Saturday, May 25, 2019


Love And Grace Is Offered To Me
Free And Clear For All The World To See!
I Accept It!
It Is Heavenly!

In My Package
Bearing The Gift Of Love And Grace
A Gift For Me
- As A "Thank You!" -
To Return To The One
Who Sent Me Love And Grace
In The First Place!
I Can Choose To Be Grateful
Or Act Like The Damned Disgrace!

The Gift To Me
I Can Take It, Or Nay!
The Gift To Give Back
I May Give Freely
Or Toss It Away Like Flack!
Either Way, It's My Decision:
Of Options, I Have No Lack!

I Wanted ... I Needed
I Accepted That Gift Of Love And Grace!
It Was Not Gaily Wrapped!

The Packaging Was Simple!
There Was A Card Attached:

This Gift Is Freely Given

At The Cost Of Blood Willingly Shed For You!
The Giver Is Him Whose Heart Is Constant, True!

If You Will Believe His Word
Accept His Love For You
Please Open This Package With Hands Of Hope
Accept This Gift Of Sin-Cleansing Soap!

If You Believe, You May Proceed

- The Hands Of Doubt Will Nothing Achieve -
You May Take The Marked Steps Measured
You Shall Have Things
Unheard, Unseen, Unthought
That You Shall Surely Treasure!

I Had A Need
I Chose To Believe
I Opened My Gift
Not Knowing All That I Would Receive
Glory Be To The Glorious One 
On Heaven's Great White Throne
The Gift Keeps On Giving
Oh, Perfect Love
I Have A Royal Telephone!

I Basked!
I Gloried!
I Cried!
I Prayed
One Day, Heart Overflowingly Filled
I Emailed, I Texted
I Cabled, I Snail-Mailed
Boldly Humbled
I Made The Exchange!

I Did Not Know Until The Moment I Knew!
I Was By Love Marked!
I Chose Life
I Sent Off My Gift To The Giver!

I Received Love And Grace!
I Returned Love And Obedient Faith
I Received Blessings Uncountable
Hope Immeasurable
Grace Available
Mercy Unassailable
A Promised Place At The Welcome Table
Present Truth To Deny Old Fable
To Break Sin's Attaching Cable
A Right To A Character White Not Sable
And, Then
To Me
The World And Its Ways
Were No Longer Relatable!

I Saw My Pride Deflate!
I Saw Self Lose Weight
In The Name Of The Lord
I Rebuked The Devil
Knowing Well His Declared And Sure Fate
The Fact That He Had A Firm Date
With The Lake Of Fire!
By The Eternal God's Grace
I Shall See His Funeral Pyre!

My Gift Is Packed!
Each Day New Treasure I Unpack
There Is More
Always More ... 
Truth Be Told Of 
Eternal Love
Sacrificial Love
Holy Love
Living Love
Blessing Love
Giving Love
Sustaining Love
Providential Love
Glorious Love
Providing Love ... Unending Love
From The King Of Love
Whom I Love
Whom I Know
Will Always Love Me!
My Heart Is Blessedly Grateful!

One Day My Body Will Be Changed
With Saints And With Angels
I Shall Through The Universe Range!

There's A Gift For You ...

Please Open Your Box
And Join Me
And Let Us Be Constant, Faithful
Ever Obedient To The Will Of The Holy God Jealous
The One Who Supremely Loves
Everlastingly Blesses
It Is Certain Sure That
We Shall Wing Our Way Through The Heavenlies
Where Sin Shall Arise No More!

Jesus Christ Is The Gift-Giver
Jesus Christ Is The Sin Cure

In Him
We Are Made Pure
On Sin
By Faith
For Love Of Him Who Saves
Let Us Here And Now Shut The Door!
Heaven ... For The Pure
At The Last Trumpet's Sound

Friday, May 24, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + There Is No Default Good Position!

Okay, People!
Settle Down!
We Have Decisions To Make:
Drink The Water Or Drink The Cool-Aid!

Go To The Rock Or Go To Rock!

Eat Flour Cakes Or Eat The Bread Of Life!

Or Have An Abundant Life!

Run With Satan
Or Walk With Christ The Lord!

These Are All Simple!
Nothing To Make Your Tremble!
Get The Facts!
Weight Your Options!
Make Your Decision
Live With The Consequences!
Your Answer  ... Your Decision
 Has Eternal Implications!

Remember ...

