Friday, September 23, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH: Follow The Lord Without Regret!

When Are We Going To Realize That 
Earthly Power Has No Power 
With Jesus Christ The Lord, The King!?! 

When Are We Going To Accept That 
Earthly Titles Cause No Wrinkle To Form In Almighty God's Will!?! 

When Are We Going To Come To Terms With The Fact That 
Only Man's Willing Obedience 
To The Will And The Ways Of The Eternal God 
Has Any Currency In The Sight Of 
The All-Knowing, All-Seeing, Ever-Present God 
Who Inhabits Glory 
Rules Over All Of His Creation!?! 


Let Us All Be Wise To Recognize That 
No Created Being Can Alter The Plans Of The Living God 
Nor Set Aside His Sovereign Will! 

Dear Ones, 

Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary ... By Faith! 
Faith Can Move Mountains! 
Doubt Will Decimate The Strongest, Best Outfitted
Most Obscenely Funded Army! 

... And ... 

The Enduringly Faithful One Claims The Eternal Prize! 

When Will We Realize That 
Wisdom Without Understanding To Use Knowledge 
Will Make For A Very Poor House, Family, Business, And Kingdom!?! 

We Are Instructed To Taste And See That The Lord Is Good 
So Surely We Should Know By Now That 
Looking At Food Does Not Fill Our Stomachs
Nourish Our Bodies
Or Strengthen Us To Be Overcomers: 
The Lord Is Food Indeed And Drink Indeed! 

Let's Do Ourselves A Solid This Very Moment 
Just Do As The Lord Asks, Commands, Pleads
Encourages Us To Live! 

Almighty God's Great Grace Is Sufficient For You
Me Too! 


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION: Cooperate With The Lord Christ!

Even Though Jesus Christ Paid 
The Full And Final Price For Our Souls' Salvation
There Is Something That Each Of Us Must Do
To Complete The Transaction! 


An Unopened Gift 
Just A Present Present! 

An Opened But Unutilized Gift 
A Dust-Catcher 
It Makes You Work But Pays No Salary! 

An Opened And Utilized Gift That 
Despised, Disparaged, And Discounted 
Will Ultimately Be Discarded 
That Person Who Acts So Disrespectfully 
Towards Almighty God's Good And Perfect Gifts 
Will, On The Day Appointed, Be Destroyed! 

Dear Ones, 

Let's Back-Up To Go Forward! 

The Lord Always Gives Us A Part To Play 
In The Receipt Of Our Own Blessing: 
Ask ... To Receive
Obey ... And Be Blessed
Be Perfect ... As Your Father In Heaven Is Perfect
Turn Ye ... At My Reproof! 

When We Ask The Lord To Lead Us
We Are Informing The Lord That 
We Are Willing To Follow Where He Leads! 

When The Lord Says 
"Come Unto Me All Ye That Labor ... And I Will Give You Rest ...!" 
It Is Because He Has What We Need 
Our Recognizing 
Accepting This 
Gives Us Wings, Energy, Desire To Reach Out 
Touch The Living God 
Who Hears Our Cries
Heals Our Hurts 
Blesses Us In And For Our Belief In Him! 

There Is No Profit In Useless Pride 
No Benefit In Base Behavior! 

Please Wisely Accept The Gift Of Grace Gratefully:
Cooperate With Christ! 


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Praying ... In Love

My Heartfelt Prayer For Us All Today Is: 

Heavenly Father, 
Please Continue To Grant Us
Our Daily Gift Of Unfailing Faith
To Help Us To Stand Rooted And Grounded In The Truth! 

Please Grant Us Strength To Walk Away
From Things Which Cannot Spiritually Profit Us
From People Who Curse The Name Of The Lord
Choose Not To Hear Of Or Know About Him
Or To Walk In His Ways! 

Please Grant Us The Needed Courage 
To Endure The Barbs And Reject The Dishonest Doings Of
Those Who Have Chosen To Walk In Darkness
Despising The Light That Leads To Eternal Life!

Oh, Father, 
Please Supply Us With The Love We Need To Have Hope
We Have Chosen To Hope In The King Of Love
The Shepherd Who Leads Us To Eternal Rest! 

