Sunday, April 21, 2019

THE EXAM: The Examination Of Life!?!

The Book Of Love, Law And Light For Life
Implores Fallen Mankind To Bow, Believe
Bend The Will Before The Lord Who Saves, Seals 
Satisfies The Soul For Time And Eternity!

Facts ...

In Every Baby Born To Mankind
There Is The Possibility Of:

A Child Of God
A Student Of The School Of Jesus
A Residence For The Holy Spirit
A Worker For The Kingdom Of Light
A Doer Of Good Deeds
A Helper Of Man
A Blessing To The Brethren
A Faithful Friend
An Accepter Of God's Grace
And, Also 
The Dread Possibility:

A Rejecter Of Almighty God's Mercy
The Pearl Of Great Price
Christ's Purchased-For-Us Salvation
That That Is For The Accepter
The Priceless Gift Of Eternal Life!

Life Is The Open Book Exam 
That ... By Personal Will 
Man May Choose To Fail!

You'd Better Stop!
Nobody "Chooses" To Fail At Living!

You Err, Mon Frere!
I Never Said Fail At Living!
I Said Fail The Exam Of Life!

I Don't Understand!
I Thought They Were One And The Same Thing!

Regrettably ... And Yet, Thankfully
They Are Two Distinct Things!
You Are Born
Therefore, You Are Living!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

You Are Passing Through Life
Until You Fail At Living
Which Means You Are Dead
Rotten And Forgotten
No More Loves Or Hates
Expectations Or Disappointments
No More A Place Under The Light Of The Sun
No More To Receive The Blessing Of 
The Guidance, Correction, And Protection Of 
The Father's Beloved Son!

Okay, Okay! I'm Feeling You BUT ...

... The Exam Of Life!?!


The Exam
Aka The Examination Of The Life Lived
By The Man Woman Child Born
Rich Poor
Free Slave
Red Yellow Black White
Wise Foolish
Learned Untaught
Pagan Christian
Religious Irreligious
Hateful Hurting Hungry
Happy Sad Filled
Gluttonous Abstemious

An Open Book Examination Where ...!

... What Book!?!
Nobody Ain't Give Me No Book To Study From 

To Take No Examination Of Life Examination!

Again, Mon Frere, You Err!
The Lord Christ
Via The Working Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Inspired Holy Men To Document For Us
His Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
For Every Single Human To Know!

Bub, You Know You Lie!
Not Everybody Knows Of The Lord Christ!
Not Every Body Is A Christian!
Not Everybody Can Read!
Not Everybody Speaks The Same Language!
Not Everybody Serves The Same God!

Ahhh, I Was Expecting Those Challenges!

One ... The Gift Of Speaking In Tongues
Aka Speaking In Other Languages 
Was Gifted To Mankind On The Day Of Pentecost!

Two ... Faith Comes By Hearing The Word Of God!

Three ... The Word Of God 
Shall Go Into All The World For A Witness!

Four ... All Mankind Shall Know Of The Doctrine! 

Five ... The Law Of God Is Written 
On The Table Aka The Tablet Of Man's Heart ...!

... Man's Heart Has Two Sides
Lungs Two Sides
Two Ears
Two Eyes
Two Kidneys
One Mouth ...!

... One Heart ... Two Chambers
Love For God And Love For Your Fellow Man
Duty To God And Duty To Your Fellow Man
That Examination Of Life
Covers Every Single Solitary Iota Of
Man's Humanity To Man
Man's Worship And Service To The Creator God
Without Exception
Absent Preference
With Clear Focus!

Did You Hear!?!
Did You Listen!?!
Do You Read!?!
Did You Do!?!
Do You Accept!?!
Did You Ignore!?!
Do You Gainsay!?!
Did You Reject!?!
Do You Believe!?!
Do You Doubt!?!
Did You Add!?!
Do You Subtract!?!
Do You Share!?!
Did You Prepare!?!

Do You For Your Own Soul Care
To Fear Him Who Did For Your Wretched Sin
So That He Could Before His Father Declare:

I Paid Their Costs!

Please Accept My Character For Theirs!
I Desire Them To Be Where I Am!
Protect Them Through The Strife!
My Spotless Life Has Purchased For Them
A Share In My Eternal Life!
I Have Made The Way Clear
And I Am Bringing Them Home
My Glory Forever To Share!

