Friday, January 1, 2016

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016 ... In Jesus Christ's Blessed and Holy Name!

We May Cry ... About Life!
We Can Lie ... About Truth!
We Can Spy ... Out The Financial Landscape!
We May Ply ... Our Selves With "Comfort" Food!
We Can Reply ... To The Holy Spirit's Call!
We Can Deny ... The Liar!
We Can Edify ... Others!
We Can Beautify ... The Inner Self!
We Can Die ... To Will and Wayward Self
Place "Our Own Way" On The Burning Back Shelf!

We Can Commit To The Creator
The Maker Of Man
Our Day Of Decision
Hold King Jesus' Hand
To Be Led By The Shepherd
To The Fold Of His Sheep
So That In The Dark Day
Our Rest May Be Sweet!

Happy May Your Days Be
Of This Brand New Year!
The Number May Change
The Days Roll The Same
Don't Get Caught Up 
In Resolutions' Resolve
Get Tied Up In Faith
And Covered In Prayer as With Cloth!

Don't Be A Sloth!
Don't Be A Bear!
Be Nice To Your Brother Sister
Tell All That Jesus Cares
For The Rich and The Poor
The Young and The Old
The Red, The Yellow, The Black and The White
All - To Jesus - Is As Pure Gold!

Don't Minimize Your Faults!
Don't Magnify Your Shame!
Don't Blame All Your Errors 
On Others With Whom You Played The Game!

Your Life IS Your Life!
Win! Lose! Stand! Fall!

Take Your Soul and Sorrows To King Jesus, and
He'll Guide You Through The Strife
On To Eternal Life!

Trust In God -
Not Money Nor Men!
Trust The True Savior
Who Liberally Blesses and
Gives To All Men!

Dear Ones - My Dear Lovelies!
God's Blessing Be Upon You
For Health and Provision
And For Growth In Your Spirit, Too!

Be A Child To The Father!
Walk Not In Your Own Way!
Go To Your Father - He Loves You
Shows It In Myriad Ways!

Reach Out To Our Savior
Our Friend To The End
Walk On In Faithfulness and
Let No Earthly Disappointment
Your Faith In Jesus Christ Suspend!

Look ... With Your Heart
Hear ... With Your Eyes
See ... With The Touch Of  Kindness, and
Dismiss Satan and his Vile Lies!

The Lord In Zion Reigneth

So ... Let Your Heart Rejoice!


 ** FEAR NOT!! **






HAPPY SABBATH! + PRAYER: Lord, Please Bridle My Tongue!

Lord, I Need Inner Resources
When I Feel Put-upon
When The World is Ruffling My Feathers
When Evil is Grinding My Small Toes
And Everywhere I Turn Is A New Foe!

Lord, I Do Not Want To Be The Complainer
But You Are My Lord and My God
So I Am Making Petition
Against My Mortal Enemy, King Fraud!

Please Help Me, Father
For I Am Listing and
Almost Ready To Turn My Flesh Loose
And Ask You To Grant Me Five Minutes
To Tell One or Two People Some Home Truths
Your Charge To Me
Is to Maintain
A Quiet and Gentle Spirit Always
So I - of Carnal Mind - am Begging You, Lord
Please Do Not Let Me Send The Holy Spirit On
The Proverbial Roman Holiday!

I Love You, Lord, and I Bless You
For Your Constant Blessing on Me!
I am Grateful, Lord, and I am Happy To Know
That You Won't Reject Me When
 I Descend Into A Momentary Round of Folly!

My Actions, Lord, are not Deliberate!
It is just that Turning My Cheek 
Is Really Getting Old
Because I Desire To Have You as King of My Soul
I am Beseeching, Lord
Please, Won't You of This Poor Life Take Control?!

Thursday, December 31, 2015

CHRISTIANS PRAY: Just Because ... !

The Bird Does Not Sing
Because She Has Something To Say!
The Bird Sings
Because ... She Must!