There Is Nothing 
No One
- Spiritual Or Mortal -
That Can Make Your Decision For You
Or Can Force You To Make Your Decision
Based On Their Desire!

Do You Understand!?!

Yes, But ...!

First Mistake!

But, But ...!

Second Mistake!

I Give Up ...!

Third Mistake!

Awww, Come On!
This Is Not Fair!

Neither Is Life!
Get With The Program!
Jesus Christ 
Love, Light And Life!
Darkness, Death And Destruction!

With Christ, There Is The Strait And Narrow Way!
With Satan, There Is Broadway And Own Way!

With Christ, The World Will Hate You
Dismiss And Ill-Treat You!
With Satan
You Are The World!

With Christ, Heaven Awaits The Faithful!
With Satan, Damnation Awaits The Faithless!

With Christ, Faith Is The Victory
We Have Victory Over Sin, Self And Satan
We Carry Christ In Us
The Certain Hope Of The Glorious Tomorrow
With All The Saints And The Angels
At The End Of Our Mortal Life's Journey!

With Satan
Doubt And Disbelief Are Daily Deliveries
There Is No Hope When One Comes
To The End Of This Life's Journey!

I Ask You, Again:
Do You Understand!?!

Yes, I Do!
Now, May I Ask A "But" Question!?!

You Certainly May!

But Why Do We Have To Make A Decision!?!
Almighty God Is Good!
Why Can't He Save Us Just As We Are!?!

Bradley, I Am Certain That You Know The Answer
To That Cutting Question!

Yes, Sir!

Would You Care To Share With The Rest Of Us!?!

Let Me Answer The Question With A Question:

Does A Wife Know That She Is A Wife
Without The Public Declaration Being Made!?!

Do You Have A Job At A Corporation

Unless You Sign The Contract Saying
You Are Hired, Your Job Title, Your Salary, Etc..!?!

Can You Drive A Vehicle Off The Lot

Without Displaying Your Driver's License
And Having The Proof Of Purchase
And The Keys For The Particular Vehicle!?!


Remember This Statement Made By General Moses:

Who Is On The Lord's Side

Let Him Come To Me!

Remember This Statement Made By General Joshua:

As For Me And My House
We Will Serve The Lord!

Remember These Statement Made By King David:

The Heaven's Declare The Glory Of God
And The Firmament Sheweth His Handiwork!

I Waited For The Lord

And He Inclined Unto Me!

The Lord Is My Shepherd

I Shall Not Want!

Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet

And a Light Unto My Path!

And, Then, There Is King Solomon:

Let Us Hear The Conclusion Of The Whole Matter:

Fear God, And Keep His Commandments
For God Shall Bring Every Work Into Judgment
With Every Secret Thing
Whether It Be, Or Whether It Be Evil!

The Bottom Line, Therefore
Declare Your Hand!
State Your Allegiance!
Recognize Who Has The Final Say!
Stand Up For Your Champion!


In Your Assigned Lot
At The Great Day Stand!

By The Way

No Declaration Is A Declaration
The True And Living God!

There Is No Default Good Position!

You Must State Clearly
- To The Court Of Heaven -
Who Has Your Heart
Who Holds Your Hand!
Who Holds Your Heart
Who Has Your Hand!

Thank You!

Thank You, Bradley!


Not To Trivialize The Matter
To Prove The Point
When You Join A Club, A Sports Team
An Association, A Church Group
You Are Quick To Let The Whole World Know
To Whom 
With Whom You Belong
You Are Exceedingly Vocal About It!

Does Not The Lord Of Life Deserve The Same

Thursday, May 23, 2019

When "Dust-Bunnies" Get Bold!?!

Stop Misapplying The Word Of God!
Stop Being A Soldier For Satan The God-Fraud!
Stop Looking Inward!
The Inside Of Self Is Not Cute!
Look Unto Christ Jesus
Our Savior, Lord And Awesome God
The Adversary's Challenges Boldly, Coldly, Refute!

Bold Lee Self-Sufficient
Was Suffering
- According To Everybody Else And 'e Brother -
From Wild Self-Confidence
It Was Making Him Behave Like 
The Southern End Of A North-Bound Donkey!

It Was Not A Good Sight To Behold
In The Worldly Wise
It Was Truly Shameful To See This In A Professed Christian!

