Sunday, March 17, 2019

IT'S NOT A GAME: Cooperating With Almighty God

Almighty God
Has A Helping Hand
Upon The Planet Earth!
It, My Friend
The Hand Of Man ... Working
As Evidenced By Those Who Are Possessors Of
The New Birth Now
Shall Be Inheritors Of That That Is Called 
The Eternal Life On The New Earth!

Those Who Work Faithfully
In Cooperation With The Good King
Have Jesus Christ's Righteousness
Aka Right-Doing
Going Before Them
Working In Them
Caring For The Sick
Feeding The Poor
Succoring The Widow And The Orphan
They Do Not Consider It To Be A Chore!

The Obvious Outcome Of Partnering
With The Divine Majesty
Having Him Protecting Our Rear!
He Is Our Rereward
- He Covers Our Back -
It Is His Glory
That Shields Us During Satanic
Demonic Attacks!

Christ In Us
Our Hope For Glory!
Let Us Let His Character Be Competently
Replicated In Us!
Let Us, In Him, Live The Life Of The Just!

The Faithful Few ...

We Are Not Ashamed To Be Called
The Holy Children Of God
We Have No Converse
With The Unfruitful Works Of Darkness
And, As Such
- For This Against-The-Wise-World Departure -
We Land In The Crosshairs Of The Fraud!

But ... 

Our God ... Almighty
Almighty God
The One To Whom We Give Glory, Laud And Honor
He, Being Faithful
Just, Loving, Kind And Ever True
Keeps His Holy Promise
Will Honor Our Faithfulness To Him:
That's The Truth!

The Deal ...

Cooperation With The Lord
A Contract Written In Innocent Red Blood
On A Parchment Of Character Clean, Bright And White
You Can Rest Assured That He Who Signs
Your Contract
Will From Your Attaining Unto His Salvation
Never, Never, Ever Turn Back!

It Won't Be Long ...

Be A Good Steward!
Please Bear The Weight Of The Work
As He Bears Your Weight
As He Graciously Carries You
Know Of A Surety
- No Doubting ... Nothing Wavering -
He Will Always Take Care Of You!

Spiritual Eyesight ...

The Eyes Of Faith 
Do Not Need Corrective Lenses
The Way To Eternal Life To See!
Let Not The "Yeah!" And "Nay!"
According To Worldly Wisdom Move You!
Let The "YEAH!" And "AMEN!" Of The Holy God
Move You Faithfully All Your Life Long!

Walk Faithfully ... In Perfect Accord
With The Living Holy God!
He Is To Trusted
He Sacrificially Loves Us
He's Not The Fraud!

Saturday, March 16, 2019

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Buying Rams And Bulls Is Not Cheap!

What's My Motivation!?!

Doing The Will Of God Pays More Than It Costs!
Heaven Awaits The True And Faithful!


Okay! Here Goes Everything!!

Disobedience Is A Debit Card!
It Costs!
It Cannot Pay!
It Subtracts From The Credit Side Well-Called Obedience!
It Tells Lies For Convenience!
It Indulges Evil Concupiscence!
It Travels In The Company Of The Nuisance
Does Not Give Tuppence For Your Purchased Soul
Who Is Soon To Get His Comeuppance
Encouraging All To Indulge Unsafe
Damnable Play
His Black Heart's One Goal!

Do Not Sacrifice
True Honor, Justice And Humanity
To Your Over-Arching Pride And Ambition
Dismissing Conscience
Embracing Guile!
The Lord Will Not Your Base Behavior Abide!

Do Not Make An Agreement With Death
Nor A Covenant With Hell
By Being A Practicing Idolater

Worshipping Self
Through Ignoring The Laws Of The Lord
And, Thereby

Ending Up Like King Saul Of Old
Seeking Out Familiar Spirits

Against The Author Of Life
Your Heart Has Grown Cold
He Has Left You 
To Take Your Own Unregenerate Soul's Advice
You - Against Satan - Are Left Signally Alone!

