Friday, December 4, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + Prayer: Oh, Lord, Lift Us Up!

Oh, Lord, have Mercy on Your People!
Without Your Comfort and Aid
Protection and Provision
We are as Storm-tossed, Leaking, Listing, Ships in The Angry Sea!

Open Our Eyes So That We May See The Changing Tides and
Make our Skins Sensitive to 
The Disturbances and Direction of The Evil Winds of Prevailing Change!

Open our Ears to Enable us to Distinguish Safe Harbor from Wrecking Rocks!

Help Us to Understand The Height of Hypocrisy and 
The Depth of Deception 
Willing to Be Forced Upon Us by Those Who Avidly Seek After 
Our Hurt and Destruction, and
Cause Us Who Are - and Are Seeking To Be - The Holy People 
To Call, Walk, Run, Crawl
To You
To Bend Our Will to Your Way
To Follow You Faithfully
Fervently and Fully
No Matter The Provocation
The Occasion
The Location
Lust  or License
Time or Tempest
Torture or Terror
Temptation or Tyranny
Foisted Upon, and Fomented
Against Us who Call Jesus Christ
Savior,  Lord
True Friend
Eternal King
Beginning and End!

Oh,  Lord,  Lift us Up
So that We Will Lift You High
As Our Holy God!

Remind Us,  Lord
That You Are Always Available to Us
That You have No Desire for Our Hurt
That Your Hands Are Not Short
That Your Vision Is Not Fore-Shortened
That You See All
Know All and
Are In All!

Remind Us, Lord
That You Know All of Our Days, and All of Our Years
That You Are The God of All Graces
Who Keeps The Book of Life 
The Book of Remembrance
With The Steadfast Heart which Turns Not
In The Unchanging Hand
Balanced By Firm Justice
Tempered with Fair Mercy!

Remind Us, Lord
That Your Loving Heart Faithfully and Unfailingly 
Forgives The Sin Confessed and Repented of
By The Contrite - and Penitent - Soul!

Sanctify Us - Christ Marks and Makes us Worthy!
Save Us - You Delivered Up Jesus Out of Your Great Love For Us Sinners!
Seal Us - Your Holy Spirit Calls, and We Willingly Answer
So, Help
Save, and Eternally,
Eternally,  Lord
Eternally Hold Us, and Seal Us
By Your Great Love
In Your Holy Care
For We Do, Indeed, Love You, and
Praise You, and
Worship You
For You Are Our Holy God!

Oh, Foolish Christian!

Oh, Foolish Christian
Does Not The Holy Bible Say
Be Strong In The Lord
Don't Walk In Your Own Way!?

So, Why Do You Persist
In The Folly Of The World
Standing in Your Own Strength
Forgetting Who Is Your Lord?

Self Is A Seed of Sin!
Self-Righteousness Is Denying God!
Self-Actualization is Refuting God
And All Come Packaged -
"Compliments of The Fraud!"

Humble Yourself!
God Will Lift You Up!
Trust In The Lord
He Will To Heaven 
Take You Up!

Don't Follow The World!

Follow Jesus Christ -
The Creator Of The World!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

FINAL FATE: Walking on The Wild Side!

I Took a Walk on The Wild Side!
I Kissed Reckless Endangerment!
I Hugged "Life Is Good!" and on 
Self-Reliant I Stood
On The Day I said: "What Jesus, Bud?!"
Was The Day I Unleashed Satan ... and 
Sin's Malicious Soul-Destroying Flood!

My Shoes Began to Hard Pinch Me!
My Path Rocky and Scrambled Crooked Became!
My Knees Began to Cruel Hurt Me
I Felt Myself a Bought Stolen Recycled Used-Up Abused Slave!

I Bought a "Friend" at The Mall of Satisfaction!
I Rented The Beliefs from The Self-Actualization Store!
I Swapped Spit with Modern Philosophy
Sprayed On "In Action I'm God!"
I Realized it was All a Put-Up Job
Compliments of The Double-Death-Dealing Fraud!

I Made a Great Discovery that Floored Me
More and You, Too, Will See as I Tell
That Heaven Offers Mercy - Free
To You, Me and Everybody
Malice is a Garment of Costly Array
With Pretty Bells of Self-Satisfaction that Ring: "bRring Hell!"

