Saturday, April 6, 2019

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Worry!?! + PRAYER: I Desire To Please You, Father!

You Look So Different!
What's Your Secret!?!

It's No Secret!
I Quit My Work Three Weeks, Four Days

And Fourteen Hours Ago!

What Do You Mean You Quit Your Work!?!
I Saw You On The Job ... In The Distance
Up To Yesterday!

I, Sure Enough, Did Quit
And I Am Fitter
And Fatter
And More Peaceful
And More Rested
And Busier Than Ever!
And ... I'm Loving It!

Hold On, Missy!
You Need To Explain This!

I Quit Going Into Work At The Yoke Manufacturing Plant!
I Quit Working At Worry!
I Suddenly Remembered That
- It Was Brought To My Mind  -
Worry Is An Unnecessary Job! 

Worry Makes Life Harder
The Problems More Severe
Manufactures Heavier Burdens
Making Everything Twice What They Need To Be
Says Plainly To The Burden Bearer:

Your God Can't Help You!
Enjoy The Load! 
Settle In! 
Be Comfy!

Merciful Powers!

It's True!
I Was Weary With Worry!
I Was In The Class Called Standard Of The World!
I Walked World!
I Spoke Christian!
I Was Singing Hymns And Psalms
And, YetI Was In The Service Of Sin!
I Had Desires Above Loving The Son Of Man!

I Had Become Proficient In 
The Customs Of Practicing Worry
I Had Been Perplexing My Mind
At How I Could Get Things
- My Lustful Desires -
Fulfilled In A Real Hurry!

I Was Like The Hamster On The Wheel
Running, Running ...!

... And Going Nowhere Real Fast ...!

... And Having All Day To Get There!

What Opened Your Eyes!?!
What Made You Get Off The Wheel!?!
What Caused You The Job Of Worry To Quit!?!

It Was Really Quite Amazing, And I Quote:

I Will Not Leave You Nor Forsake You! 

I Will Not Leave You Comfortless! 
I Will Not Leave You Alone! 
I Number The Hairs On Your Head! 
You Are Worth More Than The Sparrow!
You Are In My Heart! 
I Think On You! 
Your Name Is Engraved
On The Palm Of My Hand! 
I Am Preparing A Place For You:
Do Not Let Worry Stay You From On Your Lot 
Being Able To Stand! 
Precious Child! 
Cease Your Worry! 
Take My Extended Hand!

I Took The Extended-To-Me Hand!
I Accepted The Hand Of Mercy!
I Accepted The Living Holy Word!
I Cast Away My Idols:
  • Self 
  • Self-Service
  • Self-Sufficiency
  • Self-Aggrandizement
  • Pride And Vanity

I, Repentant
Clothed Myself In Plain Humility! 

I Humbled Myself Before The Holy Son Of God
The Returning Son Of Man!

How Did That Feel!?!

Funny ... At First
Then Fabulous! 

My Jesus
- My Master -
Unfailingly Takes Care Of Me ... Old, Simple, Me!
I Now Daily Take Up My Cross With My Left Hand
He Leads Me By My Right Hand!
With Him Leading
I Shall On The Mount Zion
Among The Redeemed Brethren
Immortalized, Incorruptible
Glorified ... Grateful And Blessed Forever
In Triumph Stand!

Would You Introduce Me To The Son Of Man!?!

Absolutely! I Sure Enough Can!


Please Help Me, Dear Father!
I Am Calling Out To You!
Help Me To Rest In The Shadow Of Your Wings
So That I, Sinner-Repentant
Will Always Be Close To You!

I Pray For Soul And Bodily Healing
Not For Riches, Houses Or Lands!
I Pray For A Converted-To-Christ Heart
So That I May Live Forever With Him
In Beulah, The Beautiful Land!

