Friday, November 27, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + OPTIONS: Gross Ingratitude! + PRAYER: Father, Grant Me Enough

Think About This:

I don't Have The Extra Cash
To Purchase The Extra Clothing that I Don't Need!
I don't Have The Extra Cash
To Buy that Nice Pair of Shoes
That do My Eyes so Please
Because of The Shortfall
In The Extra
I Feel Like
My World is Falling Apart!

Father, Help me,  please!

I Listened to My Self 
Bemoaning My Lack
My Worldly Shortfall and 
Wondered at The Gross Ingratitude
Of Us Children of The Fall!

I Decided to Catalog My Benefits
I Decided to Deal in The Facts
To Seek 
To Know 
All of My Needs Lacking
And Have a Father Child Meeting 
The Lord!


Food - Abundance 
Shelter - Adequate
Clothing - Necessary

Family - Good
Friends - Faithful
Work - Fulfilling

Water - Clean
Bed - Comfortable
Book - The Word True


Lime Juice
Lemon Juice
Nuts - Various
Dried Fruit
Fresh Fruit
Real Essence
Veggies - Fresh, Canned, Frozen
Meat Mock or Real
Fish Imitation or Scaled
And, More ...!

HMMM ...


I can Freely Cook a 
"Whatever I Want to Eat Meal" meal!

I can Freely Bake an
"I Feel Like Cake" cake!

I can Freely Prepare an 
"I Feel Like  Drinking a Hot Cold Beverage" beverage!


I Do Not Have To Beg nor Plead and Pray For Them!


I've Got Options
One,  Two and Three!
I may Eat and Sleep
At Leisure
Not Sharing My Bed with Woolly Sheep!

I can Buy Myself a Candy
Of My Choosing
Whether I Eat it or Not, and 
If My Nose Starts Running
I have Tissues to wipe away the snot!

I am Not Forced to Contend with The Elements
Natural or
Man-made, and
I Say My Prayers Whenever I Want to, and 
I'm Not Afraid of Being Sold as a Sex Slave!

I can Fellowship with Whomever I Want to!
I can Call a Brother or a Sister
To Ask For or Say Prayers!
I can Sleep Late
Rise Early
Walk,  Run
Have Fun - if I Feel like it, and 
I don't Need Courage as Found in a Pill or Bottle of Rum!

I've Got Options!
I've Got a Craft!
I Can Make a Warm Gift for Some-Anybody!

I've Got Skill in My Hands
Sight in My Eyes
Ears that Hear
I can Talk
Because Jesus Created Me
He Saved Me
Dying on The Accursed Tree!

My Options are Open but 
I think I will them Close
And Learn Gratitude to God
IS Good and Even Great, and
Appreciate Appreciate!

Extra Cash would be Great, too
But, Know What?
I'd be a Regulation Fool
If I don't Give God Thanks
For Giving Me
Much, and More!

So ...

I Give You Thanks
Look to The Day
When We Will Walk Together 
On The Banks
Of The River
Needing Wanting and Thinking Extra
Have No Bearing Body nor Rank!

Grant Me Enough 
For My Self, and Another
This, Father, I Pray!
Let Me Be Contented
With Whatever I've got
Help Me to Never Ever
Look Back
Lose All
Like The Wife of Lot!
I Love You, Lord!
You Are My All and All!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Giving Thanks! + Prayer: Thank You, Lord!

T rust The King of
H eaven
A lways and
N aturally
K eep
S in from
G rabbing Hold and Giving
I tself a
V ital
I nside Track Toward
N egating Your Blessed
G oal of Gaining God's Glory!

I am Thankful Today
God Gave Me a Way
To have My Death Sentence
To Eternal Life
In God's Paradise
By My Acceptance of
Jesus' Gift of Soul Salvation
Wrapped in Enveloping Grace
Tied with Merciful Cords
Stamped with Everlasting Love
Security-Sealed by The Holy Spirit and
Guarded by The Angelic Host
Who Mark The Steps of The Faithful!

I am Thankful to Know that
God's Love is not Show
But Substantial Enough to
Keep Me Safe
Satisfied and
My Spirit Saintly Serene
Never Living in Lack
Nevermore to Sin Willfully Turning Back
Nor letting Satan have Dominion Over Me when he Attacks!

I am The King"s Pet
My Salvation is Set and
My Maker is Leading The Way!
By Grace I Will Stand
On Heavens Table Land
And I shall Sing
Gratefully Sing
In Zion's Over-comers and Redeemed Ones Band!

