Saturday, November 22, 2014

Not Big Enough to Fight God

Not Big Enough to Fight God

The great religious teachers
Profess God's people to lead
To the Gates of Paradise
Problem is Perdition's the steed!

Each of these great teachers
Has a pulpit upon which s/he stands
The Word of God to deliver
Problem is it is all a great sham!

One teacher teaches self-actualization
One teacher teaches God's a man
One teacher teaches God is a woman
Problem is they don't teach God's plan!

Another teacher teaches prosperity gospel
Yet another teaches feel-good theology
Then a third teaches spiritualism
Problem is none of it is found in the Word!

Yet again, another teacher wants your scarce dollars
Yet again, another teaches planting seeds
Yet again, another teaches that you're a god, too
Problem is they're taking us all for fools!

These teachers think they have God on the defensive
These teachers even believe their words are holy writ
These teachers believe their dainties protect them
Problem is His vengeance is at the gate!

God is not a man – He can't be mocked!
God is not a tool – He can't be fooled!
Don't be foolish, teachers – He's the creator!
You're a creature – Get wise! You can't win!
Don't be foolish! Hear now! He can't lose!

You were made! He's the Maker!
You were made for His pleasure! He's in charge!
He sees all! He knows all! He's ever-present!
Give up the fight! Accept Him! He IS the Lord!

God's people, please listen, I beseech you
To the messages the Three Angels bring
Don't be deceived, or led astray: get the Book now!
No problem: heed the messages, and leave false teachers, please vow!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Prayer: Father, Have Mercy On Us!

Father, have mercy on us!
All around us we see that evil is become good,
And good has become evil.
Every where it almost seems as though
Your believing children are forsaken ...
Father, have mercy on us in these harsh
And cruel times where it is already being said
that Jesus Christ is not the only answer
Or the only way Home
And that the Holy Bible is not the Sacred Word!
Father, help us to stand firm on Your inerrant Word
And to keep the Faith of Jesus!
Help us, Father, when they denigrate our belief
And hope, and faith, and love, to remember
And to hold on, and to continue trusting
In Our Beloved Christ and His sacrifice!
Help us always to remember that You have
No godchildren, nor grandchildren, nor stepchildren; that 
You are not blind, nor deaf, nor dumb;
That You neither wear dark glasses, nor pyjamas, and that
You, Father, surely don't like ugly, be it personality or practice or policy.
Until that Great and Dreadful Day, keep us
In Your love for Jesus Christ's sake. 
Father, we love You. AMEN


Church Change Came

Church Change Came

Phil A. Dephia and Lao Dicea were two Christians
Who each received letters from The Master today
They were excited for they knew Him personally
And couldn't wait for His words additionally!

Phil and Lao sat down their letters to read
Oh how both their hearts did speed
To hear from The Master – what a thrill
For both knew their hearts He would definitely fill!

They knew that The Master knew them inside and out
They knew a letter from The Master was something to shout about
So with shaky hands, and foreheads gathered
They opened their letters, and read the words tethered!

Phil read his letter and started to cry
For The Master said His Faith Phil had not denied
Even living amongst those who would him kill
He'd kept his garments white and His garden did till!

What made Phil cry and hug the letter to his heart
Was the part where The Master said, in part:
Because thou has kept the word of my patience,
I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation,
Which shall come upon all the world,
To try them that dwell upon the earth (Rev. 3:10)

By now, Lao had finished his letter reading
And knew in his heart he deserved the beating
That he felt he'd received by reading those words
That had become back-belaboring boards!

With tears of contrition, his heart laid bare
Lao re-read the letter, the condemning words to hear:
I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot:
I would thou wert cold or hot.
So then because thou art lukewarm,
And neither cold nor hot,
I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Because thou sayest, I am rich,
And increased with goods,
And have need of nothing;
And knowest not that thou art wretched,
And miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire,
That thou mayest be rich;
And white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed,
And that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear;
And anoint thine eyes with eye-salve,
That thou mayest see. Rev. 3:15-18

It was then that Lao truly saw the encouraging words
He felt his beloved Master had sent to him
Lao savored those words time and again
And felt renewal of spirit rear up in his soul!

