Saturday, January 12, 2019


I Don't Care!
I Live Under Grace!
I Can Do Whatever I Want
And I Shall Still Be Saved Into The Eternal City!

Get A Hold Of Yourself!
You Know That You Are Talking Rubbish
So Please Stop!

Why Should I!?!
Grace Is Unmerited Favor
So I'm Good To Gone Home!

Darcy, Let Me Ask You A Question!
Did Jesus Christ Die To Save You!?!

Of Course, He Did!

Why Did He Die To Save You!?!

He Died Because Me And My Kind
Broke The Law Of God!

Couldn't Someone Else Do That Job!?!

Of Course, Not!
Innocent Blood Was Needed
And Jesus Christ Was The One Truly Innocent!

So Does That Mean That 
You Can Continue To Break The Law Of God!?!

Sure Does!
No, Wait!

I'm Waiting!
Can You Break The Law Of God
- At-Will -
Since Jesus Christ Paid The Price
For Your Personal Sin!?!

I'm Not Under Law!
I'm Under Grace!

So ... My Unwise Friend
For What Did Jesus Christ Die
Did He Really Have To Die!?!

He Had To Die!
He Personally Had To Die To Save Me!

So Does That Not Then Make The Law Of God


Tell Him In Little Words, Willard!

Be Nice, Ferdy!

Why Should I!?!
He's Been Tormenting Us Forever
Calling Us Fools For Following The Law Of God!

Ferdy, Please Set The Example
That Is, Light A Candle For The Devil
Make It A Good One!
Never Follow Fashion
If You Hope To Live In Peace With The Lord!

I'm Sorry!
It's Just That ...!

... I Know!
Just Remember: 

Christ's Character
Comes Before
Redemption's Elevation!

I'm Sorry!

Back To The Topic At Hand ...

If Jesus Christ
Had To Die To Save Man
- To Return Man To The Bosom Of The Father -
For Breaking The Law Of The Eternal God
The Law Of The Eternal God
As Is The Eternal God
That Is, Immutable
Aka Eternal
No Matter What To Fallen Man
Says The Wily Fraud!

Lest You Who Elevate Yourselves
Above The Law Of God
Think That The Law Of God
Yeah Or Nay
As Becomes The Desire Of
The Satan-Inspired Demi-God
Please Recognize The Fact That 
Since The Plan Of Redemption
- Organized Before The Creation Of The World -
Had To Be Activated
It Should Tell All And Sundry That
In The Life Of Fallen Man
The Law Of God Should Always Ever Assuredly
Take Primacy
Take First Place!

Please, Tip Toe ...

Think Carefully  
You Who Decide Which Part Of The Law
"Works Best" For You
Know That The Transcript Of God's Character
Unequivocally Says:

Wait A Minute!
I've Never Heard That Scripture!

Well, My Brother
You Just Heard It
And, Now
You Are Without Excuse
- Before The Eternal God -
For The Contrary Path 
You've Heretofore Been Taking!

And ...

Just In Case You Decide 
In The Alexandrian Philosophers' Wisdom That
You Have Doubts
King Solomon, Himself, Said:

Jesus Christ, Himself, Asked His Father
In Behalf Of His Brethren, To:

I've Got A Question For You:

What Does Preserved Mean!?!

Anything That Is Preserved
Is Something Made To Last
Beyond What Is Considered A Normal Life Span!

In That Case
- And Based On Your Response -
You Should Know That
The Word Of God Is Preserved!
King David Said:

The Word Of God 
Just In Case You're Still Doubting
Hear King David, Again:

Would You Be So Bold
As To Denigrate The Word Of The God
Who Says That His Word 
Magnified Above His Name!?!

I Think I'm Going To Be Sick!

Just Try To Be Sick Of Sin!
You'd Get A Better Result!

Let's Just Cut To The Chaste!
Give Him Timothy!

Oh, Yeah!

Oh, Man!
There Goes My Old Neighborhood!

