Friday, May 11, 2018

HAPPY SABBATH: Sin Is ... As Satan Does ... Is Sin! + PRAYER: Lord, Please Draw Us Ever Near!

We Were To Complete The Statement
So I Wrote:

Living In Sin
Willfully Living In Sin
Is Like ...

Living In A House
Made Of Plastic
With No Operating Windows
No Outward Swinging Unbarred Doors
Festooned With Billowy Rayon Drapes
Next To Your Constantly Burning
Wood Fire ... No Available Screen
That You Are Constantly Tending
Constantly Turning
Constantly Adding
Gasoline-Drenched Logs To
Even As You Vociferously Complain
About The Stench Of Burning Melting Plastic

The Oppressive Heat
In An Unventilated Space
While Waxing Elegant About
How Pretty
How Commodious
How Cheap
Are The Accommodations

How Amenably Accommodating

The Onsite Property Manager
Cum Realtor-Landlord-Decorator-Builder-Architect-Designer-Banker
Maintenance Man!

Maaaaan, That Setup Is Too Egregiously Stupid
To Be A Lie!

You Ain't Lying
'Cause To Be In That House Willingly
You've Got To Know
That You're A Walking Dead, Obviously!

Let's Get Real Here
With First Things First! 
Where's The Head!
What's In That Head ... Heart?!

Good Question!
Sin Is Unsavory
Willful Sin Resides In The Heart
That Is Toward Christ Jesus
Stone Cold Dead!

The Soul Is Not Being Fed
The Flesh Is Being Led!

We Could Spend The Rest Of The Day
Picking Apart
All That Is Wrong With And In
And Around Those Lodgings
And We'd Never Reach The End
Because Of The Conflicts

The Convolutions!

All I'm Going To Say
Satan Is In The Middle!
Satan Wrote That Song!

I'm With You On That!
Plastic Doesn't Breathe
Barred Doors
Non-Working Windows ...!?!

... Forget That!
I Want To Know What Is The Air
That Is Keeping That Fire Burning?!

Who Says It Keeps Burning On Its Own?!
Didn't You Also Hear Told Of
Constantly Adding Gasolene Drenched Logs On It?!

Oxygen Is Coming From Some Place!

True! True!
I Want To Know Why Anybody
In Their Right Mind
Would Trust
One Person
Who Will Never Be Faithful To Any Other ...!

... Save Himself?!

If We Follow The Money
You Know Who Is Calling The Shots!

If You Follow The Sinner
To His Sin
You'll Know Who Is In Control Of The Sinner
Who Is Causing Him To Go Wayward Walking!!

Let's Bottom Line It:

Willful Sin Is Selfishness!
Willful Waywardness Is Foolishness!
Daily Grace And Daily Faith
Are Gifts Of The Holy God
Any Instigation To Sin
From Satan, The Known Wily Fraud!


You Know
I Used To Be A Rabid Sinner
And If Sin Is As Described By Kerry
We Really Were Very, Very, Very, Foolish!

I Hear That!

I Concur!

Let's Thank God, Brethren
For Daily Grace And Faith!


I Need To Hear That Scenario ... Again!


Heavenly Father,
Hear Our Prayer!
Protect Us, Lord!
We Love You!
Please Draw Us Ever Near!

Help Us, Lord
Not Be Immersed In Self
Bless Us To Ever Do Your Bidding
Even Though We Reside
In Sinful Flesh!

Help Us To Walk Aright
Be It Evening, Morning
Noon Or Night
Help Us For Our Brethren To Care
By Telling Them The Truth
That Sin
Has Not A Human Care
Nor Godly Fear!

Grant Grace
And Peace
And Rest
Bless Us To Make Our Pilgrimage
A Grace-Filled Success!
Order Our Steps
Please Mark Our Way
So That In The Great Day
We Shall Not From Your Glorious Coming
Try To Hide Away!

In Jesus Christ's Name
We Pray And Humbly Plead!
Lead Us, Lord!
Lead Us!
We Trust You In Need And Indeed!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

PRAYER: I Will Follow You, My Savior!

I Desire To Know Your Power!
Please Help Me To Trust In All Ways!
Help Me To Believe Without Faith Wavering!
Help Me To Stand Up Against Those Who Say, "Nay!"

