Sunday, November 22, 2015

Well ... Work: A Servant Unto God

A Christian is a Servant
A Servant unto God
His Task is to Seek After - and Do - The Will of The Master
And not Butt About Seeking Fleeting Reward!

Serving is not given unto Slacking
Serving is not Slaving, My Friend
Serving is a Blessed Duty
Provisioned with Care and Great Love from The Eternal Friend!

Our Duty is Not That which is Man-made
Which speaks of a Grudging Display
Our Duty is such as behooves One
Constant and instant in Prayer.

Let us not seek to Shirk Duty
Hoping Someone Else will do The Work
Our Task is Appointed -  Accept It!
Get Up Now, and let us Get To Our Work!

Think not of Rewards and Accolades
Think Honorable Service unto Rest
For The Day is Soon Coming
When All God's Faithful Servants
Will Receive The Reward of The Home of The Blessed!

Don't be an Unfaithful Servant
Given unto Greed
For there is None who Work for King Jesus
Whom he does not Daily Feed!

Seek No Reward at This Juncture
Seek not Earthly Accolades
Seek not Treasure in Earthen Vessels
Which Grow Putrid with Rust and Decay!

God Himself is The Rewarder of All Men
Each According to His Own Works
There are No Perks for Extra Service
There are No Rewards for Dishonest Jerks!

Work ...  for The Night is Coming
When All Who Work Will Rest
Repent of Known Sin
Confession is To The King
Who knows, Sees and Is In Everything!




One Without The Other

Ain't Never Gonna Work!


Faith and Work
 Must Walk Side By Side
The One Who Carries The Worker
Will In The Faithful Worker Abide!

Saturday, November 21, 2015


The Soldiers had Returned!
The Waiting Families had been Unexpecting That Day
Knowing that Some Day
Their Heroes would Re-appear, and
The Sounds of Rejoicing
The Unexpected Appearance
From Each Heart
Its Purest Welcome in The Day!

I sat and watched
All The Soldier Family Reunions!
I shed many tears
Of Joy and Gladness with Them
And - Then - I Thought
Of The Day when I would See My Jesus!
Oh, What Rapturous Joy
With which My Heart Will Sing
Upon My Beholding My - The Eternal - King!

My Lord and My God
My Savior Redeemer
My Salvation
My Provider
My Friend
My Hope
My Joy
The Promised Crown
The Glorious Home
The Grand Triumphal Procession
The Opening Of The Gates
The Thrilling of The Redeemed Ones' Song!

My Heart Can Wait!
I Will Wait - My Heart Expectant
Not Knowing The Date
But Knowing ... The Day Will Come
When The Blessed Hope
Of Glory
Will Be Realized
All The Suffering, Pain and Shame
Will Be Removed
From Heart, Body and Soul, Spirit and Eyes!

My Lord is Coming!
He Will Not Be Silent and
Neither, Neither Will I
For He Is The One That My Longing Soul Awaits!

My Tears Will Be Joy!
My Love Will Have Explosion
I Shall Arise!
To Holy Heaven - To Paradise

The Open Space In Orion (Based on Questions Posed By God to Job) Sound VIDEO Teaching

Friday, November 20, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH +The Way of Jesus Christ School

Looking for Jesus

IS the Right Thing to do
He has Eternal Life Waiting
To Present to Me and to You!

Longing for Jesus

IS the Right Thing to do
He Left Heaven
'Cause He Longed to Give Heaven to Me and to You!

Living for Jesus

IS The Right Thing to do
He Gave Up His Life
To Save Me and to Save You!

Learning of Jesus
At The Way of Jesus Christ School
Grants Students Great and Special Rights, and
Royalties are Set Aside
For Those who Study The Word by Day and by Night!

There is a Race for Life!
There is The Stay The Course Course
And Election and Perfection and
Pray and Fast Class and
There is Love The Lord to The Last and 
Burdens on Christ Jesus You Cast!