His Not-Lauded-In-The-Good-Book Behavior
Was Causing Ripples
The Sound-Bites Were Reverberating
In A Noxious Supply
To The Point Where It Was Causing
Even The Previously Stable To Stumble!

Badda Bing And Fadda Boom
Had Gotten So Hung Up On 
Bold Lee Self-Sufficient's 
Stretched-Out Self-Confidence That
Like A Choreography
They Had Both Led Common-Sense Unto A Fumble
Lo, And Behold
All Two Both Of Them
Had Taken A Tumble!

They Went Down Haaard!

He Who Is Self-Confident 
In His Own Self-Sufficiency
Has Himself
- A Fool -
For His Own God!

Foolishness Ain't No Kinda Sense ...

Fools Always Got Maybe Kinda
Sorta Probably Friends
Who Are Always On The Look-Out For An Easy Thrill!
A Cheap Laugh
Bold Lee Was One Such
Who Talked About The Lord
Always Denied His Power! 

Everybody Who Was His "Friend"
Was Waiting, Waiting ... And Watching
For ... The Fall!

Bold Lee Self-Sufficient Felt That He Personally Knew
What Was Best For Himself
Saw No Reason To Permit The Absentee Landlord
- He Was Very Disrespectful -
To Dictate His Pace
When He, Himself, Was On Ground Zero! 

He Constantly Behaved Like
Told All Who Would Hear Him
That He Was His Own Hero!

Do You Know How To Spell Zero!?!

Boldly Self-Sufficient!

All Good Things Come To An End ...

One Blessed Day
- If You're Alive The Day Is Blessed -
Bold Lee Went Too Far
And Stepped In It!

Wha' Sweet'n Goat Mout'
Does Bu'n 'e 'n 'e Tail!

You Can't Tempt The Almighty God
Twist An Uncaged Tiger's Tail
Knock An In-Residence Hornets Nest
Walk Nonchalantly Through Highway Traffic
Dare The Devil To Damn You
Actually Believe That Just Because
You Know The Words
Pay The Tithe
Sing The Songs
Give Alms
Visit The Sick
That The Lord Will Welcome You
Succor You In Your Sin Of Presumption
- Being Hard-Up For A Servant
A Follower, A Child - 
Save You From Your Self
Your Own Self-Manufactured Disaster!

Think Again!

Idiocy Does Not Become 
A Converted-To-Christ Christian:

There Are No Fools Going To Heaven!

Fact Check ...

Self-Confident, Self-Sufficient Lucifer
Started War In Heaven!
Self-Confident Satan Unleased Sin On The Earth!
Self-Confident Peter Denied Christ!
Self-Confident Judas Betrayed Christ!
Self-Confident Satan Killed The Lord Christ
We All Surely Know 
How That Worked Out For That Prince Of Darkness!

Since Self-Sufficient Self-Confidence
Did Not Work For The One Who Was Fourth
In The Chain Of Command In Heaven
I Really Can't Figure Out 
Why It Would Work For A Dust-Bunny Called Fallen Man!?!
Can You!?!

Think Carefully ...

Plainly Put
A Self-Sufficient, Self-Confident Christian
A Bold Sinner
Self Is A Sinner
No Sinner Shall Enter The Gates Of
The Living God's Eternal Home!

Self-Sufficient, Self-Confident Souls
Have No Need For A Savior
Their Known Sins To Bear
Let's Look At Ourselves
Once And For All Time Decide
Who Truly Cares For And Carries Us
Who It Is That We Should Hold In Godly Fear!

Take Your Place
Humble Yourself!
The Living God
Will Not His Throne
- Nor His Glory -
You're Not Big Enough
To Make Him Do It!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

SIGHT AND SOUND: The Performance!

Just Because There Is Cloud Above Your Head
It Does Not Mean That The Sun Isn't Shining!
Just Because Your Pantry Is Empty
It Does Not Mean That There Is Not Food In The Store
Or In The Field
So, Please Trust The One Who Makes Life Possible
Refuse To Let Eye-Sight Give You An Eye-Sore!

Is Almighty God On His Throne!?!
Is Heaven Still In Place!?!
Is The Earth Still Revolving!?!
Is The Sun Still Shining!?!
Is The Moon Still Basking In The Sun's Glow!?!
Are You Still Breathing!?!
Is The God Holy The Only God That You Know!?!

If The Answer To All This
Is A Resoundingly Loud "Yes!"
Stand Firm In The Faith Of Jesus Christ
Diligently Do Your Due Diligence
So That You May Pass The Faithful Man's Test!

