Saturday, February 2, 2019


Buying Grace
Selling Salvation
Turned Up ... Uninvited
In The Town Called ... It Took A Miracle!
They Did Not Find A Warm
Nor Embracing Welcome! Welcome!

There Was A Reason ... 

The Ever Humble And Upright Godly Example
Had Preceded Them There
That Model Of Grace-Filled Living
Had Been Having The Most Amazing Effect
On The Citizenry
Who, Formerly
Had Been Filled With Sins
Drowning In Trespasses
Transported By Transgressions!

Of Course
This Is Not To Say That Godly Example
Had Received A "Come Hither!" Welcome
At His Dignified Appearance
In It Took A Miracle!

The Fact Of This Matter Is ... 

Comfort In Cold Water
Makes Warm Water Hot
Comfort In Sinful Living 
Causes Godly Living To Go Begging ... A Lot!

Truth Must Be Told ... 

As Opposed To The Sermon 
Preached By A Righteous Life Lived
When A Harsh Condemnatory Sermon Is Preached
- Devoid Of Christ's Love And Care 
And Not Built Upon Walking The Talk 
And Talking The Walk - 
You May Be Assured That
There Is Not Going To Be 
A Conversion To The Right Way
By Any Of Your Observers!

It Was Like This ...

Godly Example's Excellent Example
Was ... Is
Like The Wind
In Reverse!

You Don't See The Wind
You Feel 
You Experience What The Wind Does!

Everybody Saw How Godly Example Lived
Were Not At First
Aware Of Or Expecting
The Changes In Lives Wrought!

Like Abel The Obedient
Godly Example Spoke
Still Speaks
Without Superfluous Studied Words!
He Leads His Neighbors To The Lord Christ
By His Godly Example!

Many Lives Were Changed! 
Environments Were Upgraded! 
Conversations Became Circumspect! 
Attitudes Became Gentler! 
Considerations For Others Became Rife
Godly Living Became The Spice Of Life!


That Spice 
Is Not Measured By Scofield Units Of Heat


Love To God
Love For Others 
The Language Of The Regenerated Heart!

To The Point ... 

Buying Grace
Selling Salvation
Had Been Seeking To Upend That Change
Their Always-In-The-Shadows Boss, Curry Favor
- Who Coined Himself
Every Sentient Man's Liberator -
Had Lost Some Of His Best Customers
Because Of Godly Example's Godly Example
He, Offended 
Had Sent Them To Goose The Bull
Had Sent Them To "Muddy" The Water!

See, Here, There Is Always A Reason ... 

This Had To Be Done
Since He Is An ... Unclean Spirit
In The Employ
In The Council
Of The Big Cheese Himself
The Accuser Of The Brethren
The Snake In The Grass
The Dragon Ever At Work
Fka Lucifer 
Nka Satan
Aka The Wannabe God
Liar-Man The Bold
Fallen Angel With Heart Known Cold!

Hear The Right ... 

That Very Satan
The Lord Of Dung
A Deeply Vested Interest
In Stopping People From Hooking Up
With Godly Example
For Seeing To It That They Continued Down
The Garden Path
Indulging In Own-Sin Self-Pay
Never Ever Ever Reaching Spiritual Perfection
By Living For 
In The Faith Of The Lord Christ!

Being Grossly Prideful
Deceitful ... And So Much More
Had Lost The Battle Of Attrition
The Policy War Of The Great Controversy
That Dark Day In Mount Calvary!

He Had Lost His Praying Prey! 
He Had Lost His Stolen Kingdom 
The Only Other Thing Left To Be Lost
His Miserable Life
He Has No Intention Of Going Out Quietly
Or Docilely Alone!

He Fully Intends
To Go Out With Myriad Trophies 
In A Torrid Blaze Of "Glory" 
Denying The Lord Of Life
The Creator
The Redeemer
The Friend
As Many Of Those
As He Could Wrest Away
All For A Truly, Truly
Simple, Simple
Base-Minded Reason:

Those Who Rejected
Those Who Will Reject
The Expensively Purchased
So Great Salvation
Retained Their Own Sins
Will Pay The Cost ... For Themselves
With Their Own Lives
For That Unrepented Of
Unforgiven By Almighty God

What Must-Must Must-Must ... 

