Saturday, October 28, 2017

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Salvation ... Simply Put!

Soooo .... What Do You Say That I Need Salvation From?

Simply Put
You Need Christ's Sure Salvation
To Escape Sin's Sure Damnation!

Wait A Minute!
You're Moving A Bit Too Fast!
How Did Damnation Get In This Conversation?! 
Start From The Beginning
Talk Real Slow
And Don't Stutter!

Okay. No Problem!

You Repeatedly Tell Anybody
And Everybody
How Much You Like Nice Things
And The Things That Are Good For You!

Sure, I Do!
Only The Very Best Will Do For My Foooine Self!

In That Case
- And Because You Are So Fine ... In Your Mind
But Not In The Sight Of The Lord -
You May Want To Take A Gander
At The Living Word Aka Your King James Bible!

Money ... Burns!
Possessions ... Burn!
Unrepentant Sinners ... Burn!

Pardon Me, But
I Am NOT A Sinner!

I May Occasionally Make Truth Turn Expediency Corner 
By Frequently Indulging In A Miniscule White Lie!
I May Occasionally Avail Myself Of A Five-Finger Discount!
Everybody Does The Bed Hop! 
They're One Or Two Persons That I May Perhaps Probably 
Might Want Desire To Cause To Abruptly Exit Life! 
I May Worship My Beemer
And Even Myself In Every Store Window
And I May Be Accused Of Rampant Covetousness
I Strenuously Repeat
I Am NOT A Sinner!

You Poor, Poor, Poooor, Baby!
Upon What Have You Been Feeding Your Fine Mind?

Somehow, I Don't Think That I Care For That Tone In Your Voice!

I Stand Corrected!
Permit Me To Try Again!

Say On! 

In Bajan Parlance
You Ain't Nutten But A Greasy Pork-Mout' Sinner
Your Own Fine Words Convict You!

Don't You Know That If You Break One Of God's Commandments
You Are Guilty Of Them All
As A Result
You Surely Need The Perfect Doctor
For What Surely Ails You!

You Need Yourself, Dr. Jesus
The Great Physician
The Great I AM
The Good Shepherd
The Rock Of Ages
The Purveyor Of Peace
Who Dispenses
Rest And Relief!

When You Attend His Clinic
He Checks Your Eyes
Your Ears
Your Tongue
Your Heart
Even The Soles Of Your Feet!

He Dispenses That Medicine
That Is Cure-Fuh-All
Where Confession Is A Purgative
Repentance Is Recuperative Juice
Forgiveness Is Healing Balm
Walking In Obedience
Is The Only Way To Acquire Eternal Youth!

He Sends All Patients On An Errand
Where Mercy Is Free
Grace Is For The Way
All Who Will To Do The Will Of The Father
Get A Guaranteed Ration Of
Faith For The Day!

And ...

Best Of All
He Gives To All Comers Of His Spirit Holy
To Teach And Lead
And Guide And Chide
An Excellent Member Of His Support Staff
Named Angel Excelling-In-Strength
Is Provided To You For A Constant Companion
And A Guardian
And An Influencer To Ever Do Good!
This Must Be Understood! 

Dr. Jesus Is Gloriously Amazing!
He Is Guaranteed Always On Time!
He Is The True And Very Present Help!
As Long As You Invest Your Trust And Belief
In His Merits
If You Die The Appointed-Unto-Man Death
He Is The Almighty Power
He Will Call You Up From The Grave
On The Great And Glorious Day Of Vengeance And Redemption!
All Men Choose Which Side Of The Day Is Their Reward!

All His Patients Have Cards
Justified! Sanctified!
They Are All Signed
With The Precious Blood Of The Sacrificed Lamb!

I'll Let You In On The Secret ...

All Who Remain Faithful
Taking The Medicine As Stipulated
Doing As He Wills
- In The Day Of Appointment -
Get The New Name
White Robe
Victor's Palm
Gold Crown With Stars
Gold Harp
Eternal Life
A Home In Glory
Whatever Else He Desires To Give!

 Know This  ...

Oh, My!
That Sounds Fantastic!
But ... What Is ... All Of This ... Going To Cost ... Me?!

Simply Put ... Your Heart!
You Agree To Live For Him
So That You Will Die In Him!

Is It Going To Hurt?!


Living For Him?!

Simply Put ... Yes!

Oh, Dear!
I Do Want What He Has
But I. Don't. Like. Pain!
Oh, Dear!