That's Good!
It Needed Razing To The Ground!

Let Me Give You A Word Of Caution:

What You Feel
What You Think Is Personally Right
What You Want To Do For Personal Comfort
Never Above The Word Of God!

God Said "It!"
Believe "It!"
Let "It" Be Settled In Your Heart
To Obey 
Better Than To Sacrifice!

Your Present Walk 
Leading You Toward A Monumental Sacrifice!
Avoid It Because It Is Avoidable!

Do Not Indulge In Presumptuous Sin!
You Are Not Against The Holy God Winning!
You Are A Pawn Of The Devil!
A Chess Piece In The Great Controversy
Be Wise Unto Salvation
Over To The Living God
Give Your Heart's Lease!
For You
He Is Sure Sin Relief!

Friday, January 11, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + Pearls vs Swine?! + PRAYER: I Love You, Lord!

I Started My Life ... As A Sinner!
I Wittingly Choose
To Carry On
Let The Lord Conclude My Life
With Me Becoming
One Of His Saints
I Am Determined
- His Grace Being Sufficient For Me -
To Place My Sin
On The Altar Of Obvious Sacrifice
So That Of The Eternal Blessing
I Shall Be Partaking!

I Could Have Decided
To Let Life's Strife
Strike Me
To Damnation
Why Should I Have
When Jesus Christ Cruelly Died
Just To Save
Even If It Was Just Me?! 

Why Should I Be An Ingrate
When Jesus Christ
By His Holy Spirit
Calling Me
With That Pleading Voice

I Could Have
Still Could Choose
To Be The Soul Don't-Care
Be Careless
Never Careful Of My Soul's Salvation
Of The Heavenly Blessing Receive
No Share
I Choose ... Willingly
- No More Wandering
No Longer Wondering
No More Procrastinating
No More Thinking About What Others Think
No More Looking To See If Others
Will Walk With Me -
To Choose Christ Jesus
To Choose Abundant Living Now
To Choose Heavenly Comfort
To Choose To Wait
For Eternal Life
- With The Saints Of God Saved -
With The God Of My Salvation!

I Choose Jesus Christ
The Savior!
I Choose Emmanuel
God With Us!
I Choose Shiloh
My Peace
First Last And Always
Whether Or Not It Offends
Prince Of The Realm
Or Close And Loving Relation!

To The Throne Of The Living God Go
My Faith In Him
Daily Grows!

The Choice Is Mine
I Choose My Jesus
Of His Love For Me
That I Lovingly Return
Because It Is He Alone
Who Can Erase The Separating Line
Between The Common Profane Sinner
Now Repentant
The God Almighty 
Holy And Divine!

By The Living Eternal God's Great Grace
His Free-To-All Mercy
I Am Determined That
I Will Not Be As The Evil One Proud
And Live Under
Damnation's Coldly Cruel Cloud!

I Will Not
- From This Day Forward -
Cast My Heaven-Given Pearls Of God's Wisdom
Unto Earth's Swine
Who Hate The Living Kingdom!
Jesus Christ 
My Savior
I Shall Not Be Moved!
Now That Is Peace Sublime!


Thank You, Lord
Your Plenteous Blessings
Generously Cast Upon Me
Each And Every Passing Day!
I Love You!

Please Help Me
To Be Ever Grateful
So That In The Day Of Small Things
I Shall Be Amongst Those
Eternally Blessed
Having Remained To You
Hopeful And Helpful
True And Faithful!
Thank You
Your Unfailing Grace!
In Jesus Christ's Name
I Humbly Pray And Plead!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

NO PRIOR NOTICE: The Eviction!!

Own-Way And Selfish Self Lived In 
The Heart-House Of Unconverted Christian
He Was Having A Ball
Tying Unconverted Christian Into Knots
Making Him At This Trying Time
Foolishly Desire To Hit A Couple Jello Shots
Unconverted Christian's Spiritual Garden
To Coin An Old Phrase
Looking Kinda Brown!

