Thursday, May 30, 2019

Feed The Dove!

There Is A Sign On The Bathroom Mirror

Don't Feed The Dog:

Remember The Dove!!

You Don't Have A Dog!

Sure, Do!

Since When Do You Have A Dog!?!

Since Forever!

Can I See Him!?!
I Love Dogs!
What Is His Name!?!

I Want To Know Why
There Is That Warning In The Bathroom
Of All Places!?!

In The Order Of Questions Asked:

No, You Can't See Him!
His Name Is Private And Personal
It's The Most Convenient Place!

For Whom!?!

For Me! I Put It There!

Is That All You're Going To Say ...!?!

... Okay! Okay!
As Far As I Saw
There Is No Dog In The Bathroom
So Would You Like To Tell Me Why You Put It There!?!

I Put It There So That I Can See It
- Plastered On My Face -
Each And Every Time I Use The Facilities!

How Is Putting Up And Constantly Seeing 
A "Don't Feed The Dog!" Sign
For What I Call A Non-Existent Dog
Plastered Across Your Face From A Mirror
A Thing!?!
What's Going On!?!
Who, What, Where Is This "Dog!?!"

I Want To Know If You're Feeling Okay!

I'm Perfectly Fine!
I've Not Yet Lost My Mind!
I'm Trying To Lose A Lost Cause
The Mirrored Sign Keeps That In Focus
Just Fine!

I'm Not Yet Edified, Ms. Marva!
'Fess Up!

Alright, Already!
Do You Guys Realize That If You Have
Oh, Let's Just Say ... Two Pets
One Whom You Love To Bits
The Other Not So Much
That The One That You Feed Well
The One That Will Get Strong!?!

Everybody Knows That!

Which Pet Are You Feeding!?!

What Are You Calling These Pets!?!

The One That I Love Is Called Salvation
And That Other One Is Called Self!

Which Is The One That You Are "Lovingly" Feeding!?!

Uh, Oh!
I Know Where This Is Going!

You Do!?!
How About Enlightening Me!?!

Self ... Filled With Pride
Must Be Dethroned! 
Self Has An Ego!

Salvation Is Simple!
Self Is Very Pushy!
Salvation Does Not Try To Be The Hero!

Self Is Selfish

Given To The Boast
Salvation Is Gentle Loving
A Blessing Of Christ
Via The Operation Of The Holy Ghost!

Salvation Does Not Go Anywhere Uninvited!
Self Is All Over The Place!
Salvation Speaks Softly
And Self Is A Loud-Mouth
Given To Fits Of Rage And Ineloquence! 
It Eats Whatever It Gets 
Into The Frame Of Its Mouth!

There Is The Problem ...

Self Is A Salmon-Tot Retriever ...!

... Come On! Everybody Knows Self Is A Pig!

Very Well! I Stand Corrected
Self Is A Pig!
Salvation Is A Pedigreed White Dove!
And If You Love Salvation
But Feed Self ... Who Always Crosses The Line
Your Life Is Going To Be Filled With Problems
The Likes Of Which Will Make Burnt Toast
Out Of That Which Pads The Bottom Of Your Back
That Is
Your Broad Behind!

Since You Have Stated It So Nicely
You Should Understand Why
I Have Placed The Sign On The Mirror
To Show In The Center Of My Face!

Yes, I Do!

The Barking Dog
- The Grunting, Squealing, Pig -
Aka The Squeaky Wheel
Gets Fed ... Gets Oiled
It Is Best To Know The Plan
Work The Plan
Lest The Plan Works Us
That Old Satan At Us Is Overjoyed!

Honestly, This Exercise Has Been Quite Stimulating ...! 

... If It Wasn't So Serious
It Would Make For A Joke Truly Side-Splitting! 


Self ... A Pig
First Name ... Greedy
Whatever You Do
Do Not, Do Not 
** Don't **
This Rabid Sinner Feed! 
Let Salvation Take The Lead! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

ALMIGHTY GOD: Almighty God's Word - Infallible Immutable Inerrant Inescapable!

Jesus Christ Is The Son Of Almighty God!
Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All!
Jesus Christ Is God!
Jesus Christ Is Eternal!
Jesus Christ Is The Word Of God!

The Word Of Almighty God 

Eternal, Immutable, Infallible, Preserved
Is A Witness

That By Which We Think We Have Eternal Life!

Think On This "Thing" ...

A Pastor ... An Under-Shepherd

A Salesman ... A Guide
- Not A Critic -
A Doctor, Teacher, Preacher
A Notable Representative Of
The True, Living, Holy, Eternal
All-Seeing, All-Knowing
Ever-present, Faithful, Loving God!

If The Pastor Does Not Believe 
The Word In The Book From Which He Preaches
He Cannot Sell A Sinner
On Jesus Christ For Salvation!