The Cheapest 
The Best Sacrifice That
A Man May Make To The Eternal God
To Sacrifice Self And The Willingness To Willful Sin
To Rid Oneself Of Jealousy And Greed
To Make Petition For Our Will

His Divine Will To Ever Obey
For Lasting Endurance
To Walk On The Holy King's Straight And Narrow Way!

It Is Best To Bend
To Be Broken
Than To Stand Boldly, Brazenly
In Willful Disobedience
Embracing Known Sin
And, Then
For Our Rush To Lawlessness ... 
Until Completely Consumed! 
Do Not Against The Lord's Mercy Presume!

Do Not Justify Self:
You Did Not Create The Creator! 

Do Not Justify Self:
You Are In The Wrong! 

Apologize ... Now
There Will Be No Need For Tears
For Illimitable Fears
For The Tempests Of Torment
Flooding The Perjured Soul
Who Chooses Not, By The Lord
To Have Any Correcting Words Told!

Be A Lamb!
Be A Wooly Sheep!
Rest In Christ Jesus!
Enjoy Peaceful Sleep! 

Look Up In Love!
Take The Extended Hand
After Death
- At The First Resurrection For The Just -
Behold The Shining, Glorious, Face Of 
The Holy King
The Returned Son Of God
The Faithful Son Of Man!

This, Brethren
The Can't-Fail, Blessed, Known-Worthwhile Plan!
We Will On The Mount Zion
- Joyously Welcomed Home -

Reach Out And Take The Extended Holy Hand
Take Your Stand!
Take The Hand Of The God-Man
Who, Alone, On Zion Hill
Can Cause You In Triumph To Land!
Trust The Righteous Son Of Man!
Take The Hand... And Obey!
Take The Hand ... And Pray!
Take The Hand ... And You Won't Be Satan's Prey!

I Pray That Almighty God
Will Help Us To Understand Our Problem
Give Into Our Hands The Strength
To Recognize And Accept The Only Solution!

I Thank You!

Follow After
Christ's Righteousness
Each And Every Day
For Your Own Sin
You Will Never Have To Pay!

Friday, March 15, 2019


Rock Of Ages, Please Cleft For Me!
Because Of The Faith Of The Holy Jesus
I Find Sweet Rest In Thee!

I Love You!
I Bless You!
I Praise Your Holy Name!
Bless Me, I Beseech You
Not To Indulge In Double-Minded Man's
World And Spirit Games!

I Desire To Do Your Will, Dear Father!
I Desire To Live In Peace With You!
I Desire Your Protection Through This Earthly Strife
Because I Desire To Safely Get Home To Glory
To Live Forever With You!

I Know From The Pages Of The Living Holy Word
That The Flesh And The Spirit
Cannot Peacefully Co-Exist
And I, By Faith
Ask For And Accept The Outpouring
And Indwelling  Of The Holy Spirit
And Request That You Accept The Key
To My Heart's Door
So That You May Direct And Control
Who And What 
May Enter And Find Residence Within It!

You Have Made It Abundantly Clear, My Father
That A Double-Minded Man Is Unstable In His Ways
And That Such An One Cannot Expect
To Receive A Blessing From Your High And Holy Hand
And, So, I Beseech You
Have Mercy On Me
And Help Me To Have A Clear And Simple
Only And Dear Focus
On The Lord Jesus Christ
And His Free And Gifted Offer Of
Life With Him, Eternally!

Life Eternal
Home In The Land Of The Ever-Blessed
Truth In The Inward Parts
Blessings Of Peace And Rest
Forgiveness For Confessed Sin
Justification - Marking Me As One Who Has Never Sinned
Sanctification - Setting Me Apart For Your Holy Use
Father Of The Faithful Few,
This Is Just A Part Of My Expected, Received, Receiving List
Please Help Me Your Blessings Of Holy Love
And Loving Sacrifice
Never To Discount
Or, Heaven Forbid
Foolishly Refuse!

