Saturday, May 4, 2019


Ah, Music!
Lovely Music!
You Were Designed To Give Praise To The Holy God
The Arch-Deceiver Of The Ages
Has Caused Your Form To Be As He Is
An Unmitigated Fraud!

An Angry Man Writes Music!
The Murdering Fiend Likewise!
The Licentious
The Lewd
The Crude
The Ingenue
All Make Music
Compliments Him
That Music Master Fallen
Who Instigated The Great Controversy
The "I Desire To Be Worshipped As God!" Feud!

Some Music Makes Some People Happy!
Some Music Makes Some People Sad!
Some Music Makes Some People Forget To Remember Truth
Some Music Makes Some People Behave 
Like Total Creeps And Cads!

Heavenly Music Frees The Soul From Sorrow!
Devilish Music Urges The Soul To Sin!
Heavenly Music Purges The Soul Of The Devil
Devilish Music Will Urge Devils 

The Soul To Reside Within!

Music Can Cast A Sinner Down!
Music Can Lift The Saint Of God And Christ Up!
Music Will Tie A Confused Soul In Knots
Music Can Cause The Crazed Soul To Erupt!

Let Us Who Love And Worship
Sing Praise To The Holy God
Remember That Music
Proper Music
Gives No Nod To Satan, The Wannabe God
Does Not Encourage The Sensual Display
Most Assuredly Does Not Encourage Us
To Sit Down And Eat
And, Then 

Rise Up To Indulge The Ungodly
Known Satanic Display!

We Are What We Eat!
We Speak What We Hear
We Follow The One Who Is Leading Us
By What We Let Enter Into Our Ears!

Truth ...

Faith Comes By Hearing
Hearing The Word Of God
So, Tell Me, Please Tell Me, True
Is Your Taste In Music Leading You To King Jesus
To Hill Zion
Is It Encouraging You To Fraternize
To Cohabitate 
With The Damned-For-All-Eternity Fraud
Who Poisonously Hates Me And You!?!

The Angels Of God Sing Glorious Praise
Unto The Holy God
All Who Believe The Living Word 
That We Shall Receive The Golden Crown
Should Cast Away All Music That 
Causes Us In Worship
Below Our Waists To Whip About
To Cast Around!

Sensual Music In The Church 
Not Godly
Neither Is Music That Causes One To Cavort
So Let Us Stand Up For The God Of Light, Truth And Order
Cast Away From Us
All Things That Cause Us To Descend 
Into Idolatrous, Hedonistic, Disorder!
Let Us Refuse, Brethren
To Become Satan's Choice Fodder!

Let Us Stop Taking The World's Music Score
Baptizing It With Good And Godly Words!
The Music Has A History!
The Music Tells A Story
No Matter How Much Holy Water You Wash It In
It Will Always Tell The Devil's Story!
Satan Will Never Speak To Give Almighty God Glory!

What Is Your Musical Taste
Really Doing To You!?! 

How Are You Performing
When You Hear Your Musical Cue!?!

Friday, May 3, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + REALITY BITES: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself!

... And She Says That She Sees Nothing Wrong With 

Okay, Okay!
Now Pull The Other Leg!

I'm Serious, And So Was She!

Please Explain What You Mean
Because I'm Out To Sea
In A Leaky Boat Without A Paddle!

Very Well!
Just Remember That I'm Only The Messenger, Alright!?!

Messengers Sometimes Get Hurt But
We'll Make An Exception Just For You, Okay!?!

Yeahhh, Me!!
Seriously, Though
Chimera Said:

Is So Straight-Forward!
Look At Its Symmetry!
You Start At The Bottom Of That "S"
And You Take The Path Snaking
Winding Round
And You're At The Top Of 
You Take The Slalom
And Fall Into "i"
And You Play Ignorant
And Pretend To Be Dead
To See What Kind Of Funeral
You're Going To Get
And, Suddenly, 
You Get Up
When Life Kicks You In The Nuts ...!

.. Cough! Cough!

