Friday, February 8, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH: Deal!?! No Deal!

Future Good
Momentary Indulgence
Were Squaring Off!

At Stake ...

A Mess Of Red Bean Stew
Against The First Born's Birth-Right!

The Struggle Was Real ...

Physical Hunger ... Against Spiritual Longing! 
Love Of Almighty God ... Against Self-Love! 
Rush To Idolatry ... Against Walk To Salvation!
The Result Of The Tussle
Will ... Forever
Change The Earth!
The Struggle Is Still Going On!

The King Of Love
The Good Shepherd
- The Lord Of Life - 
The Angel Of The Covenant
The High Priest Of Our Profession
The Creator
The Redeemer 
Our True Friend  Was Watching!
He Is Still Watching ... Today!

Imagine ... If You Will
One, Smooth Studious
Careful Caring Devoted
- A Homebody Farmer Shepherd - 
Longing For The Priesthood!
The Other, Irreligious
Hairy Wild
Reckless Indisciplined
Interested Only In Wealth 
Unrestrained Freedom!
There Is Nothing New Under The Sun!

Theirs Is A Collison Of ... Ideals
Eternal Implications!
Somebody Is Going To Cry Crocodile Tears
Somebody Is Going To Have To Run
Far, Far, Away!
Sin Does Not Pay! 

Jacob Was Righteous: He Loved The Son Of Man! 
Esau Was Wicked: He Loved Mammon!
Jacob Wanted To Serve The Lord For Heavenly Reward! 
Esau Wanted To Be The Lord Who Rewards! 

- By Deceit -
Tried To Help The Lord
Ended Up Running Away
His Life To Keep!
For 20 Years
He Looked After Greedy Uncle Laban's Goats And Sheep! 

Esau Tried To Help Himself
By Trivializing His Birth-Right
In So Doing
He Brought Forth The Idea Of Planned Fratricide
To Regain What He Had Held 
With A Careless Hand Light!

Be Ye Warned ... 

We Do Not Help God
By Doing Wrong To Gain The Right! 
All We Get For Our Base Endeavors
Upon Our Prosperity A Blight
All Who Will To Serve The Almighty
Should Take This Revelation To Heart
Trust The Eternal God  ... In His Providence
His Timely Blessing To Impart!

Believe It ...

The Lord's Ways Are Right! 
His Timing Is Never Late! 
Carnality Can Never Bless Divinity
So Do Not In That Diabolical Play 
Choose To Participate! 

Heads Up ...

Those Who Are The Blessed Of God
The Heirs Of His Sure Salvation
Wrestle With The Lord
In The Dark Night Of Despair
It Is Their Soul's Desire
To Meet The King Of Love In The Air!

Repentance Is A Blessing ... 

We Must Confess All Our Known Sin! 
We Must Repent Of The Sordid Past! 
We Must Accept And Stand On The Promises Given 
Declare Our Allegiance To The Promise-Keeper
Being Humble
- Of A Contrite Spirit -
Deliver Up A Broken Heart
Command The Blessing
From The Now Christ-Regenerated Heart!
We Must Not From Right Paths Ever Depart! 

Be Ye Warned ...

Please Don't Be An Esau
Living Like A Louse
Doing What You Will
Of Earthly Power Being Carnally Jealous! 

Seek After The Things Of God
Trusting Him For You To Do
Don't Be Licorish For
The Readily Available For The Asking
But Oh, So, Pricey
Red-Bean Stew
That Will Your Birth-Right Cost You! 

What A Savior ... 

Let The Lord Lead! 
Carnal Lust 
Satan's Prized Steed! 
Please Do Not This Race Horse Feed
You Shall Not The Prayer Of Remorse Need! 

Let The Lord Of Glory Lead!
His Back Is Broad!
His Shoulders Strong!
His Blood Efficacious!
His Wisdom Eternity Long!
His Promise Is Certain!
His Faithfulness Sure!
Victory Over Sin Is The Promise
His Way Is Certain
He Has The Cure!
He Is The Door!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

A River Runs Through It! + PRAYER: Father, Help Me To Be Diligent!

Separate N. Peculiar People
Holy N. Peculiar Character
Are Members Of The Family Of Almighty God 
The Lord Jesus Christ!

They Are Directed, Taught And Chided
By The Holy Spirit Of Truth
- Wisdom Self -
They Permit Themselves To Be Influenced
By The Holy Angels
Who Also Are Their Protectors!