Help Me Not To Permit Myself
By Wicked Satan To Used!
Please Disabuse My Mind Of The Notion
That There Is Profit In Sin!
Please Encourage My Mind With The Truth
That There Is Eternal Profit
In Holy, Right-Way Walking!

Please Help Me To Honor You Always
In Thought
In Word And In Deed
So That In The Fullness Of Time
I Shall Be Enveloped In Your Glory
In Sight And Indeed!

Help Me, Today, To Control Myself!
Help Me To Guard My Heart!
Help Me Not To Play Footsie With Him
Who Wickedly Enjoys Having The World Believe That
He Is A Cartoon Clown Or
An Innocuous Elf On A Shelf!

Help Me To Expose The Works Of Old Satan
That Piercing Satan
That Liar Supreme
The Raiser Of Judas-Goats
The Accuser Of The Brethren
Of Jesus Christ, The Base Hater!

I Trust You!
I Am Working On Obeying You
Without Having The Fleshly Man's
Internal Debate!
Please Help Me To Let The Spirit Of Truth
In My Life Rule
So That At The Day Of Final Judgment
I Will Not Be Marked
A Condemned, Cast Into Outer Darkness
Irredeemable Fool!
Help Me To Ever Look To The Son!

Please Remember My Brethren
By Blood, By Affection, By Faith!
Please Remember Those Who Are Seeking The Savior
But Have Not Yet Committed
Of His Flesh And Blood
To Take The Taste
To See, Indeed, That He Is Good!

Please Remember The Base
The Vile, The Profane
The Abominable
Who In Time To Come
Will Seek Your Holy People To Destroy
And Keep Your Holy, Memorialized, Promise
To Keep Us Through That Strife
As You Kept Faithful Noah
And The Remnant
At The Time Of The World-Consuming Flood!

You Are Our Shelter
Whether The Wind Is Stormy
Or The Wind Is Calm!

You Are Our Provider
Whether We Can Purchase Our Own Food
Or Must Accept Charity
From The Hand Of Mortal Man!

You Are Our Rest
Whether We Sleep On Rocks Or Feathers
And, Blessedly, For Us Children Of The Dust
You Are The True And Holy, Living God Eternal
The One God Who Cares For And Blesses Us!

Help Us Not To Worship Useless Idols!
Bless Us To Share Our Faith 
With Them Who Do Not Yet Know Your Name
So That They, Too
May Be Blessed And Forever Saved!

I Pray For Those Who Mourn
And For Those Who Anticipate A Mourning!
I Pray For Help For Those Who Have Lost
Their Way And Are In Need Of Your Sure Salvation!
Oh, Father, 
Have Mercy For You Are Our Only Hope!

Please Accept My Prayer
My Heart's Plea, Father
For I Humbly Ask For These Few Blessings
In The Holy Name Of The Beloved Christ Jesus
The Soon-Returning King
The Redeemer
The Savior Of Man!
Please Come Soon!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

LIVING BY FAITH: The Black Door!?!

Are Your, Christian, Brave Enough
To Walk Through The Black Door
With The Lord Christ!?!
Are You Willing To Face The Unknown
That The Eternal God
Will Never Fool You
Or Utilize The Satanic Device!?!

Are You Willing To Commit Your Will
Your Walk
Your Way
Your Work
Into The Hand Of The Omniscient God
That With Him In Charge
The Rugged Way You Will Have To Follow
The Way Not Sinful
Not Perverse!?!

Are You Self-Confident And Doubtful Of
The One Who Is The Truth
Are Confident And Trusting Enough
To Let Go Of Self
Confess Sin ... And Repent
Let The Lord Christ Control
The Moments, The Minutes
The Hours, The Days
The Years Of The Life From Sin
Now Being Lived To Reverse The Curse!?!

