Sunday, March 4, 2018

Gratitude Is A Grace!

Happiness Does Not Come From More
Sorrow Does Not Come With Less!
Happiness Is Found In Jesus Christ The Lord
This Is A Realization
That The Human Soul Must Confess!

More Is A Load
That Greedy Men Carry!
Sorrow Is A Load
That The Longing Soul Carries
Both May Be Removed
We Will ALL To The Lord
Get Out From Under
The Canopy Of The Fraud!


Lord God Almighty
Thou Holy One True
I Am Thankful For My Little Bit
For It Comes From You!

Let Me Not Envy
The Man That Has Much
For That Man's Much
Often Makes His Heart Clutch
With Worry
With Sorrow
With Necessity Not Needed
He, Being His Own God
Has Not Your Eternal Word Heeded!

I Thank You, Lord
For Shelter
For Food
For Clothing
For Rest
I Surely Do Thank You For Christ Jesus
In Whose Heart I Am Blessed!

Grant Me The Grace
That Gratitude Brings
So That In The Great Day Coming
I Will My Benefactor's Praises
With All The Blessed Saints
Gratefully Sing!
I Love You, Lord
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name, I Plead!


Man Has Real Eyes That See
True EyeSight
Comes From
The Holy God!

Saturday, March 3, 2018

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Choose To Lovingly Worship The Lord!

Worry And Worship Are Walking!
Problem Is Walking Behind!
Trouble Is Affably Shaking His Bamboo Switch
Care Is Conversing With The Fraud
Keeping Pace At The Back Of The Line!

The Birds Are Singing To The Glory Of God!
The Flowers Are Showcasing Their Praise With Beauty
Man ...
Man Is Waffling
Between Worry And Worship

How Can I Now Go To The Living God
When It  Truly Feels Like A Daunting Duty?!

Worshipping The Living God

Out Of A Heart Filled With Love 
Can Never Be A Mere Duty!

Fulfilling A Duty 
On Its Own  
Is Not A Thing Of Beauty
When Love Is Put First
Duty Is Not Labor
Loving Labor For The Lord
Becomes Couched In Loving Favor
For It Gives To The Almighty
The Sweet Sacrifice's Savor!

"Worship" As Duty
Dutifully Done For Public Reward
Work Done For The Fraud
Who Has No Love For The Living God
All Who Grit Their Teeth
Laboriously Dutifully
Without Love Working For The Coming Kingdom
Worrying About Their Appearance
Their Altitude
Ignoring Their Base Attitude  Will Get Their Just Reward
Since Their Service Does Not Laud The Eternal God!

The Example Of The Bird
The Flower The Wind
The Tree The Ocean
The Babbling Brook
The Glistening Spring
Should Speak
To Man's Soul
Tell The Old Story Ever New
That The God Of Creation Lives
Is Loving
Is Caring AND
That He Is Looking Out For
Moment By Moment
Taking Loving Care Of You!

So ...

When Wasteful Worry Walks
Causing You Wonder About Serving God
ANDThen Indulge In Self-Talk
Reminding The Soul
To Lovingly Worship The Living God
Who Left A Word On The Record
That All Men Of Faith Should Truly Believe:

Give Your Self Solely To The Living God
With The Bold Faith Of Love
To Lovingly Worship
The Amazing God Eternal
The Lord Of Life
The God Of Sacrificial Love!

Let Your Prayer Of Faith
Your Life's Connection
The Living God!


Note To File:

I'll Not Worry And Wonder
About Stuff And Nonsense!

I Must Pray
A Thankful Heart
Everything That I Have
Comes From
Almighty God's Supply
Where There Is
No Shortage
No Spoilage
No Content Backlog
No Artificial Pricing
No Human Food Fit Only For A Dog
No Suspect Ingredients
No Guinea Pig Assay
No Sale For Just A Day
No Backdoor Pallet-Piling
No Front Door Beggars' Bin
No Pop-Up Party
For Those With
The Penchant Peculiar
Who Thrive On Owning
Inordinately-High-Priced Toys
Called Necessary Joys!

