Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Divine Communion vs Pleasures Of Sense

Solomon The Wise King
Sought To Know :

This Is His Finding:

  • The Search Is A Vexation To The Spirit! 
  • Much Wisdom Equals Much Grief 
  • Increased Knowledge Increases Sorrow
  • Knowledge Without God Is Foolishness
  • Abundance Without Temperance Is Gluttony
  • Pleasure Without Principle Is Sin-Making
  • High Honor Without Humility Is Self-Raising
  • A Life Without Limits Is Lost
  • Living Without God Does The Soul Cost
  • Paying Homage To Other Than The Lord Who Gives Life Makes One A Horse Pasture For The Wild Steed Name Strife!
  • Honor And Glory Are God's
  • Praise And Thanksgiving Are The Lord's
  • Comfort And Rest Are The Spirit's Domain

  • All True Blessings Accrue To Those Who Do Not The Great Name Profane

Solomon The Wise Fool Repentant 
Also Found Out That ...

The Spirit Of The Living God
Abides With Those
Who Diligently Seek After The Holy God
With Whom Is Profit
Presently Real
Also Waiting To Be Fully Realized
In The Dreadful Awful Day
When The Light Of Life
The Eastern Sky!

Sin Has No Profit
Neither Does Monetary Gain
When The Gain Gives The Willful Self
Over To That Lying Murdering Satan
-  The Not-A-Comic-Book Elf -
Who Takes Perverse Pleasure In Perversion
Who Lifts Up Unrighteousness As A Great Grace
Who Torments Tickles
All Who Will Not Take
- Nor Stand In -
Their God-Given Place!

Wine Is A Mocker!
Strong Drink Rages Around!
A Fool Is Not Wise
A Man Wise
Standing Firmly Grounded In God's Truth
Cannot Be Kept Down!

Know God And Do Good!
Love Your Creator!
For Your Fellow Man Care!
Seek God's Holy Spirit
The Words Of Life Share!

Know This ...

Angels Shall Attend Thee
As In Christ's Faith You Walk
They Will Influence Thee For Good
So That You Lift Not Your Head In Pride!

Therefore  ...

Live By Humble Dependence
On God's Free Mercy
Daily Grace
That Damned Satan 
By Jesus' Holy Name
Firmly Withstood!

Self Leads To Sin
Satan Rejoices!
Grace Is The Gift Of God
Our Gratitude
Own-Soul Minding!


Truth Is ... 
Trust In Jesus Christ
Causes Us To Be Able
To Daily

"Thanks Be To God!"
As On To Zion Hill
We Are Faithfully Climbing!


Let Us Seek After
The Living God!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Two Kisses!!

Two People
Kissed Christ Jesus
Kissed Him With Great Intent!

Forgiven Mary Of Bethany
Kissed Her Known Savior
Unyielding Judas Iscariot
Kissed Just Jesus
Just To Get What He Would Never See Spent!

Mary Used Her Pennies
To Purchase That
With Which She Would Anoint 
He Who Alone Will Save Her Longing Soul!

Judas Iscariot
Willingly Sold Gold
To Get Silver
Received Dirt
Because His Unrenewed Heart
Was Devilishly Cold!

Two Humans Close To Jesus  ...

One Bowed Down In Loving Worship
In The Great Day Will Be Raised Up
To See God's Glory
While That Other
- Lifted Up In Pride -
Looking Upward
- Wanting Power By Which The World To Rule -
Will Surely
In The Day Of Appointment
Forever Die
He Chose The Wiles Of The Devil
For His Life's Intimately Personal Guide!

Dear Brother!
Dear Sister!
I Appeal To You!
Please Do Not Permit Satan To Manipulate You
With Promises Of Earthly Gain
For Disobedient Living
In A Soul Sin-Stained
A Nose Ring
With Known Evil As The Connecting Chain!

Please Know That ...

Little With Contentment
Is Of Great Gain
When The Creator Of The World
Is Holding Your Leading Rein!

