Friday, December 1, 2017

HAPPY SABBATH + Feats And Counterfeits!

I Met A Man!
He Thought He Was Super!
I Met A Woman!
She Thought Herself A Wonder!
I Met Myself In The Old Mirror
I Thought
Oh, Lord
How Much Longer?!

A Hamanesque He-Man Knocked At My Door!
He Was Assuredly A Marvel!
A She-Ra-Like Jezebel Was At His Right Hand
On The Issue Of Faith
They Did Much
Supposedly To Make Me Want On Jesus To Cavil
 - To No Avail -
To Say To My Soul's Salvation
"Good Night!"BUT
I Remembered The Words Of Love
From My Father Above:

I Love You, My Beloved Child!
You Are The Apple Of My Eye! 
Say Your Prayers

In The Gift Of Your Measure Of 
The Faith Of Jesus 
Face The Day With Your Portion Of 

The Readily Available Grace Of God
For Untold Blessings Await The Faithful!

There Followed A Battle
For In The Midst
Entered Boldly The Dragon
Obviously Trusting Might And Power
To Make Me In Fear
- Resigned To My Inevitable Loss -

I, Then, Traveled The Well-Worn
Brightly Marked
Path Of Prayer
In The Name Of Jesus

Oh, Lord
Pilot Me
For In Godly Fear I Come To Thee
Assured Of Victory
For The King Of Love
The Shepherd Of Rest
The God Of My Salvation
Gives Good Gifts
Ever Always The Best!

Nothing Wavering
- For Doubt Was Out -
I Looked Up
I Now Live To Tell The Truth Of My Salvation
At The Hand Of Heavenly Love!

The Dogs Of Damnation
The False God Who On Faith Makes War
Move Like A Flood
Creating A Pall In The Atmosphere
To Block The Light Of Life
The Lamp That Shows The Way For Faithful Feet To Go
The Light That Discloses
Illuminates The Narrow Path
Upon Which Only Those Living The Life Of The Saved
Will Intimately Know!

My Maker, The King
Opened My Eyes
I Looked
I Saw
That Those That Were With Me
Were More Than Those That Were With Them
AND IWith Renewed Strength
Absolutely Knowing
That The Battle Was The Lord's
Shouted The Battle Cry:

Jesus Christ IS Lord!
He By Death Ransomed Me!
Truth Is In My Inward Parts! 
I Have Tasted Heaven
Heaven Is In My Heart!

Hell Huffed And Puffed
The Hounds Couldn't Tear My House Down
AND I ...I Was Standing
Firm And Deep
In My Savior's Love!

Prayer Had Changed Things
I Was Holding The Fort
For Jesus, Himself, Had Signaled
That He Was Coming Again
- For Eternity -
Redeem Me!

I Sent Back My Signal:

I Am Thine, Oh, Lord! 
Draw Me Nearer
Nearer, My God, To Thee
Nearer Still Nearer
Close To Thy Heart!

Lord, Lift Me Up! 
Revive Me Again! 
I Give You My All
For In You
I Know I Shall Stand
I Have A Home In Glory Land!
I Have A House Not Built With Hands
Close To The Tree Of Life
Where Living Waters Flow!

Brethren, Listen Carefully
For I Will Tell You True
That Life's Dungeons Always Have Dragons
That Comic Book Characters Are
To Make Men Think That They Can
Overcome Sin
Overcome Self
By Vain Imaginings
BUTWhich Are Sure To Make Enquiring Minds
Seeking Into Things
Not Given To Man To Know
To Make Shipwreck Of Faith!

Man Will Never Walk Through Walls!
Spirits Do! 

Man Is Not Immortal!
The Godhead
- Father Son Holy Ghost - 

Satan Cannot Read Your Mind!
The All-Knowing God Can And Does!


Neither Satan Nor His Angels
Nor Devil-Possessed Men Can Give Life!
The Almighty God Does!

Please Refer To The Plagues Of Egypt
In These You Will See
Just How Far The Devil's Sorcerers Can Go
Therein You Shall Also See
That The Mighty Power Of God
Cannot Be Counterfeited
That God's Glory
Will Not Be Shared With Another
That The Rod Of God
Will Consume The Illusory Snakes
Those Staffs Of The Devil
The Offscourings Of
The Workers Of Planned Sin
Those Workers Of Iniquity!

