Sunday, May 19, 2019

THE PLAN: Truth Stands!

Heyyyy, Bonitz!
Long Time No See!
How Are You Doing!?!

I'm Good, Carey!?!
What About You!?!

I'm Doing Well
And I'm Praising God, And Grateful!
I Haven't Seen You At Church Lately!
Are Things Okay!?!

Things Are Going Well!
I Have A New Church Family
And I'm Having Loads Of Fun!

New Church Family!?!
What Do You Mean!?!

You Haven't Heard!?!

Heard What!?!

We All Go Down To CCM!

Never Heard Of It!

You Must Be Kidding!?!
Girl, It's The Fastest Growing Ministry
In These Parts
With Standing Room Only For All The Services!

Please Tell Me More
And Start With That Name!
CCM Sounds Kinda Catchy!

CCM Stands For Cafeteria Church Ministries And ...!

... That Pastor Must Have Been Seriously Ragged
Growing Up With A Name Like That!

Oh, No!
You're Mistaken!
The Pastor's Name Is Idetentee Jusso!
Cafeteria Is Cafeteria As In Food Service
Make Your Selections
Pay Your Bill
Take A Seat!
Enjoy Your Meal!


We Decide What We Want To Hear
When We Want To Hear It
How We Want To Hear It
To Our Individual Tastes And Temperaments
We're Suitably Edified:

No Hurt Feelings!
No Guilt Trips!
No Fear Of Flames!
Total Inclusivity!
Rainbow Warriors!
Personal Truth!
Authentic Living!
No Sinners!
All Saints!
No Sin!
All Salvation!
Common Good!
It's Amazing, And I Love It!

You Would!

Pardon Me!?!

Oh, My! That Doesn't Sound Good!
Uh, Which Bible Are You Using!?!

We Don't Use A Bible Bible!
We Have A Good Book Of Great Truths
With Daily Affirmations
And Selected Messages From
All The World's Great Religions!
After All, All God's Are Equal!

That Sounds Like ...!
I Wonder What The Spirit Is Like In Your Service!

Girl, It's Off The Chain!
Everybody Is Happy, Excited, Laughing
Rocking, Running
And So, So, Very Loving!
Miracles Abound!

Signs And Wonders!

You Hit The Nail On The Head!
Signs And Wonders Always Appear
And Pastor 'Tee Always Gets A Word 
And A Wonder From On High
Whenever He Sits
In The Great White Throne Chair!

Achooo! ACHOOO!

Bless You!

I Feel A Cold Coming On!
Are You Still Praying!?!

Oh, No!
We Are One With Our Lord
So There Is No Need To State The Obvious!

So Oblivious!

You Mean Obvious!

No, I Said What I Meant!
You Are So Very Oblivious To The Truth!
You've Broken The Trust
Your Carnal Lust Is Propelling You!

You Once Claimed Christ As Savior
Lord And Master
And, Now
Instead Of Progressing
You're Making Retrograde Steps!

You're Letting A Charlatan
Tickle Your Fancy
Tickle Your Ears
You're Indulging Raging Lusts
Instead Of For Heaven
Getting Yourself Prepared!

Did Not The Lord Christ Warn Us
To Not Let Anyone Deceive Our Souls!?!
Did Not The Savior Warn Us
That Satan Does Appear
As An Angel Of Light
Wearing Bright And White Clothes!?!

Don't You Know That We Are Not To Be Comfortable
Living In Sin And Loving Self And Sin!?!

Don't You Remember That
In Order To Withstand A Spiritual Attack
That To The Savior
We Must Stay Attached!?!

Answer A Question For Me:
What Is Your Pastor Ideetentee's Definition Of Sin!?!

What, Exactly, Do You Mean By Sin!?!

Lord, Preserve Me!
Okay, Okay!
What Is YOUR Definition Of Sin!?!

My Idea Of Sin Is Unique To Me!
What Is Sin To You Is Not Sin To Me!
My Experience In My Personal Life
Determines How My Traumatized Child
Manifests Now In My Adult Life
And Is, Therefore, Subjective
Hence, For Me
There Is Nothing Called Sin To Infect
To Restrict 
The Actions Of My Life!
Only Self Can Define What Is Sin!

