Friday, January 13, 2023

HAPPY SABBATH + Understanding Is The Gift Of Almighty God!



Do You Know That There Is No Man Happy 
Without The Gift Of Almighty God!?! 

Throughout The Scriptures Of Truth
The Refrain Rings 
"Find Wisdom, Get Understanding! 
"Get Wisdom, Get Understanding!" 
"Lean Not On Your Own Understanding!" 
Shouldn't We Buy The Free Clue 
Do As Our Heavenly Father Asks!?! 

To Wax Ridiculous
This Is Not About Being Under A Stand 
Nor Standing Under Some Lying Tenet Of The Damned Devil! 

Dear Ones, 

In Our Text At Study
We Find The Request 
"Grant Me Understanding According To Thy Word!" 
Worldly Understanding 
A Corrupted, Corrupting, Force And Influence 
Which Is Only Ever Counteracted 
By The Living, Holy, Eternal Word Of 
The All-Seeing, All-Knowing, Ever-Present God Of Grace 
Who Inhabits Glory 
Is Inviting Us-Willing To Join Him There At The Time Appointed! 


Let Us Remove Our Brains From Park 
By Allowing Wisdom
- The Gift Of God - 
To Engage Our Understanding 
So That We Are Not Deceived 
By Those Who Are The Adversaries Of Our Purchased Souls! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Do Not Be Callous-Minded, Careless, Nor Conceited! 

Please Be A Humble Child Of The Father 
Accept That His Word
His Will
His Ways
His Wisdom 
Are Good And Perfect Gifts That 
Elevate Our Understanding 
Which Is A Cure That Strengthens Our Core For Christ! 


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Desire For The Delights Of The Divine!


The Mind Of Truth 
Jesus Christ The Lord Our God
Who Became Flesh 
Dwelt Among Us! 

The Mine Of Truth 
The Living, Holy Word Of God 
Where No One Needs A Government License To Set Up Shop
Nor Expensive Equipment
Nor Human Capital Save The Willing Self 
To Extract Its Infinite Riches! 


We Are The Called And Empowered Miners Of The Truth! 

We Are Made In The Image Of The Holy God 
And As Such 
We Are Each Endowed With A Mind That Is Useful 
Is A Terrible Thing To Waste! 

Dear Ones, 

As Seekers After The Truth
We Are Instructed To Search The Word Of God 
As If We Are Seeking After Hidden Treasure: 
We Are! 

We Must Exercise Our Free-Will 
Our Freedom To Choose
Our Desire For The Delights Of The Divine 
To Pray ... In Faith 
Ask Our God And Our King To Help Us 
- By His Very Own Sweet Spirit Of Truth 
Who Will Lead Us Into All Truth - 
To Guide Our Minds In The Way That Matters 
So That Our Treasure-Hunt Will Always Yield A Grain Or A Gram 
We Are In The Vein That Leads To The Mother-Lode 
Which Is The Father's House
The Holy City
The Store-House Of The Everlasting Goodness Of The Eternal God! 

The Word Of God 
Necessary Food 
So Get Out Your Fork And Your Spoon 
Proceed To Be Fed And Filled 
Knowing That You Will Always Have Room For More! 


Saturday, January 7, 2023



As Ambassadors For Christ
We Have A Message To Tell To The Nations! 

When Are We Going To Tell It!?! 
If Not Now, When!?! 

Who Is Going To Tell It!?! 
If Not You, Who
If Not Here, Where!?! 

Simple Questions! 
How Will You Answer!?! 

Think About It ...

Before You Can Deliver The Message
You Should Personally Know The Sender! 

Before You Can Be An Effective And Efficient Messenger
You Have To Grow In Grace And Faith! 

Before You Can Go On Your Journey
You Must Show And Be Sure That 
The Message That You Are Delivering 
Undiluted, Uncolored, And Unspun! 

Dear Ones, 

There Are Many Who Say That 
They Are Stewards, Servants, For The Sender
- Our Savior -
In The Day Of Accounts 
Their Service Will Be Found To Have Been Corrupted 
Their Reward Will Not Be The Choice One Desired! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Don't Be A Deceitful Bow! 
Be True And Forth-Right! 
Be Good Stewards
Be Faithful Servants
Be Honest Students Of The Good Book 
Giving The Straight Testimony 
So That Your Work Reaps A Harvest For Our Lord The King
You Are Blessed And Eternally Saved! 