This State Of Affairs
Had U. Christian In A Real Tizzy
Given To Fits Of Rage
Totally Showing Himself To Be
Completely Lacking
In The Glorious Fruit Of The Holy Spirit
Even In The Midst Of
Being Increased With The World's Goods
And AllegedlyHaving Need Of Nothing
Save, Perhaps
The Peace Of God
Which Passes All Human Understanding!

There Were No Cheers For Another Bad Day!

After A Particularly Bad
- Abysmally Bad Day -
U. Christian Cried Out To The Lord
The Very Lord Who ... Only Friday-Gone Week
He Had Taken For Granted
Put On A Back-Burner
And, ThenMoved To A Display Shelf!

Why Does It Always Require Pain
For Man To Make A Life Change!?!

Pain Came!

The Mighty Had Fallen
- Hard -
Being Out Of Shape
Had Ample Time Amidst Recovery
To Think, Seriously
About His Future In The Living Kingdom!

A Quick Review Showed That
On That Particular Day
At That Particular Time
His Judgment Account
- As Regards All Things Done
In The Flesh -
Was Positively Negatively Reading:

Own Sin: Self Pay!

He Knew The Language
He Was Not Amused
He Recognized What That Meant
He Was Wisely Scared
Fright Leant Him A Loud Voice:

Help Me, LORD! 
Save Me! 
Get Me Out Of My Mess!
Pity Me, I Beseech You! 
I Am In Soul-Searing Distress!

Every Christian
Even This  Unconverted Christian
Knows That The Lord Moves
In Mysterious Ways
That The Prayer Of Faith
Always Gets A Response!

The When Where How
By Whom The Answer Comes
Always In The Eternal God's Hands
This Case Was No Different!

The Response Was Cryptic
To Say The Very Least
The Recipient
- Well Versed In The What Of The Scripture -
Was About To Be Schooled
In The Why How And The Personal Who!

Brethren, Remember That The Lord Answers Us
In The Manner That We Will Personally Understand
Unconverted Christian
- A Former Denizen Of The Fast Food Culture -
Immediately Recognized The Order
He Heard Inside His Head:

B L T and Don't Spare The O!

Bacon Lettuce And Tomato
And Don't Spare The Onions!?!
That's Not Possible!
I Don't Eat Like That Anymore!
Think, Think!
I've Got To Think!

Suddenly ...

With The Force Of A Sledge Hammer
Breaking Up No Longer Needed Concrete
Crying Need For Faith's Insight
Leant Unconverted Christian Spiritual Eyesight
He Immediately Understood The Message
Closed His Eyes In Acceptance
Unlocked His Heart-House
To Offer The Holy Spirit
Free For The Taking And Now Available Residence!

The Message Once Called Cryptic
Then Thought A Carnal Food Order
Was Actually A Spiritual Direction
That All Christians
Should Make Daily Use Of:

Don't Spare The Obedience!

F/K/A Unconverted Christian
Viciously Boxed Own-Way And Selfish Self's Ears
Without Prior Notice
Evicted Him Unceremoniously From The Premises!

Truth Must Ever Be Spoken ...

There Is No Point
No Purpose
No Blessing
In Believing
In Loving
In Trusting The Christ
IfWe Do Not
- At One And The Same Time -
Obey Him
Through Knowledge Of His Sure Word!

That Bad Self Did Not Go Quietly
In Jesus Christ's Name
Now Converted Christian
Stood Up For Jesus!

If You Look Just So
You Will See Cast-Off Carnal Self
Pacing In The Yard
Even Weakly Working
Hoping For A Chance
To Be Brought Back Into The Fold
To Get Back Inside The Heart-House's Door
Converted Christian
Is Having None Of It!

Bottom Line ...

