Sunday, January 20, 2019

PRAYER: Thank You, Father! Evil Can Be Withstood!

You've Given Us The Key To The Living
You've Given Unto Us The One Who Is The Door!
You've Given Us The Rock, The Foundation
Made Known To Us
The Chief Corner Stone!

The Building Is Set In Green Pastures!
There Is Still Water Near By!
There Is The Shepherd Of Rest For Our Leading
The Comforter To Guide And Chide Us
To Bless Us E'er We Cry!

There Are Angels Excelling In Strength
To Protect Us!
You Made Them Ministering Spirits
To Those Who Will Be Salvation's Heirs!
They Are Influencers For Our Good
On The Way-Home Journey
Their Care Blesses Us For Our Eternal Good!
With Their Service To Us And For Us
With The Constant Aid Of 
The Ever-Present Holy Spirit
Evil Can Be Withstood!

There's Heaven To Gain!
There's Hell To Refuse!
There's Glory To Regain!
There's The Weight Of Sin To Lose!
There Is Good News To Be Shared!
There Are Broken Relationships To Be Repaired
There Is The Accord With Self To Attenuate
We Shall Avoid The Former Bright Star Fallen
That Is, Satan's
Known Just And Sure Fate!

When I Take Time To Think, Father
I Recognize That, Really
Truth Is Light!
Love Is Hope!
Evangelizing Is, Indeed, Co-Working
Faith Is A Much-Needed Grace Note!
With Sin Forgiven
I See The Right Way Marked! 
I Appreciate The Light Provided
I Am Supremely Grateful For
No More Walks In The Killing Dark!

Oh, Father
What A Blessing To Walk
From Sin To Salvation
From Death To Eternal Life
From  Being Helpless To Being Hope-Filled
As On The Lord Of Life We Rely!

I Bless You, Father
For Peace Rest
Grace Faith
Mercy Pardon
In This Hour
I Pray For The Brethren
So That They Don't Wait Until Judgment
To Be Sorry For Sin
Are Sorry For Known Sin Now
Will Give It To Him Who Can Make Them Clean Now!

I Pray For Us All
To Fall On The Rock Now And Be Broken
To Resist Being Presumptuous
So As Not To Be Crushed
Now Is, Indeed, The Day Of Salvation
We, For Our Soul's Prosperity
Must Willingly Worship The God Of Creation
He Who Dwells Not In Time But In Eternity
The Builder
The Redeemer
The One True God!

Father, Most Faithful
My Heart Is Well Pleased
Truly, Truly Blessed That
No Depth Is Deep Enough
No Height Is High Enough
No Retreat Far Enough
Nor Sin Bad Enough
That We Cannot Get Back To You!
I Give You All Praise!

Please Bless Us With Spiritual Eyes!
Please Bless Us With Spiritual Ears
Please Give Unto Us Hearts Of Flesh
So That By Our Reliance On The Truth
We May Escape Satan's Snares!
Help Us To Moment By Moment
Cast On You Our Cares! 

We Love You, Beloved Father
We Ask These Few Mercies
In The Holy Name Of Our Lord And Savior
Jesus Christ The Righteous
Our Soon Returning King
Your Only Begotten Son!

Saturday, January 19, 2019


By Faith, Father
I Come Before You
Hoping Always A Blessing To Receive
That You Are On Heaven's Great White Throne
That Your Love For Me
Will Never Leave Me To Walk This Life Alone!

Help Us, Dear Father
Who Are Christians Called
To Be Christians Who Willingly Answer
The Call To Righteousness
The Call To Service
The Call To Faith
The Call To Obedience
The Call To Depart Sin
And The Ways Of Satan
That Eternal Disgrace
To Love As The Lord Loves
Doing All To Bless Others
Ignoring The Naysayers
So That We May Acquire The Character Of Christ
And Be Found Fit
To Inhabit That Heavenly Paradise!

Pity Us, Father
And Help Us Not To Look Inward
Dwelling On Self 
And The Published Personal Satisfaction
But To Look Up To The Lord Christ
The Author And Finisher Of Our Professed Faith
So That We May Make The Treacherous Journey
Safely And Securely
Comforted And Protected
Blessed And Believing
To The Beautiful Land Of Peace!
Grant Us Ever Increasing Faith!