Let's Go Out
Lead Out
Speak Out With Love For Our Lord And Our God! 


Friday, January 6, 2023

HAPPY SABBATH: Which God Is Your Benefactor!?!

No Matter What Satan Is   Promising You To Trust Him 
Doubt Almighty God
Stop Working For That Devil For Feed, Free, Or Fee 
It Will Not Profit, Now Or Ever! 

At Any Given Moment
On Any Given Day
Each And Every One Of Us Supposedly ... Allegedly
Receives A Gift From God! 

The Problem 
To Know Which God Is Your Benefactor! 


The Living Word Tells Us That 
Every Good And Perfect Gift 
Comes From The Father Of Lights 
Whose Gifts Lead  The Believing, Enduring, Saints 
To Everlasting Life! 

The False God, Satan
The Lord Of Dung
The Father Of Lies
Gives "Gifts"  Sure To Lead To Damnation
To Eternal Separation From The God Of Glory
The King Of Love
The Lord Of Life! 

Dear Ones, 

We Live In The Days Of Deceit, Deviltry, Delusion
Deliberate Destruction
Anyone Who Chooses To Accept The Liar's Time-Bound "Gifts" 
Which Cannot Cross The Separating Line To Enter Eternity 
Doing Fair-Promise Work For The  Damned Snake 
Who Is Our Adversary And Accuser
Whose Crushed Head And Vile Presence 
Will Soon Be Eternally Obliterated! 

Let's Not Waste Our Time With What-Ifs And Maybes: 
They Won't Bear Peaceable Fruit! 

Let's Get On The Son's Side Of Life 
Where Faith, Endurance, And Obedience Repose
Wing Our Way Through Grace And Mercy To Glory 
To Enter The Holy City ... By Right ... At The Appointed Time!  

Desire The Deliverer, Jesus Christ The Lord
The Delights Of Heavenly Love! 

Hold The Living God In Awe! 


Monday, January 2, 2023

Jesus Christ's Costs Infinitely Profits Us!


Pray Without Ceasing! 

The God Whom We Serve 
The Holy God Who Cannot Lie 
Or Stretch Truth 
Or Make Truth Turn Corners 
Such Dank Doings Are Not A Part Of His Character! 

He Is The God Of Grace! 

I Quite Like The Expression Which Accrues To Our Eternal Benefit: 
We Receive God's Riches At Christ's Expense! 
We Are Blessed! 
Christ's Costs Infinitely Profits Us! 

Dear Ones, 

The Fairy Tale Says: 
New Lamps For Old! 

Don't Believe The Hype: 
Stick With The Historical Faith Tried, True
Tested, Approved, And Proven! 

The Lamp That The Adversary Wants Us To Exchange 
The Lamp Of The Eternal Word Of Truth Of Almighty God 
Which Gives Us Living Light To Walk In The Ways Of Righteousness! 

The Way Of Right Living Requires Unceasing Prayer: 
It Is Armor! 

The Prayer Of Faith 
In The God Who Says To Pray With Trust, Faith
It Is To The Living God 
Who Cares For You, Personally ...  Intimately ... Sacrificially! 

We Are To Seek Almighty God To Find Him! 
We Are To Let Our Requests Be Made Known 
To Him Who Can Fulfill Them! 

We Are To Knock At The Throne Of Grace 
With Intention And Endurance! 

If Your Request Is For Your Good 
For Almighty God's Glory: 
Palms Up! 


Almighty God's Will Blesses! 
Almighty God's Grace Cures 
Our Enduring Faith In Our Dear Savior Jesus 
Opens Wide Heaven's Stores! 

Vigorously Use Your Invitation 
Access Received Through Our Lord Jesus Christ! 


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year 2023 ... In The Lord Jesus Christ's Holy Care!

Have You Ever Considered Why The Lord Stipulated 
The Body And The Body Parts  Mentioned In Deuteronomy 19:21 
What It Means To Us Today!?! 

Life ... For Life! 
Eye ... For Eye! 
Tooth ... For Tooth! 
Hand... For Hand! 
Foot ... For Foot! 


Let's See!

No Life ... You're Dead 
Dead Men Have No Hope! 

If You Take Someone's Life
You Rob That Dear Someone Of Hope
Of A Future Better State! 

