Saturday, October 21, 2017

Perplexity ... By Complacency!

Lord, Help Us To Not Be Complacent!

Life Is Not A Movie Script
That One By Will Writes!
Life Is A Pie
We Only Get A Single Slice!

Life May Also Be A Fruit Cake
No One Knows
Which Slice Of Life Cake
Has The Whole Red Cherry
No One Knows
Which Bite Of Their Slice Of Life
Will Have The Random Fragment
Of Egg-Shell Broken
For A Nerve Jangling
Tooth-Crunching And Edging Token!

No One Knows
If Their Slice Of Life
Is A Holdover
Carrying Forward
The Generational Curse
Everyone Raised
To Consenting Adulthood
- By Cultivated Tendencies -
To Make Generational Curses Worse!

But ...

Life Is Not All Doom!
Life Is Not All Gloom
The Creator Of Us All
Rich Poor
Free Bond
Gives To Every Child Of Man Born
To Heaven's Bakery
They Can Be
The Bread Of Life Fed
Pharisee Leaven
Bitter Water
Rose Of Sharon
Lily Of The Valley
The Balm In Gilead
The Hand Of The Fairest
The Brightest
The Best
The Savior
The Redeemer
The Sustainer Of Men's Souls
The Eternal God Of Heaven
The King Of Love -
No One Less!

Provision Is Made
For All Who Choose To Believe
That The Living God 
The Lord Of Life
That Life Is Not License
That Birth Is Not Death
That Circumstance Is Not Conclusion
For All Who Choose
To Approach The Throne Of Grace
To Sue For Peace
To Cast Down Strongholds
To Lay Down Burdens
To Get Good Gifts ... Forgiveness Of Sin
In The Day To Come
To Rise To New Life
For Being An Over-Comer
Satan Sin And Strife!

There Is No Need To Worry
No Need To Fear
If Your Slice Of Life
Is Rancid
Filled With Boll Weevils
Insurmountable Burdens To Bear
The Maker Of All
Has Reprovisioning Available
For Whosoever Will
By Confession
From Sin 
Doing A Turn Called
Degree 180!

Cast On Him Your Cares!
Guardian Angels Surround 
Influence For Good! 

The Holy Spirit
Teaches Guides
Leads Into All Truth

The King Of Love 
Captain And Commander
Our Father
Is God
Earth Beneath
Heaven Above!

Do Not Present-Life Pie
Into Your Mouth Carelessly Shove
Your Mouth Will Not It Love!
Whichever Slice Of Life You Get
Give Your Life To Jesus Christ!
Your Best Life Is In Him
The Best Is Yet To Come
On That
You Don't Have To Place
The Fool's Denying-God Bet!

By God's Grace
In Wisdom ... I Now Write This Missive:

Formerly-Dear Questioning Life,

You Once Sorely Perplexed Me!

You Turned My Life Upside Down, Backwards, And All Around
Please Be Advised, 
That With Instant Effect
Your Power Is Usurped!
Jesus Christ IS My Answer
By Him
My Death Sentence Is Summarily Reversed!

My Jesus
- My Answer
My Peace
My Rest -
Goes Before
Walks Beside Me
For Eternity
He Is My Home!

I Wait Upon My Jesus!
I Have Cast On Him All My Cares 
Furthermore, Questioning Life
Please Do Not Forever, Hereafter
Do Not
Call My Name
For I Trust My Lord Jesus
- I Don't Trust You -
I've Given Unto Him
All My Fears
He Wipes Away
All My Tears
So ... Do A Smoke

My God To Me
Is Dear And Near
You Will No Longer
Belly-Up To My Dining Table
In The Master Chair
In My Living Room
Occupy And Lord It Over Me
In My Best Comfy Chair!
I Do No Wish You God Speed
A Bon Voyage
Nor Utter A Blessing
For The Prosperity Of Your Seed!

Your Former Faint-Hearted Client
Who Looked For Round Answers In All Your Square Spaces
Now Avidly Learning From
Comfortably Leaning On
The God Of All Graces
Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent
Omnivorous Like You!

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Cast Your Ever Care On The Lord + PRAYER: Heal Me, Lord!

Worrying Does Not Take Away Tomorrow's Troubles
It Takes Away Today's Peace
It Tells You To Your Face
That You're Counting Christ The Least!

Jesus Christ Says Unto His People:

Cast Your Every Care On Me
For I Sacrificially Care For You
I Shall Give You Of My Peace
- Not As The World Gives For A Price 

-With Nothing Being Purchased -
But Peace
Beyond Human Understanding
Where That Peace Is Rest
That Rest Is Refreshing
Even Unto The Great Day Of
Eternal Blessing!

Brethren Beloved,
Let No Man
No Creature Of The Dark Realm
Encourage Your Heart To Doubt 
The Word Of The Living God!