The Blackness Of The Unknown
May Seem Fearful
It Shouldn't Be When Your Leader, Your Guide
The Light Of The World
The Way To Salvation
The Truth For The Ages
The Only One Able
To Ensure That You To The Promised Land
Safely Get Home!

Bright And Broad Ways
Known Roads, Walkways And Pathways Plain
May Offer Comfort In The Familiar Scenes
Lead To Destruction
Compliments Of The One Familiar Liar!
That Ways Always Leads To Things Dire!

Trust The Lord!
Trust The Word!
Trust The Walk!
Trust The Way!
Trust The Love!
Trust The Power
Do Not Before The Unknown Cower
For He Who Made You
Also Made All Things
It Is He Who Is The King Of Everything!

If The Creator Cannot Carry You Safely
To Your Heavenly Destination
Rest Assured, Brethren
There Is No Destination To Be Arrived At!

The Facts Are Plain ...

The Lord Of Life Cannot Lie!
Trust Him At His Holy Word
The Lying Devil, Defy
Walk Safely ... Though Tried And Tested
In The Fullness Of Time ... Soul Perfected
You Will To Highest Heaven
Be Among The Faithful Ones Elected!

Be Wise Unto Your Own Soul's Salvation:
Take The Black Door
- The Way Unknown -
With The Eternal God
The Returning King
The Judge Of All Flesh
The Rewarder Of Every Man
The One Who For You Died
The Lord Jesus Christ!

Don't Be Fooled!
Don't Trust Your Carnal Eyesight!
Looks Are Deceiving:
The Black Door
Is Always Situated Across From
A Brightly, Gaily, Lit And Decorated Glass Door!

Live By Faith!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

IDOLATRY: Loves ... And Rewards!?!

The Idolatry Of Today
Love Of Money
Love Of The World

Are Like The Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
Riding Roughshod Amongst
The Named People Of The Eternal God!

The Lord Said:

The Poor Will Be With You Always!
I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You!
Come Unto Me And ... Rest!
Cast Your Every Care On ... Me!

Satan Got Cast Out Of Heaven 
For Selfishness And Covetousness!

King Ahab Was Selfish And Covetous!

Achan And His Family Were Destroyed
For Selfishness, Covetousness 
The Love Of Money
The Love Of The World
King Saul
The Rich Young Ruler
King Herod
Pontius Pilate Lost Eternity
They Patently Loved Self
The World
The Things Of The World!

Just So You'd Know ...

Living For And Loving The World
The Things Of The World
Do Not Bring Lasting Pleasure!

Living For Money ... That Filthy Lucre
Does Not Encourage One
To Seek After The Kingdom Of God!

Living Selfishly Does Not Encourage One 
To Share In The Sacrifice Of Jesus Christ The Lord


Indulging Covetousness
Enthrones A False God
- An Idol Known Useless -
Upon The Throne Of Your Heart
Instead Of The True And Holy God!

I, Therefore Urge You, Brethren ...

Please Do A 180
Turn Toward Him Who Is
The Holy God!
Please Accept The Offer Of 
A Covenant Relationship
Stop Trying To Be Your Own God!

Shall Not Enter The City
Neither Those Who Indulge
Selfishness And Pride
Neither Those Who Live For Those Things That
Cannot Ever Profit
Neither Those Who Sit Enraptured With
Tied Up In
By The Ways Of That Devil, Satan
The True
The Ultimate Fraud!

If Almighty God Is Almighty God
Worship Almighty God!

If Satan Is Your God
By Virtue Of His Calling Your Shots
I'm Sad To Tell You That
You Shall Surely Share
His Stated Reward!

The Pay For Which You Have Labored
Exactly The Pay That You Will Earn

So, Do Not Be Like Ephraim!
Do Not Cause The Lord Of Life
To Speak Out Against You:

This Is The Harshest Condemnation Uttered 
From The Mouth Of Almighty God 
It Means Certain Damnation For The Recipient: 
You Are Left To Your Own Devices 
The Wicked Manipulations Of Our Adversary
Our Accuser, Satan! 