Let's Not Talk About Fate! 
That Person Was A Fatality! 

You Take One Eye And You Unbalance A Person: 
Two Eyes Make Your Circle Of Sight Complete! 

Having Only One Eye Gives A Person A Blind Spot 
They Are Therefore Hindered In Their Walk! 

If You Take A Man's Front Tooth Without Permission ... By Force
You Put A Gap In His Smile
A Lisp In His Speech
A Pain In His Mouth
You Hinder Him In His Eats
You Make Him Self-Conscious, A Spectacle
In The Prize For Appearance
You've Got Him Well And Truly Beat! 

You Take A Man's Hand: 
How Much Work Can He Do!?! 

You Take A Man's Leg: 
In A Battle For Life, What Help Can He Give!?! 

Dear Ones, 

That Is The Minute! 

Now Let's See The Picture Grand!

A Man With These Physical Defects Would Not Be Able 
Before The Lord In Service In The Sanctuary To Stand! 

Without Spot! 
Without Blemish! 

On The Other Side
It Is Better To Be Blind And Saved Into The Living Kingdom! 

Your Eye Guides You In Your Direction 
So If You Have A Wayward Eye
It Is Better To Do Away With It 
Be Saved And Blessed
Than To Be Wayward 
Be Eternally Lost! 

It Is Also Better To Lack A Hand Or Foot 
Be Saved Into The Living Kingdom! 

Brethren Beloved,

Your Hand Touches The Thing That Tempts 
Throws Away All That Would The Body Temple Defile! 

Your Feet Take You ... Away To Sin And Away From Good 
To The Kingdom Of The Blessed 
As You Choose To Do The Good And Right! 

We Each Have Eyes, Ears
A Nose, A Mouth, A Heart
Hands And Feet
A Brain To Make It All Go
So Please Listen To Me I Beg, Plead, And Beseech
Make Your Calling And Election Sure:
Unsanctified Bodies 
Shall Not To Holy Heaven Go! 
Walk Holy, Wise, And Undefiled! 



Saturday, December 31, 2022


Old Year, New Year, We Do It Time And Again! 
The One Thing That Is Constant Is That 
There Will Always Be Change! 
There Is No Recycle, Rinse, And Reuse 
The Changing Scenes Of Life In Time Are Inevitable
And That, Beloved
Is The Great Good News! 

Brethren Beloved, 

The Lord Of Life Is Soon Coming 
Of This We Are Assured! 
We Don't Know The Day Or The Hour 
So Into A False Sense Of Security 
Please Do Not Be Foolishly Lured! 

We Have A Work To Do For Our Master
A Work To Do On Our Selves
So Let Us Be About Our Business 
Not Be Drooling About The Merchants' Store Shelves! 

Open The Good Book 
Continue To Work On Character-Building 
Give The Adversary No Chance Upon Our Names 
In Satanic Revelry To Go A-Prancing! 

The Savior Is Waiting For Us 
To Moment By Moment Answer His Salvation Call 
So That We May Wash Away Forever 
The Stench And Stain Of Adam's Fall! 

Dear Ones, 

We Are Loved With An Everlasting Love 
So Let Us Align Our Future With The Lord Of Love 
So That Our Living Estate Will Be 
Our Hand In The Hand Of Him Who Alone Can Take Us 
To The Glorious Courts In Heaven Above! 

Be Faithful! 
Be Obedient! 
Be Enduring! 
Be Blessed
Be At Peace 
In, For, And With Almighty God's Unfailing Love! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

REJOICE: We Are Because Jesus Christ Is!


We Are Free To Say Our Prayers To Our Father In Heaven
In The Name Of Jesus Christ Our Lord
Reminding Him Of What He Has Said That 
He Will Do For Us ... Individually! 

We Rejoice 
The Lord Is King! 

We Have Hope 
The Lord Is Our Savior! 

We Are Comforted 
The Lord By His Holy Spirit
Our Teacher And Comforter! 

We Believe The Word Of God To Us 
His Word Is The Truth Immovable! 

Dear Ones, 

The Word Of God To Us 
Love Which Gives Life
Our Free-Will Word To The Lord
Using His Word Which Is Also A Lamp Unto Our Feet 
A Light Unto Our Path Should Be 

"Yes, Lord!
So Let It Be!"

