Saturday, December 17, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Our Blessed Savior Loves Us Beyond Death!

Humans Have The Senses 
To Hear, See, Taste, Touch, And Feel! 

Indulging In The Senseless Is Also Applied To Us! 

Some Humans Say That 
The Lord Has A Sense Of Humor! 

Why Would We Lower Our Lord 
To The Tasteless Level Of Humans Who
- With Their "Sense Of Humor" -
Indulge In Hurtful, Mean-Spirited, Cruel
Dangerous, Deadly, Even Demonic Pranks 
In The Name Of Humor!?! 

Do You Hear Any Laughter!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Never, Ever, Forget That 
Our Great God Is Not A Man That He Should Lie 
Or Have To Say "I AM Sorry!" For Doing Anything 
Because He Hurt Your Feelings! 


Our Blessed Savior Loves Us Beyond Death 
So Indulging In The Idiotic Is Not Part Of His Plan 
For Our Salvation! 

The Lord Jesus 
Purposeful In All Of His Dealings With Mankind
Especially So With His Beloved Saints! 

With This In Mind, Let Us Remember 
The Sons Of Thunder, James And John 
Who Wanted To Sit On The Right And Left Hand Of 
Jesus Christ The King In The Kingdom Of Light
Who Proclaimed That They Could Drink Of The Lord's Cup: 
He Gave Them Their Desire To Drink Of His Cup! 

Apostle James Poured His Heart Into The Lord's Work 
Was Martyred By Beheading! 

The Beloved Apostle John Did The Blessed Work 
Was Boiled In Oil
Miraculously Survived
Thereafter Produced, On The Isle Of Patmos, By Inspiration
The Wonderful Book Of The Revelation 
For Our Education And Blessing! 

Apostle John Died Peacefully, An Old Man! 

We Will See Them Both In The Kingdom! 

Never, Ever, Forget ... 

There Is No Loss With The Lord Jesus 
So Trust Him If Heaven Is Your Goal! 
He Saves And Seals! 


Friday, December 16, 2022

Truth Will Light Our Path To Peace!

A Christian Who Walks "Wisely" In Their Imagination 
In The Idle Belief That They Are Safe In This World 
They Are Using A Long Spoon 
When They Sup With The Devil And His Minions 
Has Lost The Prize Before The Horse Race Has Even Started! 


Never Let Devilish Pride Stop You From Saying Your Prayers 
Letting Our Dear Savior Know That 
You Are Overwhelmed 
By All That Concerns Your Daily Life And Living! 

Being Overwhelmed
Being Buried By Bills, Work 
Physical, Emotional, And Spiritual Problems 
A Recipe For Disaster Best Remedied 
By A Visit To The Always Accessible Throne Of Grace 
Where The Always Available King Of Glory And Prince Of Peace 
Always Available ... To You, To Me, To Us! 

Free Mercy Will Correct Us With Care
Chastise Us With Love 
Comfort Us As The People Of The Living God 
By The Holy Spirit Who Leads Us Into All Truth! 

Truth Will Light Our Path To Peace
Provision, Purity

We Are Not Alone: 
Our Loving God Is With Us! 

Dear Ones, 

Let Us Never Forget 
What Our Lord Has Done For Us In The Past
What He Is Doing For Us All Like Right Now
Remember, Remember, Don't Ever Forget 
What He Has Promised, By His Own Spilt, Innocent Blood 
To Do For Us Each, Individually, Personally
In The Life To Come! 

Let Us Choose To Overwhelm The Devil And His Minions 
By Our Clear And Obvious, Principled Aka Godly Devotion 
To Jesus Christ Our Lord Who Provides! 

Prove The Lord Today: 
Give Him Your Need By Prayer Wrapped In Trust 
Delivered By Faith! 


HAPPY SABBATH + Walk By Unfailing Faith In Our Lord Jesus!