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten:
Be zealous therefore, and repent Rev. 3:19
Became Lao's reason for loving and living
And encouraging self and others from complacency to take flight!
All was not lost! There was still a kingdom to gain
Plus a seat at His banqueting table!
So it was from that day, that with the Spirit Lao performed
As befitting a child of The Glorious Kingdom!

No more self-serving
No more in corporeal wealth a-gloating
No more wearing one's own garment of state
No more blindness of eye
No more trusting in pie
For The Master had removed the stye from his eye!

Lao now constantly blesses his Master
Thankful for averted disaster
For the chance to clean up his act, and to change
Into a garment of His Righteousness
After casting away the eyeglasses
And becoming the possessor of real and tried gold!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Romans 8:28's Promise

Some days I get really upset when
Things just keep going wrong
It seems everything I touch turns to ashes
And even the short things seem long!

But then I hear the sweet voice of the Spirit
Whispering a very comforting word
To calm my flustered heart, troubled spirit and
Fill my old world with a brand new song!

That's when I sit back and breathe deeply
And a big smile comes over my face
And I think of our God, the Eternal
Who's made provision for believers in the race!

I close my eyes in contentment
And remember the promise He gave
To comfort, compose, and to carry me
When Satan stands up in my face!

... ALL THINGS WORK together for GOOD
To them that love the Lord
And are the called

So, from now on I'm endeavoring to never
Let evil nor malice throw me
For I am on an upward trajectory
And no one's stealing my blessed peace nor sanity!

So, Dear Ones, when your life is in a tailspin
Remember Romans 8 verse 28
Lift your hands, bless the Lord, and shout aloud, and
Tell Satan he's a dollar short, and one day too late!



Believers are Blessed

 Believers are Blessed

We clothe ourselves with humility
We arm ourselves with prayer
We bow before God as supplicants
We cast on Him every care and seek rest

We seek His will for our lives
We treasure His every word
His stripes are those that heal us
His tears our eyes wash and refresh

He has prepared for us a table
He anoints with oil our heads
He fills our cups to overflowing
He has fashioned us white robes and glittering crowns

We do not want for anything
He is our all and all
He by still waters lead us
We have nothing to fear should we die

He heals us all with His stripes
He doth sin-sick souls restore
He in righteous paths daily lead us
He makes us by green pastures rest

Sin cannot take us away from Him
He paid sin's price for our paths
His mercy and goodness shall follow us
While our lives on this earth shall last

And when at last through the valley
Of death's shadow we seemingly descend on our own
We have nothing to fear in the darkness
For He never leaves us by ourselves, all alone

Soon the trumpet of the Archangel resounding
Shall wake the dead and the living alert
All we who have placed our faith in the Savior

And we shall live in His House for eternity

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Prayer for When Hearts are Burdened

Sadness is all around
For the burdened, the bothered, and the bullied
Who are searching for a way to find rest from these earthly woes.
Please provide a balm to soothe their troubled minds
Help them to find Your Blessed Peace.

Father, sickness is all around
Were it not for Your Living Word
We would be scared indeed.
Please help us to always keep in our minds that
You are the Great Physician,
There is always a Balm in Gilead.

Death is all around
Were it not for Your Holy Word
We would be sorrowful
But, blessedly, You have taught us
Not to mourn as the heathen do, and to comfort each other
With the knowledge that the Dead in Christ shall rise first
We Who are alive, and remain
Shall be caught up together with them
To meet our Lord in the air.
What a blessed assurance!

Oh, Father, draw us nearer to You
As we reach for You in our distresses.
Please open our eyes
To see You clearer and clearer still
With every passing hour.

Please help us to stand upon the Blessed Words of 
Life and Comfort
As we live our lives as Strangers for a Holy Cause.

