Thursday, February 10, 2022

We Have The Word Of The God Who Is The Truth!

Ask In Saving Faith 
It Shall Be Given! 

Seek With Enduring Faith 
It Will Be Found! 

Knock On The Door In Child-Like Trust Aka Unfailing Faith 
It Shall Surely Be Opened Unto You! 


Would You Give Up Promised, Sure And Secure 
Presently Unseen Everlasting Riches And The Weight Of Glory Divine 
For Seen And Unsecure, Unprofitable Riches Of Unrighteousness 
Because Of 
Your Unwarranted Envy Of Those Who Are Rich, Rude, Ruthless
Unafraid Of The Frowning Judge And The Wrath To Come
Unshamed Of Their Ungodly Deeds 
Which Grant Them The Life Of Ease And Excess Because Of Access!?! 

Brethren, Beloved 

We Have The Word Of Him Who Is The Truth 
Who Cannot Lie 
Did Not Lie To Save His Own Skin 
Told The Truth To Save Our Lives 
Lost His Own! 

We Have A Guarantee, In Blood, Of A Life Of Bliss
Beauty, Benefits, And Brotherhood 
We Will Choose To Believe It 
Hold The Given Promise In Our Hearts 
As We Hold Our Lord Jesus Christ's Unchanging Hand! 

Think, Dear Ones! 
No Earthly Portion Or Profit Or Peace Is Everlasting! 

When We Choose, By Faith, To Make Jesus Our Choice
Our Life In Time ... Though Often Bitter
Made Better, Sweeter
The Best Of Almighty God's Great Gifts To Us 
Just Up Ahead, Around Bend, And Across The River! 

We, With Patient Faith, Rest In Peace In The Gospel Truth
The Living Truth
So Choose To Trust In
Look Up To Almighty God To Go Up ... To Glory! 


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

MONEY CAN'T BUY SALVATION: Soap And Water Can't Clean Sin!

Money Can Buy A Lot Of Things In This Life
It Can't Buy Class
A Conscience
Nor The Lord Christ! 

We Used To Sing A Song In Young People's Meeting 
Which Contained The Words: 

"If Salvation Was A Thing That Money Could Buy
The Rich Would Live But The Poor Would Die!" 

Thankfully, The Living God Is Not Impressed 
With Our Big Bucks
Or Our Intellect
Or Our Accomplishments 
And, Therefore
He Calls All Of Us Sinners 
Invites Us All To Come To Him For Cleansing
For Salvation
By His Saving Grace Known Full And Free! 

Big Or Little, Rich Or Poor, Free Or Slave
All Of Us, Everyone
Free To Approach The Throne Of Grace Humbly 
In Acceptance Of What Cannot Be Bought, Begged, Or Bartered!

Salvation Can't Be Bought: It's Not For Sale!
Salvation Can't Be Begged: It Is A Gift Of Undying Love!
Salvation Can's Be Bartered: We Have Nothing To Barter With!

What A Mighty And Good God We Serve! 


Neither Dirty Clothing, Dirty Mind, Nor Prior Dirty Intentions 
Exclude Us From Reaching Out 
To Touch That Holy Hand Of Hope Offering Help And Healing! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Do Not Permit Pride, Dirt, Or Present Shame For Past Events 
To Stop You From Accepting The Free Gift Of Life Everlasting 
In The Presence Of God Eternal! 

Soap And Water Is Able To Wash Away Everything But Sin 
So Get Thee Hence To Him Whose Innocent Blood 
Cleanses Us Of Every Sin Post Haste! 
You Will Not Be Rejected!


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

DIFFERENT MUSCLES: I Hurt, I Hate, I Have, I Give!

I Hurt, I Hate, I Have, And I Give 
All Use Different Muscles! 


You May Be Hurt
It Doesn't Give You Leave To Hurt Others! 

Because You Have
It Does Give You The Means To Help Others! 

Because You Hate Your Life
It Doesn't Mean You Should Make Others Hate Their Lives! 

