Saturday, November 26, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Live To Live Where Time Is Not Told!

Believe, Love, Trust, Honor, Worship 
Obey God! 

Faithfully Work 
Enduringly Watch And Wait On The Lord! 

Lovingly Care For 
Diligently Share The Good News Gospel Of Present Grace 
With All Potential Inheritors Of The Kingdom Of God 
Remembering That Our Job 
To Plant The Seed Of Joy And Gladness For Another To Water 
Even If That Other Person Turns Out To Be Ourselves 
While Understanding 
Expecting That It Is The Living God Alone 
Who Will Give The Increase! 


Be Not Wise In Your Own Eyes!
Be Not Content With Mediocrity! 


Be Not Ensnared By Grudge 
Aka The Cheap Lubricant Of Small-Minded, Near-Sighted People
Or Greed For Earthly Gain
The Grasping Nature Of Those Who Somehow Believe That 
Their Posturing And Pretending In The Face Of Man 
Fools The Father Into Filling Their Folios With Funds! 

Dear Ones, 

Do Not Tempt The Lord Of Life! 

Cain, Nimrod, Achan
Priests Nadab And Abihu, Hophni And Phineas, And Joel And Abiah
Prophet Balaam
Kings Saul And Ahab
Judas Iscariot The Betrayer 
Ananias And Sapphira
Simon The Sorcerer 
Sought To Bypass, Overlook, Profit From 
Undermine The Word, Way, And Will Of God 
Paid The Ultimate Price: 
Humans Can't Undo The Curse Of Death 
Nor The Command Of Damnation! 

Please Let The Lord Jesus Lead You In His Wise Ways Now 
Live To Live Where Time Is Not Told! 

Fear God! 


Friday, November 25, 2022


As Christians
We Should Always Seek Knowledge! 

As Committed To Christ Christians
We Should Know To Ask - With Fervent Prayers - For Help 
To Diligently Seek After The Desires Of A Heart For Christ 
With Unwavering Faith
To Knock - With Glorious Praise Known True - Upon 
The Throne Of Grace Of The Good And Kind King 
Who Invites His People, His Children
To Let Their Requests Be Made Known Unto Almighty God! 


We Who Are The Apple Of His Eye 
Have The Open Ear
The Strong And Extended Everlasting Arm
The Shelter That Is The Covert Of His Wings 
At Our Full Disposal! 

What A Mighty God We Serve 
Who Has The Unchallenged Power To Save 
The Sovereign Will To Seal All Who Are His Very Own! 

Oh, That We Would Truly, Humbly, Use 
Our Open Access To Divinity 
To Close Ourselves Off From The Indignity That Is Sin 
Which Leads To The Calamity That Is Damnation! 

Dear Ones, 

ASK Aka Accept Sin's Killer 
In The Glorious Presence Of Jesus Christ Our Lord! 

ASK Aka Adore Salvation's King 
In The Divine Presence Of Our Beloved Shiloh
The Prince Of Peace! 

We Have Divine Access 
Which Allows Us To Have And To Hold 
That Which Is Holy And Undefiled! 

Ask, In Accord With The Will And Ways Of Our Heavenly Father
For Your Blessing Which Brings No Sorrow With It ... Right Now! 


Thursday, November 24, 2022

THE HIKE OF MAN'S LIFETIME: Deciding Your Own Personal Final Eternal Outcome!


Be Convinced Of Truth
Be Convicted Of Sin
Be Careful For Nothing (That's Bible-Speak)
Be Committed To Your Lord Christ 
It Is Truly Your Heart's Sole Desire 
To Be A  Crowned Citizen Of 
The Holy And Eternal City! 

Imagine This Scenario 
Decide Your Own 
Personal Final Eternal As In Can't Be Undone 
Or Redone Outcome: 

You And Your Nearest And Dearest 
Have Allegedly, Supposedly, Committedly Trained For 
The Hike Of Man's Lifetime 
To The Eternal City! 

Again, It Is A Once-In-A-Lifetime Journey 
Even Though You Are Traveling Together
You Are Traveling Alone 
The Lord Who Calls, Equips And Accompanies All Travelers 
Only Helps Individuals! 

Warning ... 

What You Spend Your Time On
You Will Give Your Life For! 

Warning ... 