I Do Not Pray
Just Because I Have A Request!
I Pray
Because ... I Must!

The Christian That I Call Myself
Has Prayer At His Disposal
To Use However He Must
But  ... The Christian 
Who Only Prays Because of
Problems and Things 
That Cause Fuss
Is A Christian Devoid
Of Jesus Christ's Faith
A Living Trust!

Pray for Power!
Pray For Faith!
Pray For Grace!
Pray Against Lust!
Pray When Happy!
Pray When Sad!
Pray Because Of The Hope
At End Of Personal Strength To Cope!

Jesus Christ Said:
"Pray Without Ceasing!"

Each and Every Day!
As If Your Life Is On The Line!
Because Your Father
Is Almighty God and Divine
Providing Power
Sweet Rest
Provision and Position
In The Mansions of The Blessed!

Comfort and Caring
Compassion ... Just Because
Our Lord and Dear Master
Our God Holds Dear
The Ransomed Who Was Once Lost!

Pray is Protection!
Pray is The Way!
Pray is The Air
That The Christian Needs
To Breathe 
All Through The Day

So ....

Don't Starve Your Self of Your Necessity!
Clear The Airways
The Air Waves
The Ear Ways

Help From Heaven
Always Just A Breath Of Prayer

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Forever Word Of The Lord!

I Walked in  Pretty Meadow
Serene ...

(Tap! Tap!)


You said: "... Serene!"

Well,  I Though it was Serene
Until a Cool Breeze Blew
And I Heard A Voice or
More Probably, Two, say:

"The Word Of The Lord!"

"Man Is As Grass!"

Come On!


Okay, So You "Heard" a Couple Voices!
So, Who Were They?

That's Just It!! I Don't Know!
Anyway, I Continued Walking, Thinking My Mind Was Playing Tricks On Me When I Heard:

"Lasts Forever! "

I Paused ...

And Then I Heard:

" Withers and Dies! "

Okay ...

I Stopped to Listen But I Could See No One Soul About!
Then I Heard It Again ...  PLAINLY!!

Okay ...

I Refused To Go Any Further,  And That Is When I Heard It Plainly:

"The Word of The Lord 
Lasts Forever!"

And,  Then ...

"Man Is As Grass 
Which Withers and Dies!"

So, Who Said Those Words?

That's Just It!  I Still Don't Know!!
Anyway, I Finally Roused Moved, And I Returned Home.

That Evening, I Kept Hearing Those Words Being Constantly Repeated In My Mind.

Those Words Struck A Cord, and I Had To Search Them Out, And I Found Them In Isaiah Chapter 40!

I Read That Chapter, and I Thought On The Significance Of Those Words:

Man Is Minute!
God IS Mighty!
Man Will Pass Away
But God Has No Need Of A Nightie!

Grass Is Green!
Healthy It Seems
Until The Sun Blasts
And Bakes It Dry As Dried Beans!

Man Is As That Grass and
Cannot Do For Himself!
Deny Him The Water Of The Spirit, and
He Becomes Dry and Dead

BUT ...

If The Grass Has The Dew Of Refreshing
The Water Of The Word
For Cleansing And Washing
The Dirt Of The Sin Life Is Carried Away
The Hot Sun Of Chastisement Won't Cause The Lush Grass 
To Dry Off and Disappear!

The Word Of The Lord
Which Lasts Forever
Is Food For The Man
Who Alone Can Stand Never!

Man Must Set Aside Self!
All Alone He Ultimately Returns To Dust
Having Ingested and Expressed The Eternal Word
He Can Call Satan's Bluff
At The End
Be Made New
Not Be Made Into Added Fuel
In The Fire With The Devil and His Crew!


The Word 


The Living God


The Living God



To Deliver Both Me and YOU!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Applied Grace!