Our God Is Faithful!
Our God Is The Friend That Blesses
That Without End
Since Our God Pleads:

Come Unto Me!
Give Unto Me!
Pray Unto Me!
Do Not Fret!
Call Upon Me!
Follow Me!
Believe In Me!
Rest In Me!
Abide In Me!
Walk With Me!

Our Instant - Constant - Response 
Should Ever Be:

Yes, Lord
Your Servant Is Listening!
Lead Me, Lord
For I Know You Care!
Teach Me, Lord
For You Are My Father!
Bless Me, Lord
For You Are Almighty
I Hold You In Godly Fear!


I Come Unto You As A Child Chastened
As An Obedient Servant
Willingly Admitting My Sin Oft' Willful!

Forgive Me, Lord
For My Doubts And My Wanderings!
Forgive Me, Lord
For Not Believing In You All The Way!

Lord, Heal My Backslidings
My Forays Into Self-Absorption

My Dancing With King Fanciful

Pity Me

Bless Me, Lord

Helping Me To Walk With You Sedately
And Not Live As The World Does
With Spirit Ever Anxious And Motions Antsy!

Remember The Brethren
Near And Far!
Remember The People
Who Know Not
That The Door To Eternal Life Is Ajar!


Remember The Called
The Chosen People

Please Remember Your Promise
And Call Them Out
From Amongst The Congregation Of The Damned! 

You Say In The Blessed Word
That You Have Sheep In Other Flocks
Sheep That Know Your Voice
And I Plead
I Beseech You, Lord
Call Us All Out
And Unto Sure Salvation 
So That Heaven May Rejoice
And We
- In Eternal Gratitude -
May Sing Your Praise In Full And Harmonious Voice!

Oh, For A Heart To Praise My God
Oh, For A Tongue To Sing
And A Voice That To Him Calls! 
Oh, For A Soul
Settled And Sealed In The Knowledge Of Sure Salvation
Because I Made That Right Choice!
Oh, For An Eye
To See Into The Throne Room Of Heaven
And An Ear To Hear Ever
The Holy Spirit's Sweet And Soft Voice!

Lord, Grant Unto Me
The Will Ever To Reject
The Easy On The Ear
Smooth On The Tongue
Lying To The Heart
Deadly For The Soul
Pharisee Leaven And Babylonian Wine
That Is Flowing And Shared Freely 

In The Household Of Faith Community!

Help Me, Lord
For I Believe You
I Know You
I Trust You
I Trust You To Redeem My Soul From Death
For You Are The God Holy
You Are The God Almighty
You Are The God Divine
My Soul

My Soul Is Wholly Thine!

Please Bless Me Ever With The Willingness 
To Always Accept

Your Plain Truth And Holy Light
Because I Love You

I Humbly Plead For These Gifts
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name! 

Friday, October 20, 2017

HAPPY SABBATH + FACT: Man Cannot Change Almighty God's Word!

Man May Write A Book
Call It The Bible
He Cannot Change
The Sealed And Settled
Eternal Word
Almighty God!

There Are A Few Absolutes
In The Way Of Man
- As Prescribed In The Preserved Word Of Truth -
For His Correction, Direction And Protection
So That He Cannot Say That
He Was Not So Informed!

Man May Choose To Endure
He May, With Presumption, Forswear!
Whichever Way He Decides To Walk
The Word Of The Eternal God Shall Stand:

  • Faith Comes By Hearing
  • By Beholding We Are Changed
  • Only Those Who Walk Together Can Agree
  • The Soul That Sins Shall Die
  • The Heavens Unto Man Declare Almighty God's Glory
  • Satan Hates Man
  • Almighty God Loves Man
  • Victory Over Sin Is In Jesus Christ
  • Salvation For Man Is Free
  • Almighty God's Grace Is Sufficient
  • The Righteous Are Not Forsaken
  • The Fool Says There Is No God
  • By Wisdom Man Builds His House
  • There Is A Season For Everything
  • Righteousness Exalts A Nation
  • Sin Is A Reproach To Any People
  • The Dead Know Nothing
  • Repentance For Sin Brings Forgiveness
  • Stubbornness Is As Witchcraft
  • Whosoever Will May Come To Jesus Christ
  • Satisfaction Comes When We Awake From Death In Christ's Likeness
  • All Things Work Together For Good To The Lovers Of Almighty God Called To His Purpose
  • Jesus Christ IS Coming To The Earth Again
  • We Must Worship The Majesty Of Heaven
  • Almighty God Wrote His Law On Our Hearts
  • Man Has No Excuse For Sinning
  • Yielding To Temptation Is Sin
  • Presumption Is A Sin
  • We Can Reason With Almighty God
  • Almighty God Leads His Children
  • Faith Without Work Is Dead
  • A Doubter Gets Nothing From Almighty God
  • If We Lack Wisdom, Almighty God Will Give Us Of His Bounty IF We Ask In Faith