They Are Roundly Hated
When Expedient
By Him Who Has Let Go
- Actually Cast Off -
Heavenly Love
In Whom Is No Kindly Light Shining!

Satan And Team Tawdry
Try Tenaciously To Tempt Them
To Turn Away From Truth
From Trusting The Godhead
And, Instead
To Choose To Be Tenderly Tickled By Trifles!

The Father Of The Faithful
Calls Them To Be Tested, Tried

To See If They Will Endure All Things
For The Master
The Creator
The Redeemer
The Forever Friend
So That They Reside Forever With Him
In The Mansions Of The Blessed
In The Land Where No One Grows Old
Where He Who Gives Light
He Who Is Life
The Delight Of The Soul!

The Streets There Are Made Of Purest Gold

Water ... The Water Of Life

Like Crystal!
The Tree Aka The Tree Of Life

The River Of The Water Of Life
Running Through It!

I Don't Know About You
I Know The Desire
To Want To Drink From It!


I Love You!
You Bless Me Indeed!
I Desire To Live For You
Succour Me, I Plead!

I Desire To Live With You
In The Mansions Of The Ever-Blessed
And, So
My Father Beloved
All My Known Sin I Sincerely Confess!

Teach Me To Number My Days
So That I May Not Sin Against Thee!
Teach Me To Honor You In All Things
So That I Do Not Desire To Live Without You!

Grant Me, Dear Father
The Blessing Of Joy
Sweet Rest
As I Strive Ever To Obey You
On My Journey Home
To The Land Of No Carnal Flesh!

Please Let The Holy Spirit Fall Upon Me!
Oh, How I Pray For The Holy Spirit
My Being To Indwell!
Oh, How I Pray To Be
A Fit Vessel For Your Service:
Father, I Don't Deserve It
But For The Love Of Jesus
I Wholeheartedly Desire It!

I'm Waiting For My Master's Appearing
I'm Watching The Signs Of The Times
I'm Working:
I Pray To Be Diligent In The Work
So Please Help Me
My Duties Not To Shirk!

I Thank You For Hearing
For Answered Prayer
For I Ask For These Blessings
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Sacrifice Of Fools: SPEECH!?! + PRAYER: Father, Help Me To Season My Words With Salt!

In Tiny Town Lived Red Rag!
His Best Friend Was Below D. Nose
Whose Partner Was Above D. Chin
And Being Ever Always In Cahoots
Around The Town ... They Shared Bare Blows!

People Just Couldn't Seem To Figure Out
That Above D. Chin And Below D. Nose
Were Partners In Red Rag's Profits
And They Always Fell Into The Trap Set By
N. Discretion
That Windbag
That Loose-Lip Poppet!

One Day
There Was A Big Bruhaha
When Philbert And Peanut Exchanged Words
Words So Very Egregious That 
Sticks And Stones Were Not Necessary 
To Be Hurled!

You May Speak With Your Mouth!
You Don't Pay Taxes On It!

You Always Lay Down
The Sacrifice Of Fools!

You Are Nothing But Satan's Agent!

Now, You Know That You're Just Being Cruel!

Red Rag Was In His Element!
His Hinges Were Sweetly Oiled
And He Took Great Pride In His Eloquence
Until Impressionable Ears Felt ... Well

This State Of Affairs
Could Not Be Allowed To Be Continued
So, Masterful Midget
- That Giant Amongst Men -
Raised His Voice Roundly
Until All Were Subdued!

Brethren, Brethren!
Can't You See What You Are Doing!?!
The Sacrifice Of Fools
All The Words, Useless
That You Are Continually Speaking!

King Solomon The Wise
Spoke Well Of You Combatants
Ever Willing To Have The Final Say
Not Recognizing That Your Eloquence
Simply Effluent
The Size Of Which Will Make Your Body Pay!

You Gain Nothing
By This Disgusting Display
You Give Old Evil Satan Numerous Cards
Perfect Against You Boldly To  Play!

Think ... Before You Speak!
Let Your Words Be Few!
Weight Each Word In The Balance
Let The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Lead You!

You Do Not Grow In Stature!
In Fact
Your Spent Words
Cut You, Personally, Down To Size
Show, Indicate, Indentify
For All Listening
That The Lord's Good Work In You
In Nothing Short Of A Bold Lie!

Out Of The Heart
The Mouth Speaks
So, How About Checking Your Heart Out
With The Holy God
Think, Think, Think
Before Your Give Utterance
Give A Goodly Treat To The Base Fraud!

