Monday, April 1, 2019

It Was Stated For The Record ...!

To Put It Simply Enough
So That Even A Child Will Understand:
If You Are In Danger Of Death
I Love You Enough
Be Ye Family, Friend Or Even Known Foe
In The Love Of Almighty God
I Make The Decision To Try And Save You
It Is Obvious, Painfully Obvious, That
In The Act Of Rescuing You
Aka Saving You
I Cannot At One 
The Same Time
Save Myself!

Since This Is The Fact True
Why Would The False-Hearted Teachers
Those Chief Priests, Scribes And Elders
State For The Record:
He Saved Others And Cannot Save Himself!?!

Gimme A Piece Of This!
I Venture To Say
Without Fear Of Contradiction
That Those Chief Priests
Scribes And Elders
Were Constitutionally
And Spiritually Blind, Blind, Blind!

They Were Too Proud To Be Humble
To See That They Were Blind
And Unable To See!

I'll Take A C-Note's Portion Of That!

I'm In As Well!

So We Are Agreed!?!

The Innocent For The Guilty!
The Saint For The Sinner!
Divinity Dressed In Humanity
I, Repentant
Am The Greatest Winner!

Now, Brethren
Comes The Big Able Question:

When Will We Proud, Arrogant, Near-Sighted
Spiritually Blind, Boastful
Black-Hearted, Petty, Aggressive
Pecksniffian Types
Learn Humility
So That, To The Lord Of Light And Life
Earth And Glory
Peace And Rest
Truth And Righteousness
We May Be Personal Delights!?!

If We Don't Take The Lesson Soon
Learn The Answer Fast
We Are Going To Have A Big, Big, Problem!

Pray Tell, What Do You Mean By That Remark!?!

Psalm 15:1
The Big Who!!

The Sweet Psalmist
And Great King Of Israel, David
Asked The Lord GOD Almighty
The Life-Everlasting Question:

1 LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle?
 who shall dwell in thy holy hill?


The Great God Told Him Quite Clearly
The Answer That Removes All Doubts:

2 He that walketh uprightly,
and worketh righteousness, 
and speaketh the truth in his heart.

Plain As Day The Lord Said That
Those Who Enter Hill Zion
Shall Have The Holy Character Of The Lord Christ
Faithfully Reproduced In Themselves!


The Lord ... Ever Gracious
Left No Doubt
As To Who Shall Not Enter Into
That Holy City:

3 He that backbiteth not with his tongue,
nor doeth evil to his neighbour,
nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.

That Excludes Satan
The Antediluvians
King Saul
The Unrepentant Scribes
Pharisees, The Elders, And The Chief Priests
King Herod And Pontius Pilate
Who Conspired To And Abused And Killed Christ
And Emperor Nero And The Like!

The Lord Didn't Stop There!

He Also Clearly Stated The One Who Enters In Is One:

4 In whose eyes a vile person is contemned;
but he honoureth them that fear the LORD.
He that sweareth to his own hurt,
and changeth not.

Again, The Character Of God And Christ
Is Brought To The Fore!
The Lord God Is The Same Always!
He Does Not Change!
His Character Is Fixed!

The Father Swore To His Own Hurt
When He Sent Jesus To Die For Us!
By Accepting The Commission
Jesus Christ Effected His Own Hurt
When He Died To Save Us All
Even Those Among Us Who Are
- Or Will Be -
Total Ingrates
By Refusing Abundant Life Now
Eternal Living In The Hereafter!

Sad! That's Really, Really Sad! 

We Must Be Wise Unto Salvation!
We Must Not Follow The Multitude
To Do Evil
Or We Shall Not Escape Damnation! 

Let's Not Despise The Great Salvation
Bought And Paid For With The Lord's Innocent Blood!

Did The Lord Say Anything Else About
Those Who Will Be Residents Of Zion!?!

Oh, Yes, Beloved!
The Last Statement Is Quite Telling! 

Listen To This:

The One Who Will Abide In Zion Is ...

5 He that putteth not out his money to usury,
nor taketh reward against the innocent.
He that doeth these things shall never be moved.

Oh, Dear!

I'm Sure You Meant To Say The Dog Dead!

Wait For Me! I Don't Understand!

What Is The Root Of All Kinds Of Evil!?!

That's Easy: The Love Of Money!