Amazing Love!

Jesus Made The Way
He Has Left A Road Map For Us To Carefully Follow
No Shortcuts
No Cutouts
No Switchbacks
No Detours
No Broadway
Only A Strait Aka Difficult
Narrow Aka Only Way!

The Only Way Up Is Forward!
If We Step Off The Path
The Only Direction Is Down!
If We Stay On The Path
The Only Protection Is Up
The Available Correction Is Holy
The Safety Is The Seal Of God
Satisfaction For The Soul Is
Christ's Salvation
By Our Departure From The Ways Of Satan
The God-Fraud
Acquiring And Maintaining An Intimate Knowledge Of
The Detailed Instruction 

In The Available Accessible Book!

He Gave Us The Book
He Expects Us To Open, Read

Follow The Instructions!

The World, Sin, Self 

Poses The Questions
The Book
- The Good Book -
Has The Answers!

All The Answers!?!

All The Answers!

If That Is The Case
Nobody Will Fail The Exam Of Life!

Again, Mon Frere, You Err! You Err!

How So When You Said
The Answers Are In The Book!?!

The Answers Are In The Book
But ...!

... Don't Say It ...!

... The Book Is Considered A Decorative Piece
A Status Symbol
A Dead Letter
An Irrelevancy
An Out-Of-Step Communique
Wanting The Moderns
The Illuminated
To Sing Outside Of The World's Music
Outside Of The Self-Pleasing
Self-Aggrandizing Tune!

What's Wrong With Self!?!
I Like Myself!

Loving Self Over Jesus Christ The Lord
Leads Self To Sin
Compliments Of Satan
Who Encourages One
To Reject Salvation 

Which Comes Compliments Of The Savior
Without Whom No Flesh Can Be Saved!

Spirit Of The Living God
Help Us To Open
To Read
To Understand
To Accept
To Respect
To Love
To Follow
To Share With Others
The Good In The Book
So That We Are Blessed
As We Bless Others
Bless The Lord ...!

... Bless The Lord!?!

He Sacrificed!
He Gave The Book!
He Preserved His Word
Our Commitment By The Acceptance
The Practicing Of The Precepts Of
This Living Word
Tells Our Savior That He Is Loved
His Sacrifice For Us
Personally Accepted!

Everybody Has To Go On The Record!
Pass The Exam And Pass On To Eternal Life!
Fail The Exam
Eternal Damnation 

Will Be On Your Permanent Record!

Oh, Man!!!

Just So You Know That This Is Real
Consider Disciples Simon Peter And Judas Iscariot!

Both Were In The Intimate Presence Of The Savior
Their Ends Speak
To The Two Classes Of Mankind:

Judas Iscariot Went Out From The Presence Of Jesus
It Was Night!
He Hung Himself!
Simon Peter Went Out From The Presence Of Jesus
Wept Bitterly!
He Was Converted To The Cause Of Christ
Encouraged The Brethren!
He Was A Pillar For The Lord
His Name Is Immortalized
On One Of The Foundations Of Zion
New Jerusalem
The City Of God!

So, Then
What Would You Say Was The Difference Between Them!?!

Judas Served His Sinful Self!
Simon Served His Loving Savior!
Judas Lived In The World In The Now!
Simon Lived For The World To Come Later!

The Truth Still Remains ...

Every Man  ... By The Evidence
- The Pure And Holy Evidence In The Book -
Must Make That Decision:

Lust-Filled Life Now, Damnation Later!
Christ's Selfless Love Now
Christ's Glory Later! 

The Ways Are Two: Light And Darkness!
The Answers Are Yeah! And Nay!
The Leaders Are The Savior And Satan!
The Destinations Are Heaven And Hell!
The Motivators Are Doubt And Faith!
The Good Gift
Peace And Rest
Forgiveness And Salvation
Grace And Mercy
Hope And Help
Healing And Sealing!

Everything  Outside Of The Blessing ...!

... Is The Curse ...!

... Which The Book Shows Us How
- In Our Individual Lives -
To Get Said Curse Reversed!

Put Like That, I Need To Dig In The Book!

Once There, My Friend
You Will Find Hidden Treasure!

Believe Me, This Go Around
The Hunt Shall Truly Be My Pleasure!

Saturday, April 20, 2019


I Cannot Take This Anymore!
I Have Had Enough!
I'm Sick And Tired Of These Trials
And I Feel Like A Dog Being Carried By The Scruff!