Please Help Us, Father
To Realize And Accept
That This Dying World Is Not Our Home;
That It Is A School To Learn Christ;
A Hospital Operated By The Great Physician 
Who Heals All Who Believe And Trust;
A Garbage Disposal To Rid Ourselves Of
The Dross Of Sin;
A Way Station To Stock Up
On Those Things Profitable
On Those Things Useful
Those Things That Bless And Not Curse
To Take On Jesus Christ
Inviting The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit
Who Will Lead Us Into All Truth
Chiding Us
Ever Blessing And Equipping Us
Accompanying Us So That We Do Not Journey
To Salvation Alone!

Thank You, Father
For The Living Word
That Compass, Road Map
Song Book, Pillow
That River Stocked With Sweet Water
Our Parching Thirst To Quench;
That Supermarket Filled To Overflowing
With Much Food For Thought;
That Gold Mine
Replete With Hid Treasure Waiting For Ready Discovery;
That Book Of Innumerable Blessings
Impossible To Exhaust;
That Blessing That Shows The Way Of The Cross
That Reveals The Secret Of How Not To 
Suffer Eternal Loss!

Thank You, Father
For Goodness
For Grace
For Truth
For Faith
For Help And Healing
For The Chastisements We Hate
But Which Are So Necessary
If We Are To Enter, By Right
The Holy City's Marked-Character Gates!

I Confess My Known Sins
I Sincerely Repent!
Please Forgive Me!
Please Cleanse Me Of All Unrighteousness
Make Me Whole
A Vessel Useful
A Pillar Strong
A Jewel Precious
Awaiting My Lord, My God
My Savior, My Redeemer
My Only King!

I Need You, Lord
And If Tomorrow, Not Promised, Comes
By Your Certain Grace
I Will Need You Again!
Thank You For The Extended Hand! 

Thank You For Exposing Your Heart!
Thank You For Executing The Successful
Which Saw The Lord Christ Sacrificing
His Life For Mine!
Thank You For The Comfort Of The Holy Spirit!

Thank You For The Good Influence 
And Sure Protection Of The Holy Angels!
Who Minister To Us Who Are The Inheritors Of 
The Purchased Salvation!

I Bless You, Father
I Praise Your Holy Name!
Help Me Not To Indulge In Trifles
And Not To Bring Shame To Your Perfect Name! 

I Freely Give To You My Gift Of Worship
My Free Will And My Choice
I Look Forward With Pleasurable Anticipation
To The Great Coming
In Your Glorious Presence
With The Saints Of All The Ages
In Full Voice
I Shall Rejoice!

Thank You For Hearing
And For Answering My Prayer
For I Pray In The Name Of The Beloved Son
The Lord Jesus Christ!
I Love You!
Please Come Soon!

Friday, January 18, 2019


There Is No Good In Evil!
There Is No Evil In Good!
By Man ... Shaped In Iniquity
Conceived In Sin
This ... Must Be Clearly Understood!

Good Evil
All Are The Same To Me
Because I See The Evil Living Good
And The Good Being Walked Over By Evil
And That Situation Apparent
Cannot Be, By You, Withstood!

I Know What You Mean
With You, I Disagree
Reality Is Not What Lived Life Makes It Seem!

The Good May Appear To Be Downtrodden
The Evil Large And In Charge
The Day Of Small Things Is Surely Coming
When The Enduring Good And Faithful
Shall Take The Upper Hand
That Is
The Hand Of The Master
He Who Paid Their Price
He To Whom They Took All Their Burdens
He Who Has Come To Grant Them New Stations
As Princes Princesses
Priests Of God And Christ
To Take Them Home To Hill Zion
Whose Residents Do Not Participate
In Sorrow Sin Crying
Death Sacrifice Deceit And Lying!

I Wish, Like You
That I Could Believe
But That's Just Not My Personality
Because I Believe What I See
And I Trust What I Hear With My Own Ears
So Your Handed-Down Bible Nuggets And Gems
Earns From Me No Cheers!

Brother, Beloved!
My New-Found Friend!
Belief Is A Choice!

