Thursday, December 7, 2017

PRAYER : Keep Me, Lord!

Teach Me!
Lead Me!
Guide Me!
Please Carry Me, Lord
As I Navigate This World Of Sin's Fjord!
Help Me Not From You Turn Away
Nor From The Way Of Truth Stray
Is My Humble Pray This Blessed Day!

Keep Me, Lord
By Thy Dear Side!
Let Me In Your Love Abide
When Trials And Strife Appear
Comfort Me
For To My Heart
You Are Most Precious!
To Me
You Are Most Dear!

Help Me Not To Charge You Foolishly
When The Terrors That Bring Doubt Abuse Me!
Please Help Me To Say
With A Heart Of Love:

"My God Is In Control
He Cares For Me
He Is Keeping Me Safe
I Shall Dwell In The Courts Above!"

And When Naysayers
And Unbelievers Seek
My Righteous Soul To Torment
Help Me Not Take The Path
Of Least Resistance
In The Ways Of The World
Give Vent!
Help Me Stand Tall
In The Hedge Of Protection
With Those Faithful Few
Who Have Accepted The Way To Life Call
Speak Peace
Speak Life
And Thereby
Remove The Vile Wind
From The Sails
The Sailors Of The Denier
My Lord Jesus Christ!

I Love You, Lord!
You Daily
Moment By Moment
Enormously Bless Me
I Thank You For The Mercy
The Love
The Grace
Oh, How I Thank You, Lord
For My Share
Christ's Enduring Faith!

Please Keep Me Grace-Filled
Even Unto To Death
For I Desire To See In Peace
My Lord Wonderful
In Whom
From Whom
By Whom
Is My Forgiveness
My Salvation
My Rest
My Peace
My Hope And My Reward

He Who Is
My Redeemer
My God
Jesus The Christ
Him By Whom
I Am Overcoming
And Shall
With Finality
Overcome Satan The Fraud!

Harken And Do For Me
What Only You
The Holy God Can Do
For I Worship You, Lord!
May The Holy Angels Surround
The Holy Spirit Indwell
In Jesus' Mighty Name
I Pray And Sincerely Plead!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

PRAYER : I Love You, Lord!

You Are My Lord
My God
My Very Best Friend
You Are The One That I Trust
To See Me Through To Life's End! 

Tomorrow Is Not Promised
All I Have Is Today 
Please, I Beseech You
Keep Me
Don't Let Me From You Ever Stray Away!

Discontent In The World
Is Embittering Men's Lives
For All Are Being Influenced
By The Accuser Of The Brethren

The Adversary's Lies
Which Are Tinted In Rainbow Hue
And Packaged In
Must Needs
Must Have's
So That Myriads Are Wanting To Be
More Than You Created Them
Ending With A Lot Less
Than They Should Be
Should Have!
Pity Us, Lord!

I Am Thankful For My Peace
My Rest
The Chastisements That Bless
The Grace
The Mercy

The Hope For Glory

That Causes Me
With The Reality Of This Life To Cope!
Lord, I Do My Sin Confess!

I Am Blessed, Lord
That On You
I Can Cast All Of My Cares
Knowing That You Are The God Able
Will My Burdens Bear!
Help Me Not To Cower
Before Wickedness In Ungodly Fear!

I Am By Myself Weak
In You, Dear Lord
I'm Valiantly Strong
So, Please

Do Not Let Me Leave
The Straight Path
By Listening To The Serpent's Song
Deviating To The Path Wrong!
Please, Come E'er Long!

Please Bless Me With Spiritual Eyes
Spiritual Ears

Heavenly Thoughts
Let Me Never Forget
That It Was With Jesus Christ's Blood
That My Free Salvation Was Bought!

Please Remember The Brethren
Wherever They May Be
Provide For Each
According As Their Need Shall Be!

I Love You

I Worship You, Lord
I Humbly Ask These Blessings
In The Name Of The Beloved Jesus! 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

PRAYER: Lord, Make My Heart Your Home!

I Come
Pleading For Mercy
Thankful For Grace
Hopeful Of Blessing
Known Sin Confessing!

I Offer Unto You
My Worship
Unfeigned Praise
Prayers In Belief
Service And Fealty
Sorrows Pains And Griefs!

I Lay At Your Feet, Lord
My Soul
Sorrowing For Sin
My Heart
As A Home
For The Holy Spirit To Dwell In!

I Give Myself Freely
Ask That You Clean Me Up
Make Me Anew
So That In The Glad Day
I Shall To Heaven Go Up!