Nobody Can Give Away Of Their Personal Resources 
Aka The Oil In Their Lamp 
To Light Their Own Way 


They And Their Companions Will All Get Into The City! 

Your Companions Are Unable To Keep Up 
Are Stridently Asking You To Give Up 
Your Only Opportunity For Receiving The King's Crown Of Glory 
To, Instead, Stay With Them 
Until They Are Fit To Proceed ... Tomorrow! 

You Know That Tomorrow Is Not Promised 
You Choose To Go On Without Them 
All The While Hearing What A Dog Turd You Are 
Until You Hear Them No More 
As Time And Distance Separate You: 
You Lean On The Good Lord For Great Strength! 

Please Remember That 
The Old Ship Of Zion 
To Zion 
Leaves For Zion Only Once For All Mankind! 

Jesus Christ Is Lord: 
Be Thankful: 
Walk In His Will! 

Make Your Decision! 


Saturday, November 19, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Over-Populated ... With A Baby Shortage!?!


Be Aware! 

In The Space Of Less Than A Week
We Have Two Competing Stories 
Which Are Actually One Story: 

The World Is Over-Populated ... And Something Must Be Done 


Populations Are Aging ... And There Are Not Enough Babies Being Born! 

Both Of These Stories Come From Notable "Experts" On The Issues
It Is Impossible For Both Of These Stories To Be True! 

We Can't Be Over-Populated 
Under-Populated At One And The Same Time! 

Didn't The Eternal God
Create The Earth Himself!?!


A Committed To Christ Christian Has To Be, By Definition
A Competent Reader Searcher-Researcher Of The Word 
Who Is Willing To Ask The Lord To Grant Wisdom 
To Fill An Obvious Lack! 

Dear Ones, 

There Will Be No Idiot-Children In Heaven 
We, Being Taught Of Almighty God
Will Be Able To Spot A Snow-Job Even In A Snow-Storm 
On Earth! 

Satan Is Our Mortal Enemy 
When Your Enemy Is Identifying Your Problem
Proposing And Campaigning For 
Their Solution To Your Problem
Christian, You Done Gots Yourself Situated On That There Thing Called 
The Horns Of A Dilemma 
You Don't Truly Know The Will, Ways, And Working Of 
Your True And Only Savior, Lord, God, And King! 

Jesus Christ Made A Flying Serpent Into A Wriggling Worm
Made A Street Through The Sea
Gave A Braying Donkey A Voice Box
Stopped Time
Made A Proud King Eat Common Grass
Fertilized Barren Wombs
Raised The Done And Dead To Life
So You May Trust Him To Give You A Mind 
To See And Know The Truth!  

Wisely And Freely Dare To Question Lying Man 
Unfailingly Trust And Obey Jesus Christ The Lord 
Who Is The Truth 
Which Never Changes 
Even When Cast Down! 

Pray For The Holy Spirit's Guidance
Open Your King James Bible 
Read With Healed Eyes And A Sharpened Mind! 


Friday, November 18, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Are You Living A 3-D Life!?!


Is The Sense, The Spirit, Of Entitlement 
Causing You To Live A 3-D Life!?! 

Is Your Life Such That 
There Is Disrespect Because Of Dishonesty 
Which Is Leading, Or Has Led, To Disappointment In A Relationship!?! 


Be Careful! 

Entitlement Is To A Christian 
What Faith Is To A Humanist: 
It Does Not Belong
Doesn't Work
Doesn't Profit Aka Doesn't Bless! 

We Cannot Disappoint 
The All-Seeing, All-Knowing, Ever-Present God Of Grace 
Who Inhabits Glory 
We Can And Do Disappoint Our Fellow-Man 
Whom We Are Called To Love As We Love Ourselves 
By The Holy God Whom We Say That We Joyfully Serve! 

Dear Ones, 

Any Indulged Behavior That 
The Lord Jesus Cannot, Will Not, Bless 
By Extension 

Dishonesty Disrespects 
Disrespect Disappoints! 

In The Household Of Faith
We Have Free-Will, Choice, And Chance! 

Let Us Be Wise 
Choose To Do Right Always 
It Is Good And Right 
Our Lord Commands It! 

Let Us Live As Though We Truly Love 
Serve And Worship The Living God 
Not The Thing That Causes Jealousy Aka Idols
Even Our Own Self! 

Be Humble
Be Gracious
Be Blessed! 