And Who Is Getting  Rich Beyond All Measure!?! 

The Usurious Bankers, Brokers, Businessmen
The Profiteers
The Speculators
The Hireling Shepherds
Those Sold Out Priests And Pastors
And All Those Trafficking 
In The Souls Of Innocent Men, Women And Children!

Acknowledged Sinners, We Have A Problem!

The Savior Says To The Sinner:

Change Your Ways Now! 

By My Holy Spirit
All Sin Shall Be Put Away
And The Second Death
Will Have No Power Over You
When Comes The Great Day!

Hill Zion Is The Forever Home Of

The Forever Blessed
And Only Those
Who Live In The Light
Doing All That Is Right
And Thereby
The Heart Of God Delights
Shall Take Flight
Departing Sin's Night 
And Shall Live
With Consuming Fire
In The Glorious Land
Where There Is No Night!

Tall Order!

Easy Solution!

Speak, Brother! Speak!

Psalm 1, Brethren! Psalm 1!

I Really Like That One!

Blessed Is The Man That Walks Not
In The Counsel Of The Ungodly ...!

... He Shall Be Like A Tree Planted By The Water ...!

... That's It!
That What Jesus Means!
Shall Not Be Removed
Taking No Though Of Tomorrow
Nor Sorrow
Blessed Forevermore!

The Evergreen Christian ...!

... Has The Forever Home
In Hill Zion!

I Am Blessed!
Bless Me Now, Dear Savior
I Come To Thee!

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Redeeming Love, Redeeming Blood: GRACE!

I Was Walking Down The Lonely Road!
I Was Scared: Someone Was Following Me!
Deciding To Be Brazen, I Turned
Who It Is
You Will Never Believe!
But, You Should!

I Didn't Have To Ask For A Name
A Rank
A Serial Number
For It Is Grace
Who Is Following Me
For Almighty God's Favor
- Which I Do Not Merit -
I Have The Immense Need!
I Personally Know This!
Don't Doubt It!

I Have No Claim To Grace
The Favor Of God
Except As Found In My Need
I Am Amazed At Undying Love
For Which There Is No Possible Creed!

Grace ... For The Day
Grace ... For The Way
Grace ... Provides
Grace ... Satisfies
Grace ... Permits The Acceptor
The Damned Devil To Defy!
Almighty God's To Us Is No Lie!

Grace ... Lifts Me Up To God
Grace ... Sets Me On My Feet
Grace ... Puts Food On My Table
Grace Sees To It That I Breathe!
Breath Does Not Come From Satan
The God-Fraud!

I Am Walking To Zion
I Am Going To Get There
Even I If I Go There Alone!
I'm Telling You About It!
The Decision To Go There Is Your's Alone!

Grace, Grace
The Grace Of The God Of Heaven
The Great Blessing
Purchased For My Kind And Me
When Jesus Christ The Righteous
Saw Fit To Stay Put
On The Cross Of The Cursed
That Dark Day On The Hill Call Mount Calvary!

I Do Not Deserve Grace: I Desire It!
I Do Not Deserve Love: I Depend On It!
I Do Not Have A Personal Truth
I Live In The Truth Of The Rock Of Ages
By The Grace Of The God Of All Grace
I Will Not Turn Aside 
To The Spurious Truth Of Those Who
Call Themselves The Great Sages!

I Thank The Living God
The God Eternal
The Blessing, Holy, God
That I Can Come To The Throne Of Grace
For, There ... Nothing Wavering
I Know That I Will Find Help
In My Time Of Need!

Thank You, Father
For Ever-Present Grace
Soon-Coming Glory! 
Thank You, Dear God
For The Good-News Gospel Story! 
Thank You For My Daily Portion
Purchased With Innocent Blood

Thank You For The Daily Flood
The Flood Of Redeeming Love!
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name, I Pray!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Why Does Jesus Christ Love Me So!?!

I Think I'm Going To Cry!

What's The Matter!?!
What's Wrong!?!

Oh, Nothing Is Wrong!
Everything Is Just Right!
Everything Is Just Perfect!

Titi, You Completely Lost Me!
What Are You Talking About!?!


Nothing New In That
So Why Would That Make You Want To Cry Today!?!

Jesus Died For Us!

What's The Matter With You, Titi!?!
You Already Know And Accept That Truth!

