Sunday, April 14, 2019

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: The Sword Of Truth Cuts Deep!

Almost Saved And Completely Lost
Were Arguing ... As Usual!
Almost Saved And Completely Lost
Over Soul Salvation
Seemed Not To Realize That 
Neither Had The Fisherman's Net, Cast
For All Their Sermonizing
Bombastic Pronouncements
In The Kingdom Of Light
They Were Not Even The Last!
They Were The Well And Truly Lost! 
But ...

This Did Not So Have To Be!
They Can Be Saved ... If!

You See, Friend
Talk Is Cheap!

An Intellectual Christianity Is An Inanity!
An Emotional Christianity Is A Lie!
A Pontifical Christianity Makes Jesus Cry
Pointing Out To Others Their Fallen Natures
Their Base Sins
Their Egregious Falls From Grace
Their Need To Behold Christ's Dear Face
Their Need To Turn Away From 
The Ways Of The Fraud
Unto The Ways Of The Lord
Without ... Without
- By The Same Light Of Inspection -
Into One's Own Personal Life
Of No Avail
When The Roll Call For Eternity Is Sounded
On The Great And Awful Day!

Hear The Right ...

Can't See And Won't See
See The Same Things!
Don't See But Willing To Learn
Taking The First Step
In Coming To Terms
With The Needs Of The Lost Soul
The Wanderer From God
The Wayward Child Searching
The Soul Wanting To Get Away From
The Clutches Of The Wily, Winsome
Unholy God-Fraud!

Beams And Motes Have A Story To Tell!
Beams And Motes, Likewise
Will See Uncleansed Men In Hell!

If I See You
You See Me
Neither One Of Us Sees Ourself
As Being In Need Of A Cleansing
- In The Saving-Sinner Time -
We Will Continue In Our Sin ... Lost
Never With Jesus Christ The Lord
Ever, Ever, Ever To Abide!
Problem Though
You Can't From His Judgment Bar Hide!

The Presently Lost Can Be Saved!
The Currently Blind Can Be Made To See!
The Wittingly Corrupt Can Be Cleansed
All Can Be Rendered ... By Christ's Sacrifice
Justified, Sanctified
Soon Glorified 
Quite Blessed And Indeed Godly!

Salvation Is Free!
Faith In Christ Is Free!
Seeing Our Personal Need
In The Microscope Of Christ
The Living Holy Word
Free For All 
That Is, Whosoever Will Come
For A Cleansing
Recognizing That Jesus Saves
Denying The Base Liar
His Contorted Convolutions
Designed To Twist Us In Gordian Knots
The Likes Of Which
Only Jesus ... Who Saves To The Uttermost
By His Living Word
- The Sword Of Truth -
Can Sever!

Brethren, Beloved,

There Is No Need 
In The Ways Of The Lost World To Be Clever
Engage The Christ-Cares-For-You Lever
Tell Satan - By The Living Word - Never!

Deny The Liar!
Let Truth Abide Within!

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Will-Alignment Is A Daily Doing!

What Will!?!
You Ain't Nothing But A ... A ... A Worm!

Pardon Me, But You Need To A Put A Handle On That!

Oh, Really!?!

Yes, Really!
For Your Information, I Am A Caterpillar
And, Soon, Very Soon
The God Of Heaven And Earth
The King Of Creation
Going To Make Me Anew!
My Change Is Gonna Come
I Shall Fly!
Will You!?!

Oh, My! How Special!

Oh, Yes, Indeed!
It Is Special!
By My Cooperating With His Will
I, Resting And Believing In His Word
Having Let Go Of Self
- And Willingly Going And Doing All That He Wills -
My Will Will Be Perfectly Aligned
With The Perfect Will Of The  Lord Of Life
At The Appointed Time
Thereafter Unchangeable
Praise Be To Jesus
I Shall Be Changed ... To Be Like Him!

My Garment Shall Be Praise-Worthy!
My Taste Shall Be To The Sweet Things Of Glory!