If You Honor
Pray Without Ceasing
Live In Faith
Keep In And Believe The Word
The Pain Will Be A Small Matter!

Dr. Jesus Will Not Leave You Alone
Nor Forsake You!
He Is The Savior And The Redeemer
The Healer And The Sealer
He Is Always Just A Prayer Away!

Please, I Beseech You ...

Whatever You Do
Do Not Doubt!
Do Not Worry!
Ask For Wisdom!
Ask For Faith!
Ask For Grace!
Live In Hope!
Heed The Word!
Deny The Liar!
Speak The Truth!
Do Good!
Do Not Walk In The Light Of Your Own Eyes!
Be Sober!
Be Ever Vigilant!
Wholly Trust Him Solely
All Things Will Work
For Your Good!

Okay. I'll See Him!
Do I Need An Appointment To Meet With Him?!

No! Not At All!
He Is Here!

Here?! Now?!

I'll Leave You Two Alone!

Oh, Dear. Oh, Dear!
Do I Have To Call Him, Doctor
Or Can I Just Say ...

Dear Jesus ....!

Great Minds Think Alike!


Three Weeks Later ... 

Heyyyy! How Are You?! 

I Am Fine! Really, Really, Truly, Fine!

Wow! Do Tell! 

Faithful Is Our God!
Satan Is The Fraud!
Truth Is Our Shield
And Our Faith In Christ Jesus
Will Sure Salvation Yield!

Eyesight Is Great!
Spiritual Eyesight Is Glorious!
Let Us Despise Neither
And Let Us Let God Be Our Leader!
I Am Well, And I Am Praising The Eternal God!

Bless God! Bless God!

Friday, October 27, 2017

HAPPY SABBATH + PRAYER: Father, Help Me To Walk Faithfully!

I Am Glad

I Thank You, Father
For Your Being The Eternal God And Lord
To Whom I Can Come Confessing My Sin
Repenting Of My Transgressions
Against Your Holy Name!

I Am Truly Grateful

That I Can Say:

"I Beg Your Pardon, Father!"

To Be Able To Hear In My Heart
Know Of A Truth
In My Soul
The Blessing:

My Child,

You Are Forgiven! 
This, My Way, Is The Way To Life!
Go, And Sin No More!
Walk With Me, And Rest!
Be Obedient, And Be Blessed!

I Am Grateful, Lord

That You Condescend
To Give Me The Assurance Of Salvation
By Permitting Me Personal Choice

Free-Will Residence
In Your Present Kingdom Of Grace
By My Commitment And Fidelity
To The Cause Of The Lord Christ
The Blessed Hope
For A Personal Place
In The Coming Kingdom Of Glory!
Oh, How I Praise Your Name!
Thank You For The Good News Story!

Bless Me, Lord

To Do Your Will! 
Bless Me, Lord
In Your Presence To Be Still! 
Bless Me, Lord
Your Holy Spirit My Soul To Fill
So That In The Great Day
I Will Have No Unpaid-For-By-Christ Sin-Bill!

I Love You, Lord!

Accept, Please
My Humble Prayer
For I Will
Your Heavenly Home To Share!
Help Me To Walk Faithfully
Ever True
Please, Remember All The Brethren
Who Are Awaiting The Spreading Message
- Their Call To Salvation -
And Who Know Your Voice
And Will Come Out Of Sin
Walk Boldy Unto You!

Let Your Grace, Lord
Be Sufficient For Us All Today
Every Day

In Trust
In The Name Of The Beloved
The Holy Jesus
I Offer Up This Heartfelt Prayer!
Come Soon!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

PERSONAL CHOICE: Paradise Or Perdition?!

By Beholding Had Big Beautiful Eyes
She Fixed Her Mind
On Iam Changed
Who Lived By The Law Of The Human Mind
Sure Enough
Soon Enough
He Was A Goner!
It Was Enough!

By Beholding Is Modern
Was Ancient
Being Ever Current
Has The New Name
- By Marriage, Of Course
Because A Good Live-With
Is Not A "The Done Thing!" 
For A True Beholding Child -
By Beholding-Changed!

By Beholding Loves Ties That Bind!

Things Were Good
Good Good
Even Great ... Until
Bad Bad
Started Into And Stayed In Town!

Suddenly ...