I Know I Know That
But, Now
I Know That Jesus Loves Me!

You'd Better Explain Yourself
For You're Starting To Scare Me!
You Have Been Singing And Saying

"Jesus Loves Me!"
From A Small Child
So I Don't Understand Your Meaning Now!

Lillian, Please Come And Sit Here By Me!

Yes, Titi!

Jesus Saves ... Us, You And Me

We Believe Him At His Word
We Choose To Be Saved By Him!

Jesus Loves Us ... You, Me And Everybody Else
Whether Or Not We Choose To Accept His Love
His Grace
His Mercy
His Forgiveness
His Blessing
His Peace
His Rest
His Healing
His Leading
His Provision
His Promises For Today
His Promises For The Day To Come
His Gift Of The New Life
His Glory To Share!

Jesus Left For Us The Living Example!
He Gave Unto Us The Living Word!
He Gave Unto Us The Living Phone Line Of Prayer!
He Gave Unto Us His Holy Spirit
As Our Personal Comforter!
He Gave Unto Us Holy Angels 

As Personal Influencers For Good
As Personal 24/7 Body Guards
That Cannot Be Overcome!

He Promised ... By Virtue Of
His Spilled And Poured Out Innocent Blood
To Never Leave Us Nor Forsake Us
To Come Back For Us
To Take Us ... Of Enduring, Working

Waiting, Watching Faith
Home ...To His Home
To His Father's House
Where He Is Loved
To Live In Places That He Is Preparing
For Us ...!

... Titi, Why Are You Crying!?!

Why Does He Love Us, So!?!

Why Did He Leave His Glory For Me!?!
Why Did He Stay On That Cruel Tree!?!
Why Did He Take On Humanity!?!
Why Don't I Love Him More!?!

Jesus Paid For All My Sin
Before You Were Born
Before I Was Born
Before My Mother And Father Were Born
Before My Great Grandparents Were Born
Before This Nation Began
Before Sin Entered In
Before The Foundation Of The Earth ...!

... I Never Considered That!

The Hymn-Writer Asked:

What Wondrous Love Is This, Oh, My Soul!?!

Divinity Clothed In Humanity!
Eternity Enshrouded In Time!
Love Despised By Malignity
Caused Jesus Christ To Give His Holy Life
To Rescue Me From This Carnal Body Of Sin
That Cannot To Holy Heaven Climb!

Why Would The Great Infinite 
Choose To Save The Lowly Mortal 
Who Caused His Shame
Inflicted ... !?!

... Inflicts ...!

... His Pain, Time And Again!?!

Why Does He Love Us So!?!

It Will Take Eternity To Find The Answer To That Question!

More Importantly
When Will We Acknowledge That He Does
With Him ... In Faith
To Old Calvary Go
To Slough Off The Sin Character
Acquire The Garment Of Praise
The Character Of Christ
Choose To Live For Him
To Tell The World Of His Love
His Undying Devotion ... To Us
- Daily Dying Sinful Man -
Who Cannot In Our Own Strength Stand!?!

He Personally Loves Me!
I Desire To Understand Why
And, That, Ms. Lilly
Why I Cry!

I Have To Get Home ... To Him!
I Must On His Once Broken Heart Cry!
I Must Feel The Nail Prints!
I Must Touch That Riven Side!
I Must Kiss His Scarred Forehead!
I Must Give Thanks And Shout Praise
I Must Sing
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
To My Lord
My God
My King
The Ancient Of Days!

I Have To Get Home!
Lord, Help Me!
I Must Get Home!

Titi, Why Am I Crying!?!

Is It Because You Desire To Go Home With Him, Too!?!

Yes, Titi! Yesss!!

"Oh, Love Of God
How Rich And Pure
How Measureless And Strong
It Shall Forevermore Endure
The Saints And Angels Song!"

Indeed, And AMEN!
Oh, Bless Me Now, My Savior
I Come To Thee ...!

... And One Day
- Faith To Face -

We Shall See Him Face To Face
No More Disgrace!

I Yield My Will To You, Lord!

Please, My Spirit Thrill!
Lift Me Up So That I May Lift You Up

Who For Me Was Slain On Calvary's Hill!

Friday, March 29, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + PRAISE: What's In Your Life's Permanent File!?!