Because You Have The Ability To "Give" 
Instead Of Giving Others Hell On Your Altar Of Self-Indulgence
How About Giving Them A Kind Word
Teaching Them To Hate Sin
Encouraging Them To Have Hope In Jesus' Finished Work On Calvary
Reminding Them That Continuance In Sin Hurts Our Savior 
Crucifies Him Afresh!?! 

As Lovers Of Almighty God And Living Truth
How About Choosing To Always Do What Is Right 
Even At Personal Expense!?! 

We Live In A Society Which Applauds 
Ungodly Displays Of I, Me, Mine, Myself Aka 

"I Hate It When Someone Has What I Don't Have 
And It Hurts Me Not To Be Number One 
So I Must Have A Grudge Against Them 
And Must Give Them Hell 
So That They Will Know That 
Life Is Easier For Them When I Have It All!" 

How Positively Satanic! 

Self-Denial Is An Elevator! 

Our Dear Savior Served Others 
In So Doing He Lifted Up Almighty God 
The Living Kingdom! 

Brethren Beloved, 

Jesus Christ Was The Teacher
The Master
The Savior! 

Let Us, Therefore, Accept What He Graciously Taught
Master Our Base Instincts
Allow The Purchased Salvation To Be Perfected In Us!?! 

We Have One Chance Called Life 
To Make Our Eternal Decision: 
Please Don't Waste It On That Rabid Sinner Self! 

Please Raise Your Gaze So That You May Step Up Higher 
To Climb Jacob's Ladder To Everlasting Life! 


Monday, February 7, 2022

Of Muzzles And Funnels

Believe It Or Not
Both Muzzles And Funnels Exert Control! 

Muzzles Stop One From Doing Something 
Funnels Specifically Send Something Somewhere Desired! 


As Committed Christians 
We Must Always Keep Our Wits About Us: 
There Will Be No Fools In Heaven! 

Nobody, No Matter How Connected
Powerful And Intimidating They Are 
Should Be Able To Muzzle You 
As You Speak The Lord's Truth In Righteousness! 

Those Who Tried To Muzzle Apostle Peter Were Plainly Told: 

"We Should Obey God Rather Than Man!" 

Anybody Who Tries To Corral You And Funnel 
Aka Put You In Your Place 
According To The Finite Will Of A Fallen Being 
Should Be Disabused Of That Notion When They Realize That 
We, Repentant Sinners And Saints Of God And Christ
Have Already Taken Up And Are Inhabiting 
Prospering In Our Appointed Place 
As Found In Christ Jesus! 

Are You Afraid!?!

Let It Be That You Fear Aka Hold In Awe The Living God 
Who Is Able To Destroy You Body And Soul In Hell! 

Our Lord Christ Is The Eternal King 
Wherever He, His Word, Is
We, His People, Have Liberty! 

Dare To Be Who You Are Called To Be In Jesus 
Let No Man Or Fallen Angel 
Steal Neither Your Joy Nor Your Crown Of Life! 

Our Bread And Our Water Are Secure In Jesus Christ: 
Be Very Strong And Courageous In Him! 


Sunday, February 6, 2022

"No!" From Our Almighty God Is A Blessing!

A Proper Parent Does Not Give A Child 
Whatever Their Eyes Or Heart Desires 
Just Because There Is Rage
Tears, Pleading, Or Professed "Need!" 

Our Father In Heaven 
The Proper Parent Plus 
He Is Up Above Our Heads Seeing All 
Knowing All Things: 
He Knows Us Better Than We Know Ourselves! 

Our Heavenly Father Knows Our Motivations 
He Knows What Is Best For Us 
Whether A Thing Is Profitable To Or For Us Now, Later Or Ever! 

Our Kind And Loving God Almighty 
Does Things Either Suddenly 
Or Eventually 
Or Never 


No Matter If He Does Or Doesn't Do Or Give Us A Thing
We Should Praise Him Continually Because Of Love 
Not For Loaves And Fishes 
Aka Miracles Of Obvious Abundance Or Favor! 


Love Must Of Necessity 
For The Perfection Of Our Character Say 
"No!" "Wait!" Or "Lean On Me!" 
Aka "My Grace Is Sufficient For You!" 
We, Knowing That The Lord's Love For Us 
Sacrificial, Eternal
Should Utter A Patient, Enduring, Love-Returned, Faith-Reposed: 

"I Trust You, Father!
Let Thy Will Be Done!" 