My Mode Of Transport Shall Be Strong, Beautiful, Wings!
My Every-day Legs Shall Be Elegant
Well-Suited To My Purpose!
My Heart Shall Be Set Always To Home ... With Jesus!
My Life Shall Be A Story For The Ages!
My Eyes Shall Be Special Always Beholding
Heavenly Light
In The Lord's Eyes
I Shall Be His Delight!

I Shall Go Where He Sends Me!
I Shall Always Do What He Says!
I Will Be Always His To Command
Praise Be To Jesus
Heaven Will Be My Pasture-Land!

But, But, You Are A Man!

Didn't You Just Call Me A Worm!?!

I Did, But ...!?!
I Don't Understand!
Are We Even Talking About The Same Thing!?!

You, Friend, Were Speaking As A Carnal Man!
You Thought To Insult Me
I Am Speaking To You ... Spiritually!

I'm Sorry For Being Rude!
What You Said Is Intriguing!
Please Say More  ... I Am Listening!

Very Well!
When You Called Me A Worm
You Called Me What I Am!
You Cannot See What The Lord God Of Hosts
Intends That I Shall Be!

I Was Not Insulted
When You Called Me A Worm
The Lord God Almighty Himself
Declared That That Is What I Am!

But ...

He Who Made Me
Has Promised To Remake Me
Into His Image
When I Choose Him ... By My Free Will
To Be My Everlasting Portion!

That's All Well And Good For You
But What About Me!?!

The Promise Given To Me
The Promise Given To Every Man
Who Wills
Who Desires
Who Loves
Who Trusts
Who Honors
Who Worships
Who Wittingly, Wisely, Wantonly
His Every Word Obeys!

Small Word, Big Meaning!

What's That!?!


Ah, Yes!
The Big Stick That Beats The Doubter!

Think About This ...

If A Caterpillar Indulged In Doubt
Would He Ever Acquire His Wings!

Not Likely!

So, Here's What Truly That Says 
About That Worm, The Caterpillar:

The Caterpillar Is A Wise One!
He Believes That His Creator To Him Is Ever True!
He Aligns Himself With The Plan Of The Lord
Cooperates Fully 
- Nothing Wavering -
No Thought In Doubtful Discord!

I Wish I Was That Caterpillar!

Friend, You Can Be!

Since You Say That, Tell Me How!

That's Easy!
Trust ... And Obey!
Seek After The Lord ... And Pray
Walk Wise ... And Endure
Faith ... For The Sinner Repentant
The Life-Changing Cure!

Faith And Trust Go Hand In Hand
The Hand Of The Majesty Of Heaven
Working Upon Us
- Only By Our Consent -
To Rid Us Of Sin's Leaven!

We Must Believe
Accept The Proffered Blessing
Otherwise ... If We Are Doubters
We Will By That Wicked Satan
Ever, Always, Be Deceived!

You Know What!?!


I Shall From Henceforth
Honestly Give Obedience
The Faithful Christian's Try!
I Desire To Be Changed!
I Want To Fly!
I Will, With The Lord's Wishes
Seek To Comply!

What That Attitude, My Brother
Cooperating With The Holy Spirit
Accepting Available Grace
One Day ... Soon
You Shall Surely Fly!
The Word Of The Living God Holy
Cannot, Will Not, Lie!

Let's Praise God For That Gift!

I Hear You
I Sincerely Concur!

Friday, April 12, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + Wisdom ... And Understanding Are Free!

... When I Am Hungry I Say, "Lord, Feed Me!"
When I Am Wandering I Say, "Lord, Lead Me!"
When I Am Afraid I Say, "Lord, Shield Me!"
When I Lack Understanding I Say, "Lord, Teach Me!"
So, Pray Tell Me How It Is That When I Am Doing Wrong
I Suddenly Don't Know Right From Wrong
Do Not Know Who The Lord Is
That I Should Call Upon Him 
To Help Me To Do The Thing That Pleases Him!?!

Does This Make Any Sense To Any Of You!?!

Almighty God In The Morning 
Almighty God In The Evening!
The Almighty God Who Feeds 
The God Who Leads!
The God Who Guides 
The God Who Chides
The Same God Who Blesses
The Same God Who Is Going To Curse Us
For Boldly Practicing Deceit Before His All-Seeing Eyes!