Our Redeemer Is Alive
There Is Nothing That We Can Do
To Change The Facts!
  • The Devil Is A Liar
  • The People Imagine Vain Things
  • Babylon Is Fallen
  • A Whore's Forehead Knows Not Shame
  • Men's Hearts Shall Fail Them For Fear
  • Man's Heart Is Deceitful
  • Man Should Not Depend On Man For Help
  • Men Go A Whoring After Their Own Inventions
  • Men Despise The Pleasant Land
  • Almighty God Is Not A Man
  • Almighty God Cannot Lie
  • Almighty God Is Not Deaf
  • Almighty God Is Not Weak
  • Almighty God's Will Is Sovereign
  • Blessed Are They Who Put Their Trust In The Son Of Almighty God
  • The Lord Shall Laugh At The Kings And Rulers Of The Earth
  • Man Must Humble Himself Before Almighty God
  • Almighty God Will Exalt The Humble Faithful Enduring Believing Repentant Confessing Sinner Turned Saint ... In Due Season
  • Almighty God Pays His Debts
  • Man Shall Reap What He Has Sows, And
  • Sinners Shall Not Stand In The Congregation Of The Righteous

It Is Time ...

For Mankind To Get Greedy
For Heaven's Glorious Gold
By Putting Away Those Things
That Surely Blight The Soul! 
Let's Cast Our Care Upon Christ Jesus!
Let's Give Unto Him All Our Sin!
Let's Lift Up Our Hearts To Him In Contrition

Receive From His Hand
The New Start
To Really, Really, Start Living! 

N eeding To Walk In
E ternal 
W isdom, Let Us Honestly
S tudy The Bible And
T rust Almighty God To Guide Us As We
A sk Him For The Blessing To Help Us To
R esist The Devil, And Valiantly
T ake Hold Of Sure Salvation!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Realization + PRAYER: I Desire You, Lord!

I Believed The Word
But Not Wholly!

I Saw The Truth
But Not Clearly!

I Had Faith
But Not Completely!

I Knew Love
But Not Entirely!

I Lived For The Lord
But Not With Fidelity!

I Prayed With Fervor
But Not With Hope!

I Prayed For Mercy
But Denied Grace!

I Lived By Grace
But Ignored Salvation!

I Expected Salvation
But Played With Damnation!

I Damned Devotion In Others
But Craved It For Myself!

I Was A Bundle Of Contradictions
Until Jesus ...
Until King Jesus Found Me
In His Timeless Forward-Looking Glass
Showed Me The Life Brand New
The Life Where Right Is Ever Right
New Life Is Always New
Where Water Of Life Is Abundant
Where Sense Is Ever True
Where Sensation Is The Thing Holy
Where Vision Has No Rear View
Where Walking With A Friend Is Just That
Where Thoughts And Actions Comport
Where There Are No Transactions
Where Sight Is Singular
Ever Beholding The Great God
Who Presently Gives Men
Of His Faith
A Daily Share
Where Singing To The King
Is Grandly Energizing
Self Is Unknown
For The Soul For God
Is At Home
Is A Thing Assuredly
Not Known
There Is No Smells Of A Corrupt And Vile Goat!


Haste The Day
I Desire You
And To See You
And To Touch
To Hold
That Hand
That Touches My Heart!

I Desire To Kiss The Hand
That So Gently Cradled
My Head!
The Hand That Ensures That Daily
I Am Blessed And Fed!

Oh, Marvelous Grace!
Oh, Redeeming Love!
Oh, Love That Will Not Let Me Go
I Stand A Frail Human
But Trust In Your Strength For
Salvation For My Needing-You Soul!
Heaven At The Last Is My Goal
So, Please, Lord
Keep Me Safe In The Obedient-sheep Fold!

Please Remember The Brethren Near And Far
That People Of God
Walking Towards The Door Of Salvation
Now Currently Ajar!
Open Their Eyes, Lord!
Unstop Their Ears
Grant Them New Hearts Of Flesh
So That In The Little Time
Of Jacob's Trouble
Satan And His Minions
Cannot Make Them Bow To The Idol
And Sin
From Fear!

Please Remember Those
Who Are Currently Working
For The Salvation Of Souls
Those Who Are Awaiting Their Call To Duty! 
Bless Them, Lord
According To Your Will
And Ever Always According To Your Way
And Grant Them Utterance
To Preach And Teach
The Unadulterated Truth
- In And Out Of Season -
To The Little Ones, The Old And The Youth!

Grant Us Your Grace, Lord
To Keep Jesus Christ's Faith
Is My Humble Plea
I Ask All In In That Worthy Name!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

My God Is The Rock!