Please Help Us In Our Desire To Do All That You Ask Of Us
As We Willingly Choose To Do
What Is Good And Right And Holy! 

Finally, Dear Father,
Please Provide To Us, Out Of Your Riches In Glory
The Innumerable Blessings Needed
To Continually Pursue The Promise Of
A Place In Your House
In The Paradise Of God
Which Includes Immortality, Incorruptibility
Fruit From The Tree Of Life
Water From The River Of The Water Of Life
Which Flows By The Throne Of God! 

Thank You For The Unspeakable Gift! 

In Love, We Ask For All These Things 
Bless You
In Jesus Christ's Holy And Matchless Great Name! 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Keep Going Away To Jesus Christ The Lord!


An Alarm Clock Does Not Awaken Anybody: 
Almighty God Does!
Keep Yourself On Schedule: 
Set Your Alarm Clock! 

Going Away On Vacation 
Does Not Take Us Away From Our Problems! 
Keep Going Away ... To Jesus: 
He Refreshes And Regenerates! 

A Paycheck Does Not Purchase Or Provide 
Jesus' Peace Which Passes Human Understanding! 
Keep Praying In Faith And Walking In Strict Obedience 
To The Lord's Will To Be Able To Reap The Rewards Of 
The Enduring Faithful! 

Worrying Doesn't Lessen Burdens! 
Take Your Burdens To The Lord 
Leave Them There 
He Sacrificially Loves Us 
Is Our Burden-Bearer By His Own Choice! 

Cursing The Darkness 
Instead Of Turning On The Light 
When The Bill Is Known To Have Been Paid 
Doesn't Alter The Fact That 
Doubting The Lord Decimates 
Trusting The Savior Elevates! 

Take A Good Look At Our King Jesus! 

Our Doubt Doesn't Change The Fact That 
Only Jesus Cares For Us! 

Our Daily Trusting In The Lord Helps Us 
To Daily, Moment-By-Moment, Trust In The Lord 
With Hope, For Help And Healing
For Provision And Protection! 

Dear Ones, 

I Beseech Us All
Please Adamantly Choose To Call On The Lord 
In The Holy Faith Which Cannot Fail 
As If Your Life Depends Upon It 
It Does! 

Walk With The Word In The Lord! 
Any Questions!?! 


Friday, September 16, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Contented In Christ!


There Is Nothing More Satisfying In This Life After Coming To Christ 
Than Coming To That Way-Marker Scribed As 
"Contented In Christ!" 

Hallelujah, Jesus! 


Being Contented Is A Choice! 

Being Contented In Christ 
A Choice 
A Grace
An Unmerited Favor
A Super Power That Comes Of 
Having Made The Decision To Believe God
To Walk In The Word
To Trust The Way-Maker
To Listen And Learn 
Aka Harken And Do The Will Of
The One Who Heals And Seals
Teaches And Reveals
Let The Comforter Carry, Lift, Comfort
Elevate Us As We Press On To The Mark Of 
The High Calling In Christ Jesus! 

Dear Ones, 

There Are No Super-Christians! 
There Are No MDs, PhDs, Professors Emeritus
Or Honorary Saints Of God And Christ! 

We Are Christians Called 
Who Choose To Stand Up 
Having Counted The Cost
Have Cast Our Lot, Our Fortunes
In With Him Whom We Have Found Faithful And Just
Honest And True
Light And Life
Savior, Redeemer, And Forever-Faithful Friend 
Who Is Lord, God, And King! 

Let Us Sincerely Love Our Lord Jesus
Whole-Heartedly Look Up To Him
Truly Live To Live ... Eternally! 


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Listen To The Lord Of Life!


Our Lord Christ Invites Us To Come To Him 
Participate In A Reasoning Conversation! 

Satan, The Master Of Distraction
Tries To Insinuate Himself Between Us And Our Life-Giver And Savior 
By Saying That The Conversation Is A Con 
The Lord Jesus Is Trying To Make Converts To Himself 
By Bypassing Our Free-Will And Our Freedom To Choose How To Live 
When And Where To Die! 

Are You Hearing
Truly Listening  ... And Understanding 
What Is Really Happening Here!?! 