Thank You, Lord
For Your Blessings Today!
Thank You, Lord
For Paying and Paving My Way!
Thank You, Lord
For Jesus Christ
The Answer Always!
Thank You, Lord!
Thank You, Lord!
Thank You!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Jesus Christ IS Our Perfection!

Some Parents Give Up Some Things of Life
So that their Children may Be Something in Life!

Some Parents Give Up their Lives
So that One Child might Survive!

Some Parents Barter their Lives
So that their Children may have Things!

Some Parents Sacrifice Everything in Life
So that One Child may Succeed!

Some Parents Sacrifice their Children on The Altar of Personal Success!

Some Parents Sacrifice Health to Raise their Children!

Some Parents Are ... Some Parents!

Some Parents are Parents
Some Parents are Not
Some Parents Make Some Parents
Their Babies could be Bought!

Jesus Loves His Children
For Them He was Callously Sold
For 30 Pieces of Silver
Not even Good and Precious Gold!

Jesus' Life was made Forfeit
They Took It But He Gave It Away
So that Not one Faithful Child
Would For His Own Sin
Have to Eternally Pay
From Heaven Be Turned Away!

Jesus Christ Gave Up His Life
On The Altar of Sacrifice for Sin
So that All who Would Be His Children
Would have His Eternal Life of Everlasting Things!

Bought and Paid For - Sacrificed
Jesus IS Living Still and
The King
Captain and
Commander, and
Righteous Ruler of Everything!

So The Point of This Here Missive 
Earthy Parents are - In Everything - Flawed
Jesus Christ Isn't for 
He's is Our Perfection
Our Loving and Almighty God!

** Trust in God! **

Jesus Died
Sacrificing His All
Give Us All
All of His Good 
Truly Perfect Things!

He Is Coming For Me 
He Is Coming For You!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Feint Faint Praise!!

"I ain't waiting for no man to Praise Me!
I Trumpeting Myself!
I know that I am Good and Praise-Worthy, and
God got Me to help He with the Big Elf!"

"I don't Sin!
I Gave Up The World Things!
My Tongue is The Bible!
My Words are Wisdom Made of Precious Pearls - Gospel!
My Walk is Sure and Unerring -  direct to Zion!
My Robe is Reserved, and
I even got Myself My Own Church of The Bridegroom!"

"IS that right?!"

"Aren't All Men Liars?
Aren't The Thoughts of The Heart Deceitful Always?
Doesn't The Bible Say That any Man that Says he doesn't Commit Sin
Makes God a Liar?!"

"Well, that was meant for "Those Other people"
I have Set Aside The Things of The Flesh!
I haven't Committed a Sin in Known nor Recent Memory
And I Daily at Myself in The Mirror look in!"

"I am Perfect!
I'm Perfection Personified and
Personable and
Pleasing to Pass By!
I'm Proud to be a Peculiar Person
Practicing Peace, and
With Particular Pleasure
Putting Pride and
Patience in a Pin Vise -
I am a Bright Star - no Dew on My Fleece!"

"Jesus and Me are Partners
Bosom Buds!
I get Visions and Revelations, and
I does Prophesy and Divine Things for The Peoples (for a lil' something, of course!)
Jesus know me up Close and Personal!
I have an Inside Track, and
We fit like Hand and Glove!"

Doesn't The Bible Talk about False Prophets
And Lying Divinations?

"I used to be an Active Sinner
I now wear with Pride My "New Man!"
Jesus knows that He can Depend on Me and
I's He Second Man!

I a'int like that Paul
Doing what he
Ain't want to, and
Not doing what 'e should!

I don't Operate like People like You
Jealous and Envious of The Gift!
I does hear The Spirits talking
I stand Tall ... Unshakable
Like a strong Mountain Range, and
There Is No Way that I could ever Fall!"

Which "Spirits" do you hear?
I hope not the "Familiar Spirits!?

"I got Big Faith
Not nae-nae Faith like Some People
Fussy about them Mustards, uhm, seeds!
I got it going on
From Dusk until Dark
From Dark until Dawn!
I got This!
Look at Me
I Near to like God!"

What is Wrong 
This-Here Story
Which is Grating 
The Last Nerve 
Decidedly in The Wrong Way?!

Put On Your Thinking Cap

Fill In The Gaps


Give This Person a Good Bible-Verse Slap!

Name That Sin!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Jesus Means It!