The Father Told Our Lord Jesus, His Only Begotten Son  
When He Was In His Agonies 
Prior To The Cross 
That Response Purchased For Us Salvation From Self
Sin, Death, The Grave, And Hell! 

What Is The "No!" From The Lord Saving You From 
Or Buying For You Today!?! 

Are You Grateful!?! 

Let's Yield To The Holy Spirit Today 
Joy In The Fact That We Are Greatly Loved 
Infinitely Blessed! 
Think About It! 


Saturday, February 5, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Praise God From Whom All Blessing Flow!

Have You, Beloved, Ever Considered 
For Even A Moment ... The Twinkling Of An Eye
That When We Who Are Willing Get To The Heavenly Home That 
We Shall Have Swapped Praying For Praising!?! 

If You Have Considered It
Have You Ever Asked Why!?! 

Heaven Is The Land Of The Blessed
The Land Of Milk And Honey
The Land Where All That The Heart Could Want 
Never Knew That It Existed
All That The Eye Would See But Never Knew To Seek
All That We Could Have Thought Of But Never Knew To Think Of
Available Into Eternity! 

Our Life Living With Our Lord Christ Will Abound With: 

"Thank You, Lord! 
Bless You, Lord! 
I Praise You, Lord! 
How Beautiful! 
'Tis Glorious! 
How Amazing!" 

Our Present Vocabulary 
Just Does Not Have The Depth Of Feeling 
To Give Voice To What Will Be! 

In The Realm Of The Flesh
We Pray For What We See As What We Need! 


What We Really Need To Do Now 
To Pray With The Power Of Working Faith 
To Go Home With Him Who Is All-Powerful 
So That We May Live A Life Of Praise
Singing Unto Him 
Worshiping Before Him Who Now Provides For Us Until We Die! 

Praise Is For Him Who Raises The Dead 
Who Lived For Him 
To Live Forevermore With Him! 

Let's Tune Our Voices Now To Sing Praises To Almighty God 
For Soon We Will No More Have Any Reasons To Cry In Need! 
Make His Praise Glorious! 

Peace Be Upon You! 

Friday, February 4, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + LOGIC: Since Almighty God Owns Everything ...! + Don't Bite Satan's Fishing Lure!

Since Almighty God Owns Everything
It Must Mean That The Hard Road I'm On Belongs To Him, Too
And Therefore 
It Must Mean As Well That He Owns The Rugged Road That 
You're Walking Upon, Too! True!?! 

Since Almighty God Is All-Knowing
It Must Mean That He Knows Who Is Traversing His Property
That Must Surely Mean, Dear One, That 
For You To Walk Thereon
He Must Surely Have Given You Liberty!

Since Almighty God, All-Knowing
Is Also 
Almighty God All-Seeing
It Must Mean That He Sees Where You Are
Is Aware Of How You Are Faring
Knows Why You Are Present On His Property
So There Is No Need To Worry About 
The Direction Of Your Path On His Road 
Since There Is A Constant Reminder For You To Permit Him 
To Share Your Heavy Load!

Now Lest We For Forget That 
Our Almighty God, All-Seeing, All-Knowing
Available To You At The Blink Of A Prayer
Take Heart, Dear One
Be Very Aware That He Is Also Ever-Present: 
Reach Out To Him! 
Don't Fear!


Just In Case You're Still Doubting His Love
Remember, Remember, He Feels All That You Feel 
That Is Infinitely Deeper Than 
Putting Your Hand Into Custom-made Gloves!

I Beseech Us All, Brethren
Do Not Twist In The Wind! 

Our God Holy 
Sovereign, Creator
Healer, Provider
Sustainer, Maintainer 
We May Rest Easy, Obedient, Enduring
Faithfully Following Him Wherever The Road Leads 
He Is God Almighty 
His Children He Does Ever So Gently Lead!