Thursday, November 17, 2022

HA-SATAN: Take Off The World's Comforted-By-A-Lie Pajamas!

Jesus Christ The Lord
The Prince Of Peace And Glory
The Truth
The Sword Of His Mouth, The Word Of God, The Truth
Cuttingly Sharp! 

Denying The Truth Does Not Make It A Lie
Rewriting The Truth Does Not Make It Holy Aka The Truth! 


We Seriously Need To Wake Up 
Take Off The World's Comforted By A Lie Pajamas 
As Manufactured And Sold By Complacency 
Which Is A Brand Of Ha-Satan Aka Satan 
Aka The Accuser Of The Brethren 
Aka The Adversary! 

Let No One, Man Or Spirit, Deceive You! 

No Holy Angel Will Help You To Sin Against Almighty God 
No Fallen Angel Aka Evil Spirit 
Will Show You The Way To Calvary
To Christ
To The Father's House! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Lord Jesus Has Made It Plain That 
We Must Know The Truth 
We Are To Be Set Free From Sin 
Which, In Essence, Calls The Truth
- Which Can Only Come From Almighty God -
A Lie
The Truth, Jesus Christ, The Life Giver
A Bad Word And A Liar! 

Who Are You Going To Believe: 

The Truth, The Savior, That Sets  Us Free Indeed
The Already Damned For Eternity Liar 
Who Is Seeking To Stop You From Receiving 
What He, With Malice, Threw Away 
Can Never, Ever, Ever, Recover!?! 

All Of God's Gifts
- In The Person Of Christ
By The Word Of Promise
And Daily Care -
Are Good, Good, Very Good
Blessed Forever! 

Let's Lovingly Look Upon Our Jesus 
Walk By The Word In The Ways Of Our Lord
Let Satan Eat Dirt 
Crawl On The Ground Like The Snake, The Serpent, That 
He Is Biblically Known To Be! 

Truth And Peace To You!

Monday, November 14, 2022

Easy Sin: Beware The Dot That Dashes!

Beware The Dot That Dashes! 

Sin Is The Easiest Thing To Do 
Is Impossible To Get Out Of  Without Taking 
The Easiest Step We Will Ever Take In Our Lives! 

The Best Decision We Will Ever Make In Our Lives 
It Requires Making The Hardest Decision Of Our Lives 
Aka Giving Up That Blasted Boulder In Our Lives 
Which Repeatedly, Meticulously, Carves A Dot Of Sin 
Which Distinctly Dashes Our Desire For Christ In Us
Our Only Hope For Surpassing Glory! 



A Pound Of Feathers 
Weighs The Same As A Pound-Ball Of Lead 
With One Very Striking Difference 
Which Starkly Displays What Sin Is 
Can Do In Our Lives! 

Dear Ones, 

Choosing To Be In Christ And Bearing That Pound-Ball Of Lead 
Will Make You Give It Up To The Master! 

How Much Does One Feather Weigh!?! 

How Many Feathers Make A Pound!?! 
Some Estimates Say 454 Feathers Are In A Pound! 

If Sin Is As A Feather
How Many Feathers Of The Pound 
Will It Take To Condemn You To Hell 
Aka Eternally Separate You From God, From Salvation, 
You Daily Choose Self Over Your Savior!?! 

Can You Hold 454 Feathers In Your Bare Hands!?! 

Are You Able To Bear The Weight Of Your Feather, Your Sin, Yourself!?! 

If You Know That You Can Bear The Weight 
Pay The Price For Your Own Sin
Keep Collecting, Hoarding, And Admiring Your Feathers ... Your Sins! 

If You Know The Weight Of Your Sin Is Too Heavy
The Cost Of Carrying Your Sin Is Too High
Pass Your Parcel Of Plumes 
To The Prince Of Peace For Processing 
To Get Your Ticket To Paradise! 


Saturday, November 12, 2022


Unhappy People Seek To Make Happy People Unhappy! 


Envious People Seek To Make Contented People Envious! 

Envy Is To Lie 
What Contentment Is To Truth 
We, As Bible-Believing, Christ-Following Christians
Must Guard Our Hearts Against The Pin-Pricks Of Satan 
Which Cause Slow-Leaks In Our Balloon Of Blessing 
Which Will Never Burst 
We Ever Choose To Trust In The Truth Of God
Walk In The Wisdom Of The Wise
Let Unfailing Faith Free Us 
From The Folly Of Fretting Over The Finite! 


