Thursday, December 10, 2015

THE ETERNAL CURE: Sin Comes A' Calling!

Sin is All Around Us!
Sin Goes By Very Many Fanciful Names!
Sin Wears Sophisticated Garments, and
Struts About - Day and Night
Wearing Expensive Dark Glasses Sun Shades!

Sin Is Familiar To Sinners!
Sin Is Well-known To Now-Saints!
Sin Is On The Commodity Market, and
Sin Is Even Carrying Holding Out Church Offering Plates!

Sin Has An Advertising Agency!
Sin Has A Merchandising Team!
Sin Has An Electronic Game Board!
Sin Holds State Town Country City Elections!
Sin Has Rockets, Horses,  Jets and Gold-plated Banana Peels, and
Sin Is A Beautiful "Circumspect" Woman 
Wearing Expensive Garments and High Heels!

Sin Has Friends and Enemies which State
Makes No Difference To Sin!
Sin Is Really Wicked Unjust!
Sin Lives Laughs and Lures The Unwary With Lust, and 
When They Are Lost
Asks Maliciously:

"Well,  Now? What's Created This Great Big Little Fuss!"

Sin Is A Malignancy!
Sin Is As Cancer In Man's Flesh!
When Sin Is Conceived 
Sin Burrows
Sin Crawls
Sin Spreads
Sucking Life's Blood
Strangling Vitality 'n Life
Trying It's Best To Kill The Host
Though Knowing Full Well
That Killing The Host
Will Kill Sin Dead As The Proverbial Door-Post!

"Big Deal!" says Sin
"There're More Like Them
Waiting On Cracking Tree Limbs To Perform My Vice!"

"I AM Sin!"
I AM The Master Of Deception! 
I AM The Pretty Polished Poseur
Peddling Posies from
Putrid to Plain!"

"I AM The Purveyor Of Phantasms
Poison Parties Pens and Pins, and
Pointy Pebbles Poking Pinkie-Toes
And ... Believe It Or Not
My Personal Favorite Has Got To Be 
Rusty Nails In Ill-fitting Shoes With 
Hidden In Plain View Open Holes!"

"I Do Not Care About You!
I Just Want To Destroy You and 
Keep You From Holding On To The Holy Christ Jesus
The Only Savior Who Sacrificially Loves Man!"

"Seriously, Friend! I Really Do Not Care About You!
I Just Want You and Me To Special-Touch!
I Just Want You To Hold-Squeeze Me!
I Want You To Trustingly Loyally Lovingly Console Enfold Me!"

Secretly Satisfy 
Intense Internal 
Natural Needs!

So, You Need To Get A Grip
Give Me A Feed!

Just Give Me A Little Seed
Watch Me Grow!
Then ... Lo 
I Shall Be Your King!

I Shall Be Your Master
Even If I Have To 
Block You
Tackle You 
Put You In Traction
In A Whole-Body Plaster!

Won't You Please Love Me A Little
Even Though I Can't Love You Back?"


Sin-Loving Is The Insanity

Propagated by 
Sophisticated Lies 
Vacuous Inanities

Sold By Scent

Packaged By Charm

Sorted By Alarm

Causes Great Harm


Celebrations Held 


Eternal-Dead Lodge Happy Farm!

Shun Sin!

Seek Jesus!

Save Your Soul!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

NEWS FLASH: Mankind Is Unremittingly Wicked!!

As This Thesis will have You to Know
The Wickedness of Man
Did Exponentially Grow
From as Far Back as The Time of Noah!
Mankind is Unremittingly Evil, and
His Every Action This Very Clearly Shows!

Covetousness is The Lively Steed
Stealing a Man's Life
Profiting By Greed
If Poison Herbs
Your Neighbor's Flocks You Must Feed
What Is The Problem
When You His Pasture Needs!?

Lust Loved A Woman!
Lust Loved A Man!
Lust Loved Lusting
After Uncle Mary and Aunt Dan!
Lust is for Living
Even if it Means Associating
With Goats and Rams
And Even Destroying
Fluffy Little Innocent Trusting Helpless Lambs!

Man is Evil!
Look to Today!
Kill Your Mother and
Massage Her Heart
As You Pray
Unto Old Satan
Murderer-Deceiver Extraordinaire!
It is No Loss for 
Allegiance Dues 
To Satan 
Must Be Paid!

BUT ...

There Is A Remnant
Always Was
Who, To THAT Old Satan
Will Never Bow Nor Kneel!
The Faithful
The Righteous
The Honest
Those Poor who
With Much Patience
For Christ - The Open Door
To Make His Grand Entrance
Not as a Babe
Nor as a Sacrifice but
As Everlasting King
With All The Host of Heaven who
On White Horses Ride!