Be Contented
With Whatever The Good Lord Gives You
Be Satisfied
Wherever The Good Lord Sends You
Places You To Serve Him By And In Faith
Do Not Pretend To Yourself
That You Are Much More
Than What The Omniscient God Made You!

Please Do Yourself A Grand Favor And ...

Do Not Look To See What Others Have!
Do Not Rush To Rise High
Only To Be Cast Down
By Stern Rebuke
Being Enormously Prideful
In Retaliation
Doing That That Is Egregiously Bad!

Do Not Think That The Omnipotent God
Is Not Omnipresent
Is Caught At Unawares
When You Indulge In Sordid Affairs!

Do Not Think That Your Machinations
The Sovereign Will Of The Eternal God 

A Small Word To The Wise ...

Disobedience And Willful Ways
Build The Holding Cage
Where The Unrepentant Wayward Soul 
Awaiting Damnation


Faithful Obedience And A Willing Spirit
- By The Lord Jesus -
A Mansion
The Likes Of Which 
Only Divinity Can Fashion!

How Do YOU Stand?!

Two Kisses Were Proffered!
One Kiss Worshipped!
One Kiss Damned!
Which One Are YOU Giving To
The Holy Son Of God
The Returning Savior Of Repentant Man?!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Prophets Profiting By Profiteering!

What Does It Profit A Man
To Gain The Whole World

Lose His Own
Unmerchantable Soul?!

What Is The Profit
In Buying The Word Of Blessing Of A Prophet
Unto Whom The Lord God Almighty

Did NOT Give Utterance?!

Wait Up, Bub!
The True Prophet Of God
Will Not, Will Not
Will Never Ever No Way No How
Accept Money
To Give A Good Word From Almighty God!

Far From That
You Can't Even Pay
A True Prophet Of The Living God
Not To Give The Word Sent From God
Be It Good Or Bad!

Is That Right?!

You'd Better Believe It!

If That Is The Truth
Then You Need To Tell That 
To These Church-Men Charlatans
Cluttering Up The Airwaves
The Internet
The Print Media
The Church Pulpits!

You Ain't Lie!

Do You Know What Amuses Me
Even Though It Ain't Even Close
To Being Funny?!

No, I Don't!
Do Tell!

Hear The Base Liars Speak:

I Have A Word For Generic You

From The Blessing God 

Who Desires You To Receive HISSS Blessing Of 
Financial Relief!

Your Pocket Is Empty!
You Can't Pay Your Bills!
The Mortgage Is Past Due!
Your Car Is About To Be Repossessed!
You've Got $10.00 In Your Bank Account
You Lost Your Job Yesterday, Too!

Look Up!
God Is Telling You To Trust Him
Go And Max Out Your Credit Card
Send This God-Chosen Ministry
A Seed Of $1,547.00!
Your Name Starts With "E" So Hurry And Send $3,925.00!
You Are The One Who Hurt Your Back
And You Have Been Home For Four Weeks
And Five Days
So You Have Got To Get Up Right Now
And Send $5,432.10!
Your Return Is Guaranteed Seven-Fold
Even Unto Blessing Untold!
God Is Testing Your Faith!
Don't Doubt Now! 
Do The Necessary!
I Can See The Tears Running Down Your Face
The Amount Of Money You Are Called To Send
Is The Same Figure That Is
That Has Been In Your Dreams
So GO! And Do The Necessary
So That You Can Stop Shaking!
Oh, Let The Spirit Move You!
Send Your Seed RIGHT NOW!!
Bless You! Bless You! Bless You!

You Heard That One, Too?!

Sure Enough Did!

These Cretins And Charlatans
Get Away With This Brand Of Rubbish

People Don't Read Their Bibles
ORThey Read Their Bibles Selectively
ORPermit Their Pastors Preachers Teachers
To Tell The Interpretation Of What God
Is Supposed To Have Said
They Use Those Purpose-Driven
Copyrighted Bibles
Specific To Their "Felt Need!"

Didn't The Lord Warn Us About Feelings?!

The Lord Surely Did But ...!

