Sunday, April 28, 2019

SALVATION vs. SELF: Kings, Crowns, Kingdoms

Two Kings
Two Scepters
Two Crowns
Two Lights
Two Weights Of Glory
Two Peoples Striving In The Throng!

One Jewel-Encrusted Crown
Bears The Eternal Light
The Surpassing Weight Of Glory!

One Crown
Holds Finite Fame And Fortune
Prospers The Recipient
Of A Less Than Truthful Story!

One Crown Is Offered
By That Great King!

One Crown Is Offered
By The Old Piercing Serpent
He Who Lives To Blight
Venomously Sting!

Most People
Want Desire Need
Fame And Fortune
So That Amongst Carnal Men
They Shall Be The Toast
Ever Willing
To Kill, Deceive
Doubt God
Truth Disbelieve
Instead Of
Taking The Good King's Imperishable Crown
After A Short Day Of Personal Denial
Physical Suffering!

Sad, So Sad!

So Sad And Yet, So True!

Instant Gratification
Profits ... In The Short Term
The Known-Carnal Crew
Who Will Deny Self To Keep A Pound
Who Will Deny Family To Keep A Penny

Who Will Deny The Lord Christ
He Says Deny Self
Trust The Lord
Be Faithful Faithful
One Chooses To Receive
- In The Living God's Time -
The Crown Of Christ's Glory That
Shall Eternally Shine
In The Land Beautiful

Would You Give Up Glory
Just To Own A Property With Brass Gates!?!

Would You Give Up Eternal Peace
Just To Imbibe A Gluttonous Feast
That Ends In Relief By A Bathroom Release!?!

Would You Choose To Dwell In Time
Just Because You Cannot
Envisage Eternity
Choose To Live In Bondage To Known Sin
You Are Fearful Of Trusting
The Lord Who Demands The Obedience Of Faith
Promises Unyielding Love And Provision
Truly Blessed Liberty
Without The Truth Or Dare Division!?!

Brethren, Beloved
The Kings Are Jesus Christ The Righteous
Satan The Willing Murderer

The Known Father Of Lies!

The Kingdoms Are
Heaven With The Lord Of Life And Light
Where Sin, Self, Satan, Fallen Angels
Unrepentant Sinners
Face The Last Mile ... Alone
As They Are Burned With Unquenchable Fire
Utterly ... Forever ... Consumed!

If We Will Lift Up Our Eyes
Just A Wee Bit Higher
We Will Not Choose The Path Of Convenience
Which Always Leads
To The Fire And Brimstone Lake
Funeral Pyre!

Self Is A Sinner!
Satan Ain't A Saint!
Jesus Christ Delivers The Repentant Sinner
So That He Won't Suffer
Satan's Just Fate!

All Crowns Are Not Created Equal
Not All Kings Care For Their People!

At Last, I Get It!

You Would Do Well To Try And Keep It!

Are All Tied Up In Self!
Theirs Is A Consenting Relationship
And With Them 
Self Is Acquiring Some Heft!

You Mean He Is Getting Fat!

Well, Yes!
But I Was Being, You Know
Kinda Polite!

Waste O' Time!
He Head Swell Big!
He Pocket Bulging Large!
He Carnal House Obscene!
He Car  ... Hum
And That Thumb That He Always
Pressing Down People With
Is Seriously Enlarged!

Let's Not Forget That 
He Also Has A Real Big Mouth
And A Razor Sharp Tongue
And ...!

... No Fear Of The Living God
None For Man Like Himself
And Definitely None For The Damned Devil!

Alright, Fellas!
We Know All The Downs!
Are There Any Ups To This Disaster!

I Could Kill Him
And The Problem Is Solved!

If You Kill Self
Where Does That Leave The Rest Of Us!?!

We Are Not Thinking Straight
We Are Not Looking At The Big Picture!

What On Earth Do You Mean!?!

If You Kill That Sinful Self
Do Not Replace It With Something Good
All That You Have Left 
A Shell Of A Man Available ...!

... For Satan To Have One Of His Bully Boys
To Take Over And Inhabit!

In That Case
We Are Better Off With Self!

Not Really!
Satan, Self And Sin Are A Chorus!

Alright, Alright!

Look At This:


Spelt Backward
It Is  F L E S!