We humbly beseech You for a glimpse of Glory
For just a fleeting moment.
Give us strength to stand upon The Shore today.

Oh, come soon, Great Lord
Take us to our Eternal Home in Glory
Where the Old Order is forever gone
All is Peace. 
Until then, please guard, guide, and protect us from 
The Wiles of The Devil
Please provide us with Care and Comfort
Help and Healing
All according to Your Will and in Your Holy Way.

These Mercies we humbly ask
In The Matchless Name of King Jesus
We Thank You for hearing and answering our Heartfelt Prayers.
We love You.


Hold Fast to Your Allegiance

Hold Fast to Your Allegiance

Hold fast to your allegiance
Jesus is coming very soon
Be thou always at the ready
E'er morning or night or noon!

Pray, pray without ceasing
Wrestle, wrestle thou with thy Lord
Bury, bury thyself in the treasury
That treasury that speaks faith and reward!

Dig, dig deep, ever deeper
Seek out its hid treasures each day
Live always the life of the faithful
Please, please don't turn away!

Yon sinner may loudly deride you
Yon sinner may seek even your life
Don't fear him, he cannot really harm you
Your soul is not open to his strife!

Hold fast, hold fast to thy allegiance
Swift help's already on the way
Let no one rob you of your reward for
King Jesus is coming any day!





Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Bible is a Sword!

The Bible is a Sword
That we must learn to wield
Not flash around all showy like
And acting ignorant in our zeal!

What point having a sword to wield
And not knowing how to use it
When we whip it out to make a charge
And chop off our own nose with it?

We must become great warriors
Fully trained with our weapons
Our bodies honed, our eyesight keen
Pride put away, and our haughty spirits cleaned!

Let us endeavor from today
To learn our scripture every day
Let us not be puffed up, nor loud
And, instead, let us do King Jesus proud!



Opposers of The Truth

Opposers of The Truth

Trust not your soul to the opposers
Those who don't love the Word
Read you the Bible for yourself
It is God's immutable Word!

Those dread opposers of the Truth
Do not have a valid opposition
And they only oppose the Truth because
It makes true believers question their earthly tradition!

They also oppose the Truth because
It gives the masses power
And strength to stand up, and loudly say
"Lord, please take this stumbling-block away!"

The Truth opposers are separated from
The poor, the meek, the frail
By wealth, position, learning and
The rarified air they inhale!

They love not Jesus nor His Word
They've chosen Satan as their lord
And all around they feint and confound
Preferring destruction to turning around!

These men and women who oppose
The transcript of God's character
Try to deny Jesus access to the child
Who would upon Him safely rely!

They oppose, then propose new rules by which
Mere mortals should unerringly abide
Do what thou wilt!” is their song and chant
For that vile devil did them enchant!

Through seven church ages – six have passed
These opposers have been so bombastic
Deftly exalting human authority – what nerve
Over individual conscience – it's a curse!

Every human received at its conception
A free will, and a conscience, without exception
Which both inherently know to do the right
But doing the right seems oft' to come with a fight!

Let no man, parent, church nor the state
Remove from your will your conscience to activate
For each man, alone, will the Judgment seat face
And before the Lord his accounts he must state!

Each account is settled according to the work
Even the lengthy account of the Arch Deceiver!
For King Jesus is bringing each man his reward
As none can hide his account from God, the Lord!

So associate you not with The Truth opposers
Learn for yourself – The Word is not still!
Do not try to oppose God – you cannot win!
And the opposers of The Truth, they cannot you fill!


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Balaam's Ass Required


I wish I could be a Balaam's Ass
To some of these modern-day preachers
Who seem activated by a Balak spirit
Seeking to make God's people act like they're illiterate

By clothing, ritual, word and deed
These preachers seek to enrich themselves with speed
By putting great price to the teaching of the Word
Which does not edify and makes spirits curd

Plant a seed, buy an oil, purchase a miracle
Preacher man is begging, he needs a new toy
Congregations, they then come out to pray, and pay
Satan's advocates big money to be led astray

Cry shame! Oh, Lord, have mercy, come and defend
Your people who go church for a good word and to pray
To You, by the Spirit, in Jesus' name
Come, Thou, Dear Lord! Defend! Defend!