He Cannot Convince The Sin-Sick
On Attending The Great Physician!

He Cannot Convince The Care-Worn
That In Jesus Christ There Is Rest!

He Cannot Convince The Liar
The Lost, The Licentious
That In The Preserved Word Of Almighty God

Everlasting Truth
Sufficient To Make The Way Of Escape Plain

Clearly Visible To Those By Satan Enchained!

If The Pastor, The Teacher
The Leader, The Preacher
Joyfully Indulges In Higher Criticism Of 

The Living Word
Which The Lord, Himself, Has Said
Will Not Return Unto Him Void
But Shall Accomplish That Which
The Lord Requires
How Is This Person Not Plainly Saying, Shouting

- Proudly -
That He Is In The Employ Of Satan
The Craven One Who Desires The Worship That
Belongs Only To The Holy God!?!

I Must Make It Plain ...

Any Pastor, Priest, Preacher, Teacher
Calling Himself The Servant Of God
Who Calls God Almighty Infallible

Says That His Word Is Mutable
Errant, Fallible
Should Seriously Seek Another Means Of Employment
Instead Of Showing Himself
- Constantly -
The Notable Fool
For Teaching What He Doubts
For Stumping For A God Whose Word He Distrusts
For Selling The People Of God Short Goods
For Accepting Payment For Dishonest Labor

For Being Deceitful, Desperate
Dastardly Enough To Believe That 

The Living God Will Overlook
His Disdainful, Gainsaying
Dishonorable, Distasteful Service!

Don't Denigrate The Cause Of Christ ...


If You, Personally, Doubt That
The Word Of God Is Really True
Please Do Not Go Out Evangelizing Others!
Your Doubts Will Poison The Pond Water
Cause Others To Doubt And Disbelieve 

The Holy One Forever Blessed!

We Are Called To Have Faith!
Faith Does Not Reside In Sight!
The Lord Asks Us To Take Him At His Word
The Transcript Of His Character
His Glory!

Follow The Logic ...

If We Doubt
We Should See No Reason ... At All
To Believe The Other Word
That Says He Forgets Not His Own
He Provides
He Blesses
He Cares
He Loves!

It Is All The Word All The Time
Or None Of The Word All The Time!
You, Me, We Cannot Doubt And Trust
At One And The Same Time


Let's Be Honest ...

And Speak Truth In Righteousness

You'll Be Boldly Lying To Yourself!
I'd Be Lying To Myself!
We'd Be Lying To Ourselves
We'd All Be Boldly Facing 
With Dread-Filled Anticipation
The Spectre Of The Second Death!

Problem Is ...

The Spectre Has Got Real Teeth!

The Solution Is ...

Only You ... By The Exercised
Enduring Faith Of Jesus Christ
- In Willing Obedience To The Sovereign Will -
Can Render The Second Death ... Toothless!

Bottom Line ...

Love ... And Trust The Holy God
Trust His Word
Trust His Love
Trust His Promise
Be Eternally Blessed
Doubt  And Disavow Him
Discard His Word
Be Eternally Dispossessed
In Which Case
You Are On Your Own!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

ALMIGHTY GOD IS GOOD: Why Are You Worrying!?!

Worry, Worry, Worry!

Worry, Worry, Cry!
Worry, Worry, Wander
Sleepless With Worry Lie!
Keep This Up, My Worry-Wart Friends
From Unchecked Worry
You Shall Surely Die!

You Have a Choice, My Brother
My Sister
Worry A Lot
Worship ... And Worry Not!

A Worrier Does Not Worship
The Worshipper Worries Not
He Has Taken The Lord At His Revealed Word
He Has Given His Worry To His Lord
From Himself
Has Given Worry The Blot!

That's Real Easy For You To Say
Who Never Seems To Have Anything
To Worry About!


Excuse Me!?!

I Never Have Anything To Worry About 
I Believe In, Love, Trust
Honor, Worship
I Obey ... The Word Of The Lord
Who, Himself, To Us Did Say:

And, For Good Measure
He Added On A Lil' Something Extra
Just For Us To Treasure!

He Loves To Give Good Gifts, You Know!
He Gave Us An "And"
Which Means Bread-Kind Aka Inclusions
- To Get Your Teeth Into -
Are In The Soup Pot
Not Just Water And Flavorings:

I Could Use A Good Dose Of Peace
Just About Now!

Do You Believe The Word Of The Lord Or Not!?!

I Do, But ...!

You Don't And ...!

... Why Do You Have To Be So, So, So ...!?!

... Direct!?!

Yes! So Direct!?!
Can't You Feel For A Brother In Distress!?!

For An Unbeliever, Yes!
For A Professed Christian, No!

Where's Your Christian Charity!?!

It's Right Where I Left It
For Someone Who Truly Needs It!
That's Not You Two!?!