Jesus says He loved Me
He Means it!
Jesus went to The Cruel Cross
The Sin Nails made sure He Felt it!
Jesus Paid My Price
He couldn't Help it!
Jesus' Death gives Me His Life
I don't Deserve It!

Jesus Called Me
I Answered!
Jesus Speaks to Me
I will Listen!
Jesus' Blood Washes Clean - I Bathed this Morning!
He'll Give Me The Returning King's Clean Clothes for My Adorning
At The Start of Eternity
Come The Great Judgment Morning!

Jesus Loves Me - It is No Show
Preparations in Heaven
Prove that That is So
I'll have a New Home
On The Golden Way
And neither Sin,  Death nor Hell
By Jesus' Faith
Will Stop Me from
Living Over There!

Love Made It Clear
Jesus Died to Prepare The Way
I will be Faithful, and
Mercy, Grace, Love and Hope
Will Carry Me Safely Over There!

I Confess - I Sin
But ...
He is Faithful
He is Just
He Forgives,  and
He will Cleanse, and
I am Sure
My Unrighteousness will be Sloughed Away as Dust!

Jesus Love Me
And He Loves You, Too
Don't Let Anyone
Cause You to Doubt That Truth
Walk - But Not By Your Eyes
Trust Jesus - He IS True
Loving and Faithful
He Will Take Care of You!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Well ... Work: A Servant Unto God

A Christian is a Servant
A Servant unto God
His Task is to Seek After - and Do - The Will of The Master
And not Butt About Seeking Fleeting Reward!

Serving is not given unto Slacking
Serving is not Slaving, My Friend
Serving is a Blessed Duty
Provisioned with Care and Great Love from The Eternal Friend!

Our Duty is Not That which is Man-made
Which speaks of a Grudging Display
Our Duty is such as behooves One
Constant and instant in Prayer.

Let us not seek to Shirk Duty
Hoping Someone Else will do The Work
Our Task is Appointed -  Accept It!
Get Up Now, and let us Get To Our Work!

Think not of Rewards and Accolades
Think Honorable Service unto Rest
For The Day is Soon Coming
When All God's Faithful Servants
Will Receive The Reward of The Home of The Blessed!

Don't be an Unfaithful Servant
Given unto Greed
For there is None who Work for King Jesus
Whom he does not Daily Feed!

Seek No Reward at This Juncture
Seek not Earthly Accolades
Seek not Treasure in Earthen Vessels
Which Grow Putrid with Rust and Decay!

God Himself is The Rewarder of All Men
Each According to His Own Works
There are No Perks for Extra Service
There are No Rewards for Dishonest Jerks!

Work ...  for The Night is Coming
When All Who Work Will Rest
Repent of Known Sin
Confession is To The King
Who knows, Sees and Is In Everything!




One Without The Other

Ain't Never Gonna Work!


Faith and Work
 Must Walk Side By Side
The One Who Carries The Worker
Will In The Faithful Worker Abide!

Saturday, November 21, 2015


The Soldiers had Returned!
The Waiting Families had been Unexpecting That Day
Knowing that Some Day
Their Heroes would Re-appear, and
The Sounds of Rejoicing
The Unexpected Appearance
From Each Heart
Its Purest Welcome in The Day!

I sat and watched
All The Soldier Family Reunions!
I shed many tears
Of Joy and Gladness with Them
And - Then - I Thought
Of The Day when I would See My Jesus!
Oh, What Rapturous Joy
With which My Heart Will Sing
Upon My Beholding My - The Eternal - King!

My Lord and My God
My Savior Redeemer
My Salvation
My Provider
My Friend
My Hope
My Joy
The Promised Crown
The Glorious Home
The Grand Triumphal Procession
The Opening Of The Gates
The Thrilling of The Redeemed Ones' Song!

My Heart Can Wait!
I Will Wait - My Heart Expectant
Not Knowing The Date
But Knowing ... The Day Will Come
When The Blessed Hope
Of Glory
Will Be Realized
All The Suffering, Pain and Shame
Will Be Removed
From Heart, Body and Soul, Spirit and Eyes!

My Lord is Coming!
He Will Not Be Silent and
Neither, Neither Will I
For He Is The One That My Longing Soul Awaits!

My Tears Will Be Joy!
My Love Will Have Explosion
I Shall Arise!
To Holy Heaven - To Paradise

The Open Space In Orion (Based on Questions Posed By God to Job) Sound VIDEO Teaching

Friday, November 20, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH +The Way of Jesus Christ School

Looking for Jesus

IS the Right Thing to do
He has Eternal Life Waiting
To Present to Me and to You!