They teach for doctrine the commandments of men
They have willingly departed the faith
And sold their souls for a pot full of stew
Whilst giving up heaven's reward and refusing it to believers, too

One of these preachers I, myself, heard say
That the shepherd's prosperity has first to come into play
Since the shepherd leads the sheep, he should get his first
Because if he walked behind, all he'd get is some poo in the purse
(emphasis added!)

We warn you now, you apostate preacher
We are servants of the Galilean Teacher
Change your ways, amend, oh, root out
The behaviors that cause a dumb donkey to speak out!

Fear not, I tell you, believer in the Lord
Our God, the Almighty, He will supply a sword
To the angel who will cut them off if they don't turn back
And return to teaching, and preaching, the Lean Word – not fat!

First they took our money, then they stepped on the truth
Followed by our souls they seriously imperiled to boot
But, thankfully, some of us knew the dear Creator's voice
And that was enough to make our hearts rejoice

Our Lord had no mansions, no diamond cellular phones
No bodyguards, no choppers and definitely no cars
He preached the Message – it was UNDILUTED!
No color, no spin, and certainly it was not trimmed convoluted!

Sola Scriptura. The Word! The Word!
A “Doth saith the Lord!” should be heard, you cur!
Preach conscience, repentance, new birth, that sin's a stain
And only Blood can remove it, or on the soul it remains!

Oh, preacher, God forgives! So please repent!
Confess! He's faithful! Oh, won't you relent?
Confession and repentance are good for the soul
Give your burden for false riches to Jesus, He'll take it in control!

So, Dear Ones, I beseech you
Don't idly sit by
And let the preacher betray his calling
And lead you to die
Become Balaam's Ass
Open your mouth and speak
Stop swallowing the nonsense
That some of these preachers teach

Don't give up real gold
For this earth's deadly dross
That rusts, and gets stolen
Stop playing with the fluff!

Hold on to King Jesus
His Word – it will guide
To mansions on gold streets
Water of Life running by!

Read your Bible for your self
Compare text with text
Demand that your preacher
Preach in context even if he gets vexed!

Your gaining heavenly life depends
On your personal understanding
That Jesus is coming soon
He's even at the door
Prepare now – get ready!
Don't get a surprise when He shows!

Only those who are unprepared
Will be caught unawares
So put your spiritual house in order
So you won't be dismayed

My braying is over for now
I have said my piece
Until I see you next time
Go thou in peace!


Friday, November 7, 2014

Holy Sabbath Day Prayer and Blessing

Another six days' work is done
Another Sabbath is begun
Around our table take our seat
And to our Lord we sing a treat

Accept our sorrowing for sin
Accept our offering of  prayer
Accept our offering of praise
Accept our souls to You we raise

Again, Dear Lord, we meekly seek
Another blessing, another week
Always in worship, we with love
Before Your Throne, we here bow down

Heavenly Father, we, Your believing children, thank You for Your watch-care through the week that is now passed from time into eternity.

We thank You for our food, our shelter, our clothing, eyes that can still see The Book, ears that can still hear The Word through which our faith comes, hands, Lord, that can still do a good work for The Kingdom, and feet that are still able to go on missions of mercy.

Father, we ask You to shore up our reserves of strength for the battle still ahead. We beseech You to cement Your Holy Word deep into our hearts where only that two-edged sword wielded by Our Master can divide, and grant us Your continued Grace, and Sweet Peace.

We ask, Father, for the surrounding and protection of the Holy Angels, and the blessing of the sleep of the Just.

Hear and answer our prayer, in the matchless name of Jesus, and for His sake. Lord, we love You. AMEN.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Alphabet for Christians and Seekers after Jesus Christ

Greetings, Dear Ones!

