Friday, May 10, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + Always Open Before God!?!

Every Thought
Every Purpose
Every Plan
Every Motive
- In Splendid Display -
Arrayed Before The Lord
If We, As Believers
Believe The Living Word Of The Holy God
We Will Choose To Walk Circumspectly
Choose To Decidedly Stand Firmly Against
The Base Machinations Of
Satan, The God-Fraud!

Having Our Lives Open
Laid Bare ... On Constant Display
Before The Eyes Of Almighty God
Should Make Every Child Of Adam And Eve
Every Child Of Righteous Noah
Tremble In Godly Fear 
As From Birth To Death They Grow
Because  They Live In The Presence
- In The Can't-Hide-From Sight -
By The Power Of The Lord Who Gives Life
Who Keeps Perfect Records Of 
Those Things "We Know"
Shall Never See The Daylight!

Go To Hell! God's There!

Go To Heaven! God's There!

Go To Depths Of The Ocean!
The Scariest Point Of The Highest Mount!
Sorry, My Brothers, My Sister
There Is No Escaping: God's There!

In That Case, All I Can Say Is:
I Tremble, And I Fear!

He Knows Every Single, Solitary
Passing, Considered, Deliberated
Thought, Word And Deed!?!

So Says The Living Word Which Cannot Lie!

Oh, Man!
I'm Doomed!

Not Like Me!
I Have Wayward Even Worthless Thoughts
Disgusting Even Devilish Words
Indulge Unchaste Even Corrupt Actions
Bitterness Hate
Filthy Desire
Dastardly Actions
Simulated Murder
Deceit Writ Large
Denial Of The Power Of God
Forays Into The Field Of The Fraud!
I Am Doooooomed!

Why So Melodramatic, My Friend!?!
Don't You Believe In The Power Of
The Best Friend
The Master
The Savior
The Lord
The King
The Redeemer
The Only Begotten Son Of
The Eternal God!?!

I Do! I Do ... But ...!?!

No Buts!

Man, You Can't See My Record!
It's Replete With Submissions
That Would Make "D" Day Loom Like A Failed Mission!

Whew! You Had Me Going There For A Moment!
I "Thought" You Were Going To Say That
Jesus Christ's Sacrifice For Us
Was A Failed Mission!

Oh, No!
Never That!

Jesus Christ Saves!
He Can Save You!
Submit Your Will To The Lord!
Depart The Ways Of The Fraud!
Invite The Holy Spirit With You To Abide
By Day By Day Walking
Working, Watching, Communing
With His Directing, Correction
On The Wings Of Eagles
In The Appointed Day
You Shall Surely Ride!

Night Is Coming ...

It's Time To Correct The Downward Spiral
The Damned-Man Slide!
It Is Time To Hang A Right To Heaven
Walk Right
By The Savior's Pierced Side!

Even Though We Sin
By Word, Thought, Deed
We May Arrest The Rot
When We On The Living Word Feed!

To Know That Someone Has Records Of My Life
That I Don't Have
And Can't Even Remember ...
This Causes Me To Think
That I Truly Need To Be Different!

Time To Use The Filter!


Huh!?! I Don't Get The Reference!

Oh, Sorry!
It's Means What Would Jesus Do!

I Like That!
If Jesus Wouldn't Do It
Then Neither Shall I!

WWJD ... FY ...

What Jesus Will Do For You
For Me
For Anybody
Willing To Work
To Watch
To Wait Faithfully Upon Him
Beyond Human Measure
Is Ours ... By Faithful Prayer
Just For The Asking!

Jesus Christ
Our Rock, Refuge
Strong Tower, Shelter, Shield
By Grace ... Extending Mercy
Out Of Love ... Giving Hope!

A One-Sentence Sermon!

You Haven't Heard Anything Yet!
I've Got Some Two-Word Sermons!

Share, My Brother! Share!!

Jesus Wept!
Don't Doubt!
Have Faith!
Walk Wisely!
Sowers Reap!
Liars Lose!