I Follow Christ for Love -  Not Fear!
I Follow Christ in Hope -  Not Because of a Dare!
I Follow Christ
Because His Love for Me IS On Perpetual Display
And Not Because
It's The Fashion
Worn By Friends and Family on Special Days!

My Love For Christ Is Real
And Right 
And Is Revealing
My Answer Back
To Him Who Loves Me First!

I Feed On Him
Who Daily Tends and Feeds Me
Who - By My Life -
Had Dearly Cost Him His
After He Had Left His Home
My Sin -  and All Man's -  to Atone
So That We In The Fullness of Time
Could Face The Father 
In The Eternal Home!

I Love The Lord Christ
Today,  Tomorrow,  Forever
For I Have Proven Him 
Able, Honest and True!

His Mercies To Me
Are Daily and
Always Ever New
By Faith
With Hope
Applied Grace 
Constant, Constant Mercy
I Shall One Day
Receive The Blessing of 
The Refreshing Dew!

Monday, December 28, 2015

NO GROUP THINKS: Walking With God!

I Had a Good Think
And Birthed a Great Thought:

"As a Child of The Creator
Who By His Own Blood
Me Bought
Everlasting Life in Eternity
He Must Me Have Truly Sought
Else Why The Great Sacrifice?
Why The Pre-Creation Plan
To Save Me
To Bring Me
Into The Household of The Son Of Man?!"

We Are Not Nice!
Every Where Is Real Sin and Real Vice
And Forays Into Madness
Like Growing Human Ears on The Backs of Mice
Like Choosing To Elect to Leave Earth
Under Man-made "Steam"
Over The Possibility of Nuclear Rain
After Oxygen Depletion
Before Universal Starvation
Through Greed Graft and Gross Gullibility
Not Considering That God IS In Control
And All Man's Actions Are Vain!

In Faithless Performance
We Give Lying Leaders of Men Top Props
Denigrating God To The Position
Of Creator Of Life's Flops
When God IS The Life-Giver
The God Who Provides Grain
Sun Moon and Stars and
The Infallible Indicators Called
Faith, and
To Tell When We Are In A Wrong Not Right
Not Pleasant
Not Safe
Not Tasty
Perilous Even Deadly
Good Bad True
Loving Lying Healthy
Risky Satisfying State Place
We Are So Brilliant
So Knowledgeable
So Right and
So True
That We Give God Finger-Indicators
And Proceed To Make Life Rhyme With Shoe!

I Looked To God!
I Looked At Life and Science Leaders!
I Looked At "Faith" Leaders
I Looked To God,  Again
I Got Out The Scale
That Balance Called Truth
I Placed The One God and His Way On One Side
AND ... Then I
Placed All The Strata of Human Leadership 
Through The Ages Such As
The Scientific
The Economic
The Financial
The Religious,  and
The Political on
The Opposing Scale Pan!

The One God Got All The Glory
All Man's Endeavors
Machinations and
Into Gigantic Minute Flames
By Arrogance
Presumption, and
Plain Lies
Thus, Rightly Disclosing That





We May Say Vile Words!
We May Herd Righteous Believers Like Sheep!
We May Even Extinguish Right
Heaven's Light Can't Be Beat!

SO ...

I Made The Decision
To Walk In The Light Way
Come Hell Or High-water
I Am Going With God
All The Way
On The King's Highway!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Game To Genesis! + PRAYER: Please Do Not Forsake Us, Lord!

I Acquired A New Word for My Vocabulary!
Its Medical
Grossly Nonsensical!

Pretentious Indeed
Providing Possibility
For A Child To Have
32 Daddies
To Change Its Single 
Itty Bitty Nappy!

It Also Provides For Same Sex Couples
To Have Children
Biologically Related To Parents Both
When We Know That That's Not How 
Almighty God Made Provision for 
Humanity's Prosperity and Growth!

Game To Genesis!
Play The Game
Get To A Beginning
You Don't Need The Living God
To Provide for You 
One Earthly Thing!