F or Fullness Of
L ife
E scape
S elf

All That Is Missing Is H!

H For Hope In Christ
H For Help From Christ

H For Healing By Christ

H For Home With Christ
H For The Indwelling Holy Spirit Of God And Christ!

H For Hallelujah!

Jesus Christ Saves From Sin
From Self
From Satan!

The Crux Of The Matter ...

We Have A Challenge
That States Clearly That

F or Fullness Of
L ife We Must
S elf By
H oping In Jesus Christ Who Saves!

In Short, Brethren
It Is Time Rid Self Of Self
Seek After Christ's Eternal Life!
We Must Give All, Everything
To The Lord Jesus Christ!

When Jesus Christ Is First
Is All
We Can Never By Self
- Into Sin -
Be Made To Fall!

Heed The Call!
Answer The Holy Spirit's Quiet Call
In The Appointed Time
We Shall ... In Triumph
With Jesus Christ 
The King Of The Living Kingdom
Escape The Condemned Blue Ball!

Don't Be Like 

Cain, Nimrod
Esau, Pharoah
Ahab, Jezebel, Athaliah
Judas Iscariot And King Saul!
Uncontrolled Self Will Cause You
Into Satan's Nefarious Plans
Ignominiously To Fall!

It Is Time To Turn To The Lord Christ
By His Holy Spirit Guiding Our Lives
Reverse The Fall!

Those Who Hope
In The Lord Jesus Christ
Will Obediently Heed
The Call To Eternal Life!

Saturday, April 27, 2019

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: FAITH: Barren Land!?! + PRAYER: Father, Please Help Us To Keep The Holy Faith!

We Have Highest Heaven To Gain
Lowest Hell To Shun!
Lord God Almighty
Please Help Us To Christ Jesus ... With Alacrity
For Certain Help To Run!

Why, Oh, Why, Do We Not See Our Need!?!
Why, Oh, Why, Do We Let Satan Ride Us
Like Broken-Down Steeds!?!
Why Won't We Humble Ourselves
Call Out To The Master
So That He Will Send True Help To Us
To Save Us From Unmitigated Disaster!?!

Look At Yourself ...

Is Your Devil Stronger Than Your God!?!
Is Your God Paper, Plaster, Wood, Stone
That Unprincipled Fraud!?!

If Your Answer To These Questions
Is "Yes!"
Let Me Tell You Plain, Brethren
It Is About Time That You, Your Known Sin
Humbly Confess!

Jesus Christ Saves!
Holy Angels Influence And Guard
The Holy Spirit Guides Into All Truth
Chides Us When We Seek To Act
Buck Wild And Foot Loose!

The Father God 
Father Of Us All
We Take Jesus Christ As Our Eternal Portion!
The Other Choice 
To Be The Adversary Of The Light Of Life
- Being Like Satan -
Choose To Perish
When Ends The Mortal Strife!

I Beseech You, Therefore, Brethren ...

Trust The Creator
The Savior
The Redeemer
The Forever Friend!

Trust The Provider
The Sustainer
The Healer Who Helps
Fallen Men!

Ignore The Liar!
Do Not With Him Indulge In Converse!
Point Him To The Word Of Truth
Get Yourself Out Of
His Objectionable "Universe!"

Lift Up Your Head ...

Sing A Song Of Zion!
Pray A Prayer Of Faith!
Walk The Straight And Narrow Way
Refuse, Refuse ... Refuse
With Self, Sin And Satan
To Indulge In Games Play!

The Day Is Coming
Is Almost Here
When The Lord Of Life
The Son Of God
The Savior Of Mankind
Shall Breach The Atmosphere!

Let It Not Be That
You Shall Run To The Rocks
The Hills
In The Barren Spaces
To Seek To Not See Him Who
Will Put The Period
The Final ... End
To Wayward Man's Own-Way Races!


Heavenly Father,
Please Hear Our Prayer
Bless Us With Spiritual Ears
So That It Is Only Your Living Truth
That We Will With Acceptance Hear!

Please Make Us Anew!
Grant Unto The New Life!
Help To Walk Holy In Christ Jesus
Not Accept The Lie
The Satanic Device!