There Are No Fools
In The Eternal God's Kingdom!
There Are No Unkind Persons!
There Is Not One Who Puts Self Before Others
None Who Raises Self Before The Living God!

If You Will Make The Lord's Glorious Heaven
Your Eternal Abode
You Must Keep A Civil Tongue In Your Head!
If Necessary
Close Your Mouth With A Thread Attached To Lead
Take Your Cue From The Master
When Before The Sanhedrin
Pontius Pilate
King Herod
As A Prisoner He Was Led!

What You Put Into Your Heart
Through Your Eyes
Through Your Ears
Regurgitated When Before Others You Speak!
Is The Impression You Choose To Sell
One That Is Lit From The Fires Of Hell
Or One That Is Gleaming
With The Wisdom Of The Lord
Who Gives To Each Person ... Finally
His Just And True Reward!?!

The Choice 
Make Wise Your Decision!
Soft Words Turn Away Wrath
Harsh Words Lead To Condemnation!
It's Time For New Beginnings
Or Else
Heaven ... You'll Not Be Entering! 


You Are My God
I Worship You!

I Come Before You
I Know That For Me You Care
Because Of Your Great Grace
Which Plainly Says That
I Can Approach Without Fear!
I Need Help!

The Living Word States Clearly
That Words, Indeed, Have Weight
Our Own Weighty Words
Will Cut Out For Us
Our Final Fate!

Please Help Me, Father
I Beseech You
To Season My Words With Salt
To Exercise Restrain
Before Wildly Uttering
 The Often Unwise Words
To Which I Gave Little Thought!

Please Bless Me To Be Faithful
To The Lord Whom I Adore
By Your Holy Spirit
Direct The Traffic Of My Speech
So That The Devourer 
Does Not Upon My Blood Leech!

I Desire To Be Gentle
To Be Loving, Kind And True
Most Of All, Dear Father
I Desire The Forever Home With You!

Grant Me The Victory
So That My Teeth May Be The Ivory Bars
Against The Loose
The Wayward Tongue
So That In The Day Of Small Things
On The Conquering King's Side
In Peace
I May Be Found!

Thank You For Hearing
For Answering My Prayer
For I Ask All In The Name Of The Holy Jesus
Your Only Begotten Son!
I Love You!
Have Mercy And Bless!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

PRAYER: Help Us, Father, To See Jesus Christ As He Is!

I Thank You!
I Bless You!
I Praise Your Holy Name!
Please Bless Me, I Beseech You
So That I Do Not Your Great Name Profane!

All Around Me
I See People Hedging Bets
Betting On Self To Win By Walking With Jesus Christ
Betting On Self To Win By Walking Wise In The World
So That There Will Be A Pay Day
- Allegedly -
Whether They Win Or Lose!

I've Thought Fleetingly About This, Dear Father
My Decision Is Mine:
I'm Putting My Mortal Life 
On Your Holy, Everlasting, And Divine Line!

I Am Reaching For And Holding Your Hand
I'm Going To Continue To Hold Your Hand
Which Means You're Actually Holding Mine!
Thank You For The Life-Line!

I Lean On You
I'm Going To Continue To Lean On You
Which Means Your Strength Is More Than Mine!

I Trust You
I'm Going To Continue To Trust You
Trust Your Word
Trust Your Heart
Which Makes You My God
Which Means I Do Not Walk In The Dark
So That I Have No Need To Go Off On A Lark!

I Obey You
I'm Going To Continue To Obey You
Which Means That You're In Control!
I Am A Sheep In The Safe Fold!

I Follow You
I'm Going To Faithfully Continue
To Follow Where You Lead
Which Means That Heaven With The Lord Christ 
Is My Heart's True Goal!

I Talk To You
I'm Going To Continue Talking To You
I Am Going To Talk With You Constantly
Which Means You Are My Bosom-Friend
Which Means I Tell You My Secrets
- You've Already Openly Shared With Me Your Heart -
Which Means Each Other's Honor
The Other Will Defend!
I'm A Repentant Sinner!
Help Me To Stand Always For Truth!

I Worship You
I Will Continue To Worship You
In Spirit And In Truth
Which Means That Whether It Is Convenient Or Not
Popular Or Not
Fashionable Or Not 
Safe Or Not
Not Giving You Your Due
Will Never Be An Option For Me!

I Am A Child Of The Dust
I Will Not Use It As An Excuse To Indulge Folly!
Help Me To Stand On The Promise Of 
Eternal Life With My Lord Christ!

