Monday, February 18, 2019

Defense Against Satan!?!

So, What Is Our Defense Against Satan
... If We Really Have Any!?!

There Is No "If" In This Matter!
All The People Of Almighty God
Have A Can't-Fail Defense Against Satan
Our Known And Bold Adversary!

I Have To Hear This!

In That Case
Listen Well ... And Learn!

Preach, Preacher!

You May Make All The Fun You Want
I Personally Know
The God Of All Grace
That I ... Moment By Moment
Bless And Pray Unto!

Our Sure And Only Defense Against
Lying Murdering Damned Satan
Our Personal Piety
Our Consecration
Our Total Dedication To Almighty God!
Anything Else Is A Cardboard Cathedral
Manufactured With The Tainted Materials
Cheaply Sold And Distributed
By That Serpent Known Not To Be The True God!

Man, You're A Real Buzz Killer!

How So, My Not Yet Friend!?!

Piety And Consecration!?!

Indeed! Nothing Else Will Suffice!

Harold, You Do Know What That Now Means, Don't You!?!

No Fun
Long Face
Lousy Food
Mediocre Attire
No Friends
No Laughter ...!

... Life As We Know It Will Officially End!

Where On Earth Did You Two Get
Such A Ludicrous Take
On Piety And Consecration To The Lord!?!

From Church!
Everybody That Appears To Model 
The Christ-Like Life
Are Always So Serious
So Joyless
And Seemingly Separated From Their Surroundings!

I Always Believed That Joy Is In Jesus
But These People Look Like
They're Always Sucking Sour Lemons!
They Always Behave As Though Just Laughing
Will Cause Their Faces To Break!

Guys, Please Hear Me!

Wearing A Uniform Does Not Make You An Employee
Not Wearing A Uniform Doesn't Mean You're Unemployed!
Uniforms Say Who Is Your Supposed Employer!
Your Actions Say By Whom You Are Employed!

Think About This ...

King David Makes A Valid Point!

I Agree!

No One Can Be Joyful In The Lord
Walk Around With A Long, Sour-Looking Face
At One And The Same Time!
That's An Impossibility!

Joy Has Hope!
Hope Has Faith!
Faith Has Trust!
Trust Reaps Blessings


Since You Know That You Are Blessed
Your Manner, Manners
Your Disposition
Your Attitude
Loudly Says:

I'm A Child Of The Great King!
I Walk With The Holy God!
I'm Happy In Christ Jesus
I Don't Have Pins With Satan The Fraud!

So, What You're Actually Saying Is That
What Is Inside
Inevitably Ends Up Outside!

Pretend Piety 
Beloved Of Satan!
It Fools The World
Gives Satan's Black Heart A Twirl!

Pretend Consecration, Dedication
To The Living God
One Of Satan's Choicest Foods
For Those Who Believe They Have Nothing To Lose!

Brethren, Friends
We May Fool The World
We Cannot Fool The Creator Of The World!

Personal Piety Is To Be Prized
Not With Pride But With Humility
Dedication To The Lord Is To Be Lifted Up!
In The Eyes Of The World
You Will Be Despised!

We Are Called To Be Set Apart
To Be In The World But Not Of The World
We Are To Live As Though We Truly Believe
That The Glorious God Of Heaven
He Who Died For Our Salvation
Who Gives Us The Moment-By-Moment Blessing
Know True And Called
Amazing Love!

Being Enveloped In The Love Of God
Displaying Personal Piety And Consecration
To The Cause Of Christ
Puts Us In Satan's Cross-Hairs
Leads Us To Climb Jacob's Ladder
Without Earthly Fear!

The Lord Does Not Forget Or Bypass
Those That Are His Own!

Bottom Line ...

Use Your Sure Defense Against Satan!
Let Your Light Shine
Do Not Let Anybody Or Anything
Steal Your Joy ... In Living For Jesus
The King Of Love
Who Is Soon Coming For Us
Who ... Over Sin
Are The Ones Victorious!


The Child Of God
Despite The Storm
He Ever Remembers That
Jesus Christ Is Peace
Speaks "Peace!"
And Truly Knows That
In Jesus Christ
His Personal Peace!

Sunday, February 17, 2019


The Family Of The Living God 
A Loving Community
Made Up Of All The Various Nations' People
So That There Is Complete Diversity
All Who Will To Be Forever Therein
Must Learn To Live Together ... Now
With Unyielding Felicity!