The Lord God Almighty
Laid Out Plainly For His People
Blessings And Curses
So We Are Without Excuse
For Certain Sure
The Outcome of The Path Chosen
Should Never Be To Us A Surprise!

Almighty God Is Faithful
Morning, Evening, Noon And Night!
He Says Plainly Which Of Our Works He Will Bless!
He Says Plainly Which Of Our Works He Will Curse!
He Says Plainly What It Is Of The Works Of Our Hands
That Shall Cause Us To Perish
He Also Says Plainly What It Is Of Our Works 
That Shall Cause Us To Prosper!

More Particularly
He Tells YOU ... Upfront 
Who Is Your Adversary
The Very One Who Will Cause To Walk In Wrong Paths
To Do That Which Is Evil In His Holy Sight!

God Almighty
Says Call On Me 
You Shall Be Saved!

God Almighty
Says Call On Me 
I Shall Show You Great And Mighty Things
About Which You Know Nothing!
He Also Says
Come Unto Me And Rest!
Trust And Obey!
Look Up And Live!
Believe And Be Blessed!

And Here's The Kicker ...

He Says The One Thing You, Me
We All Seem To Have Great Difficulty Accepting

If You Love Me
Keep My Commandments!

He Says
Follow Me
Be A Doer Of The Word Not Just A Hearer Of The Word!

You All Think That A Computer Tablet
The Cat's Meow
I'm Here To Tell You Plain
The Tablet That Is The Heart Of Man
The Tablet Off The Chain!

Every Vice Known To Man Is Practiced
In The Stony Heart Of Fallen Man
But- Praise God For The But -
The Lord In His Mercy
Wrote The Law Of Life
His Holy Law
The Moral Law
The Law Of Ten Commandments
On That Tablet Of Man's Heart!
Man's Deceitful, Rotten, Heart!

What The God Of Glory Writes
Cannot ... I Repeat
Cannot, Cannot, Be Erased
Be Replaced
Be Repealed
Nor Rewritten
All Among Us
Who, Lying, Claim
Not To Know Right From Wrong
Not To Know The Law Of The Holy God
Will Be Hanging With Satan
When He Does His Swan Song!

Stop Lying To Yourself!
Stop Lying To The Omnipotent God!
You Can't Fool Him!
You Can Hide From Him!
You Can't Stay His Hand
You Can't Remove Him From His Throne On High
You Shall Face Him At His Judgment Bar
Eventually ... By And By!
Real Soon!

Let Me Put A Fine Edge On It ...

Do Is Do
Don't Is Don't!

Don't And Do Are Prescriptives
Not Suggestions
Not Probabilities
Nor Possibilities
They Are Holy Commandments
No Matter What You See Written
On Your PC's!

All That Glitters Is Not Gold ...

Guard Your Heart From Your Eyes!

It Is Appointed ... Once
For Man To Die!


Only The Saints Of God And Christ
Will To Eternity Rise!
Don't Let A Lie
Cause You Never To Heaven Fly!
Let Satan By Himself Face The Lake Alone!
Don't Let Him Stay You From Going Where He Can't Trespass
For Sin For Which He Can Atone! 

See To It That To The Father
- By Jesus Christ' Faith 
With Available Grace And Free Mercy -
You Get Home!
Holy Angels Are Watching Over You
The Holy Spirit Of Truth ... Invited
Guiding, Teaching, Leading, Blessing You!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Hope Springs Eternal!

Almighty God's Gifts Are Good
Almighty God's Word Is True
His Beloved Son Begotten
Jesus The Christ 
Died Once For All
To Save Both Me And You!

Jesus Christ's Peace Is A Blessing
Cleansed Eyesight, Likewise
So Take The Lord's Peace, I Beseech You
You Won't Ever Fall For The Demonic Device!

Hope Is A Well!
Hope Is A Field!
Hope Springs Eternal
And, Always A Bountiful Harvest
Will Patient Hope Yield!

Faith Is A Blessing
Grace And Truth Likewise!
Jesus Christ Is The Truth
Satan Is The Father Of Lies!