Please Remove From Me Arrogance
Selfishness Greed
That Planned Sinning
The Likes Of Which I Have No Need!

Forgive Me My Ingratitude
My Infrequent Saying Unto You
"Lord, Thanks!"
My Not Taking Time
Not Making Time
To Just Sit With You
Hopeful In The Assurance Of
Heavenly Things Sublime!

I Own No Other Master!
I Own No Other God!
I Claim Jesus Christ As Savior
Strenuously Deny Satan
That Always Seeking
Ever Ready
Raging Ravening Wily Fraud!

I Give Unto You My Will!
Please Mark Thou My Way
Protect Me And Keep Me
For Own Sin
I Have No Desire To Indulge
The Plan Self-Pay!

I Desire To Live With You, Lord
To See Your Dear Face
And I Ask You Blessed Father 
To Bathe Me With Grace
So That In The Appointed Hour
Having Done All
I Shall Stand Among The Redeemed
Enter Glory Land!

I Bless You!
I Praise You!
I Worship You, My God 
So, Please
Bless Me And Lift Me Up
To Tell The Good News Of The Living
Jesus Christ The Lord
In Whose Holy Name
I Humbly Pray And Plead! 

Monday, December 4, 2017

Lightning Response: Text Message vs. Prayer!

I Wrote The Text Message!
I Hit The Send Arrow
I Saw ...



Just As Fast
The Response Came Back
I Thought ... Lovingly
Of My Heavenly Father
My Offering To Him Of
My Faithful Prayers!

The Difference Between
The Text Message
My Prayer To My Father
Is As the Difference Between
Pouring Cold Molasses
Seeing A Raging Flood!

Before I Say My Prayer
My Father Already Knows My Need
Before I Hit The Button Called "AMEN!"
The Answer Was Already There
Before I Born
From The God Who Inhabits Eternity
Who Knows The End From The Beginning
Who Sees All
Who Knows All
Who Is In All
Who Provides For All
Who Sustains All
Who Is The Judge Of All
The King Of Many!

In My Heart
There Rings A Melody
Jesus Is My All And All


Because He Died To Save Me
I Shall Ever
On His Sweet Name Call!

Jesus Is My Answer
My Beginning
My End
My Hope
My Assurance
My Victory Over Sin!

And ...

Though I May Fail Him
He Will Never Fail Me

So ...

Dear Father, 
Loving Father, 
I Am Wholly Yours! 
Please Make My Heart
In This Moment
This Very Hour
This Day
Your Holy Sanctuary

As I Await Your Return
While Time May Seem To Tarry!
I Love You
In Jesus' Name, I Plead!  

Sunday, December 3, 2017

From Sacrifice To Higher Ground + PRAYER: Lord, Grant Me The Victory Over Sin!

From Sacrifice To Celebration
From Punishment To Prosperity
From Petition To Power
From Faith To Sight
From Hope To Help
From Sin To Salvation
From The Mire To The Ground Higher
Is The Life Of The Sinner Repentant
Now Saint
Walking Circumspectly
Working Diligently
Waiting Patiently
Watching Vigilantly
Warning Others
Denying The Liar
Willing To Be
What The Lord Christ Wants Him To Be
Conforming To The Pattern Of Excellence
As Seen In The One True
Who Is Way
Coming Back To Earth
To Claim His Own With Usury
He Who Goes To The Great Reward
Will Take The Profit Of His Labor With Him
To Be Revealed On The Great Day Of
God's Settlement Of Accounts!


Father Of The Faithful,
Most Holy God 
Who By Personal Blood Sacrifice
Destroyed Death Hell And The Fraud
We Believing Christians
Captured By Pure Love
Approach Unto You
Diligently Pray
In This
Mercy's Closing Hour
For The Power 
That Is Readily Available
Provided To Us
For Us To Escape The Foul Ground
Being Held Out To Us As Hallowed
By Those Workers Of Iniquity
Who Judiciously Plead 
Keeping The Law Of God
Reading The Living Word
Loving The Lord Of Life
Seeking The Kingdom Of God 
Calling It All
A Thing To Be Held Light  ... Not Laud!

You Created Us, Lord! 
You Didn't Have To!

You Provide For Us, Lord!
You Don't Have To!

You Protect Us, Lord! 
You Don't Have To!

You Sustain Us, Lord! 
You Don't Have To!