Tell That To All Those
Who Had
Who Have Their Choices Made For Them!
Tell That To All Those
Who Came To Cruel Ends
By Choices Not Their Own
For A Belief They Distrusted
For The Love Of A Leader
They Roundly Despised!

I Hear You, My Brother!
Believe Me, I Understand!
The Almighty God Keeps Good Records
His Judgment Shall Not Be Gainsayed
Nor Withstood!

Our Shepherd
- The True Shepherd -
The Lord Most High
Creator Of The Universe
The Light Of Life
The Life Of Man
He Shall Make All Wrong Things Right
It Is In Our Best Interests
With His Holy Cause To Unite
The Evil To Withstand
The Evil To Fight!

Look Not At What Is!
Look At What Is To Come!
Believe The Living God's Word Of Promise
See Through The Eye Of Faith
What The 1,000 Year's Of Peace In Heaven
Looks Like
Also Envisage What The New Heavens
The New Earth Shall Be!
There Is Much For Faith's Eyes To See!

Step Out On The Limb Of Faith!
Underneath Is The Rock Of Our Salvation!
Walk About Zion:
In Charge Is Judah's Lion
Walk Holy
The Master
The Savior
The Redeemer
The Friend
Trust The Holy Word Ever True
Despised And Rejected
By The Damned Goat-Herd!

You Made A Good Effort
But, Sincerely
Still Willing To Be Taught
I'm Not Yet Totally Convinced!

Take Heart!
Do Not Let Lying Eyes Deceive You!
Whatever Man Does As His Job Of Work
- In This Mortal Flesh -
Evil Or Good
Man's Reward!

Every Business Day Has A Closing!
Every Sunsetted Day Has A New Dawn!
Satan And Evil Have A Final Sunset Coming
The Good Has The Long-Awaited New Forever Day
Soon To  Dawn!

I'll Share With You
The Word Of Truth
Which Causes Me - With Hope -
To Get Up Every Day With The Dawn:

When You Know The End Of The Story 
You Are Able To Stand Up
In Love
By Faith
For Jesus
Bless Your Foes!

Live Like A Champion!
Do Good Always!
Victory Over Sin Is Ours In Jesus' Name!

I Bid You, Adieu ... With Peace
I Pray, Sincerely
That I Will See You In The Living Kingdom
At The Welcome Home Saints' Feast!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Heavenly Wisdom Is Truth Is Heavenly Wisdom!

I'm Not Dying To Be Rich!
I'm Living To Live With The Lord Christ!
I'm Praying For Heavenly Wisdom
So That Recognizing Truth
I Will Not Be Swayed By The Flexible Lie
That Known Satanic Device!

- That Heavenly Wisdom -
Cannot Be Colorized!
It Cannot Bend!
It Cannot Turn Corners
It Never Needs An Attorney
To Speak In Its Defence!

Truth ... I Can Stand Upon!
Truth ... I Can Hug To My Heart!
Truth ... I Can Make Its Boast
It Will Never From My Life ... Regenerated
To Depart!

I Have Set My Table!
Jesus Christ Is At The Head!
He Speaks
- Giving The Blessing -
Offering Truth As Daily Bread!

Jesus Christ Is Daily Bread!
Jesus Christ Is Truth!
Jesus Christ Is The Way To Life
The Light
By Which Glare
I See The Pathway To Walk Steadily Upon!

The Way To Life Is Narrow!
The Way To Life Is Strait
I Need Truth's Resources
I'm Not To Suffer
- Demons And Unrepentant Sinners, Too -
Known And Sure Fate!

We All Have A Date With Destiny
Where The Destinations Are Two
Where The Mindsets Are
For Christ
And Against
Where Characters Cannot Be Changed
Nor Renewed


I Will Finish This Missive
In The Same Manner As I Did Start
Saying Plainly To One And To All
From Sin And Sun Worship

Do Not Live ... Dying To Be Rich!
Live To Live With Jesus The Christ
Asking Him Now
- While It Is Still The Acceptable Time -
To Take Your Stony Heart
Break It Apart
To Give Unto You A New Heart Of Flesh
Where The Holy Spirit Of Truth
May Take Up Welcome Residence
So That We Will Never Hear From
The Father Above:

Leave Her Alone!

Leave Him ... Alone!


