Saturday, November 18, 2017

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH : The Maker Of ... Me! + PRAYER: I Desire To Live With You, Lord!

The Maker Of... Me
Said In His Love Letter To Me

"Follow Me!"

He Also Said To Me ...

There Is Nothing New Under The Sun
Call On Me And I Will Answer Thee
And Show Thee Great Things That Thou Knowest Not!
Followed By
Come Unto Me And Rest!
Believe And Live!
Sin Is A Reproach To Any People!

The Kicker Was:

Confess Your Sin And Repent!

He Did Not Suggest It!
He Clearly Said ...

God Is Faithful And Just To Forgive Me My Sin
And To Cleanse Me From All Unrighteousness!

He Beseeched Me 
To Trust God
God's Grace Is Sufficient For Me!

I Heard ...

Hope Thou In God
Get Understanding
Remember That
Wisdom Is The Principal Thing!

He Said:

Fear God
And Keep His Commandments
For It Is My - Man's - Duty
God Will Bring Every Work Into Judgment
Even The Things I Hide
Be They Good Or Evil!

He Urged Me, Saying ...

Do Not Follow The Multitude To Do Evil!
Cast Your Every Care On God!
My Redeemer Lives!
God Be Praised

The Lord Liveth To Make Intercession For Me!

The Lord, Himself, Says ...

Don't Walk In Your Own Understanding
Walk By Faith Not Sight
Let No One Steal Your Crown
Weeping Lasts For A Night
Joy Comes In The Morning
Choose You This Day Which God You Will Serve
Those Who Serve False Gods Are Like Unto Them!

The Maker Of ... Me
In His Love Letter To Me

Is There Anything Too Hard For Me?"

In Response To This
I Pray And Say
Unto The Maker
My Maker
The Lord
My God:


Have Mercy On Me!
Help Thou My Unbelief!

I Was A Child!
I Did Childish Things!
I Am Growing Up!
Help Me To Put Away Childish Things!
Help Me To Honor You, Lord
Love You
 Trust You And Obey!

Help Me, Lord
To Live In Your Love
Above The Frustrations
Sorrows And Sadness
Wants And Worries
Needs And Necessities
Cares And Concerns
Because You Have Said
I Will Never Leave You
Forsake You!

You Have Also Said
In The Letter Of Love
That If I Am In Hell
There Will You Be With Me
That There Is No Place That I Can Go
Absent Your Spirit
That You Know All
That You See All
That You Are In All
That You Count The Hairs On My Head
That You Knew Me
Before I Was Made Perfect
That You Know My Name
That You Feel My Pain
That I Am Blessed
By Not Walking
In The Counsel Of The Ungodly
That I Am Blessed When I Mourn
For I Shall Be Comforted
That I Should Do Good
Good Shall Attend Me
That I Should Not Cast Away
My Confidence In Christ
Which Has Great Recompense Of Reward
That You Are Preparing A Place For Me
That You Are Coming Again For ... Me
That Your Gift To Me
Eternal Life
That You Give Peace
That Passes
Human Understanding
That Your Grace Is Marvellous
That Angels Are Watching Over Me
That If I Wait On You, Lord
That I Shall Mount Up With Wings As Eagles
That I Shall Run And Not Be Weary
That I Shall Walk And Not Faint!

You Have Promised, Lord
That In The Hour Of My Trial
That My Jesus Will Plead For Me!

You Have Promised Me, Lord
Faith And Grace
According To My Need
For The Day!

You Have Promised Me, Lord
That For My Fidelity
To The Holy God
That My Bread And Water
Are Sure!

You Are God!
You Keep Your Promises!
I Am A Mere Man
A Child Of The Dust!
When You Feed Me I Live!
If You Take Away My Breath
It Is Sure That I Shall Die
I Am Alive
In Need
Please Pity Me!
Help Me To Love You!
Help Me To Love Your Word!
Help Me To Seek Your Face
To Get Out
From Amongst The Disobedient
That Tribe Called Goat Herd!
Help Me To Live As An Obedient Sheep!

Help Me, Lord
To ... In Humility
Cast My Self And My Problems
With Finality
At Your Precious Feet!