... Guts
And, Then
Having Be Made Wise
By Sacrifice, Pain, Re-Education And Time
You Start Climbing The "n"
Negotiating The U-Turn
That Leads To The Nazarene
The Savior
The Lord
The King Of Love
Who Defeated
Who Defeats Satan, The Serpent
The Dragon, The Devil
The God-Fraud
The Liar Supreme
The Murderer ... No Conscience
And You See ... For Real
That Actual 
In The Flesh
Can Never Pay
Put One Ahead Of The Curve
All Sin Is Lawlessness
All Lawlessness Is Sin
And The Wages Of Sin Is Death
All Unrepentant Sinners
Get What Unrepentant Sinners Deserve:

  • Death
  • Damnation
  • Destruction 
  • A Dreadful Deep Dip In The Lake Burning With Brimstone And Fire
 Which No Hand Can
Or Will Extinguish
And Where They Will Burn Until Consumed
Until All That's Left Is Ashes
Under The Feet Of The Saints Of God And Christ
Who Have Chosen Jesus Christ
And His Sure Salvation
For Their Portion
The Eternal Reward!

Good Gracious Me!
In Her Usual Warped Sense Of Humor
She Actually Said Something That Makes Sense!

But ...

The Thing Is
Wouldn't It Be Better
To Avoid Sin Altogether!?!

Great Minds Think Alike!
I Asked Her The Same Question!

And, Pray Tell, What Did She Answer To That!?!

She Simply And Plainly And Unemotionally Said That
Some Of Us Are Hard-Headed
Own-Way, Wayward 
Rude And Crude
And Would Do Well
To Investigate The Book Of Jude
And Take To Heart The Message
While Eating It As Necessary Food!

She Also Said To Follow It Up With
The Book Of James
Taking Special Note Of Chapter One!
For Hope, We Should Read Psalm 23
Psalm 46 And Psalm 91!
And For A Good Measure
We Are To Read King David's Psalm 51

Which Lays Us Bare Before The Lord Of Life!

She Also Pointed To The Conclusion Of The Whole Matter
As Pointed Out By The Wisest Fool Who Ever Lived!
She Is Inviting All To Enjoy Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
For It Is Life's Reality-Check!
It's The Cure-For-All-Sin-Things Pill!

I'm Shaking My Head!

You've Gotta Love Her!

Wow! Negative Reinforcement!

I'm Sure That That's Not What The Lord Desires For Us
The Reality Is
Attendance At The School Of Hard Knocks
Does Teach Unforgettable Lessons!

Nevertheless, It Is Better To Learn From Our Forefathers
And Not Walk In The Way Of Sin Because ...!

... Tomorrow Is Not Promised To Anyone!

The Sin That Is Left Unconfessed
The Sin That Is Unforgiven
No Man, Woman Or Child
Will Enter The Great Reward
With Black Marks Aka Unforgiven Sin
On Their Final Judgment Card!

The Bottom Line ...

Leave Sin Where It Is
Cling To Christ Jesus
Who Paid The Ultimate Price
So That We ... Repentant
May ... By Right
Through The Assigned Pearl Gates Of Heaven
Boldly Walk In!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Sin Stains: Salvation Builds Saints + PRAYER: I Confess My Well-Known Sins, Father!

Disappointment, Denial, Distress, Delay
Hope, Help, Folly, Fear
Salvation, Grace, Mercy
Peace, Rest
Importunate Prayer
Stood Around The Old Saint
Who Knew The Stain Of Sin
Having Given Self To The Savior
Was Walking Boldly In Him!

Hear Her ... In The Power Of Tested Faith, Speak:

My Eyes Saw Expressed Lies!
My Ears Felt The Burn Of Hate!
My Body Was Headed To Lost Man's Fate
And I, Having Lived For Self
By Self
Outside Of Self-Denial
Had To Face The Fact Truthfully That
- At Last -
I Was On Trial!

How To Go Forward!?!
Do I Dare Look Back!?!

I Remembered Righteous Lot's Wife
And Said To Myself:

"Don't Do That!"

I Remembered King Saul
King Solomon
King David
Apostle Paul
And I Thought Of Doubting Thomas
Who Was Rebuked By Jesus Christ The Lord!

I Thought Of High Priest Eli
High Priest Prophet Aaron
Judge Priest Prophet Old Samuel
And That Is When It Dawned On Me
Why Those Who Were Saved, Were Saved
And Those Who Were Lost Were Surely Bound For Hell!