Come On, Lacey!
You've Got To Hold On To Hope!
The Lord Is Our Shepherd
It Is Only Through His Merits
That We Shall Safely Reach Home!

Trust Him!

Oh, Just Shut Up Already And Leave Me Alone!
I'm So, So, Very Tired That
Right Now
This Very Minute
I Don't Even Care If ...!

... Please Don't Say That!

Why Shouldn't I!?!
It's How I Feel!

Lacey, Aren't You Forgetting Something Very Important!?!

Like What, Ms. I Don't Have A Care In The World
No Bug In My Salad
No Bee In My Bonnet
No Broken Nail In My Shoe!?!

I'll Act A Though You Did Not Say That!

Big Whoo Who!

Since You Are Intent On Feeling Your Feelings
Are Enjoying Permitting Satan To Color Your Rainbow
I Shall Tell You A Testing-Time Story
You Shall See From It How A Life
Lived For And In Jesus Can Go!

Oh, Goodie!
A Story To Put Me To Sleep!
At Last! I Shall Get Some Rest!

Please Have Mercy On Your Dear Child, Lacey!

Aren't You Supposed To Be Telling Me A Story!?!

Help Us, Dear Lord!

There Was Once A Girl Named Rainey ...!

... You!?!


Rainey Had A Good Life!
Chairs Under The Table
Food On The Plates
Beverage In The Cups
Water In The Taps
Lit Bulbs
Clean Clothing

Warm Bed
Level-Heeled Shoes
Engaging Work
Love Of Almighty God

Joy In Christ Jesus
Comfort Of The Holy Spirit

Protection Of The Angels
When Suddenly
The Dark Horse Reared Up
Let Loose A Vicious Kick
Every Last Thing In Her Life Was On Fire
Not In A Good Way!

Rainey's Life Was Having A Hit Parade!

Poor Rainey ... I Can Relate!

Hit In The Pocket Book
Hit In The Head
Hit In The Hope
Hit In The Heart
Hit In The Faith
Hit In ...!

... Belief!

Rainey's Foundations Were Being Shaken
She ... I ... Was Being Tested
Tried, Shaken, Stirred
Fileted, Fricasseed
Milled, Pounded
Pushed, Prodded
I Was Feeling Things
Feeling, Feeling, Feeling Hemmed In
Coccooned ...!

... Inside A Dark Cloud!?!

Why, Yes!

Uhh, Huh!

The Light Of Hope ... GONE!
The Light Of Life ... ABSENT!
The Light Of Truth ... AWOL!

The Electrician ...!


Wait A Minute!
I Thought I Was Telling The Story!?!

You Are!
You Were!
You're Taking Too Long

Okay, Ms Suddenly Found Her Voice
Know It All!
You Tell The Story ... If You Can!

I Can And I Will!
I Suddenly Feel ... The Power:

Satan Was Doing His Boss Act!
He Was Watering Doubt!
He Had Installed Black-Out Curtains
And He Was Short-Circuiting The Channel Of Hope
The Channel Of Peace
The Channel Of Light
The Channel Of Mercy

He Had Seemingly Blocked
The Grace Notes Station!

I ... You ... We Were All Alone
Cut Off
Listing ... In A Holey Boat

In The Raging Sea
At The Mercy Of The Storm Of Wind
Programmed To Destroy Us
Unless ...!

... In Faith, Nothing Wavering
We Plead For Patience
Not To Be Removed From The Crucible
To Receive Strength To Endure
In Almighty God's Providence
The Dark Cloud Be Lifted Up
We Emerge ... Renewed
Blessed ... Substantially Blessed ...!

... Until The Next Time ...!?!

Until The Next Time!

This Makes Me Think Of The Divide
Between The Egyptians And The Hebrews
The Chosen People Of God!

I Don't Get The Link!
What Do You Mean!

The Cloud Over The Hebrews
Provided Protection From The Heat
Direction In The Day!
It Provided Light At Night!

In The Day Of Impending Disaster
It Was A Shield Of Light For The Hebrews
A Wall Of Darkness To The Egyptians!
It Protected The Hebrews
It Frightened The Egyptians!