When Your Father Is The Living God
The Streets Of His City Are Known Paved With Gold
The Twelve Foundations Of That City 
Are Known To Be Precious Stones
Our Having To Temporarily Walk On Streets Of Dirt 
To Experience Deprivation 
Acquire A Ram-Rod Backbone 
Through Our Experiences In Our "Year Abroad" 
Should Strengthen Us 
Delight Us At One And The Same Time! 

Dear Ones, 

We Have A Date With Destiny, With Divinity
The Outcome Of That Date 
By Our Own Devising! 

Almighty God Gives Good Gifts 
So Let Us Not Be Self-Indulgent
Reject The Training Of The Lord! 

We Receive What The Lord Desires Us To Have
For Our Never-Sorry Blessing! 

Envy Serves No Good Purpose: 
Ask Lucifer The Light-Bearer Who Became, By Envious Choice
Satan The Adversary Of The Living God 
All That Is Good! 

Let's Be Satisfied In And With The Savior 
Be Calmly Contented In Christ! 

God Is! 


Friday, November 11, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Prayer: Lord, I Am Yours Three Times!



I Am Yours Three Times
And My Heart Is Made Glad!

I Am Blessed And I Know It!
I Am Yours Because You Said That When I Pray
That I Should Say:
"Our Father Which Art In Heaven!" 
I Am Your Child!

I Am Yours Because You Said
"Trust In The Lord With All Your Strength
And Lean Not On Your Own Understanding ...!
 I Am An Eager Student In The School Of Jesus!

I Am Yours Because You Asked:
"Whom Shall I Send And Who Will Go For Us!?!"
I Am Your Willing Servant Ready For Duty
And Awaiting Your Equipping For Service!

I Am Yours Because I Know That
You Are The Creator God Who Made Me In Your Own Image
After Your Own Likeness!

 I Am Yours Because You Sent Your Only Son
Jesus Christ The Lord Of Life
To Die The Death Of The Accursed
So That I May Be Redeemed From Sin
To Return To Your House, My Father's House
Cleansed, Accepted, Made Incorruptible
And Immortalized
To Live The Life Of The Eternally Blessed

I Am Yours Because I Cried:
"Oh, Wretched Man That I Am!
Who Shall Deliver Me From The Body Of This Death!?!"
And You Answered And Said:
"Come Unto Me All Ye That Labor And Are Heavy Laden
And I Will Give You Rest!
I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life!"

I Am A Sinner By Nature And By Long Practice
And Knowing That My Life Condemned Me To Death
I Cried Unto You
And You Brought Me Up To Your Level
As I Prayed For Deliverance
And You Ever So Gently Said By The Messenger: 
"If We Confess Our Sin
He Is Faithful And Just To Forgive Us Our Sin
And To Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness!" 

I Humbly Confessed And You Drew Me To Your Side! 

I Started To Cry And In You, I Did Humbly Confide!

There Are No Secrets Between Us!
All That I Need To Know, And Do
You Teach Me Day By Day!

All The Work Necessary To Be Performed
I Strive And, By Grace, Do It Willingly:
New-Day Faith Is Pay! 

By Your Living Word
To The Throne Of Grace I, Moment By Moment, Go
Because I Do Not Choose To Know Life
As The Sinning World Knows It!

I Choose To Use The Gifts You Have Given To Me
And My Free Choice, My Free Will, I Give To You, My King
My Father, My Lord, My God, My Savior, And My Friend
Who Has Chosen To Love And Keep Me In Your Holy Care
So That I May Have The Record Clear
The Character Without Blemish
And The Lot With No Lease
Because You, Being Ever Kind
Have Made Me Your Responsibility!

Soon, Very Soon
My Faithful Endurance
Shall See Me Crossing The Separating Line
So That I Shall Know As I Am Known
And See As I Am Seen
And I Shall Forever Behold Your Face
The Face Of My Beloved, My God Holy Divine!

You Are The Bread Of Life!
You Are The Water Of Life!
You Are The Oil Of Gladness!
You Are Giving Me Beauty For Ashes
So, Please, I Beseech You
Pour Out Of Your Holy Spirit Into This Jar Of Clay
Because You Are My All And All
And I Worship You!