     As Christians, we all know that Jesus loves us, and that He is forever ready, willing, and able to save us.

     We also know that under the agency of the Holy Spirit He is calling us to life everlasting.

     But, have we ever really thought about all the things the Jesus Christ does for His children – and those who are seeking Him – each and every day of their lives?

     Well, if you haven't, I have put together an alphabet to help us all see and understand what our Lord does to, and for, and about us without fail.

     As our Creator, Deliverer, Friend, Redeemer, Savior, Sustainer, He KNOWS us, and IS everything to, and DOES everything for us. Let's endeavor to make Him FIRST in our lives.

     I pray that this effort will in some small way help us to “see” Him a little more clearly.




for Christians and Seekers

after Jesus Christ


A    Aids, Answers, Anoints, Appeals, Appoints, Assures
B    Beckons, Bears Our Burdens, Binds Our Wounds, Blesses, Breaks Idols
C    Comforts, Cares, Carries Us Along, Covers, Closes Doors, Chastises
D    Defends, Delivers, Died, Discerns, Deals Fairly, Disappoints For Our Good
E    Edifies, Endured Our Cross
F    Fills, Faithful, Finds
G    Gives Good Gifts, Gives Grace
H    Heals, Helps, Holds, Hears
I     Implores, Imputes, Intercedes
J    Justifies, Jealous
K   Knocks at our Heart's Door, Knows Our Needs
L   Leads, Loves, Liberates, Listens to Our Prayers
M   Mediates, Manifests, Merciful
N   Never Forsakes His Own
O  Orders the Way of the Just, Opens Doors
P   Pleads, Prepares, Prompts, Protects, Purifies, Punishes, Purchased Our Pardon,
         Pardons, Purges
Q   Quiets our Fears
R   Restores, Reveals Himself, Refuge, Rewards
S   Sanctifies, Saves, Seals, Sends, Shades, Strengthens, Stills Our Storms, Sustains
T   Teaches, Testifies, Talks, Tests
U   Understands, Unites, Uses
V   Values Us, Values Virtues
W  Walks With Us, Weeps For Us, Wipes Away Our Tears, Washes, Way-Maker
X    -out Satan
Y    Yearns After Us
Z    Zealous For Our Love

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Prayer for Comfort and Strength with Promises

Oh, Thou who hearest every heartfelt prayer, have mercy on us, Your children.

Father, all the signs are in the air that our days on this earth are fast coming to an end.
Everywhere, Father, we see and hear about our brothers and sisters who are being 
hounded out of business, classified domestic terrorists and hate mongers for their 
stand on Biblical morality, beaten, and even martyred for their faith 
in the Lord, Christ. Have mercy.

Father, the Master told us not let anyone deceive us because there will be those who will 
come in His name and will deceive those who have no love for, nor grounding 
in the Holy Word, and we beseech You to help us, Father, to stick to 
Your Revealed and Preserved Word, and to study and show ourselves approved, 
to bury that Word deep in our hearts, to live its precepts, claim its promises, 
and live Christ-like lives as those worthy of our recompense. 

Father, the day seems very near when the laws of our lands will mark true believers 
as enemies of our homelands, and the governments will withdraw their protection, 
and will abandon us to mercies of those who desire our destruction, and we plead 
for Your mercy on us as we pray for the protection and provision, care and comfort 
You promised to us through the little time of Jacob's trouble. 

Help us, Lord, to grab hold of the promise and wrestle valiantly in prayer with 
He Who Is Faithful. Until then, help us to confess all our sins, whether by omission, 
or commission, as Jacob did, so that we may be saved and blessed.

Father, in Isaiah 49, You promised not to forget any of us who have our hope in Jesus, 
and we eagerly claim this blessed promise, for we are graven in the palms of His hands. 

Father, in Zechariah 2, You promised that whoever touches us, 
touch the apple of Your eye, and we, in child-like trust, faith and humility, 
claim this promise for we are worthy by the Blood.