Jesus Christ The King Comes 
To Claim Reward The Hopeful
To Punish Reward Those Who Denied
That Jesus Christ IS - Himself - God
The Shepherd
The Creator
The Lord of The Blessed
The Destroyer of The Craven
The Restorer Of Fallen Man, and
The Builder of The Eternal Home
Who Lovingly Provides for
All Who Will Be His Own!

Man is Straight-up Evil!
Jesus IS Returning and
He Ain't No Way Going to be Late!
Get Your House in Order
Get Your Affairs Straight
Good Bad or Indifferent
Every Man Has His Own Personally Decided Fate!

Turn Away From Sin!

Turn To The True and Living Eternal God!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Look Outs Look Out!!

A Christian is A Look Out
Who Looks Up
Looks Around
To Help His Brother Sister
Who May Have Fallen Down!

A Christian Does Not Focus On Self
He Doesn't Seek To Satisfy
His Known Baser Instinct for
He On Jesus Christ Solely Relies!

If You Are One Called Christian
You Are Looking At Self
Seeking To Make An Altar Of Needs
Praying To The Mirror On "The Self-Shelf"
Step Back
Think Hard
Lift Down The Mirror  - You Don't Need It
Take It To Your "Prayer Yard"
Belabor It
Until It Is Nothing More
Than Teeny Tiny Tiny Tiny Shards!

Keeping A Mirror

That Does Not 

Evoke An Actionable Response


Just Plain Folly!

Be Sensible!

Check Your Manufacturer!

Investigate His Production Process


Get The True and Honest Mirror!

Get The King James Holy Bible!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Get Washed! Get Ready!

Are You Steeped In The Word of God
Are You Stalled in The World of Sin?

Are you Preparing For The Coming of The King
Are you Preparing to Battle Against Truth While Denying The Lord?

Are You Washed In The Blood
Are You Wasting In The Denying Flood?

Are You Permitting Jesus to Pay For Your Sin
Are You Diminishing Everything That Comes From Christ The King?

The King IS Coming!
Are You Washed, and Ready?

The King IS Coming!
Is Your Heart Fixed, and Steady?

Jesus Christ Will Pardon Those Who
Honor, Trust and Praise Him, True!
Our King IS Coming
Clean House!
Get Ready!
Get Ready!

Ready OR Not
The King IS Coming for ME and For YOU!!


Confession Of Sin
Is Good For The Soul!
Give Your Burden To Jesus
He Will Make You Whole!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

By God's Grace I Will Hold On To My Jesus!

I am Weak ... BUT I Try!
I am Weak ... AND I Cry!
I am Weak ... I Won't Lie
I Will Hold On To My Jesus!

It is Easy To Lie!
It is Very Easy To Cry!
It is Very, Very Easy To Let Go
Of The Hand You Can't See
Fall Off The Path Where You Fell and Bruised The Knee
Than To Walk On Knowing What You Are Doing Is
To Unbelievers Straight-up Suicidal Insanity!

Where Are You Going?
I Don't Know!

Why Are You Going?
God Told Me To Go!

How Are You Getting There?
God Will Make The Way!

Are You Insane?
Probably So! But God Knows!

You Should Be In Chains!
You Must Be Sick In Your Head!
You Ain't Got No Brains!
You Following A Path - Unmarked
To A Destination
Stated By A Man 
Who Doesn't Have A Laugh?!?!

Yes ... I know
That's How You Feel!
BUT -  To Me - His Word Is Real!
AND ... You Are Wrong!
He Laughs! He Cries!
Hurts! Helps! Heals!
He Even Sings Songs!
He Is My Father!
He Received Retrieved Me In Love!
He Has Prepared For Me - By Covenant -
A Home Lasting Eternity-Long 
All I Have To Do
Is - By Faith - Trust Him
Work - Not Play - Along!

Calloused Hands!
Burning Eyes!
Bruised Knees!
Torn-Out Toe-nails!
Dried-Out Bone ... BUT
Dewy-Spirit Is My Chosen Lot!

I am Walking - I Believe In Him!
Win or Lose By Man - I Gain In Him!
It Is My Choice - I Have Made It!
I Am Following Jesus Christ, My King!

Yes! Yes!
I Am Weak - In Him I Am Strong!
The Day Is Coming - It Won't Be Long
When My Sorrows
My Griefs
Will To Laughter Turn!
You May Deny Me What I Earthly Earn!
You May My Contributions To Humanity Spurn!
Thank God Almighty
Jesus Christ Has Sanctified To For Himself
This Earth-Grown Trembling Worm!

Lord, Please Help Me Stay The Course!!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Cost Price of False Worship and Infidelity's Rewards!