... No More Buts!

Buts Hurt

AND YETA Lot Of People Seem To Be Using
"Buts" For Brains
ANDThey Are Being Fleeced
Being Made Broke ...!

... And Ashamed!

It Is Time For
"Thus Saith The Lord!"
To Become AND Remain
The Rule For Our Lives!
Anything Else Comes From ...

... All Together Now ...!

That One Satan Who Is Not Divine!

Saturday, January 13, 2018

PRAYER: Deliver Us, Lord, Unto Your Glory!

Oh, God, Most Holy,

Have Mercy On Your People Today!
Have Mercy On Us Who Longingly Look
Toward The Day
When The King Of Creation 
Our Savior
Our God
Shall Breach The Eastern Sky
To Forever Release Us
From The Dread Clutches
The Base Liar
Known Murderer
Contemptible Fraud
That Is The Wannabe God!


The Writing Is Clearly Written
On The World's Proudly Standing Wall
Those Not Walking In The Faith Of Jesus 
Are Unable To Read
The Writing Of The Holy God
Your People
Those Of The Clean Heart
The Pure Thoughts Of Heavenly Peace 
Are Praying Believing
Loving And Wholly Trusting
The God Of The Preserved
Relevant And Living Word
Are Waiting
With Hope-Filled Anticipation
For The Trumpet Of God 
The Voice Of The Archangel
To Be Loud Heard!

Oh, Lord,
Haste The Day!
Let Come The Sound Of Our Jubilee!


In Sincerity, I Pray For Those
Who Know Not The Lord Jesus
Who Have Never Heard
The Words Of Truth And Life
Those Who Are Holding 
Satan's Lyingly-Corrupted View
The Character Of The Eternal God
Because Of
The Spiritual Wickedness 
In Those Called To Shepherd Your Flock
But Who Have Chosen
The Broad Way
The Way Of The Damned
For Filthy Lucre's Sake 
I Beseech You, Please
In Your Free-To-All Mercy
In You Available-To-All Grace
To Cause The Gospel Of Truth
To Go Out
To All The World
For A Witness
So That Those Who Will To Know
The Blessings Of The Faithful 
Will Enduringly Trust In
The Lord Jehovah 
In Whom Is Everlasting Strength!

You Have Promised To Turn None Away
Who Sincerely Seek Your Face

So Keep Your Children, Lord
- Who Know Your Voice -

In Your Blessed Care!

Bless Us, Lord
For We Hold You In Godly Fear!
Guide Us, Lord
For You, Alone,
Make The Narrow Way
Straight And Clear 
Deliver Us Safely Unto Your Glory
To The Mansions Of Rest
Which For Us
Our Master
Our Redeemer 
Our Forever Friend 
Our Jesus
Has Lovingly Prepared!

Bless Us, Dear Father

To Continue In Your Sovereign Will
Until The Great Day Dawn
Is Our Heart's Humble Plea! 

We Love You, Lord
Pray All In That Worthy Name
The Name Christ Jesus
For Our Eternal Salvation
Was On Calvary's Cross
Cruelly Slain!
Please Come Soon! 

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: God's Truth Uplifts Us + PRAYER: Lord, Help Us To Look Beyond ...!

Almighty God's Grace Blesses!
Almighty God's Mercy Saves
Almighty God's Truth Uplifts Us
Removing Us From 
A Life Of Being Sin's Slaves!

Almighty God's Love Encircles!
Almighty God's Faith Gives Our Hearts Rest
Almighty God's Holy Spirit Comforts Us
Giving Us Strength To Do Our Best!


Oh, Lord
Help Us Not To Despise
Our Bountiful Blessings! 
Help Us Not To Turn Aside
To Things False! 
Help Us To Look Up
To See Beyond
The Kinds Of Things
Over Which The Carnal Mind Fawns!
Help Us Your Holy Name To Exalt!

Please, Lord
Heal Our Minds
Our Bodies
Our Spirits
Bless Us To Do All
According To Your Will! 