We Are Left Anchorless
Awaiting The Known Dread Day
When Christ Will, As Promised, Come
For The Accepters Of The Blessing Provided
Who Believed That For Them
His Innocent Blood Did Atone
Those That Are The Faithful Ones
Those He Will Carry To 
The Prepared Heavenly Home!

Brethren, Beloved
Walk Worthy!
Leave Sin Alone!
Only Truth Will Point The Way Home!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

JUDGMENT IS COMING: Wonderful Send-Off!?!

The Dead Know Nothing!
Facts Can't Be Changed!
Truth Shall Stand!
Satan Is The Liar!
The Judge Of All
The Son Of God
The Son Of Man!
Live As Though You Know
- With Certainty -
For Eternity
You Will Land!


Humans Are Very Strange Creatures!
We Hate Death
We Love To Give The Dearly Departed
A "Wonderful Send-Off"
As If They Will Care What We Do For Them
As If That Send-Off
The. End. Of. The. Story!!

There's A Judgment Coming!

Strange Thing, Too
What Purpose Does A Wonderful Send-Off Serve
There Is No Corresponding 
Joyous Celebration
From The Beloved Master
On The Day Of His Appearing
Waiting For You!?!

SMH ...

Have You Ever Wondered At The Fact That
Evil Living Men, Women, Children
Paragons Of Virtue At Their Demise!?!

Have You Ever Wondered  ... Why
Are The Persons Offering Tributes
Telling Such Bold-Faced Lies!?!

Is The Lord Swayed
By Your Lovely Send-Off!?!
Will The Preserved Record Of Your Life
Be Expunged
There Was No Speaking Ill Of The Dead!?!

We Are We Indulging In "Comforting Lies!?!"

Heads-Up ...

Brother, Sister
Acquaintance, Friend
Church-Goer, Party-Goer
Priest, Pope, Pastor
Prince, Premier, President
Bold Leader Of Men
The Only Thing A Human
Will Carry From This Home Called Earth
The Mark Of Character
Which Was Dutifully Cultivated
Since Birth!

The Lord Jesus Paid For Our Pardon
That Pardon Will Not You Avail
- Before Your Life Shall Pass -
You Accept The Free And Available Pardon
Get Out Of Sinning Real Fast!

A Good Name Serves You No Good Purpose
Your Good Name Was Not Gained
By Your Dutifully, Faithfully, Obediently
Serving The Holy God
Fully Aware On Whose Side You "Play"

And, So

I Plead With Us All, Beloved Brethren
Walk Away
Walk Away
Walk Away From Building Up Public Appearances
Seriously Get Into Walking Right Because It Is
Living Right In The Presence
Doing Right In The Sight Of
The Creator Of Heaven And Earth
The Provider Of Grace And Mercy
The Rewarder Of All Men
Jesus Christ The Righteous
The Conquering King
The Soon-Returning Lord
He Who Carries The Shepherd's Rod!

Public Appearances 

Are Like Big Glossy Pictures
Those Whom We Love!
They Send A Brilliant Message
- Having No Substance -
Make No Provision For A Hug!
They Don't Benefit!

Telling The World That You're Good
Not Interacting With Jesus Christ
The Creator
The Savior
The Redeemer
The Holy God
But A Big Waste Of Time
All You'll Be Getting
The Reward Of Satan
The Known Wily Wilful Fraud!

We Are To Be Good
Not Good ... For Show!
We Are To Be Good
In The Name Of
For The Glory Of
For Love To Almighty God
So That Faith 
Within Self
To Bless Others
May Exponentially Grow!

Calling A Dead Evil Person ... Evil
Is Not
An Accusation!
It Is Just Truth!
Facts Speak For Themselves
The Dead Can't Contradict The Record
So Why Would We!?!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

PRAYER: We Need Our Jesus, Dear Father!

I Come Before You, Father
I Believe All Of The Word
And That
The Given Promises Are True!
Please Cleanse Me Of Any Unbelief!

Thank You, Father
For The Blessings You Bestow:
The Love
The Joy
The Grace
The Mercy
The Truth
The Good Seeds To Sow!

Thank You, Father
For Making Plain The Way To Walk
The Light That Shines
That Shows The Way Clear! 

Thank You For Being The Holy God
A Repentant Sinner Can Intimately Know!