Jesus Christ Is Our Creator-God 
He Has No Need Or Desire To Make Us Do Anything: 
There Is No Force In Love! 

Dear Ones, 

Satan, The Adversary Of Our Souls
The Roaring Lion
The Piercing Serpent
The Scorched-Earth "Builder" 
Aka The Destroyer
The Bait And Switch Con Artist Who Is The Father Of Lies 
Who Will Say Anything 
To Get Anyone To Have A "Productive" Conversation With Him 
In The Hope That It Will Convert Someone 
To His Wicked, Evil, Destructive Way
Take Them Away From The Lord Christ
Almighty God In The Flesh! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Reject Interactions With Glib-Tongued Found-Friend Strangers 
Who Can Show You Newer, Brighter, Shinier, Better 
Minus Truth, Light, Love, Grace, Peace, Goodness
Access To The Heavenly Home 
Everlasting Life! 

Love The Lord Jesus Christ
Lose All Links To The Liar! 


Monday, September 12, 2022

Of Hearts And Treasures!

When The Worldly-Wise Hear True-To-The-Class Christians Say That 
There Is Treasure Laid Up For Us In Heaven
They Look At Us As Though We Have Sprouted Extra Heads! 


There Is Nothing Wrong With Being Rich 
Unless You Forget The Living God 
Your Wealth Becomes Your God! 
There is Something Wrong With Us And Our Wealth 
It Is Gotten By Fraud And Through Robbing The Poor! 

Dear Ones, 

We, As Practicing Christians, Should Tremble 
Be In Fear Aka In Awe Of The Lord 
When We Read The Scripture Warning Us That 
Our Hearts Follow Our Treasures! 

We Should Remember The Story Of 
The Rich Young Ruler Who Knew The Scriptures
Obeyed The Law Of The Lord
Chose His Numerous Visible Things Over His Lord Christ 
Who Offered Him Treasure Unknown And Unimaginable
In The Future Day Of God's Appointing! 

We Should Also Consider Abraham, Job, And Jacob 
Who Looked Forward To The Better Treasure 
While Being Liberal With What They Possessed! 

We May Also Learn Harsh Lessons From The Lives Of 
Prophet Balaam
Disciple Judas Iscariot
Ananias And His Wife Sapphira 
Whose Hearts Were Totally Corrupted! 

They Lost Their Lives Twice 
Since They Will Not Be Participants In The Receipt Of 
The Gift Of Everlasting Life! 

Is Your Heart Right With God!?! 

Do You Recognize That Treasure Aka Wealth 
Just A Purpose-Built Tool 
Which Carves Out A Living 
Cannot Give, Retain, Or Restore Life!?! 

Is Jesus Christ Really Your Everlasting Portion!?! 

Think About It! 


Sunday, September 11, 2022

There Is No Death In Righteousness!

The Way Is Jesus Christ: 
He Is The One Righteous! 
The Pathway Is That Marked By Jesus Christ Himself! 

The Pathway Of Righteousness 
That Path For One's Feet 
Where It Is Impossible For One To Go Astray 
When One Moment-By-Moment Chooses 
To Faithfully Follow In The Footsteps Of Our Savior 
Doing What He Did
Speaking As He Spoke
Loving As He Loves
Choosing To Let Your Conscience 
As Directed By The Holy Spirit Who Leads One Into All Truth 
Be The Sole Guide For Your Life In This Vale Of Tears! 


Please Do Not Expect To Hear The Still Small Voice Of God 
In The Whirlwind
In The Earthquake
In The Fire
Or In The Multitudinous Voices Of The Self-Serving Sort! 

Dear Ones, 

When We Long For The Sights And Sounds Of 
Those Seeking Distraction From Sorry Self And Sordid Sin
The Clamor They Make Gives One The Impression That All Is Well! 

These Dear Souls
Purchased At Infinite Price With The Innocent Blood
Find No Peace In Quietness 
And As Such
See No Point To Being Still! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Learn As King Solomon Learnt That 
A Life Lived By The Senses 
No Life At All 
Vanity And A Vexation Of One's Spirit! 

Learn From The Prophet Elijah That 
It Is In The Stillness That 
We Will Hear The Lord  Speak! 

There Is No Life In Unrighteousness
There Is No Death In Righteousness! 