There is Burden for The Soul of The Outcast!
There are Vineyards and Fields Far-flung and Vast!
There is Turmoil and Temptation and 
Baptism By Fire Class
And There is Indwelling By The Holy Spirit
For those who Confession and Repentance Pass!

Jesus Christ Himself
IS The Principle Principle!
He is The Principal
The Pastor
The Lesson for Sure
And The Door
And The Lock Most Secure!

He is The Husbandman
The Shepherd
The Knocker on The Door
He is Seal and The Savior, and
The Boat and The Harbor and
The Sure Sheltered Shore!

Jesus Christ - Himself -  teaches The Way and
Brings Light and 
Holds Out for All The Eternal Life Light!
Jesus Christ - Himself - Demonstrates
How The Faithful Ones Should Fight
And He - Himself - also Demonstrates
How One in The Desert of Temptation should 
The Evil One Fight!

The Way of Jesus Christ School
Admits All Comers to The Light!
Previous Spirituality
Not Color nor Speech
Nor Income and Education
Have Any Bearing At All as
Acceptance for Anyone Can't Ever Be Bought!

Each Student by Foreknowledge Father
IS Designated A Way
Wherein They Themselves
Will Work, Walk, and Witness as 
Tuition on The Faithful Pathway!

Some will be Christian: Martyr
Some will be Christian: Missionaries
Some will be Demonstrators of God's Love
Some will have Terrible Deprivations
But All Will Serve By Jesus Christ's Love, Love!

All Students in Holding Jesus' Hand
Will Intimately Know and Have Jesus' Peace
And All Who Daily Deny Self and Will
Will Decidedly Know and Feel Hate Unrelieved!

The Master of Mercy is Himself
The Teacher of Prayer!
He also Teaches Compassion and 
Blessings in Burdens Shared!

Lunch at The School
IS Served by Daily Grace and God's Love and
Strength For The Journey
Provides Courage For The Way Dessert Tubs!

Personal Support is Provided by Companions
Excelling in Strength
Who are Guardians and Protectors
But Not sThinkers on The Fence!
Whether by Cool Waters Running or
Rocky Rugged Roads
Whether Resting or Wrestling
They be There
But Never Making You Their Way Go!

Many Students will Die During School Time
Before The Graduation Glory Day
All Faithful on Their Personal-End Earth Day
Will Rise Up Before those
Last Men Standing
At Christ Appears To Meet His Bride Happy Day!

BUT ...

Sadly, I Must Tell All Of You Living True
Of Those who Started School and 
Then Suddenly ... Withdrew!
Of Those who Refused to Be Seen with 
Sweet Jesus Christ Dear, and
Those Who Held  Satan as 
Their Lord and God Here!

Those Christ Deniers
Those Christian-Haters and
Persecutors and
Ridiculers Large
Torturers and Murderers
And Scoffers who Assuredly Knew
The Truth ... but
Chose The Lie
Who Will at The Appearing of Jesus Christ
Scream, Blubber and Cry for 
By Their Own Personal Choice
They Are Going To Eternally Die, and
The Remnant of God
Will - Church Triumphant -
To God's Glorious Glory
In Glorious Glory Glide!

God's Gift of Glorious Glory
Is For Those
Who Gladly and Gloriously Glorify God
God's Great and Glorious Grace
The Agency of The Quiet Holy Spirit
The Risen Righteous and Reigning 
Jesus Christ's Living Holy Faith!


LISTEN for Your Call
NOW Is Your Time-Ball
You May Stumble
You May Fall
It Will Not Be Fatal
Jesus Christ's Holy Spirit
Walk By Faith
He You Calls!!


A Living Faith Does Not Trust Dying Eyesight!

A Dying Eye By Faith Trusts He Who Made The Eye!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Further To Turning Your Eyes Upon ... Jesus: KNOWING HIM!

For more years than I care to recall, I have Stated that I am no one's Favorite Child!

I have also long stated that I have no Expectation of an Inheritance from Anyone
That the Only Thing that my Grandmother gave to Me was My Faith in Jesus Christ!