Please Take Him At His Word! 
Please Walk In His Ways! 
Please Trust His Will For Your Life
Know That At Journey's End
There Will Be At The Appointed Time
Elevation To The Everlasting Day 
Which Shall Never Know The Shadow Of The Dark Night
Nor Ever See A Twilight! 

Please Prepare To Take The To-Life Flight!

Don't Bite Satan's Fishing Lure!

The Condemned And Damned Devil 
His Deceived Henchmen Would Have Us To Believe That 
We Live In This World Alone 
That From Sin We Will Never Be Free! 

The Devil Is The Liar Aka The Father Of Lies 
Aka Our Adversary 


The Will To Sin 
The Condition That Is Completely Curable! 

Jesus Christ Himself Says So
So I Beseech Us All, Brethren
Do Not Into Doubt And Disbelief 
Be Deceptively Lured! 

The Walk Of Faith Is Not Easy 
The Gift Of Faith To Walk In 
Absolutely Free! 

Cry For Freedom:
Our Father Is In Heaven 
He Watches Over Me And Thee! 

Lies And Liars Have A Set Limit 
It Is In Our Best And Eternal Interests 
Not To Have Anything To Do With What  
Shall Not In Eternity Have A Part! 


This Earth Is Not Our Home 
We Must Not Permit Things Which Will Not Lift Us Up 
Lubricate Our Journey Home 
To Retard Our Progress! 

Dear Ones, 

Please Hold The Things Of This Life With A Light Touch 
By Trusting The Infallible Word Of The Eternal God! 

All Of Almighty God's Gifts Are Good 
Grant Grace 
Propel Us To Glory! 

Be Wise: 
Keep Your Eyes On The Prize 
Aka Heaven At The Last Trumpet! 

We Are Nearing Home 
Walking In And With The Truth 
Will Give Us The Victory To Safely Get Us There! 
Walk Wisely! 


Thursday, February 3, 2022

Think On Jesus Christ!

Burdens Were Lifted At Mount Calvary 
So That All Of Our Needs Could Be Met
 At The King Of Love's Throne Of Sufficient Grace 
Where Those Of Us Who See Our Soul's Bankruptcy 
May, By Faith, Humbly Approach Boldly To Request A Filling 
From Almighty God's Storehouse Of Great Good And Plenty! 

Pride In Appearance
Confidence In Accomplishments
Contentment In The Praise Of Men
All-Around Self-Satisfaction And Self-Aggrandizement 
Are No Balm To The Soul Seeking The Savior 
A Place Near To The Heart Of God 
Where All Is Joy, Peace, Rest, Refreshing, 
True Safety! 


Being Rich In The Earth's Bounties 
No Guarantee Of Happy Now
Joy In Jesus Hereafter! 

We Need To Look Beyond What Now Is Evident 
To Clearly See What Shall Be Hereafter! 

Dear Ones, 

Please Remember That Satan 
All The Wicked Who Love And Live In His Ways 
According To His Damned Will In Finite Time
Play The Long Game ... And They Play For Keeps! 

Let Us, Therefore, Who Serve The Lord Jesus In Spirit And In Truth 
Daily Choose To Hold To His Unchanging Hand 
He Loves Us 
Inhabits Eternity! 

Neither Satan, Sin, Self, Nor Selfishness 
Can Enter Eternity! 

Please Do The Committed Christian's Mathematical Exercises 
In The Book Which Can Only Be Written Upon 
With The Pencil Of Truth 
Wielded By The Hand Of Faith 
Know That Your Answers In And For Jesus 
Equate To That Blood-Bought Ticket To Surpassing Glory 
For The Saints Of God And Christ! 

Think On Jesus Christ! 


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Little Things Count: The Grain Of Sand!

Would You Put Your Neck In A Noose To Save Your Skin!?! 

Would You Lie To Yourself For Physical Comfort 
Accepting The Plain Truth 
Would Case Your "Inner Child" Unbearable Pain!?! 

In Whom Or On What Is Your Hope Resting!?! 

Are You Preparing To Walk The Lonesome Road 
When All Earthly Supports Are Removed 
All That Is Left To Sustain You 
Your Daily Gift Of A Ration, A Portion, Of 
Jesus Christ's Holy Faith!?! 