Ahhhm, Where Is Jesus Christ In All Of This!?!
What About HIS Definition Of Sin!?!

Oh, That Definition Was Fine Back Then
But We Are Evolved
And Knowledge Has Increased!
We Do Whatever Makes Us Happy!
No Harm: No Foul!

We Have Run To And Fro Around The World
And A Consensus By The Great Minds Has Been Reached:

  • Take Care Of Mother Earth
  • Have Respect To Father Time
  • Be Kind To Our Animal Brothers And Sisters
  • Do Lots Of Good Works, And
  •  Laud Self Above Everything

We Are No More Slaves!
We Are Sure To Do What Makes Us Happy!

Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me!!
Lord, Please Give Me Strength!
You Are Being Deceived And You Know It!

There Is No Man Comfortable In Sin
That Is At Peace With The Holy God!
You Are Playing With Fire
For You Are Shacking Up With King Fraud!

I Know That You Are A Parent!
Would You Give Your Child Whatever It Wants
Encouraging It To Do Whatever It Pleases
Including Living Wild
Ignoring The Obvious Rules Of The Road
Oblivious To Certain Peril
Just Because Desire Is Always To Be Satisfied!?!

Of Course Not!
That Would Be Very Foolish Indeed!

Dear God And Father Of Mankind,
Forgive Our Foolish Ways!

Please Tell Me, Then
In The Name Of All That's Holy
How You Can Think To Do An End-Run
Around The Living God
Your Father Which Is In Heaven
Get Away With It!?!

The Lord Has Given Us Rules For The Road
The Right Way To Live
How To Be
What We Can And Can't Do
How To Come
How To Go
What To See
What To Know
We Will Be Reaping That Which We Sow!

Remember The Word:

No Man Can Stay The Hand Of God 
Who Is The Righteous Judge 
Faithful Paymaster Of Us All! 

Has The Good Life
In This Happy Place That You Are Inhabiting
Caused You To Forget That
There Is No Changing Of Status
No Second Probation
No Do-Overs After Death
Nor After Christ Comes!?! 

Uh, Ah, Umm ...! 

What's Wrong!?!
Have You Lost Your Mind And Your Tongue Also!?! 

I, Uh, Ahmmm ...! 

What's The Matter With You!?!
Come On! Speak Up!

I, I, Can't! 
I'm Soooo Unhappy! 
Please Help Me! 

But You Just Said How Happy You
And You Were Gushing About
All The Fun You're Having
With Your New Church Family!?! 

I Know ... I Lied ...! 

Come And Let's Sit On The Veranda
And You Can Tell Me The Truth! 

Oh, Dear! 
You're Not Going To Like It! 

If You Say So
But Tell Me Anyhow! 

45 Minutes Hours Later ... 

Bonitz, Please Listen To Me Carefully:

A Fire Too-Hot
Too Fast
Too Furious
Always Has An Accelerant!

A Christian Too Righteous
Too Religious
Knowing It All In One Day
Being Too Blessed To Be Stressed
Always Having The Sure
Perfect Words For Self And Other's Answered Prayer
Also Has An Accelerant
Is Not Guaranteed To Go The Distance
Because Of A Thing Called Emotionalism!

Since Salvation Is A Process
- The Work Of A Lifetime - 
Emotionalism Is Not Going To Survive
The Upward Climb
Where Slow And Steady
Grace And Mercy
Faith And Work
Defiance Of The Devil
His Pretty Works
The Slow And Steady Day By Day Plodding
An Endurance Walk 
Not A Buggy Race
For The Exertion Averse
The Only Thing That Works!

There Is Only One God Holy! 
The Other "Gods" Of The Earth Are False
Can Never - Will Never -
Be Equal To The Eternal God! 

What Is Ours To Know Us
Plainly Revealed In The Living Word ... Preserved
By The High And Holy Hand Of The Eternal God
Anyone Who Adds To The Word
Or Takes Away From The Word Of Almighty God
By Almighty God Cursed! 
Revelation 22 Makes That Clear
The Wisest Man In Proverbs 30:6 Makes That Abundantly Plain! 

Miracles And Signs And Wonders
Are Not To Be Taken As Proof Of
Almighty God's Favor Or Approval! 
Satan Has The Power To Work Miracles
To Agitate Nature 
The Weather
- The Book Of Job Proves That -
Within The Boundaries Decided By The Living God
He Can Destroy A Person's Health

Understand And Accept This ...