Stay Out Of The Devil's Playground
Smoke And Mirrors Are Stock and Trade!
Bells And Whistles Are Calling Card!
Mash-Up No Buy-back Is The Way Of The Damned
Wise UP! Look UP! Go UP!
Is The Way Of
The Son Of God
The Sun Of Righteous
The Son Of Man!

Let No One Deceive YOU!
Let No One Steal YOUR Crown!
Let No One Steal YOUR Joy In The Lord
For ... Soon
He Is To Earth
Coming Back  Down
For A People Prepared To Meet Their God
To Forever Destroy
Death Hell
Satan The Fraud!

Don't Look Back! 
Don't Turn Around
In The Name Of Christ Jesus 
Stand Firm On ... Faith's Ground!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Acceptable Time: NOW!

Today, Today
I Did What To A Pleasure-Loving Class
Is Truly Radical!
- With Sincerity -
Threw Open My Heart's Door
Put All Of My Now Tasteless Furniture
- Old Deads For Sure -
Invited Almighty God's Holy Spirit
Within It To Abide!

I Had Met Christ Jesus
The Great Architect
I Truly Trusted His Work
The Workman
I Believed I Would Receive
That He Told Me I Should Expect!

I Knew I Needed The Great Designer ... In Residence
His Skill Is Impeccable!
His Taste Phenomenal! 
His Grace Unstoppable!

I Had Put Out
A Sofa Called Pride
A Lounge Chair Called Envy
A Recliner Called Lust
A Break-Front Called Sin-Spendy!

I Put Out A Bed Of Base Manners
A Bureau Full Of Lies And Deceits
A Tall-Boy Of Worldliness
A Closet Full Of Greed
- I Used To Ride That Puppy With Speed!

I Even Cast Out
Butcher Knives For Backstabbing
Dainty Teaspoons Full Of Unkindness
Desert Forks For Sly Digs
Ladles Holding License For Liberty
Trays Laden With "I Can Do As I Please!"

If I Decided To Go On Listing My Cast-Offs
My Cast Aways
I Would Still Be Writing Tomorrow
I Don't Choose To Spend My Day That Way!

Sufficed To Say ...

I Didn't Even Realize That 
The Holy Spirit Had Indeed Fully Moved In
Had Completely Taken Over
One Day ... Quite Sweet
I Was Riding In My New Rocking Chair
From The "Yes, Lord!" Collection!

I Suddenly Had No Fear Of Tomorrow
The Light Of Life Was Shining Through
My Windows Called
Clean And Clear Salved Eyes
My Table Called Faith
Had A Single Plate Marked
"Just For Today!"

I Had A Single Glass Cup!
Every Day It Looked The Same!
Never Full!
Never Empty!
When I Queried
The New Boss Of Me
He Stated That That Cup Is Called Grace
AND THATWhat I Therein Received
Always Sufficient!
In Believer's Parlance
It Was More Than Plenty!

My New Bed Is From The "Rest!" Collection!
My New Comforter Is From The Collection Called "Perfect Peace!"
My Shoes Are From The "Delivery Of The Gospel Of Peace!" Collection
My New Attire Is From The Simple Line
"The Righteousness Of Christ!"

I Even Received A New Chapeau
From The Collection "Salvation Has Been Brought Down!"
Bearing A Blood-Red Ribbon
Beautifully Embroidered
With The Words
That Made Me Cry And Laugh
Hug The Lord Of My Heart:

Saved By Grace!
Jesus Christ
Redeemer Of Man!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

DESTITUTE OF TRUTH: Abundance Of Truth ... On Parade!?!


In The Dark Ages
The Powers That Were
Kept The People In ... Darkness
By Keeping The Truth Chained
Locked Up!

In This Age Of Enlightenment
With Its Information Overload
The Powers That Be
Put The People In Darkness
By Placing Truth 
- In All Its Variants -
In Plain View
Surrounded By Fancy Strobe Lights!

The Outcome Of These Actions
Is In The Preserved Word Proclaimed:

My People Are Destroyed
For Lack Of Knowledge!