Those Free-Willed Ingrates' Sins
Cannot Be Reckoned To Satan's Account!
How "Happy" 
That Makes Him ...  Considering The Circumstances!

Know Your Enemy ...

Evil, Wicked
Not Stupid
He Is Lowering His Heat Score
In The Most Diabolic Fashion! 

On The Other, That Is
The Right, Hand ...

All Those Persons
Who Took ... Who Take 
The Lord God Almighty At His Holy Word
Accepted ... Accepts
The Unspeakable Gift
Had ... Have
All Of Their Known 
Confessed Sins
Irrevocably Deposited
Dropped Off
Docketed On Satan's Account
Never Ever, Ever, Ever To Be Remitted
Taken Away
Positively Disposed!

This Does Not Make Satan Happy
For This Seeming Besmirchment
He Is Intent Upon Making Believers Fall Away 
From Truth To Folly
From Light To Darkness
From The Commandments Of The Living Loving God
To The Doctrines Of Damned Devils
So That They, Too
If It Were Possible
Can Be Condemned 
And, Ultimately
Forever Destroyed! 

It Is His Final Effort
At "Disrupting" The Lord's Plans!

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk ...

He Keeps Skipping Over Hebrews 11:6!

He Is Ignoring The Directs Words Of The Lord Jesus ... 

If You Thought It Possible, STOP:

No Created Being
Can Surprise
The Omnipotent
Sustainer God!


With That Said
I Sincerely Charge You:

Seek The Lord, Now
While The Door Of Mercy 
Still Open 
The Lord's Spirit Is Still Near To
Calling Unto Us!

Blessings Myriad Await
The Faithful, Enduring, Believer!
Peace Be Upon You ... Today And Forever! 

Friday, February 1, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + My Hope Is In Christ The Lord + PRAYER: Father, Please Lead Me Gently Home!

There Is No Point To My Having
A Creator
Who Is The Savior
The Redeemer
My Friend
He Is Not Also My Hope
My Help
The Great Physician
The Lord
My God
On Whom ... In All The Changing Scenes Of My Life
I Can Unfailingly
Unflinchingly Depend!

If I Can Only Depend On My God
When The Sun Shines
The Day Is Bright With Light
Then, He Is Either Not God Almighty
The Creator Of One And All
My Faith ... By Measure
Good Only As A Boxed And Locked Treasure!

The Eternally Blessed Gift ...

Faith ... To Be Useful
A Faith That Is Tried
A Faith Exercised
On A Hope Not To Be Denied
And I
And All Who Claim To Members Of
The Household Of Faith
Should Be Happy To Be Tried
To Be Tested
So That Our Savior Is Blessed
From Us Eternally Marooned!

Life Gets Real ...

No Body In Their Right Mind
Wants To Be Placed In The Furnace Of Affliction
We Who Choose To Walk With Jesus Christ The Lord
Hold To Our Hearts
The Dearly Purchased Promises
Hold On To The Marred Hand Of The One Innocent
Walk By His Faith
In The Light Of His Life
Not By The Sight Filling Our Carnal
Known-Blind Eyes!


I Come To You
Because I Believe The Word Is True!
I Give Unto You
My Will
My Way
My Sorrow
My Joy
Trusting You Wholly
With Faith Unalloyed!

According To Your Word
- You're Not A Man: You Don't Lie -
You've Promised To Be With Me
Though I Walk Through The Valley Of Death!
You've Also Promised
That Neither Height 
Nor Depth
Nor Power
Can Separate Me From The Love Of Jesus
And, So
I Fall On The Living Word
Trusting You To Be Ever True
Doing For Me, Father
What Only The Holy God Can Do!

I'm Pleading, Dear God
For Mercy
Available Grace 
Ever-Increasing Faith
Peace That Passes Human Understanding
Shelter ... In The Time Of My Storm
A Heart Of Flesh
New Life In Christ
Hope For Coming Glory
Steadfastness Despite Opposition
Wisdom To Let The Lord Lead
The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit 
The Protection Of The Holy Angels
Equippage To Do The Work Assigned
Victory Over Sin
Your Approval:
You Are My God
You Are Holy
You Are Divine
It Is My Will
To You To Be Obedient!
With Your Holy Light
Let My Eyes Be Filled!