Unkind Words!
Ungodly Deeds!
Hope For Heaven!
Grateful Praise!
Joy In Jesus!
Working Faith!
Commitment To Christ!
Presumptuous Playing With The Demonic Device!
What's In Your Life's Permanent File!?!
Is There Godly Fear!?!
Good Things!?!
Bad Things!?!
Do You Even Care!?!

You Work For The Master!
You Stand On The Solid Rock!
You Bless God For His Blessings
His Praise You Hold Back!

You Believe That You Are So Wise!
You Know The Inside Track
You Are Playing The Dry Stick
With Bold Adversary Satan
Self-Deception And Temptation
Are Lit Matches!

Did Someone Just Yell:

You Praise Self For Almighty God's Blessings!
You Praise Others Who Also Receive The Heavenly Gifts
You Think Not To Praise The Heavenly Provider
Even Though You Know Your Blessings
Come From No Other!

Self Is The Sinner!
Ingratitude Is The Curse!
Ignorance Is No Off-Shoot

Blessings That Bless
- Left Unacknowledged, Unappreciated -
Can Turn Around
Also Curse!

Humble Yourself!
Lower Your Height!
Give The Living God His Glory
By Practiced Obedience
Enjoy Length Of Days!

Praise Is Comely!
Don't Permit It To Be A Phase!
Let Your Tongue And Your Teeth Have Words
With Gratitude Being Your Wind
Give The Good Lord Great Praise!
It Will Never Be A Waste!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

PRAYER : Father, I Bow My Heart Before You!

I Thank You For Mercy!
I Thank You For Grace!
I Look Forward With Gratitude
To Living With My Jesus In Perfect Peace
When, Finally, The Days Of Disgrace Are Forever Displaced!

I Have Much To Thank And Bless You For
The Truth Is That I Will Never Know The Sum!
I Have Been And Am Living Upon Your Bounty
Without Which Of That Precious Gift Called Life
I Most Assuredly Would Have None!

I Bow My Heart Before You
Even When I Can't Bend Me Knee!
Please Help Me Never Again To Pay You Lip Service
By The Uttering Of Vain Words Flowery!

I Desire The Heart To Heart Relationship With You!
I Desire The Life That Is Christ's!
I Desire The Outpouring
The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit
So That Your Control Over Me
Can Never Be Doubted Nor Denied!

Bless Me, Dear Lord
To Speak The Truth
To Do The Right
To Live Right In The Righteous Son's Light
To Love My Fellow Man
As Jesus Christ Loves Us
Do All That You Say
Because Disobedience Costs
Obedience Always Pays!

Thank You For The Angel Guard!
Thank You For The Recording Angel
The Knowledge Of Whose Presence
I Pray
Will Always Cause Me
To Stop And Think About What I Do
Or Choose To Say! 

May The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Lead Me
Guide Me
Teach Me
Chide Me
Moment By Moment
Each And Every Day!
I Hold You In Godly Fear!!

I Have A Home In Glory Land
To Which I Am Travelling Even Now
I Am Relying On You, Father
To Help Get Me Safely There
And, So
Despite Disappointments
The Death Promised To Man
I Choose To Walk With Jesus Christ
By My Received Gift Of
Daily Grace And Daily Faith!
Help Me To Keep On In The Race!

Please Take Me By The Hand
Help Me In My Lot
- On The Day Appointed -
Triumphantly To Stand!

Thank You For Hearing
For Answering My Prayer
For I Ask All In The Dear Name Of
The Holy Jesus! 
Please Come Soon!
I Love You, Father!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


I Was Walking To Nowhere, Real Fast
Supremely Pleased About It
Until ...!

Until He
Giving The Heads Up ... Showing Grace
You Know ... Unmerited Favor
Stopped Me On The Way And Said:

Dead End Up Ahead!
Do A U-Turn
Go Right
To Where The Obedient Sheep
Are Graciously Fed!

This Notice From The Good Shepherd
Was, To Say The Least, Unexpected
Perhaps, Unconsciously Unconsciously
I Avoided That Particular Shepherd
He Had The Way ... By Reputation
- In Truth And In Fact -
Of Making One Smell One's Self
And, Thereby Acknowledging The Stench Of Personal Sin
Acknowledging That One Was In A Mortal Strife
Acknowledging That The Sin-Life Was Not Nice
Acknowledging That Sin, Itself, Was A Satanic Device
Acknowledging That The Only Way To Eternal Life
Was Through The Lord Jesus Christ
Acknowledging That Salvation Was Life
Acknowledging That For One To Get Out From Under Sin
One Needed Christ To Use His "Knife"
- His Innocent Blood Red -
That Washes The Sinner Clean
Making His Sin Known Scarlet
To Be As White As Snow
His Sin Known Crimson
To Be As Wool!

