Thursday, June 6, 2019

EXPECTING: Temptation!?!

Are You Expecting Visitors!?!

No! Why Do You Ask!?!

I Ask Because You Keep Looking At The Telephone
And Running To The Door
And You Keep Jumping At Every Noise!


Yes, Really!

Oh, Okay! I Didn't Realize That
That Is What I've Been Doing!

If You Say So
You Seem Very Distracted
Even Anxious!

Oh, Ferris! You Don't Know The Half Of It!

So, Are You Going To Tell Me What's Happening!?!
And Does It Have Anything To Do With This
Hyper-Vigilance That You Are Telescoping!?!

Yes, Yes, Yes!
I Am So Uneasy To The Point Of Being Afraid!

Afraid Of What!?!


Him, Who!?!

You Know ... HIM!

Girl, You're Speaking In Parables!
Speak Plainly So That I May Understand!

I Don't Want To Say His Name!
He's Always Listening!
He's Like An Ever-Ready Battery!
A Timex Watch!

Can You Spell His Name Instead!?!

I Don't Knooow ...!

Come On Already! Who Is This "Him!?!"

T E M P T A T I O N!


I Told You Not To Say That Name!!
He's Always Ready And Able To Jump You
When You Least Expect It!


How Do You Mean "And!?!"
That Person Is Evil, Evil, Evil!
He Takes Away Your Will!
He Makes You Walk On Disobedience Way!
He Forces You To Go Against Conscience!
He Corrals You Into Working With King Fraud!
He Encourages You To Disobey The Living God!

S M H!!


S M H! 
I'm Shaking My Head!

Why!?! What For!?! At Who!?!

I'm Shaking My Head At You
You're A Silly Goose
Who Seems To Have Forgotten That
She Is The Child, The Servant, The Student Of
Jesus Christ The Lord
Who Has Delivered Unto Us The Gift Of
The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Given Into Our Hands The Power ...!

... I've Got The Power!?!

You've Got The Power
To Say "No!" To Temptation
So That You Do Not Do "The Thing!"


If You Yield To Temptation, Sweetie
You Are Committing Sin!
If You Walk Away From Temptation
Sin Can't Do You One Earthless Thing!

Jesus Christ Has Given The Promise That
We Shall Have Power
To Resist The Salvation Thief
To Stand In The Truth
To Live Triumphantly In The Sight Of 
The Holy, Eternal, Saving, Blessing Good God!

Know The Right ...

Looking For Temptation
Expecting Temptation
Making Provision For Temptation
Yielding To Temptation
Always, Always, Leads To Sin!

Know Your Enemy ...

Sin Comes Compliments Of The Fraud
That Very Fraud Called Satan
Who Stood Up ... Hopefully
To Try To Unseat Our Creator, Lord And Faithful God!

Oooh, Mama!
I'm Feeling Really Silly Now!
I Was Really, Really, Afraid
And Was Even Feeling Like I Was 
Wearing A Straight-Jacket That 
Had Been Cheaply Made!

Beloved, Our Jesus Christ Saves!
End Of Story!

Satan, Sin And Self Have An Appointed Grave!
Deny Self And You Deny Sin!
Deny Sin And You Deny That Gross Liar Satan!

See To It ... Truly
That You Deny Lying Satan
Intentionally Lift Up The Living Lord
Make It A Point Of Necessity
To Walk With The Holy One ... Always
In One Accord!

I Seem To Have Gotten Side-Tracked For A Moment!

You Surely Seemed To Have Done So!

Thanks For Being Here!
I Feel Much Better ... Now!
Jesus Christ The Righteous
Is My Lord And God!

Thank You For The Pep Talk!
From Here On In
By The Almighty's Available Grace
And Ever Free Mercy
I Shall Refuse To Let Temptation
My Life Constantly Stalk!

Amen, Amen, Amen!
With Jesus Christ
See That You Always Talk!

Indeed, And Amen!
You're A Good Friend!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION: Dear Jesus, Please Draw Me Nearer!?!

Formed An Umbrella ... Called Vile Contempt
Over Christian
With Genius Being Inspired Evil
Sought To Have Christian
- True Christian -
From Living Life Made Exempt!