Dear Ones, 

Fables Abound 
The Stories Of Our Lord Jesus Christ 
Will Never, Should Never, Be Listed Among Them 
Without Jesus Christ The Lord Of Life
There Is No Life Of Man! 

We Are Because He Is! 

Let Us Give Thanks And Praise Unto Our God 
For His Goodness Toward The Children Of Men! 

We Are Truly Blessed! 
Let Us Rejoice 
Live Like We Really Believe The Word! 


Saturday, December 24, 2022


Beauty Is Within The Eye Of The Beholder!

The Eye Is The Window Of The Soul
The Window Opens And Closes! 
The Window Opens To Receive Messages
Closes To Reject Messages! 


It Stands To Clear Reason That 
The Messages Are Going Somewhere
As A Result Of Known Storing
The Heart Of The Living Soul 
Sends Messages Around And About 
To The Father, The Son, And Holy Ghost
To Holy Angels, To Men
To Fallen Angels Bold! 

We Send Messages For Good Or For Ill
Messages To Draw Near
Messages To Repel
Messages For The Soul To Keep
Messages From Friends To Retreat
Messages To Grate
Messages To Gratify
Messages Of Hate
Messages Suitable For A Child's Lullaby
Messages With Weight
Messages Of The Sweet By And By
Messages That Taint
Messages That Say Heaven Is Click-Bait
Messages Of Truth And Right
Messages That God-Defy
Messages That Make The Savior Cry
Messages That Render Hope A Lie
Messages That Exalt The Liar
Messages That Tell The Sinner Beware: 
That Act Will Land You In Consuming Fire! 

Dear Ones, 

What Messages Are You Sending Through Your Diet Of Beholding!?! 

Will Your Eyes Behold Our Returning Savior In Peace
Will Your Message Cause Another 
To Consider The Love Of Our Holy God The Least!?! 

Are You Changing For The Good!?! 
Are You Encouraging Another To The Right!?! 
Are You Blessing The Lamb Or The Liar!?! 

Are You, And By Your Living, Climbing
Encouraging Others To Reach Heights Higher And Higher!?!

Are You Beholding The Precious Lamb Of God
The Prince Of Peace
The Good Shepherd Of Rest, Life, And Living 
Who Does The Body Good
Keeps Us Body And Soul From Entering The Lake 
Burning With Brimstone And Fire!?! 

Whatcha Lookin' At!?! 
Who Is Watching You!?! 
Are You Watching And Working
Or Are You Twerking To The Burning!?! 


Our Lord Jesus Christ Is Seeing You! 

Will You See Your Personal Record With Joy
Or Will That Record 
Cause What Should Be Your Day Of Joy And Gladness 
To Be Destroyed!?! 

Warning ...

Be Careful Little Eyes What You See 
So That The Signals That You Send 
Do Not Corrupt Your Soul
Snowball In Your Heart
Cause Your Eyes Wide
Heart Cold
Hope Lost
Faith Failed
To Staunchly, Deftly, Corrupt Others! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ... 

You May Look At Self And Sin
Like Satan Become A Sinner
You May Look At The Savior Offering Salvation 
Satisfy Your Hungering Soul
Become A Saved Saint! 

Dear Ones, 

The Choice, As Always, Is Yours ... Alone! 
Choose Wisely! 


Do Good!
Be Good!
Fear God!
Fare Well! 

Friday, December 23, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Be Transformed ... By Truth!


I Stand Before You A Sinner ... Reformed
A Liar ... Transformed
A Sinner Turned Saint Of God
A Child Reborn! 


Please Do Not Allow Yourself To Be Fooled! 

All Men Are Liars ... There Is No Dispute
For That Is The Word Of Almighty God
Shiloh - Prince Of Peace
The Light Of Life
The Way To The Father's House
The Living, Holy, Unchanging, Unchangeable Truth! 

Dear Ones, 

We Are Man, Mortal, Malleable, Movable
Miserable, Misguided ... Sad Truth 
In The Hands Of The Great Physician
The God Of Grace
The King Of Glory
We Make Peace With Almighty God 
And Then Our Fellowman
Walk Wisely In, For, And With Saving Truth
To Enter The Holy Land! 


Truth Is! 
Truth Is Transformative! 