Onions Make Men Cry!
Obedience Will Cause Men
With The Holy Angels
By The Word Of The Redeemer King
- One Blessed Day -
Through The Universe
Throughout The Ceaseless Ages Of Eternity
- On Wings Of Eagles -
To Fly High!

We'll See Converted Christian
In The Sweet By And By!
Will We See You!?!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Are You Walking In Wisdom!?!

Chivonne Had Been Walking In The Wrong Direction
Going To Nowhere ... Real Fast
She Avidly Chose
Not To Take Correction
She Lost Her Way
- Even As She Said She Was Having A Blast -
Just As Fast
She Had No Soul-Saving Protection!

Hear Her Speak ...

Correction Of Direction
Serves A Good Purpose
To Stop One
From Going The Wrong Way
Those Who Take
The Corrected Direction
Don't End Up Doing Own-Sin Self-Pay!

Chivonne Noted That 
She Is Not So Young A Person Now
She Said She Now Bitterly Regrets
Not Knowing Then
What She By Experience Knows Now!

And ...

She Also Said That 
She Is Taking The Time
To Say To Someone ... Early
What Someone Said To Her
- Just In Time -
Before It Was Too Late
So That They Don't Suffer
The Lost Soul's Sure Fate!

Coming Around!
Going Around!
Looking Back!
Wandering Up And Down
Was How She Termed Her Voyage
Through Life
With No Anchor
No Goal Post
Almost Finding Herself
Likened Unto Burnt Toast
Fit To Be Cast Away
The One
Spoke Softly To Her
And Said:

Come Unto Me
I Will Show You A Straight Way
Where You Will Be Healed
Where You Shall Find For Anguished Soul, Rest
Where You Will Be Nurtured
Amongst Souls By Almighty God Blessed!

Rose Up
The Need For A Clean And Clear Path
Made Faint Courage Stand Up
She Said That She Is Not Sorry
From That Day Her Life Changed
She Is Walking The Road To Zion
Since She
- By Almighty God's Grace -
Cast Off Sin's Chains!

Faith Is The Victory That
Overcomes The World!
Jesus Christ Died
To Reverse For Man
Sin's Curse! 

Satan Is The Liar
For Whom The Lake Of Fire Is Prepared
No One Following The Direction Of The Lord
Will For That Burning Lake Of Fire
Have The Slightest Fear! 

The King James Bible
The Preserved Word Of God! 
Read It For Yourself
Digest It
You Will Not Follow Satan The Fraud
All Who Follow Its Tenets
In Obedience To The Holy God
Shall With Endurance
Walk The Straight And Narrow Way
Shall Enter The Joy Of The Lord Christ
In The Great Peaceful Restful
Grandly Glorious Reward! 

Let Jesus Christ
By The Agency Of The Holy Spirit
With The Protection Of The Holy Angels
Help You To Break
Sin's Destructive Ties! 
Hear And Pray
Obey And Convey
The Word Of The Lord
That You Should Be Accessing
Each And Every Day! 

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

HOT TOPIC: The Immortality Of Man's Soul!?!

What Ignorance You Telling Me!?!

I'm Serious, Nanna!
Amina Just Sent A Note Around
And That Is What It Says!

Very Well!
Please Read It, Verbatim, To Me!

"Today we laid my Dad's body to rest. ...
But I know my Dad is dancing and worshipping
with all my loved ones who are also asleep and he is happy."

Lord Jesus!
Please Save Us From Ourselves!
Open Our Eyes, Our Ears
Our Understanding
And Help Us To Honestly Accept 
And Truly Believe
Your Written Holy And Preserved Word!

Dannibelle, I Truly Am In Despair For
The People Of God!

Why Do You Say That, Nanna!?!
Danni, What Do You Know
Or Have Heard About The State Of The Dead!

Nanna, I Just Know What You Have Told Us
And Have Diligently Taught Us
And Have Shown Us In The King James Bible
That The Dead Know Nothing
That Their Loves And Hates Die With Them
That They No Longer Have A Portion
In The Land Of The Living!

