Sunday, April 22, 2018

THE BIBLE STUDY: The Inconvenient ... TRUTH!

With This Posting
By God's Amazing Grace
We Are Celebrating Arriving At

Saved By Faith!

Judged By Works!

You Will Not Be Saved In Your Sin!
Give Up The Curse!

So What Is The Perk?!

Freedom From Condemnation!

Escape From The Second Death!

Peace With The Creator Savior Redeemer
Blessing ... Forevermore!

Grace Is Free!
Mercy Is Free!

Free To Us All
Jesus Christ Paid The Fee!

The Love Of God Is Not A Lie!
To Save You And Me
Love Had To Die!

Preaching Of Truth Is Heard ... Easily!
Profession Of Faith Is Made ... Freely!

BUT ...

The Practice Of Righteousness Is ... A Whole Different Story!

Do You Believe God
Or The Man Carnal Lying To Thee?!

Gotta Live In The Word!
You Won't Be A Member Of The Goat Herd!

Live In The Truth!

You Will Surely Receive Eternal Youth!

Glimmer Of Hope 
Ray Of Light
Shall Be To The Repentant Soul
A Heavenly Delight! 

Peace Joy Rest
Love Hope
Grace Mercy
Are Gifts Of God 
To The Child Of The Dust!

Acceptance Is Optional!

Refusal Is A Person's Choice! 
For Entrance Into Heaven
Their Possession Is A Must! 

Live By Faith
Not By Sight
You Shall Only Enter Heaven
Because You Have Received By Working Faith 
The Right!

Don't Die!
Don't Make Jesus Cry!
He Is The Truth! Accept Him!
Don't Believe Satan's Ready Lies! 

Not By Might
Not By Power
By The Spirit Of God
Evil Will Cower!

The Word Of God Is Light!

The Light Of God Is Truth!
Truth Is Alive!
Don't Ever To That Reality Be Obtuse!

Choice Is Not Chance! 
Will Is Not Work! 
Self Is Not Sensible! 
The Eternal God Rules The Universe! 

Submit Yourself Unto God! 
Pray Without Ceasing! 
Acknowledge Sin Is Deathly Disease ...!

... Jesus Christ IS Cure!!

Resist The Devil Steadfastly!

Quote The Word - He Flees! 

Nice Talking To You!
Let's Ketchup!

I Got Hot Sauce!

Heavenly Bread Is Always Fresh!

Living Water Is Always Free!
Angels Will Keep Watch
Over Me And Over Thee! 


Everlasting Life Is Sure
When By Working Faith
We Wisely Walk Willingly
Jesus Christ The Lord
Who Is
The Way To Life
The Truth That Gives Life
The Light That Discloses Life
The Giver Of Eternal Life
The Open Door
Sin's Only Cure!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Midnight Of The World ... Coming Again!?! + PRAYER: Correct Us With You Love, Lord!

Banning The Word Of The Eternal God
Is Not Good Public Policy
Those Who Advocate
This Action To Take
Are Purely And Simply
Agents Of Satan
That Known Proud Apostate!

Let History Be Our Teacher!
Look At The Record Of Fact
You Shall Plainly See
How Darkness Did Attack
While Having For Its Mission
The Soul's Of Men To Attach
To Error And Evil
To Raise Up Worship To The Vile Serpent
The Dragon
The Accuser Of The Brethren
The Liar
The Murderer
The Devil!

The Results ...

Moral And Intellectual Pursuits
Are Denied
Indulging Sense
Experiencing Raw Feeling
Are Exponentially Elevated
Whilst With The Confidence Of Arrogance
Studiously Strenuously Cultivated Ignorance
The Living God IS Definitely

The Soul Of Fallen Man
Already Suffering The Blight Of The Curse
Then Lacking Access To The Holy God's Light
- The Living Word -
The Standard Of Righteousness
Practices Vice ... Unrestrained
Vile Debauchery
Is Common Currency
Making The Son Of God
Once And Again
Terribly Hurt And Shamed!