God Provides!

Friday, March 2, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + PRAYER: Oh, That Man Would Praise The Lord!

Oh, Lord To Trust You
In Every Sphere Of Life
To Find In Your Service
The Transport Of Delight
To Live For The Master
To Walk Faithfully With My God
To Have A Ready Word Of Blessing For My Brethren
The "Get Thee Behind Me, Satan!"
For That Known-Damned Fraud
Is The Desire Of My Life
Whenever I Open Wide From Peaceful Sleep
My Bright And Seeing Eyes!

My Father,
I Love You!
You Are The Holy God True!
You Are The One That Makes Me Live!
You Are The God Who, To Me
My Daily Bread Gives!

You Are The God Eternal
The Creator Of All I Survey
With A Heart Filled With Much Thankfulness
I Offer You
My Humble Worship
My Joyful Praise
My Necessary-Bread Prayers!

I Thank You, Father
For The Glorious Gift Of Salvation
That Cost You
Your Beloved Son
Who Made The Greatest Sacrifice
So That Sinful Man, Repentant
And Willing To Be From Sure-Hell Saved
By Faithful Acceptance Of The Gift
To Not Be Like The Wicked Satan
Forever Lost!

Oh, That My Kind
Will Praise The Lord
For His Goodness To The Children Of Men!

Oh, That Man Would Give Glory
To The Living Gid
And Seek His Holy Spirit
Not To Offend!

Oh, That I
Will Ever Look Up To My God
Accepting The Grace
The Mercy
The Forgiveness Of Confessed Sin
The Hand Of Provision
The Blessed Promise Of Salvation And Redemption Given
And Choose Ever
To Walk Wise
To Live Right
To Love Truth
Thence To Command The Blessing Of God
By Faithful Obedience To My Savior
My Lord And My God
Is My Humble Plea
In The Matchless Name Of Jesus Christ The Righteous
Who Condemned Sin Death And Hell
By Dying And Arising From Death
Commends The High And Holy
Heavenly Reward
By Ascending To The Throne Of Majesty
Interceding With His Blood
In The Most Holy Place Of The Heavenly Sanctuary
For My Brethren And Me!
Grant Unto Me A Willing Spirit
Keep Me Faithfully Working For The Kingdom!
Come Soon, Lord!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Race ... Relations!?!?!

Who Can Tell Me
How Many Races There Are?!

Me! Me! Me!

Yes, Big Sam! 

I Can And I Shall Name Them All In One Breath!
Here Goes:
Drag Foot Human Boat Swim Political Horse
Downhill Speed Endurance Walk And Rat ... Race!
12 In All!

There Followed Silence
And Then Everybody Bu'st Out Laughing!
Some Laughed So Hard Until There Were Tears
And Coughing ...
Until Young Feb Said Rather Loudly:

But My Class Teacher Says That

There Are At Least Four Human Races
And Big Sam Only Named One!
He Didn't Answer The Question Correctly!

The Discussion
- From Thence -
A Decidedly Ugly Shade Of Brown 'N Black Dark Memory
Overlaid With White-Right Supremacy
Interspersed With Economic-Envy Green
Sprinkled Liberally With Bleeding-Red Blood
Laid Out On An Ivory-Inlaid Bed Of Yellow Cowardice
Shot Through With Dastardly-Doings Dirty Dirt!

In The Midst Of A Momentary Lull In Conversation
The Voice Of Faith Through Grace
Reason Through Thoughtfully-Considered Mindfulness
- Soft And Gentle And Firm
Not Forced
Not Fractured
Not Overwhelmed With Overwrought Emotionalism -

Brethren Beloved,
We Are Believers In The Lord Jesus Christ
The Creator Of All Things
Seen And Unseen
Known And Unknown
In The Heavens Above
On The Earth Beneath
In The Fountains Of Waters
The Rivers Lakes Oceans And Seas!