Let Not My Soul Be Cast Down!
Let Not My Soul
Be Dispirited Within Me
For I Hope In God
Who Is My Strength
My Salvation!

Teach Me Your Ways
Help Me To Walk In Them!
Let Your Word Be My Lamp
Let It Light My Path!
Let My Path Lead to Zion
The City Of The Eternal
- My God -
Where I
With All The Saints
- My Brethren -
Shall Partake
The Great Reward!

I Love You!
I Desire To Live
According To Your Sovereign Will -
Please Make It So
So That I May See My Jesus
As Conquering King
In Joyous Peace!

Forgive Me Of My Sin Today!
Forgive Me For It Is To The Holy God I Pray!
Forgive Me E'er I Crucify My Jesus Afresh
Help Me Not To Use
The Feigned Excuse
That I Am But Flesh!

Keep Me Faithful, Father
For I Acknowledge That
Christ Is My Portion Forever! 

Harken To My Call
And Do For Me
All That The Holy God Will Do
For His Believing
Determined To Be Faithful Child!
In Jesus' Holy Name
I Humbly Plead!

It Is A Blessing + PRAYER: Lord, Keep Us Faithful!

It is A Blessing
To Serve The God Faithful 
Who Is
The Rock
The Shepherd
The Hope
The Help
Our Surety
Our Security
Our Peace
Our Rest
Our Shelter
Our Shepherd
Our Salvation
Our Redeemer
The One By Whom
In Whom
We Are Eternally Blessed!

Oh, Soul
Be Not Weary In Well-Doing
He Who Blesses The Poor With Kindness
Has The Lord For A Debtor
It Is Must Be Stated Here
That God Pays His Debts!
There Is No Payer Better!

Brother! Sister!
Lift Up Your Head
Look Up!
The Lord Of Life
Our Glory
Our Light
Is Calling!
The Day Comes Which Shall Never
Know Night!

Look Not 
At What Your Lying Human Eye Doth See!
Let Your Real Eye Be That 
That Is Your Certain Hope
In The Eternal God
Who Inhabits Eternity!

His Word Is TRUE!
He Is The One
- The Only One -
Who Grants Immortality
Who WILL Give 
Unto Surrendered Saved Man
The Dew Of Eternal Youth!


Remember In Mercy 
The Humble
The Halt
The Hungry
The Hopeless
The Helpless
The Hurt
The For-Faith Hindered
Pity Those Who 
Hindsight Has Not Yet Taught Wisdom
To Reflect On Shortcomings
Steps Aside Ignoring Truth
Open Their Eyes
To Behold The Beauty 
Know The Love Limitless
That Comes Of Trusting
The One God
Is The True Friend
Blessedly Real Benefits!

Raise Us Up, Lord
To Lift Up The Worthy Name
Help Us To Do The Right
Not That Worthy Name Profane 
As We Walk In The Light Of Life
To A Personal Place 
In Heaven 
To Lay Claim!

Grant Us Your Grace, Lord
In Jesus' Name
We Plead
Keep Us Faithful! 

Friday, November 17, 2017

HAPPY SABBATH + The Righteous Marching: Great Day!

My Lord Christ 
Left Heaven
To Come To Earth
To Teach
To Feed
To Heal
To Bless
To Save Me
- And My Kind -
My Fitting Response
As One Desiring To Be Called
"Child Of God!"
To Thrive Under The Teaching
By Becoming A Good Student
An Obedient Servant
Eating The Good Food By The Son Of God Blessed
Recognizing My Need In My Sin-Sickness
Reporting To Him To Be Healed
Bowing My Heart In Gratitude
Accepting Into My Soul 
The Blessing
Crying Out For Salvation
By Turning Away From Sin
To Bless God For His Sacrifice
That Saves Me
That Lifts Me Out Of The Grave
Transports Me To Heaven
In Faith Now
In Fact Later
On The Great Day!

There Is Much To Do
It Is All Real!

Oh, Lord, Haste The Day
When I Shall
With My Brethren, Say:

What A Savior!
Matchless Gift Of Calvary
I Am Thine!
The Day IS Forever!
Thank You For The Love Gift
That To Heaven
My Soul
Now Uplifts!

