Saturday, March 19, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Light And Truth Versus Dust And Lies!?!


The Lord Is Light And Man Is Dust! 
The Lord Is The Truth And All Men Are Liars! 

The Lord Is The Light Of Truth Which Is Not Hidden! 

Man Is Lying Dust Aka A Dusty Liar: 
He Cannot Hide From Light 
His Only Life Is In The Truth! 


The Lord Jesus Christ Has Told Us Plainly That 
We Shall Know The Truth 
The Truth Shall Make Us Aka Set Us Free! 

Since Light Reveals Truth 
Truth Sets Man Free
What Possible Use Could Man, As A Known Christ-Follower
Have For That Impurity Called Lies, Lying, And Liars!?! 

Liars Limp And Lose 
Their Lies And Their Lying Leach-Away Their Lives! 

Pure Truth 
Both Sword And Shield
Scaffold And Elevator
Bed And Blanket
Tooth And Nail! 

Pure Truth Is Love And Life!

Departing From The Purity Of Truth 
Stepping Away From The Light 
Causes Us To Walk In Deep Darkness! 

There Is No Darkness In The Lord 
None Of Us Who Choose To Obediently, Faithfully
Enduringly Walk With The Lord
By The Pure Word
Can Live In The Post-Truth Aka Stranger To The Truth 
Aka I-Feel And My-Truth Environment! 

Pontius Pilate Wanted To Know What Is Truth! 
The Hollywood Movie Said We Can't Handle The Truth! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Let The Word Dwell In You Richly: 
Jesus Christ Aka The Word Of God
The Way, The Truth, And The Life: 
There Are No Questions! 


Friday, March 18, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Faith ... Tested ... Tried!

It Is So Very Easy To Profess Being A Christian 
Even Easier To Declare That We Have Faith! 

Professors Become Professional Teachers 
Who ... More Often Than Not ... Spout Theory
Very Often Do Not Have The Practical, Working, Experience Of 
A Devoted Christian With Tried And Tested Faith 
Upon Which To Fall Back 
When Life Gets Testy 
Trials Pile Up Angrily! 


It Is With Good Reason That 
The Words Of Apostle James Are Preserved 
For Our Warning, Consideration

A Christian Without An Experience Portfolio 
Can't Honestly Claim The Title 
A Christian Works, Labors, Has A Job That 
He Or She Diligently, Practically, Lovingly Performs
As A Faithful Steward! 

Faith Without Works Is Dead

An Untested Faith Has No Street Credibility 
Or Christian Longevity 
It Has No Spine! 

A Spineless Christian ... An Oxymoron
A Danger To Themselves 
To Others
Ultimately The Cause Of Christ! 

Dear Ones, 

We Are Daily Given 
A Portion Of Jesus Christ's Holy Faith To Use That Day 
To Be Faithful To Him 
As We Labor Through And For Him! 

Please Let Us Use Our Blessed Daily Gift Of 
Unfailing Faith 
To Become Christians By Name 
By Nature! 

Let's Walk The Talk 
Do Not At Life's Necessary Tests And Trials Balk! 

Jesus Christ The Lord, Our God
With Us! 

Dare To Work Today's Faith To A Nubbin: 
New Faith Will Be Ours Tomorrow 
By Saving And Available Grace Known Free
We Open Our Eyes! 
Be Strong! 


Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Judge Of All Flesh Cares How You Fare!

She Was Speaking Rather Loudly 
As She Firmly Said To Her Companion: 
"I Am Being Judged! 
Who Is Judging Me Is Kind To Me! 
They Give Me Whatever I Need 
And I Don't Even Have To Ask!" 


The Young Lady Was Speaking About A Human 
I Tell You That Her Words Form 
The Best Description I Have Ever Heard Of 
Who Our Lord Jesus Christ Is 
What He Does For Us! 

People Are Judged Based On What They Have Done 
Or Should Have Done, By Published Requirement, In The Flesh! 
Yet, The Judge Of All Flesh
The Lord Of Life
The King Of Love ... Our Redeemer
Infinitely Kind To Us Careless
Often Callous-Minded, Cantankerous Ones! 

Jesus Christ Gives Us The Perpetual Blessings Of Our Needs 
Without Our Ever Having To Say: 
"Please, May I Have ...!?!" 
This Is Truly Amazing! 

A Loving, Giving, Forgiving, Kind
Provider, Sustainer Judge 
Our Lord Jesus Christ! 
This Says Something Profound About Our King: 
He Has Compassion, Foresight
Available Resources
He Cares About How We Feel 
How We Fare On The Rugged Road Of Life! 

