Friday, December 10, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH + Praying Is Not About I-Want And I-Feel! + PRAYER: Remember, Lord ...!


Someone Is Praying For You! 

Our Dear Savior ... Just Prior To Walking The Way To Calvary
Fervently Prayed For His Disciples 
For All Of Us Who Would Eventually Believe Upon His Name! 

Our Savior Cares And Still Prays! 
Our Savior Cried, Died
Ascended On High
His Gospel Is Known Not To Be Pie In The Sky By And By! 

We Are Called To Willing Service 
Praying In Faith For Self And For Others 
Part Of Our Service For Our Lord 
Part Of Our Caring For Our Own Souls! 

Let Us Remember That 
Praying Is Not A Shopping List Of I-Wants And I-Feels 
Nor Is It A Laundry List Of I-Know But ... 
Why Can't I Even Though ... 
If You Will I Won't ... 
Gimme Now And I'll Never Ask Again! 

Let Us Ardently Say As We Pray: 

Thank You, Father!
Bless You, Lord!
Praise Your Name!
Draw Me Nearer!
Help Me Never To Profane Your Name
Remember The Brethren Near And Far
Brother, Sis-Sis, Mami, Papi 
Uncle Sam And Old Aunt Jane
The Prisoner
The Patient In Bed
The Impatient In Spirit! 

Remember, Lord, Those Who Over Us Rule! 
Bless, Guide, And Teach Them 
So That They Won't Act The Fool 
Or Be Satan's Cheap, Disposable, Tool! 

Remember The Ministers Of The Gospel
Guarding The Flock 
Help Them Not To Love Money 
So That They Won't Sell Out The Saints 
So That They May Buy Bonds And Stocks! 

We Pray Also For The Outpouring
Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit
The Protection Of The Holy Angels
The Salvation Of Lost Souls
The Soon Return Of Our Savior! 
Please Help Us To Pray Without Ceasing!

We Pray For Peace! 
We Pray For Knowledge Increase
With Hearts Filled To Overflowing With Love
We Pray For Safe Passage
To The Kingdom Of Light Above! 

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Build A Beautiful Brain

Your Brain Isn't Actually A Muscle 
It's Always Getting A Workout! 
We Train Our Brains!

Muscles Must Be Exercised 
They Are To Strengthen And Grow 
Remember What They Have Been Or Are Being Taught! 

Muscles Have Memory 
This Is Why We Are Able To Do Things 
Without Having To Forcefully "Think" About 
What We Are Going To Do! 
Trained Muscles Know! 


With What Are You Exercising Your Mind!?! 
With What Bad Habit Are You Bulking Up Your Brain That 
Is Now Taking Over 
Disrupting Your Life!?! 
Is Your Brain-Training Showing!?!

The Apostle Paul Instructed Young Timothy 
To Study To Show Himself Approved By God
A Workman That Wouldn't Need To Be Ashamed! 

Is There A "Muscle" In Your Mind Juiced-Up On Steroids 
Aka Bad Medicine That 
Causing You To Think, Say, And Do Things 
Which Our Lord Christ Can Never Approve!?! 

We Have In The Lord Christ An High Priest Who 
Touched By The Feelings Of Our Infirmities
Short-Comings And Sicknesses Which Drop Us To Our Knees
He Says To Us All: 

Come Boldly ... As You Are
To The Throne Of Grace 
To Obtain Mercy
Grace ... Favor ... Power 
To Help You
In Your Time Of Need! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Be Not Proud, Arrogant, Lawless
Or A Man-Pleaser ... Self-Deluded! 

Please Acknowledge That There Is A Problem
Call It By Its Given Name 
Get Thee Hence To Jesus Christ The King
Humbly Give It To Him! 
Do Not Be Ashamed:
Jesus Christ Saves! 

Brethren, Beloved

Dare To Build A Beautiful Brain
A Marvellous Mind
With The Blessed Exercise Plan 
Easily Found In The True Words Of Almighty God 
Which Speak Love, Life, And Liberty! 


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Your Character Determines Your Destination!

A Gentle Reminder ...

There Is Nothing That We Can Do 
That We Can Do Without Jesus Christ The Lord! 

There Is Nothing That Happens To The Faithful Child Of God 
That Happens Without The Lord's Knowledge And Consent: 
All Things Work For Our Good 
For Almighty God's Great Glory ... Be Not Dismayed! 

The Lord Jesus Christ Will Take Care Of Us 
He Sacrificially Loves Us 
He Will Never Forget Us Who Are His Very Own
His Peculiar Treasure! 