Don't Be Like Satan!
Don't Be Unwise!
Don't Believe His Calculated
Sure To Destroy
Pox Upon Mankind
Easily Verified Lies!

The Word Of The Lord
The Strong Tower!

Repentance Is A Blessing
Forgiveness Likewise
Presumption Is The Curse On Man
For Which To Reverse
The Lowly Jesus
The Son Of Almighty God 
Ignominiously Died!

Do Not Against Free Salvation Turn!
Do Not Your Blessed Redemption Spurn!
Do Not Reject Christ's Character
Do Not Ignore Christ's Christianity
You Will Spend All Your Days
Living In Useless Vanity!
Brethren, Beloved 
That Would Be A Gross Inanity!

Trust The Lord Christ
In Humble Faith Grow
You Will Always Be In The Know
How The Winds Of Strife Do Blow!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

JESUS CHRIST SAVES: Everlasting Life ... Is Mine!

Jesus Christ Belongs To Us!
The Father God Gave Him To Us
- The Priceless Gift -
The Word Of The Eternal God
The Word Ever To Trust!

Jesus Christ Is Mine!
I Claim Him As My Own!
No One Can Take Him From Me
By Base Folly
I Can Ignore Him
Suffer For My Own Sin
For Which 
- By His Own Precious, Innocent, Blood -
He Did Atone!

Jesus Christ Is Mine!
I Claim Him As My Own!
No One Can Take Me From Him!
Not Death, Not Time
Not Circumstance
Not Principalities
Not Powers
And, For Certain Sure Not Satan The Bold
- The Base -
That Living Disgrace
Who Is Still Trying To Hurt Jesus
By Instigating Ways By Which
We Who Are Seeking To Get Home To The Father
May Fail The Way-To-Life Test!

But God Is Merciful ...

I Am To Be Obedient
Loving, Merciful
Trusting In The Living Word
Which Guides My Life
My Appointed Time
Wherein I Must Make The Call To Salvation
Accepting Christ As King
After Which I Must Do All That I Can
To Bless My Brethren!

From Me I Must Cast Away
Sin And Self!
I Must Uplift Sister And Brother!
I Must Tell Friend And Foe The Good News
Ignore The Stranger Danger!

I Must Live In The Light Of Life
Shed The Light Abroad
Not Hide It Under A Bushel
I'm Fearful Of The God-Fraud!

Hold The Almighty 
In Godly Fear ...

I Fear The Living God Holy!
I Deny The Wannabe!
I Have Placed My Hand In The Hand Of Christ Jesus
In Him, Praise The Almighty
I'm Free, Free, Free!

Days Have Rain!
Roses Have Thorns!
Jesus Christ Is My King
Because Of His Blood-Bought Promise
I Know I Am Not Forgotten
Nor Shall I Walk This Vale Of Tears
Hungry, Frightened And Alone!

Jesus Christ Saves ...

Jesus, Lovely Jesus
Walks Ahead, Beside And Behind Me!
Jesus Watches Over Me
This Same Jesus
Coming Back To Receive Me!

I Am Heading Home To Glory
To The Heavenly Father's House!
I Have Faith
Mercy And Grace
The Good Influence Of The Holy Angels
Compliments Of Him Who Is Holy Love
Who Reigns And Rules
In Heaven Above!


The Lord Be Praised!
Myriad Blessings I Enjoy!
I Have The Holy Spirit
The Spirit Of Truth
The Comforter Of The Soul Of Every Man
Who Desires ... By Right
To Walk Through His Appointed Gate
Into The Holy City
The Beautiful Beulah Land!

Until Then ...

I Have A Cross To Bear ... Not Wear!
I Have Burden To Share ... Not Forswear!
I Have A Message To Send ... Not Keep!
I Have A Life Of Love To Live
Even If I Weep!

Jesus Wept!