For A Moment
I Indulged Rationalization:
I Was No Bigger Sinner Than Yon Brother Sister!

I Tried Justification:
What Did He Want From Me
Who Was A Mere Child Of The Dust!?!

I Next Tried Fatalism:
What Must Must, Must Must!

And, Then
- Resigned To Reality -
I Tried Confession


I Confess My Well-Known
Well-Loved Sins! 
I Give Them Unto You
For I Know To You
They Are Truly Heart-Breaking!

They Have Been Unto Me
Body Blows
Well-Able ... Unchecked
Surely To Destroy My Soul
And, So, I Surrender
I Repent
I'm From Sin Turning Away
And I Am Making A Covenant With You
To Walk In Your Holy Light
Committed To Your Eternal Cause
To Love You First
To Trust You To Heal Me Of All My Flaws
To Rely Upon You For The New Heart Of Flesh
To Talk With You About Everything
To Stay On The Path That For Me You Prepare
To Destroy All The False Gods That
From You Would Take Me Away
To Bless You With My Faithfulness
To Tell The World The Gospel Truth
To Live And Die By The "Thus Saith Lord!"
To Be With You Always In One Accord!

I Am A Sinner-Saved
A Child, Blessed
A Servant, Favored!
Help Me To A Spiritual Success
Looking With Wisdom Upon The Things Of My God
And Desperately Despising
The Things Of Satan, The Arch-Deceiver
That Bold Liar, Murderer
He Who Desires The Appointed Worship Of
The One Eternal Holy God!

I Am A Child: Lead Me!
I Am A Servant: Dispatch Me!
I Am A Student: Instruct Me!
You Are My God!
I Know That You Sacrificially Love Me
And, For This
It Is My Desire
To Covenant With You ... By Sacrifice!

And, Father
If It Is Your Desire Of My Life
- With You Leading The Way
And Holding My Hand -
I Am Willing To Be A Sacrifice For My Lord!

You Have Promised Me Eternal Life!
When I Die ... In Jesus Christ
I Will Get Up
And Rise Up To Him
When He Comes
To Forever Share His Glorious Life!

Please Help Me To Prepare
To Dare To Share ... Without Fear
The Truth That Unto Man Your Word Declares!
Help Me To Hold You Always In Godly Fear!

Brethren, The Christ-Like Life
Is No Cake-Walk
No Walk In The Park
No Clown Car Funny!

Desperation Wants To Dance In Your Head!
Defeat Wants To Take You To Bed!
Distrust Wants To Encourage You It's Cake To Eat
Gainsaying Wants You To Milk Its Teats
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!
Thank God For Christ Jesus Who
All Our Sorrows Know:

We Have The Comfort Of
The Holy Spirit Of Truth
The Advocate With The Father
From Whom No Created Being
Can Ever Cut Us Loose!

Whatever Your Sorrow
Your Pain
Your Shame
Your Need
Your Worry
Believe, Love, Trust
Honor, Worship
Enduringly Obey!

Let No Creature Shake Your Faith:

The Word Of Almighty God
Is Eternal
Is Perfect
Is True
Is Blessedly Good
For Me And For You! 

Start From A Position Of Power:

Almighty God 
His Word Cannot Fail!
Praying In Faith Is Powerful!
Jesus Christ Is Coming To Earth Again!
Working Faith Can Move Your Life's Mountains


Doubt ... By A Lifetime's Labor
Will Never Get A Mountain 
To Walk Away Or Move Around!

Brethren, Beloved
My Charge To You Is This:

You Don't Have To Follow 
Where The World Blindly Leads!

In Faith, For Love, With Hope
Follow Jesus Christ
Who Is The Way
The Truth For The Age
The Light Of Life
The Life-Giver Of Man!

Please, I Beseech You
Accept The Offer Of Life Everlasting
By Accepting
Attaching Yourself
To The Lovingly Extended All-Powerful Hand!
You Will Rest Finally ... And Forever
In Beulah
- The Beautiful Land -
Where The Water Of The River Of Life 
Ever Sweet!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

SIN: Eschew! Eschew!

Self-Willed Sally
Own-Way Chase
Were Known To Be Crabby
When In The Presence Of Straight-Laced!