Let Me Explain:

Old Truth
True Truth
The Word Of God
Used To Be Real-Real Special
Because It Could Shed Light
So It Was Locked Up
As Too High For The Lowly
Too Good For The Bad
Impossible To Be Used By
Just Any Common People!

The People Were Dumbed Down
Until ... The Living God Intervened
The People Ignorant
Became People Of The Book
So ... 
Ever Ready Satan Changed His Tactics
To Special Effect
Is As A Free-Range Chicken
Picking Up Food aka Substance
On A Walkabout
On The Fly! 

Have A Look See
Then Have Your Say:

  • There IS Truth
  • Plain Truth
  • Some Truth
  • A Lot Of Truth
  • Special Truth
  • Particular Truth
  • Gay Truth
  • Lesbian Truth
  • Trans Truth
  • Common Truth
  • Private Truth
  • Forgotten Truth
  • Fulminating Truth
  • High Science Truth
  • Secular Truth
  • Sacred Truth
  • Passing Truth
  • Passable Truth
  • Borrowed Truth
  • Spent Truth
  • Truth For The Day
  • Truth For The Hour
  • Momentary Truth
  • Truth To Get Power
  • Powerful Truth
  • Power-Packed Truth
  • Customized Truth
  • Illuminated Truth
  • Coalition Truth
  • Collated From Lies Truth
  • Standing Truth
  • Moving Truth
  • Professed Truth
  • Confessed Truth
  • Deniable Truth
  • Confidable Truth
  • Your Truth
  • Their Truth
  • Our Truth
  • My Truth
  • God's Truth


All Are "Perfectly" Valid
So The Powers Say!

There Is A Saying
A Penny Has No Real Weight
Until You Drop It
From Up High!

The Truth Is
The One Falling Penny Wouldn't Kill You
You Will Feel Its Passing Touch
Toss A Tied Up Bag Of Pennies
Watch Out
Your Life Just Turned Into Total Cat's Guts!

The Same Is True With Versional Truth!
Brush Off A Version
A New Version Appears
A Version For Your Tastes
There Is A Truthy Conversion
Soon There As Many Versions
As There Are Tastes 
In Circulation
AND ALL TOO SOONAll That Is For Sale To The Masses
Are Many Tasty Perversions!

We Are Called To Know The Truth Of Almighty God
The Truth That Will Set Us Free
Not To Indulge In Spurious Truth
The Version Of Truth
That Let's Man's Lust
Run And Roam 
Restraint Free!

Let's Take The Blinders Off
So That Sight Is Unrestricted!
Let Us Go To Jesus For Eye Salve
So That Vision Is Not Conflicted!
Jesus Christ IS The Way
The Truth
The Light That Gives Life
The Same
Yesterday Today Tomorrow
The Rock Of Ages
That Clefts To Provide Protection
Gives Power
To Stand Against Sin And Sinners
In The Trying Hour!

You May Ask General Moses The Deliverer!

There Is Great Difference
Having Information
Possessing Knowledge!

What Is In YOUR Possession?!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

They Are All In The Room! + Prayer

Follies Of Sin
Deceitfulness Of Riches
Gift Of Life
Well-Dressed Temptation
Free Mercy
Grace S. Sufficient
Willful Sin
Jesus Saves
D. Savior S. Calling
Plain Truth
Do As I. Please
Living By Faith
Confess N. Repent
Available Grace
Way Of Escape
Repent N. B. Baptised
Contrite Heart
Trust N. Obey
God Forgives
Are All In The Room
Accounted For!

No Excuse For Sin
Keeps Watch!

Believe N. Live
Keeps Record Of The Life's Event
Brazen Deception
Aka Beelzebub The Bold
His Minions
- Hearts Stone Cold -
Are Trying To Breach The True Foundation
Trying To Tear Down Prayer Changes Things
Trying To Rewrite Sealed N. Settled-Truth
Free Will
Own Choice
Were Up For Grabs!

They Like To Turn Living Tissue
Into Bare Scabs!

To Put It Mildly ...

Heart O'Flesh
Was In The Straight Betwixt Those Two
The Rock ... Of Ages
DThe Hard Place ... To Damnation!