Many Were The Attempts Made
To End True Christian's Life
As Many As Were Successful
Just As Many Failed
Something Unexpected Happened
When A True Christian Died!

His Blood Became Seed
Even More Christians Sprung Up
Even Amongst Those Who, Previously
Had Sought Upon Christian Flesh And Blood To Feed!

True Christian Was Not Afraid To Die
Neither Was He Afraid For Living!
He Held His Maker In Godly Fear
Sought Valiantly In All Things
Ever To Please Him!

True Christian Was Hated For One Little Bitty Thing :
His Refusal To Bend To Tradition
To World Custom
His Rock Solid Stance Not To Turn The Holy God
Into A Fallen Man
Or ... Better Put
Raise To The Status Of The Living God
A Fallen Man
A Known-Fallen Angel
Now A Damned Demon!

He Walked Straight On The Path Narrow!
He Looked Up To The Hills!
He Knew From Whence His Help Came
He Wanted Nothing To Do With
Or Accepted Anything From
Any Who Did Not Accept Jesus Christ As Redeeming Savior
Reigning Lord
Almighty God
Lived By The Holy Faith
Not Known To Be Practiced
By The Agents Of Satan, King Fraud!

True Christian Knew That If It Was His Master's Will
He Could Escape Injury
Or Suffer A World Of Hurt
He Was Not Perturbed By What He Could Nor Foresee
He Was Living By Daily-Delivered Holy Faith
Compliments Of The God Of All Grace
His Father
His Comforter
His Elder Brother
Best Friend!

True Christian Was Holding Close The Promise
The Promise Of Eternal Life

A Prepared Home With His Lord Jesus Christ
It Was Driving The Adversaries Batty
Those Who Lived For
Loved Using, Utilizing
The Known-Demonic Device!

They Indulged Pride!
True Christian Indulged Prayer!

They Lifted Up Self!
He Lifted Up The Savior!

They Walked Wise In Their Own Eyes!
He Walked Wise In The Sight Of 
The One Who Created His Eyes!

They Lived To Hurt The Helpless!
He Lived To Help The Hurting
There Was No Way That They Could Walk Together
There Was Nothing Between Them
About Which They Could Walk In Accord
Or In Substance Agree!

There Was Not Going To Be A Peaceful End
Upon That You Can Surely Depend!

True Christian Knew
Knew Without A Doubt That
He Was Not Better Than His Lord
He Was Not Foolish Enough To Doubt
The Living Holy Word Of Truth!

Said He, Boldly And Cheerfully, Calmly:

Nothing Can Separate Me
From The Love Of Jesus:
Not Height, Not Depth
Not Principalities 
Not Powers
Not Angels Nor Demons
Not Life, Nor Death! 
Jesus Christ Is My Savior 
I Shall Not Be Moved!

And He Cried Out Fiercely:

I Am Thine, Oh, Lord! 
Draw Me Nearer!

Look Within ...

Can The Same Thing Be Said For Me, For You!?!
Are We Walking Wise
Or Are We Wearing The World's Fancy Shoes!?!
Do We Love The Lord
To The Exclusion Of Everything Else
Or Are We Going To Be As The Chaff Of
The Summer Threshing Floor
When The Lord Of Earth And Glory
Comes Through The Way To Eternity's Door!?!

Are You Getting Yourself Ready
- Truly Ready -
For What, For True Christians
Is Surely In Store!?!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Truth And Light: Error ...!?!

Oh, Woe Is Me!
I Am Undone!
Truth Has Knocked Me Upside-Down
And I Cannot Get Up Nor Turn Around!

Liar! Liar!
Your Pants Is On Fire!
Truth Will Never Knock Anyone Down!
Truth Is The One Who Picks People Up!
Your Words, Friend, Are Truly Messed Up!

Did I Give You Leave To Speak!?!
Are You A Norwegian Or Maybe A Greek!?!
I Interacted With Truth
And Now I Am On The Floor
So Either Help Me Up
Or Step Outside My Side Door!

Don't Be Huffy!
My Name Ain't MaGuffy
You're Telling An Untruth
Whilst At The Same Acting Toplofty
Unarguably ... Mighty Stuffy!

