesus' Hand
Under The Covering of The Father
Held Up By The Spirit Power
Activated By That Mechanism
Known To All Believers as
Which is Great for Your Protection
You Pray Every Day!

Do You Have An Umbrella?
Who OR What Is Your Umbrella?
How Is Your Umbrella Working Out For You?
Would You Share Your Umbrella?

Or, Maybe, Perhaps, Just Possibly ...

Is Your Umbrella In Pristine Never-used Condition

Operating As a Dust Catcher 
Prized Souvenir 
A Dead Talisman?

An Unused Umbrella Is A Waste
It Just Takes Up Valuable Real-estate Space
You Prop It Up - It Lays Right Down
You Lay It Down - You Fall Over It ... And You Frown
This Is The Fact! There Is No Getting Around!

A Working Umbrella Is A Grace
Providing Shelter 
Whatever The Season Or The Place
It May Be Worn But In Good Repair
You Never Have To Say:
"I Wish I Had My Umbrella Today!"
Because It Is Upon You
Ready To Work ... When You Say:
"Weather's About!"
 I'll Get The Old Umbrella Out!"


If You Keep God With You
You Will Always Have Access To Him
If You Are In Constant Prayer
Your Muscle Of Request Is In Good Repair
You Never Have To Worry
You Never Have To Fear
Trust God - He Delivers
So, Please, Be Constant With Your Prayers!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

WHOREDOM: Jesus Saves!

"Marry me!

Marry Me!

You don't have to Give me anything!

I just want to Bear Your Name!

You are Important, Famous, Wealthy, Appealing, Knowledgeable, Knowing, and Mighty Enough To Save Me!

I have Money of my own - I can buy my own Food!

Yes, I have money all my own - I can Purchase my own Clothes!

All  that I Desire of You, is Your Name! No more, no less. Just let me Bear Your Name so that The Goode People can't Call me The Whole Whore any more! Please Take The Shame Out of my Face!"

So said Sephorada to Shiloh.

What had brought on this Outrageously Emotional - and Publicly Demeaning - Display?

Why is Sephorada begging Shiloh to Marry her when Everybody Knows that they are in a Committed Relationship?

Hmmm ...

Previously ...

Sephorada and Shiloh were in Love with each other.

They were Made for each other, and Everybody spoke of how well The Relationship was going and how good they Looked together, and how sure they were that their future Marriage would be Prosperous, and Fruitful in the Multiplying!

Everybody Believed that in The Fullness of Time, Sephorada and Shiloh would Declare their intentions, and that The Decree of Commitment would go forth to all The People publicly declaring that they were Joined for Eternity.

Strange, how you think you know people and The Truth Is A Disappointment.

Shiloh is The Absolute Kindest, Friendliest, Most Honest, Nicest, Blessingest Person you will ever meet this side of Eternity.

He Walks and Talks like he Knows The Living God ... up Close and Personally!

Shiloh is Polite, soft-spoken, helpful, caring, motivated - The Perennial Provider, and He Loves Sephorada - as he, Himself, says - Eternally!

Sephorada, on the other hand, is Everything you would expect from a Volatile, Wild Child, and Loving Lady with Champagne Tastes and Surviving - Allegedly - on a Mauby Budget, after having been Born and Raised, and is Living on The Other Side of the Goode Tract!

If Truth is told, Everybody with a Working Conscience will Honestly tell you that Sephorada is a Light Skirt! At least she was until Shiloh picked her Literally off the Street and publicly Claimed her for His Very Own!

He Placed His Love on Public Display! All he asked of Sephorada was Fidelity, and Life was Great ... for a while.

Well, as Ladine Fate would tell it, Sephorada was Batting Left and Bowling Right! Sometimes, it is said that she is an All-rounder! And Shiloh - who seemed to be everywhere at given anytime - Knew about it, and did not seem to let her "Past" stop him from Loving her Endlessly!

Shiloh kept on Showing Sephorada what True Love Looks Like!

As He, himself, said: "True Love Is Not Blind!"

Sephorada was also hanging out in Idol Groves, a place Noted for its Promulgation of Choice Gods, and Gay Abandon!

Shiloh had asked Sephorada to put her Past in The Past, and to Turn Away from That Life, and to Commit To Him and His Ways for he could Make Her Whole - she had said "Yes!"

Shiloh has High Ideals and Maintains High Standards of Excellence, and I guess that you know that Shiloh is not going to Play Pretty Push-over just to have Sephorada!

I also guess that you Know that There Is Trouble in The Land, and The Goode People were talking about Sephorada and calling her "That Harlot!" and "Ungodly," and saying that she really needed The Shepherd, and that if she did not Turn Away from her Love of The Mall at Fleeting Things she was going to get herself Officially Branded as one of The Apostate and Lost Souls!

For Your Information ...

Sephorada was a Seriously Bad Influence for many of The Unmarrieds and, Suprisingly, quite a few of The Members of The Faithful Few were Dancing and Cavorting and Worshiping with their Supposed Opposites at Loose Lips and Heart Slips! 

It soon became Apparent that Sephorada was on The Payroll of That Notorious Break-Down Merchant, Natas Nam, himself!

After that Episode of Begging, Pleading, and Beseeching, and Shiloh's Summary Rejection of her Insulting Offer to Bear His Name to Hide Her Shame, Sephorada's Life got Ugly, Really, Really Ugly, Really, Really Fast!

Anyway, I will not Bore you with The Terrible Details of what Finally Caused Sephorada to "Come To!"

I will ask you to Remember these Statements, though: 

  • You Carry Your Own Pigs To Fine Market
  • Hide and Buy Land Can't Hide and Reap Land
  • What Goes Around Comes Around
  • Planters of Indian Corn Don't Reap Guinea Corn
  • Who Help You Buy a Big Belly Horse Won't Help You To Feed It
  • Today For Me - Tomorrow For You
  • Know What You Grow, and
  • Out of Darkness Into Light

What I will also Tell you is that Throughout Sephorada's Constant Backsliding and Re-connection and Re-commitment, Shiloh Stood Up and Pleaded ... and Pleaded ... and Pleaded ... His Eternal Love for His Beloved. He Watched Over her, all the while Permitting her Space to make her Own Decision to walk wholly with him, and in Faith!

Shiloh never once Tried to Force Sephorada to Come Over to His Way of Thinking.

Shiloh Never Gave Up on Sephorada, and he Remained Ever Faithful.

As for Sephorada, until she Acknowledged that Life Without Shiloh was Life in The Pits, she Bought, and Paid For, and Ate The Very Bread That The Devil Kneaded, and she Wears those Scars to This Day!

Nevertheless, when she Finally Confessed, and Truly Repented to Shiloh for her Profligate Lifestyle, and Turned Away from The Past, he Willingly Embraced her, and he Gave her an Eternal Supply of Beauty For Ashes Parfum. 

It was a Beautiful Reunion!

However, those who Saw The Evidence of The Real Change in Sephorada, and Chose to Ignore it, and Continued Down The Broad Way, The Judgment Seat of The Ancient of Days Awaits.

Every Man Must Make His Own Decision
Eternal Life
Eternal Separation from God!

Please Take Heed Of The Gospel Warning
Accept The Truth and
Don't Swallow The Lie
Every Man For Himself
Makes His Own Decision 
To Live 
To Die!


Will Not 
Save YOU 


Jesus Christ
 - The Savior & Our Redeemer - 
Gets The Sin Out!