The Lord God Cannot
Will Not 
Stretch The Truth Or Tell A Lie
To Get You To Believe In Him
Or To Trust Him! 
In The Economy Of God
It Is All About Faith! 

You've Been ... Unwisely
Trusting In Your Lying Eyesight
Overwrought Emotions
You Have Permitted A Real Charlatan
A Wise-Acre Hustler
A True Con-Artist
To Relieve You Of A Goodly Portion Of 
Your Parents' Hard-Earned Money!

The Lord Had No Mansion
No Big Ride
No Servants
No Bank Account
He Did Not Speak With A Forked Tongue
Or Encourage His Followers
To Finance His Speculative Interests
Since He Had None! 

The People Of God
Need To Be Wise As Serpents
Harmless As Doves! 
There Are No Fools In The Kingdom Of God! 

Do You Realize
Do You Know That There Is
Joy And Peace In Believing The Living Word
The Choice Promises Of God!?!

Do You Recognize
Do You Accept That
When You Stand Aka Believe
Live In The Security
The Protection Of The Word Of God
That There Is No Created Being That
Can Cause You To Fret
To Be Anxious
To Be Afraid
To Doubt
To Disbelieve
That All Things
- Good, Bad, Ugly, Painful, Hurtful, Wicked -
Work Together For The Good Of
Those Of Us Who Are The Called
According To His Purpose!?!

The Lord Is Calling You!
Are You Answering!?!

I Am Trying ...!

When We Recognize That
This Life Isn't About Our Selfish Desires
That We Are Here In Boot Camp
Preparing For A Can't-Fail Mission
Under The Leadership Of A Can't-Lose Commander
Against A Can't-Win Adversary
For The Assured Glorious Prize
Aka The Purchased Redemption
We Walk Like Winners
We Talk Like Winner
We Live Like Winners
We Live Like Overcomers
We Live Like Saints ... Blessed
Bound ... For The Promised Land!

Jesus Christ Promised
Jesus Christ Bled And Died
Jesus Christ Got Up And Rose Up
Jesus Christ Is Preparing A Place
Jesus Christ Is Interceding
Jesus Christ Is Coming Back ... For Us
Who Believe His Word
Trust His Character
Live In His Light
Keep All His Commandments
Bless Him By Blessing Others
Telling The Good News
Are Washing Our Clothing
- Our Character -
In His Blood
Shed For Every Man!

Almighty God Is Ever Good ...

It Took A Miracle
It Requires Our Faith ... 
Believe Him 
... And Live!

Trust Him At His Word ... And Obey
He Helps ... And Heals!
He Saves ... And Seals!
He Leads ... And Reveals!
He Opens ... And Closes!
He Knocks
He Ably Protects All His Flocks
In All The Various Congregations
He Is Assembling Them ... Us
His Children
His Brethren
Into The One ... The Only
Safe And Secure Fold!

Hurray For Woolly Sheep ...

A Lil' Faith Goes A Long Way
That Lil' Faith ... Exercised
Grows Into The Unwavering Faith
That Shall See Us Safely Esconced
In The Eternal Home!

There's Always A Hairy Goat ...

A Lil' Doubt 
Like Active Yeast:

It Changes The Structure Of Faith
It Erodes Confidence In The Glorious King
Robs One Of The Peace Of God
The Likes Of Which
There Is No Counterfeiting
No Faking!

Sweet Girl, You've Got Some Hard Questions To Honestly Answer! 
Where Do You Stand!?!
Upon Whom Will You Henceforth Rely!?!
Are You Among The Kingdom Bound
Are You Among The Wafflers
The Fence-Jockeys
The Doubters Damned
Those Flattered, Filled, And Fatted
On The Lust Of The Flesh
The Lust Of The Eye
The Pride Of Life
Those Who ... In The Day Of Vengeance
To The Rocks And Hills Shall
Uselessly Cry!?!

Truth Stands ...

Blessedly ... For Us All
U-Turns Are Permitted
In The Lives Of Those Who Finally See The Light!

Confession And Repentance Are Blessed Gifts
In The Lives Of Those Who Desire Spiritual Success! 