I See Your Hand Of Mercy!
I See Your Heart Of Love!
I Feel Your Living Presence
So, Please
Draw Me Nearer
So That I By Right
May Enter The Gates Of The Holy City Above!

I Trust You, Lord
Help Me To Follow You!
I Love You, Lord
Help Me To Obey You!
I Believe You, Lord
Help Me To Worship You
In Spirit And In Blessed Trust
It Is My Heart's Desire
To Hold Constant Communion With You!

I Will Follow You, My Savior!
Though The Road Through Life Is Hard
Though The Journey Is Oft Treacherous
Though Present Rewards Are By Doubting Men
Called Veritable Playing Cards
I Choose You
My Lord, My Savior, My God
Please Bless Me
With The Grace Card!
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
I Pray And Humbly PLead!
I Love You, Lord!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

PRAYER: I Will Not Rob You, Lord!


I Desire To Do Right!
I Desire To Be Blessed
I Will Do All That You Ask
Through Grace 
In Faith
So That In Making Requests
For Your Favor, Lord
I May Always Be Bold!

Keep Me Humble, Lord!

You Have Said
Do Not Rob You
In Offerings And Tithes!

You Have Said
Freely I Have Received
Freely I Should Give! 

You Have Said
Prove You! 

Test You
To See What For Me You Will Do!

You Have Said
It Will Come Back To Me
Full Measure
Pressed Down
Shaken Together
Running Over!

You Have Said
When I Give
I Give To You, My God!

You Have Said
You Will Open The Windows Of Heaven
The Very Floodgates Of Blessing

Pour Out For Me, Personally
A Personal Blessing
That There Will Not Be Enough Room
To Receive It!

All That I Have Is From You

By Paying The Tenth Of My Increase
By Giving A Gift Of Offering Into Your Hand
I Am Returning Unto You
What Is Rightfully Yours!
Help Me Not Begrudge You Your Due!

I Believe You Are Faithful
That Your Word Is True
That My Temporal Prosperity
Is Tied Up In Fidelity To You
Since You Have Also Said
That The Righteous Are Never Forsaken
That Our Seed Will Not Beg For Bread
I Cast My Care
My Lot
Upon You, Lord

I Do That Without Fear!


You Have Promised To Fulfill
The Desire Of My Heart
When I Do That Which Pleases Your Heart!
Please Bless Me, I Beseech You
To Ever Do Your Will!
Please Bless Me With All Blessing

Let Not My Heart For You
Ever Be Lukewarm!
Let It Ever Be Hot
Doing That Which Will Tell The World
That You Are In The Blessing Business, Still
Faithful, Still!

I Will Pay Your Tithe, Lord
For It Proves That I Believe 

That You Are The Almighty God
That I Trust You At Your Good Word!

I Will Give To You My Freewill-Offering, Lord
For It Proves
That I Believe That You Are Good
That Your Gifts Are Real
That My Heart Is Grateful!

I Am Trusting You, Lord
For I Love You
I Know That You Are The God Of Love
The God Giving
The God Able
The Holy God Real
The Only God Not A Fable!

Thank You, Lord
For Your Blessings Upon Me!

Thank You For Hearing

Answering My Prayers So Readily!
Thank You For Provision
For Peace
For The Ability To Sing Praise

To Say Heartfelt Prayers!

Thank You For Your Gifts Of Life
Liberty And Consuming Love!

Thank You For Length Of Days!
Thank For Your Sacrifice
That Has Changed Tomorrow For Me
To Be An Eternity Without Sorrow!
I Am Grateful That You Are The Eternal Power!

Please Hear My Prayer, Lord

Remember Those
Who Do Not Yet Know The Benefits 

That Come Of Truly Knowing


Faithfully Following Thee!

In Jesus Christ's Name
I'm Calling, Father

For These Few Blessings

I Am Asking Also 
That I May Never Have So Much
That With You I Lose Touch
That All My Help
Comes From You

Almighty God
Faithful, Loving And Ever True!

Please Grant Me The Victory
Over Sin Death And Hell!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I Want To Live In Peace With You!

Heavenly Father,
Thank You For My Many Blessings!
With Grateful Heart And Willing Spirit
I Seek Your Face
Of Blessings
I Seek Another!

