Wednesday, February 13, 2019

PRAYING: Delight Thyself Also

When You Have A Need
What Do You Do!?!

Pray, Of Course!

When You Have A Desire
What Do You Do!?!

Pray, Of Course!

So, Should I Conclude From This
That For All That We Want
We Should Approach Almighty God!?!

Yes ... And No!

Come On!
I Thought You Were A Godly Man!?!

I Am
I Desire To Be Wise Unto Soul Salvation!

What Do You Mean!?!

Anything That I Believe That I Need
Think That I Want
Or Heartfelt, Desire
If It Cannot Be Righteously Framed
Humbly Presented Before The Holy God
By The Professing Godly Faithful Person
Without Affront To The Character Of The Eternal
Then ... It Cannot Be Formulated As Prayer!

To Do So Will Be Presumption On Our Part
Presumption Is A Sin
All Sin Is Lawlessness
Unless You Repent
You Shall Earn Sin's Wages
You Shall, In Your Known Sin, Die!

It Is Also Disrespectful To The Loving Father
Who Is Raising You Right
In Whose Favor ... Supposedly
You Truly Delight!

Look At It This Way ...

Would You ... In Godly Fear
Looking Toward The Consummation Of Your Joy 
In Jesus Christ The Righteous
Go To Our Father Who Resides In Heaven
- Who Has The Earth For His Footstool
And Clouds Of Mighty Angels Excelling In Strength
As His Personal Chariots -
With The Confidence Of The Faithful Just
Boldly Stand Before His Throne Of Available Grace
Where He Blessed You With His Free Mercy
In Supreme, Unabashed, Confidence Say:

Father, Beloved
You Made Me A Man
And Against Your Will
I Am In Consuming Love With A Gorgeous Man
And I Need Help To Kill My Wife
So That He And I Can Be Together!
I Also Need Assistance To Rob The Local Bank
To Purchase A Joy-House For Us
And To Refurbish The House That I, Covetous, Want
That Belongs To My God-Fearing Neighbor!
I Also Need Direction 

On How To Construct An Altar Of Worship
And An Effigy Of Lust To His Honor 

That I May Bow Before It In Adulation On The Sunday-Sabbath
Even As I Bare False Witness Against His Faithful Wife
And Make You Jealous 

And Willingly, Wittingly, Wantonly
Dishonor You!
I Know This Breaks All Your Commandments
But I Need It To Feel Complete
So Give Me My Desire
And I Will Ever Be Grateful For The Treat!

Lord, Have Mercy!
I'm Not Claiming That!
YOU Would Have Had To Have Lost Your Tiny Mind
Lost Touch With Reality
Lied To Yourself
Signed Up With Satan
And Are Chain-Smoking Magic Mushrooms
While Sniffing Angel Dust
And Eating Marijuana Brownies 
Each Weighing A Half Pound!!
No Christian Would Ever Do A Thing Like That!

I Believe You Meant To Say
No Converted Regenerated Christian
Would Ever Do That
Things Like This Scenario Are Playing Out 
Amongst The Hired Shepherds
The "Believers"
Even As We Speak!

You Lie!

I Speak The Truth!!
Check The Newspapers
Local And International
Go Back Even As Short As Just Six Months
All Will Be Understood!

Lying To Yourself Is Folly!
Besmirching Almighty God's Holy Name
- For Which He Is Jealous -
Is Clearly Asinine
All Who Will This Unholy Path Take
Shall ... With The God-Fake
At The Appointed Time
A Fire And Brimstone Bath
- With Finality -


Let Us Be Honest
Speak The Truth For The Age!
No Human Will Stand Before God ... Pardoned
Who, In This Life
Did Not Purge Himself 
- By Almighty God's Grace
Through The Power Of The Holy Spirit -
Of Known Sin's Taint!

Presumption Is A Sin!
Disobedience Is As Witchcraft!
Lies Are Of The Devil
Hireling Shepherds Who Mislead Almighty God's Flock
Will Suffer, In Abundance, His Holy Wrath!

There Will Be No Blanket Conversion Of Humanity!
Only Those Who Forsake Sin, Self And Satan
Will Appear Before Christ The King In Peace
It Is In Our Best Interests
The Preserved Word Of The Living God 
Daily To Read
To Study 
To Show Ourselves Approved!