You've Drilled Into Us That Anything Else
Is A Counterfeit Of The Master Deceiver!

Do You Believe That Word From The Lord!

Yes, I Do!
Why Do You Believe It!?!

Nanna, If I Don't Believe It
Then Jesus Christ Died For Nothing
Because We Will Have No Need Of Savior
Since We Can Lie Down The Mortal Coil
And Our "Immortal Souls" Will Get On Up
To The Lord's Heaven
And Be "Looking Down" On Us
And "Helping Us"
And "Protecting Us"
And "Visiting Us"
And "Teaching Us"
And According To Amina And Her Family
Dancing And Worshiping With All The Other
Dead Dear Ones Who Are "Happy"
In Heaven With Almighty God
And All The Other Good Dead People!

Just Hearing You Say That
Is Making My Skin Crawl!

I Know What You Mean!

The Immortality Of The Human Soul
A Gross Lie Of Satan, That Devil
To Make Men Careless
Over Their Own Soul's Salvation
To Set Them Up For
The Most Masterful Counterfeit
Ever Perpetrated Against Man
Just Short Of His Impersonating
The Lord Christ's Second Coming!

When We Do Not Have A Love Of The Truth
We Will Be Satisfied With The Lie
The Lord Himself Has Plainly Said
That He Will Send Such Persons
Strong Delusion
They Will Perish!

I'm Certain That You Can Already See
The Effect Of This Lie Of The Devil!

Yes, I Do!
We Hear About It Every Day
With All Those Persons Committing Suicide
Saying Before Their Demise
That They Know That They Will Be Happier
On The Other Side!

Danni, Love
If Only They Knew The Truth!
Dying Prematurely By One's Own Hand
- Euphemistically Called Suicide
But Which Is Self-Murder -
Creates More Problems Than It Solves!
Self-Murder Is Bold Commandment-Breaking!

Dying Without A Commitment To The Lord Christ
Leaves One With A Last And Final Stop
In The Lake Burning With Brimstone And Fire!

All Over The World ... Right This Very Minute
Men And Women And Teenagers
Even Little Children As Young As Eight Years Old
Are So Afraid Of Living
Are So Afraid Of Their Personal Problems
That They Are Chasing After Dying
In The False Hope
Vain Belief That When They Die
They Will Be At Peace
That They Will Rise On Up To The Lord's Paradise!

This Is Also Why We Have So Many People
Daily Going To Cemeteries And "Talking"
To Their Lost Loved One
Spending Sundays In Cemeteries
Feasting Amongst The Tombs
And Still Others Hiring Spiritualists
To Help Them To Have Discourse
With The Dearly Departed
Who See All And Are In All
Are Privvy To All Things!

Nanna, That See All
In All Privvy To All Statement
Is A Plain Description Of God!

Good! You Caught On!

That's Really Sick!
They're Actually Telling People
That The Dead Are Gods!

True, My Love! True!

But That's A Gross Lie!
Yes, It Is
It Is The Same Lie That Satan Told Eve
In The Garden Of Eden!
She Swallowed The Lie
Now We Wallow In Sin!

It Is Now Painfully Obvious To Me
That This Is All Part Of A Grand Plan!

It Is, Dearest!
The Plot Is To Get Man To Doubt God
And God Will Destroy Man
And Satan Will Be Happy
And God Will Be Sad!

The Great Controversy:
Believing Satan Makes Satan Your God!
Doubting God Makes God Your Adversary!

Doubt Is Sin And Sin Is The Transgression
Of Almighty God's Holy Law
The Law Is The Transcript Of God's Character!

Doubting The Creator-God
Believing The Destroyer
Makes The Destroyer, God
Makes The Creator-God The Fraud

If We Go That Route
We Will Be Denying The Glory Of God!

Nanna, What Do You Mean!?!
I Don't Understand What You Just Said!

Danni, Dearest
Many People Believe That
The Glory Of God
That Fiery Array Which Shows
The Power Of God!