Truth Purity And Holiness
Were Anathema!
Maranatha Was Changed Into Mas
The Gold And Silver Smiths
Were Soon Rolling In Dough
Dollars Yen Euro Sterling
The Tasteless gods Of WhatIFeel
The Gotta-Have-It Hot Commodity!

By Beholding-Changed
Was In The Flowing Tide
Went Along To Get Along
To Belong!

Pssst! Protruding Nails Get Hammered!

Soon ...

Faith Faltered
Clear Gaze Was Always Cast Down!

One Day ...

The New Man
Moved Into Bessie Blessed's Old House
In Short Order
He Was De Talk O' De Town!
Some People Sarcastically Call Him 
King James!

You Should Hear Him Preach ...

 ... But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.
Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands.
They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not:
They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not:
They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat.
And Furthermore, All
They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them.
By Beholding ... We're Changed!
By Beholding ... Iam Changed!

He's Calling Our Names!
How Does He Know Our Names?!

Who Cares How?!
I Want To Know Why!

Hey, Mister!

Greetings, Friends, And Not Yet Friends!

Yes, Yes, Yes!!
Why Do You Know Our Names?!

Different Town
Same Names
Same Questions
A Fact Of Life!

I Am A Messenger!
A Servant Of God!
I Have Precious Information From
The Love Letter Of The Eternal God!

I Deliver The Living Word
In Season And Out
I Speak Truth With Beauty
And I Don't Leave Anything Out!

The Words Of The Lord
Are Pure Words
Tried In The Fire Seven Times
And All Who Choose To Accept
Will Not In Fire 
Be Left Behind!

What Fire Are Speaking Of
And What Is This Left Behind?

All Who Look Up Unto Jesus Christ
Casting Away Their Idols
Setting Aside Vain Imaginings
Will Rise Up
In The Appointed Hour
To The City Of God
Ever To Abide!

Damnation's Fire
Is Prepared Of God
For Satan And His Angels
And Those Of The Willful Sinners' Cohort
Who Chose
- Despising Truth And Salvation Free -
Before The Idol
To Avidly Bend The Knee!

God Is Not Mocked!
Truth Is Not Dead!
Idols Are Useless
For Our Salvation
Jesus Christ Arose From The Dead!

Let Us Be Children Of The Day!
Children Of The Light!
Let Us Not Be Drunkards
Fools And Ones Wicked
Used By Satan
As Disposable Tools!

Mercy Is Free!
Grace Is Free!
Forgiveness Is Full
Pure Is What We Need To Be!

Perdition Or Paradise?
A Choice Must Be Made!
Just Know That Almighty God Is Eternal
Idols Are By The Hand Of Man Made
So Choose Carefully The God You're Serving
For Soon
That Decision Will Be Permanent
Wishing Will Not Cause It To Be Unmade!

The King IS Coming!
Be Ye Washed ... And Ready! 

Oh, Dear! Oh, Dear!
Idols Are A Snare!

We Must Change
And With Alacrity
Damnation Is Ours, I Fear!

I Think That We Forgot To Remember
That Our Jesus
For Us Does Care
No Matter The Opposition
We Must Of Heaven
Seek The Offered Share!

Yes! Yes!
It Is Time To Turn Around!
Let's Seek The Eternal In Prayer!

Our Father, ...!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Almighty God Gave Us Everything ... Good!

It Must Be Proclaimed!

We Serve The Amazing God!
We Have Sweet Cherry
Bitter Melon
Cerasee Bush

We Have Grapefruit
Bay Leaf
Sour Lime!

We Have Pear
Golden Apple!

We Have Sugar Cane
Cactus Pear
Aloe Vera
If You Will But Take A Close Look
You Will Plainly See That
The Amazing God
Taking Amazing Care Of Me And Of You!

In This Small Sampling
You Have The Means
To Keep Your Body Healthy

You Have Bitter
All Tastes Combined To Bless Your Heart!

We Have Tastes That We All Love
Some Tastes
Not So Much
All Are To The Blessing Of Mankind
The Praising Of Him
Who Made Man A Living Soul
So Let Us Make His Praises Bold!

All Are Engaged
For All This
My Heart Is Grateful
To The Great Sage
The Glorious All-Knowing And Eternal God
Who Knows Of
Provides For
My Every Need
I Gratefully Say:

Thank You, Lord!
I Shall Bless And Praise You
Until The End Of My Days!