Don't Be Among 
The Helpless
The Hopeless,  The Hapless!
Jesus Christ Is Righteous
Reigning, Ruling, Returning
Only Those Standing 
Living And Abiding In His Love
Shall On The Wings Of The Wind
To Zion Be Riding!

It's Time With The Lord Christ To Be Siding!

I Can Now Honestly Say That I Agree!


Saturday, May 18, 2019


Next On Trial Is Truth!

Yeahhhhh! I Can't Stand Him!

Hang Him High!

Bury Him Deep!
He Needs To Be Put Down More Than Six Feet!

Truth, A Solemn Character
Stood Firm ... Dignified

He Needed No Lawyer
No high Price Legal Team
Had No Hangers On
No Entourage About His Presence To Fawn!

Lemme Holler At You ...

If You Give Yourself The Chance
Truth Will Grow On You
If You're Not Prejudiced Against Principles Deeply Held
You Will See That Truth Is Amazingly Beautiful
His Words Are Deeep!

If I Do Say So Myself
If You Will Listen And Really Hear
You Will Recognize That
Truth's Voice Soothes!
Truth Sincerely Edifies!
His Words Are Not Pie In The Sky!

Truth Is So Uplifting
So Ennobling
So En Pointe
That When You Truly Get Into Truth
You, Yourself, Get Into Truth!
No Lie!

He Doesn't Ever Raise His Voice!
He Is Never Ever Cross!
No One Attached To Truth Has Ever A Battle Lost
All Who Dare To Stand With Him
Shall ... By Appointment
Inherit And Enjoy
That That Is Eternal Youth
Purchased For Us
By Christ Jesus On Calvary's Cruel Cross!

I Don't Like Truth!
He Doesn't Do Half-Measures!

He's By The Book
And For The Son Who Is Pertinent 
To The Life Of Every One
And He Desires, Demands, Full Capitulation!
Anything Less
And From His Side You Must Run!

He Doesn't Seem To Understand The Concept Of
Tek A Lil' Bit And Praise God!

Pardon Me For Listening To Your Convo
That "Tek Lil' Bit And Praise God!" Remark
Isn't Going To Work For Truth
Truth Is In The Eternal Employ Of
The Father And The Son!

He Is A Foundation Stone
He Does Not With Imposters, Poseurs
Liars, Cheats
Back-Door Creeps, Side-Winders
Back-Stabbers, Nor Loss-Leaders
Indulge In The Much-Vaunted Meet And Greet!

Who Asked Your Opinion!?!

Not A Soul!
This Is Your Lucky Day!
My Advice Is Free!
It Is As Gold!

Who Are You!?!

Glad You Asked!
My Name Is Faith!
Some People Call Me Hope!
I Wish You'd Just Call Me!
I Give People A Way With Life To Cope!

I've Heard About You!
You're Just As Bad As Truth ...!

... You Always Want All-In Cooperation!

What's With You People
And This Want It All Mentality!?!
Life Is Shaded
Black To White
Grey In Twilight
Orange, Blue, Green, Purple, Yellow!
Can't You Spot Some Slack
To A Weary, Wondering, Wandering, Fellow!?!

Can't Do It!
Won't Work! Can't Work!
That Thinking Is Flawed!

You Need To Grab Faith ... That's Me
Wisely Approach Truth ... Over There
Your Weary, Wondering, Wandering
- Destination Indeterminate -
Shall Immediately Cease!

Truth Frees!
Faith Heals!
Truth Combined With Faith
On The Path To The Good Life
Unerringly Reveals
The One Who Seals
Against The Madness Of Sin
Guides One To The Beautiful City
Where Only Those With The Perfect Right
May Really Boldly Walk On In!

Not Long Thereafter ...


Yes, Crystal Myth!?!

You Wanna Help Me Extricate Truth
From That Swing-Top Trash Bin!?!

You Know I Don't Want To
But ... I Must! 
I Will!
I Suddenly Have An Opening In My Calendar!
Truth Has Unexpectedly Become Relevant
So I, Instead, Have Time To Kill!

I Hope You Know That When You Kill Time
It Is Dead Time
Not Replaceable
Not Retrievable!

If You Mash It Up
There Is No Buy-Back
So You May Want To Take Back
Your Kill-Order Thrill!