Decisions! Decisions!
Decisions Must Daily Be Made:

Fall On The Rock ... Of Ages
Be Broken
To Be Saved
Which Way Is Known Hard
Offers Peace And Rest
Forgiveness Of Sin
Sure Salvation
Correction Direction
Pleasant Work
With Faithful Endurance
- When The Last Trump Shall Sound -
- Obviously -
Eternal Life
In The Great God's Paradise!
That Way Ain't Easy!

It Should Be Noted
That If The Rock ... Of Ages Falls On Him
It Is Game Forever Over!

If He Willingly Chooses
To Go To The Hard Place ... To Damnation
The Party Is On!
Liberty Is License!
No Rules
All Is Momentary Reward
Bright Lights
Non-Stop Stimulation
A Camera Or Two
Access Reach And Grasp
Live Life Hard Fast And Loose
And ...!

BUT ...!
What If ...?!
Then, Again ...!

He Left The Splendor Of Heaven!
He Died For You On Mount Calvary! 
He Took Your Stain
To Make You Clean Again! 
He Is Calling You! 
His Life Is Yours Free To Gain!


Rules! Rules! 
Too Many Rules! 
Live As Your Self Likes!
It Is All Good! 
Feelings Are Real! 
When The Party Is Over  ... Who Cares?! 
Good Night Is The Last Night!
Come And In Gay Abandon Dance!
Take The Night Flight!
The Only Thing That Happens Is Soul Blight!

I Need Help!
Have Mercy On Me!
I, Here, Fall On You!
Save Me!
From Sure Damnation I Now Flee!

Beelzebub Is A Liar!
He Keeps Harping On The Lie
Of Man's Immortal Soul!
He Keeps Saying
That You Have To Save All Men
So Right-Living Is The Commodity Oversold!

I Need You
I Desire Your Life
Help Me!
I Am Pleading!
Lead Thou Me!
Guide Me!
I Desire To Survive The Strife!

The Prayer Of Faith
Availed Heart O'Flesh Much
He Walked Away From
Willful Sinning And Such
He Continues His Daily Walks With The Faithful God
Knowing That With Faithful Work
He Will
At The Appointed Time

The Great Reward!

What Will YOU Choose?!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Take Up Thy Cross ...!?!

What's Going On?!
What's The Meaning Of All These Wooden Crosses?!
Since When Do You Wear A Silver Cross?!

I Have A Gold One!

What Is This?!

Pastor Said That Everybody Must Bear Their Cross!


He Asked The Question:

Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone  ...?!

... And You All Believed He Meant Bearing
A Literal Cross!?!


He Plain As Day Said:

Now Is The Appointed Time!
Now Is The Day Of Salvation!
Take Up Your Cross
Your Burden
And Faithfully Follow 
Follow After The Lord Jesus Christ!

What's Wrong With You People?!

What Do You Mean?!

Do Any Of You Ever Crack Open A Bible?!
I Quote:

You Obviously
Are Not 
The Word!
You All Ought To Be Ashamed Of Yourselves!

Ashamed For What?!
I Didn't Kill Anybody!

Come On!
What Are You Talking About?!

Didn't Your Pastor Explain What
Taking Up Your Cross And Following Christ Means?!

Sure! That's Why We Are Carrying These Crosses!

Lord, Make Peace!
Let Me Ask You A Question:

What Kind Of Life Did Jesus Live?!

A Life Of Self-Abnegation
Caring For Others
Teaching Others
Healing Others
And Ultimately Dying For Others!

Excuse Me?!
What Is Self-Abegnation?!


Jesus Christ
In Self-Abnegation
As Written In Scripture
Meek And Lowly ... Of Heart
Not Proud
Submissive ... In Giving His Will
To His Father
Obedient ... Unto Death
On The Physical Cross!

Jesus Set Aside His Self
In Despising The Shame We Placed Upon Him
Died On The Cross
For Us
Whom He Was Not Ashamed To Call Brethren!

Self-Abnegation Is The Cross 
That Man Should Bear
We Will To Be Like Christ!

This Pile Of Wood 
That You All Are Toting Around Means Nothing!
Those Gold And Silver Crosses You're Wearing
Are ... Are ... Just Decorations
Good For Nothing But Getting Jewelers Rich!

Whose Character Are You Wearing!
Can The World See Christ In You!
Are You Selfless!
Or Are You
- True To Human Nature -
Totally Selfish?!