If, By Now, We Are Not Aware
That Mankind Is Doomed
We Are Existing In Brain Fog
Caused By Doing Magic Mushrooms!

Please Pray and Petition
For The Eternal God
Creator Of Heaven and Earth
To Make Haste and Hurry Up
And Tek Ba'k 'E Earth!

Man's Foolishness Knows No Bounds!
Respect For The Creator Is At An All-time Low
At The Rate That We Are Going
We Know Hell On Earth Is Putting On
A Spectacular Show
Save For The Fireworks
Preceding The Coming Of The Lord
Doing All That It Can
To Boost The Army Of The Fraud!


Lord, Please Do Not Forsake Us!
Please, Come Soon and Take Us

Who Are To You Faithful
To The Great Reward!

Bless Us and Keep Us!

Cover Us and Protect Us
From Those Who 
- Vain In Their Deceits and Conceits -
Believe That They Can Will You 
Formally Totally Defeat!

Bless Us, Lord
Even As We Bless You With Unclean Lips
But With Hearts Set
To See and Be Like Christ
Our Only Open Door!

Come Soon, Lord!
In Jesus' Holy Name We Plead!

Saturday, December 26, 2015


I was In Distress and
I was a Royal Mess
So ... I Called On The Savior
And I Simply Confessed
To Walking In My Own Way
Ignoring The Signs
On The Path Of Destruction
On The Road Marked:

"My Life Is Mine!"

BUT ... Before THAT Moment


I Asked Myself ...

Why Should I Listen
Whom My Eye Cannot See
When All Those Around Me
Were Happy and Hale
And Vainly Hearty!

The Voice Calling My Name
Wanted Me To Turn Around
To Walk On The Road Called "Denial!"
Where There Was No Bacchanal nor
Funny Fun Song Sounds!

I Liked Fun
And Funny
And Party
And Dance
And ... In A Pinch
I Wouldn't Have Minded A Little Trance
BUT ... NO!

He Said:

You Must Not!
Know That's Not The Way
To The Land Of Redemption
Go Narrow!
Get Off The Broad Way!

I Hesitated ...

And He Said:

Narrow Is Rocky
Tough and A Pain
Survive To The End
There You Will Find Great Gain
If You Stay On Broad Way
Where All Is Bright Smooth
You'd Better Believe Me
Your Life You Will Lose
Broadway Has No Character
Upon Which To Build Good
For Broad Way Is Where
There Is No Saving Blood!
You Won't Your Spirit-Building Character
Exercise Or Good Feed
For Broad Way Is A Devil Horse
Noted For Deft Speed
To Perdition!

Twisted Out Of Good Shape
Re-Formed By The Master
Of Deception
The Great Devil
Old Satan The Liar
The Lease-Master Himself
Who Writes His Own Contracts
Always Only Benefiting Himself!

No Good Something For Something Else Good!

No Mutual Benefit!
No Assured Dividends!
Those Contracts from Satan
Have Only One Clear Marked Ending:

Death To The Promisor!
Death To The Promisee, Too!
Death To All Intended and Incidental Beneficiaries!

"Is That What You Really Want 
To Do and Be A Party To!?!"

I Still Hesitated
So ... He Gently Urged Me:

Walk With Me, My Dear Child!
Walk With Me In Truth!
Walk With Me - I AM Faithful!
Walk With Me for I AM Truth
Beginning and Ending
And Your Living In Me
Won't Ever Be In Vain!

Trust Me As Master!

Trust Me As Lord!
Trust Me To Carry You
Home To The Great Reward
Where All Who Are Faithful
To Me The Blessed Friend
Will Share All My Provisions
For All Eternity
With No End!

My Heart Leaped  
And It Was Then That I heard Him Say ...

Come Unto To Me



Your Savior
Loving Master
Gentle Shepherd
Almighty God
Holy Lord!

AND ... That 
Is When I Arrived At ... The Beginning!