Jesus Cares!
Jesus Hears!
Jesus Desires My Unselfish Prayers!
He Desires My Gifts Of Love
For His Undying Love ... To Me
Who Caused His Death
Who Causes Him Pain
Who Regularly Puts His Name To Shame
By Wayward Thought, Word And Deed
The Lord Be Praised
I, Repentant
- Not Presumptuous -
Beloved Ever And Still
Am Welcome At The Throne Of Grace
I Shall One Day ... Soon
See That Lovely Face
Face To Face
My Faith Rewarded
Shall Have Removed Me From Being
A Cast Off
Cast Into Outer Darkness
Damned For All Eternity
Rebellious Disgrace!

By The Will Of God
I Have In Heaven A Prepared-By-Christ, Place!
By The Amazing Grace Of The Eternal God
I Shall Drink Of The Water Of
The River Of The Water Of Life
Not Bathe In The Lake That Burns With
Brimstone And Fire
Prepared For The Fallen Angels
And Satan The Father Liar!

For Me
For All Who Choose The Living Word To Believe
Jesus Christ The Divine
The Only One Righteous
The King Of Earth And Glory
Life ... Everlasting Life!
Jesus Christ Is Mine
And, Therefore Everlasting Life

One Day Coming Soon
I Shall Cross The Separating Line!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

PRAYER: What Would I Do Without You, Father!?!

You Are In Heaven
And I Live Upon The Earth
And I Come Before You
Because I Believe That You Are God Almighty
That Your Word Is True
That You Always Answer The Prayer Of Faith
Because I Always Need Your Help!
You Have Asked That I Come Boldly
To The Throne Of Grace
In My Time Of Need
And I Shall Always Find Your Help!
You Are My Father!
Please Lead Me Day By Day
Along The Strait, Straight, And Narrow Way!

There Is Illness All Around, Dear Lord!
There Is Murder And Mayhem!
The Love Of Many Has Grown Cold
And Many For A Mess Of Red Bean Pottage
Are Selling Out Their Souls!

I Pray For Healing
For Body, Mind And Spirit!
I Pray For A Listening Ear
To Always Hear What You Have To Say
And A Willing Spirit That Does Not Indulge
In The Sin Called Gain-Say!

What Would I Do Without You, Father!?!
Where Could I Go Without You, Lord!?!
I Cannot Save Or Help Myself
And I'd Be Living Lost
And Living To Be Forever Lost
And I Do Not Ever Want To Approach That
Goal Post!
Help Me To Count The Costs!
Please Be In My Life The Only Boss!

I Need You This Hour, Today!
I Need You Wherever You Lead Me
Always, Forever, Moment By Moment
Each And Every Passing Day!

You've Said In The Living Word That
Tomorrow Is Not Promised
And, So, Dear Father
Help Me To Cooperate With You
While Life Shall Last:
In Christ's Faith
My Confidence Upon You
I Have Willingly, Wittingly, Cast!

I Have No Other God But You!
I Own No Other Master!
I Call None But You, Father
And I Do Not Choose The Things Of This World
To Wildly Run After!

Please Pity Me And My Kind, Dear Lord
In Our Daily Distresses!
Pity Us, I Beseech You, Please
And Help Us Clean Up Our Lived-Lives Messes!

Help Us To Confess And Repent Of Known Sin!
Help Us To Truly Turn Away From The Present World
And Look Longingly For The World To Come!
Help Us To Be Good Stewards Of Our Increase
And Bless Us To Bless Others Out Of Our Abundance
Providing For Them In Their Need
Not Because You Cannot Provide
But Because We Desire Your Bounty Upon Us
To - In Gratitude - Share!

Thank You For Green Pastures!
Thank You For Waters Still And Sweet!
Thank You For Daily Bread On The Table!
Thank You For Rest In You Ever Complete!

Heal A Body, Lord
According To Your Will 
And In Your Ever-Loving Way!
Save A Soul From The Second Death
For It Is Not Your Wish That Any Should Perish:
You've Already Paid The Price!
Help Us To See Jesus Christ As He Is
And Give Into Our Hands The Strength
To Call Upon That Worthy Name
So That We May Be Saved And Blessed!
Help Us, Father
To Pass The Heaven-Bound Trial!
Help Us To Pass The Christ-Character Test!