Mercy - So Free - Is Lovingly
Sent from Heaven Above - No Longing Soul Denied!
Malice from Hell of Costly Array
Is Liberally Applied to All
Who would Sins' Pleasures Deny!

Mercy Thrives in Love!

Malice Thrives in Hate!

Think Carefully to Which You Apply
It Will Determine Your Final Fate!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

God's Love Has No Strings!

See King is Looking for Love!
Loo King is Seeking Grub!
Ma King is Faking Love!
Fa King is Making Love for Grub!
Ta King is Making Grub for Love!
Stal King is Taking Love Grub!
Haw King is Talking Grub Love, and
Gaw King is Hawking Love in White Gloves!

Love is Grub to Some!
Grub is Love for Some!
No Love is when Grub is Done for Some!
No Grub is when Love is Done for Some!

Some Love!
Some Grub!
Some Love, and Grub!
Some Lie!
Some Cry
All Try
To Tie Love to Things that Die
There is True Love
There is True Food
That Comes from Him
Who in Gethsemane Stood
Then Knelt
And Prayed
Till Love's Blood Poured Forth
From The Pores
On The Body
Of The Loving Lord!

No False
No Fake
No Love Twice-Baked
Just Love
God's Love
Not Love On The Take!

God's Love Has No Strings
No Attachment To Pretty Things
Just Love Serene
From The God of Heaven - Supreme!

So ...
If Your Love Hurts
It Hurts To Love
The Love You Receive
White Gloves
A Coating of Teflon 
Nerves of Steel
180 Degrees
IS The Turn You Must Make
For What You Are Receiving
Courtesy of The Fake
The Foul
The Fiend
The Fraud
I Cannot Say It Any Louder
Repair To The Lord
Love Sublime
Love True
Rewarder of The Faithful
The King Of Love
Who Died For Me 
For You!

Jesus Christ Died
It Proves
Love Is An Action
A Chemical Reaction!






Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Time ... Is Getting Late!

No Need to Fear
The Dreadful News
That Man - Depraved
Is on The Loose!
This, My Dear Ones
Simply does Prove
The Prophetic Fulfillment
Of The Good News!

The Low-Depraved Soul
The Self-loving Hoard
The Ungrateful Heart
The Brute-beast Mind
Outside The Safe Ark
Openly Point
To God's Light in The Dark
Where God's People
May Enjoy Peace's Song
As They to Jesus Christ's Word Hark!

Give You No Heed
To Christian Hate
Except to Acknowledge
That Time is Getting Late
Stand Fast in Jesus' Faith
Trust,  Hope and Wait
God will Abandon
The Reprobates
To their Just Fate!

Work by Faith!
Work Your Faith!
Faithfully Work
But Set No Date!
Jesus IS Returning and
He Won't Be One Moment Late!
Get Set and Be Ready
He's Even Now at Your Heart's Gate!

Please Fix Your Mind
On Things Divine
Not Earthly Things
That Heat The Mind
That Leave The Body
Making The Pleasures of Things Its Goal
But Leave The Soul Corrupt and Cold!

Make Haste! Make Haste!
Night is Coming Fast
When Good is Well and Truly Out-Cast
And Time for Work is Eternally Past!

Work Now - Teach and Pray
Appeal To The Wicked Hearts
While it is Still Day
Before The Word
Is Uttered
"However He IS Let Him Forever Stay!"
And Jesus Christ Bursts The Clouds
And Rewards Tom,  Dick
Harry and Every Sister Brother!

Do Not Fear 
What Man Can Do 
To Your Body!

Fear What The Living God 
- Who Created The Man -
Can Do!

Monday, November 30, 2015

A New Song To Sing!!



Accept My Worship, Lord!
Oh, May It Bless You, Lord
Even As It Brings Pleasure
Unto This Longing Soul
Which I Pray
To You, Lord

My Heart Gladly Sings

The Song of Life
Forever Free
From Death, Hell and Sin 
Sorrow, and Grief and
Its Dread

I Need You,  Lord!
Restore, Restore!
Grant Me New Life
Upon Your Golden Shore
Where All Is Bliss

You Are The Light!