I Was Weary
Wandering Lost
Unable To Pay
The Impossible Cost
When I Heard You Call
In Entreaty
I Believed Your Blessed Word
That At Calvary
Sin Suffered The Irrevocable Loss!

I Am Blessed!
My Soul Is Blessed!
Glorious Savior!
God Divine!
Lord, I Love You!
I Bless You!
I Worship You!
I Shall Do So Forever
In Paradise Regained
That Through Sin
Had Been Lost!


The Lord Of Life Died
To Give Life To The Dead
So That The Dead May Live Life
With The Lord Of Life
Who Was Dead
Is Alive

Descended Into Darkness
To Lighten The Darkness With Light!

Darkness Responded
By Killing The Light Of Life
Which Rendered The Light Gloriously Bright
Unable To Be Ever Extinguished!
Light To This Day Is Shining
Forever Ablaze!

In Pitying Love Came Down!
Ever Wanting To Be Fed
In Hateful Indignation Rose Up
Because Confession 
Repentance For Sin
In Response
Were Before The Lord Laid! 

Opened The Life Book
The King Of Life
By Mercy
For Grace
Did A Grace-Note
For The Repentant
Did Make
Providing Sure Escape
From The Fire And Brimstone Lake! 

In This
Sin Is Defeated!
The Blessing Of God's Love Is Repeated
The Scapegoat
In A Judas Coat
Is In Outer Darkness
For How He 
Man Treated
At The Day Of Second Death
The Final Judgment
His Destruction Total
Shall Be Completed!

Shall Never Rise Again
Neither Sorrow Death Nor Tears!
Hope Is Realized!
Chains Of Love Are Displayed!
Blessed Assurance Is Glorious Rest!
Life Is Life Eternal!
The Goodness Of God
On Every Face
It Can Never, Ever
Be Effaced!

Hold On!
Don't Let Go!
Redemption ... Is On The Way!
The Glorious Celebration
Will Be On
The Great Day
For Which
- With His Precious Life -
Jesus Christ
Our Only Savior
Only Mediator
Only Hope
Our Help
- For Us -

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Newspaper Christianity?!

Newspaper Christianity Is Famous!
Bewitching Theory Is Fair Game!
Publish It Is Their Father The Business Tycoon
AND Perfection Is Their Mummy
The Grand Dame!

This Is A Family Of Hotheads!
Deep Thought Is Not their Strong Suit!
Surface Patina Is The Great Concern
AND Their Oft Heard Cry
Is Always About Looking At For To
The Loot!

We Shall Know Them By Their Fruits!

In That Case
You Should Know That ...

Self-Sacrifice Benevolence
Kindness Love
Patience Fortitude
Christian Trust
Are The Fruits
- The Daily Fruits -
Held In Array
By All Those Who Are Attached
To The Eternal God
AND In Whom
Is The Spirit Of The Holy God!

If That Is The Case
A Newspaper Christian Can't Produce No Fruit!

What about The Inward Adorning?!

Listen To This:

The False
Bewitching Theory Is Actually
Which Likes To Publish It
- At Home And Abroad -
That Said Christian Is Perfect
Better Than Me And You
Is Always In Constant "Secret" Communion 
With The Holy God
Is Certain Of The Great Reward!

He Ain't Tell No Lie!

Why Do You Say That?!

The Great Reward Has Two Sides!
Mourning Or Celebration!
Damnation Or Elevation!

He Did Not Specify Which Of Those Two Sides
Was The One For Which He Has The Assurance!

Oh! You Have A Point!

Has Anybody Ever Read About Jesus
Publishing His Personal Perfection Abroad?!

Jesus Daily Walked With His Father
By His Actions
The Deceits Of The Wily Fraud!

Jesus Spoke Lovingly Of His Father

Be Ye Perfect Even As Your Father In Heaven
Is Perfect!

To Be ... Is A Progression!
Perfection Is Not Arrived At
While We Are In These Imperfect Bodies
So Why Broadcast A Lie?!


And ... It Is Simple!
If You Are Already Perfect
You Don't Need Jesus Christ!

Well, I Guess They Need To Be Undeceived!