Father, have mercy on us, and upon those who are seeking Your Face and,  
if there is just one more person that we can reach for Your Kingdom, help us to 
seek out and minister to that searching soul as for a lost sheep. 

Father, we beseech You to grant us strength to stand firm in the Faith, strength for 
our journeying, courage for the way that we must travel, willingness to turn the other 
cheek when abused and opposed, to keep a song in our hearts, and to have a soft 
answer to turn away the wrath of our foes as we go on Your errands.

Bless us, and keep us in Your care this day, and always, for we love You, Lord,


Friday, October 31, 2014

Sabbath Prayer and Blessing

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for another opportunity to come into Your presence on Your Holy Sabbath Day, and to be able to offer You thanks, and give You praise for keeping us through the week now past.

Thank you, Father, for the blessings you have bestowed upon us, for those seen and unseen, known and unknown and for the protection You provided against perils that we never even considered or imagined.

Father, we thank You for the Gift of Calvary which allows us to come to You personally, without fear or trembling, to present our petitions.

We ask you, Father, to help us not to be so contented with the things of this life that we forget You. Help us to not be so concerned with our trials and tribulations that we forget the bounties You bestow each and every day, and the wonders un-imagined that are in store for us when, with the aid and indwelling of Your Holy Spirit, and our hope in the Lord Jesus Christ, we ascend to heights unknown.

Father, we ask a special blessing upon Your children  around the planet whether sick, suffering, dying persecuted or prosecuted for their faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ, in war zones, and in the midst of drought and famine. We ask You to provide for each according to his or her need for food, for shelter, clean water, warm and clean clothing, a kindly word, a thoughtful deed, care, comfort, help and healing.

Father, have mercy on the leaders of our nations, and the leaders of Your flock. Help these men and women not to stray from the straight and narrow path and to do right in Your sight. Help our ministers to teach and preach the undiluted Word and to seek You Face in all their works and deeds.

Father, we invite You to come and abide with us during these Sabbath hours as we take our rest in You.

Oh, Lord, bless, and pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us that we may bear good fruit to Your honor and glory.

We  ask these mercies in the name of Jesus Christ the Righteous, and thank You for hearing and answering our prayer. We love You, Lord.


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Revelation 3:19 Whom He Loves He Chastens

Revelation 3:19 (KJV)

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: 
be zealous therefore, and repent.

Dear Ones,

I sincerely hope that this note finds all of you in good spirits, and doing well.

I am currently doing a write-up on two of the seven church ages, and the verse above became one of my memory verses.

With this verse in mind, I am encouraged to remind us to remember that our Almighty God loves us better than any human parent can.

Jesus Christ gave His best, His life, so that we can have eternal life.

His sacrifice was not happenstance! It was a plannedstance! He created us, and put contingency plans in place for us weak creatures of the sod. He left not one thing to chance!

Jesus loves us, and because He loves us, He rebukes us AND chastises us, not in the manner to make us afraid of Him, but in a manner which clearly says:

   "Child of mine, I love you
So hearken to what I say
Walk on the straight and narrow, and
Don't let sin carry you away!

Your heart is willing to obey
But your flesh gets in the way
So when you step off the path of right
I'll call you to straighten up right away!

Please don't be dismayed when I rebuke you
Please don't think I'm casting you away
Please don't murmur about your chastisement
Please accept it, repent, and pray!

I rebuke you, My child, because I love you
I chastise you so you will know that I care
About your soul's salvation, and
Perfecting your character for the Courts Above!

I'm coming soon, so prepare me a welcome
Keep your lamp filled with oil and always prepared
Let your light be shed abroad -- be My Ambassador
Let nothing keep you from welcoming your Lord!