The Open Door!
Oh, Let Me Sing
Upon The Shore
Where Mercy Free
Is Calling Me
To Rest 
At Home 
So Peacefully
Oh, Lord
With Thee

I Love You, Lord!
Restore! Restore!
Grant Me New Life
Upon Your Golden Shore
Where The Faithful Are Blessed

Sunday, November 29, 2015

TELL YOUR OWN STORY: Life Is A Journey On A Path

With The Following Words
That I here Quote
Is a Story that Every Christian Can Write
I Ask You Fair
To Note Well and Repair
To Your Thinking Closet
And That Story Prepare!

Your Story
My Story
Her Story
His Story
Will Speak A Word of Caution
To A Traveler Who
Is Stumbling
Maybe Losing a Shoe
And Who Would Be Blessed
By Something
From Someone
Who Knows of Life
A Thing or Two!

The Yesterday Story
Is of Life E'er Past
Pointing to The Life
For Which The Dye Is Now Cast
It can Tell of Past Errors
And Corrections True
And Point to The
Things You Now Hold Close To Easily View!

To Learn a Skill or Lesson
Teach what You Know to Someone Else
Your Knowledge Gains Traction
And Saves Someone False Action
If that Person
Will be a Student True
Willing to Learn from Experience
Without Having to Personally Experience, too!

Story Long
Story Short
Fraught with Danger 
Full of Error
Even Stark Terror
A Best Seller Is Not What's Sought
Just a Story Of A Battle Win After Having Fought!

A Pilgrim's Progress
A Wayfarer's Song
Stranger Danger Message
Horror Story
Mashup of Sin and Song
All are Worthy Writings
No Need for Pretty - Just Truth
Give God Some Glory
Save A Brother Sister's Youth
Sing The Song of Zion
As You Hold Yourself from The World Aloof!

Teach - Don't Preach
Save Another
From  Sinning
Save That Soul from The Life of Sin
Give Your Light The Shining,  and
At The Revealing
Jesus Christ's Love Will You Be Rewarding!


  • Been There
  • Done That
  • Seen It All
  • Done It All
  • Know It All
  • Had It All
  • Lost It All
  • On The Ball
  • Got The Scars
  • Got The Tee-Shirt
  • Follow Fashion
  • Petty
  • Pushy
  • Pragmatic
  • Practice
  • Practical
  • Justice
  • Right
  • Wrong
  • Wish
  • Wash
  • Washup
  • Washout
  • Warn
  • Promise
  • Pride
  • Hope
  • Help
  • Healing
  • Faith
  • Fancy
  • Fantasy
  • Gotcha
  • Gimme
  • Greed
  • Gloating
  • Searching
  • Finding
  • Doubting
  • Funning
  • Running
  • Lost
  • Found
  • Hate
  • Escape
  • Need
  • Want
  • Wasteful
  • Binding
  • Bounding
  • Bracing
  • Bloat
  • Blasting
  • Gloating
  • Gas
  • Fast
  • Last
  • Lost
  • Gospel
  • Truth
  • Trust
  • Tarnish
  • Temper
  • Temperance
  • Temptation
  • Test
  • Tasty
  • Testy
  • Testing
  • Tuck
  • Tickle
  • Tarnish
  • Tissue
  • Issue
  • Toss
  • Think
  • Thank
  • Live
  • Love
  • Learn
  • Laugh
  • Lie
  • Lead
  • Lust
  • Fuss
  • Future
  • Forward
  • Asleep
  • Awake
  • Wonder
  • Wander
  • God
  • Jesus
  • Spirit
  • Spoil
  • Soil
  • See
  • Send
  • Sound
  • Search
  • Settle
  • Stomach
  • Heart
  • Head
  • Hands
  • Feet
  • Ears
  • Eyes
  • Skin
  • Sin
  • Sorry
  • Forget
  • Remembrance
  • Deceit
  • Distrust
  • Dismay
  • Descend
  • Docile
  • Domicile
  • Dingy
  • Dirty
  • Dusty
  • Dormant
  • Dance
  • Distaste
  • Disgrace
  • Mercy
  • Maintain
  • Menace
  • Mountain
  • Molehill
  • Moss
  • Meat
  • Mile
  • Worry
  • Drive
  • Drink
  • Brink
  • Brace
  • Bribe
  • Grace
  • Guide
  • Guilt
  • Guile
  • Glory
  • Glance
  • Mercy
  • Merry
  • Manners
  • Mile
  • Mild
  • Mix
  • Munch
  • Mince
  • Muddy
  • Will
  • Wily
  • Willful
  • Walk
  • Talk
  • Beauty
  • Bound
  • Back
  • Bring
  • Brim
  • Brine
  • Bother
  • Fodder
  • Build
  • Guild
  • Repeat
  • Reception
  • Deception
  • Conception
  • Rejection
  • Eject
  • Select
  • Elect
  • Home
  • Hope
  • Help
  • Hell
  • Hunger
  • Brink
  • Drink
  • Sink
  • Think
  • Heaven
  • Seven
  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Ever
  • Never
  • Pay
  • Pray
  • Prayer
  • Pride
  • Deride
  • Provide
  • Confide
  • Betide
  • Wish
  • Dish
  • Fish
  • Frame
  • Fan
  • Fought
  • Sought