Longing for Jesus

IS the Right Thing to do
He Left Heaven
'Cause He Longed to Give Heaven to Me and to You!

Living for Jesus

IS The Right Thing to do
He Gave Up His Life
To Save Me and to Save You!

Learning of Jesus
At The Way of Jesus Christ School
Grants Students Great and Special Rights, and
Royalties are Set Aside
For Those who Study The Word by Day and by Night!

There is a Race for Life!
There is The Stay The Course Course
And Election and Perfection and
Pray and Fast Class and
There is Love The Lord to The Last and 
Burdens on Christ Jesus You Cast!

There is Burden for The Soul of The Outcast!
There are Vineyards and Fields Far-flung and Vast!
There is Turmoil and Temptation and 
Baptism By Fire Class
And There is Indwelling By The Holy Spirit
For those who Confession and Repentance Pass!

Jesus Christ Himself
IS The Principle Principle!
He is The Principal
The Pastor
The Lesson for Sure
And The Door
And The Lock Most Secure!

He is The Husbandman
The Shepherd
The Knocker on The Door
He is Seal and The Savior, and
The Boat and The Harbor and
The Sure Sheltered Shore!

Jesus Christ - Himself -  teaches The Way and
Brings Light and 
Holds Out for All The Eternal Life Light!
Jesus Christ - Himself - Demonstrates
How The Faithful Ones Should Fight
And He - Himself - also Demonstrates
How One in The Desert of Temptation should 
The Evil One Fight!

The Way of Jesus Christ School
Admits All Comers to The Light!
Previous Spirituality
Not Color nor Speech
Nor Income and Education
Have Any Bearing At All as
Acceptance for Anyone Can't Ever Be Bought!

Each Student by Foreknowledge Father
IS Designated A Way
Wherein They Themselves
Will Work, Walk, and Witness as 
Tuition on The Faithful Pathway!

Some will be Christian: Martyr
Some will be Christian: Missionaries
Some will be Demonstrators of God's Love
Some will have Terrible Deprivations
But All Will Serve By Jesus Christ's Love, Love!

All Students in Holding Jesus' Hand
Will Intimately Know and Have Jesus' Peace
And All Who Daily Deny Self and Will
Will Decidedly Know and Feel Hate Unrelieved!

The Master of Mercy is Himself
The Teacher of Prayer!
He also Teaches Compassion and 
Blessings in Burdens Shared!

Lunch at The School
IS Served by Daily Grace and God's Love and
Strength For The Journey
Provides Courage For The Way Dessert Tubs!

Personal Support is Provided by Companions
Excelling in Strength
Who are Guardians and Protectors
But Not sThinkers on The Fence!
Whether by Cool Waters Running or
Rocky Rugged Roads
Whether Resting or Wrestling
They be There
But Never Making You Their Way Go!

Many Students will Die During School Time
Before The Graduation Glory Day
All Faithful on Their Personal-End Earth Day
Will Rise Up Before those
Last Men Standing
At Christ Appears To Meet His Bride Happy Day!

BUT ...

Sadly, I Must Tell All Of You Living True
Of Those who Started School and 
Then Suddenly ... Withdrew!
Of Those who Refused to Be Seen with 
Sweet Jesus Christ Dear, and
Those Who Held  Satan as 
Their Lord and God Here!

Those Christ Deniers
Those Christian-Haters and
Persecutors and
Ridiculers Large
Torturers and Murderers
And Scoffers who Assuredly Knew
The Truth ... but
Chose The Lie
Who Will at The Appearing of Jesus Christ
Scream, Blubber and Cry for 
By Their Own Personal Choice
They Are Going To Eternally Die, and
The Remnant of God
Will - Church Triumphant -
To God's Glorious Glory
In Glorious Glory Glide!

God's Gift of Glorious Glory
Is For Those
Who Gladly and Gloriously Glorify God
God's Great and Glorious Grace
The Agency of The Quiet Holy Spirit
The Risen Righteous and Reigning 
Jesus Christ's Living Holy Faith!


LISTEN for Your Call
NOW Is Your Time-Ball
You May Stumble
You May Fall
It Will Not Be Fatal
Jesus Christ's Holy Spirit
Walk By Faith
He You Calls!!


A Living Faith Does Not Trust Dying Eyesight!

A Dying Eye By Faith Trusts He Who Made The Eye!