Fear Of The Unknown On A Known-Dying Earth 
Will Cost The Fearful And Unbelieving Their Purchased Seat
At The Table Of The Everlasting Father 
In The Living Kingdom Of The Eternally Blessed! 


We As Professedly Committed Christians 
In The Cause Of Our Savior-Redeemer, Jesus Christ The King
Must Continually Walk By Unfailing Faith In Our Lord Jesus! 

We Must Not, We Cannot, Live Fearfully And Fretfully 
By Lying Eyesight! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Lord Jesus 
Creator And King
Redeemer And Friend
Where The Word Of The Holy King Is Given
Acted Upon
There Is Liberty! 

We Who Believe
Trust And Obey
Endure ... Working Our Daily Gift Of Unfailing Faith
May Live Peacefully In The Midst Of Turmoil, War, And Strife! 

We May Also Rest Easy In The Certain Knowledge That 
Our Lord Jesus Is Our Shepherd
Our Strength
The Refuge Wherein We Find Safety 
As Long As We Choose To Abide
- To Stay Sheltered And Protected - 
Under His Wings
In His Arms
Within His Hedge Of Protection
In His Covert 
Where Nothing Dirty, Defiling, Nor Damnable May Reside! 


Believe, Honor, Trust, Worship
Give Thanks
Offer Up Your Prayers
Sing Praise In The Knowledge That 
Our King In Zion Reigns And Rules
We Wholly Belong To Him! 

Be Hopeful! 
Be Prayerful! 
Be Vigilant
Be Blessed In Jesus' Name!

Fear The Holy God! 


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Don't Tempt The Living God!


Be Very Careful About Who ... And What 
You Permit To Become The "Light" 
The Be All-End All Of Your Life And Living! 

Dear Ones, 

The Lord Has Made It Abundantly Clear That 
He Owns Everything! 
He Has Also Made It Clear That 
He Will Give Us Everything ... Everlasting! 

Did He Not Give Us His Only Begotten Son 
To Be Our Everlasting Portion!?! 

If We Look At The Lives Of 
Prophet Balaam, King Saul, And King Ahab
We Will See And Know 
Understand And Accept That 
Foolishness Isn't Sense
Being Self-Willed Is Silly
Disobedience Is Disastrous
Playing Dead To Right Living Aka Righteousness
In The Presence Of The Life-Giver
To See What Kind Of Funeral You Are Going To Receive 
Seriously Asinine! 

Just As We Know That Holy Angels Minister 
To Us Who Are To Be Inheritors Of Jesus Christ's Free To All Salvation
There Are Fallen Angels, Evil Spirits, Demons
Who Take Malicious Pride In Encouraging The Disobedient 
To Buy Materials And "Aiding" Them In Constructing 
The Last Comfortable Couch They Will Ever Lie Upon 
Not That They Will Know It! 


Be Wise For Your Own Self! 

Don't Tempt The Living God 
Who Can Destroy You Body And Soul In Hell! 

The Lord Has Promised Us Things That 
Man's Eyes Have Never Seen
Nor Man's Ears Have Ever Heard Spoken About 
So Let Us Not Seek Our Own Way
Walk In Our Own Will
Or Satisfy Ourselves Through Sin 
By Willful, Knowing, Disobedience! 

Please Give Your All To And For Christ Jesus: 
Obedience Truly Pays! 


Sunday, December 11, 2022

Where Is Our Confidence In Christ!?!


Be Not Afraid To Use Your Words
- The Words Of Our Lord Jesus -
With Confidence, Caring, And Compassion! 

How Is It That Bold Sinners, Idolaters, Deceivers
Users, Abusers, Mockers, And The Scorners Of 
All Things Holy, Good, Clean
Perfect To Save Our Souls From Sin, Self
Death, The Grave, And Certain Hell 
Use Their Unwise Words With Pointed, Practiced Precision!?! 

Christians, What Is Our Problem!?! 

Where Is Our Holy Boldness!?! 

