Friday, February 22, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + Resting In The Love Of The Lord Christ! + PRAYER: It Is Our Desire To Bless You, Father!

He Is Dressed To The Nines
Yet Naked And Afraid!
Afraid And Alone
Alone ... In The Sights Of The Devil
Who Is Plotting 
Instigating What Evil
To That Soul Can Be Done!
He's Having Fun And Then Some
In The Company Of The Popular 
The Illuminated 
The Rich And Connected Ones!

Look At Him ...

He Is Jumping At Shadows
Afraid Of And Loving The Dark
Angry At Disappointment
Lurching From Sorrow To Sorrow
Always Worried About Tomorrow
Yet Loving The Coarse And Bright Broadway
Disdaining The Way Straight And Narrow!

 Here's Someone Different ...

She Is Simply Clothed In Christ's Righteousness
A Repentant Sinner
Believing In The Word Of Truth
Bowing Humbly Before
Importunately Praying
To The Heavenly Father
- In The Name Of The Son -
Unafraid To Live Her Life In Christ
And IsBy Circumstance Undeterred
She Is Resting In The Love Of The Lord Jesus
Who Died ... A Curse
To Save Us All, Everyone!

Look At Her ...

Walking With Jesus
To Ever Again Run Wild In Sin
On The Promises Of God
That With Faithful Endurance
By Right
Heaven's Gate She Shall Enter In
Nevermore To Be Touched By Evil Surmising!
She's Faithful In Her Daily Striving!

Don't You Know ...

It Is Better To Be Pure, Poor And Humble
With Jesus Christ The Lord
Than To Be
Tainted, Rich And Proud With The Fraud


Pure, Poor And Humble
Stays Pure
Becomes Rich
Is Elevated In Christ's Purity To Eternity


The Tainted, Rich And Proud
Stay Tainted
Become Irretrievably Poor
Their Pride 
Humbled Unto Destruction
Along With Their Instigator, Satan
Who Encouraged Them
The Lord Of Life
The Truth For All Ages
The King Of Love
The Light Of Life
To Egregiously Denigrate, Defy And Deny
BecauseOf Their Engrossing Love Of 
The Comfortable Lie!

Think About It ...

Two Lives
Two Thoughts
Two Characters
Two Masters
Two Distinctly Different Ways Of Life
One Judgment
Two Vastly Different Outcomes
One Chooses 
By Belief, Faith 
Practiced Obedience 
To Forever Live


The Other Chooses 
By Doubt, Disbelief 
Practiced Disobedience 
To Forever Die!

Brethren, Beloved

Upon Whom For Comfort Do You Rely!?!
Unto Whom In Your Need Do You Cry!?!
Do You Pay Homage 
To The Master Of The Winds And The Waves
OrDo You Cavort With The Master Of Disaster!?!

Are You Heeding The Broad Call To Self
Will You Join Me
Heed The Narrow Call To Salvation
In Your Own Life
Reverse The Cause Of Man's Fall!?!

You Know The Whole Of The Story!
You Know Who It Is That Sacrificially Loves You!
You, Alone, Must Make For Everlasting Life 
The Decision
Neither The Lord Christ
Nor The Damned Devil
Can Force Their Will Upon You!

At The End Of The Conflict
Only The Tried Tested 
True Saints Of Almighty God And Christ
Will Be Standing Tall


I Come To You
Because I Believe That
You Are The God Holy!
I See My Need For The Savior
So Help Me, Please
- As An Obedient Sheep -
At His Hand To Feed!

I Repent Of My Known Sin!
Please Help Me Not To Sin Again!
Help Me Not To Turn Again To Fables
Bless Me To Walk As The Wise
Not Become A Part Of Satan's Stable!

I Pray For My Brethren
Those Near And Those Far
Those Who Are Among The Called-Out
Those Who Are Seeking
No More To Be Among
The Itchy-Earred Walk-Abouts!
Please Bless Them To Take Hold Of
The Holy Hand
That Is Reaching Out To Them
Bless Them To Ever Hear The Still Voice Of
The Loving Heart
Who, To Us
Desires To Draw Near!
Help Us To Respond With Godly Fear!