Please Grant Unto Me Spiritual Ears
To Hear
So That I May Heed Your Spirit's Call
So That My Carnal Eyes
Will Not Be Able To Encourage Me To Walk
On Sinful Flesh's Downward Gradient!

I Need No Encouragement To Look Down!
Sinful Self Makes That All Too Easy To Do!
I Am Calling, Lord
Unto You
To Help Me To Look Up
To Change My Life's Perspective
So That I No Longer Walk In Vanity
Choose Boldly
To Accept Dear Mercy
Free Grace
Paid Pardon
Available Salvation
So That I May Forever
Live In Peace
Perfect Peace
In Paradise With You!

I Love You, Lord!
Please Have Mercy And Bless
I Ask All In The Great Name
Jesus Christ The Righteous
My Savior, Lord And God!

Monday, May 7, 2018

Personal Effort vs Evil!?!

You Should Have Known Better!

I Do Know Better But ...!

... No But's!
Remember What Martin Luther The Reformer Said:

In The Fight Against Evil

Neither Human Intellect

Nor Wisdom
Will Suffice!

We Are Not To Depend On Personal Effort By Self!
We Are To Pray And Trust God
Rely On The Gracious Influence Of The Holy Spirit!

There's Nothing In Us
That Can Overthrow Evil!
That Is The Work Of The Almighty God!

I Know! I Know!

You Knew Then But ...?!

... I Felt Invincible!
I Knew The Word!
I Was God's Man O' Business!
I Was Certain It Was The Lord's Voice
That I Had Plainly Heard Speaking!

Uh, Huh!
You Led
You Totally Expected The Eternal God
The King Of Creation
The Righteous Judge
Our Peace
The Blessed Hope
Our Refuge And Strength
Our Very Present Help
In Time Of Trouble
Our Hope For Years To Come
Our Shelter In The Time Of Storm ...!

... Enough! Enough!
I Get It!
I Let Self ... Lead ... And ...!

... You Were Suitably ...!

... Humbled!
I Was Humbled!

That Was Yesterday!
This IS The New Day!
Our God's Mercies Are New Every Morning
We Have Work To Do!

Who Are You?!
A Willing Servant Of The Almighty God!

What Is The Task?!
Spread The Gospel Of Peace
And Speak Truth In Righteousness!

In Season!
Out Of Season!

Who Is Our Leader?!
Jesus Christ The Lord!

Is This A Work Of Love Or For Lucre!
Lu...Love! Love! Love!

Who Has All The Answers?!
Jesus Christ The Lord!

Who Is The Answer?!
Jesus Christ The Lord!

Who Is The Light Of The World?!
Jesus Christ The Lord!

How Are We Living?!
By Faith?!

From Whom Do We Get Our Faith?!
Jesus Christ The Lord!

Will We Receive Faith For Tomorrow, Today?!
We Receive Faith For The Day!

Do We Have Tomorrow In Our Hands!
Tomorrow Is Not Promised!

What Is The Promise?!
Life With Christ
Through Working Faith, Love
Trust And Obedience And Sincere Worship!

Where Will You Walk?!
On The Straight And Narrow Path!

Who Will You Allow To Influence You?!
The Holy Angels
Who Have A Vested Interest In My Soul's Salvation!

God's Grace Is ...?!
... Sufficient For Me!

When And/Or How Will You Prayer?!
Instantly, Constantly, Fervently, Unceasingly!

Say A Prayer!
Lord, Have Mercy!

Go In Peace, Brother
To Love And Faithfully Serve To Love And Serve
Jesus Christ 
Our Savior, Lord And God!

Peace Be Upon You!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Pride And Forgiveness!?!

If God Were A Man
He Would Not Forgive Us Our Sins
He Is Not A Man
You, Me, We
Should Be Thankful For It!

Could You Imagine God
Forgiving Persons Like Chairman Mao
Mussolini  Hitler 
Idi Amin
Jezebel Athaliah
Diocletian And Nero
Herod The Great
The Duvalier's, The Marcos' ...!?!

God Forgave Nebuchadnezzar
Nebuchadnezzar Saw The Light Of Truth
Repented Of His Sins!