You Are Unique!
You Have God-Given Individuality
So Do Not With The World Be In Conformity!
Do Not With The Worldly Indulge Adaptability
For Soul's Salvation
You Only Have One Life
That Is, One Opportunity!

Practice Purity ... Not Vanity
In Your Study Of The Living Word
Do Not Indulge Laxity!
Practice Christian Charity
Let Your Words Be Few: Speak With Brevity!

If Daily Against Satan You Practice Hostility
Make The Lord Christ Your Soul's Priority
You Will Have Eternal Prosperity
Shall Inherit Incorruptibility

Practice Hospitality!
Become Known For Reliability!
Live Your Belief That Standing With 
Living For Christ
Is Not
A Liability
You Shall Know Of A Surety
That The Eternal God's Mercy 
And Grace To You
Most Assuredly Holds Elasticity!

Deal With Your Brethren With Amity!
Treat Not The Downtrodden With Severity!
Do Not Crave Worldly Publicity!
Speak Truth Always With Verity
Set Aside Sin And Self 
It Is Your Desire
To Enter The Eternal City!

Trust The Living God In Your Necessity!
Bless The Giving God In Your Prosperity!
Faithfully Approach The Holy God Thankfully
With Unfeigned Humility
With The Adversary, Satan
You Shall Never Know Unity!

The Holy City
Our Eternal Home!

Saturday, February 16, 2019

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: SATAN HAS A LOT TO ANSWER FOR: TBS Miracle Workers!?! + PRAYER: Help Us Father, To Stay In The Book Of Truth!

I Heard About The Program

I Had To See It For Myself
I Was Neither Blessed Nor Edified
For, Here, Again Bandied About
Is The Fruit Of Satan's Bold Lies!

Lord, Help Us ...

Mankind Is In Serious Trouble!
I Am Telling You The Truth!
It Cannot Be Other Than This
When For Entertainment For The Masses
The Proffered Concept Of The Holy God
An Untidy Silk-Robe, Shawl-Wearing
Beer-Drinking, Swearing
Illiterate Inept
Childish Worm-Butt-And Head-Eating
Intolerant Imbecilic
Seed-Money Receiving
No Savior-Son Having
CEO Of An Archaic Understaffed
Corporate Operation
Hiring Attitudinal Lazy Careless
Inattentive Coffee-Drinking
Burger-Eating Happy-Hour-Attending
Clique-Engaging Misfit
Unbelieving Workers 
Executives ... As Angels!

The Arch-Angel
A Corporate-Ladder Climbing
Effeminate Executive
Who Gleefully Committed Mass Murder
To Acquire His "Promotion"
As "God's" Right-Hand Man!

Impossible Prayers Are Not Answered
"God" Says They're "Impossible!"


Because "God" Is Inept
Not At All All-Seeing
Needs A Monitor-Bank To Keep Tabs
A Remote Control To Navigate His Dark Domain
The "Silly" Prayers That Are Eventually Answered
Inevitably Lead To Gargantuan Disasters
Involving Lost Lives And Destroyed Property!
His Employees Disrespect, Even Dislike, Him!

If This Is "God"
I Do Not Desire To Know Him!

If That Concept Of Heaven Is Heaven
I Do Not Desire To Go There!

If Those Persons In "God's" Employ Are Angels
They Do Not Excel In Strength
They Are Surely Not Capable Of
Influencing Me And My Kind
To Do The Good And The Right!

I Sincerely Pity The Writer Of This Pig Swill
I Pity All Who Thought That Its Production
Into "Entertainment"
Was A Good Career Move
The Profits Thereof 
Good To Leave In Their Will!

I Also Cry, "Shame!"
Plead To Almighty God To Have Pity
On The Leaders And Executives Of The Organization
That Thought This Was Worthy Entertainment
For Thought ... Good Food!

We Live In A World
Where The Wonder 
The Faith Of The Living God
A Thing To Be Pooh-Poohed
Where The Truth For The Ages
Denigrated Denied
Where The Blessing Of The Lord Jesus Christ
Considered Burnt Biscuits
Should As A Hockey Puck
Be Energetically Skied!

Please Let Us Be Wise Unto Soul Salvation
Let Us Not Sacrifice
Bodily Health
Spiritual Peace 
Eternal Happiness
On The Altar Of Ambitious Ignorance!