I Love You
And I Sing Your Praises
And I Pray All These Things In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
The Dear Name Blessed Forever!
Please Come For Us Soon!

Monday, November 7, 2022

Do You Understand What You Say That You Know!?!

If You Say You Know Something
It Should Mean That You Understand It! 

If You Say That You Understand Something
It Should Mean That You Accept It For What It Is
Whether It Is The Truth Or A Lie! 

If You Accept Something For What It Is
- Truth Or Lie -
Then You Should Be Able To Act For Or Against It 
According To The Stated Will Of The Eternal God! 


We Know That Jesus Christ Saves! 

We Understand That Jesus Saves Sinners 
From Sin, Self, Death, The Grave, And Hell! 

We Accept That We Are Sinners 
It Is Us Each, Individually, That Jesus Christ Saves! 

We Act Upon Information And Belief 
Personally Go To Jesus Christ For His Free-To-All Salvation 
Ask Him To Save Us 
Keep Us Safe Under The Shelter Of His Wings! 

Dear Ones, 

Belief Requires Action! 
Faith Requires Trust! 
Grace Gives Mercy! 


Heavenly Glory Required And Requires Earthly Sacrifice! 

Everlasting Love Will Not Let Us Go! 

Know The Truth! 
Understand The Sacrifice! 
Accept The Love Like A Greatly Beloved Child Of God 
Act With Alacrity Like A Faithful, On-Duty, Servant Of God! 

Please Draw  Near To Jesus Christ The Lord 
For Life, Love, And Light! 


Saturday, November 5, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Way-Maker: The Forever Friend Of The Faithful!


We Often Hear And Say That 
It Is Good To Have A Friend And Bad To Want One! 

Okay ... But Let Us Carefully Think This Through! 


Would You Take Anyone As Your Friend Just To Say: 

"At Least I Have A Friend!?!" 


 Would You ... In The Abundance Of Caution
Choose To Choose A Friend Who May Not Necessarily Have Means 
Aka Money, Power, And Influence
Is High In Morals, Emotional Maturity, And Constancy!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Satan Sells Himself To Man As Man's Welfare Friend 
He Is  Wayward! 

Our Savior Is The True Friend, The Way-Maker! 

A Wayward Person 
Given To Fits And Starts
Is Malignantly Self-Centered And 
Known For Indulging Malicious Intent! 

Our Dear Savior
Our Prince Shiloh Aka Our Peace
Our Forever Friend
Our Only Way-Maker Who Has Taken Unto Himself 
The Task Of Blessing And Benefitting Us 
To Bless And Benefit Ourselves ... And Others! 

Satan Walked Away From The Truth 
Cannot Be A Friend To Any Human! 

Jesus Christ ... Our Only Savior
The Truth
Is The Forever Friend Of The Faithful! 

The Choice Is Clear! 

Will You Make Jesus Your No Sorrow, No Regrets, Choice!?! 
He Is Forever Faithful 
His Hand Is Reaching Out For You! 


Friday, November 4, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH: Oh, To Have A Discerning Heart!

Discernment, A Discerning Heart Aka Mind 
The Gift That Almighty God Gave To King Solomon 
At Solomon's Request! 

Request Your Own! 

The Ability To Wisely Judge
To Clearly See The Difference Between Good And Bad Things 
Using Godly Wisdom 
That Beautiful Hand-Maiden, Understanding
To Make A Good And Sound Judgment Call! 


Everybody Is A Judge
A Critic
An Expert 
Everybody Is Wrong ... Dead Wrong
Unless Jesus Christ ... By His Holy Spirit
Has Got The Wheel 
Is In Control! 

Dear Ones, 

Let Us Cease From Being Everybody 
Dare, With Humility, To Be Somebody
Aka Someone Whom The Lord May Use In His Service 
To Bless Others 
In So Doing, Bless Ourselves! 

Let Us Not Just Use Our Heads To Wear Hats
Or Only Use Our Eyes To Just Oogle The Pretties! 

May The Great God Of Heaven And Earth 
Enliven Our Lives 
Enlighten Our Minds And Eyes 
So That We May See, Love, Live, And Share The Truth 


Deny And Defy The Father Of Lies
Despising His Lies And His Way Of Life


Let Us Dare To Show Others The Lord Of Life 
His Known Holy
Ever Good
Always Glorious Way! 

Spiritual Discernment ... 

In Favor Of The Divine Lord! 