Well, Ahhh ...

Ummm ...


Outward Adorning!
White Washed Tombs
Filled With Dead Men's Bones!

You Don't Have To Be So Cruel!

I Am Not Being Cruel!
Somebody Has To Tell You All The Truth!
Who Are You Really Serving?!

Pastor Says ...!

Oh, Lord, In Heaven
Save Us From
Another "Pastor Says!"

Can The Pastor Save You?!

No! Of Course Not!

Then Who Can Save You?!

Jesus Saves!

So What Does Jesus Say?!

To Obey Is Better Than To Sacrifice!

The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth!

Wisdom Is The Principal Thing!

Let No Man Steal Your Crown!

In All Your Getting, Get Understanding!

If You Know All That
What's With This Pastor Say That And That?!

Chagrined, They Held Their Heads Down.

One Voice
Speaking To Their Shame, Said:

I Guess We're Just Lazy Thinkers!

Another Voice:

We Really Should Be Ashamed Of Ourselves!

We Are The Hearers And Not The Doers Of The Word!

If I Had My Way
I Would Beat All Of You At The Bottom Of Your Feet!

How Mean!
That Would Really Hurt!

But I'd Never Have To Teach You
The Same Lesson Again!

You Do Have A Point!

Lazy Thinking In A Christian
Is A Vile And Abhorrent Thing!
Let's Not Have This Conversation Again, Okay?!

For Real!

Wow! I Feel Better!

I Feel As Though A Burden Has Been Lifted!

It Was!
No More Toting Around This Fire Wood!


Time To Set Aside Self!

Oh, Dear!
THAT, My Friend
Is Hard Work!

Lord, Help Us!

He Will, My Friend! 
You Can Trust Him!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Faithful Man?!

In The Tribe Called Mankind
In The Family Called Friend
In The Household Called Christian
In The Man Called Faithful
Was Sin!
Bold Sin
Willful Sin
Death-Dealing Sin
All Without Justification!

Come On!
There Is Never Any Justification For Sin!

You Know That 
And I Know That
There Is A Point To Be Made Here!

Okay. I Await Edification!

Those Old Hebrews
- The Christian Family Of Today -
Had A Work To Do
They Were Given Instructions Most Clear:

Go To Jericho
The Abominable Estate
Where Gross Challenge
To The Eternal God
Is Wittingly Exercised
Level It!
Level It!
Level It To The Ground!
And Don't Mess Around!

Only Rahab 
The God-Believing Helpful Harlot
- For True-Hearted Help -
Her Family In Her House
Would Could
Walk Through Safety's Promised Door!

Everything Else Breathing
Was Marked For Death!
Everything Else Was Marked 
For Burning's Hot Breath
What Could Not Be Burned
- Gold Silver Copper Iron -
Was To Be Dedicated
To The Use Of God's Temple
As A Sacrifice To The Holy God!
In Short,
No Man Shall Grease His Own Palm!
Yes! That Was The Specified Plan!

But ...

As We Too Often Hear And See
Some Greedy Gus
Is Always Stealing
And Hiding The Loot Under Stuff
Inside And Under The Floor Of His Canopy
Causing The Apparently Innocent
To Pay For The Temporarily Concealed

But Know This ...

The Living God
Is The Keeper
Of ALL Doors!
Nor We 
Can Build A Sound House
With Level Floors
We Are Building On That Other Foundation
That The Living God Will Not Secure!

So Much To Do! 

So Little Time! 

If Man Will Take In Wisdom's Education
Life On This Earth
Following The Faithful Shepherd
The Holy God
Will Be Perfectly Sublime! 

But ...

What Is Your Point, Again!

Go Bold
Do As YOU Are Told!
No Arms In Disobedience Should YOU Fold!
No Steps Taken
Should Be Other Than Those Prescribed
YOU Will Achieve Heaven's Tried Gold!

I Feel You, Man!
I Feel You!
Give Me Your Hand!

Wrong Doing
May Be Hidden From Man ... For A Time!
The All-Seeing Ever-Present God
Sees What You Are Doing 
Every Single Time!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Unpardonable ... Sin!