Where Is Our Confidence In Christ 
Who Has Called Us To Service
Equipped Us For Our Various Assignment
Is Accompanying Us Into The Lions' Dens
The Fiery Furnaces
The Enemy Encampments!?! 

Is The Damned Destroyer Stronger Than Our Creator-Savior!?! 

Is The Lord's Peace Less Than The Liar's War!?! 

Dear Ones, 

We Are Travelling Citizens Of 
The Kingdom Of The Eternally Blessed 
We Are Truly Nearing Our Forever Home! 

This, Therefore, Is Not The Time 
To Be Bar-Room, Kitchen-Counter
Politically-Correct, Kissing-Cousins Friends With The World 
To Offend And Be Enemies Of Our Blessed Jesus 
Who Alone Saves! 

Let's Get In ... And Do Our Work! 

Let's Tell The Gospel Story 
Get Out Of Where We're Not Welcomed
Let's Go Up To Glory As Obedient And Faithful Stewards! 

Let's Bless Others With The Lord's Wonderful Words Of Life! 


Saturday, December 10, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Please Cast Your Every Care On Our King Jesus!


Can We Agree To Not Be Dismayed By What Is Going On Around Us 
We Choose To Believe 
The Holy, Infallible, Unfailing, Word Of The Eternal God That 
These Are The Signs Of The Times As Prophesied!?! 

Can We Gratefully Accept That 
Our Lord Jesus Has Promised To Never Forget Us 
Will Provide For Us And Help Us 
He Loves Us As His Own Personal Treasure!?! 

Dear Ones, 

As Always, We Have Choices To Make 
The Opportunity Today In Which To Make Them! 

We Have To Choose Between 
Swallowing The Poison-Pen Productions Of 
The Talking Heads Who Love The Man-Made Jesus 
Who Pours Kool-Aid Of Convenience 
And Self-Justification's Joy-Juice 

The Blood Of The Lamb Of God 
Slain From The Foundation Of The Earth 
Which Is Able To Make Us Clean Before Our Father
Who Is In Heaven On His Great White Throne 
From Which He Cannot Be Unseated 
By Neither Elaborate Lie Nor Wishful Thinking! 

We Have A Textbook, The Bible Of Truth
Which Contains Answers To All Our Questions 
That Same Book Tells Us That 
Our Lord Jesus Is Coming For Us As The King Victorious! 

Will You Humble Yourself Under Jesus Christ's Mighty Hand 
Permit His Kindly Light 
To Lead You Safely From Earth To Our Eternal Home!?! 

With Your Faith Exercising
Please Cast Your Every Care On Our King
Shiloh, The Prince Of Peace
On Immanuel, Our God With Us! 


Friday, December 9, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Don't Let Satan Gaslight You!



We Should Know That In The Household Of Faith 
There Is No Such Thing As Participation In "Borderline" Sin! 

We Know That This Is So 
We Are Commanded To Abstain, To Shun
To Stay Away From Anything That Has The Appearance
The Look, The Image
The Stamp Of Evil, Of Sin! 

Dear Ones, 

There Is An Old Saw Which Says: 

"Play With The Kitty
Know That You Will Get Scratched!" 

Kitty Or Catty, They Both Have Claws! 

By Now We Should Know That Satan, The Originator Of Sin
A Gaslighting Specialist 
Who Would Have Us Believe Other Than What We Know To Be 
The Saving Truth! 

Sin Destroys! 
Sin Is An Aphrodisiac 
Aka One Sin Is Never Enough! 

Borderline Sin Which Is Sin
Is Like
Knowing You Cannot Have Chocolate Cake 
Choosing To Make And Bake One 
Cutting It Up And Giving Away All The Slices 
And Then
Eating The Crumbs And Licking The Cake-Plate With Relish! 

A Voluntary Act With Moral And Eternal Implications: 
It Pleases Our Lord Jesus Christ! 

We Are To Abstain From Sin 
Everything That Even Remotely Looks Like Sin 
And Instead 
Joyfully Embrace Christ's Free-To-All Salvation! 