We Are Reminded That 
The Same God Who Provides For The Little Sparrow 
Who Is Worth A Penny In The Market-Place 
Will Always Provide For Us, You And Me 
For Whom He Bled And Died 
On The Shameful, Cruel, Cross Of Calvary! 

Please Ever Keep In The Fore-Front Of Your Thoughts That 
It Is Through Trial And Tribulation
Through The Perfecting Of Our Character 
That We Will Ascend To The Heights Of Glory: 
Your Character Determines Your Destination!  

Please Hold To Almighty God's Unchanging Hand
Look Up
For Soon Comes The Glad Day! 

Our Redemption Is Drawing Ever Nearer! 
Be Strong In The Lord 
In The Power Of His Might! 


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

The Fabulous Impostor

What Would You Say About A Real Pig That 
Looks Like A Sheep 
Acts Like A Dog!?!  

The Mangalitsa Pig Aka Sheep-Pig Is Such A Creature! 

Hmmm... A Pig Is A Scavenger! 
A Dog Is Man's Furry Companion! 
A Sheep Is A Clean Animal
A Source For Man's Clothing Material
In Baby Form Aka As A Lamb
Was Used For Sacrifice 
To Represent Our Dear Savior
Jesus Christ The Lord! 


Can You Imagine Having Such A Creature Showing Up At The Temple
Brought By Someone Who Thought That 
Outward Appearance Was More Important Than Character!?! 

Think Of Wolves In Sheep's Clothing!
Think Of Friends Who Are Enemies! 
Think Of Satan Masquerading As An Angel Of Light 
Bearing "Truth" 
Which Is Actually The Darkness Of Death! 

Beware Of Masqueraders! 

Never Forget That The True Child Of God 
By Saving Grace
Daily Becoming More Like Jesus! 

We Do Not Run To Execute Evil Schemes! 
We Do Not Take Pleasure In Tearing Down The Character Of Others 
We Daily Practice What We Learn Of 
Speak About Our Blessed Jesus! 

We Do Not Seek To Be All Things To All People
Nor Can We Be Converted From The Holy Way 
By Being Groomed With Gifts And Treats! 

Dear Ones, 

Seek To Know All That Is Available 
To Be Known About Our Humble, Good, Kind, Savior 
So That You Will Not Be Overcome 
By The Fabulous Impostor That Is Satan! 

A Pig Wearing Wool 
Still Unclean 
Even If It Plays Nice Like A Pet Dog! 

Jesus Christ, Faithful, Just, Giving, And Forgiving
The Same Yesterday, Today And Forever! 

Only Trust The Lord! 


Monday, December 6, 2021

Do Not Act Impulsively!

How Often Have We Heard Someone Say: 
"I Lost My Head!" 
After Acting Presumptuously 
In Haste!?! 

Oh, How Satan ... The Bounty-Hunter 
Loves To Hear Those Words Uttered 
In The Leisurely Activity Called Sorrowful Repentance! 

A Scornful Dog Eats Dirty Pudding 
The Impulsive, Hasty To Be Angry Person 
Gets To Slowly, Sorrowfully, Eat 
The Usually Unpalatable Patty Of 
Remorse And Regret 
They Are Wise Unto The Saving Of Their Own Soul! 

We Are Imbued By Our Maker-Savior With 
The Ability To Think Clearly 
Reason Wisely! 

Unfortunately, Many Of Us Choose To Act Irrationally
Impulsively ... Foolishly
Giving In To Sinful-Self While Forgetting That 
All Acts Have Outcomes
Many Of Which Are Unintended
Most Of Which Can Never Be Corrected! 

Please Don't Put Your Brain In Park 
While Your Mouth, Hands, And Feet Are In Motion! 

Let Us Remember What We Were Taught In Primary School 
When Learning To Cross The Street: 

Look Right! 
Look Left! 
Look Right Again
Then Cross 
The Way Is Clear! 

Weigh The Pros! 
Weigh The Con


Remember That Impulsiveness 
Never Lays Out The Warm, Comfortable
Pretty Bed Of Peace And Quiet! 

Think Twice ... Even Thrice
Before You Act, Act Up, Or Act Out! 

Please Practice Self-Control: 
It Is One Of The Choice Fruits Of The Holy Spirit! 


Sunday, December 5, 2021

Don't Despise Instruction And Correction!

One Of The Most Amazing Things To Encounter
A Person Who Despises Being Instructed ... Or Corrected
Passionately And High-Handedly Giving Instruction 
Arrogantly, Aggressively, Performing 
The "Necessary" Correction Of Others! 