Please Lead Me Gently Home
Granting Me These Few Mercies
For I Ask All In The Holy Name Of
Your Only Begotten
Jesus Christ The Righteous
My Lord, God And Soon Returning King! 

Thursday, January 31, 2019

PRAYER: Father, I Cannot Live And Prosper Without The Lord Christ!

I Cannot Live And Prosper
Without The Lord Christ!
I Need Him To Hold My Weak And Trembling Hand!
Without Him To Mark The Way Before Me
I Cannot In The World Safely Stand!

I Need The Lord Christ To Shepherd Me!
I Need The Holy Spirit To Comfort Chide And Teach!
I Need The Holy Angels To Protect Me
Influence Me To Do The Good And The Right:
Please Help Me To Remain Confident
In The Holy Faith
So That I May Emerge As Gold
To Possess Eternal Life
When Ends The Dark Night Of This Mortal Strife!

I Love You!
Help Me To Love You By My Willing Obedience

By My Words And All My Doings!

I Desire To Help In The Kingdom's Work!
Please Keep Me Faithful In The Faith Of Jesus
So That My Love Will Be Displayed

In Faithful And Obedient Stewardship
As I Grow And Work Where I Am Planted!

The Living Word Says That Judgment Begins
In Your House, Father
And That We Are Measured
By The Perfect Law Of Liberty!
Please Help Me Not To Measure Myself
By My Own Yardstick
But To Measure Myself
According To Yours!

Help Me Not To Fall Aside To Fables
Comfortable Tales
Because It Is My Desire 

To Be What You Have Called Me To Be!
I Willingly Accept The Free Salvation
Purchased At Infinite Price For Me!

Jesus Christ Is My Example
He Has Given Ample Proof
That It Is Possible To Walk Wisely
In Your Perfect Will
Being Ever Obedient
Even Though The Accuser
The Adversary
The Enemy Of Souls
Is Raging
Is Murderously Vengeful
Ever Seeking To Draw The Faithful Away
From The Light Of Life
So That In The Darkness Of The Sinful Soul
We May Be Easily Killed!
Please Rob Him Of His Goal!

Help Me To Rest
Help Me To Abide
Help Me To Lean Heavily
Wholly On My Lord, The King!
I Desire In The Heavenly Chorus
Your Praises Joyfully To Sin!

Please Heal My Body
My Mind
My Heart
My Hurts
Please Hold My Head To The Holy Heart
That Is Ever Touched
With The Feelings Of My Infirmities!

I Desire To Live In Peace With You, Now
Forever In Paradise, Later
When There Is No Separating Veil Between Us!

Thank You, Father
For The Grace!
I Am Boldly Approaching The Throne
For Present Help!
Please Grant Unto Me
Ever-Increasing Faith
That Can Withstand Disappointment
And Delay
And Deprivation
And All Without Murmuring Or Sinful Doubt!

I Believe The Living Word!
Please Cleanse Me Of Any Lingering Unbelief!
I Am Trusting The Lord Christ
For Sure And Certain Soul Salvation!
Help Me Not To Bring Shame Or Disgrace
To The Holy Name!
Thank You For Hearing My Prayer

Thank You For Answering 
For I Ask These Few Mercies
In Jesus Christ's Matchless Name!

Please Come Soon!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

It's Time To Awaken From Sleep!

There Is The Judgment Day Coming
For You
For Me
For The Rich
For The Poor
For The Good
For The Evil!

Do You Know Or Care
What For You Is In Store!?!

Have You Heaped Up Treasure In Heaven
Or Only Amassed It On The Earth!?!
Are You Living The Life Built On The Illusive Dream
Or Are You Experiencing The New Birth!?!

Is Jesus Christ Your Savior
Or Is Satan Your Pimp
Sending You To Labor For That Which Is Not Bread
For That With Which Your Longing Soul
Will Never Be Satisfied
For That Which Marks You As One
Whose Desire For True Life Is Wet-Noodle Limp!?!