The Facts Matter ...

No One With The Character Of Ephraim 
Shall Enter The City Of God! 

Even Though Ephraim Was One Of The Patriarchs
There Is No Gate In The Holy City Bearing His Name 
He Preferred Useless Idol-Worship 
Actually, Continually
Rejected The Call Of The Holy Spirit 
To Return To The True 
Pure Worship Of Almighty God 
So That He Would Be Blessed ... And Saved! 

Please Be Wise Unto Salvation
Do Not Reject Available Grace!
Please Answer The Call To Life Everlasting!
Put Away The Personal Idols
Make Your Peace With The Eternal God!

Jesus Christ Wept For Us! 

Do Not Permit Your Spurious Loves
To Gain For You
The Untenable, Inescapable
Unwanted, Unrejectable, Reward!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Horizontal Missionaries Don't Rise!

So What Was The Big Deal?!

Do You Really Have The Gall
To Ask Such A Question!?!

Yes, I Do!
Now, Answer The Question!

Very Well!
She Was In Here Using Some Language
That No One Wanted To Hear!

Does That "No One" Include You!?!

Well, Yes, Sorta, Kinda ...!

Please Explain!

We Were Talking About Working For The Lord
And Telling The World The Good News
And I Guess We Got Carried Away
Romanticizing The Journey
And Minimizing The Effort Required
To Do A Good Work To Hasten The Great Day
When She, She, She Just Exploded!

She Started Talking About
And All That Hurtful, Painful Stuff!

Oh, You Mean She Got Beyond
The Televangelist Fluff Of
Fully Equipped Television Studio
Smooth Riding Elite-Class Private Jet
Armed Body-Guards
Fawning Followers
Quarterly Vacations
Lavishly Appointed Primary, Secondary
And Tertiary Homes
Servants Innumerable
Vicuna Wool
Silk Sheets
Diamond Watches
Custom-Made Fragrances
Personal Chefs
Personal Trainers And ...!

... How ... How Did You Know!?!

Been There, Done That!
The Devil 
The Liar Baiting The Servants Of The Lord
Telling Them That
They Do Things His Way
Great ... Will Be Their Reward
Many Of Us Are Falling Into The Trap!

But, Why!?!

Just As Man Recoils From 
The Thought And Sight Of Death
Man Recoils From Perceived Pain
Assumed Deprivation!

We Have Gotten Away From The Source Of
Our Strength
Our Hope
Our Help
Our Salvation
We Have Forgotten
Or Have Willfully Chosen To Ignore The Fact That
He Whom We Serve Pointed 
The Way
It Was Dusty And Dirty
Filled With Self-Denial
Replete With Abuse
Absent Comforts And Ease
Built On Prayer 
Constant Communication With Father
No Comfy Chair! 

Simply Put ...

Obedience To The Will Of The Father
Was The Savior's Air!
He Did Not Put On Airs And Indulge Graces!
He Did Not Have An Inside Track With The Leaders Of His Day!
He Was Not In A Back-Pat Relationship
With The Local Bank President
He Did Not Have Five Changes Of Clothing Per Day!
He Slept In The Open Air! 

He Was Despised And Rejected
His Prayers Were Never Neglected!
He Did Not Choose The Easy Road
He Submitted His Will To His Father
- The Ancient Of Days -
He Was Crucified
He Was Laid In A Borrowed Grave!

That Borrowed Grave Alone
Should Tell You Everything You Need To Know About
Doing A Self-Denying, Self-Sacrificing Work
While Serving A Self-Sacrificing Holy God!

I Don't Understand!
What Do You Mean!?!

Was Jesus Wealthy!?!

Did Jesus Advance-Purchase A Grave!?!

Can You Really Borrow A Grave!?!