Good Luck With That Lost Cause!
It's Just Like The Emperor's New Clothes!
People See Their Desire
Even If It Is Non-Existent!

Life Is Self-Fulfilling Prophecy ...!

... So They Prophesy Deceits!
And Damnable Heresies! 

And Lead Others Astray!

Somebody Is Gonna Pay For That!

I Hear You!

Think About This:

Mary Has A Boat!
Martha Says That
Mary Is A Boast!
The Difference Is One Letter
To Turn A Boat Into A Boast!

Hence We See The Difference Between
Striving For The Mastery
ANDHaving Assumed Perfection!

Do You Think That
"Who We Don't Want To Know"
Is Gaining 
"What We Believe He Shouldn't Get"
By This Gross Deception!

Satan At His Best
Another Lost Soul!

If Selling A Lie
Sells a Lie
AND Wanting A Lie To Buy
Buys The Lie On Sale
It Stands To Reason That
Quid Pro Quo
- Something For Something -
Has Been Achieved
BUTProblem Is
Buy A Lie
Bought A Lie From The Liar
Not Knowing That The Seller
Was The Liar For Whom Is Prepared
Damnation's Fire
That Through Him 
Many Are Being Stacked
As Dry Wood
For A Funeral Pyre!

Lord, Help Us!


I See My Need!
Time To Stop Talking About Walking
Time To Start Walking
In The Ways
About Which The Eternal Word Of God
Is Plainly Talking!

Remember This:

To Look Like A Tree
Or Even A Rock
Is Still Flat!

Garbage In!
Garbage Out! 

What You Put In
Is What You Get Out!

Living Word To World!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Ooh, My Heart Is Torn!
My Heart Is Fixed!
My Heart Is Oh, So, Torn!
My Heart IS Fixed!
Ooh, My Heart, My Heart ...!

Okay! You Can Stop Now!

Please, Just Permit Me One More Cry!

Sigh ... Very Well.

Oh, Lord, My Heart, My Heart
Is Torn For My Brethren!
But, Lord,
My Heart, My Heart
Is Fixed On You!
I Have Chosen The Way Of Truth!

You Are The God Holy
My Savior Redeemer Friend
The God Eternal
Maker Of Heaven And Earth
And Us Creatures Called Men
In Our Puffed Up Arrogance
Are Not Satisfied 

With The Daily Dalliance With Disobedience
But Have Gone Over The Pale
And Have Placed You
- The One Living God -
In Equality
With The Useless Manufacturings
Of Devil-Inspired 
Women And Men!

I Know By Faith That I Can Call Your Name!
You Hear Me!
You See Me!
You Smell Me!
You Feel For Me!
You Touch Me!
You Came Down To My Level
To Mark My Way Up
To Your Lofty Throne!
You Cried ... You Cry Over Me!
You Bled For Me!
You Died For Me!
You Arose From The Dead
So That I May Wear The Righteous Robe
You Are At The Right Hand Of The Father
Interceding For Me And My Kind
What Are We Doing
But Exposing The Nakedness Of Our Behinds
Saying We Are Rich
We Are Increased With Goods
We Have Need Of Nothing
Including Your Holy Love
We Are Poor, Wretched, Miserable, Blind
And, Indeed
Without Common Shame
- Naked -
Exposed To The World
In The Cross Hairs Of The Damned Devil
Ready To Permanently Bathe In
And Be Consumed By Hot Rocks
From Which There Is No Escaping!

Help Us To Remember
Sodom And Gomorrah
The Dwelling Place Of Righteous Lot

So That We, Too
Do Not Suffer The Eternal Blot!

Lord, Remove From Me 
The Way Of Lying 
Grant Unto Me The Gift Of
Love For Thy Law! 

I'm Done Now!
Give Me A Hug! 
I Need To Feel God's Love! 

There, There! 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A Man ... Called Out!

A Creature Of ... His Hand!
The Apple Of ... His Eye!
The Love Of ... His Heart!
The Beneficiary Of ... His Grace!
A Recipient Of ... His Mercy!
The Cause Of ... His Sacrifice!
Needful Of ... His Salvation!

A Man
Made Of The Dust Of The Earth
Infused With The Breath Of Life
Blessed With Free Will And Choice
Deceitful Of Heart
Loved Beyond Measure
By The Holy God
Who Lovingly Deems Him
His Peculiar Treasure!