Are You Living The Life Of The Drunken Sailor!?!
Of Your God-Given Gifts Are You The Prostitute!?!
Are You Driving A Fast Car To Damnation
With The Ignored Rocks Of Remorse In The Boot!?!

Are You Chasing Your Tail
And Catching Yourself
Surprised At The Acquisition
That Is Pain To Your Health
And Laboring Under The Alternative To Truth
That Declares That Dollars And Diamonds Equal Wealth!?!

Are Your Hopes, Happy!?!
Is Your Present Help Assuring That You're Truly Heaven-Bound!?!
Is The Topper That You Plan On Wearing
Made Of Seven-Times-Purified Gold
Or Is It The Tri-Belled Cloth Cap Of The Circus Clown!?!

Do You Know The Only Savior!?!
Is He Your One True Friend!?!
Do You Know That He Paid In Toto For All Your Sins
And That He Is Waiting ... Waiting Patiently
For Your Invitation
To Your Hurting Heart To Enter In!?!

It's True ... 

Jesus Christ Is Your Surety And Your Security
And, Again, Your Savior, My Friends!
He Offers To All Willing
Truth, And Beauty
Hope, Help And An Eternal Home
Forgiveness For Confessed Sin
Freedom From Sin
Grace Now, And Glory Later
Peace, And Protection
Provision, And Length Of Days
Immortality, And Incorruptibility
Wisdom To Walk In Wise Ways
Knowledge To Escape Satan's Power Plays
Understanding Which Declares That
Sin And Selfishness Cannot
- Will Not -
A Declared Profit Ever Pay!

Please Do Not Follow The Multitude To Do Evil!
Please Do Not Be A Follower Of  Fallen, Carnal, Man!
Please Do Not Take Pleasure In Works Of Unrighteousness:
There Is No Forever In The Wilfull Sinning Hard Stance!

Please ...

Look Unto Jesus
The Author And Finisher Of Holy Faith!
Invite Him
- In The Person Of The Holy Spirit -
Your Heart To Enter In!

If Jesus Is Not Your Captain
Then Satan That Serpent Is In Charge!
Of This Fact Be Ever Assured! 

Satan Will Cause You Untold Problems
Jesus Christ Is The Unending
The Everlasting
The Eternal Cure!
Sin Is The Putrifying Sore!
Self Is The Unlicensed Doctor!
Satan Is The Purveyor Of The Pleasure-Principle 
Cure-For-All Motion Potion Lotion

And I Repeat That

Jesus Christ
The Creator
The Great Physician
The Way To The Father
To Eternal Life ... The Door
The Revealed
Only Cure!

Brethren, Beloved

It Is Time To Awaken From Sleep!
Take The Faith-In-Jesus Leap!

Jesus Christ Paid Our Costs!
The Bible Is Our Receipt!
It's Time To Walk In Truth
Live In Righteousness
So That We May
Pick Up The Unspeakable Gift
Eternal Life
Then To Reside Forever
In The Land Of Bliss!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Strike Against Carnal Self The Killing Blow!

There's A Glorious Day Soon Coming
No Cloudy Veil Between
When All The Saints And Angels
Together Shall Be Seen!

I'm A Soldier
A Believer In The Holy Cross Of Jesus!
I'm A Saint Of God And Christ
And I Shall Be Among Those Flying
Unto The Lord's Everlasting Life!

Are You, Brother, A Believer!?!
Are You, Sister, A True Saint!?!
Are You Washed In The Blood Of Jesus
Or Are You Still Bearing Unconfessed Sin's Taint!?!

Don't You Know You Have A Friend In Jesus!?!
Don't You Know His Spirit Of Truth Sets Us Free!?!
Don't You Care That He Died To Save You
And That He Has A Share Of His Bounty For Thee!?!

Brother, Sister
Father, Mother
Friend, Acquaintance
Even Those Called Foes
Jesus Christ The Creator, Righteous
Beckons You Walk Forward
For He Is The One Called The Door!

He Is The Way
The Truth, Our Life!
He Is Who Protects Us 
Against The Carnal Strife
And If You Will Be Among The Blood-Washed Brethren
You Must At His Holy Feet Bow
And Lay Your Heavy Burden Down
If You Will Wear The Golden Crown!