Who Are You, And Why Are You Here
And Who Invited You To Seat Yourself
In My Best Comfy Chair!?!

I Am Light
Truth Is My Closer Than Blood, Brother
Wherever You See One
You Shall Surely See The Other!

Uh, Ohhhhhh ...!!

Yup! That Sounds About Right!
I Was Present
I Saw The Fight
It Was Error Who Threw You On The Floor
Truth Had Enlightened Your Mind
It Had Made Cherished Error
Well And Truly Bitterly Sore!

Okie Dokie! My Bad!

Please Be Good
Choose To Get Up
You Are Lost If You Choose To Stay Down! 

Truth Must Be Told ...

Error Is A Clown
A Scary Clown Fishing
Causing You To Go Wishing
In The Well Of Sin
Where All Who Enter
Are Dead Men Walking

They See Their Need For Salvation
Turn To The Master Of
The Winds And The Waves
Choose On The Bread Of Life
Constantly, Constantly, To Feed!

Take Warning ...

Don't Act
Don't Be 
A Broken Reed!
See To It That The Truth For All Ages
You Diligently Heed!
Acknowledge And Accept
That In Your Life
The Lord Of Love
Light And Life
Is All Has Everything You Need
To Succeed
Cut The Cord Want
Forswear Greed! 

Wants Are Not Needs
For Gaining Soul Salvation
Remember That Self
A Pot-Bellied, Sway-Back, Broken-Down
Going Nowhere Steed!

Trust The Lord Christ
Believe Truth
See The Comforting, Enlivening, Light
Let The Holy Spirit Lead!
To The Eternal God
You Shall Then Be A Delight!

Fight Error
Champion Truth
Live In The Land Of Eternal Youth!

Monday, June 3, 2019

EXPIATION: Do You Really Believe In That ...!?!

The Gift Of Almighty God
Encompassing Free Will
Almighty God Has Given Unto Us Mortal Men
Power, Opportunity, And The Option
To Choose To Love And Trust Him

The Gift Of Almighty God
Offering Power, Opportunity And The Option
To Believe
To Trust
To Obey
Almighty God At His Stated Word
For An Offered And Desired Benefit!


Jesus Christ Paid For All Our Sin
Guarantees That We Are Sin-Free
When We Exercise The Faith That He Gives To All As A Gift
- A Down-Payment On Eternity -
Confess And Repent Of All Known Sin
Believe That He Did The Deed


We Then Choose Not To Believe
We Then Refuse To Believe That 
We Are Forgiven
Does That Mean That Jesus Christ
Did Not Perform As He Promised
His Sure And Pure Sacrifice Was
Not Efficacious!?!

It Could Be A Riddle ...

Is The Gift Of Faith Not Potent Enough!?!
Is The Gift Of Faith Worthless!?!

Whose Fault Is It
When The Known-Redeemed Soul
Rejects ... Out Of Hand
Jesus Christ's Sure And Secure Salvation!?!

Is There Anything Else That 
Jesus Christ Can Do To Convince The Purchased Soul 
To Accept The Blessed Gift Of Eternal Life!?!

Why Does
- Why Would -
The Sinner Doubt The Savior!?!

Why Does The Sinner Not Know
Or Recognize That
He Is Adding The Sin Of Doubt
To His Known-Long List Of Unconfessed Sin!?!

Why Does The One In Need Of The Savior
Take The Path That Satan Threads
Instead Of The Path That
Jesus Christ Trod!?!

What Will It Take To Cause A Sinful Doubter
- A Doubting Sinner -
To Exercise Faith In Jesus Christ The Lord!?!

Why Do Believers, Believe The Word Of Jesus Christ!?!

Why Do Doubters, Doubt The Word Of Jesus Christ!?!

Same Home, Same Teaching ...

Why Was Cain Different From Abel!?!
Why Was Ham Different From Shem And Japheth!?!
Why Was Esau Different From Jacob!?!
Why Was Joseph Different From His Brethren!?!
Why Did The Prodigal Son Leave Home!?!

Why Did Lucifer Covet The Position Of Christ!?!
Why Did Satan Desire To Be As The Most High
To Occupy Heaven's Throne
The Hearts Of All Around Him!?!
What Is The Excuse For Sin!?!