Dear Ones, 

This Is The Holy One 
Whom We Should Hold In Godly Fear Aka Awe 
With Love And Amazed Devotion 
He Is Good ... And Gracious! 

Our God Is All-Powerful 
He Can Destroy Us 
He Chooses Deliverance For Us! 

What A Mighty God We Serve: 
Give Him Praise! 


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Have You Ever Seen A Half-Donkey Carrying A Load!?!

Lukewarm Is To Indifferent 
What Hot Or Cold Is To Enthusiastic! 


Would You Want To Be In A Relationship, A Friendship, Or A Job 
Where Your Presence Is Considered "Meh!" Aka Unimpressive!?! 

Would You Pay Top Dollar For Almost Ice-Cream!?! 

Would You Worship The God Who Almost Created A Moving You
Who Balked At Staying On The Cross To Save You
Who On-Again, Off-Again Contemplates Redeeming You
Ever Tells You To Eat All You Want 
Never Unlocks The Storehouse Of Good And Plenty!?! 

Since We Serve The God Who Can And Does
Who Gave His All To Give You His Best
Why Would You Ever Think That Jesus Christ The Lord Of Life 
Will Ever, Ever, Accept Anything Less Than 
Skin In The Game
God Is My All Worship, Praise
Obedience From Any One Of Us!?! 

Jesus Christ Went All-In For Us: 
He Sweated Blood
He, Innocent, Gave Up His Life For Us Known Guilty! 
Can We In Truthfulness Do Less 
Still Be Called Committed Christians!?! 

Have You Ever Seen A Half-Donkey Carrying A Load!?! 

If You Can Picture It
Then You Know What An Unenthusiastic
Unconverted Christian Looks Like! 

It Ain't Pretty
Ain't Serving No Purpose
Ain't Going Nowhere!

Total Commitment To Christ Is Job One! 
The Alternative Is To Be Abhorred! 
Any Questions!?! 


Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Intimately Connect With The Lord Jesus Christ!

In The Realm Of Marriage And Relationships
People Are Advised To Cooperate
They Don't Want Said Relationships 
To Deteriorate And Disintegrate! 


In The Marriage Relationship With The Lord Christ
Things Are Seriously Different 
On One Exceedingly Significant Point! 

Going Into The Relationship With Our Lord Jesus
We Know Up Front What To Expect 
He Has Provided A Fact-Book 
Aka The Preserved Word Aka The Holy Bible 
Which Tells Who He Is
What He Has Done
What He Is Doing
What He Will Do For Each Of Us Individually 

If We Will Read The Book
Then We Will Know Him
His Love And Personal Sacrifice For Us
His Desires
Our Rights
Our Benefits Aka Abundant Blessings Current And Future
- Most Of Which Are Unimaginable - 
So That There Is Absolutely Nothing 
To Be Discontented About Or Negotiate Over! 

Where Our Relationship With The Lord 
Will Deteriorate And Disintegrate 
If We Neglect To Willingly Cooperate
Deeply Communicate
Intimately Connect With Him ... Moment By Moment! 

We Cannot Out-Love
Or Out-Do The Lord 
So Let's Fervently Pray
Widely Share 
Unashamedly Care 
Cover All Of Our Bases Through Working Faith
Unflinching Trust
Complete Obedience
Pray-Propelled Endurance
Humble Worship And Heartfelt Praise!


The Lord Jesus Christ
The Strength Of Our Lives!

Monday, March 14, 2022

Touch The Lord Christ Who Is Touching You!

No Matter What The Loud And Aggressive
The Rich And The Well-Regarded
The Proud And Profane Persons Of This World May Say To You
You Always, Always, Always Have The One Choice 
To Refuse To Lean On Your Own Corrupted Understanding 
And Instead 
Choose To Lean 
Upon The Bosom Of Jesus Christ Our Lord God Almighty 
Deeply Draw Upon His Life ... His Love
His Wisdom Which Cannot Ever Fail! 


When We Choose To Lean Upon Something Or Someone
It Is Because We Are "Comfortable" In Our Belief That 
They Are And It Is Strong, Secure

The Problem, However, Is That 
We Ill-Advisedly Place Our Trust On Shaky Foundations
Tottering Walls
Leaning Towers: 
So Much For Strength, Security, And Surety! 

Dear Ones, 

We Have Unfailing Grace 
To Bless Us To Repose Our Hopes, Trust, Faith, And Future 
On The "Thus Saith The Lord!" Who Created Us
Saves Us, Sustains Us
Leads, Feeds, Corrects, Comforts, And Carries Us
Is Committed To Our Salvation, Sanctification
Ultimate Redemption On The Great Day! 