The Life Lived For Christ Has No End! 
Let's Live For King Jesus! 


Saturday, September 10, 2022


Do You Make Excuses!?! 

Are You Making Excuses!?! 

Do You Desire To Be Excused For Having Done 
That Thing You Know That You Shouldn't Be Doing
That You Have No Right Doing 
It Is Wrong 
Displeases Your Lord Jesus 
Makes You Feel Like A Champion
Invincible, Loved, Lovable, Visible, Powerful
Like The Cat's Meow
Will Cause You To Be Excluded From 
The Camp Of The Courageous Ones 
Who Have Wisely Chosen To Have Themselves 
Permanently Excised 
From The Camp Of The Crazed, Craven, Corrupt, Carefree, Cruel
The Contemptuous Of The Lord Christ!?! 


There Is No Excuse For Sin 
There Is No Reason For Sin! 

Whatever Is Going On In Our Lives
We Must Arrive At That Bend In The Road 
Where Bright Hope For Tomorrow Meets Pale Glory Now! 

Dear Ones, 

Let Us Make The Decision To Quit Making Excuses Cold-Turkey 
Aka Without Holding Anything Back 
Without Glass Crutches! 

Let's Turn On The Spotlight Of Truth 
Dare To Walk In The Light 
Following After Him Who Is The Way To Surpassing Glory That 
Cannot Ever Fade Or Be Fouled By Folly! 

Jesus Saves! 
Salvation Is Free To Me And Thee! 
Acceptance Of The Unspeakable Gift Is Optional: 
Excuses Are Rejected! 
From Sinning Be Forever Set Free! 


Friday, September 9, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Prayer: Neither Ashamed Nor Afraid To Pray ...!


Heavenly Father, Kind And True
I Choose To Take You At Your Holy Word Because
It Needs No Reminders About Follow-Up And Follow Through! 

You Are The Living God, Holy, Faithful, Loving
The Ever Blessing God Who Is Not A Liar! 
I Give You Thanks And Praise! 

Lord, I Have Made Up My Mind That
I Want, Need, Desire, And Must Have All
Every Last Gift, Benefit, And Blessing That
You Have Promised Me In The Word Of Truth 
Through The Innocent Blood Spilt Because Of Me
For Me
On That Dark And Dread Day On Mount Calvary! 

Father, Without You, I Am Nothing
Can't Do Anything!

With You As My Guardian, My Guide
The One Who Causes Me To Live
Breathe And Just Be
By Your Gift To Me Of Free-Will
Freedom To Choose What I Want To Be And Do
I, This Day, Choose To Be What You Said That I Can Be
Which Is To Be Like My Blessed Savior
Jesus Christ The Lord! 

I Choose To Go Where You Send Me 
To Do What You Ask Me To Do! 

Lord, Please Help Me Not To Be Presumptuous
By Overstepping The Boundaries You Have Clearly Defined! 

Please Help Me, By Saving Grace
To Stay Under The Banner Of Prince Immanuel
Inside Of Your Hedge Of Protection That Is
Your Ten Commandments
The Keeping Of Which Is
The Key To A Happy And Peace-Filled Life!

I Need You, Father
I Am Neither Ashamed Nor Afraid To Pray That
I Will Come To Need You More And More Each And Every Day!

I Love You And I Come In Faith In Jesus' Holy Name:
Please Bless Me In My Need And Indeed!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

No Malice: No Mercy

When The Wrath Of The Living God 
Poured Out On The Sinful
Neither Malice Nor Mercy Shall Issue 
From His Holy Hand! 

"How Is Such A Thing Possible!" 
The Terrified Soul Exclaims
Suddenly Recognizing That The Very Savior He Roundly Scorned 
The King, Lord, And Judge Of All Flesh
Who Had Called And Beseeched Him 
To Take The Extended Hand 
Which Would See Him To Heaven Elected
By The Life's Work Of Sanctification
Well And Truly Perfected! 

To Those Who Showed Man No Mercy
To Those Who Considered Malice To Be As Soda Pop
To Be Guzzled And Spewed Upon The Ones That 
They Called Religious Fools And Nuts
The Very Idea That They Would Be Recipients Of 
Turn-About Being Fair Play 
Left Them With Eyeballs Sweating 
Their Tongues Hanging! 