I have also made it Abundantly Clear to anyone who will Listen that There is No Human who can Give Another Human...  FAITH!!

A.  I have never seen Jesus BUT I know Him... Intimately. How?

I had a client 30+ years ago,  whom I have never seen,  who became my dearest friend, and who became my son's God-parent.  How?

I gave birth to a child who did not "know" me but who,  as he grew,  no matter how late I got home,  which was very often 7-10 hours AFTER the regular close of business, or how tired he was,  or who else was around to take care of him,  would not rest or sleep,  until I reached home and he could hear, and smell me.  Why?

My son grew, went to preschool.  I started keeping more normal hours and whenever I reached home he was waiting,  all excited,  waiting for something!

I always had something to give him every single day without failure. How did he know? Why the Expectation?

And,  as he grew older, he never asked what did I get him. Why?

Where did The Faith come from?

I have been privileged to hear my son publicly say that I have never lied to him. Why?

I have been blessed to hear my son say that he can trust me to always tell him the Truth. Why?

What is there in the Communion of The Soul and The Savior, and Communication of Trust by Way of Faith through Trust that causes Faith?

What is The Tone Heard or Felt?

What is The Scent Fragranced?

Do we Love through our Noses?

Do we Trust through our Ears? (Faith Comes by Hearing!)

IS Faith on or in The Skin?

Why do Some have Faith and Others don't?

Who do Some Doubt and Others don't?

In My Personal Journey on The Road to Salvation,  I can say,  without fear of Contradiction, I have always felt Safe with Jesus.

I have walked,  often,  in my own Way BUT I have always felt Safer walking and talking with Jesus.

Somehow,  I always knew I had a Safe Haven in The Savior.

Everyday I knew I would receive something.  What? Don't know.  Can't tell.  But... Something!

Sometimes, especially in times of Waywardness and times of Deep Distress,  Lonesomeness and Quietness, and even Happiness I would Feel,  Sense,  even Become Aware of a Warm and Comforting Presence.

I would find myself Suddenly Smiling without External Input.

I would find myself stopping my current activity, and turning my head and Listening.

I have found My Self by Myself Answering ... Aloud ... The Unspoken Heard Question.

I have Chosen to Trust Who I can't See but Who I Know.

Jesus said: "ALL that The Father hath GIVEN to Me WILL COME TO ME...! "

Jesus IS The Rose of Sharon.

Who does not want to nose The Fragrance of The Graceful Rose,  and be Caressed by The Velvet of its Petals?

Who will not brace the Tear of The Rose's Thorns to be The Possessor of The Beauteous Bloom of The Heir... Loom?

Do we not Recognize Truth even when it Comes from an Unknown Source?

Why then, would we not Accept Truth and Love, and Love and Trust The Source of Our Creation who, Assuredly, left His Maker Mark in Every Soul?

Just like every cellphone has a Manufacturer Unlock Code, so do Humans.

There are those of us who, after three or six months of use, call The Phone Company. and request The Unlock Code BECAUSE we wish, at our own Say-so to Go to Another Wireless Service Provider IF The Current Provider does not Meet Our Needs.

Some of us just Want The Code because we can have it and can Jump Ship At Will.

Some of us Don't Care to Change, or Move, or Know how to Move. 


Having Been Turned On by The Originator IS Enough.

We will Stay The Distance by Faith.


Does not Jesus say: "My Sheep KNOW My VOICE!?"

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Turn Your Eyes Upon ... Jesus!

The Flash was Bright
The Spectacle Light
And that Light
Behind Darkest Dimmers 
Fair to Right Blinded Me!

The Spectacle
That Show
The Purveyors of Sin Heaven Knows
Fair Left Me To Truth Disoriented
As Living Swill to Me 
They Unrelentingly 
Daily Presented!

Pretty, Pretty, Light!!
Those Colors
Stroking Me
In My Dark Night
Instead of Guiding My Footsteps Aright
To My Death and 
Eternal Destruction
Led Me
Stomach Roiling
Steps Wobbling
To The Precipice Drear and
I Know ... Desperation!
I Know ... Fear!