The Problem Was Simple
The Reason Profound
Straight-Laced Lived On And Walked Faithfully 
On The Narrow Way
Worked On The Path Of Verity
Shopped At "It Is Written!"
Permitted No One
From The Path Of Truth And Righteousness
To Cause Him To Turn Around!

Battle Lines Were Meticulously Drawn
- Watching, Waiting
Working For His Lord -
Deftly Drew Out And Finely Sharpened
His God-Given Sword!

He Never Raised His Voice
He Had No Need To Curse
He Wielded The Sword Of Truth!

Listen To Him
Hear Him Cut Unruly-Sin Down
To The Vanquished-Today Size:

Many Are They That Trouble Me!
Many Are They That Rise Up Against Me! 
Many Are They That Say Of My Soul 
There Is No Help For Him In God: 
But Thou, Oh, Lord, Art A Shield For Me
My Glory And The Lifter Up Of My Head!

I Waited For The Lord And He Inclined Unto Me 
And Heard My Complaint!

Blessed Is The Man
Who Walks Not In The Counsel Of The Ungodly
Nor Standeth In The Way Of Sinners
Nor Sitteth In The Seat Of The Scornful!

The Lord Is My Rock And My Redeemer!

Trust Ye In The Lord Forever
For In The Lord Jehovah Is Everlasting Strength!

They That Wait Upon The Lord Shall Renew 
Their Strength, They Shall Mount Up With Wings As Eagles!
They Shall Run And Not Be Wary!
They Shall Walk And Not Faint!

The Naysayers Were Many ...

Whenever Selfish-Selena
Sought To Gall Him
By Calling Him A Gull For
Believing In The Living Word
By Them Considered A Dead Letter
To A Bunch Of Space Cadets
Straight-Laced Did Not Take Offence!

He Took The Only Action
Sure, Always, To Be Effective:

He Sighed!
He Cried Over The Abominations
Dear Lord
He Prayed!

He Prayed For Their Help!
He Prayed For Their Health!
He Prayed Against Their Hard-Headedness
Their Hard Heartedness
He Prayed For Their Revival
Their Reformation
He Pleaded With The Lord 
For Their Conversion To The Cause Of Christ
Don't You Know
One Rather Gloomy Day
A Crack Appeared
In The Wall Of Willing Sinners
Known Viciously Arreared Against Him!

- Known Rabid Haters Of Straight-Laced -
Banged, Banged ... Knocked Real Hard
- In An Urgent Tattoo -
Upon His Open, Always Open, Front Door!

They Didn't Give Him A Chance To Offer Pleasantries!

They Just Said:

Give Us Water!
Feed Us Bread!
Point Us To The Shepherd
Or Very Soon We Shall Be Dead!

We Offer No Explanation!
Know This: We Need The Living Light!
Satan Has Proved Himself A Gross Liar!
His Way Of Life Is Blight!

Straight-Laced Asked No Questions!
He Simply Uttered:

Thank You, Jesus!

It Was His Heartfelt Prayer
He Hugged And Invited His Guests
- Expected, Unexpected -
To Sit Down For The Meal! 

He Pointed Them To His Simply-Appointed 
Dining Room 
And Fittingly Arrayed Table And Beckoning Chairs!

The Plates Were Plain Truth!
The Knives Were Knowledge!
The Spoons Dug Into Salvation!
The Forks Held Fidelity!
The Cups Were Filled With Confidence In Christ!
The Glasses Told The Surpassing Glory Story
In Each Linen Napkin, Clean And White
Were The Words Of Truth And Life
The Aching Soul Sure To Delight!

There Was Grace Before The Meal!

Mercy, The Platter
Did Seasoned Vegetables Various Yield
Showing And Telling That
Mercy Covers All
No Matter The Type
The Stripe!
Mercy ... Is For One And All!


There Was A Little Brown Bag
To Hold The Vomitus Of Sin Confessed
A Known Necessity
One Willed By The Great King
Truly To Be Blessed!

Repentance Was At The Table!
It Was A Turning-U
Black-Black To Charcoal-Grey
Dirty Beige To Bright White:

It Encourages One Not To Be
The Sin-Slave
To The Will Of The Eternal God
Willingly To Cave!