By The Way
The Fact That The Nugget About The Disciple John 
Leaning On The Bosom Of Jesus Christ Who Loved Him 
Preserved In The Living Word 
Should Be A Special, Intimate, Infinite Comfort 
To Every One Of Us Believers Individually ... Personally: 
Whoever We Are Physically Touching 
Also Physically Touching Us! 

Dare To Lean On Aka Touch Jesus Christ Today! 
You Will Not Regret It! 


Sunday, March 13, 2022

Pride Is Poison + PRAYER: Father, Please Help Us To Humble Ourselves!

It Is Significant To See Righteousness And Unrighteousness
Faithfulness And Faithlessness 
Pride And Humility 
So Starkly Compared And Contrasted! 


We Are To Live By Faith 
While Lovingly Humbling Ourselves Before The Lord Christ 
Who Will Lift Us Up In His Day Of Appointment 
Just As He Lifted Up Jacob, Joseph, Job, And Moses! 

We Are Not To Lift Up Ourselves 
In Pride And With Arrogance Like Lucifer: 
It Didn't Work Out For Him 
It Will Not Work Out For Us! 

We Love To Say With The Worldly-Wise That 
Man Appoints And God Disappoints 
If We Look Closer
We Will Clearly See What Manner Of Defeat, Disaster
Destruction, And Deviltry Exists 
When Man Appoints Man
Man Anoints Self! 

The Humble, Faithful, Servant Of God
Always A Blessing To Mankind!

Pride Is Poison 
Self-Aggrandizement Is Terminal Disease 
Neither Has A Place In The Heart Of 
The Committed-To- Christ Christian! 

Dear Ones, 

The Only Lifting Up We Should Be Doing 
Lifting Up Our Souls To The Lord
Lifting Up Our Hands In Worship And Praise
Lifting Up Our Brethren
Lifting Up Our Bibles And Our Spoons 
As They Convey To Our Bodies 
Our Very Necessary Daily Food! 

Pride Decimates! 
Faith Elevates 
Humility Opens The Flood-Gates Of Blessing! 


Heavenly Father, 
Please Help Us Today
To Humble Ourselves Before You On Earth
Your Footstool
So That You Will Lift Us Up To Heaven
Your Throne
On The Glad Day That You Have Set! 

Saturday, March 12, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Let Us Not Boast About Our Basement-Level Behavior!

When You Measure Yourself By Yourself 
And Compare Yourself To Yourself 
What Are You!?! 

A Fool! 

When A Man Defies, Denies, The Living God 
And Calls Himself God 
And Acts As Though He Is God 
But Does Not Have The Power Of God 
And Cannot Keep Himself Alive 
What Is He!?! 

An Idolatrous, Lying, Fool! 

The Fool Hath Said In His Heart That There Is No God! 
The Fool, Therefore, Is Unwise, Untutored
Unschooled In The Wise Ways Of The Holy God
Suggesting That The Fool Has His Own Sense 
Oxymoronic In The Extreme! 

Denying Your Own Maker Is Devilish! 
Making Yourself God Is Satanic! 
Encouraging Others To Indulge In 
Heaven-Daring Lawlessness For Kicks, For Thrills 
Willful Wickedness Writ Large 
Left Unconfessed And Unrepented
Will Be Punished Without The Blessed Benefit Of
Mercy Of The Eternal God! 

Be Ye Wise ...

The Only Measuring Stick Worth Using In This Life 
The Character Of The Lord Jesus Christ! 

Without Our Lord's Intervention
We Will Walk Around Pridefully 
Showing How Holy We Are When We Are Not: 
Let Us Not Boast About Our Basement-Level Behavior! 

The Prophet Isaiah Believed He Was Holy 
Until He Saw The Lord In His Glory! 
He Became Aware Of His Uncleanness 
His Unworthiness To Be The Servant Of God 
When He Saw Himself In The Light Of Almighty God's Glory! 


Our God ... The Living God ... Is Compassionate
In The Moment Of Our Truly Seeing Him ... By Faith 
Acknowledging That We Are Less Than He Requires 
Need All That Our Lord Christ Has To Give Us 
The Time That The Lord Can Work In And On Us To Bless Us 
Through Us To Bless Others! 