Oh, Yes!
I Knew Of The Good Shepherd
But ... Previous To NowI Had Had No Real Need
- No Over-Arching Desire -
To Get To Personally Know Him!

Until Now ...!

I Was In A Bind
A Pickle
Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea!
I Was On A Rotten Limb Over A Shark Tank!
I Was Living In A What Could Only Be 
Euphemistically Called A House
The Roof Had Windows
The Floor Had Doors
The Sides Were Made Of Crackled
And Pocked-Marked Glass
It All Stood On Sinking Sand
Far, Far, Far From Rock Solid Ground
Out Of Ear-Shot Of Fair-Weather Friend
Friend With Benefits
Family Always Needing Finance
Not Far From The Friend Who Sticks Closer Than A Brother
The Good Shepherd
- That Good Shepherd -
Who Always, Always, Always
Seemed To Appear
Whenever I Had Indulged In One Of My Cock-Ups
And, As UsualWas Now Saying
Lovingly Saying:

Please Give Me Your Burden! 
Give Me Your Hand! 
Follow My Direction
And You Shall Arrive Safely
In Beulah, The Beautiful Land!

I Looked Up!
I Saw Light!
I Was Tired
I Was Finally Ready To Fail At Sinning
To Take The Way To Live-Way To Life Test!

I Swallowed My Vaunted Pride!
I Acknowledged My Fair Shame!
I Untied My Gross Back-Pack Of Sin
I Gave It All To Him Who Carries The Burden
For All Who His Holy Name Claim!

I Cried Out!
I Laughed!
I Sang!
I Lifted Up Unweighted No Longer Weary Arms
I Reached For The Hands Reaching For Me
I Triumphantly Praised The Only One Perfect
The One God Holy!

I Had Been Blind
I Plainly Now See That
Satan Is The Liar
That Jesus Christ The Righteous Sets Fallen Man Free!

But, Then ...

I Asked That Question:

Why Did It Take So Long!?!

Said He:

You Were Not Ready!
You Needed To Want To Be Saved!
You Needed To Desire To Be Blessed! 
You Had To See Your Condition
In Its True Light
Of Your Own Free Will
Call Upon God Almighty
To Get You Out Of The Dark Night
Where You Had Adjusted 

To Being Able To See
Without Perceptible Light!

It Is Only When Your Corrupted Sight
Cuttingly Challenged
Convicted Of Darkness
Convinced That There Is True Light
Is Begging For Pure Light
That The Light Of Life Is Welcomed
You Become Willing To Walk By Faith

Not By Lying Eyesight
As Encouraged
By Your Deceitful Man's Heart!

You Removed The Scales!
You Unstopped My Ears!
Would You Please Now Shod My Feet
To Go Share The Gospel, The Truth
So That My Joy May Be Complete!?!

Take A Moment
And Rest A While
And Learn From Me
All You Can About Me
And Soon You Will Don
Your Helmet Of Salvation 
Your Breastplate Of Righteousness
Your Belt Of Truth
Your Sword Of The Spirit 
- The Word Of God -
Your Shield Of Faith 
In Daily Communion
- Praying Without Ceasing - 
With The Throne Of Grace
Go Off To Tell Others
That Jesus Christ Alone Saves!


Brethren,Believe It Or Not
We Have To See
To Be Able To See
That We Need Him
Who Provides For Our Real Needs!

Many See But Are Blind!
Many Are The Blind Who See!
Would That We All Will Humble Ourselves
Getting Off Of Our Pedestals
Whereon We Placed Our Selves As Gods
Lifted Up
Unable To Save
But Looking Pretty ... On Grandly Decorated Shelves!

Please Do Not Wait Too Long
To Humble Self
To Set Dear-Self Aside
The Day Shall Come
- When You Least Expect It -
When You Shall Embark On The Bark
That Departs For The Last
The Only
Soul Damnation Destruction
One-Way Can't-Return-From Ride
On The Lake Burning With Brimstone And Fire
Set As Sin, Sinner, Satan
Death, Hell And The Grave's
Everlasting Consuming Pyre!