In My Sorrows and
In Fear
In Desperation of Soul
I Will Declare
I Called and
I Called Out:

"IS Anyone ...
IS A Savior ...

"No one could be here!
Oh,  Lord, I'm Alone!
Who will Care for This One
Lost ... and so Very Alone?"

And in My Own Last Strength


I Heard ... ¿??!¿!

I Heard Me a Quiet Voice:

"Turn Your Eyes Toward My Voice!
Look Upon Me - Even Though You Can't See!
I Have True Light and
I Provide Peace and
I Offer Rest!
I Offer You My Living Place 
Look in Faith
Toward The Cleft In The Rock - Follow My Voice!
Hold Out Your Hand!
Don't Look Down!
Don't Look Around!
Reach for Me!
I AM Holding You!
You Can't Fall!
My Grip is Everlasting Sound
Heaven Strong
By Grace - Profound
And FYI, It Is Eternity Long!
Trust Me!
I Can't Let You Drown!"

He'd said: "Turn!"

I Physically Turned My Body and 
Looked ...

He said:  "Look Upon ...!"

I looked Up and 
Locked On!

MY Eyes ...
It is My Decision
To Trust Him
Whom I Can't Physically See, See!
If I don't - I'm Already Dead Anyway!
What He's Saying 
Sounds Like Love To Me!

I Must Say I have
My Death to Lose and
His Life to Gain
What He - The Voice
In My Dark Light
Night Blindness

I Squeezed My Blind Eyes
Tight Shut!

He IS Talking to Me!

I hold My Breath for
I am Listening!

The Lord Must Be Here
In The Depths of This Hell Where I Be
Surrounded by a Light by which I can't See
I Reached Out!

The Great Hand - I Feel It
IS Touching 
Carrying Me!

I Opened My Eyes!
Lord of Heaven!
It's Indeed Jesus Christ
The Author Finisher of My Little Faith!

I Bless Him and Confess
Without Him 
I'd be a Crumpled, Dead Mess!

I'm Glad I Answered His Call and 
Got Off
The Hell-Spun
Disco Ball!

Turning Our Eyes Upon Jesus 
Literally Means 
Turning Our Backs To The World
Taking Our Sight Away from What Is Only At Our Feet
Casting Our Gaze Upon Him Who Lifts Our Heads
Will Carry Us - Bodily - Home To His Glory
Hanging On To Him
Eternal Life!


Drop The Brassy Ring
Hold Out Your Heart
Your Gold Crown!


Look Up


Depend On Jesus 



Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Mocking Birds Sing!

I heard The Chorus Singing
A Pretty Little Song
And when The Song was finished
I felt my mouth hanging down!

The Song was One Quite Ordinary
No Gymnastics Particular
The Singers - They Floored Me
For they were Peacocks, and Canaries, and a couple Clowns!

Now, I am Sure that you are Aware
That Peacocks Look Pretty and
Canaries Sing Pretty
And when they are in Communion
They are Irresistible to Lustful Human Soul's Ear!

"Sing for Sin Today is Subjective
Sing before The Lord and then Pray
Sing to Lord - He Bought Your Pardon
Sing - for Jesus Christ Your Debt Already Paid!"

I am not going to Belabor You with Why's and Wherefore's
I am not going to Tickle You nor Torment
I am just going to Lay It Straight for You
And Invite You to Offer Your Comment!

The Chorus in The Church was Singing
Pretty Preacher was Pastoring The Flock
The Prophet had been Asked if The Lord has Sent A Message
And The People had had Themselves A Good Shout!

But... It was at The Particular Singing
That The Mocking Birds Outdid The Chorus That Day
And that is when I Gained Clear Focus
On what it is All The Choir Birds Did Really Say:

"Sin for Sin Today is Subjective
Sin before The Lord and then Pray
Sing to The Lord - He Bought Your Pardon
Sin - for Jesus Christ Your Debt Already Paid!"

Come, Lord Jesus!!