The Prophet Balaam Beor
The Benjamite King Saul
The Disciple Judas Iscariot
Grieved Away
The Holy Spirit Of God!

These Three Committed
The Unpardonable Sin!
These Three Treated
With The Fraud!
These Three ... Witnesses
Are Our Plain Examples
Showing That
No Good Comes
When One's Life Is Void Of 
The Comfort
The Peace
The Presence Of 
The Holy Spirit Of The Eternal
The One
The Living God!

Also, Note That ...

Lying To The Holy Spirit
Comes With A Death Sentence
I Can Tell You This Is True
Ananias And Sapphira
Found That Out The Hard Way
Their Record Is In Holy Writ
As A Clear Caution
To Me And To You!

Jesus Christ Said To His Disciples:

I Will Not Leave You Comfortless!
I Will Send You Another Comforter!

Plainly Saying
That We Need Comfort
Making Clear That
The Only Comfort
For Man's Tried
Dying Soul
Comes From
The Holy Spirit Of God!

Those Who Like King Saul
Dabble In Witchcraft
Indulge In Willful Disobedience
Looking For The Man Of God 
Long Dead
To Rise Up Upon Man's Request
Able Assistance And Comfort Give
Will Receive Into Themselves Sure Damnation! 

Look At The Holy Record!

King Saul's Slide Started
With A Little Disobedience
Immediately Followed By A Plain Lie
Followed By
Cast The Blame On Another
Followed By
Persecution Of The Innocent
Then The Execution Of
The Priests Of The Holy God
He Had No Soul Rest
No Spirit Peace
Only In Pushing The Envelope
If You Will
Could He Find A Facsimile Of Relief
Until ... Until
The Request For A Banned Witch
The Visit To
The Witch Of Endor
Brought Him Too Late
To His Senses
Left Him Abjectly Humbled
In Deed Accursed
A Suicide
A Trophy
A Head On A Philistine Spike
On A Public Roadside!

Balaam Beor
Greedy For Gain
A Prophet Said To Be Of God
But A Prophet
Ever Looking For The Highest Reward
Who Beat The Faithful Ass
Until God Gave Unto It Voice!

Yet ... And Still
The Prophet Was Urged On By Profit
Didn't Long Live To Enjoy It!

When The Prophet Of God
Resists The Prompting Of The Holy Spirit
Willingly Sells The People Of God
To An Idol-Loving Pagan King
For A Reward
You Can Be Sure
He Has His Own Damnation Secured
He Has Grieved The Holy Spirit Away
Having Been Left To His Own Lustful Will
His Own Soul Damn
His Own Soul Kill!

Judas Iscariot Joined Himself To Jesus
His Were The Ways Of The Fraud
For Power And Prestige
Into Things
Way Above His Pay Grade
Being A Thief
He Worked His Own Damnation
By Being A Fully Involved Participant 
In Obvious Sin
To Sin
The Devil's Willing Slave!

The Lord Jesus Washed Judas' Feet
Offering Forgiveness
In Exchange For Necessary Repentance
Judas Turned Down
Christ's Loving Entreaty
The Very Devil
Freely Entered Into Him
He Left The Presence Of Jesus
It Was Night ... Time
... In His Soul
He Ended Up A Body Burst Open
A Suicide! 

Sigh ...

So Much For 30 Pieces Of Silver
When He Could Have Had
Heaven's Tried Gold!

No Human
No Matter How Lofty
No Matter How Crafty
Can Thrive
Without The Holy Spirit Of God
All Who Look TO Satan
For Their EXAMPLE Of THRIVING Prosperity
Should Look AT Satan's Record
Be Warned!

A Human Being Without God's Holy Spirit
Is A Demon
In Human Flesh!
All Demons Are Damned! 
ANDThis Truth Stands
The Bible Test!

All Human Beings 
Living Without The Grounding Spirit Of The Holy God
Are Damned Once!
Damned Twice!
Be Very Careful, My Friend
Of Whom You PERMIT To Run Your Life
As You Face The Great Controversy's Strife!

Jesus Saves!
Satan Does Not!
Jesus Saves!
Satan Belongs
To The Damned-For-Eternity Lot!
Jesus Saves ... To The Uttermost
His Pardon Is To All FREE 
To Those Who Commit
Holy Spirit Blasphemy!