We Must Also Pray And Persevere
Being Instant With Pray As The Need Arises
Being Constant With Praying
It Is Only Through Prayer That We Will Survive!

I Caution Us All ...

The Name It And Claim It Phenomenon
Going To Land Many Of Us In Hell!

Just Because You Want Something
Does Not Mean That It Is Fit To Be Presented
Before Our Creator God
Our Savior
Our Redeemer
Our King ... Our Judge!

Be Very Circumspect In What You Take To The Lord!

Our Own Soul's Salvation
Our Own Responsibility
It Behooves Us Well
To Lean ... Heavily
On Jesus Christ The Lord
For, It Is He, Alone
That Purchased Our Pardon
Who Has In His Holy Hand
Our Heavenly Reward!

Please Do Not Place The Lord
On The Same Level With Fallible Priests, Pastors
Gurus, Shamans Nor The Popular Pope! 
There Is Not One Among Them
That Can Save Themselves
Nor You, Nor Me
From Being Into The Lake
Burning With Fire And Brimstone
Summarily, At The Appointed Time, Tossed!

Praying Is A Privilege!
Use It Right!

Praying Is A Duty!
It Does The Heart Of Almighty God
Totally, Totally, Delight!

Praying ... With The Right Attitude
Power For Today
Every Day
So, Trust The Lord
And, Again
Pray Aright
- It Is Your Blessing -
Let Old Satan
For Your Confessed
Repented-Of Known Sin
Rightfully ... At The Appointed Time


Don't Throw Your Blessing Away!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

SIGHT: Faith!

The Living God, Holy
A Present Help
The Holy Spirit Who Leads Into All Truth
There To Teach
To Guide And To Chide
Bless Us In Our Striving
The Mortal Strife To Survive!

Think, Brethren
Of Prime Minister Zaphnath-Paaneah
Aka Joseph ... Son Of Israel!

Think, Brethren
That, Often, When We Are Led Astray
Or Are Encouraged To Go Astray
That It Is Usually At The Base Instigation
Of Someone With Power
Who Knows Right
Finds Doing Right Things Inconvenient
Because Of The "Urgent Need"
To Assuage Present Pressing Lusts!

Think, Brethren
How You ... A Blessed Child Of The Great King
Have Worked Valiantly To Learn
To Obey
To Trust The Word Of Your Father God
To Honor Your Father Which Is In Heaven
Has Seen Fit To Rebuff The Deceitful Adversary's Entreaties
For All Your Refusals
Now Find Yourself In Duck's Guts
As The Result Of The Promulgation Of
A Practiced Lie!

Are You Going To Doubt The Lord
Are You Going To Stand Confidently 
In The Truth Of Your Innocence
Even Though This Stance Will Send To Prison!?!

Will You Trust The Lord
Even Though Your Prayers Seem Not To Have Been Heard!?!

Will You Wait With The Hope Of Faith
As Days, Months, Years Even
Sail On By
And, YouPushing The Oar On Times' Unrelenting Galley
Are Forced To Labor Without Hope Of Reprieve
Hope Of Truth's Reward!?!

Will You Remember The Word Of The Lord:

God Is Our Refuge And Strength
A Very Present Help
In Time Of Trouble!


Will You ... Lacking Faith
Dare To Ask Your Maker, Master
God And King
Savior Redeemer Friend:

Why Me, Lord!?!

While Forgetting That

All Things Work Together For Good
To Them That Love The Lord
To Them Who Are The Called
According To His Purpose!?!

Will You Remember That
Jesus Christ Is The Author
The Finisher Of Our Faith
Say ... As Did Faithful Job:

Though He Slay Me
Yet Will I Trust Him!?!

Is Your God, God Almighty
Is Your God The ... Fraud
Who Will Blight Thee
By Demanding That You Only Trust
What You Can With Carnal Eyes See!?!

I Beseech You, Brethren ...

Do Not Deviate From The Path Of Righteousness!
Do Not Trample Upon Almighty God's Holy Laws!
Do Not Fall For The Inducements
- The Sweet Treats -
Of The Known And Wily Fraud
For They Are Designed
To Separate You From Your Blessings
The Sure Blessings Of The Eternal God!

Please ...