Said Straight:

Jesus Christ IS The Way-Maker!
Jesus Christ IS The Bread-Baker!
Satan Is The Liar, The Faker
And Only You Can Decide
To Be The Narrow-Way Taker!

Turn Away From Self And Sin!
Turn To Jesus Christ And Heaven Win!
Bless The Lord And He Will Bless You
When The Way Of Sin
You Boldly Eschew!

That Hour
That Day
Standing In Faith
On Prayer
Having Hope
Those Two Willingly, Joyfully, Joined
The Heaven-Bound Crew!

Jesus Christ Saves!
He Saved Them
He Can
He Will
Save Me And You, Too!

Don't Be Complacent!
Fighting Against Sin
A Moment By Moment
Day By Day Battle
Done In The Strength
In The Faith Of Jesus Christ The Righteous
Our Returning-Soon Savior
Redeemer, Lord And God!
Let's Walk With Him In Total Accord!


Tuesday, April 30, 2019

ICY, I SEE: Doubt ... And Faith ...And Disobedience

If I Hear The Word Of Truth
I Doubt The Word Of Truth
Does That Mean That
The Word Of Truth Is A Lie!?!

If I Know That The Lord Christ Is Real

I Choose To Doubt That He Is Real
Does That Mean That
The Lord Christ Is A Falsity!?!
A Fantasy!?! 
If I Am Made Of The Clan Human

I Choose To Walk Like A Duck
Talk Like A Duck
Dump As A Duck
Does That Make Me A Duck
Or Does It Brand Me A Human Quack!?!

Shaking My Head ...

I Have A Real Problem
With People Who Call Green, Black
Just Because They View The Green
In The Darkness
Refusing To Look At It
In The True And Bright Light
Which Offers Real Insight
Sufficient Even The Veriest Jade To Delight!

What Do You See ...

Men Are Using "Magic" Mirrors
So That What Looks Back At Them
Is Not 
The Same Person
As The One Who Is Doing The Looking!

Gotta Do De Math ...

If We Extrapolate That
Think Of The Lord Of Life
Who Repeatedly Tells, Asks, Pleads
With Us To Live By Faith
Not To Live By Lying Eyesight
We Will Do Well
Instead Of Hurting Self And Others
By Depending Upon That
Which Leads To The Hell-Bound Offer!

Faith ... I Can't See Now

I Choose To Believe The Word That 
I Will See ... Later!

Doubt ... I Can't See What I Can't See

Because I Can't See
I Choose To Disbelieve The Word
That I Could See If I Choose To Have Faith
And Believe That I Will See ... In Time!
A Mouthful
Not Way-To-Eternal-Life Goals!

Faith Is Not About Being Brave!

Faith Is All About Obedience!

Doubt Is Not About Disbelief!

Doubt Is About Disobedience!

Belief Is A Choice!
Disbelief Is A Choice!
Disbelief Makes Satan Glad! 
Belief Makes Heaven Rejoice! 

"I Can't See!" She Said, Blindly. 
"I Don't Have A Care!" She Said
While Carrying The Heavy Load
Ignoring The Fact That
Belief Takes Away Worry
Disbelief Causes One To Treat Liberally 
With Debilitating Fear!

At Her Gross Folly
Satan, Triumphing
Does Jeer! 

Ask De Hard T'ings ...

Are We Regulation Fools
Disguised Idiots
Masquerading As Saints!?! 


Are We Salt Of The Earth
Light Of Life
Blessed To Be Blessings
Hearing The Word Of The Living God
Faithfully Believing
- And Doing -
Without Fear Or Failing
Not Caviling!?!

We Are Not Promised Easy Living! 

Whether We Have Dollars Or Cents
Pounds Or Pence
We All Need Sense To Scent
The Stench On The Winds Of Change! 

Ignorance Is Not Bliss!
Foolishness Is Not Sense!
Having Guts Is No Guarantee Of Glory
Praise Be To Jesus
Good News Is The Present Truth 
Gospel Story! 

Bow And Burn Both Begin With "B"
Only One Leads The Believer
To Eternal Life!

Monday, April 29, 2019

JESUS CHRIST THE LORD IS KING: Will You In His Glorious Presence Sing!?!