Let Us Not Fool Ourselves! 
Eating The Crumbs Of What Will Kill You 
Will Kill You Just As Dead! 

Be Warned ... 

The Altar Of Sin! 

Let Us Fervently Pray For The Holy Spirit's Help 
To Keep Ourselves Firm In Our Resolve 
To Abstain From Anything That Looks Like Evil, Like Sin, Today! 


Saturday, December 3, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Grace Is Strength And Truth Is Light!

Since God Is Our Refuge And Strength 
And Jesus Christ Is The Word 
And The Word Is The Truth 
And The Word Is God
Jesus Christ Is God, Our Strong Refuge! 

Since Grace Is Strength 
And Truth Is Light
And Light Is The Life Of Every Man
And Jesus Is The Light Of The World
Every Man Needs Life
Every Man Needs Jesus Christ
Every Man Needs God Who Is The Author Of Life 
Who Gives Faith Without Which No Man May Please God 
Who Reigns And Rules 
And Has Provided Rules For The Road 
Upon Which Man Must Obediently Travel With Endurance 
He Is To Get Home To God 
Who Is Both Kind King And Righteous Judge 
And High Priest And Advocate 
Who Was Made Sin For Us 
Was Sinless
And Spotless
And Blameless
And Clean To Clean The Spotted
And Pure To Purify The Putrid
And Is Love Loving The Unlovely 
Who Unwisely Reject His Wisdom 
Which Is Truth Pointing To Life 
Which Lights This World Of Sin 
Whereon Dwells Sinners 
Whom He Calls To Receive Salvation From The Friend 
Who, Indeed, Is He Who, Alone, Saves Sinners 
Who, Indeed, Are We All 
Who Must Confess And Repent Of Our Sin 
We Are To Stand Forgiven And Cleansed 
Before The Throne Of Grace 
Which Throne Belongs To Christ Who Is Our Righteousness
Who Is Our Refuge And Strength From In The Beginning 
Where God Created The Heavens And The Earth
The Sea And All That Is In Them 
Whether Fallen Or Standing Firm In The Faith Of Jesus
The King Of Glory
Who Invites Us Willing 
To Enter The Abode Of The Blessed Of God And Christ 
Who Is Our Only Hope For Help, Healing
For Heaven At The Last Trumpet Of God 
Who Is Holy, Just, And Ever True! 

Think About It
Believe And Live! 


Friday, December 2, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + What!?! You Went To A Medium, A Witch!?!

The Holy God Whom We Say That We Humbly Serve 
Not A Liar
Any One Of Us Who Boldly, Like King Saul, Trespasses 
On Satan's Enchanted Ground 
Expecting To And Receiving A "Good Word" 
Getting A Word From That Known Lying Devil! 


To Say That You Went To A Medium 
An Angel Of The Lord Spoke Through The Medium 
To Ask You If You Know The Lord
Required You To Choose Between The Lord And The Liar 
Before Said Medium Could Continue Her Tarot Card Reading 
To Take A Big Step Into Rank Spiritualism! 

You Then Boldly Reject The Lord 
The Medium Tells You About 
Your Past, Present, And Your Future! 

Whoa, Woe! 


No Matter How Many "White Light Angels" Appear 
- With Messages From "The Lord" 
Delivered Through Mediums, Witches
Who Are Known Servants Of Satan -
You Will Want To Repent To Almighty God 
For Indulging In Gross Folly! 

Witches Are Accursed Creatures 
The Lord Will Never Go Against His Own Word
His Own Character! 

Furthermore, The Lord Will Never Send A Message 
Telling Any Of His Children 
To Submit Their Will To A Church Pastor! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Stubborn Will 
To Only Be Submitted To The True And Living Holy God! 