Do Not Be By Sin's Ease Beguiled!
Look To Jesus Christ
In His Everlasting Arms ... Hide!

Jesus Christ Always Saves!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Contrition ... Pardon And Peace!?!

... And They're Bold Sinners!

Does That Mean That You're A Timid Sinner!?!

Uhh ... Umm ...!

Listen To Me Carefully, All Of You!
I Am A Sinner!
You Are Sinners!
We Are All Sinners
So Do Not Take Pleasure
In Pointing Out Another's Disgrace ...!

... But ...!

... There Is No But!
The Only Difference Between THOSE Sinners
US Sinners

That We Have Chosen To Acknowledge That
We Are Sinners
That We Need The Savior
Which Is Something That They Have Not Done!

The Operative Words In All Of This Are
Chosen ... Choice
Acknowledge ... Recognition
Need ... Necessity!

One Thing That We Should All Bear

If You Do Not See Or Feel Or Have The Need
If You Don't Acknowledge That You Are A Sinner
That You Don't Recognize That You Have A Problem
Are A Known Condemned Sinner
Needing Saving From - Not In - Sin
You Will Never Choose To Seek After
The Savior ... Our Only Savior
- I Can't Overstress This -
Satan, Old Experienced Deceiver Satan
Will Trip You Up
24/7 365 Days A Year
366 Days In A Leap Year!

Lord Almighty!
He Really Doesn't Take A Vacation!

He Can't Take A Vacation!
He Only Has A Short Time To Be The Adversary
The Accuser Of The Brethren
To Do The Dog
To Be The Raging Lion
To Be The Piercing Serpent
To Be The Heel-Biter
- For Once And For All Time -
Jesus Christ The Savior Of Every Man
Turns Out His Light
Crushes His Head
Burns His Vile Body
Until He Is Completely Consumed
Rendering Sin A Thing
Never, Ever, Ever
To Rise Up Again!

I Look Forward To That Day!

It's All Well And Good
To Say You Look Forward To Satan's Demise
That Will Only Happen
With The Lord Christ
To Eternal Life You Rise!

Do You Truly Know Yourself!?!
Do You Recognize That You Are A Sinner!?!
Do You Acknowledge That Only Jesus Saves!?! 

Do You Know That No Demon
That Not Even Satan Himself
Can Overcome A Sinner-Born
Now Repentant, Who
In Child-Like, Simple Trust
Casts Himself, Bodily, Boldly
Upon The Lord Jesus Christ!?!

The Lord Cannot Save ...!

... Anyone Who Is Not An Acknowledged Sinner!

No Sin ... No Salvation!

Better Put
No Acknowledged Sin ... No Required Salvation!

In Short, Brethren
No Contrition ... No Sorrow For Sin
No Pardon
No Peace
No Soul Relief
Damnation Going Unto
Coming Up Out Of The Grave!

Oh, Dear!
That Doesn't Sound Healthy At All!

Couldn't Actually Be Healthy Either!

What We All Need
New Mind
New Heart
New Motive
New Life ...!

... Create In Me A Clean Heart, Oh, God ...!
... And Renew ...!
... And Renew A Right Spirit ...!
... People Need The Lord!

Teach Me Thy Way, Oh, Lord!
Lead Me Gently Home!
Feed Me!
Guide Me!
Chide Me, Dear Lord
Dying In Sin
A Luxury I Cannot Afford!

Do The Math ...

Only A Step To Jesus
All That It Takes To Be Cleansed!
Only A Step To Jesus
The Life Lived In Sin Comes To Its Just End!

Trust And Believe!
Walk Right And Receive!
Cast On Christ Your Sin Today
Wing Your Way To Glory
After Enduring All For Him
One Bright And Glorious Soon Coming Great Day!

So, Brethren
What Do We Now Say!?!

Do Not Indulge In Own-Sin Self-Pay!

Get Thee Unto Jesus And Say:


I Come To You Confessing
I Am A Sinner Each And Every Day!
I Sin By Word 
By Thought
By Deed
And I, Contrite
Willingly Acknowledge That
You Are My Savior
It Is You
Your Forgiveness
Your Blessing
That I Sincerely Need!
Please Hear My Prayer!