Got Any Three's!?!

Sure Do!
Believe, And Live!
Trust And Obey!
Sing His Praise!
Test The Spirits!
Confess ... And Repent!
Remember Thy Creator!

That's Pretty Good!

Of Course, My Best Sermon Is:

Heaven At Any Cost Is Dirt Cheap!

That Makes A Lot Of Sense!

Indeed It Does!
The Lord Is Not Here To Bash Us
To Make Us Pay!
He Wants Us To Come Home To Him
He's Asking Us From Sin And Self To Step Away!

The Lord Is Not The Mallet
We Are Not The Moles He Wacks!
He Had Made Glorious Provision For Us
We Need To Trust And Obey And Endure
The Time 
- Our Time -
In The School Of Hard Knocks
The Time In The Crucible Of Refining
The Purging-From-Sin Time
- By Jesus Christ's Daily-Dealt Holy Faith -
So That We May Escape The Adversary's Attacks!

We Must Walk Forward In Faith
Leaving The Old Ways Behind
Look To Him Who Is The Author
The Finisher
Of Our Faith!
He Will Never Fail
So Let Us Run Our Ships
Our Characters
Under His All-Encompassing Sail!
In His Service
Against Sin, Self And Satan
Unworthy Thoughts, Words And Deeds
We Shall Surely Prevail!

Let Us The Good King Hail!


Thursday, May 9, 2019


Pride Is A Compass That Points Toward Self
It Discounts The Lord Of Life
Places Him On The What-Not Shelf
While Placing Old Satan In Ascendancy
Booking A Berth In The Lake Of Fire Pyre
When The Lord, Himself
Shall Ignite Eternal Condemnation's Consuming Fire!

Satan Is The Bold Sinner!
Prideful Self Is Likewise
Has No Compunction
About Others To Tell Lies!
Satan Crafted The Art
He Hands Out For The Drama
Each Chosen Player's Part
He Tempts Them With Trifles And Truffles
From The Script Not To Depart!

Just Like Satan
Pride Is A Parasite
Killing The Host All The While Knowing That
The Host's Death Means Death To Itself
Being Totally Selfish
Knowing The Outcome Cannot Be Diverted 
- Nor Dismissed -
Without Outside Intervention
Pride Paints Itself A Grandly Visual Feast
Casually Waits For The Death That Brings No Relief!

Pride Is A Terminal Disease
The Only Known Cure For Which 
Christ's Blessed Humility
Where Self Is Transformed
Where Truth Is Uplifted
Where Love To And For Others
Is Willingly Manifested!

To The Heart Filled With Pride
Humility Is A Smooth Pill That Won't Slide
Which Chokes And Inhibits The Free Passage Of
The Beloved Poison That Surely Does The Prideful Soul
Its Necessary Damage!
In The Heart There Is Carnage!

But ...

With Jesus Christ As Captain
- Captain Of The Soul Ship -
Prideful Self And Sin And Satan
Will Be Evicted
When Forgiveness For Known Sin
- By Confession And Repentance -
Eagerly Accepted!

Satan May Tempt
Twist, Torture
About Turn
He Can't Force The Soul
To His Way Of Thinking
To Turn!
So, With This In Mind
Dear Fellow, Kind Friend
Remember That Jesus Christ Saves To The Uttermost
His Word Is Final
When The Carnal Life Of Sin And Shame
Shall Forever End!

Let The Lord Christ Lead You ...

He's The Good Shepherd!
Let The Lord Guide You:
Your Footsteps Shall No Slide!
Let The Lord Bless You:
He's Already Paid For Your Grace
- Your Unmerited Favor -
So Trust Him 
Believe His Word!
His Gifts To You Are Of An Unexpected
Unknown, Unanticipated, Unimaginable
Truly Delightsome Savor!

Believe The Word Of God
And Live ...