I Get It!
There Is A Great Deception
Being Perpetrated Against The People Of God!
Satan Counterfeits Everything That The Lord Does
Because He Can't Create Anything
And Because He Has No Desire That 

We Should Find Our Peace, Our Rest
Our Blessing In The Lord!

The Blackness Ain't Real!

Don't Trust Your Eyes!
Trust Your Faith
On Jesus Christ Rely!

Suddenly, I Am Feeling Blessed!

I Wonder Why!
Nothing Has Changed In Your Life
In The Last Thirty Minutes!

You're Wrong, Sweets!
I Have Just Enjoyed
A Major Attitude Adjustment
And All Because Of A Lil' Thing Called Insight!

Insight Gives Foresight
Foresight Provides Perspective
Perspective ... Gives Light
Light ...!

... Gives Life!

Jesus Christ Is Light!
Jesus Christ Is Life
When We Boldly Trust In Jesus
- Not In The Sight Of Our Eyes
Nor The Feeling On Our Skin -
We Receive Both Light And Life
Will Survive Satan's Inflicted Strife!

Jesus Christ's Light And Life
Our Survival Knife!

Remember ...

Word ... Way ... Walk ... Wise!
The Word Points The Way That
We Shall Walk Wisely Upon!

Don't Look In: Look Up!
Don't Feel For Self: Fear God!
Don't Cry Over The Lying Circumstance: 
Let The Light Of Life
The Word Of Truth
Constantly Edify
See That You, Always
By The 

"It Is Written!" The Lost Liar, Deny!
Deftly Defy!

Rainey, Please Pardon Me
For Behaving Like A Bear
With A Thorn In His Paw!

Of Course, Lacey!

Thank You, Kindly!
Now, Will You Tell Me 
What Was It In The Word That
Changed Everything For You!?!
What Is It That Makes The Difference To You!?!

I Stood ... I Stand
On A Simple Promise Of The Lord:

Where Did You Get Such Faith!?!

The Same Place You Should Be Getting Yours:
From Jesus Christ The Righteous
Our Savior, Lord, God And Soon-Coming King!

Do You Realize That There Is A Whole Bunch Of
Intertwined Things That We Must Participate In Daily!?!

Like What, Pray Tell!?!

Daily Grace!
Daily Faith!
Daily Strength!
Daily Blessings!
Daily Trials!
Daily Confession!
Daily Repentance!
Daily Growth!
Daily Dying To Self!

I Hate, Hate, Hate, Daily Trials!
They Are So Very Trying
And They Put Me In A Really Bad Mood!

Lacey! Stop It!
Jesus Said That We Are To Take Up
Our Cross ... Daily
Follow After Him!

Indeed, He Did!

And, He Also Said
That It Is By Tribulation That ...

... We Shall Enter The Kingdom!
No Cross ... No Crown!

It's Amazing When You Think About It!
Wearing A Cross Is So Very Easy
Bearing A Cross
A Whole Different Kettle Of Fish!

Tell Me About It!

Chin Up, Old Girl!
The Lord Overcame
We, Too, By His Grace
Shall Do Likewise!
I'll Leave You With One For The Road:

Friday, April 19, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + REBELLION: A Beautiful Jewel!?! + PRAYER: Thank You, Father, For The Gifts!

The Judgment, Sight And Hearing
In The Jealous, Envious And Rebellious Heart
All Who Take This Path To Power
Shall See Their Grass Wither
Never Having Produced 
A Goodly All-Glory-To-God Pretty Flower!

Korah, Of Hebrew-Exodus Fame
Was As The One Called Lucifer
Who Was Elevated Among His Brethren
Was Desirous Of The Position Of The Leader
Ended Up Being Cast Down Into Hell
Neither Having His Own Place
Nor The Place He Coveted
Which Led To His Eternal Disgrace!

Jealousy Touts Itself A Beautiful Jewel!
Envy Is The Setting In Which It Is Framed
Rebellion Is The Rich Attire
Polished And Aglow
Bright And Bold
By Which The Heart Hardened
Puts On A Sold-Out
Spectacularly Foolish
Against-Almighty-God Cabaret Show!

Rebellion Is As Witchcraft
Known Denounced By The Living God
Beloved Beyond All Wisdom
By The Instigating God-Fraud!

Brethren, Beloved Listen Unto Me:

The Lord Does Not Play Mind Games
Neither Should We!