Living Our Daily Lives Now In The Faith That Cannot Fail 
Over Things Which Are Mere Annoyances 
Strengthens Us 
Increases Our Faith To Handle More, Bigger, Weightier
Even Mind-Blowing, Stomach-Churning, Soul-Destroying Trials! 

If We Can't Run With Men
Then How Will We Run Against The Race Horses 
The War Horses!?! 

Many Of Us Count The Little Things In Life 
Forget Or Ignore The Fact That 
The Little Things Count! 

A White Cotton Sheet Is Beautiful! 
A Black Satin Sheet Is Beautiful! 
Put One Dime-Sized Dot Of Black Satin Dead-Center 
On Your Pristine White Sheet 
And Suddenly
We Have A Problem! 
Little Things Matter! 

Let Us Decide Today 
To Gain Our Little Victories In The Small Matters Of 
Truth And Right-Living 
So That We Will Have The Constitution 
To Handle The Big Things Later On! 

By The Way
Please Ask The Clam Why A Grain Of Sand Inside His Shell
- A Misery To Him - 
A Big And Profitable Deal To The Jeweler!

Faith Frees! 


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Lead, Follow, Or Leave!?!

Lessons To Live By: 

It Was Long Ago But I Remember 
Sitting In A Corporate Meeting And Hearing 
The Managing Director Say Bluntly To All Assembled: 

"If You're A Leader, Lead! 
If You're A Follower, Follow 
But If You Can't Lead And Won't Follow
Feel Free To Leave!" 

At Another Meeting
In The Midst Of Reading The Riot To Us All
The Statement Made Was: 

"There Are Only Two Kinds Of People In This Organization 
And That Means You're Either Income Or Expense! 
If You're An Expense, You'd Better Be Able To Justify 
Why You're Worth Being Carried!" 

I Have Never Forgotten Those Words 
And Now
You Shouldn't Either! 

As Christians, We Are Well Aware That Jesus Christ 
Our True And Only Leader 
We Are To Be His Faithful, Obedient
Enduring, Productive, Followers! 

Since We Cannot Lead Jesus Christ Our King
We Must Follow Him 
If We Won't Follow Him
It Is Guaranteed That We Will Be Left In Deep Darkness 
Outside The Glorious Living Kingdom! 


We Have Already Been An Expense To Almighty God 
Where Our Doings Caused Jesus Christ 
To Lay Down His Life For Our Salvation! 

As Such, And With Loving Gratitude In Our Hearts
We Should All Be Bringing Income, Wealth Aka Souls 
Into The Kingdom Of Grace 
For Love Of Our Lord Jesus 
By Telling Them That Jesus Saves
What He Has Done For Us
What He Is Now Doing
What He Will Do For Us 
For Them Also! 

Dear Ones, 

Please Think About This Long And Hard 
Act According To How You Value Your Salvation 
Purchased With Innocent-Blood! 


Monday, January 31, 2022

No Clones: No Lemmings!

There Will Not Be Any Clones Or Lemmings 
In The City Of God 
So It Is Amazing To See The Professed Children Of The Heavenly Father 
So Caught Up In The Ways Of The World That 
There Is No Obvious, Apparent, Difference Between 
A Christian And A Worldling! 


How Do You See Yourself!?! 
How Does The World See You!?! 
How Do You See Yourself In Christ Jesus!?! 
Do You Know Who You Are In The Lord!?! 
Do You Even Care!?! 

Christians Are Heads, Not Tails
Light, Not Darkness
Salt, Not Brackish
Not Carbon Copies, Book-Ends
Nor Mass-Produced Worn-Edged Copies Of
An Over-Used Mold For Under-Performing Cups, Buckets And Bowls! 

Be Warned! 

Following The Multitude Does Not Exempt Us 
From Being Personally Held Responsible For 
Paying The Price For All That We Do In The Flesh! 

Please Choose To Remember Who You Are In 
For Christ Jesus 
Dare To Walk According To His Will And In His Way 
Even If You Walk Alone On This Earth! 