Trust The Word!
Believe The Promises!
Live For The Lord!
Walk With Him In Accord
And You, Faithful
Singing, Praising, Rejoicing
Shall Join The Redeemed Throng Flying
Unto The Great Reward!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Trusting Almighty God On His Promises: Courage Or Cowardice!?!

Are You Bold Enough To Be Humble!?!
Are You Weak Enough To Be Strong!?!
Have You Faith Enough To Stand In The Truth
Courage Enough On The Rock Of Ages To Fall Upon!?!

Do You Know ...

The Lord Christ
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Angels Excelling In Strength
Can Do Nothing For The One
Who Sees Self In Every Mirror He Passes Beside
More To The Point
Self Can Do Nothing To Bless Self
When Self Is Its Own Savior
The Real Savior 

Found Only In A Beautifully Bound Book
High Upon A Book Shelf
To The Self
Neither Mighty Nor Strong!

Are You Brave Enough
To Trust Almighty God On His Written Promises!?!
Are You Needy Enough
To Reach For The Outstretched Hand!?!
Are You Weary Enough Of Sin
Ready To Give Up Self
Take On Christ
By So Doing
Give Short Shrift To The Demonic Device

That Gives Mortal Life Unneeded Spice!?!

Are You Living For Self ... Now
Only To Die The Second Death
Are You Dying To Self ... Now

Sure To Live With The Lord Christ Forever
In The Land Of No Death Or Dying!?!

Are You Certain Of The Pathway Marked

Are You Stumbling Like A Drunk 
In The Light-Of-Life Obscured Sin-Filled Dark!?!

Does The Savior Personally Know Your Name
Are Your Prayers Before Him
An Abomination
An Unholy Thing
The Thing Profane!?!

Are You Aware That Soul-Salvation
A Felt Need
Are You Willing To Let The Lord Of Life
Your Hungering Soul Feed!?!

The Questions Are Outside Us!
The Answers Are Inside!
The Truth 

Christ Jesus
He In Whom Our Peace Does Abide!

What Is Your Answer!?!
Will You Choose To Believe The Promises!?!
Will You Choose To Walk Wisely With The Lord Jesus
Will You ... With The Goat
- That Pride-Filled Satan -
Continue To Go On The Merry-Go-Round's Wild Ride!?!

The Blood Of The Lord Christ
The Cleansing Tide
The Promises Are True!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Devil And The Seat!?!

And Do You Know Why Satan, Our Adversary
Is Called A Serpent!?!

I Don't Think So!
Isn't He Just A Slimy Creature!?!

He's Not Slimy!
He's A Slithering Creature!

Satan Can Twist The Truth!
He Can Turn Away From Light!
He Can, Unaffected, Glide Over Goodness!
He Can Negotiate The Torturous Bends
From Doubt To Denial On Through To Unbelief
To Put It Bluntly
He Can Do What Our Holy God Can't:
He Can Straight Up Preach
Unholy Dastardly Deceit!

The Living God Holy
Always, Always, Always
Walks The Straight Way
- Directly -
With No Going Backward
No Going Sideways
Ever Going Forward

He Is Who He Says He Is
Does What He Says He Will Do!

I've Got To Warn You ...

Do Not Make Excuses For Satan Or His Sin! 
There Is No Excuse!
His Undoing Was Lusting For Pride Of Place
Gross Enjoyment In The Beauty Of His Face
The Desire To Receive Undeserved Worship!

But, Why ...

Our Creator
- His Creator -
Left In Satan's Own Hands
The Personal Power Of Will And Choice
Satan's Lust For Preeminence
- A Place In Advance Of The Father's Own Son -
Saw Him Putting Between His Own Eyes
A Fully Loaded And Cocked Gun!

Lord, Help Me Now ...

As Acid ... Corroding The Soul
Unless It Is Washed Off And Away
All Affected By It
Will Indulge In Own-Sin Self-Pay
Just As Is Satan
Who ... Before His Probation Ran Out
Rejected The High And Holy Helping Hand
Lovingly Extended To Him
By The World's Creator
The Holy Son Of God
Who Became The Incarnated Son Of Man!

Rights And Privileges ...