What The Lord Has For You
He Gives Unto You
Your Gift Should Never Be Trivialized
All The Lord's Gifts Are Useful ... As Given
In His Service
So Do Not Be Rebellious
Your Foot ... By Turning Away
Nor Your Heart ... Elevated With Sinful Pride
Against Almighty God Lift!

Punishment May Not Be Swift
It Is Always Sure!
The Perfect Cure!
Deny The Liar
Get Off His Deceitful Lure!


Heavenly Father,
Thank You For The Beautiful Gifts!
My Heart Is Grateful!
I Feel The Bliss!

Please Help Me To Be Satisfied
With What You Have Given Unto Me
Please Bless Me To Live With Contentment
Not Attaching To Myself
The Attitude Of The Ingrate, Ungodly!

I Am Your Child: I Am Truly Blessed!
I Am A Student Of The School Of Jesus:
I Seek Educational Success!
I Am A Worker In Your Vineyard:
Help Me To Be Faithful Steward!
I Am Wholly Yours:
All My Known Sins I Repent

Please Bless Me To Honor You, Always
All The Days Of My Life
When My Day In The Son
In The Sun
Is Over
Let Me Fall Asleep In Peace
Knowing That I Shall Awaken
When The Last Trumpet Shall Sound
When My Lord Christ Comes 
To Take His Faithful People
To His Eternal Home!

Please Help Me To Gain
The Promised Victory
Over Sin, Self, Satan
Death, Hell And That Cold Grave
So That I May With All The Saints Of
All Ages
Rejoice In The Glorious Day!

Please Remember The Brethren
Known And Unknown
Seen And Unseen
Already In The Faith
Soon To Partake
That Are In And Out Of The Myriad Flocks
This Dying World Around!

Oh, Lord, Send Help
To Teach
To Serve
To Bless
To Point The Way
So That They, Too
May Request To Have In Their Hearts
The Blessed Guest
The Holy Spirit Of Truth!
We Need You, Father!

I Thank You For Hearing
Always Answering Heartfelt Prayer
It Is In Jesus Christ's Blessed, Holy, Name
That I Humbly Pray
With A Contrite Heart, Plead!
 I Love You, Father!
Please Come Soon!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Truth Prevails!

Satan Is The Liar!
Always Was, Always Will Be!

Jesus Christ Saves!
Love Uplifts!
Truth Prevails!
Light Always Shine!
Darkness Always Hides!
Blessings Cover!
Curses Reveal!
Hope Springs Eternal!
Doubt Does Death Deal!

Heaven Is Home!
Earth Is School!
Don't Be A Fool! 
Don't Be Satan's Tool! 

The Wages Of Sin Is Death!
Faith Is A Daily Distribution!
Grace Is The Always Available 
Love Of The Lord Distribution!

Almighty God's Grace Is Sufficient!
Strength Is According To Daily Need!
On The Bread Of Life Joyfully Feed! 

The Fruits Of The Spirit 
Are All Distributed To All The Saints
The Gifts Of The Spirit Are Individually Distributed 
To The Keep All The People Of God
Walking Perfectly In The Faith Of Christ Jesus
- Who Is The Truth -
As Protection Against Fanaticism And Error!

Every Body Ought To Know ... 

Outward Beauty Fades
Inner Character Lasts Forever!

Hear, Help, Hope

Heed Heal, Happy 
Begin With The Letter "H" 
As Do The Words Hard-Headed
Heathen, Hubris, Hate
Hurt, Hammer
So Let's Buy The Free Clue 
Hurriedly Head Home 
To The Haven Of The Hand That Hugely Blesses!

Truth Works!
Truth Is A Sharp Nail!
Truth Comes From The Father Of Lights
In All Ways
In All Things
Truth Honestly Prevails! 

Let Us The Name Of Jesus Christ 
Gratefully Graciously Hail! 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

PRAYER: Jesus Is The Rest For My Soul!

Father Of The Faithful,
Lover of My Soul
I Come To You Knowing
You Can Lead Me to My Heavenly Goal!
I Own No Other Master!
I Own No False God!
I Seek No Other Rest For My Soul
And I Willingly Reject Satan
He Who Desires To Be Like You, The Holy God!

Jesus Christ The Righteous
Promised Me A Home!
A Home Where All Is Blessing
A Home From Whence I Shall Never Desire To Roam!
I Have Made My Decision!
I Desire To Enter Into Rest!
I Desire The Eternal Blessing
And To Meet Part Of The Conditions
My Known Sins I Readily Confess!