The Crowd Is Never Right: 
Follow The Lord Christ!

Please Don't Foolishly Follow Fast-Fashion 
On The One-Way Junket To The Fury Of 
The Flames Of Hell! 

Please Choose To Be Who The Lord Jesus Called You To Be 
Start Using What Gifts And Skills You Have Been Blessed With 
In His Holy Service! 

You Are An Unique Individual: 
Live As One Precious In The Sight Of The Eternal God! 


Sunday, January 30, 2022

Digging Pits For People Is Unfruitful, Unpaid, Labor!

Don't Dig A Pit For Anyone 
Unless You Dig One For Yourself! 

Don't Be A Haman Or You Will End Up As He Did 
Hanging On The Same Gallows That He Prepared 
To Snuff Out The Life Of The Innocent Mordecai! 


Self-Righteousness Has The Uncanny Ability 
To Build A Castle Without A Foundation! 

Are You Walking Around With Hatred In Your Heart!?! 

Hatred Should Be Directed At Sin, Not People! 

Do You Hate Someone Because Of Their Height
House, Health, Humor Or Holiness!?! 

How Is That Working Out For You!?! 
Is Your Bank Balance Or Your Paycheck Raised
Do You Go To Heaven Nightly!?!

Let's Consider Our Ways 
Choose To Be Wise! 

If You Wish To Be Considered A Murderer, Hate Away! 
If You Desire To Be The Cause Of Your Own Destruction, Dig Away! 
If You Want To Give Peace A Chance, Pray Away 
Choose To Live In Peace With All Men ... Where Possible! 

Digging Pits For People 
Time-Consuming, Back-Breaking, Thankless
Unfruitful, Unpaid Labor! 

Since We Say That We Are Humbly Serving The Great King
Let Us Dig Up The Rocks Placed In People's Pathways 
Make The Way Smooth For Whoever Is Traveling To Zion
The City Of  God! 

Brethren, Beloved 

Neither A Pleasure Nor A Treasure City 
So Return Your Tickets Of Intent To Do Harm 
To The Proprietor Of Lost-Man Body-Farm
Beelzebub The Bold 
Compliments Of Jesus Christ The Lord 
Who Asks Us To Give Whatever Grieves Us Into His Hands 
For Help And Healing! 

Protect And Bless Your Own Head: 
Do Good And Bless Others! 


Saturday, January 29, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Sorry-Not Sorry Ain't Christian!

We Ask The Lord For Pardon 
By Saying That We Are Sorry 
There Will Be No Pardon For Us 
Our Sorry ... Our Penitence
Contains No Corresponding Humility! 


Why Would You Say: 
"I Am Sorry!" 
When In Truth And Fact You Are Not!?! 

You Insult The One To Whom You Apologize 
Show That Your Credibility 
Definitely Not In Stock! 

Why Dimish Yourself In This Way Vulgar 
By Using Your Voice In The Manner Crude 
Including Going So Far As To Repent To Almighty God
Using The Faith And Name Of Christ Jesus
When You Know That You're Nothing But A Snot-Nose Fraud!?! 

I Am Genuinely Sorry To Use Such Strong Language 
This Behavior Cannot Go Unremarked 
You Place Yourself In The Unenviable Position Of 
Having The Lord Cause You To Be Thrown Into The Outer Darkness! 

Jesus Christ Was Always Humble
Not Given To The Airs And Graces Of Putrid Pride
There Is No Way I Tell You Plain And Straight That 
Within The Pearly Gates You Will Abide 
With That Unregenerate Attitude Cozied Up On Your Insides! 

If You're Sorry, Be Sorry
If You're Not, You're Not
So Don't Add Insult To Injury By Adding Perjury 
In So Doing
By The Lord God Almighty
You Shall Surely Be Denied! 

Be Wise! 

Sorry-Not Sorry 
Is Not 
A Part Of The Christian's Bonafides! 

Let An Actively Working Conscience 
Be Your Choice Constant Companion 
On-Board, On-Duty, Faithfully-Enduring Guide! 

Against Satan
In Jesus' Christ Holy Name
Turn Deceit And Destruction's Rip Tide! 