I Am The Child Of The Great King
I Will Not Use It As An Excuse For False Pride
Because I Know Of A Surety
Pride Will Never In Your Holy Presence
Have A Place To Abide!

I Am A Beneficiary Of Available Grace
I Will Use That As The Ready Reason
To Approach Unto You For My Help!
Let This Grace Be Always Sufficient For Me!

I Am A Grateful Recipient Of Your Blessed Forgiveness!
Help Me To Tell Others The Truth Of
What Your Forgiveness Of The Sinful Soul Will Do!
Help Me Never To Sell Heavenly Gold To Buy Base Brass!

I Will Sing Praise Unto You, Father
I Will Say Prayers To Share Hope
To Seek Help
To Just Say, Hello! I Love You! I Need You!
To Bless God
Just To Be With You
Until My Life Shall End!

I Have Thought Further, My Father
Based Upon Readily Available Evidence
I Can Speak The Truth:
I Know Of A Surety That 
I Don't Have To Hedge Bets
In My Relationship With You!

I Am Going All In!
I'm Giving My All To You!
Present Life!
Future Prospects!
Present Prospects!
Future Life!
All Are Yours!
I Give Them To You
What I Give Up
What I Lose In This Mortal Strife
Can Never Be Compared To What I Gain With You
When, By Faith
By Faithful Obedience
By Enduring Faithfulness
I Enter Eternal Life!

Please Pity Me!
Please Pity The Brethren Everywhere!
Please Open Our Eyes
Help Us To See Our Lord Jesus As He Is
Give Into Our Hands The Strength
To Call Upon That Worthy Name
Daily Confessing And Repenting Of Our Sins
Actually Turning Away From The Sin Life
So That We May Be Saved And Forever Blessed
For It Is In His Matchless Name
That We Humbly Plead!
Please Come Soon!
We Need You!

Monday, February 4, 2019

Blessed Are They...!

The Beatitudes 
Is Not Just A Set Of Blessings 
Is Actually A Blessing 
On The True Experience Of 
The True Christian On The Path To Glory!

Only Those Who Have 
Endure The Full Experience 
Will Make It To Heaven!

Blessed Are Those Who Recognise That 
They Have The Need For The Holy Spirit 
To Perform A Good Work In Their Lives 
So That They May Attain 
The Promised Kingdom of Heaven!

For This Reason
They Mourn To The Holy God 
Trusting Him To Comfort Them
And, Ultimately
To Lead Them Safely Home!

These, Then, Become Meek 
With The Indwelling Holy Spirit
Our Almighty God Has Promised That 
They Shall, As A Result
Inherit The Earth!

Inspired By The Working Of The Holy Spirit
They Hunger And Thirst 
To Live Right Before Almighty God 
For This Very Reason
Their Eternal God Will Satisfyingly Fill Them!

Because They Have Obtained 
The Omnipotent God's Mercy
They, Themselves, Are Merciful To All Men 
Willing To Forgive 
Completely Forget 
The Wrongs Daily Done Against Them!

These Believers In The True And Living God
Living A Christ-Like Life
Are Pure of Heart And Action
For So Doing
They Shall See The Great God 
In Whom They Have Bestowed Their Trust!

How Blessed Are The Peacemakers: 
They Shall Be Called The Children Of God!

These Children Of The Omnipresent God
Exemplify The God Of Their Hope
Because Of Their Walk
They Will Be Persecuted For Living Right 
They Shall Inherit The Kingdom Of Heaven!

At The Unfolding  Climax Of The Journey 
To The Kingdom Of Light
These Lovers Of The Omnipotent God 
Will Be Reviled 
 Vile Men 
Will Falsely Say All Manner Of Evil Against Them!

Nevertheless, Our God Holy
Just, Faithful 
Kind, Loving
Ever True, Says:

Be Pleased To Destroy The Mirror
That Gives You Of Life The Rear View!
Be Pleased, I Beseech You
To Keep Heaven in The Eastern View!
Keep Holding The Leading Hand of Jesus Christ!
Keep The Communication 
- Between Your Self And The Holy Spirit -
Alive And Constant, Too!
Keep The Word Of Almighty God Ever Before You 
Walk Faithfully On The Upward Way!
The Heaven That Is In The Heart 
Will ... Soon ... Be Our Home!
Be Faithful!
Our God Glorious Will Have It No Other Way!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

SABBATH: Just Another Day!?!

What's The Big Deal!?!
It's Just Another Day!

Just Another Day!?!
The Sabbath Is Not
Neither Can It Ever Be
Just Another Day!