Please Grant Unto Us Daily Grace
Daily Faith
Strength For Our Journeying
Courage For The Way We Must Walk
Please Provide For Us
All That You Have Promised
We Love You
We Worship
It Is Our Desire To Bless You
Who Always Blesses Us
Without Our Having To Ask!

Please, Father
Remember Those Who Mourn
Those Who Anticipate A Mourning
The Childless
The Motherless And The Fatherless
The Poor And The Downtrodden
The Lost And The Lonely
The Demon-Possessed
The Demon-Oppressed
Those Who Have No Safe Place To Call Home
- Physically Or Spiritually -
Have Mercy On Those Who Do Not Yet Know
That The Lord Jesus Christ
- The Creator God
The Savior, The Redeemer
The Forever Friend -
For Their Personal, Public And Private Sin
Did Completely Atone!

Please Grant Unto Us These Few Petitions, Father
For We Ask All In The Matchless Name Of
The Holy Jesus
Your Beloved And Only Begotten Son
Our Returning King!
Please Come For Us Soon!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

LIVING LIFE: Progression!

Why Are You Always So Chirpy!?!

Why Are You Always So Snide!?!

Okay, You Two!
That's Enough!

Listen To Me Closely
I Will Tell You True
How TAHC "Tablets"
Decide ... For You
How, In This Life, You Will Walk Through!

I Don't Take TAHC Tablets!
Lacy, Do You!?!

No, Lucy!
At Least I Don't Think So!

What Do You Mean, Bro. Purdy!?!

Lucy And Lacy
All Of You Here
Every Human Being Has TAHC "Tablets"
That They Each Take Every Day!

Some People Take TAHC
Walk On The Negative Side!
Some People Take TAHC
Positive Ride!

What On Earth Is TAHC!?!

Would You Agree With Me That
Every Human Thinks!?!

Yes, Of Course!

Would You Agree With Me That
Every Human Performs Actions!?!

Of Course! That's Natural!

Would You Agree With Me That
Every Human
Big Or Small, Old Or Young
Wise Or Simple, Rich Or Poor
Prince Or Pauper
Priest, Pastor, Pope, President
Prime Minister, Politician, Performer
All Have Habits!?!

That's For Certain Sure ...!

... And Sometimes Very Bad Ones At That!

Would You Agree With Me That
Each On Of Us On This Planet
- Seen And Unseen -
Has A Character!?!

Sure Do, And Some Very Bad Ones Exist!

Very True!

But, Bro. Purdy
You Haven't Said What TAHC Actually Is!

Oh, But I Just Did!
Weren't You Paying Attention!

Come On!
You Did Not Such Thing!


Yes, Bro. P!?!

Did I Not Just Indicate To You
What TAHC Is!?!

Yes, Sir!

Would You Care To Recap For Your Brethren
What It Is That You Heard!?!

I Sure Would, Bro. P!

Bro. P Just Told Us Plainly That
All Humans Have
A. Thoughts, Perform
B. Actions, Create
C. Habits, And Build
D. Characters!

Come On!
All He Asked Was A Bunch Of Questions!
At Least That Is What I Gathered!

That's Shallow Thinking
And A Lack Of An Enquiring Mind!

Be Nice, Hailey!


Okay! Let's Go Deep!

We All Think So We Have ... THOUGHTS!
All Of Our Thoughts Lead To ... ACTIONS!
Actions Repeated Turn To ... HABITS!


Habits Form ... CHARACTER!

Now Please Listen Carefully ...

The Jump From Thoughts To Character
A Very Short One
It Leads To Life-Altering Consequences!

You Are What You Eat!
You Are What You Think!
Your Life Is Created By Your Thoughts!

What The Word Of Truth Says ...


What You Let In
What You Will Live Out!

Garbage In!
Garbage Out!
Nicely Said!

Now ...

Let's Talk Lucifer!

Oh, Dear!
This Is Not Going To Be Good!
I Can Feel It Already!