Let No Created Being
Steal Your Joy In Christ Jesus!

Satan Is The Liar!
He Is The Prince Of The Power Of The Air!
He Is Able To Manipulate Man And Elements
He Takes Pleasure In Stamping Upon Saints
As Though He Is A Rogue Elephant


Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Jesus Christ The Righteous
On His Faithful Ones Has Innumerable Gifts Bestowed
To Help, To Heal
To Save, To Seal
To Provide And To Protect
From The Liar Supreme
The Murderer Obscene
The Dastardly Offender
Who Takes Pleasure In Sending
The Unwary Man Down Under!

Believe The Lord ... And Live!

There Is No Man Who Enduringly, Faithfully, Depends Upon Christ
Who The Damned Devil Can Overcome
Who He Can Make Fail In The Mortal Strife!

The Lord Has Promised That
He Will Ever His People Protect!
He Has Promised Us That

He Has 1,000 Ways Our Lives To Save
So Keep The Faith Of Jesus
Be Not Overcome By The One 
Who Has Already Been Overcome
The Lord Of Life Has For You Made Provision
Which You Shall Only See
At His Beloved Face ... Not At Your Circumstance
You Are Completely Looking!

Satan Overcomes Man By Inflicting Blindness
Overwrought Emotions
Unchained Sensitivity 
To Time, To Chance
To Favor, To Friend
To Enemy, To Food
To Important Fellow Men
Who Cannot Save Themselves
Nor Can They Save Others!

So, Please
Brethren, Beloved
Do Not Look Down At What Is
Look Up ... At Christ Jesus
Who Is Your Creator
Your Redeemer, Your Savior
Your One True Friend
You Provider, Your Sustainer
The One Who Will Welcome You
Into The Kingdom Of Rest
When You Accept And Perform
As Though You Personally Know That 
He Is God Almighty On Heaven's Great White Throne
All And All To You!
Let Faith Give You A Heavenly Looking-Forward View!

Jesus Christ ... With You
Makes You A Majority
So Trust The Lover Of Your Soul
He Who, Alone
Makes It Possible For You
One Day Coming Soon
To Walk Into Heaven
Through Your Assigned Pearl Gate
Walk Upon Streets Paved With Purest Gold
In The Kingdom That Is The Eternal Rest Home
Wherefrom We Shall Never Seek To Roam!

Remember, Remember!
Don't Ever Forget!
You, Child Of The Living God
Do Not Ever Walk Alone!
Your Heartfelt Prayer
The Royal, Prized
Personal Telephone
Which Instantly Connects You
To The King
The Almighty God
His Great White Throne!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

DON'T BE A GOAT: Impossible Position

... So To Put It As Plainly As Imagination Will Permit
Willfully Choosing To Live In Sin
Like Sailing A Lead Balloon
Attached To A Merchant Ship's Tow Rope
Held In The Atrophied Hand Of 
A Strutting Proud Peacock Of A Man
Wearing Polished Cement Shoes
While Climbing The Himalayas
Picking His Teeth With A Broom-Stick!
Do You Think He Needs A Helping Hand!?!

He Needs A Hand
And A New Head
And I Need Understanding To Unpack
What You Just Said!

Don't Cut And Swallow, Friend!
Bite, And Do A 44-Chew!

Are You Ready To Feast!?!

I've Got My Plate!
I Got Sharp Teeth!
Do A Brother A Solid And Release The Feast!

A Willing Sinner Is A Lie!
He Lies On His Conscience
The Will Of God He Defies!

His Saying That He Is Authentically Living
A Luminous Lie
For He Is As Satan
Will In The Lake Of Fire Forever Die!

The "Good Stuff" ...

A Lead Balloon ... An Unpleasant Medicine Ball
Can't Float, Can't Fly
Can't Roll
Impossible To Swallow
Hurts If Dropped On The Toe
So It's A Fool
Who Does Not These Fast Facts Know!

A Merchant Ship's Tow Rope
Bigger Than A Man's Arm
Impossible To Gain Lift
Without Mechanical Leverage
So Bearing It Aloft
The Lie Of A Man To Truth Aloof
So You Know Of A Surety That This
A Devilish Spoof!

As To That Hand
There Is No Atrophied Hand That
Can Do Anything But Hang
Or "Blow" In The Wind
So An Atrophied Hand Lifting Load
Is Like A Camel Wearing An Ox Goad!