There Is No Profit In Sin!
There Is No Profit In Self!
There Is No Profit In Pride, My Friend
Just Designated Destruction
At This Journey's End!
Do Not The Way Of Satan Defend
Or Else You Will Suffer His Known Prophesied
Published End!
To Jesus Christ The One Righteous
Holy, Just, Kind, Loving
Forgiving, Faithful, True
Your Short Life Commend!
On This One Commitment
The Eternity Of Peace Depends!

Sin Is No Man's Friend!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Faithful To Christ's Cause!

Delivered From Temptation
Reserved For Judgment
Are Children Of The Family Of Man!
Delivered From Temptation
Reserved For Judgment
Are Residents Of The Village Catch As Catch Can!
Delivered From Temptation
Reserved For Judgment
Are As Different As Different Can Be
Delivered From Temptation Is A Faithful Christian
Reserved For Judgment Is A Miscreant
Aka His Ways Were Decidedly Ungodly!

Let Us Be Straight Here Because
Being Bent Just Will Not Sell:

Faithful Christianity Is No Magic Bullet!
Faithful Christianity Is No Easy Sell!

Faithful Christianity Requires Christ-Led Effort
Enduring And Surrendered Will
Whereas Ungodly Behavior Is Inherent
In The Fallen Man
Who Is Assuredly Bound For Hell!

Let Me Share ...

Reserved For Judgment
Had All The Opportunities That
Delivered From Temptation Had!
Reserved For Judgment Thought That

  • Getting Up From Sitting Down Was Too Hard
  • Standing Up From Lying Down Was Like Walking On Glass Shards
  • Turning Away From Tradition Was Like Forgetting To Eat A Meal


  • Refusing To Take What Was Available For The Taking Was Like Using Bamboo To Cut Steel
It Wasn't Going To Happen!

In Short
Reserved For Judgment Preferred
The Path Of Least Resistance
He Could Not, Would Not Abide
That, That ... Whatever He Was
Delivered From Temptation
Who Was A Real, Real, Idiot
Under A Spell
He Preferred The High Road
The Narrow Path
The Strait Way
The Blessings Of Heartfelt Prayer
The Truth For Today
Doing Good
Being Helpful
Trusting The Unseen God
Believing That Jesus Christ Saves
Trusting The Guidance Of The Holy Spirit
Accepting The Protection Of The Holy Angels
As Opposed To Loving The Bright Lights
The Thrills And Heady Spills Of
Life On The Broadway
With All The Charms Of Self-Aggrandizement
Felt Feelings Explored ... Never Ignored
Baubles And Beads Of Strange Worship
Foreign Creeds
Strange Fire
Dances With The Bold Liar
Hearing What You Want To Hear
Doing Whatever You Want To Do
Believing Without A Single Doubt That
The Impersonal God Who Made You
Had No Choice But To Save You
No Matter What You Thought, Said, Did
Lived, Practiced, Explored ... Or Ignored!

Delivered From Temptation
Believed In And Wore
The Whole Armor Of God
Which Reserved For Judgment Thought Was
Seriously Unfashionable
Clunky ... A Total Waste Of Time
Which Was His Touted Reason
For Not Wearing His
For Taking The Position To Leave It Off
To Leave It Behind
When He Was Playing Kittie
To Satan, The Big Dog!

 Scoffers, Scoff ...

Delivered From Temptation
Had A Conversation One Day
Where Reserved For Temptation
Was Being Exceedingly Rude
Was Laughing At Him For Wearing
The Helmet Of Salvation!

Whilst Walking Away From The Desire
To Utter A Scathingly Cutting Remark
He Heard Lil' Searching For Truth's Voice:

Delivered From Temptation
Would You Please Answer Me!?!
Why, Indeed, Do You Wear That Helmet
When It Makes Things Uncomfortable For Thee!?!

Searching For Truth, I Will Answer You Plain!
The Helmet Is Uncomfortable
It Is Saving Me And My Brain!