Lift Us Up So That We May Lift You Up
Let Your Name Be Glorified
And Jesus Christ Be Praised
For It Is In His Holy And Matchless Name
That We Humbly Pray And Importunately Plead!
I Love You, Lord!
Have Mercy And Bless!
Come Soon!

Monday, April 8, 2019

SORRY! NOT SORRY: True Repentance!

Sorry! Not Sorry!
Does Not Work In The Economy Of The Living God
It Is Not Holy
Is A Primary Tenet
Raised High Banner Of The Kingdom Of Satan
The Known God-Fraud!

An Impudence
A Grossly Shameful Display
An Ingrate's Base Behavior
Against Him Who Is Mankind's Only Savior!
Don't Let This In Your Life Hold Sway!

You, Me, We Have Been Bold Sinners!
Let's Also Be Bold 
Humbly Repent Of 
All The Sins Done By Our Old Man!
Put Him Out! Cast Him Away!
Do Not Anymore Accept His Payment Of
Soul-House Rent!
Do The Right Thing, Brethren!
That Is
To The Holy, Faithful, God
See That You - With Contrite Heart - Repent!

Never Be Ashamed To Go Before The Father
In The Name Of The Beloved Son
Permitting The Holy Spirit
To Stop You From With Sin Having 
The Olde "Fun" Run!

Fall Willingly On The Rock 
Be Broken!
Don't Permit Yourself To Be Fallen Upon
Be Crushed To Oblivion
By The Angry Son
Who Gave And Paid All That He Had
So That You May Have
Abundant Life In The Glorious Land:
Unrepentant Sinners Will Have None!

Be Not Deceived!
Almighty God Is Not Mocked!
Turn Away From Self, Sin, And Satan
You Won't Have To The Rocks And Hills
For Inadequate Cover 
One Sad Day To Run!

The Lord Christ Calls:
The Lord Christ Blesses:
Accept A Share!
The Lord Christ Guides:
Follow Willingly!
The Lord Christ Loves You:
Accept That For You
He Sacrificially Cares
Reach For The Extended Hand
The Only Begotten
Holy Son Of God
The Soon-Returning Son Of Man
So That You May Forever Dwell
With Him
In Zion
The Heavenly Land!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

THE STAGE CALLED LIFE: Couples Ministry!?!

They Were All Around:

Doubt And Disobedience
Light And Life
Truth And Righteousness
Confession And Repentance
Mercy And Grace
Peace And Rest
Love And Trust
Hell And Damnation
Sin And Self
Death And Destruction
Test And Trial
Blessing And Obedience
And, As Always
Doubt And Disobedience
Were Giving The Session
Their Warped Version Of The Good Life!

Goodness, As Usual, Sat Alone!
Evil, As Usual, Was On His Smart Phone!
Sweet Temptation Was On A Fishing Expedition
Red Torment Was Coordinating His Positions!

Salvation Had Been From Heaven Brought Down!

Forgiveness Was Turning Man Away
From Being Satan And Known Sin's Slave!

Bread And Water Assured Walked In The Open Door
Even As Strange Fire Sought To Make  
Mercy And Grace OutTo Be Bold Liars
Or Ineffective Clones!
They Were Not Alone! 

Kindness And Bliss Rested Calmly
Totally, Totally
Ignoring That Serpent's Hiss
Even As The Dragon Flailed About
The Lion Raging, Roared
As He Marked An Upcoming Score!

This Is The Stage Called Life!
The Life Of Man Is Fraught With Strife!
The Strife Is Necessary To Overcome

Man Will Rise Up To The Realm Of
Him Who Left The Good Example
For Striving Man To Walk In!
There Is No Need
- Man Afraid -
To Walk Alone On The Edge Of The Sharp Knife!

In The Faith Of Jesus Christ
Pick The Way-To-Eternal-Life Side!
He Will, With You
By His Holy Spirit ... Abide!
From Sin, Self And Satan
Turn Aside! Turn Aside!
In The God Of All Graces
Humbly Abide!
The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Will Comfort You As Well As Chide!
In The Savior Jesus, Brethren
Let's All Confidently Confide!