We Are Young Children
Needing Your Guidance Each Day!
Please Help Us To Willingly Accept
Your Leading
So That For Our Sin
We Will Not Have To Pay!

The Days Are Getting Shorter!
Time Seems To Be Folding In On Itself!
Please, We Beseech You, Father
Help Us To Strive Valiantly
To Become The Godly Success!

Help Us To Mind Our Manners!
Help Us To Keep The Holy Faith!
Help Us To Bless Our Brethren
And, Please
For Our Heartfelt Confession
Remove From Our Beings
Of Every Known Sin, The Trace!

We Love You
We Bless You!
We Trust You, Father, And Plead
For The Blessing Of Answered Prayer
For You Know Our Every Need!
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
We Utter These Few Petitions!
Have Mercy, And Bless!

Friday, April 26, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + United To The King!

Among Those Who Call Themselves
The People Of God
Are Cherish And True Humility
Humble Isda Way
Sin Doan Pay! 

They Are All Made Out Of Clay
Have The Breath Of Life
Believe The Word Of God
Desire The Sure Reward
Are Bold Adversaries Of Satan The Father Liar
The Known Adversary Of
Every Living Soul!
Heaven Is Their Heart's Goal!

From His Constant Harping
Underhanded Entreaties
Backhanded Compliments
The Occasional ... Often
Searing Attack
They Look To Jesus Christ
And Not At Those Things Which Are Behind Their Backs!

They Experience A Whole Lotta Flack
To The Master
The Savior
The Forever Friend
They Are Umbilical-Cord Attached!

Withersoever He Goes
They Go
They Are Never Forsaken
Never Alone!

Did I Tell You That Their Father Is
Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent
He Feels Everything, Too!?!

He Is Spirit
He Is Life!
He Is Hope, Help 
He Cries
He Cannot Lie!

These Remnant Few Have Chosen His Life ... Eternal
For Their Eternal Portion
The Accuser Of The Brethren
The Adversary Of Souls
The Liar Bold
He Who Gives Unto Men
The Deceitful Bow
Has Sent Out Against Them
The Marked-For-Death Bulletin!

I'm Ashamed To Say It
Even Small Fry Have Taken To Standing 
In Front Of Their Homes

Bring 'e Out! 
Pull' e Out! 
Bus' 'e Tail!
He Ain't Good Enough Fuh Jail!

Sigh ...

Hatred Is Such A Bitter Emotion
That We Would Do Well To Understand 
Why The Master Said:


The Problem Is That
They Reside In The Realm Own Way, Every Day, In The World
Their Straight Talk
Straight Walk 
Inflexible Stance On Almighty God's Truth
Serve As A Bold Affront To The Side-Winders
Who Are Fawning Over The Fiend
- Bossman Base -
Who Hates, Hates And Humiliates
Son-Bright, Living-Light Shiny
Pure And Clean!

These Faithful Ones Shine Light In The Darkness!
Their Feet Lovingly Caress The Narrow Way
They Refuse To Sin
They Personally Know Him Who
For All Sin Pays
They Are Vociferously, Patiently, Enduringly
Looking And Longing For The Great Day!

They Do Not Countenance
Own-Sin Self-Pay
They Don't Follow Fashion
Nor Are They Wage-Slaves
To Fallen Man's Useless Rounds Of
Ceremonies And Can't-Save-The-Soul Traditions!

They Are Up-Stream Swimmers
In The Down-Stream Lake
That Is The Closest That They'll Ever Come
To The Fire And Brimstone Lake!
They Don't Treat With The God-Fake
Who Wants Them
The True And Living God To Forsake!

When Jesus Christ 
Your Portion
The World Can Keep Its Cheap Songs
Soon-Rusty Crowns!
We May Suffer At Satan's Base Frown
Thank God For Christ Jesus
The Day Of Redemption 
Coming ... Heralded
By The Arch-Angel's Loud Trumpet Sound!

The Question ...

On Which Side Of Eternity
I Plainly Ask You, Brethren
Will You Be Ultimately Found!?! 

I Pray That You Do Not Permit
Any Created Being Bold
To Steal Your Crown Of
Imperishable Gold!
Please, I Beseech You
Stay In The Blessed Shepherd's
Safe Sheep Fold!