A Man ... Disobedient
A Man ... Walking Wild
A Man ... Selfish!
A Man ... A Child
A Child Needing The Son Of Man
To Turn Him Away From
The Way Of Sin
The Way ... Vile!

A Man
Needing Humility
Is Taught Of The Humble One
To Walk Away From
The Life Of Futility
Into The Way Of Joy
Mindful Of The Devilish Decoy
Offering The Pleasures Of Sin
As The Easily Broken Child's Toy!

A Man Called ... Out
A Man Turned About
A Man Awakened From Sleep
A Man Called To Be The Shepherd's Sheep
A Man Called To Make Of Faith
The Leap
So That The Eternity Of Peace
Is Become His 
To Keep!

A Man Called ... To Repentance
Justified By His Judge
Sanctified By His Savior
Redeemed By His Blood
Glorified By His God
Hopeful Of ... Sure Reward!


Monday, November 13, 2017

The HaRP No Longer Plays!

Why Do You Deify Nature
Defy Its Creator?

Why Do You Glorify The Caricature
Call The Living God a False Character?

Why Do You Denigrate God
Exalt The Known Ingrate
The Proud Profligate?
Why Do You Trust The Liar
Doubt He Who Is The Truth?

Why Do You Cavil Over The Word Of The Creator God
Elucidate The Word Of The Created Bard?

Why Are Aliens Fact ... To You
The Son of God ... To You ... Is Fiction?

You Doubt Truth!
You Accept Lie!
You Wander With The Wild
The HaRP No Longer Plays ...!

Wait, Wait, Wait!
What Harp Is That
That No Longer Plays?!

Ha ppiness
R est And
P eace

Depart From The People
Their Lands
Where The Living God Is Counted The Least!

Many Decry The Making Of
Idols Of Wood And Stone
Many More CONSTRUCT Acceptable Idols Of
False Doctrines And Ideologies
Glorify The gods That Can't Answer Them
When In Burdensome Trouble
They Call Them On The Prayer-Phone!

Men Who Set Aside The Laws Of God
Are Not Fit To Govern Themse...!

Hold Up There, Big Fella!
Jesus Christ Died
So All The Law Enacted Before
Was Finished When In Death
Christ Was Surely Done!

So, Then
You Say
When Christ Died
All The World Became Lawless?!

No! ... Yes! ... No!

Pick A Position - You Can't Have Both!
Yes Or No?!

Yes ...

So, Is There No Law Under Which Your World Resides?!

Sure, There Is!
The Love Of God!

Hmmm ...
Sooo ... The Law Of God Is The Love Of God
By Extension
The Love Of God Is Indulgent!
How Interesting!

So Where, Then
- In Your World -
Does God's Justice Take Hold?!

Umm ...

You Do Know That God
Will Not Countenance Evil
Will Not Pardon The Guilty
Will Not Permit Sinners In Heaven ...!

Wait! You Guys Have Me Confused!
If There Is No Law
Then There Is No Sin!
If There Is No Sin
Then There Can't Be Any Sinners
All Men Go To Heaven
For No Man Is A Sinner Since There Is No Law
Everywhere We See Sin
So There Must Be A Law
There Is God's Mercy
To Avail Oneself Of That Mercy
One Must Be Subject To God's Justice!

We Cannot Have Mercy Without Justice
We Know That Both Justice And Mercy And Love
Are All Part Of God's Character
So ... Houston
We Have A Problem!

Yes, We Do
God Deniers Created It
To Muddy The Waters
For Those Who Will To Trust Their Creator
For The Saving Of Their Sinful Souls!

A Non-Existent Existent Rejected God
With A Non-Existent Existent Ignored Law
Is Perfect
For The Wannabe God
To Raise Up An Army Of The Surely
Sincerely Damned! 

By So Doing
His Evilness, Himself 
Gets To Hurt The Very Heart Of
The Holy Son Of God
The Son Of Man!

Let Us Not Follow The Multitude
To Do Evil
To Walk In The Way Wrong!
God Is Not The Author Of Confusion
Unbridled Revelry
Nor Doing Planned Wrong!