The Irony Is Laughable! 


How Do You Take To Being Instructed And Corrected: 
Do You Give But Refuse Take!?! 

Are You Amongst Those Who Refuse To Believe That
They Have Something To Learn From Somebody
Even The Lord Christ
Refuse To Accept Correction 
"I's All Growed Up!?!" 

We Are Instructed By Our Creator That 
Unless We Become As Little Children
We Shall Not Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven! 

The Fact Is ...

Children Are Like Sponges! 
Children Learn 
They Have The Capacity
The Willingness
The Desire To Learn! 

Let's Get Real! 
The Only Being Who Does Not Need Correction
The All-Knowing God 
Any Of Us Who Refuse The Guidance Of Wisdom 
Will Lie In The Grave Of Our Own Customized Digging! 

Let Us Take Heed To Ourselves 
Remember ThatThe Back-End Of A Race-Horse 
The Front-Side Of A Clown Always Have Admirers 
No One Wants Their Posted Positions! 

Let Us This Day Remember That 
The King Of Glory Humbled Himself 
Came Down To Us To Instruct Us 
Demonstrate For Us The Right Way To Abundantly Live! 

The Holy Spirit Of Truth 
Now Here In His Stead To Lead Us Into All Truth 
So Dare To Stand As One Wisely Instructed 
Lovingly Corrected
For Jesus Christ's Sake! 


Saturday, December 4, 2021

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Control Is Cream For The Proud And Greedy!

Pride And Greed Go Together 
They Are Poor Substitutes For Love: 
They Lead To Planned Sin! 

The More Pride We Display
The Less Love We Enjoy! 
The More Greed We Incubate
The More Pride We Activate! 


All Who Take Pleasure In Pride And Greed 
Will Ultimately Utilize Pressure And Force 
To Get Their Own Way
To Inflict Their Will Upon Others! 


Our Dear Savior Saves! 
He Made The Way For Us To Be Saved 
He Cannot Save Us Until We Acknowledge That 
We See Our Obvious Danger
And In Godly Fear
Recognize That He, Alone, Is Able To Save Us
And In Faith
Call On Him For His Saving Grace, His Saving Power
And In Need
Humbly Reach For His Outstretched Hand Of Help And Healing! 

Jesus Christ Aka Love 
Not Proud
He Is Not Greedy For Converts! 
He Knows All Who Are His Very Own! 

Our Dear Jesus Invites Us To His Side 
So He Has No Need To Use Force 
To Bring, Bend, And Bind Us To Him
And Thereby 
Usurp Our Free-Will 
Freedom To Choose To Accept His Will Or Not! 

Our Jesus Has Manners: Satan And His Kind Do Not! 

Present Comfort
Does Not Equal Future Peace ...

Even In The Face Of Unchained Unkindness
Never Permit Anyone To Force Your Will 
Never Give In To Wickedness 
To Receive A "Little Comfort" Now For Your Body! 

The Wickedness Of Pride And Greed 
Never Satisfied With A Little Bit
Since Control Is Their Cream! 

Brethren, Beloved

Please Accept Jesus Christ's Perfect Gift Of Love 
Let Satan's Pride And Greed Be What They Are ... Damned!


Friday, December 3, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH + Our Lord Christ Has Everlasting Arms!


Satan Is A Downward-Spiral Pony: 
He Drags Down And Never Lifts Up! 
He Is An Off-The-Scale Hurricane: 
Deadly Destructive! 

And Then ... 

We Have The King Of Love
The Lord Of Life
The Everlasting Father
The Eternal God Mighty To Save
Our Refuge And Strength
Who, Infallible, Says What He Means 
Does What He Clearly Says! 


Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ 
Lovingly Calls Us To His Riven Side 
Where No One Can Separate Us From His Love
His Life
Where There Are Pleasures Forevermore! 

Yes, There Will Be Trials 
When You Choose To Believe 
Trust The Lord Who 
From Everlasting To Everlasting 
Aka Eternity Past To Eternity Future 
Almighty God
No Self-Confessed Wicked Human
No Damned Devil
No One Of The Known-Demonic Class 
Has The Power Or Ability 
To Tear The Lord's Everlasting Arms Out From Under You! 

The Lord Has Promised To Destroy His Enemies 
Who Are Also Our Enemies: 
When You, In Love, Walk Obediently With The Lord
You're An Offense To Satan And Sinners! 