The Troublers Of My Soul Are Many
In Godly Fear
I Cried Unto The Lord!
He Heard Me
From His Home In Zion
I No Longer Had Anything To Fear
From That Seeking Roaring Ravening Lion!

I Laid Me Down!
I Slept ... In Peace
I Awakened - What Sweet Relief
Now, Sustained
By The Love Of Him
Who, To Me, Is All Gain
I Shall Not Be Afraid
Of Those Chain-Rattling Profane!

My God Is The Rock ... In The Weary Land!
My God Is The Shepherd
Who Guides And Comforts Me
With That Loving Gentle Hand!
My God Is The Life-Giver
Who Gives Me Food For Both Body And Soul
My God Is Preparing Me The Perfect Place
The Taking Up Of Residence In Which
Motivates My Life
For It Is My Goal!

My God Is The Lover Of My Soul!
My God Bought Me A Second-Death Pardon
I Can Approach Unto Him Bold
In The Name Of Christ The Redeemer
I Can
I Do
I Will
Make My Requests Known Unto Him
My Request, Lord, Is:

Make Me Unto You, A Delight!

My God!
My Hope!
My Help!
My Salvation!
Even So ... Come, Lord Jesus
I Desire To Be With You
In The Forever Home!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

PRAYER: Lord, Help Us To Meet Your Conditions!

I Love You
And, Yet
It Is So Easy To Be Distracted
By The Minutiae Of Daily Living
The Dread Problems Of This World!
Forgive Me, I Beseech You
For Not Making You First
And Always
And Help Me, Lord
To Get My Priorities In Order!

Help Me, Lord
To Take My Eyes Up
From Looking Down At My Feet
And The Path That I Must Tread
And, Please
Cause Me Ever To Look Up
To My Lord Christ
Where My Sure Help
My Certain Salvation
Comes From!

I Need You
For, Lord
Oftentimes The Lights Of And In This Wicked World
Are So Bright That I Blink
And Momentarily Close My Eyes
And Then I Can't
I Don't
See You
And I Become Fearful
Distraction And Drift
Try To Steal Me Away!

Pity Me, Lord
Help Me Not To Live Right In My Own Eyes
Nor In The View
That Comes From Trusting 
My Lying Mortal Eyesight!
Please Help Me To Live In The Foundational Faith
Of My Jesus
So That I May Be Saved!

Sometimes, Lord
The Clamor Of This Dying World
And Often Does
Prevent Me From Hearing
The Dear And Lovely Voice! 
I Do Not Will That This Should Be So
I Beseech You
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
To Grant Me Spiritual Ears
So That I May Hear Of
The Blessings Of Love
Heed The Cautions Of Caring
Walk In The Direction Of Mercy
Live In The Shelter Of Grace
To Rise In The Glory Of Redemption
After An Enduring Sojourn
In The School Of Salvation!
I Desire To Reach Zion's Peaceful Shore!

Please Pour Of Your Spirit
Into This Earthen Vessel
Remake Me
Into A Vessel Fit
For The Use Of
My Lord And My God! 
I Desire To Possess My Place
At Your Welcome Home Table!

I Know
I Understand
I Accept
That The Way Of The Crucible Is Painful
Hard To Tolerate
I Am Willing To Stay In It
If You Will Keep My Company
Hold My Hand
Comfort My Heart 
Help Me
All Things To Bear!

I Need You - Please Help Me
I Desire The Residence In That Prepared
And Holy Place
I Desire With My Every Fiber
To Receive
And Wear 
That Golden Crown
That My Jesus Purchased For Me
When In Closing Out That Transaction
A Spear's Cruel Pierce
Caused His Cleansing Blood
Water Of Life
To Pour Forth! 
Thank You For The Promise 
The Gift
Eternal Life!

I Believe - Help Me To Obey! 
I Love You! 
Help Me To Honor You Today
In All Ways
And Bless Me
Lord, Bless Me
To With Others
My Faith In The Lord Christ To Share!

Remember The Faithful
The Feeble
The Faltering
The Fraught
Remember The Caring
The Crass
The Criminal
The Cruel
Remember All The Souls
For Whom Salvation 
Through Innocent Blood 
Was Bought!

Help Us To Be Mindful!
Help Us To Be True!
Help To Worship Truly
For We
Who Will To Be Saved
Will To
In Humility
Bless You!

Grant Us Grace For This Day
Provision For The Way
With The Holy Spirit Leading
The Holy Angels Protecting
Ever Influencing Us
For Good
For Our Good!

Help Us, Father,
To Meet Your Conditions
So That The Promise Will Be Verified In Us! 
Do All, Lord, To Save Us
As You Have Promised
In Jesus' Precious Name, We Humbly Pray
Importunately Plead!