Self-Praise Is No Praise! 
The Praise Of Man Is A Trap 
Unless We Let Go Of Pride 
Give Our Self Over To The Lord For Him To Do His Saving Work
We Will Pridefully, Arrogantly, Ignorantly
Contentedly Continue Travelling Through Shadows-With-Troubles 
Where The Citizens Measure Themselves By Themselves 
Until We Arrive At Inescapable Torment! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Let Us Permit The Holy Spirit To Do A Good Work In Us 
By Allowing Him To Work On Us While It Is Yet Day, Today
The Day Of Salvation! 

Let Us Let The Lord Remove Our Iniquity From Us 
Purge Us Of Our Sin 
So That He May Use Us In His Service 
To Bless Others With The Good News That He, Alone, Saves! 

Let Us Really Work For The Lord: 
Untold Blessings Are Guaranteed! 


Friday, March 11, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Go For The Lord Christ ... And Honestly Complete Your Assignment!

The Lord Our God Almighty Asks For Volunteers 
When We Raise Our Hand And Our Voice To Accept The  Assignment
We Are  Obligated To Dot The I's And Cross The T's 
To Ensure That The Job Of Work 
Completed To Time 
According To Specification 
Utilizing The Equipment 
Aka The Gifts, Skills, Abilities, And Opportunities Provided 
According To The Providences And Mercies Of The Lord! 

Let Your Word Be Your Bond!



When The Lord Sends Us Out
- Whether We're Called Or Volunteering -
He Is Meticulous With His Instructions: 
Please Don't Add To
       Subtract From
               Or Ignore Them! 

The Lord Himself Sends You 
You Are Duty-Bound To Report Back To The Lord Alone
Not Permit Some Wretch To Meet You In The Way Saying That 
An Angel Or The Lord Himself Told Them To Tell You 
To Break Faith With God! 

Disobedience Is Deadly! 

In The Work World
Employees Who Step Out On Their Assigned Work 
Are Considered Disrespectful, Deceitful
Will Find Themselves Done And Dusted Aka Dismissed! 

The Prophet Jonah Was Swallowed By A Whale For His Disobedience! 
Three Days Repenting In The Smelly Belly Of A Living Submarine 
Saw Him Finally Going Where He Was Sent 
Finishing The Work! 

The Unnamed Prophet Did The Assigned Work 
Permitted A Lying Prophet To Entice Him To Disobey 
A Direct Command Of The Lord 
Not To Eat Or Drink Anything On The Job Site! 
His Disobedience Cost Him His Life By The Teeth Of Lions! 

Obedience Is Better Than Sacrificing!

I Beseech Us All To Be Wise 
Give To Our Lord Christ Our Perfect  Obedience! 

Dare To Go Where You're Sent 
Wisdom Working
Diligently Finish Your Assignment! 


Thursday, March 10, 2022

A White-Robed Devil Is Still Evil!

The Character Of Christians As We Purport To Emulate 
Represent Our Lord Jesus 
Calls Our Credibility Into Question! 


We Who Claim Christ As King And Lord Of Our Lives
The Captain Of Our Salvation
Our Hope For Surpassing Glory 
Must Be Vigilant As Regards How We Walk, Talk, And Act 
So That The Messages That We Send To Our Observers
- Christian And Non-Christian - 
Do Not Cause Them To Be Put Off Desiring 
Our Lord Jesus Christ! 

Never, Ever, Forget That 
By Our Words, We Are Justified 
By Our Words, We Are Condemned! 

Strangely Stunning 
Devastatingly Important 
The Fact That Our Actions Loudly And Clearly 
Speak The Truth About Who Is Our Guardian 
Our Life-Guide
Our Stay Aka The One Who Keeps Us In The Way That 
We Personally Desire To Walk! 

A White-Robed Devil Is Still Evil! 

The Christ That We Emulate 
Was The Same Morning, Evening, Noon, And Night! 
He Was Loving, Gentle, Kind, And Caring! 
He Was Prayerful, Useful, Blessing, Giving, And Forgiving! 
He Inspired Hope And Provided Help And Healing 
Most Of All
His Loving-Kindness
His Words Of Wisdom Giving Direction 
Inspired Positive Change In Those Who Genuinely Sought After 
The True And Living God! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Character Is Either A Knife Or A Spoon! 
By Almighty God's Great Grace
Let Us Be Spoons And Feed Someone With Food That 
Good For Them Today! 

Please Put On 
Live For The Lord Jesus Christ! 


Wednesday, March 9, 2022

DON'T BE A REPROBATE: Choose The Life-Giver!