If You Obey Satan The Damned
Obviously Live Wickedly
You're An Offense, An Adversary
To The Blessed Savior And His Saints! 

There Is Heaven For Saints 
There Is Hell For Unrepentant Sinners! 
There Is The All-Knowing, Everlasting, Savior 
There Is The Known Short-Time-Left Satan! 

Choose Your Leader
Join A Team By Your Free-Will 
Remember That It Is Jesus Christ Who Saves
Who Is The Winner 
When The Dust Of War Settles! 

Please, I Beseech Us All 
Hold To Jesus Christ's Unchanging Hands
His Unfailing Favor
Across The Bridge
Beyond The Separating Line
No More Sorrow! 
Keep The Holy Faith! 


Thursday, December 2, 2021

Blessed In Sin!?! Really!?!


A Condition Of Performance
So Let No One Fool You: 
The Blessings Of The Lord Are Conditional Upon 
Our Willing Obedience To His Word Which States His Will 
Encourages Us To Walk In His Ways! 

Adam And Eve's Residence In The Garden Of Eden 
Was Maintained By Their Obedience To The Word 
Not To Eat Of The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil! 

They, Instead, Took The Word Of A Lying Snake
Behaved In A Satanic Way
Were Chased Out Of Eden 
Never Again To Walk Peacefully In The Cool Of The Day 
With Their Creator, Lord, God, And Glorious King! 


The Sin Of Disobedience Brings With It Deflection 
Aka The Ready Willingness To Blame Others For Our Cockups: 
The Devil Can't Make You Do Anything! 

There Is This Rubbish Statement That 
Uttered To Impress The Impressionable 
The Untaught, The Unlearned, In The Ways Of The Living God: 

"Look At Me! 
Envy Me! 
I Have Lots Of Stuff! 
I Am Truly Blessed By The Lord!" 

Know This ...

Holiday Turkeys Have Lots Of Stuff In Them 
They Get Eaten! 

Fancy Stores Have Expensive Stuff In Them 
They Get Robbed 

... And ... 

Having Lots Of Stuff In Your House 
No Peace With Almighty God 
No Love For Others In Your Heart 
A Curse! 

May Jesus Christ Bless Us All With Humility, Wisdom
Understanding To Rightly Use Available Knowledge 
To Gain The True Heavenly Blessings! 


Earthly Stuff Cannot Enter
The Eternal City!

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Think ... And Grow A Cubit!?!


You, Me, We ... Not One Human Being 
May Make Himself Grow Taller 


Not Just Taller
By A Cubit Taller Aka 17.49 Inches Taller 
In An Instant
The Speed Of Thought! 


The Arrogance Of Man 
Staggering When We Consider That 
In Our Pride, Greed, Hatefulness 
We Can't Even Think Ourselves A Foot And A Half Taller 
Want To Take Almighty God Off His Throne In Glory
Remove Him From His Rightful Place In The Hearts Of 
His Children Made In His Image
Install A False God With Known Bathroom Privileges
Give Unto This Finite Being 
Every Breathing Person's Free-Will 
Freedom To Choose! 

In The Time Of Jesus' Earthly Sojourn
The Romans Made The Jewish People Tremble 
With Their Abject Physical Cruelty
The Jewish Proxy-Rulers Of The People 
Embittered Their Lives  Further By Causing Them 
To Worship According To The Dictates Of Fickle Man 
Not According To The Living Truth
With An Unseared Conscience
In The Beauty Of Almighty God's Holiness! 

Brethren, Beloved 

Let No Created Being Cause You To Disown Your Birth-Right 
For Tricks And Treats 
By Denying 
Defying Your Creator, Savior, Redeemer 
Who Will Cause You To Be As He Is 
Even If It Means Adding Not Just 17.49 Inches 
17.49 Feet To Your Stature! 

Jesus Christ, The Lord Of Life, Knows How To Do It 
He Is Able To Do It 
That Is His Will! 
He Is Almighty God! 

Man Cannot Save Man
So Please Do Not Trust Your Own Understanding: 
Faithfully Trust Jesus Christ As He Leads And Guides Us
Guides You
Gently, Safely, Home! 


Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Giving Is Not About Getting!

Do You Do Good Deeds To Get Publicity In The Press 
Do You Press Yourself To Do Good Deeds Knowing That 
Your Publicity Is In The Hands Of The Lord!?! 


Giving Is Not About Getting! 
Getting Is So That We May Give! 
Giving To The Least Of The Lord's Dear Ones 
Puts Our Prosperity In The Hands Of Almighty God! 