Thoughts BECOME Matter
Thoughts ... MATTER!

Lucifer ... Thought!
Lucifer's Thoughts Mattered ... To Him
- Making A Mess Of His Matters -
Temporarily Wrecked The Peace Of Heaven
Permanently Destroyed 
The Once Peaceful Lives Of Numerous Angels
Then Proceeded To Leave The Life Of Man In Tatters
He Wanted Mightily To Matter The Most
To All The Lord's Hosts!

When You Start Badly
You End Up Doing Badly
Your Thoughts Are Skewed
Your Actions Are Deranged
Your Habits Are Defiling
Your Character 
Is Not 
One That Is Bright And Righteously Shining!

Sad! That's Really Sad! 

True! True! 

I Have A Simple Question
That I Want You To Uncomplicate
When You Have Your Answer
Please Feel Free To Explicate:

Do You Have An Unsubdued Heart
Where Selfishness And Willfulness Rule
Using You Like An Unsharp Tool!?! 

Find Out ...

How Much Does A Thought Weigh!?! 
How Much Is An Action Worth!?!
How Far Should A Habit Go
Why Your Character Should Be Sterling
Built Up From The Sin-Cure!



A Thought Holds The Weight Of The Intended Action!
An Action Is Worth The Input Necessary
To Make It Second Nature Aka A Habit
A Habit Is Integral To The Forming Of
The Anticipated Character
Which, To The Possessor
Good Or Bad
Right Or Wrong
Profitable Or A Loss-Leader
Praise-Worthy Or Shameful


All Depends Upon Who
The Key-Holder Of
Your Eternal Reward! 

So, I Ask You Plainly:
Upon Whose Name Do You Call!?! 
Do You Get Your TAHC From Satan, The Bold 

The Wicked Drug Dealer
From Jesus Christ
The Great Physician
The True And Faithful Mighty Healer!?! 

Remember, Brethren 
Satan Always, Always, Enslaves
Jesus Christ The Righteous
Always, Always, To The Uttermost ... Saves!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

HAPPINESS IS THE LORD'S + PRAYER: Father, My Hope For An Eternal Home Is In Christ Jesus!


It Has Been Said To Man:

You Have A Need!

How Can I Have A Need
If My Self Does Not Know It?
Further, Still
How Can I Have A Need
If I Do Not Recognize Same As Such?

Having A Need
Not Knowing It
An Awful Shame!
I Must Needs Catch Up!

We Have Wants!
There Are Many That We Say Are Our Needs
We Have Needs Which Are Few
Which Turn Into Wants Upon The Right Cue!

The Thing Is, Though
Needful Things Are Necessary
Like Light
Water Shelter Clothing And Food
The Biggest Necessary
On This Here Planet
For Jesus Christ
And Not As - To Some - A Useful Tool!


The Truth Is That Having Money
Does Not Make A Man Happy
Having No Money
Does Not Make A Man Sad!

In The Hand Of The Almighty
It Is He That Makes Our Hearts Glad!


I Have No Desire To Be
- By Man -
Made Relevant!

I Desire The Love Of My God!
I Can Wait For My Riches
I Will Receive Them As Gold
From The Hand Of My God!

I Am Thankful
For Sleep That Brings Rest!
For The Rest That Brings Peace!
For The Hope That Helps Me Cope
For The Love Of God That Is No Joke!


Thank You, Dear Father

For My Blessings Today

And That 
Because Of The Blood Of Jesus
I Can Call Upon You Without Fear!

Bless Me To Be Faithful
Trusting Loving And Obedient, True
So That At The End Of My Journey
At The Appointed Time
I Will Go Home To Live Forever With You!

Please Help Me Not To Dwell

Upon The Sorrows And Slights Of The Day!

Help Me To Grateful
For The Day
For The Ability To You To Pray!

Bless Me To Hold On To Hope
For Faith
Cherishing The Promises Given
Daring To Walk Wisely In Belief
Because I Know
You Are Good Kind Loving
Ever Faithful
That In You I Shall Always Find Relief!
Thank You For The Blessings!