Dear Lord, 

Please Take Me Over! 

Monday, March 25, 2019

Please Express Gratitude

G Is For Gratitude
G Is For Gift
G Is For Grace
G Is For Goodness
G Is For Godly Gain
G Is For Glory
G Is For God Almighty
In Whom We Live And Breathe
Have Any Being
Please Let Us Express Our Great Gratitude To 
The Gracious God
Who Generously Gives Us His Good Gifts:

Truth And Light
Hope Help Healing
Peace And Rest
Righteousness And Life
Mercy And Forgiveness
That Is
Grace, Now
If Enduring All For Christ To The End
Glory, Later!

Please Let Your Soul Bless The Lord ...

He Forgives All Your Iniquities:
Your Willful, Planned, Sins!

He Heals All Your Diseases:
Even The Incurable Ones!

He Redeems Your Life From Destruction:
Think About That Second Death From Which
There Is No Return!

He Crowns You With Loving Kindness
Tender Mercy:
All Day, All Night, Angels Watch Over You!

He Satisfies Your Mouth With Good Things
Renews Your Youth:
He'll Make You Forever Young!

What Wondrous Love Is This 
Expressed To Us
By The Holy God!
He Gives By Daily Blessing
In The Day To Come
The Refreshing! 

Should Not We Trust This Great God
Not Through This Life
- Over Trivial Acquisitions -
Be Inordinately Stressing!?!

Think About It ...

All Bases Are Covered!
There Are No Nooks Or Crannies 
Where Things Can Hide From Your View!
Everything That The Lord Says That
He Will Do For You
In The Open
On Full Display!

The One Thing That We Are Not Given To Know
- Yet -
The Depth, Breadth, Height Of
The Glories He Has Prepared For His Beloved People
We Can All Rest Assured That
All Will Be Glorious
That ... Exponentially Multiplied
So, We, As True And Faithful Believers
Should Follow After Him ... Gladly
Unfailingly, Wisely, Wittingly, Willingly!

Think About It ...

Do You Realize That Sin Is A Sickness
That Also Makes Us Physically Ill
That Is Why Very Often We Read That 
The Master Told The One Ill
Seeking Bodily Healing:

Thy Sin Is Forgiven Thee!
Go And Sin No More
Lest ... Something Worse Befall Thee!?!

Do You Remember That Old Tongue Twister:

How Much Wood Would A Wood-Chuck Chuck
If A Wood-Chuck Would Chuck Wood!?!

How's This Question For A Change:

How Much Sorrow Would A Sinner Save 
If A Sinner Sacrificed Self To The Savior Always!?!

If Only We Knew
That Is, 
Really, Truly, Believed
That Our Mercy Free Is Freely Available
Easily Accessible
Alluringly Attainable!

His Sickness Is SIN!
He SINS Because He's A Sinner
He Will Find Himself In The CESS!
He Involves His KIN In His Sin
Uncaring If They SINK
Into The Depths Of Degradation
Offering Love's KISS To The Devil
Away From Free Mercy Walking!

So Much For The Question Oft' Ask:
"What Sin!?!"

But, Thank God
There Is The Savior!

Be Grateful, Brethren ...

There Is The Savior Who Blesses
Who Saves
Who Forgives 
Who Heals
Who Seals
Who Leads
Who Reveals
If, We
- Seeing Our Need -
Will Confess And Repent To The Father
- In Jesus Christ's Holy Name -
All Our Known Sin!
It's Time To Get Out Of Our Messes!

So, Look Up With Love's Eyes!
Lift Up The Weary Hands!
Plod On On Strong Legs!
Jesus Christ Is The Son Of Man
For You ... He Died And Rose Again
For You
- Willing Sinner-Saved -
He's Coming To This Earth Again! 

Ooooh, The Unspeakable Gift ...

The Gift Given To Man
Eternity Wide
Eternity Long
Eternity High
All It Costs For You To Achieve It
"I Desire You, Lord! 
Here's My Heart: 
Come Inside And Abide!
I Desire To Walk About Zion
Ever At Your Holy Side!"


The Acceptance Of The Gift
The Tide Of The Sinner's Life!


In The Lord Of Life
Please Confide
For The Glorious Gift
Express Gratitude!
Change The Tide!