I Repent Of All The Yesterdays
Of Doing Things That Did Not Your Heart Please
Of Walking Wise In My Own Will
Of Relishing The Known Sin-Disease
Which Attaches To Us Fallen Creatures
Like So Many Leeches, Maggots And Fleas!

Please, Father
By Your Holy Spirit
Cleanse Me And Remake Me To The New Life
Where Waiting Upon You
In Faith
In Obedience
With Endurance
Will See Me As Gold
Emerge From The Carnal, Mortal, Strife!

I Endeavor To Keep Your Holy Commandments!
Please Help Me To Keep That All, Always
So That I Do Not By Breaking A Single One
Become Guilty, According To The Word
Of Every Last One!

Please, Father
Remember The Poor And The Lonely!
Remember The Sad And Sorrowing, Too!
Remember The Proud And The Puffed Up!
Remember All Those Who Do Not Yet Know 
Jesus Christ, The Holy One Just
Faithful And Ever True!

I Beseech You, Father
For A Special Blessing
For All Those Who Are
Who Will Be 
The Inheritors Of The Eternal Blessing
Life Everlasting With Our Lord Jesus Christ
Who Died To Save Us All
And Who For Us Was The Once-For-All Sacrifice! 
Help Us, Dear Father
With Alacrity To Answer "YES, LORD!" To The Call!

Thank You, Father
For Your Gift Of Love!
Thank You For Your Grace And Mercy!
I Thank You For The Book Of The Way
That Good News Gospel Story!

Thank You For Keeping Us Day By Day!
Thank You For Desiring Our Return Home
And Thank You For Making The Way Perfectly Plain!
Please Help Us So That We Do Not 
This Unspeakable Gift Spurn!

I Love You, Father
And I Thank You 
And Bless You For Your Unfailing Love!
Thank You And Bless You
For Hearing And Answering The Prayer Of Faith!
Thank You For The Blessed Hope!
Father, With All My Heart
I Thank You For The Blessing Of Praying!

I Offer This Prayer In The Matchless Name Of 
Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ
Your Beloved And Only Begotten Son
Our Redeemer
Soon Returning King!
We Need You!
Please Come Soon!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Those Who Live For Gold
Who Believe Owning Gold Is The Best Good
Who Consider Gold The Ultimate King
The Master Of Everything
Have Raised Up For Themselves
A Master
A Known-False God
Are Being Used ... Readily 
By Satan The Wannabe-God Fraud!

Living For Gold
By Gold
Through The Power Of Gold
Creates A False Sense Of Security That
The Lord God Almighty Warns His Beloved Children
Is Not 
Heaven Blessed Or Heaven Sent!

Earthly Gold 
Priceless To Carnal Man
Useless To The Man Heaven Bound
Requires One To Live By The Sight Of The Eye
Not The Faith Of Jesus Christ 
Which Cannot Ever Die!

A Firm Foundation!
Sight Always Tells The Lie!
Faith Is Sure And Secure
Innocent-Blood Pure
Possession Of This Faith
Will See One Entering By Right
Through Heaven's Pearly Gate-Door!

Jesus Christ Has Promised 
To Us Who Choose His Living Word To Believe
That We Shall Walk On Streets Of Purest Gold
Wear Crowns Of Gold
Since Our Heads Are To Be Covered In Gold
Our Feet Soled By Gold
Pray Tell Me, Beloved
Why Would Anyone Set Their Clock
Set Their Heart
Set Their Hope
Secure Their Affections
With Something That Cannot Cross
The Bridge From Earth To Heaven
It Is Putrid!?!

In Fact ...

In The Thing That Truly Matter
Earthly Gold To Heaven
As Pharisee Leaven!
It's Worthless!

The Master Said ... Plainly:

Set Your Affections On Things Above
For The Things Of The Earth
On The Earth
Will Melt With Fervent Heat!

And, So
Brethren, Beloved
I Here Ask You Quite Plain:

Is Your Desire For Earthly Prosperity
So All-Fired Consuming That 
You Would Wittingly Refuse Eternal Life
With Jesus Christ The Lord, The King 
For Something So Trivial
Something So Useless
Something So Inordinately Vain!?!