There Is No Excuse For Sin!

Bad Choice Costs!
Good Choice Pays
Making The Decision
To Depart From Sin To Enter Salvation
Always Great Dividends Pay!

Exercising One's Personal Franchise ...

Jesus Christ Gives!
I Choose To Receive! 

Jesus Christ Blesses!
I Choose My Sin To Confess!

Jesus Christ Forgives!
I Choose To Repent! 

Jesus Christ Heals!
I Choose Before Him To Kneel! 

Jesus Christ Reveals!
I Choose My Known-Sin Not To Conceal!

Jesus Christ Leads!
I Choose To Follow! 

Jesus Christ
- By The Holy Spirit -
Guides And Chides!
In Him, I Choose To Confide, To Abide!

Jesus Christ Is Truth!
In Him, I Choose To Trust! 

Jesus Christ Is Light!
Being With Him, I Cannot Walk In Darkness! 

Jesus Christ Is Life!
Being In, And Living For Him, I Have Eternal Life!

I Know That My Redeemer Liveth!
How Come I Know
The Doubter Knows Not
When We Are All Privvy
To The Same Preserved Truth!?!

I Am A Worm
A Flower Of The Field
A Child Of The Dust
A Sinner Once Marked For
The Second Death
Now Aiming For Zion
Beulah Land
New Jerusalem
The Kingdom Of The Blessed!

I Know ...

I Did Not Make Myself
So I Will Not Doubt The One
Who Says
Who Daily Proves 
- According To The Preserved Word
By His Every Action In My Life
In The Lives Of Others
In Nature - That
He Did


In His Favor
I Choose To Use My Gift Of Faith!
I Choose To Trust The Lord Christ!
I Choose To Inherit Eternal Life In Christ
In Almighty God's Great And Glorious  Paradise!

Sin Sells!
Salvation Saves!
The Savior Sacrificed!
Satan Savages And Ravages!

I Am Jesus Christ's ... Alone!

Jesus Christ Will Help Me
To Arrive Safely
At The Heavenly ... Home!

Almighty God Is Truth:
He Gave The Living Word! 
He Said It: I Believe It! 
For Me, The Case Is Closed!
Jesus Christ, My Redeemer
Paid For
Freed Me 
Expiated ... My Personal Sin
I Am Going Home With Him
Even If I Go Alone!
Choice Faith Matters!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Faith Is Free To Me And Thee!

Are You A Fair-Weather Christian!?!
Are You Living On Another's Faith!?!
Is Your Faith Fit
Able To Be Tested And Tried
Or Is Your Faith Fleeting
Waiting For Opportunity By Your Self To Be Denied!?!

Hold Up There, Purdy!
How Can One Live By Another's Faith!?!

Very Good!
Someone Was Paying Attention!
Monty, Not One Of Us Can Live By Another Person's Faith!

We Each Get Daily Faith
Daily Grace
Strength For The Needs Of The Day!

So, If That Is Indeed The Case
Why Did You Make That Statement!?!

I Made That Statement
There Are Those Amongst Us
Who Harp On Grand-Daddy, Grand-Mumsy
Daddy, Mummy, Preacher, Teacher, Friend-Faith
As Though That Faith 

A Commodity Most Prized
Suitable For All And Sundry
Easy To Be Utilized
Requiring No Personal Commitment
By Self To Be Exercised!

Be Wise ...

Another Person May Model Faith In Their Life 
In Your Presence
When The "Chips" Are Down
When The Rubber Hits The Road
When The Boat Is In The Ocean
When Your Plane Is In Turbulence
Faith Becomes Personal
By The One Who Has It In Personal Possession
Available At The Moment's Notice
Absent The Need To Go And Perform A Search For It!

Whatcha Lookin' Fir!?!? ...

We Don't Seek To Find Faith In The Fury Of A Storm!
If You Do, You Won't Find It
Possession And Exercise
Were Your Day To Day Norm!

Many People Called Christian
Are Going To Doomed To Disappointment
Dismissal And Damnation
They Did Not Redeem The Time
By Making Exercised Daily-Faith
Their Most Prized Possession!