You Sacrificed Your Best
So That We Are Blessed
When We Repent And Confess
Our Lord Jesus Christ
And Acknowledge
And Accept 
That Life In Jesus Christ
Is Our Only Way
To Spiritual Success
And Convicted
And Converted
Walk On In His Light
Which Leads Away From Eternal Night!

We Acknowledge 
Accept Your Love! 
We Hallow The Tears You Shed Over Us
We Repent That We Are The Ones 
Who Caused And Still Are Causing You 
Great Pain And Shame
By Our Very Apparent Unwillingness
To Turn Away From The Unclean Thing
We Seem Not To Be Able To Recognize
What Is Holy
From What Is Profane
What Is Salvation 
From What Is Eternal Shame
What Is Truth
From What Is A Snake-Skin Beauty
What Is Sure Hell
From What Is Known Glory
Who Is God 
From Who Is The Fraud!

We Are As Deaf Adders
Unwilling To Be Charmed! 
We Are Wretched Poor
Miserable Blind
And Assuredly
We Are Clouds Without Rain!
We Are Barren Fruit Trees!
We Are Unproductive Land!
We Are Salt With No Savor! 
We Are Lights Under Bushels! 
We Are Unprofitable Servants
Who Show Up For Work
But Refuse To Labor!

Oh, Lord
Help Us
We Are But Men
Mere Children Thinking Foolish Things
Not Recognizing That There Is A Time
For Everything Under The Sun!

We Read The Signs Of The Weather
But Are Unable To Discern
The Signs Of The Times!

We Have Taken Your Labor, Lord
And Have Wasted It
In Riotous Living
And, Now
Now, Lord
That There Is A Creeping Famine
For The True Words Of Life
We Are Willing To Eat Pig's Food
To Stay Alive - Pity Us!

Pity Us, Lord
Open Our Understanding!
Let Wisdom Enter In
So That Our True Condition
May Be Revealed
And, We ... Broken
May Remember
That The Servants In Your House
Are Fed In Abundance

And Then Individually Say
With A Broken And Contrite Heart:

I Have Sinned Against Thee
And Against Heaven! 
I Cast Myself On Your Free Mercy! 
Please Forgive Me
Renew Me
Take Me Back Into The Safe Fold
Bless Me
Protect Me
For I Know Truly
That In You
I Am Made Whole! 

Forgive My Myriad Backslidings!
Forgive My Walks In Own Way!
Forgive My Poor Attempts At Self-Regulation
Accept This Old Sinner's Prayer
For I See My Need
I Accept That I Cannot
My Self
Nor My Own Soul Save!

You Are My Lord
My Savior 
My Redeemer
My King 
Help Me, Lord
Help Me
To The Edge Of Your Garment
To Cling
So That I May Be Forever Healed
In The Coming Day Sealed
So That When Your Glory Shall Be Revealed
I Shall Not Be As Those Who Will Keen!

Jesus Died That I May Have Life! 
Jesus Arose 
So That I May Tear Off Sin's Clothes!
Jesus Ascended
So That I To The Father May Draw Close
As My Advocate With Father
Making My Pardon Sure
I Shall
From His Hand
In The Day Of Atonement 
Receive And Wear
Righteous White Robes!

Oh, Lord
Grant Unto Me
My Victory Over Sin
For I Give Unto My Will
For You To Carry Me
In The Upward Way
Straight Narrow
Hard But True
I Desire To Dwell
With You!

I Love You, Lord! 
Have Mercy And Bless
For In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
I Pray
And Humbly Plead! 

Saturday, December 2, 2017

"SACRED COWS" : Lawful Lawless Lawful!

When Lawlessness Is The Law Of The Land
The Lawless Become The Lawful
Those Who Are The Keepers Of The Law
Become Scofflaws!
This State Of Affairs Is Just Plain Awful!

When Truth Has No Beauty
Beauty Has No Truth
Truth Is Neither Truthful Nor Beautiful
Beauty Is Neither Beautiful Nor Truthful!

When The Servants Of God ln A Crisis
Remain Quiet
From Beholding The Evil
Not Doing Anything
To Help Turn Evildoers 
Unto Works Of Righteousness
Then They Have Lost Their Way
As The Watchman
Not Warning The People
They Will Have A Debt
To God
To Repay!

We Are Called To Preach The Word
In Season
We Are To Point Out The Errors
Give The Warning
Offer The Corrective Solution
Move On!
Get Out!

Our Children
Are Being Ruined
Because The Parents
Behave Like Children Themselves
Living In The Realm
"I Want This!"