Don't You, Yourself, Pay Back What You Borrow!?!

Can A Dead Man Do Anything!?!
Of Couse Not!

Is Jesus Christ Still In The Borrowed Grave!?!
Of Course Not!
He's In Heaven
- In The Most Holy Place Of The Heavenly Sanctuary -
Interceding For Us!

Do You Believe In And Trust Jesus!?!
Of Course, I Do!

So, My Young Friend
What, Now, Are You Understanding!?!

It's Not An Easy Road
But With Jesus Christ For Me
With Jesus Christ Beside Me
With Jesus Christ Directing My Traffic
I Will Rise Up To Live With Him
Even If I Get Placed In A Borrowed Grave!

The Grave Cannot Hold Me: I'm His
And The Work Isn't About Me
Or My Comfort
Or My Status In The Eyes Of The Blind World! 

I Am Here To Work
For The Love Of My Master
And I Must ...!

... Must! 
Good Word! I Like It!

I Must Look Up To Live
Because Looking In Will Mean My Death!

I, Now, Really, Truly, Understand!
In And Down!
Out And Up!
If I Look Inward ... I Fall Downward!
When I Look Outward ... I Rise Upward!

I Accept That Striving On And For 
A Horizontal Plain-Prize
Will Not Cause Me To Have Strong Spiritual Muscles!
Even If I Win ... I Lose!

Well Said!
Please Take This To Heart
Always Remember That
A Butterfly Struggles Mightily To Get Out Of His Cocoon
Easy Does Not Mean Good
Comfort Does Not Equate With Blessing
Hard Work Does Not Kill
A Vertical Climber Rises In Spite Of Himself! 

Pure Gold Emerges From Smelting ...!

... And The Saints Of God And Christ
Emerge Purified
Testing, Trial And Perfection
In The Crucible Of The Mortal Strife!

I Get It!
We Must Go Through To Come Through!

Monday, March 11, 2019


There Is No Profit In Disobedience!
There Is No Loss In Truth!
There Is No Gain By Deceitfulness
In The Regenerated Heart Of The Zion-Bound Soul
The Love Of The Lie Cannot Take Root!

We Who Are The Servants Of The Savior
We Who Are The Students In The School Of Christ
We Who Are The Children Of The Heavenly Father
Strive For The Mastery Of Self
Discarding Sin
We Will To Overcome Satan In The Mortal Strife!

Unchecked Sin Is A Butcher's Knife!
Wine Of False Doctrine Does The Lord Mock
Strong Drink Makes The Unwary Mind Rage


Surprise, No Surprise 

Satan, Himself
The Distiller, Distributor
The Loving Ministrations Of The Lord Jesus
Removes The Chains From The Bound Slaves!

Please Do Not Lean On Your Own Understanding!
Tomorrow Is Promised To No Man!
Today Is The Day To Accept The Call To Salvation
To Get Out From Among The Damned-For-Eternity Clan!

Humility Obedience
Faith Hope 
Prayer Praise 
In And By The Saved Soul Are ... A Must!

Please Come To Jesus Christ Your Only Savior!
Please Commune With Jesus Christ Your One True Friend!
Please Bow Before Jesus Christ Your Creator
Give Unfeigned Glory To Jesus Christ The King
Your Hope
Your Help
The Judge Of All Flesh
- Our Soon Returning Lord -
The True God
Who Is In Perfect Control Of Every Single Thing!

Deny Satan The Wannabe God
Accept Jesus Christ The Righteous
Your Will Receive The Saint's Reward!
Give Unto The Lord Your All!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Dare ... To Delight!!

Dare To Be Different
Make A Christ-Like Life Difference In The World!
Dare To Be Strange
Not A Stranger To The Truth!
Dare To Be Wise
That Is, Wise Unto Salvation
Wisely Separating Yourself
From Satan!
Dare To Not Be His Prize!