The Helmet Is, Indeed, The Helmet Of Salvation
It Protects My Mind So That I May Decide
What To Hear
What To See
What To Smell
What To Eat
What To Speak
What To Feel
What To Do
Where To Go
What And Who To Ignore
When To Share
How Not To Be Ensnared
To Hold The Lord In Godly Fear
To Habitually Repair To Prayer!

If I Do Not Wear The Helmet

A Satanic Blow To The Head
Renders Me Dead
Out Of The Running For Salvation
And Henceforth 
Lands Me Amongst The Forever Damned!

I Have Two Eyes, Two Ears, Two Nostrils

Only One Mouth!
I Have Two Hands, Two Knees, Two Feet
Only One Heart!

I Have One Brain ... To Make Decisions!

I Have One Heart ... With Which To Love!
I Have One Mouth ... With Which To Speak The Truth
To My Brethren
About The Holy God's Faithful Love!

Personal Comfort Should Not Be About Appearance!

Personal Comfort Should Be About The Repose Of The Soul!
Personal Comfort Should Be About Living For Christ Jesus
Getting Home To Mount Zion
To Be With Him And With Those
Who Shall Never, Ever, Ever Grow Old!

Vanity Is The Vexation Of The Spirit!

Vanity Excludes One From Association With
The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Who Leads One Into Eternal Light
Removes One From The Clutches Of The Prince Of Darkness
Who Takes Satanic Pleasure
The Soul Of Fallen Man To Forever Blight!

I Have Chosen Jesus Christ The Righteous

For My Personal Portion!
I Have Chosen Eternal Life: This Is No Feel-good Notion!
I Have Chosen To Be A Child Of The Father
I Shall Escape The Lost Soul's Final Grave!
I Choose Not To Be Sin, Self And Satan's Personal Body Slave! 

I Do Not Speak With Pride Or Presumption!

I Choose, Instead, To Humble Myself 
Before The Lord Of Life!
I, With Deliberation, Am Walking Home To Hill Zion
I, Being Faithful
Shall Escape The Final Strife!

Searching For Truth, I Beseech You

Get Yourself Garbed In The Armor Of God!
It Is Guaranteed To Get One Safely Through
The Battle For Life
Will Protect One Even If One Dies The Death Of
This Mortal Life!

Those Who Live And Die In The Lord Christ

Shall Rise Up To Live Eternally With Jesus Christ
The Lord Of Life!

Thank You, Delivered From Temptation!

Thank You For Sharing The Truth!
Life, Indeed, Is Not About Looks
Possessions, Passions Or Bodily Comfort!
It Is About Soul Perfection
And I Am Asking For Your Help!
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
Please, Won't You Lead Me To Calvary!?!

Indeed, Dear One!

The Way Is Hard!
The Battle Raging!
The Lord Is Strong!
The Promise Sure!
The Devil Is Lost
We, Faithful To Christ's Cause
Shall Receive The Promised, Sure
Great Reward!

Come On, Searching For Truth!

Let Us Proceed!
Satan Is in Life The Named And Notable FraudSo Let Us Walk Enduringly With The Savior
Our Dear Lord
Faithfully, Enduringly, And In One Accord!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

IMAGINE THAT: Facts, Faith, Doubt And Decisions!

Faith Does Not Utilize Imagination!
Imagination Is In The Realm Of Doubt!
Faith Gives One Hope To Trust
Doubt Instructs One Not To Hope!!!

Jesus Christ
The Way
The Truth
The Light
The Life Of Every Man!

Jesus Christ Calls Us ... His Believing Children
Salt Of The Earth
Light Of The World!

We Are What We Are
Of Who He Is
What He Has Done
What He Is Doing
We Are Called To Tell The World The Truth
The Good News Gospel Story
In Season
Out Of Season
Aka Whether It Pleases Or Annoys!

Did You Know ...

Man ... Fallen Man
Has No Power To Resist The Word Of God!