Don't You Know That ...

Sin Starts With One Action
Left Unchecked
It Takes The Steps Called More
Before One Knows It
Satan Has The Hidden Key
To The Heart's Door
Free Access Is A Given
Self-Indulgence Is King Walking
Speaking Correction
Gets For Himself A Butt-Paddling
Until He Is Outside The Door
Being Sorely Ignored!
Don't Be By Trinkets And Baubles Floored!

The Iceberg In This Land
Soon About To Be Calved
Is Stretching Its Momma's Belly
Treating It Like It Is Soft Toffee
- Even Soft Coconut Jelly -
Where No Effort Is Expended
When One Desires A Feast
Stuck Toffee In Tooth Exposes Raw Nerve
To Get Rid Of Coconut Husks Strewn In Gully
One Needs Department Called Sanitation
Division Army Reserve!
The Human Soul
The Human Will
Should Be Kept As A Jesus-Preserve!

Heads-Up ...

One Needs To Practice Mindfulness
Not Permitting The Practice Called Wrong
To Become The Profession Called Right N/k/a Light!

Ignored History Is Repeated ...

The World Already Had Its 1260 Years Of Darkness
Of Papal Supremacy
When A Man's Private Sovereign Thoughts
Were Not His Own
His Bequeathing His Own Will
To The Sovereign God
To ... In His Own Life
To Rule And To Reign
Got Him The Rack
The Skin Peeled Off His Back
To Be Tanned And To Bind Books
The Burning Faggot
Even A Funnel Full Of Sand In His
I Can't Handle This Torture 
Stretched Out
I Shall Soon Pop
Lord, Save Me
I'm Yours

People, Beware!
Satan Unfettered
In Your House
Has The Big Comfy Chair!

Sin Plays Musical Chairs!
Flavor Of The Month Is Just That
Saying "Cuddear!"
Will Not Fix The Folly
That Follows The Blandishments Of The Fraud
That Promise The Relief From The Guilt
That Comes From "Do What Thou Wilt!"
Doing What The Carnal Flesh
Does Find Itself To Please!
In Christ Jesus
There Is Soul Ease!

Buy A Clue ...

Damnation Is A Derelict
Wears No Suit Of Clothes
Has No Profits
Has Lofty Goals:

  • Dig A Hole For A Man
  • Destroy A Body By Holding His Hand 
  • Damn The Blood-Bought Soul Because It Can
  • Count The Roll, And Work To
  • Get The Record Number Untold!

Please, Brethren Beloved ...

Do Not Sell Your Birthright
For Red Bean Stew!
Passion Passes!
Trends Change!
Fads Don't Last!
Power Brokers Become Sexual Outcasts
Whore-Mongers Run Out Of Gas!

The Hand That Uses Satan's Scissors
Against The Good News Book
Is Making The Cut Fatal
Never To Be Called Cut Clever
Know This
Ye Who Are Amongst The Wise
The Word Of The God Eternal Lasts
Forever And Ever!

Know Of A Surety ...

Jesus Christ The Coming King
His Will Is Sovereign - It Will Be Done!
The Holy Spirit Ever Comforts
Guides, Chides And Abides -
Don't Grieve Him Away By Defiance And Lies
Almighty God Is Everlasting Love -
By Laboring In Jesus Christ's Faith 
We Enter The Courts Of Love
In Heaven Above!

It Is Not Too Late Yourself To Save!
Damn The Damned Devil!
Don't Be His Wage Slave
He Is The Deceiver
That Cast-Out-Of-Heaven Knave!


Dear Lord
Father Of Mankind,
Forgive Our Foolish Ways!
Open Our Eyes
That We May See
The Truths
That Can Only Come From Thee!
Correct Us With Your Love
Bless Us To See The Light
That Is Your Face
For We Desire To Inhabit
The Prepared-For-Us Place!