Yeah, Patsy!?!

It Must Be Terrible To Not Know An Irony
A Turn Of Phrase
A Play On Words!

Your Mumsy Must Have Dropped You On Your Head, Patsy!

Well, Yes, She Accidentally Did
But I Don't Get Your Drift!

Well, Let Me Spell It Out For You:

Truth And Faith Don't Play
And For Certain Sure
They Don't Play Games! 

Their Mission Isn't About Fun
Games, Fancy, Fantasy
Folly Nor Frolics!
They Deal In Eternal Pursuits!
Your Tiny Mind Deals In Time!

Okay, Okay!
No Need To Shout!
I Believe I Shall Have A Parlay
And Pick Them To Hear What Their
Book Of Doctrines Say!

Thank The Lord That For Words Of Wisdom
You Shall Surely Not Pay!

I Didn't Expect It
But Against All Odds
Today Has, Indeed, Been A Very Good Day!

Live With Truth
Practice Faith
Every Day With Jesus Christ
Will Be A Blessed, Blessed, Good Day!!


Trust Truth ... And Pray In Faith!!


Thought For The Week Ahead:

Only One With A Surrendered Will, Will Virtuously Wait On The All-Wise, All-Seeing, All-Knowing, Ever-Present, Feeling All Things, Holy God Who Blesses Abundantly! Will Your Will, Consumedly, Lovingly, Embracing Truth, And Death-Grippingly Clutching Faith, Enduringly Wait, Watch, And Work While Walking On The Strait And Narrow Way To Glory Unimagineable!?

Friday, May 17, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + Jesus Christ Fights Our Battles!

We Are Blessed With The Creator Who Is Our Savior
The Redeemer
Who Is Our Forever Friend
The Holy God
Who Is Our King
The Shepherd
Who Is Our Captain
Our Commander
He Who Goes Before Us
Stands Behind Us
He Who Is Our Exceeding Great Reward
Our Champion
Who Has Already Won For Us
The Victory Against Sin, Self
Satan, Our Base Adversary
The Murdering God-Fraud! 

Let's Praise Jesus Christ The Lord!

Soooo, You Said All That To Say What!?!

I Am Saying, Charlie Haus
That We Have A God
- The God -
Who Fights Our Battles
When We Permit Him So To Do!
He Will Fight My Battles
He Will Fight Your Battles, Too!

I Ain't Got No Battles!

And You Actually Said That With A Straight Face!

If He Doesn't Have Any Battles, Sanita
You May Want To Step Away From Him
From His Vicinity
Just A Teensy Bit!

What Are You Talking About!?!

Oblivious Olivia,
This Man Self-Identifies As A Bible-Bearing
Holy God-Fearing
For His Brother Caring
Committed To Christ Christian
He Says And I Quote:

"I Ain't Got No Battles!"

Oh, My!

Oh, Yeah!

Our Brother, Here
A Confessed And Christian Called
Headed For A Fall
Into Fire
Where Will Rest Such As Cain
Satan And King Saul
All Who Choose Self Over Salvation
Self-Help Over Sanctification
Diminished Glory Over Available Grace
Pride Over Penitence
Money Over Mercy
Gossip Over Good News
Feelings Over Faith
Doubt Over Deliverance
Putrid Praise Over Praise-Worthy Piety
Worldliness Over Wisdom
Jacked Juice Over Just Jesus ...!

... Hell Over Heaven!?!

If You Want To Expose The Dying Father-Liar's Face!

Let Me Blunt!
Any Christian Thought True
Who Is Not Going From One Trouble To Another
Facing The Necessary Tests For Purification From Sin
And, Instead
Is Comfortably, Famously,
Fabulously Getting Along With The Sin-Loving World
Living A Stone-Cold, Bold, Lie!

Hear, Hear!

Lord, Lord!
Martha, Martha!
Simon, Simon!

Uh, Oh!

Uh, Huh!

I Don't Understand!
Let Me In!

The Lord Jesus Said That
Not Everyone Who Says, Lord, Lord
Shall Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven!

To Mary And Lazarus' Sister
The Lord Said:

Martha, Martha 
Thou Art Careful And Troubled
About Many Things

... Mary Has Chosen That Good Part
And It Shall Not Take It From Her!