I Pray For Peace With You, My Father
For Strength
To Fight 
The Good Fight Of Faith!
I Pray For Clean Hands
A Pure Heart
So That I May Stand Up Straight
In Your Presence
Not Be Amongst Those Wearing
The Ashamed Face
Those Of The Disobedient Wild Goat Clan
Who Refused To Follow The Redemption Plan!

I Believe Your Word Is Faithful!
I Believe Your Love Is True!
I Believe That Grace And Mercy
Are Prized Possessions
Because They Come Out From You!

I Desire To Please You, Father!
I Desire To Honor Your Great And Holy Name!
I Desire To Tell Others
The Good News Of The Holy Jesus
The Coming Kingdom
I Desire To Be Embraced
Guided, Corrected, Protected
Blessed Beyond All Imagining By You
Who Is Loving, Kind, Just And Forever True!

Pity Your People, I Beseech You, Father
Those Who Honor You
Worship You Faithfully
And Adore
Those Who Look For And Love
The Lord's Appearing
Which, Even Now
Is At The Door!

Lead Us, Lord! 
Guide Us Today!
Bless Us With All Blessing
For It Is To The Holy God Eternal
That We Humbly Petition By Faithful Prayer!
We Love You, Father
And Ask These Few Mercies
In Jesus Christ's Matchless Holy Name!
Please Come Soon!

Friday, April 5, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + So, What: Lover Of Sin!?!

Don't Understand
Don't See
Don't Care
So What
Are Discussing The Issue Of Sin
They Were Each Taking The Popular Positions
Beloved Of The Sin-Loving
Christian Character-Minimizing
Self-Aggrandizing Populace
Who Are All Professionally Diagnosed With "I" Problems!

They Had Just Told Off It's A Lost Cause
Who Had Adamantly Declared That
Being A Lover Of Sin Was A Lost Cause
The Lover Of Sin Would Be Lost To The Lord Christ 
His Cherished Cause Will Never Be Found
Ever. Again.
In The Heavenly Realm!

For The Record ...

These Are The Positions Held 
Boisterously Stated:

Don't Understand Doesn't Understand Why Sin Is A Problem!
Don't See Doesn't See Sin As A Problem!
Don't Care Doesn't Care Who Has A Sin Problem!
So What, Unphased By The Displays Of Emotion, Said:

So, What!?! We're All Gonna Die Anyway!

The Bases Are LOAAAADED!!

Converted Christian Is Pitching: 

  • Sin Is The Transgression Of God's Law
  • Sinners Need Salvation
  • Jesus Christ Saves
  • Almighty God's Mercy Is Free
  • Confession Of Sin Relieves The Heavy Load
  • Repentance Is Good For The Riven Soul

So What Is Royally Ticked Off
By The "Sermonette"
Tries To Dig Out Converted Christian's Cleansed Eyes!

Converted Christian
Shielded By Grace
Enclosed By Faith
Made Prosperous By Mercy, Responded:

True Prosperity Depends On Piety!

Marvellous Grace Entered The Fray
Like A Thunder-Bolt, Proclaimed:

Our God Is A Consuming Fire

And No Sinner Unrepentant

Can Survive In His Holy Presence!

Repent Of Your Sin

And You Shall Be Bountifully Blessed!

Don't Understand, Trembling In Fear
At The Can't-Be-Ignored Statement, Squeaked:

I Don't Understand!
Is My Mind Weak!?!

Faith For Today Chimed In:

Those Who Cast Off The Government Of God
- That Is The Laws And Precepts Of God -
Are Those Who First Cast Aside Man's Gift Of Understanding!

Pretended Ignorance Is An Insult To Our Creator
Who Gave Every Man Certain Gifts
Amongst Them
The Ability To Understand Right From Wrong!

Being Self-Willed And Own-Way Are Not Spiritual Blessings!
They Are Pillars
- Even Foundation Stones -
Whereon The Sin Life Is Built!

Don't Understand Replied: 

Dear Lord, Have Mercy On Me!
I See My Need
And I Here And Now Acknowledge That
I Am Carnal-Minded And Sold Out To Sin!