He Who Calls You
Will Bring You Through!
He Who Sends You
Will Equip You To Get You Through!
He Who Asks Of You Faithful Service
Is Faithful To Help You To Serve
He Will Not Accept Service
That Is Performed On
The Convenience Curve!

Our Master
The Lord Christ
The Creator, The Savior
The Redeemer
The Forever Friend
Who Took Off His Royal Robes
Left Behind His Glory, Honor, Worship, Praise
The Visible Love Of All In The Heavenly Realm
To Come Down To Earth To Live 
- And To Die -
To Show Us How To Live Right
In The Realm Of Mortal Men!
On His Living Example We Can Depend!

First Appearance ... A Cattle Stall!
Next To Final Appearance
In A Corrupt And Wicked Ruler's
Judgment Hall!
He Died A Spectacle
Washed In The Words Of 
A Myriad Evil Tongues!
Before He Closed His Eyes In Sleep
He Could Have From That Cross Of Shame
With Power Stepped Down!

He Loved Us Then!
He Loves Us Still!
He Desires That We Live Abundantly
Because He Walked Our Walk
Died In Our Shame
He Can
He Will
He Does Us Teach
The Way To The Heavenly Father
How To The Forever Home
We May Safely
Victoriously ... As Blessed Overcomers
Rejoicing Reach!

Grace And Faith
Light Of Truth
Peace And Rest
Forgiveness And Blessing
Prayers And Petitions
Honest Laboring
Are Helps For Us
To Become The Spiritual Success!

Confessed Sin Is A Necessity
Repentance For Known Sin, Too
An Enduring And A Consistent Walk
With Him, Dear Brethren
Not To Be Eschewed!

His Walk Was Not On Rose Petals!
His Bed Was Not A Puffy Cloud!
His Adversaries Were Many
His Last Garment Was A Burial Shroud!

Who Should Have Loved Him
Hated Him!
Who Should Have Praised Him
Who Should Have Lifted Him Up
Nailed Him Down
Glory Be To The Father
They Could Not Keep Him In The Ground
And, So
We, Today, Who Choose To Hear Him
Believe Him
Are Blessed Beyond Measure
As We Willingly Walk Behind Him
The Shepherd
Faithful, Loving, Kind, True
Who, Alone, Points The Way
Makes The Path
Procures The Grass
Causes Pure Water To Gush Out Of The Flinty Stone
Is The Guiding Light To Get Us Home
Has Promised Us ... In His Blood
To Raise Us Up To His Glory
When In Him We Die
Wrapped Up In The Gospel Story!

So ...

I Appeal To Us All
Summer Spring Winter Fall
In Peace, At War
In Plenty, In Need
In Sickness, In Health
In Penury, In Wealth
Stick For Dear Life To Jesus Christ
Whose Life And Love
Is Stuck To Me, To You!
It's True!

Do Not Doubt!
Do Not Fear!
Do Not Get Bent Out Of Shape
Your Life Is Being Harassed
By A Raging Lion
An Achy-Toothed Bear
A Piercing Serpent
Locusts Foraging!

Your Sea May Be Boiling!
The Waves Billowing May Roll!
Your Ship May Have Holes!
Your Shoes May Lack Soles!
You May Be Faint From Hunger!
Your Best Friend Is Your Worst Enemy!
Your Child May Be A Scorpion
Your Spouse's Love Is As Poisoned Honey!

Do Not Look Left!
Do Not Look Right!
Do Not Live In Carnal Eyesight!

Look Up To Jesus!
Lift Up Your Heart To Him!
Pray Without Ceasing
Do Not In Him Cease Your Believing!
Reach For His Beckoning
Outstretched-To-Receive Hand!

The Devil Is The Liar Supreme!
Jesus Christ The Righteous 
King, Ruler
Lord Of Everything:

His Home Is Your Promised Home
Available For The Taking!
In Your Life Crown Him King
In Eternity
His Praises
You, Glorified
Shall Enraptured Sing!

Make His Love Your Everything
So That In The Appointed Day
You Will Be Amongst The Redeemed
Who Shall Make Heaven's Portal Ring!

No Force Is Required:
Make Jesus Christ Your King
Receive The Reserved For You
Heavenly Portion!