This IS Every Man's Story
I've Provided The Words
So Craft Your Story
Using Many or A Few and
Let Your Voice Be Heard
The Way is Hard
The Road is Long
But with God's Help
And Faith as Food
We will Sing The Zion Song
For Christ's Sacrifice for Us is
Appreciated and 

Choose Your Words
Write a Page or Paragraph
Share Here There and Everywhere
Life Is A Journey 
On An Oft' Circuitous Path
From Truth to Beauty and Even
Walking Through Hell 
With Jesus Christ As Our Captain
Satan Can't Us Subtly Fell!

Write and Sing Your Own Song of Salvation
As We Await The Elevation!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Tares Amongst Wheat + PRAYER: Help Us To Look Up!

Pretty Tares and
Tearful Wheat are Growing
Side by Side
Christians Are Not The Reapers for
Jesus Christ Hasn't Given Us Permission to Act That Way!

Petty Tares and
Praying Wheat
Look Alike Until The Moment of
The Change!
Until Then
Any Hint of Separation
Will Destroy Both and
In The Master's Barns
There'll Be No Grain!

But ... The Lord
In His Great Grace
In The Land Called Provision
Did Something Wonderful for You and Me
Whether Wasting Tares or
Waiting Wheat!
He Feeds US All
As is Good and Mete!

And ... At 
The Change of Acceptance
Of The Truth That Is Light
At The Rain of Perfection
Which Falls Day and Night
At The Becoming
Of What Jesus True
Created Us Truly To Be
Our Heads Display The Bunches of Goodness
We Have Been By Truth Fed!

In The Distance
IS The Owner of The Barn
Bringing His Sickle
Sharp to
Cut Clean and Deep!
His Reapers
Separate Out
The Wrong Tares from
The Right Wheat
With The Wrong Tares
Sent for The Burning and
The Right Wheat to Be Good Eats!

God IS Not Going to Eat You!
It is Metaphorical I Say!
You Will Become Something Grand
In The Great Harvest Day!
The Change Will Be In An Instant
Robes of State Will Appear
Crowns of Glory Distributed
All Will Be Satisfied With The Pay!

So, Dear Ones
Let Me Encourage You
Look To At Jesus - Not Your Lot!
Earthly Discomfort IS Temporary
Living With Jesus IS Not!

Living Amongst Tares May Make You Tearful!
Not Being A Tare Will Make You Tear-up A Lot
But ... Bear Your Burden
Jesus Christ IS Coming
He Will Wipe Away ALL Tears
From Those Eyes
Who With Him
Cast Their Eternal Lot!!

Have Faith!
Hold Hope!
We Will Have Heaven
We Digest The Gospel Leaven!!


I pray Father
For Your Children
Who Must Grow Up With Hell's Tares!
Oh, Father, Even Though Our Eyes Weep
Help Us To Stand Firm and
Not Give Up On Eternity
Even As The Contamination of Hate Is Burning Our Feet!
Help Us To Not Look Down At Our Condition
But To Look Up 
To See Heaven's Promise and 
Hold Its' Provision!
Help Us, Even If 
- God Forbid - 
On Legless Bodies 
With Blinded Eyes
To Maintain A Death-Grip on Our Jesus for
Father, We Desire To Complete Our Journey Home!
Grant Us Your Grace
Envelop Us With Your Peace
To Continue On By Jesus' Faith
To Gain The Eternal Victory!
In Jesus' Holy Name I Plead
Have Mercy and Bless!