Let Our Words Edify! 
Let Our Actions Bless And Not Curse! 
Let Us Bless The People Of The Living God
Out Of The Blessings Upon Us
Which He So Graciously Bestows!
Let Us In Almighty God's Grace
Through Jesus Christ's Faith
Under The Agency Of The Holy Spirit
Influenced By The Holy Angels
Who Have Kept Their Place
Seek Daily To Grow! 

Jesus Christ, The King, Saves! 
Let The Whole World Know! 

May The Lord God Almighty ... In His Great Mercy
Have Mercy Upon Us
Who Sigh And Cry

Over The Abominations On The Earth!


Oh, God
Thou God Of Order
Who, High And Lifted Up
Dwells In Unapproachable Light
By Faith
In The Love Of The Holy Jesus
I, Believing, Come!

Forgive Us Our Folly
Our Very Foolish Ways!
Forgive Us Our Trespasses!
Please Help Us Not To Follow
Satan And His Minions
And Indulge Their Deceitful Doings
Disrespectful Ways
Which Surely Shorten Our Few Days!

You Are The God Holy
Kind Just Faithful Blessing True
We, Your Believing Children
Cry: "Holy, Holy, Holy!"
To Honor Bless Praise
To Exalt You!

Help Us Not To Follow The Multitude
Doing Those Things Which Satan Encourages!

Bless Us, Father
To Walk In Wise Ways
So That We Shall Have At Your Hand
Immortality And Eternal Length Of Days!

Help Us To Stay In The Word Of Truth
That Book That Blesses Day In And Day Out
Give Into Our Hands
Faith And Strength For The Day
So That Your Holy Praise
With Grateful Thanks
We May Sing About And Shout!

I Could Say Of The Bold Unbelievers
Forgive Them
For They Know Not What They Do
I Would Be Praying To Bless A Lie
These Are Amongst The Many
Who Willfully Choose
To Disbelieve The Obvious
To Deny That You Rule And Reign
To Deny That You Are Creator
Redeemer Sustainer
Provider Savior
King Judge And Friend!
These Are Among Those Who Choose
To Deliberately Minimize
And Even Deny
The Incarnation
The Lordship
The Sacrifice Of The Lord Christ
And, Yet
They Enthusiastically
Even Lovingly
Raise Up Satan
His Personhood
They Glowingly Glorify!
These, Lord
Are Amongst Those
Who Do Not Even
The Holy Spirit
- Our True And Only Teacher -
How Can They Survive!?!

The Day Is Coming!
The Day Is Coming, Soon!
The Day When All Men
Great And Small
Rich And Poor
Free And Enslaved
Believing Unbelieving
Repentant Unrepentant
Faithful Doubtful
Trusting And Distrustful
Will Stand At The Judgement Bar Of
The Lord Jesus Christ
For Or Against Their Own Souls
The Record Of Their Lives Lived
- For Salvation Or Damnation -
Will Loudly Definitively Directly
- Without Fear Of Contradiction -
Surely Testify!

You Are The Promise-Keeping God
So Please Keep Your Promise Made
To The Children Of The Household Of Faith
Bless Us With Redemption's Salvation
So That We Shall Nevermore Die!

You Are God Almighty!
You Are Our Father God!
Your House Is Where The Lord Christ Has
Prepared Mansions For The Blessed:
Bless Us To Arrive There
White And Clean Linen-Dressed
Saved And Forever Blessed!

Our Victory Over Sin 
Is In Christ Jesus!
Our Comfort Is In The Holy Spirit Of Truth!
Our Protection And Influence For Good
Is In The Holy Angels Excelling In Strength
The Word Of Truth Is Our Food!

Thank You For The Blessing Of
Peace And Rest
Forgiveness And Salvation
Mercy And Grace
Provision And Redemption
Best Of All
Your Unfailing Unchanging Truth
Your Unchangeable Character!
Thank You For Being You!

Please Hear My Prayer, Oh, My Father
Bless Me
And All Your True Children
To Praise The Holy Jesus 
Glorify Your Great Name
For It Is In Jesus' Holy Name 
That I Humbly Pray!
Great Is Your Faithfulness!
Please Come Soon!

Friday, February 15, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + Creeping Compromise!

I Saw You Last Night!


Who Was That Handsome Fellow
I Saw You With!?!

Oh, You Saw THAT!?!

Yes, Indeed, I Did!

Can You Keep A Secret!?!

I'm Not A Fridge But ...!

... Oh, Never Mind!

Who Is He!?!