If You Are Thirsty ... Jesus!
If You Are Hungry ... Jesus!
If You Feel Weak ... Jesus!
If You Lack Knowledge ... Jesus!
If You Are Blind ... Jesus!
If You Are Deaf ... Jesus
If You Really Want To Know The Time ... Jesus!
Whatever The Manner Of The Matter To You
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
The Lord Christ
The Savior Of Every Man
The Redeemer Of Those
Who On Almighty God's Truth
** Choose **
Faithfully To Stand
Will Succor You: He Is The Son Of God
The Returning Son Of Man!
Boldly Take His Outstretched Hand!
He Is Leading The Willing
To The Heavenly Land!

Thursday, April 25, 2019


Tame And Lifeless Message Had Married
After Courage And Faith
- Previously Loved But Causing Problems -
In Their Relationship
Had Been Signally Shunned!

It Was Like This ...

Courage And Faith
Were Faithful Workers In The Service Of
The True And Living Eternal God
They Were Good Stewards Of Their Increase:

What The Lord Told Them
They Told Others!

What Good Food They Were Fed
With Such Good Food
They Fed ... Willingly Fed ... Others!

What Words Of Warning They Received
Such Words Of Warning
They Wisely Gave Others!

What Charges To Keep The Faith Of Jesus
To Walk In The Light Of Life
To Embrace Grace
To Meet Mercy
To Denigrate Self
To Uplift Christ
To Believe And Live
To Deny The Liar
To Love Truth
To Live For The Lord
To Walk With The Majesty Of Heaven
In Blissful Accord
They Delivered Said Messages
Even If 
Rotten Eggs
Soggy Tomatoes
Tar Balls
Intense Scrutiny
Unfair Challenges
Lies And Unworthy Speculations
Were Their Payment!

But ... 

As Time Passed
Self Interposed
Faith Waivered
Courage Failed
The Messengers Were Not Taking The Time
To Continually Drink From The Waters Still
To Eat Substantially Of The Bread Of Life
Were Instead
Constantly ... Continually
Looking In At Self
Looking Down At Station
Looking Out At Position
Neglecting To Look Up At The Lord Of Life
The Sustainer
The Provider
The Guide
The Light
The Redeemer
Who Demands Of His Children
His Students
- His Servants -
The Walk Of Obedient Faith
And Not 
The Distrustful Wondering
Of Lying Eyesight!

It Was A Slow And Painful Decline
- Always Seeking -
To Gain A Friend ... A Comrade
A Compatriot To Commiserate
Finding None Like-Minded
For Fear
Choosing To Conform
Instead Of Encouraging Others
To Be Transformed
By The Renewing Of Their Minds!

Facts Remain Facts ...

Contrary Winds Turn Around!
Molasses Rolls Down!
Floods Carry Along!
Hail-Stones Break Down
The Only Good In Their Lives
The Updraft Of Truth ... That Lifts One Up
To The Lord
Was Lost In The Shuffle Of
The Pounding, Probing, Twirling
Twisting, Tormenting, Upheaval 
Compliments Of The Adversary Of All Men's Souls
Who Has Make Man Fall Goals!

Courage And Faith
Were Left Outside In The Cold
The End Result Was
A Crumpled Christian
An Inbred Tame And Lifeless Message
Offering No Cutting Truths To Encourage Anyone
To Enter The Safe-Sheep Fold
The Safe Sheep-Fold
The Goal Of Every Saved Soul!

These Things Ought Not So To Be!

Brethren, Beloved
True Lovers
True Followers Of The Lord Christ
Please, I Beseech You
Do Not On This Earth
Plan For An Easy Life! 

The World Hated, Hates, Our Savior! 
You're His Servant! 
They Will, Likewise, Hate You! 
So, Cling To Him Who Loves Your Soul
Appearances And Offences
Will Not Ever Torment You! 

The Grace Of God 
Always Sufficient
For Those Who Choose To Walk
In The Good King's Way
So ... Be Pleased To Suffer ... In The Here, And The Now
For Our Soon-Returning Lord
Look Up With Faith And In Love
For On The Wing Comes Not Only
Our Great And Glorious Reward
The Promised Damnation And Destruction Of
Sin And Satan
The Willful, Winsome, Wily, Wastrel Fraud! 