Confidently Hiding Your Head In The Dry Sand
Does Not Protect Your Body! 
Indulging In Rampant Sin
Does Not Make The Eternal God A Nobody!

The Living God
God Almighty 
The Eternal God
Is Sovereign Lord 
God For Real
No Matter Who Calls Him Stale
No Matter What You Say Or Do
He Is Judge!
He Is Paymaster!
He Determines Our Wages
According To What It Is In The Flesh That We Do!

An Inconvenient Truth Is This
- It Shouldn't Be -
But That Does Not Make It A Lie!

You May Lie To Your Self, My Friend
Your Words Do Not Your Soul Edify!

You Are Mortal
All Mortals Are Subject To Death
So If You Know You Are Dying
Go! Go! GO!
To God
- In The Name Of The Lord Christ - 
Your Sins Confess
Repenting Of Those Sins
Vehemently Denying The Known Liar
You Will Be Out
You Will Get Out Of
Condemnation's Foul Mess!

God Is True!
Satan Is The Father Of Lies!
The Fallen Angels With Satan Are All Liars!
Every Man Born Of A Woman Is A Liar!

It Is Time For Us To Look Up
To The Only One Who Can Save Us
From Damnation's Fire!

Amen, My Friend! 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Charity Work Or Charity Show?!

Charity Fuheffect
N. Jesus Name
- Polar Opposites -
Doing The Same Work!

See A Need!
Fill A Need!
Move On
Was Their Mission
They Performed Admirably
With One Huuuge Difference!

The First Time It Happened
It Was Considered An Aberration!

The Second First Time The Difference Appeared
It Was Felt That It Was
A Call To Arms ... To Others
To Get Additional Help!

The Second Second Time It Happened
Which Was Really The Actual Third Time It Happened
Wha' Gine On-Dey
Open He Mout'
Had Something To Say:

Cohr-rect Me ... Eef I Am Whrrong
Is Not It Stipulated That
Works Of Charity
Be AUHN The Down Low?!
Eef So ... WHHY Then
Is Charity On Blast
On The Prime Time TV Show?!

Ahem! Ahem!

May I Offer You A Mint?!

No! No!
I Am Quite Fine!

Is There Something On Your Mind?!
Is There Something Which You Feel You Must Say?!

No Disrespect Intended
Who Is Charity?!
Whom Did You "Hire!"
What Is Her Last Name?!
You Do Know That From The Bright Lights
She Will Not Retire?!

What Are You Getting At?!

Don't You Know?!

Know What?!

What, Pray Tell, Is Charity's Last Name?!

It Is Fuheffect!

Wrong! Wrong! Dead Wrong!

Light! Light! Give Me Light!

Charity's Last Name Is Not Fuheffect!
It Is For-Effect!

For Effect.
For Effect.
Charity FOR Effect!
Merciful Powers!
This Is Not Good!
We Are Are Not Pharisees!
We Do Not Do Works Of Charity
Just For Worldly Show!
This Does Not The Master Please!

Our Charity Is To Bless The Lord
By Blessing Those In Need!
We Do Not Ever Do This Work
Our Gluttonous Ego To Feed!

The Living God Is Our Paymaster!
He Sees All That We Do
He, Himself, Said:

Do Your Labor Of Love In Secret!
I Will Owe You
The Lord Who Sees All In Secret
Will Publicly Reward You!

Charity For-Effect
Was Reprimanded Before
Bright Lights Camera Action
Are Things That Make That Heart Soar
For Approbation Of Man
Approval Of Like-Minded Men
Back Pats
And Good Words
Are What Make
Charity For-Effect's Head Bulge And Swell!

Well, It Will Also Make 'em See
Feel Hell!

Later That Day ...

Charity For-Effect
Was Summarily Terminated
N. Jesus Name
Took Over Doing The Good Work!

All Is Peaceful Now ... For The Time Being!
The Work Is Progressing Apace
In The Book Of God's Remembrance
Pages Are Filling
With Works Of Kindness
N. Jesus Name
Honors The Holy God
For Whom He
- In Quietude -
Tirelessly Works!
There Are - For Him - Heavenly Perks!