Trust God ... And Always Pray!
Deny The Liar ... And Don't Play
With Your Soul's Salvation
Because ThenFor Your Own Sin
You Shall Surely Have To Pay!

Know The Right ...

A Crucible!!
You Are A Precious Stone Unfaceted Raw
You Must Be Fashioned
Into A Jewel Fit For The Crown Of The King
Not To Fit The Damned Dragon's Claw!

Deny The Liar And His Minions Many!
Trust The Lord!
Heed The Spirit!
Be Influenced By The Angels True
The Gates Of Heaven Glorious
Will Be Opened Wide
By Right
To Let You Walk Through!

Keep Your Love For The Lord Christ Alive
The Lord ... Soon Coming 
Mighty To Save
Sacrificially And Eternally Loves You!

Eyes Lie!
Faith Sees!

Monday, February 11, 2019

DISCONTENTMENT: It's A Fret! + Prayer

Okay, People!
Let's Listen And Learn:

Discontentment Comes Of Watching Others 
As A Result Of Covetously Wanting To Be
To Have More 
Than What The Lord Made You And Gave You
Ending Up Being And With Less
Than What The Lord Apportioned You!


Let Me Introduce You
To God Almighty
The Lord Of Full Disclosure
The God Who Instructs And Directs
The Lord Who Reasons With Us
The God Who Created The Body
Feeds The Soul
The Lord Who Pleads With Us
To Approach The Throne Of Grace
To Be Humble-Bold!

There Is A Biblical Warning We Should Heed!

KJV Psalms 37
1 Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

In This Psalm 37
The Formula For Daily Peace
In A World Of Wickedness: Let No One Steal Your Joy!

To Protect Our Prized Possessions
Aka Our Blessed Gifts From Almighty God
We Have To Indulge Ourselves
In A Little Thing Called ... For Some Of Us
Hard Labor!

We Are Called To Believe The Lord!
Pray Often
Be Obedient
Do Right
Endure All Things
You, Me, We  ... Shall Be Blessed!

Come On!
It Can't Be That Easy!

Are You Mad!?!
Didn't You Notice That
To Get From Belief Unto Blessing
We Have To ENDURE!?!

Oh, Yes, It Is That Easy, My Friend!
That Is The Simplicity Of The Gospel Of Truth
The Word Of God
The Law Of God
The Perfect Law
The Law Of Liberty!

The Law Of The Lord 
It Converts The Soul
If We Trust In God's Eternal Wisdom
We Shall Emerge ... From This World Of Sin
As The Purest Gold!

E To E!


Endure To Emerge!
E ndur E All Things ... To Escape The Evil
E merg E White And Clean ... To Enjoy Everlasting Life In Eternal Bliss!

Okay! I Like It!

Pretty Is The Way To Life!
Dark Is The Way To Damnation!
Beautiful Is The Lord Of Life!
Ugly Is The Lord Of The Dung Flies
He Who Stirs And Cooks The Pot Of Strife!

He Who Prides Himself On His Earthly Riches
The Man Most Poor!
He Who Strong Stands
On The Rock Of Ages
He Who Will Enter Heaven
Through Him Who Is The Door!

Let's Dig ...

Look At The Formula Closely
You Shall See The Pattern Emerge:

Do Not Fret Yourself Over Evil-Doers
   Do Not Be Envious
Trust In The Lord
   Do Good ... In The Name Of The Lord
Delight Thyself Also In The Lord
Commit Thy Way To The Lord
   Trust In The Lord
Rest In The Lord
   Wait Patiently On The Lord
Do Not Fret Yourself Over Evil-Doers

4 Over 6
Just Like How The 10 Commandments Is Set!

It's A Sandwich:
Two Slices Of Don't Fret Wheat Bread
A Lot Of The Good God Inside!

The Lord Is Surely Telling Us Something!

Notice Also ...

When You Trust The Lord
You Will Do Good!

When You Commit To The Lord
You Will Trust The Lord!

When You Rest In The Lord
You Will Wait Patiently On The Lord!

Now, With All That Said
How, Then, Should We Pray!?!

I Know How!
Let Me Pray! Let Me Pray!

Very Well!
Say Your Prayer!