Help Us, Lord
For We Cannot Help Ourselves
Even Though We, Bold
Treat You, Living God Holy
Like The Useless Manmade Figurine
On The Dust-Catcher Display Shelf!

Pity Us, Lord
For You Alone Are Able!
Be Merciful, Lord
For You Alone, Save
And, Please
Let Your Grace Grant Unto Us
One More Opportunity
To Accept
To Bravely Take Secure Hold Of
Your Free Offer Of Sure Salvation
So That In The Fullness Of Time
We May Walk On Zion's Streets
Of Everlasting Gold!

We Love You, Lord!
Please Hear Our Prayer
Do For Us
What None But The Holy God
Can Do!
In Jesus Christ's Matchless Name 
We Pray This Prayer Of Faith
With Humble Hearts Plead
For It Is On That Living Word
On Which We Daily Feed! 

Friday, January 12, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + A Peculiar Treasure!

The Only Being That Has To Love You
Jesus Christ
Doesn't "Have" To Love You!
HE Created You
... To Death!

Jesus Christ's Love Does Not Fail!
His Heart Cannot Turn Cold
His Desire For Your Heart Does Not Wane
He Loves Your Very Soul!

Your Breath Is From His Breath Of Life!
Without His Life
We Will Have None!
Without His Watch-Care
His Heart Longing 
For The Salvation Of Fallen Man
We Could Not
Would Not Exist!
Not One Single Man!

But I Want Everybody To Love ME!
I Need To Feel Special!
This Would Make Everything In My Life Just Right
Everybody Will Find Me A Perfect Delight!

Wait A Minute!
What Did You Say Your Name Is?!

Athing O'Beauty!

Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance!

And What's Your Name?!

Apeculiar Treasure!

That's A Pretty Name
BUT ...

... Here It Comes ...!

... You're Rather Plain Looking!
There's Nothing To Recommend You!
You Need To Fix Yourself Up!
You Know ... Get Modern
Get A Couple Tattoos
A Nose Ring Or Two
Expose Some Skin ...!

How Does All That Make YOU Beautiful?!

... And Lose That Ugly Clunky Purse In Your Hand!

It's Not A Purse!
It's My Bible!

How Precious!
Are You One Of Those, Err, Ahhhm,
Bible Thumping Holy Rolling Jesus Freaks?!

If By That Rather Flamboyant Description
You Mean To Ask If I Am A Bible-Believing Christian
Then The Answer Is A Resounding "Yes!"

How Special!

It Is, Isn't It?!

Oh, No!
You Mis-take Me!
I Think You Are Rather Silly
- Stupid, Actually -
To Believe In A Sky-God!

Grant Us You Grace, Lord
Your Mercy
That Ever Always Our Soul Pays!

What Did You Say That For?!
There Is No God But Me!

Oh, My! 

Father, Most Faithful

I Love Honor Trust

Obey And Worship You
I Sincerely Pray For The Unbeliever
Who Does Not Know
The Living God True 

Who Daily Takes Of Your Bounty
But Does Not Choose
By Thought Word And Deed
To Humble Self Before You!

Humble Myself?!
I Humble Myself Before No Man!

Oh, Boy!
What An Opportunity!

The Living God Is Not A Man
For He Does Not
Cannot Lie!
The Living God
Is Faithful Just Loving
He ... Moment By Moment
Loving Takes Personal Care Of You ...!

... Personal Care?!
You Did Say Personal Care, Didn't You?!


I Like ... I Looove Personal Care ...
Oooo ... All That Pampering
Massaging My Skin ...!

He Remakes You As A New Creation!

... Massaging My Forehead ...!

He Renews Your Mind!

... Oooh ... That Silky, Smoooth, Massage Oil ...!

He Pours Into You The Heavenly Oil Of God's Holy Spirit!

... Those Gorgeously Plush Robes ...
... Those Nimbly Deft Attendants ...

He Gives The Personal Robe Of His Righteousness
Brilliantly White And Clean
He Provides Holy Angels Excelling In Strength!
They're Wonderful Influencers ...!