Brethren, Beloved, 

This State Of Affairs Does Not Need To Be 
He Who Calls Us All To Salvation
Provides Grace Sufficient And Mercy Freely! 

We Are Called To Do Good 
To Ever Live Right
If We Make A Mistake It Is Not Fatal 
To Lead Us In The Path Of Righteousness 
His Sincere Delight! 

Confess Known Sin! 
Repent With Humility! 
Trust The Lord ... And Obey
Work The Gift ... Your Gift ... Of Faith 
Moment By Moment, Day By Day! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Great God Does Not Indulge Malice 
It Is A Satanic Construct 
The Withdrawal Of His Mercy To The Unrepentant 
At Their Request 
As They Saw No Reason To Get Their Decimating Sin Off Their Chest 
By Giving It To The Kind King
Jesus Christ The Lord! 

Sin Issues A Paycheck To All Who Do Its Dirty Work 
So If You Do Not Want To Cash The Check
- Non-Returnable After Mercy Takes Her Rest -
Dare, By Prayer And Petition, To Permit The Holy Spirit Of Truth 
In Your Sin-Scarred Heart To Take His Seat! 

Please Be Kind To Yourself
Always To Others 
At The Funeral Of The Malicious And Unmerciful Unrepentant Ones
There Will Be No Burial And For Sure 
No Live Token-Flowers! 

Be Wise For Your Own Self:
Choose Life In Christ! 


Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Park Your Faith On First Foremost And Forward!

There Is No Fear In Faith 
There Is No Faith In Doubt! 


We Serve The Holy God
The God Who Sees, Hears, Feels, Cares
Loves Us With The Love That Went To 
Conquered Death 
Is Still Alive And Loving Us
Is Working All Now 
To Save Us Who Are Willing And Eager To Be Saved! 

When Our Eyes Open Each Day
We Are Already Equipped With Faith 
For That Day Alone
To Trust In The Lord Christ Alone
To Live For Him Alone! 

We Do Not Have To Go On A Dangerous Expedition 
To Find Faith To Trust Our God! 

All We Have To Do 
Make The Call
Start Walking! 

The Decision To Trust Our Lord Jesus 
Puts The "Amen!" After The Deed To Be Completed 
It Is Even Started! 

Dear Ones, 

Please Remember That Simple Faith
The Gift Of The Eternal God 
To Finite Man Made In His Image, And After His Likeness
Mooooves Mountains Great, Middling, Or Small
Levels The Annoying Molehills 
Sure To Pop Up In Our Daily Lives! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Reach For The Extended Hand Of Help And Healing 
By Your Gift Of Daily Faith Received
Dare To View The Promised Land! 

Almighty God Is Ever Near! 

Please Do Not Allow Anybody 
To Steal Your Joy In Our Christ Jesus: 
Park  Your Faith On First, Foremost And Forward! 


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Spirit Or Flesh, Liars Lie!

The Devil And His Henchmen ... Both Witting And Deceived
Would Have Us To Believe That We Live In This World Alone 
That From Sin, Self, Sorrow, And Shame 
We Will Never Be Free! 

The Devil Is The Liar ... The Father Of Lies
Sin ... With Its Accessories 
The Condition That Can Only Be Cured By The Kind King
Jesus Christ Our Lord! 

Dear Ones, 

I Beseech Us All:

Do Not Into Doubt, Disbelief, And Deviltry 
Be Deceptively Lured By Satan
The Prince Damned For All Eternity 
Famous For Suffering From A Fatal Case Of "Self And I!" 

Please Be Wise 
Choose To Set Aside Self 
Seriously Seek The Savior! 


The Walk Of Faith Is Not Easy 
The Free Gift Of Faith 
Freedom To Be Free In 
Walk With Jesus Christ 
To Walk With Him And Not Be Weary! 

Our Father Is In Heaven 
He Watches Over Me And Thee! 
Wait Upon The Lord 
Humbly, Faithfully, Enduringly Do His Bidding
From Sin's Mastery Be Free! 

Willingly ... Wisely
Give Your Free Will To The Lord Jesus Today! 