Ahh, Peacock!
Strutting Peacock!
Good To Look At
Offers No Profit When It Comes To Laboring
So To See A Man As A Proud Peacock
To See Him As One Lame
A Shame
For His Labor Is Lacking
As He Rises To Visual Fame!

What About Those Shoes!?!

Wearing Polished Cement Shoes
Says Nothing Good About Willing Sinner's Intelligence!
To Get Cement Shoes
It Means You've Been Hog-Tied
It Means You're A Participant In
What Will Take Your Life
The Fact That You Shine Your Cement Shoes
Says That You Believe That They Are Worth Your Time
Even Though You Only Wear
- Not Walk In Them -
And Are By Them
Marked As The Adversary's Fair, Attached
Soon To Be Consumed Prey!

The Doozy In This Debacle
Willing Sinner, Hobbled
Going On The Extreme Climb
To The Pinnacle Of The World
Thinking ... I'm Mighty! 
And Saying
It's Extreme Climb That I Climb!
While Dressed To Impress
- Not To Protect -
Picking His Teeth With A Broom-Stick
Even As He Flies The Unflyable
Walk In The Unwalkable
Wearing Feathers Unprofitable
Utilizing A Hand Unusable
Flexing Rope Untieable
To Attain A Summit By Him Known Unbreachable!

He Sounds Totally Unteachable ...!

... That Is Debatable!

Why!?! How!?!

Frankie, My Friend,
Any Sinner Can Be Saved
When He Sees The Error Of His Ways
Recognizes His Need
Accepts That There Is The Savior
Offering Grace And Mercy And Pardon
Chooses To Deny Self
Do A U-Turn
Away From The Sure Way To Damnation
Toward Sure Salvation Confidently Turn!!

But The Cement Shoes!?!

Jesus Christ Has Provided A Sharp Chisel
That Is The Word Of God
A Two-Edged Sword
That Cuts Going And Coming
Severs Sin And Self From Yearning Soul
Makes The Way For The Savior
The Seeking Soul To Enter In!

Be Ye Warned And Fed ...

At The End Of The Willful Sinner's Walk Of Pleasure
- Not Achieved
Impossible To Receive
Destined To Be Unbelieved -
He Realizes That He Has Unmovingly Walked
Climbed Not A Foot
Has Been Profited By Not Even A Groat
It Is Only In The Judgment That
- Choice Having Been Removed -
He Will Say With All In The Condemned Throng:

Father, God
Spirit Of Truth
Lord Of Light, 
I Was Wrong! 
You Are Right! 
Sin! Sin! Sin Is Soul Blight!
I Was A Fool! 
Of Faith, I Did Not Fight The Good Fight!

By Willful Sinning Do Not Your Soul Blight!
Turn To Christ Jesus
Daily To Be Fed
To The Living Kingdom
Be A Regenerated Delight!
For Soul Salvation
The Sin-Cure Sure 
Fight, Fight, Fight!!

Choose Life
The Lord Of Life!

Monday, May 20, 2019

Sweet Life Don't, Can't, Won't Last!?!

Between Psalm 73 And Psalm 92
Something Most Profound Is Exposed
All We Who Believe, Trust
Honor, Worship, Praise
Obey The True And Living Holy God
Should, To It, Pay Attention Most Close!

The Life Of Riley ...

Fat, Flush, And Flourishing
Impervious To Penury
Having No Desire The Creator To Please
The Wicked Man "Prayers" Are For A Continual Round Of Pleasure
Gratitude Is Lavished ... On 
The Weight Of Their Vast Treasure!

Choices, Chances: Sin Or Salvation ...

There Is A Limit To Mercy!
There Is A Limit To Grace!
There Is A Limit To The Arrogance
The Disobedience Of Man
To How Long You May Shake Your Fist In His Face
And Tell The Almighty
To Talk To Your Hand!

Chin Up ...

Often We As Christians Wonder How!?!
How Long!?!
As We Do All We Can To Please The Master
We Are By Life Severely Molested
Rabid Sinners, Wicked, Most Proud
Do All To Incur The Eternal's Judgment Frown
And, Yet They Sail Through Life
Unmolested, Unscathed
Free ... For A Bawdy House Song!

Can't You Feel The "But" Coming ...