Grant Unto Us Who Call You, Lord
Full Utilization
The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit
Deeply Impress Us
To Carefully Dress Ourselves
In The Whole Of Armor Of God
So That
In The Day Of Battle, Father
We May
With A "Thus Saith The Lord!"
Rout The Lying Fraud!

Grant Unto Us
The Healing Eye Salve
Out Of Jesus Christ's Right Hand
Bless Us To Purchase Of You
Linen Robes White And Clean
So That Our Nakedness
Be Not Exposed
Help Us To Purchase Also
In The Fire Tried
So That In The Day Of Appointment
We Shall
With The Redeemed Brethren
The Hosts Of Heaven
To New Jerusalem
In Procession

In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
We Pray And Humbly Plead!
We Love You, Lord!
Please Come Soon!

Friday, April 20, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH + Almighty God's Preserved Word Can't Lie + A Jeremiah Prayer

So Long As Sin Exists
Suffering And Death Are Inevitable!!
Damnation And Hell Are Inevitable!!

Says You!
God's Loves Us Too Much!

No! Says The Living God!

Too Bad!
Dr. Mannish Feel-Good At Smooth Things Church
Heartily Disagrees With You!

He Is Preaching To Itchy Ears!
He's Telling You What You Want To Hear!

Not At All!
He's A Real Good Man!
He Even Said That It Is Sometimes Okay
To Set Aside The Ancient Texts
So That Certain Classes Of Practicing Sinners
May Be Made Welcome And Feel Uplifted In The Church!

He Can't Be Wrong 
Because Not Even A Single Soul
Challenged His Setting Aside The Bible
- God's Preserved Word -
To Make Willful Sinners Feel
Safe, Accepted, Loved And Appreciated!

Have You Lost Your Tiny Mind?!
Man Can't Set Aside The Living Word
Almighty God's Truth
- His Unchanging Character -
To Make Mankind Comfortable In Living In
Daily Committing Sin!
You're Blaspheming Almighty God's Name
Making Him Into A Deceitful Man!


What's Wrong With You?!
Can't You Think For Yourself?!
Don't You Read Your King James Bible Anymore!

No! I Traded Up!
I Have A Bible That Speaks To Me
Where I Am!
It Tells Me That God Loves Me
And That Mankind Will Be Saved
Into The Kingdom
So, Obviously
That Repentance Thing You KJV'ers Like
Is Not Real!
God IS Love, Full Stop
Exclamation Point!

There's No Need For Grace
And No Need For Mercy Because
God's Unconditional Love
Negates His Justice
So, Therefore
No Judgment!

Oh, My!
Satan Has Got You All Real Good!

Pardon Me?!

Almighty God, In Love
To Satisfy His Justice
In Mercy Toward Us
Sacrificed His Only Begotten Son
To Pay The Price For Your Sin
To Give You The Way To Life Everlasting
By Your Confessing
Turning Away From Sin
In Devilish Wisdom
Get To Become Immortal Sinners
Because You Are Conforming The Living God To Your Way
Instead Of Your Conforming Yourself 
To The Way Of The Eternal God!?!

A Jeremiah PRAYER:

Oh, Lord
Help Us!
Your Sacrifice Is Ashes!
Man Chooses To Make You Like Them ... Weak!
Man Is Choosing To Dance With Death
Because They Have Likened You To The Liar
That Purveyor Of Death!

Are You A Man?!
Are You A Liar?!
Was Our Pardon Not Purchased?!
Was Jesus' Sacrifice For Our Sin For Naught?!

Oh, Lord
The Hireling Shepherds
The Prophets Of Peace
The Feel-Good Babylonian Wine Mixologists
Are Shepherding Your People Into Unbelief!

Have Mercy On My Brethren
Who Are Running With Scissors
Cutting You Out Of Heaven
You Who Are Our Only Guardian God And Lord
You Who Made Men Into Living Souls
You Who Gave Your All
To Redeem Us From The Effects Of The Fall
You Who Are Our Only Help
You Who Punished King Saul
For Visiting The Witch Of Endor
Instead Of Seeking The Everliving About Life
You Who Alone Saves
You Who Is The Way To Life!