The Raging Lion Is Prowling
Seeking To Make Meals Out Of Men
So I Bow Before You, My Father
Beseeching You, Lord God Holy:
Help Us! 
Please Defend!

We Do Not Know How To Pray As We Ought
We, Of The Household Of Faith
Know Him
- Jesus Christ Our Creator -
Our Redeemer
Who For Our Salvation Fought! 

He Is Not A Comic Book Hero! 
He Did Not On His Earthly Mission Fail! 
There Is Nothing That He Can Learn
From Any Sun Man
It Is Abundantly Made Clear
The Way To His Sure Salvation
Is No Mixed-Way Walking-According-To-Self Trail!

The Preserved Holy Word Tells Us Plainly
The Only Way To You, Father
Through The Lord Christ
Your Only Begotten Son
I Plead, My Father
Please Help Us To See The Living Light
So That We Do Not Fall For Any Of Satan's
Loathsome Delights!
Personal Experience Strongly Declares
The Way Of Sin Is Not Fun!

Without The Lord Christ 
We Are Twice-Dead Men! 
Without The Lord Christ
We Cannot Against Satan Defend! 
Without The Lord Christ
Our Beginning Is Our End
As There Will Never Be Any Other Being
Any Other Opportunity
The Slide To Damnation To End!

Pity Us, And Help Us! 
Pity Us, And On Living Truth Help Us To Feed! 
Pity Us, And Lead Us Safely Home
It Is Our Souls' True Desire
The Water Of Life To Drink
On The Fruit Of The Tree
In Eternity
Always To Feed!

Bless Us With Spiritual Eyesight
The Wisdom Of The Wise
Guide Us On The Path To Glory
As In Jesus Christ's Faith
We Believe, Love, Trust
The Good News Gospel Story!
Help Us To Reject
Satan's Sophistries And Bold Lies!

We Love You! 
We Bless You! 
Please Help Us, Dear Father
By The Working Of The Holy Spirit
To Glorify The True Name
By Remaking Us
- Our Characters -
In The Likeness Of Jesus Christ
The Spotless Lamb
Who Bore Our Punishment
Our Pain
Our Shame! 

We Need The Lord
In His Matchless Name
We Pray And Humbly Plead!

You Said, Ask
In Faith
Nothing Wavering 
It Shall Be Given:
Our Desire Is Here Laid Bare! 
Please Come Soon! 

Monday, January 14, 2019

STRENGTH IN CHRIST: Crowns Are Weighty!

Look At All The Upfront
Enduring Benefits:

He Forgives!
He Heals!
He Redeems!
He Crowns!
He Satisfies!


Our Lives Are Renewed ... Like An Eagle's!

Eagles Have Long Lives!
Eagles Live High Above The Fray!
Eagles See For Great Distances!
Eagles Are Strong!


What Eagles Have, They Hold!

How Can We Not, Therefore
Cause Our Souls To Bless The Lord
Who Gives Such Immense Gifts!?!

Can You Forget Almighty God
You Are Blessing The Eternal God With All That 
Within You!?!

Look At What We Are Bringing To The Covenant
To The Contract Table:

A Life Needing Redemption From Destruction
A Hungry Belly Under A Mouth That
Requires Satisfying!

The Lord Gives Us His All
We Get All Things
So Don't You Believe That It Is Time That
We Give Something Back To Our Lord!?!

All That He Is Asking For Is Our Hearts
Our Love
Our Worship
Our Praise
Our Faith
Our Belief
Our Character Aka Our Glory
Which Is Us Returning Our Lives To Him
Made Over In His Character, His Glory!

Now, Let Us Raise Up Our Heads A Bit
Think About That Crown!

Jesus Christ Crowns Us With 
Tender Mercies!
That's Two Crowns Already!

Crowns Aren't Light, People!
Crowns Are Weighty
No Thanks To Our Efforts, We Get Two!

Crowns Are Wonderful!
Crowns Are One-Of-A-Kind Treasures!
Crowns Are Priceless!
Have You Glommed On To The Fact Yet That
Almighty God Through Jesus Christ
Has Marked You As His Special Treasure
Is Laying Treasure Upon Treasure!?! 