To Love The Lord Jesus
To Be Kind In His Holy Name
To Do Right Because It Is Good
To Trust The Living Word And Not Fear The Word Of Man
To Speak Truth In Righteousness
To Walk Wise And Not Act The Fool
To Lift Up The Lord 
Never Instigate Evil 
Are All Personal Choices To Be Constantly 
Consistently Made By Us 
As Christians Committed To The Cause Of Our Lord Jesus Christ! 


Praying Without Ceasing 
Exercising Faith First, Last, And Always 
A Personal Choice That Eternally Profits! 

Doubting The Word Of God 
While Calling On The Name Of The Lord 
Reaps Us No Reward Or Benefit 
That, Too, Is Our Personal Choice! 

Please Never Forget That 
We Reap What We Sow 
We Eat What We Grow 
We Walk Where Our Mind Wanders! 

If We Choose To Longingly Follow After Christ
We Will ... By Faith ... Permit Our Minds To Be With Him 
In The Most Holy Place Of The Heavenly Sanctuary! 

If Jesus Is In Us By The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Then We Will Not Wonder About Sin
Wander Into Transgression 
Hang A Hard Left Into Iniquity 
End Up As Reprobates 
To Be Cast Into Outer Darkness 
By Our Own Choosing! 

Let Us This Day Choose To Make Wise 
Eternally Profitable Choices 
No Matter Who By Or For What 
We May Be Cursed At And Ridiculed! 

May It Be Your Choice Today To Smile With Hope 
Let The Light Of The Life-Giver 
Gloriously Shine Into Every Dark Area Of Your Life! 


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Be Wise To Rise To Glory!

What Have You Done For The Master!?! 

Are You Doubting What The Master Has Done
Is Doing Or Will Do For You!?! 

Are You Contemplating 
Why The Lord Needs You To Do Anything For Him 
When He Has Everything At His Disposal 
Owns Everything Seen And Unseen, Known And Unknown!?! 


You, Personally, Are Precious, Special, To Our Dear Savior! 

No Person Living, Dead, Dying, Denying, Defying
Rigid, Rude, Recalcitrant, Or Ruthless 
Able To Change Almighty God's Love For 
Desire To Have Us Accept The Gifts Given
Perform Our Assignments To Gather With Him 
As We Tell The Good News Of Free-To-All Salvation
The Living God's Love, Grace, Mercy, Truth, Faithfulness 
Which Will Never Fail Us! 

You, Personally, Are The Apple Of Our Lord's Eye
The One For Whom He Poured Out His Innocent Blood 
So That You, Cleansed Thereby And Forgiven
Willingly, Enduringly, Obediently Cooperating With Him
May Have His Everlasting Life! 

Please Allow The Naysayers To Swear
The Gainsayers To Bray 
See To It, For Love Divine, That 
You Hold To Our God's Unchanging Hand 
Unphased By Opposition 
As You Love Yourself By Loving Your Savior 
By Thought, Word, And Deed! 

Obey: Don't Stray! 
Pray: Don't Run Away! 
Be Wise: Rise To Stand Before The Throne Of God 
As The Obedient Child Of The King
The Diligent Student Of The School Of Christ
The Trustworthy Servant Of The Eternal God! 


Monday, March 7, 2022

Know The Truth Aka Know The Lord Jesus Christ!

There Is No Faithfulness Without Truth! 
Truth Is Good And Has No Lie In It! 
Lie Has In Truth But Has No Good In It! 

How, Then, Does One Reckon With "The Fact" That 
"Whispy Told A Good Lie!" 
"Bordes Plainly Told The Truth But It Is Simply Unbelievable!?!" 
What About 
"Maisie Is Such A Convincing Liar That 
She Could Make Anybody Believe That Grass Is Blue!?!" 


No Matter How Convincing The Liar And The Lie May Be
The Truth-Speaker And The Truth 
Will Stand Vindicated In Front Of Everybody! 

Study The Truth Aka Study The Lord Jesus Christ! 
Know The Truth Aka Personally Know The Lord Jesus Christ! 

Own The Truth Aka "Own" The Lord Jesus Christ 
As Your Everlasting Portion 
Sell It Not Aka Do Not Betray The Lord 
So That When The Liar A-Calling Comes
You Aware, Will Give Him A Firm Set-Down Aka 
"Away With You, Thou Stranger To The Truth!" 

Dare To Really Study The Truth In All Of Its Beauty 
To Truly Recognize The Dastardly Lie 
In Its Shameful Ugliness! 

Please Remember That 
All Of Our Blessings Come With Our Faithfulness To The Truth 
It Is The Truth Alone That Sets The Sinner Free! 

The Plain Truth Yields Perfect Peace 
So Choose To Speak 
Walk With And In The Truth Today! 