This Jesus
The Only Begotten Son Of The Father God
Is The God Of Order!
He Is Neither A Cobbler
A Journeyman
Nor A Fabricator!
He Is Neither Liar Nor Thief!

This Lord Jesus Does Not Inspire Fiction
He Does Not Foment
War And Strife 
Nor Inspire Doubt!

This Same Christ Jesus
Is Not A One-Trick Pony
- Pardon My Expression -
- Lacking Creativity Ingenuity
Originality And Stick-To-Itiveness -
Made A Man
Rendered From That One Man
Several Variations ... On A Theme!

Despite The Rubbish
Being Foisted On Impressionable Minds
The Race$
Big Sam Is Quite Correct
In Calling Out
As In
Jesus Christ Made Adam
Out Of Adam
Jesus Christ Took A Rib
Made Adam A Help-Meet
A Single Female Named Called
Represented Shown To Be Eve
"... The Mother Of ALL Living!"

The Lord Jesus Christ
- Via The Inspired Word -
Did Not Stutter!
Did Not Mumble!
Did Not Utter Alternative Facts!
Did Not Publish Fake News!

There Is One Race ... Human!
No Sects!
No Off-Shoots!
No Second String!
No Off-Scourings!
No To-Be Grafted Race O'Man Lil' Bits Of Branches!

Do You Not Think That
It Is Time To Wake Up
Without A Single Doubt
We Are All One?!

You Could Have Heard A Pin Drop ...

I Am Human!
I Am Made Out Of The Dust Of The Earth!
The Creator God
The Lord Jesus Christ
Into My Progenitors
The Breath Of Life
By Descent
I Am A Living Soul!

I Am Not Color!
I Am Not Economy!
I Am Not Education!
I Am Not Caste!
I Am Not Undiscovered!
I Am Not Big Head!
I Am Not Low Brow!

I Am The Creation Of The Creator-God!
I - By Faith - Am A Child Of The Great King!
I Am A Praying Member Of
The Living God's Family!

Pray Tell,
What, Now, Are You?!

Any Questions?!

There Was Not A Dry Eye In The Audience Room!

Things Did Not Change Overnight
Seeing People
Are Actually Looking At People ... As Flesh And Blood
For. The. Very. First. Time!
It Is Quite Refreshing!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Evil Heart Of Unbelief!

Almighty God Can Do Anything!

No, He Can't!

What Kind Of Christian Are You?!
How Can You Say That?!
Why Would You Say Such A Horrible Thing ...?!

... Because It Is THE Truth!

Almighty God Can't Lie - That's The Devil's Domain
The Almighty Cannot
Will NOT
Force A Human
  • To Come To Faith
  • To Believe The Word Of Truth
  • To Trust In The Merits Of The Lord Christ Unto The Saving Of That Person's Own Soul!
Force Is For Machines!

Faith Is For Flesh!

Look At It This Way ...

According To The Word Of Truth
He Who Comes To God
MUST Believe That He Is ...!

To Believe, One Must Have Faith
Faith Works
Faith Without Its Corresponding Action
That Is, Its Corresponding Acting Upon That Belief
Is Dead!
Its Purveyor
Its Utilizer
Will Never Enter Heaven's Gate!

Now, Think About This ...

Those Persons Who Lived In Nazareth
Did Not Greatly Benefit
From The Miracle-Working Jesus



Man Must Believe That The Living God
Rewards Those Who Diligently Seek Him!

Naenee Cheeks
We've Have Got To Stop Doing This!
I'm Now Telling You This For The Forty-Eleventh Time:

Having 99.99% Faith IN Christ Jesus
Doubting Him
Disbelieving His Word
Denying His Power
Distrusting His Integrity
Waffling Over His Ability
To Save You ... PERSONALLY
From The Consequences Of
Your Own Personal Sin

That's So Unfair!

How So, Pray Tell?!

Oh, Brother!

I've Got To Hear This One!

Okay! Go Ahead!