To Be Sure, Brethren
A Folded Message Cannot Be Read By A Child
Farless Taught
By A Brow-Beaten Concerned-For-Self
Supposed To Be Faithful
Student Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ!
He Is Rendered Thereby An Agent Of Satan The Fraud
The Wannabe God! 

Trust, I Tell You
In Jesus Christ The Only One Righteous
Our Holy, Ever-Loving, Ever-Living
Almighty Matchless 
Willing Always To Bless, God! 

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


A Living Seed Is Dead!
It Has No Way To Breed Life
When That Seed, Planted, Dies
It Becomes Alive
It Shall Bear Much Fruit
Out Of Its "Head!"

When That Seed Dies
It Cannot Live Again As That Seed
It Goes Through The Transformation
With The Creator God Holding The Lead!

Do Not Think This Thing Strange!
Nothing Has Life In Or If Itself!
If The Lord Decides That Nothing Shall Grow
There Is No Created Being
Who Can Open That Closed Door!

We Would Do Well
As The Servants Of The Lord
To Ever Look To Him
For Direction, Correction And Protection
It Does Us No Good
Like The Babel-Tower Babylonians
To Side-Step The Will Of God
To Protect Our Own Selves
From The Possibility Of Another Flood!

When We Walk According To The Will Of The Holy God
We Cannot Ever Be Manipulated
By The Wiles Of Our Adversary, King Fraud
Who Sought His Own Way
Refusing To Grow Where He Was Planted
Ended Up Being Uprooted
From Highest Heaven Being Transplanted!

A Seed Planted
Fulfilling The Will, Will Grow
Any Not Submissive To The Will Won't Grow
Their Lot Is To Be Consumed
The End Of Which They Won't Know!

Bow, Don't Burn!
Live, And Grow!
Produce Fruit Fit For The Garners Of The King
In The Day Of Harvest Celebration
Over You
The King, Welcoming
Shall Royally Sing!
To The Majesty Of Heaven, Brethren
For Dear Life, Cling!

Do You Desire To Ascend To The Heights Of Glory?
Die To Self ... Daily!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Truth ... And Popularity
Were Standing Before The Church!
Truth Was Standing By Himself
Off To The Right!
Popularity Looked At Him Like He Was Lurch!

There's A Story To Tell ...

Back In The Beginning
Truth Was King
Master Of Everything
Beloved Of The Brethren
Known Always For Saying 
The Right Thing!

Truth Wasn't Always Convenient
Truth Always Was ... Truthful
A Spiritual Success
At Least That Was Until
Good Old Popularity Always New
Always Current
Always Suave
Always Convenient
Totally Incapable Of
Holding The Fine Line
Willing Always To Treat With Those Brethren
Who Loved Broad Fuzzy Movable
Transient Transferable Technicolor
Inebriated Easily Repurposed ... Things!

Popularity Was A Pissant
Precious Truth Always Made Him Squirm!

Truth Is The Solid Rock:
Not Rock-Hard Cement!
Truth Is The Rock Of Ages 
By The Lord God Almighty Sown!

Ah, Well ...

The Great Day Of Decision
Had Arrived Without Fanfare
This Is The Day Heretofore Spoken Of
When Truth Stood Alone
His Continuing Presence In The Church
A Thing Up In The Air!

Popularity Was In His Glee!
He Had Also Been In His Cups
Aka He Was Drunk As A Skunk
He Thought Nothing Of It
Cared Not For Those Insular Few
Who Thought Him De Trop
Even Dissolute
He Was Pumping His Fists
Occasionally Thumping His Pigeon Chest
Ever Exposing His Bonafides
Aka His Jewels Gained By Bribes
And Tortured Beliefs
He Knew By The Twinging Of
His Left Big Toe In His Gucci Loafer
That He Was The Man Of The Hour!
With Truth
He Was Finally Settling The Score!
At His Word
Truth Will Be Put Out The Door!

He Had Repeatedly Asked Truth
To Fornicate With Him
But, Truth 
Being Always Truthful
Had Spurned His Advances
Rejected His Entreaties
Returned His Gifts
Blocked His Phone Number
Would Not Entertain His Worldly "Friend" Requests
Chose, Instead
To Stick Close To The Forever Friend!