In All The Changing Scenes Of Time
Of Life
Man Arrogant, Wicked
May Act All Sublime
Time Is Terminal
Real Life Is Real Short
It Is Sure That
The Living God Will Vindicate His Name
His Character
All Who Doubt His Deliverance
Should Ask Moses, Job, Jacob-Israel
Joseph, David, Elijah
All Types Of Christ
Jesus Christ The Lord, Himself!

The "Sweet Life" Of Sin Don't, Can't, Won't, Last! 

Only Those Survive Who Upon The Rock Of Ages
Their Lot Is Cast
If You See The Wicked
Relishing The Unfairly Gained Prosperity
Look, Brethren
At Psalm 92 And Psalm 73!
Your Heart Will Beat Free!

Think About It ...

The End Had A Beginning!
The Beginning Has An End
Man With Impunity
The Lord Of Life
- Unchallenged -
Continue To Offend
So Rest Assured You Who Tremble
You Who Wonder, Wail, And Cry
God Almighty Glorious
Shall See To It That No Created Being
Shall Ultimately Prosper By Flagrant Disobedience
As They, His Will And Ways Deny, Defy!

Comeuppance Is Coming!
The Day Of Rewards 
On The Wing
So Dwell Not On The Prosperity Of The Wicked
For Their Day Of Damnation Is Coming
As Will Your Day Of Rejoicing!

The Presently Puffed Up, Bold Wicked
Will Be Utterly Cast Down
Into Outer Darkness Cast Out
The True And Faithful
Presently Cast Off, Cast Down 
Will Be Utterly Lifted Up, Raised Up
To The Land Of Light And Beauty
Where Righteousness Dwells
Where Peace Is Perfect
Whereon Shall Stand By Right
The Elect Of The Almighty God!

So, Turn Ye, Turn Ye
Turn Ye Away From Self Unto Salvation!
Look Up Not In!
Look Out Not Down!
Look Unto Jesus Christ The King
You ... Enduring All For Love Of Him
Shall Walk On Streets Of Gold
Wear A Presented By His Holy Hand
A Custom-Made Imperishable Gold Crown!

Let The Bold Wicked Enjoy Their Time-Bound Parties 
Sure To Rust Trophies!
Sweet Life
- The Godless Life -
In The Stream Of Things And Time
Does Not Last Very Long!

Listen To A Life And Times Story ...

Once Upon A Time
- Every Good Story Starts There -
There Was On The Olde Farm
A Producer And A Consumer!

To The Uninitiated
There Was A Grey Donkey And A Pink Pig!

The Donkey Used To Labor Under Load
Collecting Copious Amounts Of Food
To Feed The Fat And Flourishing Pig!
The Hog! 

That Hog Used To Laugh
Calling Donkey By His Real Name, Ass
Whenever With A Load Of Food
He Would By His Sty, Straining, Pass!
This Continued Unremittingly For Months!

Well, Well, Well!
What Do You Know!?!

One Sabbath-Breaker's Market Day
Ass Rolled Up ... Real Early!
He Had No Food That Day
It Was A Shock To Hog That
Instead Of Food Being Loaded Off
He, His Sousy Self
Was Being Loaded Up
He Nearly Had A Heart-Attack
A Bi-Hemispheric Stroke
When Ass Began To Laugh And Said, Ironically:

Sunday To Friday Was Back-Breaking Work For Me
But A Feeding-Frenzy For You! 
Well, My Well-Fed, Flush And Flourishing
Unkind And Arrogant Not-Friend
This Saturday Is For You

And At The Butcher
You Fat, Overfed, Gluttonous Fool
This Very Hour
You Shall Meet Your End!

Sweet Life Don' Last!
At Your Sorry Plight, I Can't Even Sincerely Laugh!
So Much For Me Living Life On The Side Distaff!
You're Not Going To Enjoy Your Last Bath!

Work For Truth!
Don't Wonder At The Wicked!

Night Is Coming!
The Lord Christ Is Coming!
Pay Day Is Coming!
What's On You Time-Card!?!
What Will Be Your Sure Reward!?!

Be Encouraged ...

Live By The Living Word!
There Is Sanctuary In The Living Word Of God
So Do Not Be By Sight, By Feelings, Dismayed
For A Man's Works
- Man's Performed Work -
He Shall Surely Be Paid!

Do Not Permit Yourself
- Like A Cheap Flute - 
By Satan 
To Be Played!

Do Not Permit Yourself
By Sin To Be Slayed!