Faith Doesn't Reside In The Land Of Sight!

The Land Of Sight Houses Residents
For Whom Practiced Doubt Is A Delight


All Who Despise The Gracious Gift
Given To All Men Their Own Souls To Uplift
Shall Perish In The Sea Of Doubt
By Him Who From Highest Heaven
Was Given The Rout
Was Eternally Cast Out!

Don't Just Be Intellectually Wise:
Walk In Wisdom ...

A Watching, Working, Waiting
Enduringly Constant
Inflexible Faith
Impervious To Sight And Sound 
Distress Or Disappointment
Denial Or Delay
The Only Faith, My Friends
That Shall See Us Arriving Safely
- Character Cleansed -
At The Small-Things Great-Day!

Faith Prays! 
Faith Knows One Master!
Faith Marks The Way Home! 
Home Is With The Master! 
The Prayer Of Belief Enlarges Faith
The Master Gives The Measure Of Faith
To The One Who Chooses To Believe!
Believers Do Not Walk Alone!

Deceit Is Rife ...

Do Not By The Adversary's Posturings
His Postulations
Be Evilly Deceived! 
Let Truth In Your Heart
Be Welcomingly Received 
For By This ... In Heaven
You Shall Surely Be Joyfully Received! 
In This Is Jesus Christ Pleased!

Facts Are Evident!
Put Faith First!
Feelings Do Not To Faith Matter!
Ignore Self
Feelings Will Scatter!

Saturday, June 1, 2019


"They" Say It Is More Important
To Be Morally Right

To Be Factually Accurate!
In The Name Of All That Is Holy

How Is This Even A Fight!?!

A Moral 
Truthful, Righteous, Good
A Fact 

Fixed, Truthful, Unchangeable
So I Cannot Ever Hope To See
How Moral Rightness Takes Precedence 

Over Factual Accuracy!

A Moral Tells The Truth!
Right Things Are Always Accurate!
Facts ... Are
So Set High The Bar!
This Foray Into Philosophy
Is Just So Much Hair-Splitting

Sounds Very Much Like Satan
Doing Some More Of His
"Thou Shalt Not Surely Die!" Deceitful Knitting!

We've Got Choice

A Dollar And An Opinion ...

I Believe It To Be Plain Gamesmanship
Where One Tells The Other
Not The Truth Of The Matter
His "Personal" Truth
Which, Effectively

Always, Always, A "Perfect" Lie!
This, My Friend, No Man Can Deny!

Not Owned By Man
And, Therefore Can Never Be Subjective!

Jesus Christ Plainly Stated:

I Am ... The Truth ...!


All Those Who Utter Folderol
Such As There Being Alternative Facts
Put Their Personal Morals Before
The Unchangeable Truth
Are Privately, Publicly, Working For The Devil
Have Not The Decency
To Be Ashamed Of The Known To All Act!

Give A Gander Here ...

I'll Tell You A True Story!
I Received A Simple Invitation:
Received That Same Invitation, Too!
It Said:

Come And See
The Beauty Of The Truth!

Unblemished Unvarnished 
Plain And Simple
Always Good For The Young
The Old
The Middling Youth!

Prepare To Be Mind-Blown ...

Truth Was Not Fun!
Truth Is Not Funny! 

Truth Is Real, Righteous

Good For You
Just Like Pure Honey
Just As Honey Is Good In Just The Right Dosage
So Is Applied Truth! 

It's All There
Always Palatable
Only Digestible In Prescribed Doses!

The Lord Christ Stated That
The Comforter
The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Will Lead Us Into All Truth
This, We Cannot Deny!

Despisers Of Truth:
Know All Of Nothing
Know Nothing At All!

Please Understand That 

Those Who Will Have Their Own Way
Those Who Will With Sin And Self Play
Are Those Who Indulge Bow-Tied Semantics
To Cover Up Their Unholy Antics
Who Will Ever Find A Way 

To Deflect Truth's Light In Their Eyesight
So That They May Continue Acting
Like Hard-Shell Turtles Plodding
Showing Themselves To Be
Didactic Pedantic!

Man Is An Innate Liar!

Truth ... Accumulates
Lies ... Dissipate

Jesus Christ Cleanses
Always Elevates!