Well, It Is Like This ...
I Started Out With 100% Doubt
And I Have Arrived At 99% Faith And Belief!
I've Worked Hard At This
And I Should Get Credit For My Personal Effort!

Oops! There It Is!

Whaaat!?! Whaaat!?!

Before I Answer You
Answer Me This:

If Your Being Born
Depended Upon
Your Mommy Having 100% Faith
In Your Desire To Be Born On, Oh, Let's Say
April 1st, 1910 ... A Thursday
- Not A Saturday -
At 2:34:56 a.m.
And Not 6:54:32 p.m.
In Downstate Medical Center
In Perth Amboy, New Jersey
Not Perth, Australia
Though You Live In Demerara, South America
I-Am Dee Lorde, Obstetrician
Grace O'God, PA, Standing By
Would You Be Alive?!

You're Being Deliberately Ridiculous!

Answer The Question!

... And The Answer Had Better Be "Yes!"

You Know I Can't Answer That!

Why Not?!

Your Mama "Believes" In You!

Why You Doubting Your Momma?!

Well ...
Because She Should Know Better
Than To Trust In The Unknown!
She Doesn't Know Me!
She Should Be Trusting In Her God
The Unfailing
Known Quantity!

Oh, My!
What Did I Just Hear You Say?!

... That She ... I ... Should Be Trusting
The Known Quantity
The Creator
Our Faithful God ...!


Heyyy! Why Are You Crying?!

I've Been Letting Satan
Play Me Like A Penny Whistle!
... So Stupid ...!

Stop That!

You Know Better ... Now
So You Shall Do Better
From Now On!

You Can Take Some Comfort In The Fact That
We All Here Present
Have Personal Proof Of What Faith Can Do
We All Also Have Personal Proof Of
What Doubt Has Done
Has Caused
Still Causes In Our Lives!

Doubting The Word Of God Is Sin
And Sin Is The Transgression Of God's Law ...!

... Hold Up!
Where In The Ten Commandments
Do You See 
"Don't Doubt The Living God?!"

I Would Say
Commandment One
Which Says:

I Am The Lord ...
Thou Shalt Have No Other God But Me!

You Placed Satan
- The Dealer In Doubt -
On The Throne Of The Faithful Holy God!

When You Doubt God
You Trust Satan!

The Living God Doesn't Bre'kup Fractions!
He Wants Your All!

If You Love The Living God ... Walk In The Light!
If You Believe The Eternal God ... Live Right In His Sight!
If You Trust All-Knowing God ... Give Of Yourself With Delight!
If You Will To Honor The Glorious God
Dump Doubt
That Unwholesome Delight Of Satan The Known Blight!

Okay. Okay!
I Feel You!
Now Answer My Question!

Very Well!
Relying On Personal Effort
Will Never Bring A Man
To The Foot Of The Cross!
You Need Jesus Christ
The Agency Of The Holy Spirit
The Protection And Good Influence Of The Holy Angels
A Willing Spirit
Prayer And Working Faith
Love And Trust!

It's A Tall Order ...!

... But A Very Short Step!

Bearing Doubt Before God
Is Offering To Him Cain's Sacrifice
Which Was Replete With The Personal Sin Of Selfishness
And Wilful Disobedience
You Know Where That All Led!

Just Remember This ...

Jesus Christ IS The Answer
All The Heavenly Intelligences
Are Working Together
For Your Soul's Salvation!
You'll Never Make It On Your Own
Get Out Your Prayer-Phone
Call Almighty God!
He's Home
You Are Not Alone!

Dump Deadly Doubt
It Is The Enemy Of Living Faith!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tomorrow Is Not Promised!

"Tomorrow Is Not Promised!"
Is Daily
In Our Lives
Being Played Out
It Really Shows To All
That Lust For Toys Power Fame Fun And Fortune
Are Not The Things
That We Should Slush Out!

Look Around!
Pay Attention!
Do You Not See What Is Going On?
Are You Not Aware
That We Are In A Crisis
That It Is The Living God
That We Should Hold In Fear!