Thanks, Lord
For The Sacrifice That Makes Me Saved!
Thanks, Lord
For The Grace That Makes Me Grateful!
Thanks, Lord
For The Blessing That Makes Me Bold
Thanks For The Hope That 

Helps Me Walk Toward Heaven!

My Heart Is Thankful, Lord
For You ARE My Way!
My Heart Is Thankful, Lord
For You Bless Me Immeasurably Each Day!
My Heart Is Thankful, Lord
I Will Have It No Other Way
And, So
I Give You Praise!


Out Of The Mouth Of A Babe!!


A Little Child Has Led Us!
I Sincerely Pray That
We Will Take Heed To Ourselves
Let The Lord Of Life
The Light Of The World
Lead Gently, Safely ... HOME!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Seven Steps To The Eternal God!

The Steps Are Plain:

Determination ... Set The Mind Toward Knowing God
Preparation ... Get Ready To Meet God
Isolation ... Spend Alone-Time With God
Expectation ... Look Always For A Blessing
Adoration ... Worship The Lord In The Beauty Of Holiness
Revelation ... Learn God By Letting Him Reveal Himself
Mediation ... Think To Bless Others
Transformation ... Acquire Christ's Character

The Holy God
Knows The End From The Beginning!
He, It Is, That Sustains Us ... In Between
All Who Would See Jesus Christ In Peace
With Doing The Will Of Almighty God
Be Enormously Pleased!

Walking With The Eternal God
Personal Determination
To Get To Know ... Intimately
The Great I AM
To Set Aside All Noisome Distractions
Those Things Which Do Not Edify!

In Getting To Know The Creator God
One Must Indulge In Preparation
Aka Setting Aside Self
Things Of The Carnal Sort
Personal Sacrifice Is A Desirable Attribute
Which ... Avidly Pursued
Leads One ... Living Only For Christ Jesus
Unto The Great Reward!

Making Time For The Savior God
Quiet Time
Communion With The Holy Spirit
The Great Teacher
Who Leads Into All Truth
Teaching Guiding Chiding
All In Perfect Love
So That Our Hearts Are Not Lifted Up In Pride
That In The Great God
We May Abide
Confidently Confide!

In Walking With The Redeemer God
One Must Have Great Expectations
The Blessings Of The Great God Are Never Small!
After All
He Did Make Heaven, Earth And Things All! 

We Must Believe That The Blessing God's Gifts To Us
Are Out Of His Abundant Riches
Not Fall For The Sophistries Of Satan
The Wily Dragon
The Benighting Fraud!

What Point Is Our Association
If We Do Not Adore The True God!?! 

It Is A Decided Blessing To Lift Up
The Living God
So, Let's Not Skimp On Praying
Petitioning The Everlasting God
This Is A Precursor
To Our Hallelujah Days!
Let Not This Step Be Just A Momentary Phase! 

As We Walk The Steps To The Kingdom Of Light
Let Us Permit The Holy Spirit
The Lord's Character To Truly Reveal! 
Let Us Not Be Dabblers
Become Specialists On Him Who Is
Light Life
Love And Salvation
We Shall Not Be Among Those
Who Honor Self
Lift Up Sin
Are Walking Toward Sure Damnation!
He Is The God Who Heals! 

And ... 

In The Process Of Our Own Journey
Let Not Forget Our Brethren
By Blood
By Faith
By Affection! 
Let Us Not Forget The Stranger In The Way! 
Let Us ... For The Love Of The Lord Christ
Generously Mediate for Others!
We Are All One Blood! 
We Are Sisters And Brothers! 

Brethren, Beloved
I Tell You The Truth:
We Will Be Transformed! 
We Will Not Be Left Untouched
By Our Relationship With The Lord Christ! 
We, Converted
Shall Be As He Is! 
We Shall Be Like Him! 
With His Character, We Shall Be Adorned
We Shall Truly Know
Why, For Us
He Wore That Cruel Cutting Crown Of Thorns!

Please Do Not Let Christ's Sacrifice For Us
Become The Thing Call Waste! 
Let Us Be Vigilant
Let The Spirit Of The Living God
The Sin Character In Us ... Today 
Totally Efface!

Be Ye Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind! 
Set Your Affections On Things Above! 
Desire The Gift That Only God Through Jesus Christ Gives
At The Appointed Time
We Shall To The Promised Land
Beulah Land Of Gold
Go To Eternally Live! 