To Which Truth, Holding Mercy's Extended Hand, Replied:

Behold The Lamb Of God
Who Takes Away The Sin Of The World!

Following This Declaration
For The Record
This Is The Charge That Don't Understand Then Received:

Be Instant
Be Constant In Prayer!
Do Not Let The World Bend You To Its Will!
Do Not Live In Fear!

The Lord Says:
Come Boldly To The Throne Of Grace!
For You, I Have Made The Way!
Stand Up And Be Counted For The Kingdom!
I Shall Not Turn You Away!

Ask ... When You Believe!
Seek ... Do Not Steal!
Knock: Heaven's Storehouses Are Open

You Will Your Request By Faith Receive!

The Devil
Old Satan Is The Liar!
His Soon Rest Is In The Lake Of Fire!
Do Not Follow Him Like A Tame Dog
He Cannot Save You Nor Himself
Go Straight To The Lord Of Life
The Lord Always Willing
You Will Survive The Mortal Strife
From The Hand Of The Lord Christ
You Will Receive Eternal Life!

Remember! Remember!
Don't Ever Forget:
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear!
This Is The Sure Word!
It Is Not A Whim Nor A Dare!
Trust The Word Of The Promise Giver
Who Is Also The Promise Keeper
Whether You Live Long
Or Become A Long-Home Sleeper!

Trust The Creator!
Trust The Lord Kind!
Trust The Shepherd Of Your Rest
He Won't Cast You Aside
Leave His Faithful Child Behind!
Don't Doubt The Lord: It Is A Sin
A Known Crime!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

TIRED OF RUNNING: The Soul's Desire!

Intellect, Emotions And Will
Were In The Midday Sermon At
The Christian Ministry Mission Int'l, Inc.
Ready Some Sweet Soul To Fill
Either As Individuals, A Duet Or A Trio! 

The Menu Was Hearer's Choice!

Some Parishioners Came Only To Be Thrilled!

Maxi Peace-Meal Was An Intellectual Fraud!
He Loved To Say "Book-It!"
He Was An Ephraim!
He Was Into False Gods!

Merlene Mansour Was Excitable
Loving Bells And Whistles
Thrills And The Feels
Was Searching For A Good And Strong Tree
Was In The Preacher's Hand
So Much Malleable Putty!
She Seemed Not To Realize That It Is Jesus Christ
Who Saves
Not The Tree!!

Milton Burly
Had Kissed The World And Liked It
Had Driven Too And Fro Around It
An Amazing Time Or Two
He Had Had His Fill
- He Had Learned From Wise King Solomon -
Was Seriously Looking To Put To Better Use His Will
So, He Was Decidedly Open That Day 
To The Holy Spirit's Call
Before The Lord Of Life
In Total Surrender To Fall
If ...!

What's That!?!

The Lord Of Life
Our Creator
Our Redeemer
Our One True Friend Says:
Come ... Let Us Reason Together!

Wait A Minute!
I Can Actually Have A Back And Forth Conversation
With The God Of The Universe!?!!

He Is Saying To You, Oh, Searching Soul:
Call On Me And I Will Answer You
And Show You Great And Mighty Things
About Which You Know Nothing!

The Lord GOD Eternal Is Willing
To Teach Me Personally!?!!

The Holy God
Is Asking All You Who Labor
And Are Heavy Laden With Sorrow
With Needs
Cultivated Tendencies
Inherited Tendencies
You Who Need Unfailing Love
Peace ... And Rest
And Forgiveness
And Cleansing From Cherished Sins
To Come Unto Him ... As You Are!

He Will Wash You Of Your Scarlet Sins
And He Will Make Them White As Snow!
If Your Sins Are Red Like Crimson
He Will Make Them As Wool!
He Will Make You Anew!
He Will Accept You Into His Heart
Into His Family
And He Has Promised To Provide A Place
Personally ... For You
In One Of The Mansions
In His Father's House!