Please Remember That 
Five Yards Of Two-Inch Wide Ribbon Of Truth 
Stitched To The Bottom Of Five Yards Of 
One-Eighth Inch White Ribbon Of Lie 
Effectively Five Yards Of 2 1/8 Inch Wide Ribbon Of Lie! 

Lie In Truth Is Lie
Truth In Lie Is Still Lie!

Lie Is Lie 
Truth Is Truth 
Never Can The Two Be Combined To Make Lie Into Truth! 

Don't Get It Twisted ...

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand 
Satan Will Never Encourage A Sinner To Become A Saint 
Aka Satan Will Never Give Jesus Christ Any Business! 

Please Guard Your Heart 
Fortify Your Mind With The Wonderful Words Of Life! 

Pray In Faith To Our Father God 
In The Name Of Jesus Christ His Son, Our Savior ... Yourself! 
You Are Invited To The Throne Of Grace
You Are Welcomed!


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Done De War: Flee Youthful Lusts!


It Is Easy-Peasy Pumpkin Squeezy To Tell Somebody To "Be Wise!" 

It Is Easy For Us To Be Wise 
When We Ask Our Lord Jesus To Grant Us 
Wisdom, Insight, Strength, And Endurance 
As We Go Through This Journey Called The Earthly Life 
As We Strive To Reach That Heavenly Land Called Eternal Life! 


Let Us Never Forget That 
There Is Much That We May Receive Of The Lord 
Will Not Receive 
We Do Not Ask 
If We Do Ask
It Is With Wrong Motives 
As In Asking With Lust! 

Dear Ones, 

Lust Is A Four-Letter Dirty Word 
Best Kept Out Of The Mind And Mouth Of A Christian! 

Lust "Elevates" The Thing Lusted After 
To The Denigrated State Of Impurity 
Willfully Dishonors The Holy God Who Gives Us Grace 
Grants Us The Opportunity To Be Raised Up 
To Share In His Eternal Glory! 

Think About It Like Lusting After The Flesh Of Someone 
Just To Put A Notch On A Bed-Head ... No Marriage Covenant! 


In The Name Of Our  Lord Jesus
I Sincerely Pray For Each One Of Us 
The Choice Blessing Of The Unseared, Rigorously Active
Secularly Much Despised Guilty Conscience 
Which Is For The Sole Use Of The Holy Spirit 
Who Leads Us Into All Saving Truth! 

Consider Yourself A Vehicle
Consider Your Conscience As Maintained By The Holy Spirit 
Your Brakes And Back-Bone And Back-Brace
Consider The Holy Spirit Your Perfect Driver 
The Lord Jesus Is Your Everlasting Portion! 

Be Wise For Your Own Self 
Don't Make Any Further Use Of 
The Dead Weight That Is Youthful Lust! 
Done De War! 


Saturday, November 26, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Live To Live Where Time Is Not Told!

Believe, Love, Trust, Honor, Worship 
Obey God! 

Faithfully Work 
Enduringly Watch And Wait On The Lord! 

Lovingly Care For 
Diligently Share The Good News Gospel Of Present Grace 
With All Potential Inheritors Of The Kingdom Of God 
Remembering That Our Job 
To Plant The Seed Of Joy And Gladness For Another To Water 
Even If That Other Person Turns Out To Be Ourselves 
While Understanding 
Expecting That It Is The Living God Alone 
Who Will Give The Increase! 


Be Not Wise In Your Own Eyes!
Be Not Content With Mediocrity! 


Be Not Ensnared By Grudge 
Aka The Cheap Lubricant Of Small-Minded, Near-Sighted People
Or Greed For Earthly Gain
The Grasping Nature Of Those Who Somehow Believe That 
Their Posturing And Pretending In The Face Of Man 
Fools The Father Into Filling Their Folios With Funds! 

Dear Ones, 

Do Not Tempt The Lord Of Life! 