... Wait A Darn Minute!
Why Am I Now Hearing About These Influencers?!
I Like Influencers!
They Always Know Where To Get All The Good Stuff!
I Must Meet These Influencers ...!

Hmmm ...
I Don't Mean To Appear Greedy
Or Even Covetous, But ...!

I Must Not Yield To Temptation!
I MUST NOT YIELD To Temptation!
I Will Not Yield To Temptation!

But, What?!

Is He Rich?!

What, Exactly, Do You Mean By Rich?!

Wellll ... You Know ...!

No, I Don't Know!
Please Speak Your Mind!

Can He, Uh, Ahh ... Afford ... Me?!
Will He Take Good Care Of Me?!

Wellll, ... That Depends!!

On What?!

That Depends On
How Long YOU Desire Him
To Take Care Of You!

I Am ... Ahh ... At A Loose End Right Now
But ... I Am Looking
For A ... A ...!

... Permanent Arrangement?!

Yes! Yes!
I Want ... I Desire ...!
I Desire A Permanent Arrangement ...!

I Can't Help You With THAT
If You Desire A Life-Giving Relationship
New Name
Everlasting Honeymoon
Flights To Worlds Unknown By Mere Men
Gold Crown
Gold Harp
Custom-Built Mansion
In A City Built On A Foundation Of Twelve Jewels
Where There Is No Night
Where The Gates Are Of Pearl
Glass Sea Not Glass Slipper
The Tree Of Life
That Bears Twelve Different Fruits
The River That Carries The Water Of Life
Best Of All
The Hand Of The Life Giver
The Life Of The Life Giver
Eternal Life
Immortality ...!


Yes! Immortality!
In The Land Where No One Ever Dies!
No One Ever Cries!
No One Ever Mourns!
Where True Beauty Is That That Fades Not!
Where All Is Love ...!

... I Love Love!
I Need Love!
Will He Truly Love Me, For Me!

He Loves You For Himself!
He Desires To Save You
He Will Make You
A Peculiar Treasure ...!

But, But, But
That's Your Name!?!

It Can Also Be Yours!

You Know What?!


I Like You!
You Are Not At All Plain!
You Are Perfectly Beautiful
For It Is Not Skin Deep!

Thank Jesus!

Who Is This Jesus?!

I'm Glad You Asked ...!

Jesus The Christ
The Son Of God
The Son Of Man
The Savior Of The World
The God Of Heaven
Who Is Seated
At His Father's Right Hand
Making Intercession
For Those Who Take His Right Hand
And Choose Freely
To Make Their Permanent Home
With Him
On Heaven's Table Land
Lord Of All!
He Is Blessing!
He Is Peace!
He Is Rest!
Because Of The Grace Of God
God's Free Mercy
He Gives Forgiveness
To Any And All
- Whosoever Will -
Who Will Call On His Name
Take Him At His Holy Word
Accept His Blood-Bought Salvation!

Can I Meet Him?!
Right Now?!

Sure, You Can!

Call Upon His Name
He Will Answer You
Show You Great And Mighty Things
About Which You Know Nothing!

I'd Like That ... A Lot!


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Those Who Live Godly Lives ...!

Were It Not For Grace S. Favor
Merciful Powers
Complete Forgiveness
Kneel Atde Cross
Liv N. Godly-Lives
Would Long Have Been Decimated By
Deadly Taint
False Accusation
Lying Spirits
Character Assassination
Deny D. Lord
Chasing The. Wind
Envy N. Greed
Persee Cution!

It Is Like This ...

Liv N. Godly-Lives
Has Humbled Himself
Under The Mighty Hand Of God
Has Chosen To Lean On D. Everlasting Arm
Has Turned Away From Childish Things
Has Removed False Gods From His Home
His Life
Has Started A Committed Relationship With The. Gentle Shepherd
Who Has Hooked Him Up With
Dee-Spirit O'God
Who Is Now His Live-In Companion
Daily Moment-By-Moment Comfort!