We, You And I, Are Transformable
So Let Your Mind, By Holy, Saving, Truth
Be Daily Renewed! 

Let The  Holy Spirit Lead So That 
You May Enduringly Stand Up For Christ Jesus With Zeal
And Thereafter
In The Appointed Hour
By The Holy Spirit Of Truth
- Who Leads Us Into All Truth - 
Be Eternally Sealed! 

Moment By Moment Aggressively Use 
Your Daily Gift Of Faith In Almighty God! 


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Study The Truth ... To Know The Truth!


Should We Study Satan To Understand Our Savior's Love For Us 
Do We Study Our Savior To Understand Why 
We Need To Avoid The Works Of The Devil!?! 

Shouldn't We Study The Savior Aka The Plain Truth 
To Know How To Recognize And Escape From Satan 
Aka The Liar And His Lies!?? 


In The World Of Banking
You Would Never, Ever, Study A Counterfeit Bank Note 
To Be Able To Recognize A Real Bank Note! 

Even The Counterfeiters Know To Intimately Study 
The Real Bank Note 
To Be Able To Produce A "Real" Aka Realistic Fake! 

Dear Ones, 

The Question To Ask Is If Liars Learn Truth 
To Be Able To Tell "Believable" Lies That Still Fail
Why Would We ... As Practicing Christ-Followers
Not Choose To Study The Real Jesus, Our Only Savior
To Become Like The Real Jesus As He, Himself, Calls Us To Be 
- Which Cannot Fail -
If We Are Faithfully, Enduringly, Diligent!?! 

We Are Instructed To Study To Show Ourselves Approved
To Be Workmen That Do Not Need To Be Ashamed! 

Do You Know Of Any Working Watchmen In The Carnal World 
Who Got Promoted, Or Rewarded  
For Letting Competitors Or Detractors Into Their Corporation's 
Top Secret Research And Development Department
Storehouses, Manufacturing Facilities, Or Proving Grounds!?! 

The Answer Is A Hard "NO!" 

Likewise, In The Lord's Kingdom
No One Gets Inside The Gates Of Pearl 
Who Does Not Personally, Intimately, Know The Good Shepherd
The King Of Love ... Our Blessed Hope! 

Remember, Dear Ones, That 
We Live In The Last Days
- The Days Of Transformers -
And Must Know The Lord Jesus
The True, Real, Only, Light Of The World
Who Is The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever! 

Be Wise For Your Own Self! 


Sunday, December 18, 2022

Is Your Sin Greater Than Your Savior!?!


Is Your Demon Stronger Than Your Deliverer!?! 

Is Your Sin Stronger Than Your Savior!?? 


I Don't Know About You
But I Would Seriously Like To Understand 
Why We Praise And Are In Absolute Awe Of 
Persons Who "Know Their Bibles Inside And Out" 
But Somehow Don't Personally ... Intimately Know 
The Lord Jesus Christ About Whom The Book Speaks! 

Again, I Don't Know About You
But I Am Heartily Sick And Heart Sick 
Hearing About Devout And Devoted "Men And Women Of God" 
Who Choose Their Sin Over Their Eternal Salvation 
And Sensual Satisfaction Over Sanctification! 

Dear Ones, 

We Have To Stop Believing The Pretty Rubbish 
Which Gives Sinners The Easy Out 
It Says That We Will Be Sinning Until Jesus Christ Returns! 

Almighty God Is The God Of Order 
If We Understand That The Lord Says What He Means 
Means What He Says
We Will Know That Naming Our Sin
Accepting Responsibility For Our Actions
Going To The Lord At The Throne Of Grace 
Confessing And Repenting Of Our Known Sin 
Pleading, Petitioning, And Begging The Lord For Help 
Via His Mercy 
Doing Our Part Of The Work To Overcome Said Sin 
The Order Of Salvation's Business! 

Please Don't Pass The Buck Like King Saul! 
Please Don't Choose Your Things Over Your Treasure In Heaven 
Like The Rich Young Ruler 
Please Don't Despise Eternal Holy Things 
For Earthly Hot Food Like Esau! 

Discipline And Ungodly Desire "May" Look The Same As 
Discipline And Godly Desire 
Only The Discipline To Achieve The Godly Desire 
Produces For Us The Father's "Well Done!" 

By The Way
The Devil Can't Make You Do Anything! 
Think About It! 