The Word Of God, Brethren
Again, Is Truth, Light And Life
Alas And Alack
Man ... Being A Free Moral Agent
With Free Will
With Free Choice
Has The Power To Reject The Blessing That Is
The Living, Eternal, Word Of 
The Holy, Eternal, Faithful
Blessing, Just, Almighty God!

Let's Go Deep
See What We Shall Reap:

Light Illuminates
Light Blinds

Salt Preserves
Salt Destroys

The Way Blesses
The Way Curses

Life Prospers
Life Bankrupts

Truth Uplifts
Truth Casts Down

If We Look Closely
We Shall Observe Perspective
We Shall Know That Decisions
- Personal Decision -
Determines Outcomes!

I Look ... You Can't See!
You Look ... I Can't See!
Look, Again
See That
I See For Me
You See For You
There Is No Created Being That Can
Make A Fatal Decision For Anybody
Be It Me Or You!

In All This, Brethren
How Do You Stand!?!
Where Do You Belong!?!
To Whom Do You Belong!?!
For Whom Do You Sing Your Life's Song!?!

Are You Amongst The Naysayers
Are You Amongst The Called
The Few
The Chosen
The Brave
The Enduring Faithful
Who Will Not To The Ways Of The Fallen World

Do You Love The Unvarnished Truth Of The Living Word!!
Is The Word Colored By Your Feelings And Desires!!
Do You In The Lord Christ Have Working Faith!?!
Will You Be Amongst The Finally Saved!?!

Monday, May 6, 2019

LIVING SELFISH: Selfless Living

... And In The Trade News Today:

Wanted: God-Given Manhood 
Wanted: God-Given Womanhood
Reward Offered: Self-Gratification

Anybody Want In On That Deal!?!
It Sounds Like A Good One!

Whatever You're Smoking, Barry
You Seriously Need To Stop!

Why!?! Gratification Sounds Good To Me!

Yes! To You 
And All The Other Shallow Dippers On The Planet!

What Do You Mean By That Boldly Blunt Remark!?!
I'm Feeling Kinda Insulted!

You Should!

Okay! Guide Me, Lead Me
Teach Me, Feed Me!

Very Well!
What Do You Know About Self!?!

Let's See:
I, Me, My, Mine, Myself
I Want
I Need
I Desire
Gotta Get It
All For Me
None For You!

Well Done!
You Know Your Self, Alright!

What Does Self Share!
Nothing, Nada, Zilch, Bupkis!

How Does Self Move!

How Does Self Rise Up!

Who Does Self Look At!?!

Who Does Self Care For!?!

Who Does Self Live For!?!

Who Is Self Willing To Die For!?!

If It Were Possible, Who Would Self Marry!?!

How Does Self Meet Its Declared End!?!
Self, Self- ... Destructs!

So, What Picture Do You See Being Painted Here!?!

Self Is Being Painted As Being Truly Selfish!


A Waste Of Time And Energy!

So Do You Still Think That
Self-Aggrandizement Is A Suitable Reward
For Surrendering One's God-Given Manhood
One's God-Given Womanhood!?!

Let Me Think For A Moment!


Work With Me!
Please Walk With Me, Patiently:

Self Is Known Selfish!
Self Is A Known Sinner!
Selfishness Is Known Sin!
Sin Transgresses The Law Of Almighty God! 

The Law Of Almighty God IS Immutable!
Self Cannot Change The Law Of Almighty God!
Almighty God Punishes Unrepentant Sinners!
Self Will Never Permit A Known Sinner To Repent!

Without Repentance
There Is No Forgiveness Of, Nor For, Sin! 

Unrepentant Sinners Are Lost! 

Lost Sinners Take A One-way Bath
In The Lake Of Fire! 
The Lake Of Fire Consumes
And That That Is Consumed Cannot Live Again
So, On Careful Examination
And Based Upon The Preponderance Of 
The Evidence Provided And Known True
I, Now, Categorically Declare ... Without Fear
And Without Fear Of Contradiction That
To Surrender One's God-Given Manhood Or Womanhood
- For Self-Gratification -
Is The Height Of Folly Aka Gross Stupidly
Aka Sinful!