Since Moving In
Dee-Spirit O'God Has Been Known
To Ardently Guide
Plainly Direct
Gently Encourage Liv N. Godly-Lives
In The Ways Of Truth N. Life
The. Kindly Light
To Refrain From Associating With Godless Character
Ways O. D. World
Backsliding Heifer
Pride O'Life
Lust O'Dee Flesh
That False Oath Tekker
Lust-Of D. Eye!

Because Dee-Spirit O'God Is Doing A Perfect Work
He Has Often Had To Chide Liv. N. Godly-Lives
Against Letting Selfish Mind
All-About Me
Inordinate Desire
Deadly Drift
Spirit O. Distraction
Carnal Knowledge
Tempted Tu-Touch
Com Pla Cency
Stubborn Will
Wayward Ness
- Those Favorite Children
Those Devil Spawn
Belonging To Beelze Bub -
Play With His Heart!

You Should Know That ...

All Because Of Dee-Spirit's Gentle
Firm Actions
Liv N. Godly-Lives
- With Broken Spirit And Contrite Heart -
Had Carried True Confession
Total Repentance
To The. Heavenly Father
For Having Taken The Name Of
Jesus S. The. Answer
With Him
Had ... In Turn
Received Complete Forgiveness
From His Former Life Companion
His Ball AND Chain
Known Sin!

At His Release
From Certain Condemnation
He Had Had Only Total Praise
Joyful Hallelujahs
Praise D. Lord
In His Home
To Celebrate The. Living God!

And, Thereafter ...

The Cause Of The Curse
The Dragon
The Tempter
The Serpent
The Liar Supreme
The Accuser Of The Brethren
The Base Metallurgist
The Thief Of Time
The Wannabe God Known Not-Divine
The Prince Of The Power Of The Air
The Purveyor Of The Doctrine Of Devils
The Lord Of ... Dung!

Know Ye Be All These Present That ...

If It Had Not Been
For The. Lord By His Side
His Other Live-In, Faith
His Taking That Grace
The Faith Of Christ Jesus
Holding On To The One And Only Blessed Assurance
We-Have This Hope
Plainly Knowing And Believing That 
He Was Clean Before The Lord Of Life
Liv N. Godly-Lives
Would Have Purchased A One-Way Ticket
That Burning Performance Of
Via A Permanent Spot
In Fire And Brimstone Lake
Where All Who Choose To Walk With I'm Own-Way
Indulge In Indifference To Loving Entreaty
From Lamb Of God
Will Exercise Their Self-Willed Option
To Own-Sin Self-Pay!

Living N. Faith Gave Liv N. Godly-Lives
Over Living N. Sin
Despite The Best Efforts Of
Persee Cution
His Ardently Active
Overtly Malicious
Deliberately Organized
Elegantly Equipped
Have Nothing-To-Lose
They Gave Away 
Their True-Gain For A Studied-Lie

Godly-Lives' Faith Works!
His Trust Is Standing!
His Love Is Growing!
His Eye Is Not Darkened!
His Hope Is Not Vain!
His Redeemer Lives!
He Is Walking To Zion!
Excellent Angels Are His Good Influencers!
Truth Is In His Inward Parts!
He Is Blessed
A Blessing
He Has A Home In Glory Land
He Keeps Covenant With 
The Creator God Of The Fourth Commandment
In Whom He Is Sealed
Against The Great Day Of Vengeance!

Liv N. Godly-Lives' Foot
Is Not Turned Aside To Fables
He Is Not wise In His Own Eyes
Because Of This
By Jesus
The Devil Is Damned!

So That You Know ...

Those Who Walk In Righteousness
Will Be Made To Suffer From Persee Cution
They Are Not Alone!
Their God Holy Eternal 
Is On The Universe's Throne
He Ever Always
Takes Care Of His Own!

Take A Real Walk
With The. Gentle Shepherd
Be Not Dismayed
The. Living God
Take Care Of You!

You Have
Jesus Christ's Spilt Blood
That Promise!