Eh! Eh! 
A Personal God
Means He Knows My Name!

It Makes Sense! 
It Feels Right!
I Can Hear His Voice Calling My Name!
He Knows Me!

Jesus Christ Says To You, Sinner
And That Means Me, Too:
It Is Not His Desire That Any One Of You Should Be Lost
And He Has Plainly Indicated His Will
By Adding This Promise:

All That The Father Hath Given To Me
Shall Come To Me
And He That Cometh To Me
I Will In No Wise Cast Out!

But, Beloved
There Is A Proviso!

There's Always A Catch!

Confess Your Sin!
Repent Of The Past!
Do A U-Turn!
See That You Turn To Christ!
Tomorrow Is Not Promised!

I Can Do This!

If I Confess My Sin
He Is Faithful And Just
To Forgive ... Me ... Of My Sin
And To Cleanse Me Of
All ... All ... All Unrighteousness!

He Will Give You His Character For Your Stained One!
Give Up Your Sin!
Be Bold!
The Door Of Mercy Is Here And Now
Open Wide! 

Take The First Step
And With Him, Forevermore
He Invites You To Abide!

Abiding Love!
Amazing Grace!
Mercy Is Free
For Me, For Thee! 

Do Not Look Back
Nor Turn Side To Side!
From Sin Turn Around
And Through All The Changing Scenes Of 
Your Life
Almighty God's Grace And Mercy
Will Abound!

Don't Lie To Yourself!
Don't Hide!

... And I Get Faith For Free! 
Mercy For Free! 

There's Provision!
There's Protection!
There's Power ...!
... I Must Give Praise!

I Make The Transaction! 
I Am Yours! 
Please Fill My Heart! 
Help Me To Change My Ways!
I Give You My Will!
I Long To Belong To You! 
I Desire Everlasting Days!

Draw Me Nearer, Lord! 
Do Not Pass Me By! 

I See Your Hand Extended! 
Help Me To Hold On To You! 
I Do Not Want Ever Again 
To Believe Satan's Pretty Lies!

I Want Around Zion One Great Day To Fly!

I Desire To Drink Of The Water Of The River Of Life!
I Desire To Eat Of The Tree Of Life!

Lord, Please Help Me!
I Surrender! 
I Desire The Lord Christ!

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Salvation Salves: Jesus Christ Saves

Wait, Wait, Wait!
Start Again From The Beginning
So That Gracie Can Hear The Whole Story!

This Is Unbelievable!

It May Be Unbelievable
But It Is True!

I Was Minding My Own Business!
I Had Not A Care In The World!
That Should Have Been My First Clue!
But, Nooo!

I Was Too Busy Brushing Out My Nice Curls!

I Went Back Into My Living Room! 

There Had Been No Intruder Alert
But, There, Reclining Like A Boss
In My Comfy Chair
Was Known Sin
Bold As Brass
Inviting Me To Have A Cuddle With Him!
I Had Not Even Thought On Him
Not Even On A Whim! 

What On Earth Did You Do!

Being Ever So Polite
- I Wasn't Raised In A Barn, You Know -
And Not Wanting To Offend
I Asked Him Ever So Nicely
Who Had Let Him In!

He Looked Me Dead In My Face
Seeming To Grow Bigger As He Did
Gruffly Informed Me:

Don't Play, Ms. PRISS!
You, Yourself, Let Me In
And Of Your Life
I Am Now In Control!

But, How!?!

To Be Precisely Exact
Tuesday Gone Week
At Half-Four In The P. M.
You Were Tired
Your Strength Was Weak
You Were Upset At Life
Ignoring The Master's Warning
That This Life Is A Strife
That You Would Have Tribulation
That You Were Not To Doubt
That All Things Work For Your Good
That His Grace Is Sufficient
That You Do Not Walk Alone
That This Life Is Fleeting
That This World Is Not Your Home
You Indulged Self
Giving Self Total Control
- Obviously Knowing The Drill -
Grandly Handed Over Control Of
Your Self To Me, Sin
And, So
Control Over Your Despised Life
I Am Full Control Here And Now Taking!