If Any Of Those Others Repented Of Their Sins
We Shall See Them In The Kingdom!

Saul-Paul Will Be There!

Yes, Yes!
I See Your Point
And It Says A Lot About Confession Of Sin
Repentance For Sin
The Grace, Mercy And Forgiveness Of God
Of A Surety
That Our Openness
Our Willingness To See God's Truth
To Understand Our Fallen Condition
To Accept The Character Of Christ
To Turn From Sin And Self
Are Seriously Important Things
In The Economy Of The Holy God!

A Meek And Humble Spirit
There Is No Law Against
Those Who Transgress The Law Of God
If Truly Penitent
They Do Not Need Before The Lord's Justice
To Grovel In Mud
Nor Dejected ... To Faint!

God's Knows Our Every Weakness!
He Knows Our Every Fear!
He Knows The Soul's Longing
Those Who Fall On His Free Mercy
He Will Never, Ever, Turn Away!

No Man Can Fool His Maker
Though, By Outward Appearance
He May Fool Man
Pretending That He Holds Lofty Ideals
While Living In The Shade Like A Royal Scamp!

Man Looks On The Outward Appearance
The Holy God Looks Upon The Deceitful Heart
Christian-Called May Utter 
The Platitudes Of The FraudBUT
That Will Not Get Him
A Seat
A Home
In The Eternal City Of God!

Never Follow A Multitude To Do Evil!
Never Think That God Is A Man!
Never Believe That You Can Hide From God
Just Because You Have Been On A Pilgrimage
To The Holy Land!

Oh, Dear!

Yes! Oh. Dear!
God Made You
Feeds And Sustains You!
God Knows The Thoughts And Intents Of Your Heart
If It Is Your Soul's Desire
To Live For Ever With Him
Don't Be Disobedient!
Don't Be Disloyal
For This Speaks Of Apostasy
Compliments Of The Known Apostate
Who Thinks So Highly Of Himself
That He Cannot
Will Not Say:

I've Sinned Against Thee! 
Forgive Me!
I Am Sorry!

And Has Placed Himself
Outside Of The Holy Spirit's Working
And, Instead
Having His Very Own Wicked Spirit
Is Bent On Causing Many Into Sin To Fall
So That Against The Holy God
He May Sarcastically Boast About It!

A Humble Spirit!?!

A Humble Spirit!

Confession ...!?! 

... And Repentance!
You've Got To Do It Your Self
Of Your Free Will! 

Jesus Will Not Force You To
Satan Can't Force You Not To!

It Is About You
Giving Over Your Self
And Your Will
And Your Sin
To Your Savior
The Eternal
The Blessing
The Available
The Justifying
The Sanctifying
The Glorifying God
Who Has Place Prepared For You
In His Everlasting Kingdom!

Okay! Okay!
I Can Do This!

Yes, You Can ... In Jesus Christ's Name!
Just Pray ...! 

... And Plod On!

Give It All To Jesus!


Pride Goes Before The Haughty Spirit
Before Said Spirit Does Fall
Even As That Spirit Seems
To Be Achieving His Goal!
God Has The Final Disposing
Vengeance Is His
His Alone
So Do Not Cherish Pride
Let It Not Against You
Be The Porridge Served Lumpy, Lumpy, And Stone Cold!

Okay! I WILL Do It!

Saturday, May 5, 2018


I Know From Where I Have Come!
(That's My Documented History) AND
I Have Been About The Living God Taught!
(That's True Doctrine)! I Make Unto Him Humble Supplication!
(That's My Fervent Praying) ANDI Laud His Holy Name
As, Indeed, I Ought!
(That's My Joyful Praise)!

By Way Of Heartfelt Confession
I Give The Gift Of My Sins
To The Eternal Holy God
Who Is My Savior
My Lord, Sovereign!

By Prayerful Petition
I Present My Cares, Sorrows, Griefs And Woes
To The Living God
Who Once Trod This Earth
Who Has Left Us The Good Way
To - In Faith - Mightily Grow!

By Way Of Thanksgiving
For Answered Prayer
Often Just To Share
I Sing In Praise
"The Joyful Hallelujah!"To Him Who Is God Of All
My Beloved King!