"Give Me That!"
Throwing Tantrums
For Some Everything
On The Store Shelf
Even If It Means
Destroying A Growing Mind
Casting The Body Primed
To That Satan Not A Story-Book Elf!

I Cringed At The First Story
The Second The Third!
Each Was As The Other:

Boy Wants To Be A Girl
Is Girl And A Boy Concurrently
The Girl Wants To Be A Boy
And Is A Boy And A Girl Concurrently
(This Struggle Is On All Points Devastatingly Real!)
Boys Who Are Boys Living As Boys
Girls Who Are Girls Living As Girls
Are Being TREATED As 
Inauthentic Boys And Girls!

Color Me Confused!
Really, Really, Really Confused
I Honestly Believe The Word Of The Living God
To Wit:
Man And Woman
Male And Female
Created He Them!
One Living Soul!
Male OR Female!
God Did Not Create Derivatives
Anything Else Is Sin 
Offered On The Chalice Of Malice!

I Recently Sat And Watched
- Stunned -
A "Good Parent"
And Makeup
And Costume 
Her Less Than 10-Year-Old Son
In Full Drag-Queen Regalia
Introduced The Child
To Personally Engage With His Idol
Smilingly Complacent
Call It ... GOOD?!

Father, God Almighty

Pity Us!
When Will This Nightmare End?!

Also ...

How Do You
A Loving Involved Parent
In Good Conscience
Surgically Alter A Young Child
And Call It Supportive Parenting?!

Why Are We Adults
Using Our Children As Pawns
To Play Out Our Wickedly Satanic Fantasies
To Furnish And Feather
Our Financial Nests?!

Are Our Consciences So Dead
Our Love Grown So Cold ... Already
That We Are Willing To Sacrifice
An Innocent Child's Innocence
At The Altar Of .... Enmity Against God?!

Roll Call ...

Three-Parent Babies
Pregnancies For Spare Parts
Genderless Babies
Gender Fluidity
Are All
Demonic Activities!

How Can This Be Otherwise
Satan's Stated Task
Is To Destroy
- Completely Destroy -
The Image Of God In Man?!

Are We Truly That Blind
That Disconnected From
The Light Of God
That Strong Delusion Is Our Only Reality?!

God Forbid!

We Have Had 6,000 years
Satan And His Cohort Likewise!
We ... To Change And Turn To God
Satan ... To Perfect The Art
Of Turning Us
Not Toward The Fraud
Against God
The Deluded
The Willfully Wicked
The Lovers Of The Lie Amongst Us
Are Daily Willingly
Giving Our Adversary
- The Accuser Of Our Brethren
Ourselves -
Wickedly Easy Victories!

When Are We Going To Awaken From Sleep?!
Where Is The One Who
On The Towers Does Watch Keep?!
Where Now Is The Trumpet
Uttering That Certain Sound
Warning The Brethren
That Fatal Calamity
Is Headed To Our Nations
Our Homes
Our Towns?!

Let Us Not Cherish
The Beautiful Babylonian Garment
Nor The Beautiful Siren Song
Nor The Call To Self-Aggrandizement
To Self-Determination
Nor That Call
The Living Holy God's Altars Of Pure Faith
Straight Truth
Right-Way Walking
To Cast Down
Throw Away!

Feelings Are A Pet Weapon Of The Fraud!
Living To Self
For Self
Through Self
In Self
Will Get One Cast Out
Into Outer Darkness
To Be With Finality Consumed
On Sin Death Hell And Satan's Final Day
All Who Sought Not Peace
Rest In
Will Be Forever Lost
Will Be As Though
They Had Never Been!
This Should Warn Both Me And You!

Look Around Us, Brethren
Speak The Truth Of God
Without Fear
Man Is Going To Hell In A Hand-Basket
The Path Of Least Resistance
Aka Conformity To The Vaunted
Lying Wisdom Of The World
The Putrifying Ways Of Wicked Men
With The Access Reach
Of Ill-Gotten Gain
Is Greasing Palms
Paving Ways
Drawn And Directed And Spuriously Protected
By The One Who Wittingly Encourages
Man To Do Evil
To Hasten To Join Himself
To The Underground Staff
To Not Be At Peace With Him Who
Created Us
Sustains And Maintains Us
He Who Is Our Life 
Our Light
Our Escape Our Protection
Our Home
Our Out Out Of Sin
The One Who Is The Truth
The Eternal God
Of The Eternal Rest Home!

In Bajan Parlance
God Don't Like Ugly
As His Children
Neither Should We!