Cain, Nimrod, Achan
Priests Nadab And Abihu, Hophni And Phineas, And Joel And Abiah
Prophet Balaam
Kings Saul And Ahab
Judas Iscariot The Betrayer 
Ananias And Sapphira
Simon The Sorcerer 
Sought To Bypass, Overlook, Profit From 
Undermine The Word, Way, And Will Of God 
Paid The Ultimate Price: 
Humans Can't Undo The Curse Of Death 
Nor The Command Of Damnation! 

Please Let The Lord Jesus Lead You In His Wise Ways Now 
Live To Live Where Time Is Not Told! 

Fear God! 


Friday, November 25, 2022


As Christians
We Should Always Seek Knowledge! 

As Committed To Christ Christians
We Should Know To Ask - With Fervent Prayers - For Help 
To Diligently Seek After The Desires Of A Heart For Christ 
With Unwavering Faith
To Knock - With Glorious Praise Known True - Upon 
The Throne Of Grace Of The Good And Kind King 
Who Invites His People, His Children
To Let Their Requests Be Made Known Unto Almighty God! 


We Who Are The Apple Of His Eye 
Have The Open Ear
The Strong And Extended Everlasting Arm
The Shelter That Is The Covert Of His Wings 
At Our Full Disposal! 

What A Mighty God We Serve 
Who Has The Unchallenged Power To Save 
The Sovereign Will To Seal All Who Are His Very Own! 

Oh, That We Would Truly, Humbly, Use 
Our Open Access To Divinity 
To Close Ourselves Off From The Indignity That Is Sin 
Which Leads To The Calamity That Is Damnation! 

Dear Ones, 

ASK Aka Accept Sin's Killer 
In The Glorious Presence Of Jesus Christ Our Lord! 

ASK Aka Adore Salvation's King 
In The Divine Presence Of Our Beloved Shiloh
The Prince Of Peace! 

We Have Divine Access 
Which Allows Us To Have And To Hold 
That Which Is Holy And Undefiled! 

Ask, In Accord With The Will And Ways Of Our Heavenly Father
For Your Blessing Which Brings No Sorrow With It ... Right Now! 


Thursday, November 24, 2022

THE HIKE OF MAN'S LIFETIME: Deciding Your Own Personal Final Eternal Outcome!


Be Convinced Of Truth
Be Convicted Of Sin
Be Careful For Nothing (That's Bible-Speak)
Be Committed To Your Lord Christ 
It Is Truly Your Heart's Sole Desire 
To Be A  Crowned Citizen Of 
The Holy And Eternal City! 

Imagine This Scenario 
Decide Your Own 
Personal Final Eternal As In Can't Be Undone 
Or Redone Outcome: 

You And Your Nearest And Dearest 
Have Allegedly, Supposedly, Committedly Trained For 
The Hike Of Man's Lifetime 
To The Eternal City! 

Again, It Is A Once-In-A-Lifetime Journey 
Even Though You Are Traveling Together
You Are Traveling Alone 
The Lord Who Calls, Equips And Accompanies All Travelers 
Only Helps Individuals! 

Warning ... 

What You Spend Your Time On
You Will Give Your Life For! 

Warning ... 

Nobody Can Give Away Of Their Personal Resources 
Aka The Oil In Their Lamp 
To Light Their Own Way 


They And Their Companions Will All Get Into The City! 

Your Companions Are Unable To Keep Up 
Are Stridently Asking You To Give Up 
Your Only Opportunity For Receiving The King's Crown Of Glory 
To, Instead, Stay With Them 
Until They Are Fit To Proceed ... Tomorrow! 

You Know That Tomorrow Is Not Promised 
You Choose To Go On Without Them 
All The While Hearing What A Dog Turd You Are 
Until You Hear Them No More 
As Time And Distance Separate You: 
You Lean On The Good Lord For Great Strength! 

Please Remember That 
The Old Ship Of Zion 
To Zion 
Leaves For Zion Only Once For All Mankind! 

Jesus Christ Is Lord: 
Be Thankful: 
Walk In His Will! 

Make Your Decision! 