Dare To Teach
That Is, The Good News Gospel Story!
Dare To Tell The World That
Jesus Christ Died For Them
But That Satan Tells Them Lies!

Dare To Buck Man's Concocted Traditions
And InsteadTake Bold Hold Of The Doctrines That Preserve Souls
Shedding Light In The Encroaching Darkness
Causing Satanic Forces To Release Those Upon Whom 
They Have A Hold!
Chase Away The Blight!

Dare To Be Anna, Not Absalom Not Ahab
Dare To Be Deborah, David, Daniel
Date To Be Enoch, Elijah, Elizabeth
Dare To Hannah, Hezekiah Not Haman
Dare To Be Philemon, Peter And Paul
Dare To Be Joseph, Joshua, Never Jezebel!

Dare To Like Christ Jesus:
Bear Your Cross
Wear Your Own Glorious Gold Crown!

Dare To Believe The Lord!
Dare To Trust His Word!
Dare To Receive His Bold Promises!
Dare To Stand Alone!

Dare To Pray!
Dare To Care!
Dare To Hope!
Dare To Help!

Dare To Wear The Banner Of Jesus!
Dare To Walk Away From Those Who
Encourage You To Do What Is Wrong!
Dare To Tell The World
Show The World
Live Before The World
As A Committed To The Lord Christ Christian
Walking In Your Gifts Of
Daily Grace
Daily Faith
So That You Will Sleep The Sleep Of The Just
In Your Day-To-Day Living
When You Fall Asleep
On That Last Night Of Your Mortal Life!

Delight To Follow The Lord, The Good Shepherd!
Delight To Please The Lord, The Shepherd Of Rest!
Delight To Worship The Shepherd Of Our Souls
Above All Things
Delight To Obey The Lord Of Life
In The Great Day Of Small Things
He'll Receive You As Your Redeemer
Your Welcoming King
Not Reject You As Your Frowning Judge!

Dare To Bow, Today, And Always
Before Shiloh, The Prince Of Peace
The Glorious Lord Who Gives To His Children
His Eternal Life!

In His Holy Name, I Assure You
You Shall Survive The Mortal Strife!

I Have Need Of A, Uh, Ahmm ...!

... You Want A Guarantee!?!
Fair Enough!

One Iron Roman Hammer
Three Iron Nails
One Wooden Cross:
One Innocent Jesus Of Nazareth
The Son Of Almighty God
- Who Became Flesh
And Dwelt Among Us -
Forcefully Applied To The Wooden Cross
Physically Attached There To
By The Strategic Application Of
One Nail Through Each Hand
One Nail Through Two Bundled Feet
By The Aggressively Malicious Swing
Of The Dreadful Roman Hammer!

That Sounds Positively Awful And Decidedly Bad!

It Gets Worse! Much Worse!

The Weight Of Your Sin
My Sin
The Sin Of Everyone Who Ever Lived
- Or Will Live -
Broke His Heart
Crushed The Life Of The Giver Of Life
Out Of Him!

This Makes Me Very Sad!

It Should!

Love For You Sent Him To The Cross!
Love For You Kept Him On The Cross!
Love For You Laid Him In The Grave!
Love For You Kept Him There Three Days! 

Love For You Caused Him To Get Up
To Rise Up To Heaven
Where He Is Now Interceding
For Those Who Shall Inherit
The Eternal Life
Which He Shall Give To Those
Who Are His And His Alone!

Was He, For Me, Truly Willing To Die!?!

Yes, My Friend!
For Your Personal Sins
No Matter How Petty
No Matter How Egregious
No Matter How Abominable
He Willingly Did Atone! 

He, By The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Calling You, Personally
To Come Home!

A Forever Home!?!

Yes, Indeed!
It Is As Long As Eternity!

Very Well! 
I Shall Answer His Call
And I Shall Go To Him
... Even If I Go Alone!

Thank You, Jesus!
Welcome To The Family Of God!