What Shall I Eat Next?!
Banana, Tangerine, Orange
Hog Plum, Pawpaw
Cucumber, Tomato ...
Decisions, Decisions!
I Have ... CHOICES
This Satisfied-With-Christ Soul

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

THE WORD OF GOD: Hid Treasure!

Unsearchable Riches!
Unspeakable Gift!
The Words Of The Master
The Seeking Soul Does Uplift!

The Gift Is Just That
A Blessed Gift Of God
To All Who Will Receive It
By Turning From Sin
Unto The Holy God!

Blessed Is The Giver!
Blessed Is The Receiver True!
Blessed Is The Holy Word!
Blessed Is The One
That Has The Living Word
With Excitement Heard!

But ...

Be Careful
See That You Become A HearKeeDo!
When You Hear
Keep The Word Safe In Your Heart
Of Its Commissions
See That You Do!

Do Not Deceive Your Own Self
By Being A Forgetful Hearer!
Let The Word Direct You
As Would A Clear Mirror
So That In The Great Day
You Are Not Irreparably 
Irretrievably Marked
For Eternal Sorrow!

Hear ... The Word
Keep It As Your Perfect Treasure
Do All As You Are Bidden
You Will Live With Our Lord
Forever ... And Ever
This Is Our Promised Reward
From Our Savior, Christ Jesus
Our Redeemer
Lord And God!

Monday, October 23, 2017

PuRiSt! + Prayer Of Thanksgiving!

I'm A PuRiSt!
I Have
Pu Rity
Ri ghteousness And
St rengt In Christ Jesus!

I Have Given Up
On All The Doubts
The Suspicions
That The Promises Of God
Are Not Mine
Are Not For Me
I Have Given Myself Unto Christ Jesus
Praise The Lord
Beautiful Peace
- His Peace -
Is All Mine!

Like The Paralytic
I'm Choosing To Believe The Word
I'm Not Waiting
For An Attack Of The Feels!

The Son Of God
Is My Champion
I Am Doing As He Asks:

Yes  ... To Life


No ... To Sin's Strife!

It Is Him That I Please!

I Shall Bless The Lord At All Times!
His Praise Shall Continually Be On My Lips
I Shall Daily Damn The Devil
Being Ever Grateful To The Living God
That The Evil One's Unencumbered Access To Me 
Is Severed!


Thank You, God

For Faith To To See! 
Thank You, God
For Grace To Be! 
Thank You, God
For Blessing Me
To Be A Child Of Your Kingdom
As I Look Forward To 
The Great Day Of Jubilee!

I Love You, Lord
I Beseech You

To Continue To Let 
Your Untold Blessings Rain Down
On The Faithful People!

I Humbly Ask You
To Remember Those
Who Know Not Presently Know
The Lord Christ!
Please Make A Way
Where None Can Be Seen
Do For Us All
What Only The Holy God Can Do!
Pity Us
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
I Pray And Plead!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

ATTIRE ... For Fire?!

I Looked Like A Christian!
I Lived Like A Fraud!
I Fooled The World
I Was Not Fooling God!

He Looked Like A Sinner!
He Trusted In The Lord!
The World Despised Him
His Heart Belonged To The Holy God!

Man Looks At The Outward Appearance!
The Living God Looks At The Heart!
Man's Attire Will Not Get One Into Heaven
Will Earn Him 
- From The Eternal - 

"From Me Depart!"

What Are YOU Wearing?
What Clothes Your Heart?
Is It Things That Will Burn You
Things That Burn Sin From Your Heart?

Jesus Christ Is The Answer
To All My Questionings
Obedience To The Law Of God
Will Give Life
All The Best Flavorings!

Let Us Endeavor To Do Good
So That Good Will Attend Us!
Let Us Seek The Clothing
That The Living God Custom Made For Us!
Let Us Take God's Truth
Into Our Inward Parts
Let Us With Sin Break Up
So That The Devil Will From Us
With Alacrity Depart!

Satan's Cheap T'ings
Ain't Nuh Good
So Choose To Wear
The Best Attire
That Has Been Purchased
With Innocent Blood
Which Will Surely Exempt You
A Trip Into Damnation's Fire!


F.Y.I ...

The Best Clothing
In The Universe
Comes From
The House Of Heaven!
Jesus Christ
Creator Of The Universe
"Come Unto Me And Rest!"
Current Commission: 
"In Heaven ... Interceding!"
All Faithful Requests For Services.
No Monetary Deposit Required!
Donations Accepted:
Freewill And Heartfelt Prayer!