To Disciple Peter
The Follower Impetuous
Jesus Christ Said:

Simon, Simon
Satan Desired To Have You
To Sift You As Wheat
But I Have Prayed For You
That Your Faith Fail Not:
And When Thou Art Converted
Strengthen The Brethren!

So, Wait!
Are You Trying To Tell Me That
I Am Not Truly, Fully, Walking With The Lord Christ
That I'm Playing Passive With The Promise
That I'm Proud Not Praying
That I'm Not Free In The Faithful
That I'm Playing Footsie With King Fraud!?!

You Said It, Bub ...!

... And You Said It Bluntly! 

I Applaud You!
What Do You Intend To Do About It!?! 

You Know Full Well That You Can't Have Worldly "Peace"
Jesus Christ's Eternal Peace
At One And The Same Time!

But I Didn't Do Anything!


But, But ...!

... From Jesus Christ
You Get The Gift Of Daily Faith
Daily Faith Has A Paying Job!
Faith Works!

Truth Be Told ...

There Is Nothing Passive About Christ's Pure Christianity!
Christ Worked ... He's Still Working!
His Father Worked ... He's Still Working
We Must Work!

Anyone Who Is Not Working With Jesus
Working Against Him And Scattering Abroad!

If You're Not Helping Jesus
You're Helping Satan!

If You're Not Hampering, Hindering, Satan
You're Hampering, Hindering, Jesus!

Just Remember That
Every Position Occupied
Has Its Prescribed Reward!
Satan Doesn't Bother The One Who Is His!
He Bothers Those That Are Christ's
A Reformed Christian Will Have
- Not May Have -
Certain Strife Aka Battles
In His Life
In This Life
In His Walk To Christ's Eternal Life!

But I Like My Life!

That's Good!

Now You're Confusing Me!

Not At All!
If You Had Said You "Loved" Your Life
I'd Be Concerned That
You Would Be Hard-Pressed To Give It Up
Since You Just Like It
With The Lord's Help
You Can Aspire To The Life That Is Love
The Love That Gives Life
The Life That Is Eternal
The Life In Heaven Above!

Lord, I Need Help, And Hurry!


Thursday, May 16, 2019

TRUTH: Undeniable

No Middle Ground!
No Second Probation!
Eternal Life Or Eternal Death!
These Are The Options Available
To Me And To You!

Sow To The Flesh!
Sow To The Spirit!
The Options Are Plain!
Sowers And Sowing Have A Prescribed Limit!

Decisions Must Be Made ...

Man Woman
Girl Boy
Elder Junior
Choice Chance: Informed Decisions Will Be Made!

You Live!
You Die!
Friends And Family WilCry!
You Rest In Peace!
Others Live On In The Mortal Strife
At The End Of It All
Will There Be A Surprise
When Ends The Life Of The Blue Ball!?!

Life Unto Life Eternal!
Death Unto Death Eternal!

Picture It ...

Live For Christ: Dies In Christ
Arises From Death To Rise Up To Glory
With The Lord
The King, Jesus Christ
To Enjoy Peace And Bliss
In The Eternal Life!

Live For Self, Sin, And Satan:
Dies In Known And Practiced Sin
Gets Up To Face The Judge's Condemnation
In The Lake Burning With Fire And Brimstone
Will, With Satan And The Condemned Of The Ages
Be Assuredly Cast In!

What Damnation!

There Is No Do-Over!
Sin Is Over-Done!
But ...

No Shock!
There Is Present Forgiveness For
Confession And True Repentance
For Those Wise Who Choose To Live 

Under The Son!

The Son 
The Creator God
The Savior, The Redeemer
The Forever Friend
The One Willing
- Who Paid The Asked Price For Our Sinning -
The Only One Who Could See Through
Overcome Satan
The Demonic Device!

The Strong Tower ...

We Are To Take The Word Of God As Sacrosanct
Totally Livable
Eternally Lovable
We Who Are The Called
The Wise
The Willing
The Believing

The Trusting
The Obedient
The Enduring Faithful
The Watching, Working, Waiting Ones
Shall Emerge Cleansed, Healed
Jesus Christ The Lord
The Word
The Truth

Give The Living Holy God
Unfeigned Praise!
Be Grateful For Grace:
Give Thanks