Come On, Richie!
You're Being Awful Harsh On Them!

I Know I Am Being Harsh
Somebody Needs To Do It!
This Pity Party Has Been Going On Long Enough
Every Time It Shows Up
It Is Always Playing The Same Tune:

Woe Is Me!
I Am Undone!

Time To Unbox
The Gift Of Daily Faith ...

To Undo Your Undoneness
Take The Living God At His Living Word
Live By The Living Word
Your Life Will Be Truly Livable!

Guys, I Love You!
You Know That I Truly Do
I Am Not Going To Indulge You In Sin!
You Are Doubting The Word Of God
We All Know That Doubt Is Sin!

Isn't It Time You Actually Start
Believing In The Power Of The Lord God Almighty
Stop Uttering Platitudes That
Don't Even Benefit You!?!

Either The Word Of God Is True
It Is Not!

Either You Believe That
The Lord Will Do What He Says He Will Do
Enjoy The Peaceful Life
Or You Will Doubt 
Be A Walking Dead!

There Is No Middle Ground!
Either God Can Or He Can't!
He Can't Do Both!

The Eternal Word Says That
Nothing Is Impossible ... When
You Put Your Trust In God!
Do You Trust The Lord!?!

Of Course, I Do!?!

Are You Trusting The Lord In Your Present Situation!?!

Without Hesitation
I Can Truly Say, No, We Are Not ...!

... We've Been Trusting What We Can See
And It Has Not Been A Blessing!

So, Don't You Think It Is Time
To Stop Doing Things Your Way
Start Doing Things According To
The Word 
The Ways Of The Eternal God!

Richie, I'll Be Honest:
That's Easier Said Than Done!

That's For Sure!

What Do You Mean!?!

You Said That You Trust The Lord Always!

I Sure Do
There Was A Time When I Thought I Knew
More Than The Lord Who Made Me
More Than The Lord Who Provides For Me
More Than The Lord Who Died To Save Me
More Than The Lord Who Promised 
"Never To Leave Me Or Forsake ME!?

I Was Trusting My Eyes, My Feelings!
Listening And Internalizing What I Heard
I Believed The Lies Of The Adversary!
I Had Started To Tread On Dangerous Ground!

Can You Explain That!?!

Book Of James!
I Was Like A Wave
Driven By The Wind And Tossed
Until The Day That I Had Had Enough Of
Not Receiving Anything From The Lord!

I Had Been A Double-Minded Man!
I Gave The Lord My Problems
Then I Took Them Back
Thereafter I Worried ... Incessantly
- Unwisely -
To Be Exact ... Foolishly!

So What Did You Do!?!

Jesus Christ And I Had A "Moment!"

Oh, You Mean You Had
A Coming To Jesus Meeting!

You Said It
It Was A Doozy!

Hard Decisions Were Made!

I Had To Decide That
I Would Trust The Lord ... Totally
Follow The Lord ... Completely
Set Aside Self With ... Finality
Things Changed Radically After That!

Jesus Christ Leads ... I Follow!
Jesus Christ Calls ... I Answer!
Jesus Christ Sends ... I Go!
Jesus Christ Blesses ... I Say "Thank You, Jesus!"
With A Grateful Heart
I Give Him Total Praise!

Jesus Christ
My Master
My Teacher
My Father
My Friend
My Savior
My Hope, My Help, My Salvation
My Provider, My Sustainer
My Lord
My God
My Judge
My King
My Shepherd
My Rock 
My Defence!

Jesus Christ Is My All And All
He's My Only Way Out From 
Under The Curse Of The Fall!

On His Name, With Love
For Love, With Hope, For Help
I, Trusting Constantly
Believing Totally
- Assured Of Help From The Throne Of Grace -
On His Blessed Name Call!

Speak The Truth ...

He Has Never Failed Me
Praise God
He Never Will!

His Will Is My Will ...!

... And Not The Other Way Around ...!
I Get It! I Actually Get It!


Yes, Harvey!

Come, Old Girl!
We're Going Home!
We Have Some House Cleaning To Do
And It Is Not Of Dirt ... It's Of Sin!
We Can No Longer Say That
The Lord Is Our God
And Try To Bend Him To Do Our Will!
We Are Not His God ... He's Ours!

Repentance Is Good For The Soul!
Confess, Repent, And Accept Forgiveness!

Give The Lord His Praise
Live In His Love ... In His Embrace
As You Await The Glory Days!


Between Us
Let's Just Call This Most Recent Episode
A Blip In Transmission!
We Have Got A Free Coupon For The Good Oil!

It's Time To Exercise Your Franchise
Like A Hot Rock
Drop Satan And His Lies!

From The Ashes Of Sin
We Are Going To Rise To The Newness Of Life ...!

... In Full Obedience ...!

...To The Lord Jesus Christ!

The Lord Be Praised!