Do You Yet Recognize That Your Promised Home
With Jesus Christ
In The Treasure City Of The Universe!?!


We Have The God Of Grace
Who Loves Us Sacrificially!
Of Course, There Are Some Of Us
Who Love Him Not But That's Their Issue!
We Who Are Christians Say That We Love The Lord!
Are We Really Showing To Him 
What We Are Saying To Him And To The World!?!

Think About It, Prayerfully ...

The Lord Has Great Mercy 
For Those Who Fear Him
Who Hold Him In Deepest Honor
Highest Respect
Speak Of Him With Awe And Reverence
Who Are Not Afraid Or Ashamed
To Give Him Willing Obedience!

How Are You Fearing The Holy God!?!

We Go To Almighty God
Confessing And Repenting:
He Forgives And Forgets!

We Go To Almighty God Sick With Sin

He Heals Us
Leaving Us With No Bill To Get!

We Put The Lord Christ On The Cross
For Our Sin

He Willingly Paid The Price
Our Souls To Redeem


When, In Person
He Comes To Earth Again
To Claim His Own
He Will Crown Us With Crowns
Which Cannot
Be Passed On Or Passed Down
We Will Be Forever Satisfied
As, Indeed, He Will Assuredly Be
He Will See Those
For Whom His Soul Did Travail
All Of Creation
Will This Most Glorious King Hail!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Jesus Christ For Joy: Hunting Happiness!?!

You Want To Be Happy!?!

Well, How About You Learn A Little Self-Denial!
Learn Self-Denial ... At The Foot Of The Cross
You Shall Never Know Loss!

Self-Denial Doesn't Suit Your Personality!?!

Haven't You Learnt Anything
In Your Long Life!?!
How Is It That You Still Don't Know That
Gaining The Whole World
Losing Your Christ-Bought Soul
Keeps You Outside Of
Jesus Christ's Safe 
Eternally Blessed Fold!?!

You're Not A Sheep!?!

Would To God That You Were!
You'd Be Following The Good Shepherd
To Green Pastures And Waters Still!
You'd Be Safe From The Raging Lion
Of Healthful Sustenance
You'd Always Eat Your Fill!?!

You're On A Diet!?!

Lord, Have Mercy, Please!
You'd Be Better Off Consuming The Diet That 

Weans You Off Of Sin
Instead Of Indulging The Sin Of Presumption
While Praying For Calm In The Midst Of
A Satan-Generated Gale Force Storm Of Wind!

Satan Ain't Real!?!

What, In The Name Of All That's Holy
Are You Drinking!?!
It's Obvious To Me That With Your Right Mind
You're Not Thinking
You Would The Office Of The High Horse Demit
Humble Yourself Before The Lord God
Stop Elevating The Ways Of The Fraud!

I'm The Only Fraud You Know!?!

For Loving You Enough
To Tell You The Truth
I'm Now Your Enemy!?!
Since You Came To Jesus
You Have Remained The Same!
You Refuse To Grow In Grace
You Make It A Habit To Accuse Others
To Hide The Shame In Your Face!

Since I Have Disturbed Your Peace
From This Telephone Call
I Shall Myself Release
Before I Do
I Shall Speak The Lord's Truth:

You Do Not Learn Christ
The Same Way Carnal Man Learns Technology
I Beseech You
- In The Name Of The Lord -
To Let The Lord Lead You
Plainly, Openly, Truly
Stop Permitting The Enemy Of Souls
From Leading You Into Gross Folly!

I Won't Detain You Further!
I'll Raise You Up In Prayer!
I'll Plead With The Lord To Open Your Eyes
Your Mind
Your Heart
So That From The Living Kingdom
You Will Not Be Left Outside
In The Encapsulating Dark!

Yes! God Is With Me
I'm Thankful To And For Him!
May The Lord Be With You
In Your Coming
Your Going
Your Thinking
Your Doing
Your Speaking!
I'm Very Sorry That
For You
I Could Not Personally Do A Blessed Thing
I Sincerely Pray That Those Things That
Are Your Earthly Hopes
Are Such As Can Be Transplanted 
To The Heavenly Paradise
To Hill Zion! 

Make Peace 
Be At Peace With The Holy God
In Whose Hand, Alone 
Is The Heavenly Reward!