So, My child, keep your eyes focused on Me
Study My Word, My Love Letter to you
Keep My commandments and a song in your heart, child
Go on my errands for, indeed, My coming is very near! **BJC**

PLEASE ENJOY THIS RENDITION OF: You'll Never Walk Alone by Wintley Phipps


Monday, October 27, 2014

Choose Jesus

Choose Jesus

I decided to follow Jesus
No one made that decision for me
I understood quite well what it was that I was doing
And I look forward in faith to eternity

I knew that there would be problems
With friends, family and associates
Who wondered aloud about whatever was the big deal
About having wings and sitting all day on a cloud

They said that Christianity was just a panacea
For the old, the young, and the very strange
And asked me a question, oh quite directly
If I was sure I was getting deranged?

I tried not to be offended since
I knew they had all been misinformed
Misdirected, and even lied to
So I decided to try to repair the brand

Jesus loves all the little children
Sinners, the blind, the halt and even the deaf
He heals and comforts, and He gently restores them
And invites all to spend Eternity with Him by and by

Jesus gave each, and every body, a free will
To their own path and way to choose
Whatever decision you decide to make is yours, friend
But there is Heaven to gain should you so choose

There will be Peace in that Valley of Promise
But the Vale of Tears, thank God, will be no more
We'll meet the Righteous, and the Heroes of all the ages
And live in harmony first a millennium in the sky

Oh, how I long to talk with my Creator
And ask Him questions that only He the answers know
To rest, and to speak to all of the sages
Whose inspired wisdom He caused to overflow

I choose Jesus to love, to obey and honor
For His yoke is easy, and even His burden it is very light
Trust Him, reach out, and hold even to death on to Him
You'll see Him face to face, forever, by and by

Love Him, and keep His commandments to prove it
Endeavor to live a life of purity – He will aid
Cast aside the idols and fleshly lusts that ensnare you
He'll soon be here at the unfolding of the sky

Give Him your heart, your will and your way, friend
He died to prove that you're important to Him
Trust no one else to guide, protect and to shield you
Jesus Christ will call you His very own elect

Very soon, King Jesus and the entourage of Heaven
Will all appear in that bright eastern sky
The Dead-in-Christ will rise, and the Living Faithful will join them
Together they'll meet King Jesus, with the angels, in the sky

Won't you please join me and choose King Jesus
To love, to worship, and, yes, we must Him adore
He, alone, is faithful, He's not a man that He'd have to lie
He proved His love for you – He was scourged, He bled and then He died!

He has inscribed our names in the palms of His hands
So, please, don't fear the enemy of our souls
Christ covered us believers in His blood's sacrifice
So come plod on, the end is drawing nigh

Lord, strengthen us, for the battle that is coming
Give us Grace to stand, and comfort You our souls
We hold the Promise – Eternal Life! Yes! Forever more!
For our God sits down upon The Great White Throne!

Let's hold the fort for we know that He is coming
Let's labor on whilst it is yet the day
The night is coming where no man can labor
So let's join in prayer for God's everlasting day!

Father: We love You, we praise You, and we worship You.
Have mercy on us even as we pray. AMEN

Choosing to Follow
Comes With a Cost!

Father, Forgive Me!

Heavenly Father,
I come to You  today with a contrite heart and beseech Your forgiveness.
I ask you, Lord, to forgive me for all the times I did not trust You to make 
a way for me; for all the times I ignored Your wise counsel not to make 
a move and paid a heavy price for disobedience; for all those times that 
I have been willful, and hard-headed and chose to walk in my own wisdom; 
for all those times I chose to ignore  conscience and knowingly did what 
I knew to be  wrong in Your sight. Oh, Father, forgive me! Father, I beseech
You to forgive me for my often lack of faith in You, my Almighty God.
I beseech You, Father, to forgive me for the many times I have given
You my burdens only to take them back and made matters worse.
Father, I am sorry for being an often wayward child, and I ask You to help
me to stay on the straight and narrow path, and to always 
do right even in the face of rabid opposition.  Father, I love You, and I ask
these mercies in the name of Jesus Christ, the Righteous, and I thank You for
hearing and answering prayer. AMEN.