Yes, Brainerd!?!

Couldn't You Have Simply Answered "Yes!" Or "No!?!"


So, Why Didn't You!?!

Lasting Effect!


Just Telling You Self Is Sinful Is Okay!
Showing You That I Truly Understand
The Sinfulness Of Self
And The Selfishness Of Sin
And Itemizing That I Know And Accept 
Self's Sure Place And Reward
Is Unforgettable Aka Priceless!

Okay! I Get You!

Self Is A False God
Truth-Filled Awareness Dulls Self
The Known-Sharp Knife Of Satan 
The Wicked, Wasting, Wily, Fraud!

Self-Aggrandizement Cannot
Will Not
Be Blessed By The Holy God!
Self-Aggrandizement Reaps For Its Proponents
The Known And Published Reward Of
Satan, The Want To Be Worshipped
As The Holy God Fraud!
Do Not His Unwise Ways Laud!

Flip The Script
By Your Selfless Living
Bless Jesus Christ The Lord! 
Great, Brethren, Shall Be Your Reward!

Sunday, May 5, 2019


Satan Has A Massive Arsenal To Use
Against The Professing Child Of The Holy God
Those Who War On The Side Of The Savior
Are One-Weapon Warriors
Against The Known And Raging Enemy Of Souls
The Accuser Of The Brethren
The Sworn And Venomous Enemy Of Jesus Christ Our Savior
Soon Returning King And Lord!

What Is Most Exciting Is That 
The One-Weapon Warrior's Weapon
Will ... When Properly Utilized
Put The Fear Of Almighty God
In The Black Heart Of Jesus Christ's Known Rabid Enemy!

You See
What Our Adversary Fails To Acknowledge
Accept And Appreciate
Is That Our Weapon Comes Of Love
Includes Love
Peace Rest Hope
Help Healing
The Opportunity To Confess And Repent Of Known Sin
The Comfort And Correction Of The Holy Spirit
The Protection And Always Good Influence Of The Holy Angels
The Imperishable Blessing That Is
Our Lord, God, King
Savior, Redeemer, Friend
Jesus Christ The Righteous
Who For Us His Children Faithful
Eternal Homes Is Preparing!

Put Simply ...

Functioning Under Unrelieved
Unrelievable Stress
Whilst The Lord Christ
Operating Always Eternally To Bless!

The One Offensive Weapon
In The Hand Of The Faithful Saint
The Two-Edged Sword Of Truth
That Is The Same Whether The Wielder
Is Man, Woman, Child
Elderly Or Raw-Boned Youth!

The Two-Edged Sword Of Truth
Will Withstand Any Adversary
Uphold Every Act Of Righteousness
Shelter Every Saint Of Almighty God And Christ
Everyone To Whom Jesus Is Friend!

The Two-Edged Sword Of Truth
Does Not Have Spots!The Two-Edged Sword Of TruthDoes Not Hold Stripes!The Two-Edged Sword Of TruthIs 
As The Solid Rock Of Ages
Which No Charlatan Can Ever Put To Flight!

Truth Be Told ...

Truth May Be Cast Down In The Street
Truth Can Never Be Destroyed
This Attribute Is What The Devil Despises
Is Why Satan Hates So Rabidly
Our Savior, Creator
Jesus Christ The Lord
The True And Ever-Living Holy God!

Heads-Up, Saints ...

See To It That You Wield Your Sword Deliberately!
Satan Cannot Make You
That Cutting Sword Sheath!
Make All Your Cuts With Force 
Working Faith
You Shall Never Be Called A Living Disgrace!

Let No One Steal Your Joy!
Love Truth!
It's Pure!
It Contains No Alloy! 


Remember That
All Satan's Devices Employed Against
Enduringly-Faithful-To-Christ You 
Are Completely Useless Ploys!

Raise Up Your Banner:

Truth Is A Shield!
Choose Jesus Christ The King
 Eternal Joy!!!