Be Ye Warned And Fed ...

Do Not Seek To Suffer
Old Satan's Registered Fate:
With Eternal Death, He Has A Fixed Date

From Which He Ain't Coming Back!

Do Not With Fancy Lies Labor
Do Not With Octopus-Sin Cooperate
The Judgment Of Man Is Coming
It Cannot Be Cancelled
It Will Not Be Late!

Anything Not Rated
The Attribute
The Word
The Action
The Thought
Man Should Ever Seek To Lose!
Heaven Awaits The Faithful
Please Do Not The Good Gift Refuse!

Friday, May 31, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + Seed-Time ... And Harvest!?!

Character Is The Harvest
We Get From Living Life
Character Determines Our Destiny
In The Here And Now
No Surprise
Whether We Shall Inherit Satan's Declared And Damned End
Or Jesus Christ's Glorious And Eternal Life!

King Solomon Was Granted The Gift Of Wisdom
Which He Used
Subsequently Misused
Received In His Heart
In His Person
The Profits Earned For A Life Abused
Almighty God
In His Love ... His Mercy
Sent Solomon A Reality Check
Being Wise Unto Soul Salvation
Solomon Did Upon His Life ... His Time On Earth
Did Solemnly Reflect
Came To The Cutting Conclusion That
As In The Crop Of Nature
Where Harvest Always, 
Follows Seed-Time ... Sowing
Cultivating ... Growing
So In The Growth Of Man:

We Have A Life: Seed
We Grow From Baby To Adulthood
We Develop Attributes Of Character
Attributes Actively Assimilated ... Nurtured
Are Those Very Character Traits
Which In Our Lives
Will Dominate And Lead Out
Shape For Us A Final Destiny
To Or Against The Holy God
In The Great Day Of Small Things
We Shall Reap ... Receive
Our Just, Fitting, Cultivated, Reward!

There Is No Risk In Serving The Savior!
There Is Only Great Reward!

Consider This ...

The Blessing Of The Lord
It Maketh Rich
He Addeth No Sorrow To It!

Blessed Are They Who Die In The Lord!
If We Are Blessed Who Die
In ... The Lord
It Stands To Reason That
Cursed Are They Who Die
Without The Lord!

Jesus Christ Said:

I Go To Prepare A Place For You
In My Father's House Already Built
Where There Are Many Mansions!
I Am Coming Back For You
And I Shall Receive You Unto Myself
That Where I Am
There Ye May Be Also!

Jesus Christ Is Not Receiving Dead Men!
He's Receiving Reinvigorated, Glorified Saints!
The Righteous Dead Live
In ... Jesus Christ
So, Hallelujah To The Lamb!

Just As He Asked Martha:

"Believest Thou This!?! 

I Ask Us:
Do We Believe Enough
To Accept The Promise
To Live The Life Of Christ
Modeled On The Faith Exercised By
Gifted To Us By Jesus
To Die The Death That Is Sleep
For The Saints Of God
The God Of All Grace
Who Cannot Lie!?!
The Word Of God
The Glory Of God
The Character Of God
Are One And The Same Thing!
He Is Jealous Of His Name
His Character
A False Promise Is Not In, Or Of, Him!

Will You Believe And Trust The Living Word
Believe And Trust Him
Despite What You See And Hear
And ... Feel!?!

Jesus Christ Raised The Rotted Dead Back To Life!
He Proved His Word
He Will Do The Same For Us
So Let's Praise, Worship
Honor And Obey
Bless And Ever Believe
The Word Of Our King Jesus
Who, Being Ever Faithful
Coming To Earth Again ... Real Soon!

The Second Coming Of The Lord Christ
May Be Morning
May Be Evening
May Be Even At Noon
So, Know Of A Surety
Whatever The Life You Lead
Whatever Character You Cultivate
At The Grand Appearing
Whatever The Time Of Day
You Will Not ... You Cannot
- Even If You Wanted To -
Change Your Tune!

Let Jesus Christ
By His Holy Spirit
- The Spirit Of Truth -
Groom Your Character
So That In The Fullness Of Time
You Shall Inherit
The Eternal Youth Bloom!