But, But ...!

... But's Hurt!
Here! Take This Bruise!

You Must Be Mad!

I Am!
You Lose!

Lord Jesus ...!

... Don't You Start With That Folly!
Come Lie And Lie With Me!
Things Will Be Quite Jolly!

We Went Back And Forth

I Knew This Was A Lost Cause
After Being Impressed By The Good Angels
That This Was A Ploy
To Stop Me From Praying
From Going To The Source Of My Strength
To Stop Me From Realizing
That God's Grace Is Heaven Sent!

I Stepped Back From The Miasma
That Shroud That Was Hanging About
Leaned Upon The Lord Of Life
The Sun Of Righteousness
The Shepherd Of Rest
My Certain Hope For Surpassing Glory
I Let All My Sorrow Hang Out:

Oh, God

Thou King Of Glory!
Oh, Lord, King Of My Soul
My Light!
I Am In Deep Trouble!
I Need You!
Known Sin Is In My Camp
He Is Turning My Day Into Darkness 
Into Night That Blights!

I Made A Terrible Mistake, My Father

My Hope, My Help, My True Friend!
I Looked Inward
Instead Of Outward-Upward
And, Sin
Known Sin Has, Uninvited
My Life Entered In!


I Am Sorry For My Folly!
I Looked Away From You!
It Was Only For A Moment!
Help Me Please!
I Believe Your Word
I Know Of A Surety
That You Are The Holy God!
I Believe In And Completely Trust You!

What Happened Next!

I Don't Know What Happened While I Was Praying
When I Opened My Eyes
I Saw That Known Sin Struggling
As Though He Was Fighting For His Life!

Soon Enough
I Heard The Door Open!
I Heard The Door Close!
I Felt My Heart Singing
Not Being Able To Restrain Myself
I Started Rejoicing ...!

... You Had Me Going There For A Minute!
I Really Thought You Were Telling A Real Story!

I Was!
I Am!

Nobody Can See Sin!
And, Furthermore
Which Door Did You See Him Going Through!?!

So Young, So Young!
You Have Much To Learn!

You Don't See Sin!
You See The Effects Of Sin!
The Door Is The Door To The Heart
The Struggle Is Between The Flesh And The Spirit!

I Wanted, I Desired, The Lord
His Holy Spirit!
Self Wanted The Fraud
The Life Without Limits!
Those Two Cannot Co-Exist!

The One You Feed 
The One Who Controls
The Life You Lead Determines
The Eternity You Will Behold!

Self Let Loose Always Leads To Sin!

Sin Comes From Satan!

Self Yielded To The Savior
Always Leads To Faith
The Indwelling Holy Spirit!
The Soul Controlled By The Spirit Of Life
Holds Salvation As A Sweet Delight!

Sin Sours Your Soul, Your Life!
Salvation Salves Your Spirit, Brightens Your Light!
Satan Destroys!
Jesus Christ Saves!
So, Please, I Beseech You
Do Not Let Unchecked Self Turn You Into
A Beholden-To-Sin Slave!

The Way Of The Cross
Onward And Upward
In Self-Denial
In Willing
Obedient Service! 
Do Your Due Diligence
Yield To Working Faith
You Will Not Suffer Loss!
Let Jesus Christ
- Of Your Daily Life -
Be Your One
- Your Only -
Honored "Boss!" 


Tuesday, April 2, 2019

I Will Not Wait: I Will WAIT!

I Will Not Wait!

You Are Not Serious!
The Bible Says That Are To Wait Upon The Lord!
How Are You Reading The Scriptures!?!

May A Bit More Carefully Than You Are Presently!

What Do You Mean!?!