Nobody Special! That's Just CC!

Is He From Around Here!?!

Kinda, Maybe, Sorta ...!

Ummm! Okay ... I'm Intrigued!
'Fess Up!

He's One Of Own Way's Children!

Father, Preserve Us!
Are You Mad!?!


Wait A Minute!
CC!?! CC!?!
Uh, Oh!
Umm ...
You're Not Telling Me ...
I Know You're Not Telling Me ...!

... I'm Telling You ...!

... Creeping Compromise!?!
How Could You!?!
Creeping Compromise
Beloved Progeny Of Presumptuous Own Way
Leads  Everybody He Captivates
On A Luxury Ride To Death Sentence!

I'm Sure That You Know That
So, Why
In The Name Of All That's Holy
Would You Fraternize With Someone Like That!?!

I Am Not Fraternizing!
We Like Each Other's Company
And We Are Looking To Make A Marriage Pact!

Lord, Preserve Us!
You, A Child Of The Household Of Faith
Would Get Into Bed With A Willful Sinner!?!
How Would You Reconcile Yourself To Jesus Christ The Lord
When You, Willingly, Wittingly
Choose To Fornicate With That Henchman Of King Fraud!

He Doesn't Work For King Fraud Any More!
He Wants To Walk With Me Faithfully!

Is That Why You Want To Keep Him A Secret!?!
As Far As I Know, Faith Is Upfront And Bold!

It's Just That I Am Not Ready
To Introduce Him To The Family!

She Knows He's Bad News
But She's Lying To Herself!

If He Is A True Convert To The Way Of Truth
The Life Of Faith
Walking The Course Of Obedience
You Should Have No Fear About 
Bringing Him Into The Fold
Even If Only As A Friend ...!

... I Have This ...!

... Creeping Feeling!?!

Please Don't Joke!

I'm Not Joking, Love!
You Have A Real Problem
It Starts With Your Attitude
Continues With His Name
Aka His Character!

I'm Working With Him ...!

... By Going Into The World With Him!?!
Don't You Know That Being Like The World
To Convert The Worldly
Always Leads ... Not To The World's
But To Your Conversion
Into Becoming A Worldling!?!

Do You Really Believe That
His Name Is Creeping Compromise For Nothing!?!

Let Me Enlighten You ...

When Own Way Had Him
She Made A Vow To Whirl Wind
That That Child Would Have Entree To All
The Homes And Businesses And Churches
And Kingdoms Of The World
Whether Rich Or Poor
Free Or Slave
With Strong Power To Attach The Minds And Manners
Of All The Citizens
All Who Are Careless Of Truth
Who Choose To Lockup Strict Righteousness
In Wayward Man's Clown-Picture Booth!

I Love Him!
He Pleases My Eye!

So Said Judge Sampson
Before Cut Hair
Led To Blind Eyes
Whereafter He Did Die!

Please Don't Say That!

I Did ... And It Stands!

His Soft Words Of Address Always Please My Heart!

So Did Satan's Words To Eve!
So Did Jezebel's Words To Ahab!

What Sweeten Goat Mout'
Does Bu'n 'e In 'e Behind!

I Really Have To Wonder 
How Much You Are Conceding
Compromising On
So That You Can Be With Him!?!
How Much Has He Given Up To Be With You!?!

Nothing ... Yet!

She Can Sing Hymn-A-Ton!
He's Never Going To Give Up Anything!
All The Concessions Have Been Her's!

Hear The Right ...

KJV Jeremiah 7

8 Behold, ye trust in lying words,
that cannot profit.

He's Lying To You
You Have A Choice To Make:

Love Him Or Love The Lord!
Love Your Own Soul Unto Salvation For Christ's Eternal Love
Or Sell Your Own Soul 
For Creeping Compromise's Lying And Temporary Love!

You Don't Know Him
So Don't Say That About Him!
He Loves Me!

Wow! He's Got You Good!

We're Working Toward The Common Good!

She Drank The Cool-Aid!

Look, There Are No Other Options
As Jesus Christ Himself, Said
If You Put Others Before Him
You Are Not Worthy Of Him
If You Are Not Sowing With Him
You Are Destroying!

Wise Up ...

Creeping Compromise
A Backdoor Operator
A Bottom Feeder
A Deceitful Bow
A Side-Winder
A Polite Liar
Who Takes Sturdy Oak Trees
Turns Them Into Kindling
For The Frowning Judge's Lake Of Fire!