To Satan ... 

The Words:
"Get Thee Behind Me!"
With Finality
Boldly Give! 

Saturday, February 9, 2019


Malice And Patience
Were Kindred Foes!
Malice And Patience
Each Had In The Grave
One Foot And Four Toes!
One Consented Willingly!
One Was There Because Of Abuse
Both Of These Kinsmen Had
Something Vitally Important To Lose!

I Guess I Should Back Up
Tell You From The Start
How The Grave Was Dug
Who Was The Happy Minnow
Who Was The Hungry Whale-Shark!

Patience Was Peaceful!
Malice Was Not!
Patience Was A Saint Of Almighty God
Malice Was A Presumptuous Miscreant
Wittingly Working For Prideful King Fraud
Who Was Not Content With His "Pay-Grade"
And, Instead
Wanted What Belonged To The Son Of Almighty God!
King Fraud Even Wanted To Be Almighty God!

King Fraud Used To Be Lucifer
The Covering Cherub
That Angel Shining Bright
Who Was Closest To The Father God
His Only Begotten Son
The Lord Jesus Christ!

He Became Prideful!
He Fell In Love With His Gorgeous Self
He Chose Not To Be Corrected Or Chastised!
He Preferred To Be A Ruler In Hell
Than To Be A Prized Servant In Heaven
So He Was Cast Out Of Heaven
With All Those Who Thought As He
In This Our Home Land
He Has Agents Like Malice
Creating Havok For Everbody!

Malice Considered Patience
A Blot
A Troubler
A Blight On His Prosperity
Patience Took Everything In Stride
Was Willing To Watch Paint Dry
A Man Of His Word
A Faithful Servant Of The Lord Of Life
A Fervent Student Of The Good Book
For Daring To Being Heavenly-Minded
He Inspired King Fraud's Ire
Received Of His Minions
Spiteful Hateful Cruel Evil Intentions
Very Malicious Looks!

For Malice
Wait Was Weight On The Scale!
Hope Was The Maid Who Brought Aloo Pies!
Truth Was Subjective
Deceptions Were Just Plain Pretty Sweet Lies
For Him
The Holy Savior
Were Merely Pies In The Sky!

Perfection To Patience!
To Malice, Perfection Is Not!

The Lord Christ 
The Loving, Kind Master Of Patience
The Devil
The Works Of The Devil
- Old Satan -
King Fraud
Cause Malice's Lust-Filled Eyes
Most Happy Tears To Cry!
He Does The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Avidly, Avidly, Defy
Salvation ... Free
He Cravenly Denies!

The Road Divided ...

It Is For This Statement, Though
That Malice Thoroughly Hates Patience:

The Law Of God
A Wall Around The People Of God
It Is Being Breached
By Those In The Employ Of King Fraud
Who Use Every Method Or Means Available
To Break Down
Climb Over Or Dig Under
The Foundation Of Truth!

Be Not False-Hearted!
Be Not Lackadaisical Over Faith!
Be Not Vain!
Almighty God Is The Builder!
Satan, King Fraud
The One Profane
All Who Him Follow
- Causing The Lord Christ
New Pain And Shame -
Shall Not Escape Condemnation
Nor Damnation's Burning Flame!

The War Was On!

Chastisement ... To Monsieur Malice
Not Considered
The Spice Of Life!
Malice Gives!
Malice Cannot Take!

Patience Is Looking Up To Go Up!
Malice Is Tearing Down And Going Down!

I Tell You The Lord's Truth ...

Malice Is Not A Mensch!
His Backbone Is A Fake!
Resist That Work Of The Devil!
He Will Flee From You!
Trust The Lord Christ!
He Died The Cruel Death
To Forever Save Me And You!

Patience Is A Virtue
A Fruit Of The Spirit Of Almighty God!
Malice Is Likewise A Virtue
That "Virtue" ... Poisonous
From That Snake, Satan
The Known Fake
The Wannabe God!

If You Dance With Malice
You'll Never See Inside Heaven
The Known Safe Sheep Fold!
In Patience
With Patience
By Patience
Possess You, Your Soul!
Trust The Lord Jesus!
Run The Race For Tried Gold!