In Him
I Know That I Am Saved
Hedged In
I Know The Value Of Psalm 1 To My Heart
- My Christian Walk -
It Describes The Two Classes Of Humans
Who Will Be Here
At The Time Of The End Of The Earth!
It's Almost Time To Depart!

Juxtaposed ...

I Desire To Be The Man Blessed
That Is ... Happy
Not That Other Who Is Cursed
Who Walks In The Way
- Who Lives The Life Of -
The Ungodly
Who Stands Companiably With Sinners
Sits Comfortably With Scorners
Denying The Creator Of Us All
The Universe!

Apostle Peter ... Wallowing
In The Ungodly Fear Of The Unconverted Heart
Did All This
Denying His Master And Lord
At The Expected Cock's Crowing
- Convicted Of Known Sin -
Wept ... Bitterly!

What Of Me And Thee?!

I Desire To Be Planted In King Jesus
That Known Giver Of Life
Who Is The Free Flowing
River Of Water Of Life!

The Flowing River Of Water Of Life
Gives Life Unto Needy

The Lord 
My Known And Heard Shepherd
For His Righteousness
I, Parched
- By Walking Through The Desert Of Sin -

I Desire The Leaves Of My Tree
To Be Ever-Green
Never Stunted
Never Burnt
I Desire Ever Always
To Bear Fruit For My Savior
Readily To Be Seen When He Sees Me
Planted In My Well-Watered Earth!

I Desire For My Lord
- From The Work Of My Hand -
To Have A Harvest For His Garner
Whether 30, 60, Or 100-Fold!
I Shall For My Master
Work ... Steady!

I Shall Cultivate My Plot Of Sod!
I Shall Manure It With The Living Word
The Law
The Prophets
Psalms Hymns Spiritual Songs
The Gospels
I Shall Hold On To The Promise Of The Revelation
Though Others May Insult My Humble Faith
Scoffing, Say:

"God" Is An Imaginary Friend
For Grown-Ups!"

BUT, IUnperturbed
Shall Say:

I Am A Child Of The Living God 
He Is Real
- Conquering King Real - 
I Know That He Is The God Able
To Bless Me Abundantly
He Shall Never, Ever, Fail!

Psalm 1 - KJV - 
Here For Me
To Tell The Salvation Story
To Man Big Or Small
For Believers One And All
Who Choose To Trust The Living Word
Do The Will
To Help Me Not To Known Popular Fables
Captivated ... Fall!

As For Those Who Choose
To Walk In OWN Way
To Do The Deceitful Will Of That Other
Who Chose Wilfully
To Walk In His Own Way
I Must Inform You
That Sin Cannot Profit
Because It Costs
Does Not Ever Pay
No Matter What Satan May Say
To Prettily Entice You
With His Dark Arts To Play!

From His Devilish Sophistries,
In The Name Of Christ The Righteous
I Beseech You ... Please
With Alacrity
Turn! Turn!


Earth AND Heart
Are Made Of The Same Letters
Out Of Earth And Heart
Are Found
Tear, Tare, Hear, Hate, Heat!?!


Let's Take Heed To Ourselves:

Hear ... The Loving, Living, Word Of The Lord!
Shed A ... Tear ... Of Contrition
Refuse To Be A ... Tare!
Hate ... Sin
Depart Unrighteousness
We Will Never Feel
Damnation's ... Heat!


The Earth Is The Lord's!
Earth Is God's Footstool!

Jesus Christ
Knocking At Our Carnal Heart:
Let's Let Him In!

Jesus Christ Will Give Willing Man
A New Heart!
Let's Ask For It!


My Heart
Your Heart
My Portion Of Earth
Your Portion Of Earth
To The Eternal God!

Think About It ... And Pray:

The Day Thou Gavest, Lord
Is Ending!
The Darkness Is Falling
Men's Hearts Are Grown Cold
You, Our Savior, Redeemer
Creator, Sustainer
Are Ever The Same
Loving, Giving, Blessing
Faithful, True, Holy
Eternal God!
May Your Grace, Lord
Be Ever Sufficient
For Us Believers
In Times Like These!
Keep Our Hearts
In Your Faith
Ever Whole!
In Jesus Christ's Name
We Humbly Pray
Willingly Plead!