You Need To Deny That Liar
Return Home!

Do You Know Who His Grand-Pappi Is!?!

Of Course!
His Grampi Is Shining Light!

Is That What He's Calling Himself These Days!?!

What Are You Talking About!?!

For Your Information, Loving Evangelism
Shining Light
Used To Be Known As The Light Bearer
Used To Be Called Lucifer
The Covering Cherub
Is ... Even As We Speak
Known As 
King Fraud
The Piercing Serpent
Satan The Bold ...!

... The Accuser Of The Brethren ...!!

... The Enemy Of Souls!

Lord Jesus, Save Me!

He Already Did!
He Paid Your Costs
You Got Off-Track
By Listening To Lying And Corrupt Words
That Please Carnal Hearts
Do Not Edify The Mind!
You Took Your Eye Off The Divine!
Feelings Have Made You Blind!

A Compromised Life May Be "Easy" To Live
It Has No Eternal Profit!

You Got Tripped Up By The Trivial
For Ignoring The Celestial
If You Continue On That Wayward Path
You'll Go To The Burn Colony Called Penal!
Damnation Wants, With You, To Set A Date!

Please, I Beseech You
Turn Away From This Folly
Walk Faithfully With The Lord Christ!
Your Life Will Be Regal!
Put Jesus Christ First!

Please Pray For Me!

Creeping Compromise Is Like A Cockroach:
Get Out The Repellant!
Read Your Bible And Pray
And Walk The Straight And Narrow Way!
Do Not Be By Sweet Words Swayed!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

PRAYER: Father, I've Counted The Cost: I Love You!

I Love You!
Please Help Me!
Hear My Call!
I Need You, How I Need You
To Protect Me From Wily Satan
The Known And Consummate Fraud!

I Do Not Trust My Eyes
And Neither Do I Trust My Feelings
So, I Am Asking You, Please
In My Life, Every Day, To Do The Leading!

I Am Not Complaining, Father!
I Am Sharing With You My Heart
For There Are Times, Father
When It Seems That I Do Not Care
Whether Sunday Comes On A Monday
And I Find No Delight
In Always Having The World To Fight!

Oh, That There Will Be Peace In The Valley!
Peace In The Valley For Me
So That I May Even Momentarily Catch My Breath
Instead Of Always Having To Struggle Constantly!

Change Happens!
Please Help Me To Forbear
I Know And I Truly Accept And Understand
That For A Caterpillar To Be Transformed
He Must Enter That Dark Place Unknown
Rest In His Creator's Love And Care
That At The End Of The Time Appointed
With The Necessary Struggle
He Shall Emerge
On The Wing
Able To Soar To Heights Unknown
In His Former Iteration
He Could Never Know Or Go!

I Beseech You, Father
In The Name Of Jesus Christ
Your Beloved And Only Begotten Son
My Savior
My Redeemer
My One True Friend
Please Help Me Not To Kick Against The Pricks
But To Trust Your Known And Sure Love
- Your Will For My Life -
So That I, Obedient
To The Blessed Will
Will, At The Day Appointed
After My Trial Of Endurance
Made Anew
To Be Like My Jesus
The Embodiment Of You!

I Need You, Father!
I Need The Comforter
The Holy Spirit Of Truth
To Comfort And To Guide Me
To Teach And To Chide Me
To Bless Me To Do Your Will! 

Please Help Me In Your Holy Love
To Be Quiet
To Be Still!

I Know How To Wait On You, Father!
Teach Me How To Wait!
I Know How To Follow You, Father!
Lead Me And Help Me To Follow You Ever!
Help Me To Rest In You
By All That Is Around About
Or That Tries To Assail Me! 

Please, Lord!
Shore Up My Faith
So That I Do Not Turn To The Left
Nor To The Right
So That I May Be To Your Loving Heart 
A Blessed Delight!

Jesus Christ Paid My Costs!
Please Help Me To Be Faithful
Obedient And True
So That In The Great Day Of Small Things
I Shall Not Be Found Amongst Those
Who Are The Cast Out!
The Forever Lost!

Please Hold My Trembling Hand, Father!
I've Counted The Costs!
Please Help Me To Daily Bear
My Personal Cross!
I Accept The Gift Given!
I Yearn For Eternal Living!
Please Grant Me My Petition
According To Your Sovereign Will
In Your Holy Way
I Ask It In the Beloved's Matchless Holy Name!