I Can Sing With The Saints Of The Ages

"What A Friend I Have In Jesus

All My Sins And Griefs He Bears!
What A Privilege I Have To Be Able To Carry
To My God In Humble Prayer!"

Please, Father
Let Not Pride Have A Hold Within Me!

Let Not Arrogance Mar My Face!

Let No Selfish Desire Hold Me Captive
Nor The Love Of This World
Cause Me To Be Marked
For The Consuming Fire
Become Known Forever
As A Cast-Off Disgrace!

I Am Available To You, My Father


I Pray In The Love Of The Lord
Who To Save Me
Left The Glory At Your Right Side!
Lead Me!
Guide Me!
Teach Me!
Chide Me
Until The Great Day
And Then Forever
With Me, I Beseech You
Please Abide!

Please Pour Out Of Your Holy Spirit Upon Me

Granting Me Spiritual Discernment

So That By Your Great Grace
In My Journey To Eternal Life
I May Defeat And Expose Satan
The Accuser Of The Brethren
The Adversary Of Souls
The One Who
- Against The Truth - 
Does Lie!
Help Me Ever To You
For Help To Cry!

Thank You, Dear Father
For Hearing And For Answering My Prayer
For I Ask All 
In The Name Of The Holy Jesus
In Whom I 
Have A Hope


I Have A Prepared Home! 


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Carnal World: Friend Of God!?!

Receipt Of The Honors Of The Carnal World
The Church Corporate 

To Lose The Grace
- The Unmerited Favor -

Of Almighty God!


The Church That Is Boastful

Eager To Compete With The World
For Trifling Honors And Accolades
Actively Making Herself 

The Very Enemy Of 
The Living Eternal Holy God!

When The Church
That Is ... The Members
Are Humble
Not Thinking Too Highly Of Self
Are Poor To Be Dependent 
The Lord Of Life For Provision
Live Christ-Like Lives
Attaining Unto The Garment Of Praise
- The Character Of Christ -
It Is Then That She Is Most Powerful

To The Machinations Of The Master Manipulator

His Misguided Minions!

I Must Be Plain ...

Any Person Called Christian
"Faithfully" Practicing Primitive Godliness

Dearly Beloved
Highly Respected
Well Spoken Of

Unmolested By The World
Must Needs Take A Serious Look
At How They Are Emulating The Pattern
That Is, The Lord Jesus Christ!

The Truth Must Be Told ...

If We Are Friends Of The World
We Are, Decidedly
The Enemies Of The Living God!

Decisions Must Be Made ...

There Are Only Two Options
They Are Impossible To Skew:

  • For Christ And Against Satan
  • For Satan And Against Christ

Which One Do You Choose!?! 


I Am The Friend Of Christ Jesus!
I Walk With Him Each Day!
I Pray And Petition
I Love And I Bless
All My Known Sins
To My Heavenly Father
I Gladly Confess!

I Know That I Am A Sinner
A Sinner Needing The Savior
I Take Pleasure
By The Lord's Great Grace
To Go On A Diet
Rid Myself Of The Fat Of Sin
Delivering It Up
Burning It On The Altar Of Sacrifice
So That It Rises Up Unto The Lord
For A Sweet Smelling Savor!

I Deny The Liar!
I Do Not Sing In Compromises' Choir!
I Walk By Faith!
I Do Not Walk By Carnal Sight
It Is My Soul's Desire
My Lord God And King
Daily To Delight!

I Walk The Straight And Narrow
I Fight The Good Fight Of Faith
I Long To Live Forever
With The Lord Christ
Refuse To Let Damned Satan
My Eternal Prosperity To Blight!

The Promises Given Are Faithful!
The Promise-Keeper Is The God True!
The Time Of Delivery Is Certain
Do Not Permit Any Created Being
To Deflect Or Mamaguy You!


Please Keep Our Savior
Our Redeemer
Our Hope
Our Peace
Our Rest
The Heavenly Home
Every ... Always
In Your Eye-To-Eternity View!
The Lord Is Coming Back Soon
To Redeem His Children!
I Pray That That Means
Both Me And You!