Monday, May 27, 2019

IT'S DEEP: The Love Of God

Two Gardens
Two Adams
One First ... One Last!
One Test
Two Participants
One An An Abject Failure
The Other A Resplendent Pass!

Eden Garden .. Adam
Garden Gethsemane ... Jesus Christ
Both Were Troubled
By The Demon Not Nice
Lucifer Gone Rogue
Turned Satan
The Mortal Enemy Of Souls!

Adam The First, Assailed
Took The Test And Failed!
Adam The Last, Assaulted
Took The Test
At The Ultimate Showdown

Bruised The Head Of
The Snake In The Grass

The Heel Biter
The Piercing Serpent
The Accuser Of The Brethren
The Enemy Of Souls
Ascended On High
Having That Death-Dealing Test
Well And Truly Passed!

Satan Has Been, By Truth
Totally, Totally, Outclassed
There Is A Non-Refundable 
Unwanted Burning In His Future
For The Maliciously Evil Things 
He Is Doing In The Time Called Present
For What Was Done In Millenia Of His Sordid Past!

The Truth Must Be Told ...

Adam The First Looked At Self
Adam The Last Looked At Sin
Solemnly Said:

You Shall Not My Children Hold Fast!
I Shall Sacrifice My Self For Their Sin
You Shall Become A Thing Of The Past!

Your Inflicted Sorrow Shall Not For Eternity Last
For My Children Shall Upon Me
Their Sin-Burden Cast!
My Love For Them Knows No Bounds
It Is Eternity Vast!


Jesus Christ Paid It All!

Brethren, Beloved
We Have In All Of Us
The Nature Of Adam The First
Because Of The Love And Sacrifice Of
Adam The Last
His Mercy And Grace
Our Willing Confession 
Repentance Of Known Sin
We Have The Gift Of Forgiveness
The Right To Life
We Choose To Believe The Promise Given
In The Shed Blood Of Adam The Last
Aka Jesus Christ The Righteous
The King Of Love
The Lord Of Glory
The Creator Of Heaven And Earth
Our Surety And Security
The Sacrifice That Saves Us
The Redeemer Of The Brethren
Our Hope For Passing Glory
The Only Begotten Of The Father
The Hope Of Every Man
Our Blessedness!

There's Only One Path To Life ...

Please Don't Be Bold In Sin
Timid In The Admission
Confession And Repentance For Same!

Jesus Christ Saves To The Uttermost
So ...

Believe And Live
Because We Have These Promises  ...

Sunday, May 26, 2019

PRAYER: Total Confidence In Jesus Christ, The Light Of Life!

Almighty God,
You Are My Father And My Friend
My Hope, My Help And My Salvation
Until My Mortal Life Shall End!

Satan Is The Fiend And My Known Foe
It Is To You, God Beloved
That No Matter What Happens To Me
In This Life
I Shall In Total Confidence Go!
Please Keep Me
So That This Will Forever Be So!

What Can Man Do Unto Me!?!
Man Does Not Hold My Heart!
What Can Satan Do Unto Me That
The Spirit Of Truth Does Not Reveal
Provide Wisdom And Comfort Against
In Beautiful Tones As Sings The Lark!?!

My Life Is Yours!
My Service Is Yours!
My Heart Is Yours!
My Mind Dwells On You!
My Hope Is In You!
My Prayers Are To You
My Song Is About You!

I Am Yours, Lord!
Make Me Forever Yours!

I, Now, Fully Understand, Father
The Living Word That Says
We Sin By Thought
By Word
By Deed
In Godly Fear, My Father
I Beseech You To Help Me
To Escape Satan's Snare
By Doing As My Master Did
Resorting To You Always In Prayer
For Communion
For Strength
For Love With Love
Always Exercising The Word Of Truth
Having An "It Is Written!"
On My Tongue
To Caress And Enter
The Willing Hearer's Ear
To Ever Bruise The Head
The Accuser Of The Brethren
The Adversary Of Every Man's Soul!
Please Keep Me Faithful:
I Desire To Receive From The Holy Hand
My Redeemer
The Overcomer's Crown Of Gold!

I Am Yours, Lord!
Please Help Me
To Never Permit That To Ever Change
No Matter The Matter
No Matter The Wind
No Matter The Weather
No Matter The World's Whim!

Please Help Me To Stay On Task
On Target
On The Strait And Narrow Road
To Hill Zion!

With Gratitude
A Thankful Heart, Dear Father
In The Name Of The Holy Jesus
Beloved Savior
Soon Returning Triumphant King
Please Grant Me These Few Petitions
Bless Me With Enduring And Obedient Faith!
Please Help Me To Hold The Hand
That Even Now Is Holding Me!
Please Remember The Brethren In Mercy
Grant Us Your Always-Sufficient Grace!
I Love You, Lord!
Please Come Soon!