See There ...

Daddies Sleeping With Their Babies!
Children Causing Their Parent's Demise
Mummy Killing Daddy Killing Mummy
Children Killing Children
Youth Committing Suicide
Alternative Lifestyles Are Normalized
Faith Is Fresh Bread For Sale
Truth Is Cast Down In The Street
Darkness Is Wearing A White Gown
Selfishness Is Blessed
Loving Is Loveless
Joy Is Happy Juice In A Jar
Grace Is A Prostitute
Mercy Is An Unpaid Servant
Happiness Is A Rotting Clam
Lawlessness Is Licensed Lawful
Honesty Is Attribute Awful
Are Flush With Success
From Mediaites Purveying Bold Programmatic Lies!

Where Is God?!
Is The Question Heard Often!
What God?!
Is The Question In Answer
To The Question Posed
If You ... A Believer
Dare To State The Obvious
Then, My Friend
Look Out!
There Will Be Talk Of Sharing Blows!

I Caution You, Brethren ...

Doubt God
At The Cost Of Your Peace!
Deny God
At The Cost Of Your Rest!
Bless God
You Want Forgiveness
Sure Salvation
Praise Honor And Obey God
Your Desire Is
Heavenly Peace And Sweet Rest!

Do Not Follow The Multitude To Do Evil!
Do Not Follow The Crowd And Scoff!

I Encourage You, Brethren ...

Do Think For Your Self
Call On The Master
For, Soon
He Is Coming For Those
Who Choose Him
So That They May Be Sheltered
Under His Wings
To Find And Know
True And Eternal Blessing
After Known Sin Is Confessed!

Pssst ...

Want The Eternal Reward?!
Then Know That
It Is Time To Ditch Satan
The Known Bold Fraud!

Now Is The Time
To Accept
The Living Word Of Truth!
Now Is The Time
To Bow Before
Jesus Christ The Righteous
Our Only Savior 
Lord And God!

Monday, February 26, 2018

Climbing Jacob's Ladder!

Jesus Christ The Savior
Brought Divinity Down To Earth!
Jesus Christ The Redeemer
Took Humanity Up To Heaven!
Jesus Christ The Righteous
The Only Way To Get Up To The Father!
Jesus Christ The Sovereign Lord
Our Only King
Creator God
Master Of Everything
Our Ladder
Our Stairway
To The Heavenly Home!

I Am Climbing Jacob's Ladder!
I'm A Soldier Of The Cross
I'm Clinging Unto Christ Jesus
So That My Soul Will Not Suffer Loss!

Of My Own Self
I Can Do Nothing
Whereby I May Save My Own Soul
All That I Do
Is Tainted By Sin
'Tis True
This IS Why Man Cannot
Of His Own Merit Get To God's Heaven
This, Therefore
Is My Appeal To You:

Deny Self
The Liar Bold Vain!
Deny Self
Get God's Glory
To Remove From You Sin's Shame!

Deny Self
Though The Dying World Call You Lame
Heap Upon You
Other Words Gross Profane!

Disobedience Brought
The Curse
Often Towed By A Hearse!
Obedience Brings Blessing
Because Jesus Christ
The Only Answer
That Reverses The Curse!

Man Is Not Mighty
Neither Is He Strong
He Needs The Redeemer Creator Sustainer Friend
He Desires Residence In Heaven
At Time's Promised End
Coming Before Very Long!

Be Not Wise In Your Own Conceit
Practicing Known Vile Deceits!
Let Not Vanity Cause You To Be Profane
Let Wisdom Be The Principal Thing
Let Knowledge True
In The Great Day
Cause You By God's Spirit
Within The Gates Of Heaven
The Overcomers' Song Of Victory Over Sin
Triumphantly Sing!

Jacob's Ladder
Led Up
Came Down!
Prayers Go Up
Blessings Come Down!


Trust The Living Word!
The Writer Holy
Is Soon To The Earth Coming Down!