The Living God Whom We Serve Has Made It Quite Plain That 
Publicity Hounds Will Not Get Gain From Him 
Since They Choose To Be Their Own Herald 
By Refusing To Let Him Be: 
Deceptive Man-Praise Shall Be Their Reward ... Obviously! 

The Hypocrites Of Bible Fame 
Took Pleasure In Giving Alms, Gifts, To The Poor 
Had A Crier Going Before Them 
So That The Populace Would See Them Outdoors: 
Dying-Man Praise Was Their Only Reward! 

Let Us Quietly, Privately, Do Today 
For Whomever We Can 
As And When We Can 
Dare To Let The Lord Reward Us Publicly 
As Only He Can ... In The Time Of His Appointing! 

The Lord's Rewards Are Perfect, Precious, Priceless 
Generates For Us Sweet Peace
Even For Those Called The Least!

Give To The Lord
With Your Head
Your Heart
And Please
With Both Hands! 


Monday, November 29, 2021

For What Are You Longing!?!

What Is Good For You Allegedly Tastes Bad
Is Costly! 

What Is Bad For You Tastes Good
Ever On Tap, Cheap
Is Always The Latest Must-Have! 


For What Are You Longing!?! 
Is It Some Tasty Treat Beloved By Evil-Doers 
Is Free To All Or Sold In Multiples For Cheap!?! 

Are You Telling Yourself 
"No, I Don't Want It!" 
Find Yourself Imbibing The Fun Size 
Or Nursing The Big Gulp 
Or Pushing A Whole Pallet 
It Is A Once In A Life-Time 
Never To Be Repeated 
Members Only 
I'll Die If I Don't Grab It Now Must-Have That 
On A Buy Two Get Three Free With Coupon Give-Away!?! 

Sin Infinitely Costs You Personally! 

The Way Out ...

Our Purchased Salvation 
Infinitely Cost Our Lord Jesus Personally 
Is Free To Us Eternally! 

The Problem Is That
We Must Willingly Give Up 
The Dime-A-Dozen Cheap Treats Of The World That 
Our Corrupted Taste-Buds Love To Explore! 

Out With The Old ...

To Hold The Once In A Life-Time 
One To A Person Free To All Never On Sale Salvation
We Must Willingly Have Our Palates Cleansed
Our Ears Unstopped
Our Eyes Healed
Our Hearts Made Flesh! 

Will You Take The Cure-For-All 
By Forsaking All Bad Things ... For Sure!?! 

With Our Willingness To Have Life In Christ
By The Unfailing Grace And Free Mercy Of Almighty God
The Regenerating Power Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth
The End Result 
The Life Pure On The No-Sunset Shore! 
By Christ, You Are Adored: 
Please Answer His Call! 

Our Stomachs Are Bigger
Than Our Eyes:
Not Everything That Is Edible
Is Worth Eating
Worth The Final Price! 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Lean On Jesus!

Have You Considered, Even For A Moment, That 
Wherever Our Minds Go, Our Bodies Follow!?! 

Have You Considered The Word That Says That 
As A Man Thinks In His Heart So Is He!?! 

Have You Seriously Given Consideration To The Warning That 
We Not Only Sin By Word And Deed 
But Also By Thought, Our First Step Into Action!?! 


We Think Before We Speak 
We Speak Before We Act
Even If It Is Only To Ourselves! 

Many Of Us Would Love To Say That 
We Acted Without Thinking 
Saying This Negates The Fact That 
Thoughts Are To Words And Actions 
What Food Is To Energy And Strength! 

The Elders Always Warned Us By Saying 
"What A Sober Mind Conceals
A Drunken Mind Reveals!" 

Beware Of Passion And Pride 
Let No One Encourage You Into The Folly Of 
"No Guts, No Glory!" 

Vainglory Is Not Glory 
It Does Not Profit! 

If You Desire Real And Lasting Glory
Choose To Glory In The Cross Of Christ!

Let Us Dare Today 
To Think On Christ Jesus Who Thinks On Us 
Let Us By Working Faith Choose To Follow His Example 
By Indulging Exalted Thoughts
Kind Words
Lovingly-Done Deeds! 

Choose To Learn Impulse Control 
Or Else
Instead Of Being Led By The Customized Reins Of 
The Word Of God
You Will Be Like A Pop-Kite 
On The Ferocious Winds Of Destructive Change 
Compliments Of Satan The God-Fraud! 

Lean On Jesus Christ The King! 
Learn From Jesus Christ The Lord! 
Jesus Christ, Alone, Saves! 