How Long, Lord?!
How Long Will You Permit
These Base Bold Bible Teachers
To Preach Another Gospel
Another Jesus
Another Way To Life?!

How Long, Lord
Before You Put An End
To This Mortal Strife?!

Your People Are Sitting
At The Feet
Of These Apostate Preachers
They Are Sucking At Breasts
Giving Sweet Milk!
They Are Eating Sweet Cakes
Covered With Rainbow Icing
Calling Them
The Unleavened Bread Of The Word!
How Long, Lord?!

I Beseech You
To Do Something!
Else You, The Holy God
Owe Adam Eve
The Antediluvian
Sodom Gomorrah
The Cities Of The Plain
The Canaanites
The Amalekites
Og Of Bashan
Balaam Saul Judas
The People Of Jericho
Korah And His Cohorts
Every Other Sinner
Who Saw Your Justice Meted Out
An Abject Apology!
How Long, Lord?!

Doesn't It Mean That
If You Don't Chastise These Hirelings
You Have To Forgive Satan?!
Perish The Thought, Lord!

Oh, Lord
Sin Is Sin
You Cannot Yourself Deny!
I Beseech You
Raise Up Men
Obedient Men
Who Love You
Who Love Your Word
Who Call Sin By Its Name
Men Who Won't Compromise Truth
For Silver And Gold
For Access To The Greats Of The World
Men Who Will Stand Or Fall
By A "Thus Saith The Lord ...!"
Men Who Will Not
Manipulate The Preserved Word Of God
Rendering The Eternal God, Weak
Rendering Jesus Christ, A Just-A-Man
Men Who Will Not Accept An Earth-Anchored God
Men Who Will Not Accept A Heaven-Installed Mary
Men Who Will Speak Truth
In Season
Out Of Season
Men Who Will Give The Straight Testimony
Unafraid Of That King Fraud
Satan, The Wannabe God
Who Wills To Destroy Every Soul On Earth
By Causing Men
To Make And Love The Lie
By Employing Always
The I-Feel Cry!

Send A Few Good Men, Lord!

Oh, Lord
God Eternal
Raise Up Faithful Men
Lovers Of Truth
Walkers In Light
Faithful In The For-Eternal-Life Fight
To Teach The Good News
To Baptize Those
On The Way Of The Cross
In The Name Of Almighty God
The Father
Almighty God
The Lord Jesus Christ
The Interceding Son
Almighty God The Holy Spirit
Our Only Comforter
One God In Purpose!

You Promised That You Change Not
You Are The Same
Yesterday Today Forever
You Can't Forget Us
Though Our Mothers Can
You Will Forgive Our Sin
We Confess Our Sin!
Lord, I'm Confessing!

Mercy And Truth Are Met Together!
When Will
Righteousness And Peace Kiss Each Other
In This Time Of Bold Lies?!

Judge Between Us
Those Who Believe The Unvarnished Truth
Those Who Delight In The Compromised Gospel!


The Earth Is Still Here!
You Said That Not One Jot Nor Tittle
Not One Dot
Not One Crossing Of A "T" Will Change
Till All Be Accomplished!
All Is Not Accomplished
So Let The God
The Eternal God
The All Knowing God
The All Seeing God
Do Right
By His Faithful Ones
For The Cost Of His Son
Who Always Does His Father's Bidding!

Increase My Faith!
I See Your Love!
I Take Hold Of The Merits
The Sacrificed One's Blood
I Approach Boldly Unto You
You Who Are The Living God!
I Worship You!
Let Not My Faith Be Reckoned
An Unclean Thing!
In Jesus Christ's Name
As A Sinner Saved
By Free Grace
Through Working Waiting Watching Faith
I Humbly Plead!
Keep Your Word
Come For Your People On This Dying World!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

"Horrible" Christian Lyrics Robbed A "Christian" Man Of His Faith!?!