Popularity Did Not Know 
How To Take "No!" For An Answer
So He Had Set Up Things In The Assembly
To Bring Cutting Present Truth To A Sticky End:
Doubt And Disbelief
Gainsaying And Carnality
Were His Choicest Henchmen!

Oh, What A Tangled Web We Weave

When We Practice To Deceive!

Facts Are Firm ...

Popularity Does Not Make One Good Or Right
Truth Does Not Make One Bad Or Wrong
Built On "Convenient" Truth
Sure To Make One's Life A Blight!

The Blaze Of Glory ...

Present Truth ... Plain Truth
Stood Still In The Light Of Life
Watched As Popularity
- Present Popularity -
The Chosen Flavor Of The Month
Was Raised Up 
Then Ignominiously Cast Down
As The Thing Not Current
Not Viable
Not Passable
For That Time Of Life!
Present Popularity Had Been Built On Lies!
Known Lies!

The End Result Of It All ...

Truth Remained ... Resolute
Tall And Strong
On Solid Ground!

As For That One Called Popularity
He Was Put Outside
- No Friends -
On The Rubbish Heap Of Convenience
To Die!
Oh, How He Burned!

There Is No Eternal Profit In Popularity!
Truth Always Saves!

Monday, April 22, 2019

MAN MUST MAKE HIS OWN DECISION: The Trumpet Shall Sound And ...!

Every Man, Woman, Child
Must His Own Decision Make!

We ... Of The Household Of Faith
We're Listening For The Lord Of Life's Lone Trumpet! 

True, But Most Of The Nations' People Are Listening 
To The Enthralling, Encompassing, Orchestral Arrangement Of 
The Lost And Dying World!

We Do Not Dress, Walk
Or The Same Language Speak
For Their Customs And Practices Of 
Satan's Stench
Does Overwhelmingly Reek!

The Lord Said: 
Satan Says: 

The Lord Says: 
"Sanctify Yourself!" 
Satan Says: 
"Satisfy The Royal We!"

The Lord Says: 
"Confess, And Of Known Sin, Repent!" 
Satan Says: 
"Fornicate, Adulterate, Abominate
For You Will Soon Have Another Lent!"

The Lord Says: 
"Guard Your Heart!" 
Satan Says: 
"Let Everyone His Own Heart Regard!"

The Lord Says: 
"Invite The Holy Spirit
Your Daily Life To Lead!"

Satan Says: 
"Ingest The Spirits 
And As A Profligate You Will Succeed!"

The Lord Says: 
"Look Up And Live!" 
Satan Says: 
"Look Around And Live It Up!"

The Lord Says: 
"Have Faith!" 
Satan Says: 
"Have Faith, Fanny, Felicia
Felicity, Frank, Francis And Felix!"

The Lord Says: 
"Come Before Me 
And Worship And Bow Down!"
Satan Says: 
"Worship Before Me! Bow And Come Down!"

The Word Of The Lord
Plain And Straight!
The Word Of Satan 
Follows The Path Of The Accursed Snake!

The Word Of The Lord
The Truth
Is The Light That Gives Life!

The Word Of Satan
The Lie That Benights
Always Embroils One In Sure
Damnable Strife!

The Lord Jesus Christ Lives Forever!
Satan Shall Die Forever!

The Lord Jesus Christ Offers Glory
For Me And For Thee!
Satan Promulgates Heresy That 
Damns Himself
Every Believing-As-He-Does Body!

Jesus Christ The Lord ... Always Saves
Always Will
Those Repentant Ones Who To Him
Their Broken Lives Give!

Satan The Piercing Serpent Cannot, Will Not, Save
He Takes His Perverse Pleasure 
From Knowing That He Wantonly Hope Kills!
He Always, Always, The Unwary Soul Destroys!

Choices, Chances
Fate Or Faith
Doubt, Disbelief, Trust:
We Need Truth 
So That With This Life 
We May Hope To Cope!

Man Must Make His Decision
For Good ... For Life
Or For Self ... 
To Live In Sin
It Is Certain That
Not Almighty God On Heaven's Throne
Nor Satan Bound For Hell
Can Stay Nor Steer The Decision!

The Bottom Line ...

Choosing Life Everlasting
Everlasting Separation From Almighty God
The Known Sinner's  
Private, Personal, Uncoerced, Decision!