Problem Is
Many People Fail To Realize
The Significance Of
What Happened In The Mount Sinai
When Moses Spent 40 Days With The Lord!

Moses Asked To See Almighty God's Glory
Almighty God Showed Him ...!

... His Glory!
I Remember!

I Understand ... Now!
Moses Thought To See The Majesty
And The "Glory" Of The Lord
But, Instead
He Saw The Character Of God!

I Beseech You In The Name Of Jesus Christ
The Only One Righteous
Never, Ever, Fall For The Lie Of Satan
No Matter What "Proof"
You See Before Your Eyes
What Sound You Hear In Your Ears
What Smell You Scent On The Wind
What Feeling You Have In Your Heart
Or Sensation You Feel On Your Skin
Or The Visible Appearance Of The Dead
In Your Living Space!

Any Appearance Of The "Dead"
In The Realm Of The Living
Is Nothing But
The Machinations Of Fallen Angels
Evil Spirits!

Dead Men Are ...!

... Dead, Done, Finished, Rotten And Forgotten ...!
... Until The Great Day ... For The Saints Of
Almighty God And Christ
The White Throne Judgment
- Resulting In The Second Death -
For Those Who Disbelieved
Aka Doubted
The Living Word Of Truth!

Those Who Die In The Lord
Are Actually Sleeping
They Will Be Raised Up To Immortal Life
To Live With The Lord Of Life
- Forevermore -
In Glory Land!

The Promise Will Be Fulfilled!

Those Who Are Partners With Satan
And His Cohort Of Fallen Angels
When They Die
They Die To Die ... Again

When You Live For The Lie
You Die To The Truth!

I Remember Great Granny Saying That
You Can Recover From A Thief
But You Can Never Recover From A Lie!

The King James Bible Proves That Statement
To Be True
Each And Every Day!
And, That, Beloved
Is The Truth!



No Man, Woman Or Child
Good, Bad, Evil, Righteous
Filthy, Holy, Unrighteous
Gets To "Anticipate"
Heaven Nor Hell!

When We, As Christians
Do Not Know
- By A Doth Saith The Lord -
The Very Words Of Truth
Of Him Who Is The Truth
We Are Led To Believe
The Delusive Claims Of The Devil!

People Who "Talk" To The Dead
Are Conversing With Demons!
People Who Have "Spirit" Friends
Are In "Friendly" Relationships With Demons!
People Who Know Things
Do Things
Which Are Presently Impossible For Man To Know
Or To Do
Know And Do These Things
They Are Being Intimate With Demons
Those Fallen Angels
Who Did Not Keep Their Place In Heaven
Have Been Cast Down To Earth!

These Creatures ... They Are Created Beings
- Even Though Fallen -
Are Intelligent And Powerful!

Don't Forget
These Were Angels Excelling In Strength
Were Servants Of The Eternal God!

Man Is Made A Little Lower Than The Angels!
They Have Not Lost Their Power
But ... In The Present Time
They Are Being Restrained!
They Are Proscribed From Doing
Their Most Evil Deeds
By A
"So Far And No Further!"

Saith The Living God Holy Eternal True!

Unfortunately For Us
The Day Is Soon Coming
When The Restrains Will Be Removed
The Base Malevolence Incubating
In Their Vile Hearts
Will Be Fully Unleashed Upon Mankind
Whom They Hate
Even As They Hate The Lord Christ!

Know The Truth
The Truth Shall Set You Free!
Lean On Jesus Christ, Alone
For Sure And Secure Salvation!

Almighty God's Promises
Are True
Almighty God's Grace
Always Sufficient!


Trust And Obey
Live Faithfully Now
When The Lord Says
It Is Time!


Rebuke The Devourer!
Man's Soul
Is Not Immortal
Only Those Who Have
Jesus Christ The Righteous
Their Life's Portion
Shall Be Made Immortal
At His Second Coming!