We Have Been Given A Caution!
We Have Received Direction
To That Which Will Bring Soul-Relief!
We Have Been Given Access
To The Only One Who Is Truth
Who Promises Treasure Without Measure
Absent Thought
Sight Hope Hearing Or Belief!
Will You Accept The Truth Told!?!

Man Is Not Immortal
Man Can Do Nothing To Help Himself!
Jesus Christ, Alone, Can Help Him!

Man Cannot Do Anything To Uplift Himself!
Only Jesus Christ Can Do It!

Man Cannot Provide In Or Of Himself
That Will Survive Earth's Coming Burning Stage
I Plead, I Beseech
I Beg You ... Minus The Mad-Person Screech
Please Take The Lord Jesus Christ At His Personal Word
That For You He Personally Cares
That For You ... Believing
He Has Gone In His Father's Home
A Place To Personally Prepare!

Jesus Christ Put Down Blood 
To Secure The Promise
So At The Very Least
Ask Him ... In Faith
- Nothing Wavering -
To Prove Himself To You ... Personally
He Has Given You Leave To Do So
Is Willing Your Case Set Forth To Hear!

After All, He Says To All
To Whosoever Will:

Come, Let Us Reason Together!
Call On Me And I Will Show Great Things!
Follow Me And Find Rest!
Trust Me And Receive Peace!
Stay With Me And Have An Eternal Home!
Stand Up For Me And Never Ever Be Alone!
Bless Me ... I For Your Personal Sin
Did Willing Atone!
Wait On Me:
I Am Returning To Earth
To Receive You Unto Myself
We Shall Proceed To The Forever Home
Where I Am Set Down With My Father
In His Throne!

Your Burden Is In There Somewhere!
Go And Inquire!

There Is Real Glory
For You, For Me!
There Is Great Glory
Impossible To Comprehend
In A Human Body
So, Take The Word Of Jesus
Giving Yourself The Unspeakable Gift
Life Everlasting In The Mansions Of The Blessed
Where Everything Everywhere
Eternal Bliss!
Earthy God
Earthly Gold
Can Never, Ever, Give You This!

Please Take The Step Toward The Lord Jesus
For Love
With The Certain Hope
That Shall Assuredly Become Sight! 

Monday, April 15, 2019


The Dead Know Nothing!
They Cannot To The God Of Heaven
For Help For The Living Man Apply
All Those Who Believe That
The "Good" Dead Go To Heaven 
Are Watching Over The Living
Are Giving Good Advice To The Needy
Are Visiting Them In The Still Of The Night
Are Openly Engaging With Those Of
The Demonic Brigade
Who By Length Of Days
Mischievous Predations
Know Well The Mien
The Attitude
The Character
The Smell
Voice Inflection
Hidden History Of
Those Who Are Deceased
Enough To Impressively Thrill Those
Whom They Actively Practice To Deceive!

As To Those "Bad" Dead People
They Know Nothing Of Judgment
The Sting Of Destructions Dread Hand
Are Resting ... Peacefully
In Their Dusty Beds
Not Even Knowing That They Are Dead!

Satan Is The Master Manipulator
The Known Father Of Lies
His Job Is Foisting Fables
On Those Who Love Wizards That Peep!
They Even Huge Crocodile Tear's Cry!

Brethren, Beloved
The Word Of Almighty God Is Plain:

Do Not Appeal For The Living
In The Realm Of The Dead
Else Your Final Destination
Will Be A Fiery, Burning
Brimstone Lake Bed!

The Living God Says What He Means!
The Living God Means What He Says!
The Living God Does According To His Word Of Command
Pleads With Us Fallen Brethren
To The Heavenly Home Called
To Reach For The Extended In Love Hand!

Believe What Your Heavenly Father Tells You!
Do Exactly What Your Loving Father Says!
The Great Father Sent The Only Begotten Son
To Pay With Innocent Blood For Your Redemption:
Do Not Doubt Or Disbelieve Him
Claim, Instead
The Useless Way To Salvation Exemption! 
You Will Never, Ever, Receive Soul Redemption!

You Will Do Well, Wisely
To The Father Of Us All
To Importunately Pray!
From Self, Sin And Satan
See That You Radically Turn Away!
Soul Salvation Is Not A Game
So With Your Gift Do Not Play!
Pray Works Every Single Moment Of
Every Single Day!