Infidelity's Reward:

  • Hunger
  • Thirst
  • Plague Upon Land and Animals
  • Plague on Skin
  • Death to Youth
  • Withholding of Peace
  • Exile from The Fruitful Land

Fidelity's Reward:

  • Abundance of Bread
  • Sweet and Abundant Water and Rain
  • Healthy Crops and Cattle
  • Good and Healthy Children
  • Blessing of Peace in The Land
  • Prosperity of Ownership in The Fertile Land
  • God Protects and Provides
  • God Shields and Seals

"I Chose You from Among Many!
Not because You are Good and Grateful
But because I Love You!

I Gave Unto You The Milk and Honey Land 
But Not because You are Careful!

I Gave You Rain - Early and Late
And How Do You Repay Me?!
By Being a Great Apostate!

You Refused to Offer True Worship and Instead 
You Did Kneel
Before Baal and Asherah
Ashtoreth and Molech
Made Yourself Wholly Unholy
Vitally Unclean!

Instead of Father God
You Worshiped Mother Earth
The It - Calling It Woman
And Now True Worship
Is Become False Worship
Lead by Prostitutes - Boy and Girl!

I'm Faithful!
I Plead That You To Come Home or
I Will Send Wanting Unto You
Until Unto Me
You Doth Your Life Commend!

I Will Not Surprise You!
I Will My Secrets Tell
Unto My Servants - The Prophets
That You Summarily Reject and Condemn!

I Will Warn You!
I Will Plead with You!
I Will Give You Time To Repent
Return Unto Me
Worship Me As It Is Meant!

If You With Finality Reject Me
Even Though I Plead That You Do Not
Be Sure I Will Finally Reject You
You Will Face Your Just Lot!

Please Return!
I Love You!
I Will Bless You!
Please, Do Not Me - and My Holy Love For You - Spurn!

I Place Before You Choice Platters -
Platter 1 and Platter 2!
One is All Blessings!
Two is Cursing All Through, True!

I Am Faithful!
I Am Your Friend!
Your Provider
Almighty God
I Plead with You,  My Darlings
STOP Listening and
Yielding Your Free Will
To THAT Satan -  The Murdering, Lying Fraud
Who Speaks his Very Own Language
To which he, himself, gave Birth!
Turn Your Back to him!
Don't Suffer his Eternal Curse!

I Will Give You Dry Mouth
Utter Cleanness of Teeth
Boils Upon Your Skin
Famine and Pestilence - No Relief!
Just As in Old Egypt
Your Young Ones Will Die
You Will Be Exiled!
Please Return to Me for
It Is Not Necessary That You Die
BUT ... Your Path IS Of Your Own Choosing!

I Am Constant!
I Don't Change!
I Give of All Good Things
To Those Who Honor Me with
True Worship, and
Who Don't My Holy Name Profane!

Time and Again
Repentance and Confession
Will Put You In Good Standing with Me
Time and Again!
Let Me Fair Warn You That
Presumption IS Indeed Sin
When You Know My Commandments
Indulge in Malicious Sin!

All Who Walk Under My Banner
Will be Judged
Than Those
Who Know Not Me
As The Righteous Faithful King of Love!

Think Carefully!
Walk Holy!
I Am Holy!
I Am Your King and
Your Judge!
The Choice IS Before You
King of Love
Justice Judge!"

I Know The Plans I Have Toward You

To Grant You The Good Shepherd's Flock's Holy End!








I AM Faithful!

I AM True!

I AM The Everlasting Father

The Holy God 


Desires To Daily and Eternally

Bless and Keep You!!

The Seed Of ... Sin!

The Seed Of Sin
Long-thread Cotton Spins
Making Smooth Cloth
Strong and Supple
As The Refreshing Wind!

That Seed Is Self
Who Its Maker Denies
And Stands Sits On Its Own
On The Apostate's Satanic Throne!

Sin Is Accursed!
You Must To It Be Adverse
Looking Not At Your Self
But Keeping Your Eye
On The Living God 
Who Is The Lord of The Universe!

Self Is Mortal Insanity
Indulging in Conversational Inanities
Which Offer Nothing Substantial
Nor Bearing Gravity
To Whomever with It Is In Charity!


Let Not Anyone 
A Loaf of Bread 
From Your Mouth
Who Cannot Give You 
A Dry Biscuit!



If Sin Is Around

Satan Is To Be Found!

If Self Stands Its Ground

Damnation Follows Close 

and then 

Fully Surrounds!

Root Out The Seed!

Get The Gardener King!

Get Jesus Christ


Eternally Live 


Sing Thankful Praises To Him!

Ephesians 5:15-20