Just A Moment, Young Lady!
You And I Are Going To Have
A Coming-To-Jesus Meeting!
You Have A Very Rude Attitude
I Really Don't Care For
Your Sarcastic Tone Of Voice!
Sit Down!

Yes, Mam!

You Know Better!
You Know That The Seventh Day
The Sabbath Of The Lord!
It's Neither My Day Nor Your Day!

You Well Know That
The Seventh-Day Sabbath
Aka Saturday
The Day Of Rest
The Day Of Joy And Gladness
Not A Day For Going To The Mall
For Going Partying
For Cleaning Your Room
For Prepping And Cooking Large Meals
Nor For Doing Those Things That 
Take Your Mind Away From 
Communing With The Lord Christ!

You Know Very Well That
The Sabbath 
The Memorial Of Creation
A Time For Us To Think On
Praise The Lord God Almighty
For His Unspeakable Gifts!

When I Give You Something
What Do You Say!?!

I Say, "Thank You For Your Kindness!"
And "I Love You!"

So Do You Not Think That
The One Day The Lord Asks Us
To Remember Him 
His Moment-By-Moment Blessings Upon Us
Should Be The Day We Look Forward To
Should Be The Easiest Thing For Us To Acknowledge
Do As He Asks
To Say To Our Maker
Our God
Our King
Our Hope
Our Help
Our Provider
Our Sustainer
Our Peace
Our Rest
Our Shepherd
Our Teacher
Our Salvation
Our Judge
Our Redeemer
Our One True Friend

"I Love You, Lord!"
I Dearly Remember And Think On You!
I Bless You For Your Blessings Showered Upon Me!
I Am Drawing Near To You Today With Pleasure!
I Offer You My Prayers And My Praise Willingly!
I Worship You Who Gives Unto Me
Unfeigned Love 
Untold Blessing ... Seen And Unseen
Known And Unknown
Length Of Days ... Protected
In Your Safe And Sheltered Fold!?!"

I, Ah, Umm, ...!

What's The Problem!?!
You Were Very Chatty Before!
Cat Got Your Tongue!?!

Mum, It's Like, Well, This:
My Friends Say ...!

... Your "Friends" Say!?!
Are You Trying To Tell Me That
You Fear Your Friends' Word
Over The Living Word Of The Eternal God!?!

No, Ma'am!

That's Good
Because I'm Sure You Know The Proverb:

Yes, Ma'am!

Can Your Friends Keep You Alive!?!
Can Your Friends Feed You!?!
Can They Protect You From Satan And His Minions!?!
Can They Bless You With Everlasting Life!?!
Can They Give You Perfect Peace!?!
Can They Cause You To Rest Easy
In The Midst Of Daily Trials!?!

Mum, Those People At Church
Are A Bunch Of Hypocrites!

There's Always Room For One More!
Listen To Me Young Lady:

The Church Is An Hospital!
It Is A Place For People
- Damaged People -
To Congregate
To Study 
To Be Taught
To Praise And Worship
To Learn To Get Along With Those 
We Hope To Spend Eternity With
Get To Know More About
Him Who Is Our Only Salvation!

Vanessa, Do You Really Understand
What It Means To Fear God!?!

No, Not Really! 

It Does Not Mean To Be Afraid
To Honor And Reverence Him
Give Him His Due 
His Praise
His Worship
Our Obedience
Our Trust
With Awe
With Respect And Willingness!
He Is Worthy Of Our Praise!

I Remember Well 
When You Were Younger
How Involved You Were In The Activities
How You Used To Behave In Church!
Worshipping The Lord Was Important To You!
I Pray That It Still Is!

Oh, Mum!
I Really Used To Enjoy Going To Service
And Worshiping, Exalting, The Lord!

Do You Know That
Obedience Is The Highest Form Of Worship!

Do You Remember At The Start Of Divine Service
How Every One Stood Up
With Real Joy In The Lord
Recited The Fourth Commandment!?!

Yes, Mam!
It Was Really, Truly, Lovely!
I Guess, I Just Forgot ...!

... Aren't You Supposed To Remember!?!

I Love You, Sweetheart
And I Sincerely Pray That
You Will Take This Burden You Are Carrying
To Our Lord In Prayer!

Remember, Sweetie!
I Love You 
The Lord Loves You Best!
He Cares Sacrificially For You!

Thank You, Mum!
I Love You!
I Guess I Really Needed To Hear That ... Today!

Let Not Your Prayers
Your Worship
Become An Abomination
Before The Almighty God
You Offered Them Begrudgingly