So What Did He Say?!

He Said That A Terrible Lyric
In A Worship Song
Drove Him Away From Christianity!

Come On!
A Song Can't Make You Lose Your Faith!

If You Say So!

Look At This!
This Is The Lyric He Found
Egregiously Offensive:

"Let Our Song
Be Like Sweet Incense
To Your Heart!"

What's Wrong With It?!

If He Hated That
I Guess He Also Hates:

Yeah, Though I Walk Through The Valley
Of The Shadow Of Death
I Will Fear No Evil For Thou Art With Me!
Thy Rod And Thy Staff They Comfort Me!

Wait A Minute!
Don't You Realize That There Is More To This
Than His Hating The Lyric?!

If He Was Reading His Bible
He Would Have Recognized The Reference!

Our Faith Is Not In Christianity!
It Is In Christ Jesus
With Whom We Have The Widow's Mite Relationship
Who Has What
What Who Has
How Who Gives
Who Gives How!

Jesus Says:

Come Unto Me
All Ye Who Labor
Are Heavy Laden
And I
Will Give YOU Rest!

If Your Faith Rests
On A Denomination Building
Charismatic Pastor
Popularity Wealth
Rich Congregation Pipe Organ 
EXpensive Vestments
Song Lyric Hot Band 
Exotic Bass Guitarist
Singing Ability
Entertainment Possibilities
Camaraderie Canned Prayers
Confessional Booth
Which Can You Turn Away From The Holy Jesus
You Ain't Never Had No Relationship With Him
In The First Place!

We Are ...

Saved By Grace!
Saved By Faith!
Saved By Christ Jesus
Who On The Cross
Took Our Place!

In The Living Word
It Is Clearly Stated ...

Come Let Us Reason Together!
I AM Your God!
Believe Me When I Tell You Truth!
My Life For Your Life
Is What Will Save You!

The Prodigal Son
Wanted To Walk Wayward
So He Asked For His Future Gift
Spent His Promised Stable Future
On His Wishful Fluxxed Present
Ended Up Eating Pig Swill!

In The Day That He Realized
That The Father's House Was Home
He Pointed His Heart And His Feet
His Renewed Faith Walked With Him!
He Did Not Walk Alone
- In The Distance -
The Son
- That Same Prodigal -
Saw His Father Running His Way
In That Hour
- That Moment -
It Was As Though He Has Not Been Away!

There Was A Warm Embrace
A Kiss Of Love
To Break The Stony Heart
Turning It To Flesh!
A Bath To Wash Away The Dirt
The Stench Of Sin
To Make The Outward Clean!
A Ring To Designate Belonging
To The Royal House Firm Standing!
A Beautiful Robe
To Celebrate The Heart Anchored
The Lost Soul Returned Home
A Feast
With Singing And Rejoicing
To Announce To The Saved World
That A Sinner Lost
Has Entered Again The Safe Flock
To Roam!

Let Us Not Make Excuses
To Aid Our Walking In Rebellion's Way!
Let Us Not Make Excuses
For Why We Will Not Do What The Lord Says!
Let Us Not Make Excuses
For Pride
For Disobedience
In The Day Of Appointment
All That We Thought
- Unrepented Of -
Will Testify Against Us! 

There Will Be No Mercy Hook-Up!

Let Us Understand That ...

The Living God
Is Not The Author Of Confusion!
There Is No Variableness In Him!
There Is No Shadow Of Turning
There Is No Truth Turn-Back
No Setting The Seeking Soul
On The Rotting Limb Nigh To Breaking!

Please ...

Put Truth In Your Inward Parts!
Let Grace Be Your Guide!
Let The Word Of God
Your Way To The Heavenly Home
For It Is He Who Did
For Your Sins Did Atone!

Don't Permit Trivialities
Cost You Your Place
In Front Of Almighty God's Throne!