Just Like Here, Hair, And Hear Sound Alike 
And Mean Different Things
Wait Has Different Meanings!

Okay! I'm Listening!

What Does "Wait For Me!" Mean To You Guys!?!

It Means That I Am Stay Where I Am 
Until You Come To Join Me!

What Does "Wait On Me!" Mean To You!?!

It Means That I Should Not Do Anything 
Until You Give The Go Ahead!

I Say It Means That I Should Serve You!

What Does "They Are Wait Staff!" Mean To You!?!

It Means That "They" Are 
Duly Commissioned Servants!

Now I Will Tell You What I Meant
When I Said I Will Not "Wait!"

I Will Not Wait Until There Is Trouble
To Seek The Lord In Prayer!
I Will Not Wait Until Sorrow Comes
To Hurry To The Lord's Side!
I Will Not Wait Until I Am Hungry
To Ask The Lord For My Day's Food
I Shall Most Assuredly Not Wait
Until The Storm Of Wind Appears
To Seek Shelter Under The Umbrella Of 
The Living God's Love!

There Is A Time And Place For Everything
Time And Chance Happens To Every Man
We Need To Understand
What The Word Means When It Says


What That Text Is Saying ... Simply
They That Serve
Expect Something Of And From The Lord
In Consequence Of Faith ... Faithfully
Have The Promise Of The Blessed Life Now
The  Glorified Life
Heaven At The Last Trumpet:
They Shall Have Wings
They Shall Fly
They Shall Live With Almighty God!

You Actually Got All Of That Out Of The Word Wait!?!

If He Got All That From Wait
I Can Imagine What Will Come Of Trust!

Ahhh, Trust!
A Beautiful Word That Says I'm

Taking Rest Under the Savior's Tent!

Whoa!! I Like That!

You Should!

Wait Is In Trust!
Trust Is In Wait!
Waiting And Trusting In Our God Holy
Will Not See One Repentant Sinner
Enduring Old Satan's Fate!

Trust ... Give Me A Loan
Trust ... I Believe The Word
Trust ... I Believe Who Gives The Word
Trust ... Security
Trust ... Dependency

Trust Is All About Confidence!

The Lord Asks Us To Give Him Our Faith
Our Trust
Our Hope
Wait Upon Him To Do For Us
All That He Has Promised!

We Are To Surrender Self
Suspend, Discard, Destroy Doubt
Live In Hope
Believe That He Is True ...!

... He Says That He Is The Truth!

He Says He Is The Word!

He Also Says That He Is The Way
The Light
The Life
The Good Shepherd
The Door
The Savior!

He Says He Is Our Peace!

He Says We Find Our Rest In Him!

Brethren, Since Jesus Christ Is All Things
To Every Man
In Every Place
At Every Time
What Do You Say ... Based On The Living Word
Do WE Wait
On The Son Of God
The Returning Son Of Man!?!

I Will Wait On The Son Of God
While I Wait For The Redeemer Of Man To Come!

I Will Not Wait To Pray And To Plead
While I Wait For Direction
From Him Who Does My Body And My Soul Feed!

I Will Wait In Hope
Trusting Him Through Trials!

I Will Not Wait In Fear Uttering Platitudes
And Spewing Unwarranted Denials!

I Will Wait And Watch And Work!
I Will Not Wander Away!

I Will Wait In Obedience
On The Wonderful Counsellor
The Mighty God
The Prince Of Peace
Who Gives Me His Peace
Which Passes Human Understanding
I Shall Rest Under His Wings
Until He Gives Me Wings Of My Own
Strong Enough To Bear Me Up
As I Follow Him In That Day
Wheresoever He Goes!

Wait Does Not Mean Do Nothing!
Wait Has Weight
Our Wait Requires That We Work!

Waiting On The Lord Is A Worthy Commission
I Will Wait! 

I Will Also 

Work As I'm Taught

By Him!


I Will Also

 Watch As I Trust 

In Him!