Check Writing Is A Privilege
Which Must Follow A Few Set Rules:

  • Take Out What You Put In Leaving That Behind To Pay Your Fees 
  • Don't Exceed Your Overdraft
  • Let No One Else Sign Your Checks 
  • Do Not Indulge In Check Kite Nor Check Bounce And 
  • Acknowledge That The Account May Be Any Time Closed Should You Refuse To Comply With Those Rules Which Cause The Money In And Out-Flows

Excuse Me!
Could You Please Explain
What Having A Checking Account 
Has To Do With Our Topic!?!


How So!?!

Your Life 
Your Checking Account!
Your Overdraft Is Almighty God's Grace And Mercy!

Fees Are The Price You Pay For Sin! 

Bounced Checks And Check Kiting
Are Excuses And Putting Blame On Others
For Your Personal Sin!

Someone Else Signing Your Check
Is You Saying Satan "Made" You Sin!


Account Closure Is Death
The Date Of Which No One Knows!

The Rules Apply To All ...

All Of This Applied To Satan!
All Of This Applies To Me And You! 

The Bank 
The Bank Of Jesus!
The Ten Commandments Are The Rules!
The Commandments Cannot Be Changed
The Writer Himself Will Not
We - Only - By Willing Cooperation With Him
Will Receive The Credit Card With The Limit Marked
$1 With Exponentially Infinite Unending Noughts!

Now That Is Overkill!
I Want A Card With That Balance!

It's Available To All Mankind
For A Little Bitty Fee
Called Faith Love Trust Obedience And Belief!

That's Terrific!

Now, Moving Onward ...

The Power Of Satan
The Dominion Of Death!
He Knows That He Is Going To, Himself, Die
It Is His Studied Effort To Get As Many Of Us
- As Satanically Possible -
To Permanently Overdraw Our Checking Accounts
Not Having Anything In Our Savings Accounts
To Carry Us Over Any Humps:

No Saving Faith
No Saving Grace
No Salvation By Promise
No Bonds Of Redemption
No Savior
No Forever Friend 
From Whom To Borrow Gold Bullion!

We Have A Problem!

Brethren, You Believers
We Know 
Have The Solution!

Jesus Christ The Righteous
Paid ... In Advance
The Costs
The Fees
The Overdrafts
Even The ... Our ... Initial Deposit!

Understand This ...

If You're Running With The Big Dogs
The Dragon
The Snake
Your Knowing Of Your Bank Deposit
Will Be Considered ... News: Fake!
If You Have Accepted The Good News
Have Chosen With The Lord Christ
To Be Lovingly, Faithfully, Intimate
Rest Assured
Be Totally Confident That
Satan Has Dropped Into Your Seat
The Thing Called Irrational Hate!

There Will Be Always For You
An Expense 
Such That Your Account 
Will Appear To Be Always Overdrawn!
Whether It Is By Dimes Or Dollars
The Result Is The Same:



Let That Not Be To You The Problem! 

No Matter What
Hie Thee Ever Always To Your Lord!
Do Not Look Back!
Do Not Look To The Side!
Do Not Be Drawn Aside Or Away!

Suck It Up ...

Pray And Petition
In The Name Of The Lovely Jesus
To The Heavenly Father
Your Need
Your Confidence In Christ's Merits



Faith-Debtor's Prison ...

Put Yourself In Debt To The Deliverer!
Seal Yourself In With Your Savior!
Ride Boldly With The Redeemer!
Link Your Life With The Lord
Exchange Your Debt Of Sin With Satan
Give Up The Seat ...!

... The Seat ... Deceit!


Defrauded By The Fraud!

Easy So!?!

I'm Afraid So!
We Look For Satan To Run Rocket Science
Against Us
When His Tried And Tested Method
Is Mental Arithmetic!

When To Your Life You ... Add ... Jesus
It ... Subtracts ... Your Former World-Loving Peace
So Satan ... To Make You Pay
Maliciously ... Multiplies ... Your Sorrows
With Fiendish Pleasure ... Divides ... Your Friends And Families!

He Takes Away What You Love
So That You ... Sorrowing
Will Want To Take In
What He Loves!

Take My Hand, Precious Lord!

Take Your Burden To The Lord
Leave It There!

Lord, Lift Me Up!?!
